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Page 1: Fashion + style Similar Artists

Fashion + Style of Similar Artists

Page 2: Fashion + style Similar Artists

Tom Odell

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•As you can see from the images above Tom Odell dress code would be considered as many to be ‘indie.’

•This is because it doesn’t fit in i.e is different than your standard (mainstream) jeans and a T-shirt style.

•He is wearing skinny jeans and boots rather than your normal fitted jeans and trainers.

•From the images above, you would say that Odell’s dress code could also be considered as ‘preppy’ with the brown boots.

•The Hat also ties in with this ‘indie’ theme which Tom Odell presents

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•Tom Odell is said to be in the genre ‘indie pop’ and from my research into his audience I realised that the majority of his target audience would be considered in this ‘indie’ demographic.

•This is why it is particularly important for Odell to portray this ‘indie’ persona to appeal to his audience.

•His dress code and style is a obvious visual way to appeal to the audience and therefore it is important for him to dress as his does, as this helps again to build on his image and reputation

•With this dress code, as well as the obvious ‘indie’ aspect to it. It also helps to create a class and status for the himself as he is well dressed and the clothes would be expensive, helping to add to his brand.

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Ed Sheeran

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•Ed Sheerans style is again different, however wouldn’t be considered ‘indie.’ Ed Sheeran style is all about colour.

•In an interview with MTV he states that he ‘loves colour and loves to wear as much colour as possible’.

•His dress code would be considered more mainstream with the hoodie and jeans/chino’s but yet with still different with the different colours and the brightness of the colours

•These bright colours are used again to reinforce Ed Sheeran brand and the image he portrays, this also ties in with Ed Sheerans famous ginger hair which again contributes to his image.

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•His dress code is very simplistic consisting of a jumper, t-shirt, jeans and chino’s. This connotes the feeling that Ed Sheeran is all about his music and like many artist in Indie pop genre, he isn’t afraid to be himself and be different.

•This although may not be considered, as ‘indie’ as Tom Odell, would to a certain extent appeal to the indie audience because he is not conforming to the mainstream style, he has his own unique style.

•These bright colour connote a childish, energetic and happy feelings which is possible what Ed Sheeran wants his music to portray, as he wants the audience to enjoy it.

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Kate Nash

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•Kate Nash style would be, like Tom Odell considered ‘indie’ this is presented in her dress code.

•From the images in the previous slide you can see, her hair, her make-up (big red lips) and her clothing is all ‘indie’ and would nearly be considered weird to most mainstream people. However this itself, can be used as a marketing ploy because he is getting attention and people are talking about her.

•This again is important to Kate Nash for serval reasons, one is that it helps her to stand out and get attention (from media coverage)- because she looks different, in some cases can be described as ‘Odd’

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•The second would be that it appeals to her target audience as an artist, from my research like Tom Odell her fans are majorly in this indie demographic and therefore this un-ordinary dress code appeals to them.

•This particular image (shown below) of Kate Nash shows one of her outfits that have been described as ‘weird...strange...odd’ by many people. He is dressed with a bat-women theme almost.

•Her dress code helps her to promote her brand and the image of herself, it also helps her to get media coverage because it is so different.

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Benjamin Francis Leftwich

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•Benjamin Francis Leftwich, is much the same style as Tom Odell however not as preppy. Leftwich is more alternative.

•This is again important to appeal to his audience in the indie pop genre who we have again established to be this majorly ‘indie.’

•As well as his audience being mainly ‘indie’ people, within this demographic it is again mostly females. Therefore Leftwich dress code should appeal to the females more so. In serval images in the previous slides we can see him wearing scarfs, hats and necklaces- all of which women would appeal to.

•Leftwich dress code is quite relaxed and may be concerned as casual connoting a calm and relaxed feeling towards his music.

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Conclusion •I feel my research into current artists and

there fashion has given me an insight into how important the fashion and style of the artist is in portraying there image and promoting there brand

•And as well as this, how to dress to appeal to an indie pop audience- again vital important to engage the audience as they primarily are the key to success for the artist.

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