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    OF FATIMA FOR WORLD PEACEOn Tuesday, October 23, Father Nicholas Gruner and ChristopherFerrara, accompanied by participants of the Rosary Processionand a statue of the Virgin Mary, were welcomed into the EuropeanUnion Parliament at Strasbourg, France to explain the motionput forward for the Consecration of Russia and subsequentworld peace.

    The Fatima Center’s presentation was sponsored by Members of theEuropean Parliament Mario Borghezio and Lorenzo Fontana. Followingare the addresses to the European Union Parliament. At the end of theaddresses, questions were posed by Members of Parliament and bythe Press.

    M. B:

    I would like to thank you allfor your presence. We’restarting the long awaited

    Press Conference on the Messageof Fatima and on the reasons forthis “resolution” of ours – a copyof which will be given to all of

     you – which has been signed by

    my colleague, Mr. Fontana, andby myself, and to which variousother colleagues have given theirapproval. [See the Motion onpage 19 of this issue.]

    I would like to thank also the Vice President of the European

    Commission, Mr. Tajani, whoasked me this morning to conveyhis greetings to you. I will nowgive the floor to my colleague,Mr. Fontana, who signed this

     written declaration along withme. I would like to underlinethe importance of this initiative,

     which ideally goes back to thesymbol of the European Unionflag, those 12 stars which areusually forgotten but are also aMarian traditional image andhave a very important spiritual

    and meta-political significancefor those (like us) who haveat heart the Christian roots ofEurope. Today, this initiative isparticularly significant in thelight of the Message of Fatima,

     which will be better explainedby the two illustrious speakers

     we have here today.

    I will now give the floor to mycolleague, Mr. Fontana.



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    M. F:

    Thank you. Ladies and

    gentlemen, I would like to thankMr. Borghezio for involving mein this initiative. I believe thatthe Message of Fatima is one ofthe most important messages forall mankind. It is not by chance ifall the last Popes were all strongdevotees of Our Lady of Fatima!

    What we’re trying to achievetoday is a very positive way topromote world peace, becausethe current crisis is linked tothe crisis of morality in Europe(because – let’s admit it – Europeis affected by a widespreadatheism and immorality), and isalso partially due to the currentcrisis of the Church, which hasbeen so evident in the last years.

      I will now give the floor to

    our two Fatima experts, who I would like to thank for being with us today. By the way, I’ve

    been in Fatima myself and I’mparticularly devoted to Our Ladyof Fatima.

    M. B:

    I would like to welcome anItalian member of the Houseof Parliament, Mr. Polledri ofPiacenza, who authoritativelyrepresents all the Catholicsof our political movement,Lega Nord.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Father Gruner who –as you all know – is the founder

    of the Association Madonna diFatima Onlus (Association ofOur Lady of Fatima). Thank you,Father Gruner, for the honor of

    From left, Members of European Parliament Lorenzo Fontana and MarioBorghezio, who sponsored Father Gruner’s motion to the EuropeanParliament assembly for the Consecration of Russia; Father Gruner speakingand Christopher Ferrara, who also addressed the Parliament regarding thecurrent dangers their countries are in and that Fatima is the ONLY solution.Vera Cecillon, one of our Paris volunteers, holds the statue of Jesus and Mary.



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     your presence here today with us.

    F N G: 

    I will let Chris Ferrara speakfirst, since he has written severalbooks on the Message of Fatima.I will speak after Mr. Ferrara.

    C F:

    My name is ChristopherFerrara. I’m a Civil Attorney inthe United States in the field of

    Religious Liberty and I’m heretoday to support this initiativefor a motion before the EUParliament, expressing what Ihope will be the sentiment of thisgoverning body that it wouldbe a wise and prudent decisionto ask the Pope to consecrate

    Russia to the Immaculate Heartof Mary.

    Why do I, as a Civil Attorneyfrom the United States, comebefore this body to make suchan unusual request? Of whatpossible concern could the

    Message of Fatima be to theEuropean Parliament? Well, OurLady appeared at Fatima in 1917to explain precisely why Herapparitions were of importance,not only to the Church, but tothe world. She came to ask inparticular for the Consecration

    of Russia so that there would bepeace in the world.

     And why in the year 1917? If you take history as a film and

    reverse it to the year 1917, you will see what Our Lady wastalking about when She saidthat the errors of Russia would

    spread throughout the world,unless Her requests at Fatima were granted – in particular,Her request for the Consecrationof Russia.

    The prophecy of Fatima is ofconsequence to the EuropeanUnion because it was confirmedin a way that anyone with anyprudence can see that it verifiesthe authenticity of the Message.In fact, She said to the threeseers of Fatima that She wouldcome to perform a miracleon October 13, 1917 so that

    everyone, even non-believers, would be able to place credencein the prophecies that Shemade during the apparitions,including the Message She gaveon July 13, 1917, the greatSecret of Fatima, which is inthree parts.

    In the first two parts of thegreat Secret, the authenticity

     was confirmed by the Miracleof the Sun on October 13, 1917.She prophesied precisely the

    following events:

    1. The coming end of WorldWar I;

    2. The beginning of World WarII.

    3. The spread of the errors


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    of Communism throughoutthe world.

    4. The raising up of wars andpersecutions against the

    Church.5. The suffering of the faithful

    and the Holy Father.

    Ultimately, She said that if Herrequests for the Consecrationof Russia and other things Sherequested were not granted

    then there would take place theannihilation of nations. Andthese prophecies would come topass, one after the other, withcomplete accuracy.

      And, as I say, the propheticcontent of the Message was

    confirmed by a miracle and witnessed by 70,000 people inPortugal on October 13, 1917.

    The sun left its place in the sky,plunged toward the crowd of70,000 people, many of whomconverted on the spot, in terrorat this spectacle. The event was

     witnessed 20 miles distant fromthe Cova da Iria where the eventtook place. People who werenot even expecting the event

     witnessed it. People who didnot believe – atheists, skeptics– who had come to mock the

     Apparitions, saw the Miracle ofthe Sun.

    The New York Times  reportedthis miracle. There was even a

    Hollywood movie dedicated tothe Miracle of the Sun at Fatima

     which is being sold to this day on Amazon.com. This is recognized

    as an authentic historical eventby secular historians.

    Our Lady provided this miracleto authenticate Her prophecy

     which calls for the Consecrationof Russia, and specificallyRussia, to Her ImmaculateHeart so that the events whichcame out of Russia, the errorsthat have spread from Russia,

     will be rolled back in a mostmiraculous fashion.

     And we are here today toask that this body considerendorsing the motion to petition

    the Pope whose obligation it is toperform the ceremony together

     with all the Catholic bishopsof the world to consecrateRussia to the Immaculate Heartof Mary.

    The Message of Fatima is not

     just some private apparition.We have not only the Miracle ofthe Sun, but the approval of onePope after another, who haveattested to the authenticity ofthis message.

     And what will happen if

    the Consecration of Russiais not accomplished? Well, ifthe errors of Russia that havespread throughout the worldsince 1917 can be summed up


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    as the abandonment of Godand His love; if, as John Paul IIsaid in his apostolic exhortationin 2003,  Ecclesia in Europa  –

    Europe now suffers from a silentapostasy – then the miraculousresult which will follow fromthis consecration will be areversal of that situation.

     As Pope Benedict XVI said inhis Advent address to the RomanCuria in 2010 – by the way, this isnot me speaking, this is not somecrazy group of traditionalistCatholics speaking, this is whatthe Pope, himself, said in 2010:

    “The very fate of the worldis at stake, moral consensusis collapsing, our institutions

    are collapsing. We face aneconomic, moral, social andfamiliar crisis.”

     Everyone can see this – not justCatholics – and it was Our LadyWho said that if Her requests

     were granted, if Russia was

    consecrated to the ImmaculateHeart, it would be a triumph forHer Immaculate Heart.

     As Antonio Socci, the greatItalian writer and intellectual,has put it:

    “There would be a radical

    transformation for theoverthrow of the mentality which has dominated themodern world and hasproduced this state of silent

    apostasy that Pope John PaulII lamented not long beforehis death.”

    So we come here today to ask

    this Parliament, as a matter ofprudence, whether you believeor not, to call upon the Popeand the bishops to conduct thisConsecration of Russia, which

     would be a ceremony of publicdedication of the nation ofRussia to the Immaculate Heart

    of Mary – involving perhaps 5minutes of the Pope’s time andthe time of the bishops who

     would participate with him inthis ceremony.

    We have a miracle confirmingthe authenticity – the Miracle

    of the Sun. We have a prophecythat came true to the letter in amost miraculous way, after OurLady appeared at Fatima. Evenif you are a non-believer, simpleproofs could indicate thatthere is nothing to lose fromattempting this gesture.

    So we call upon the EuropeanParliament to declare itsconviction that the Pope andthe bishops – in obedience tothe requests of the Madonnaof Fatima for the salvationof Europe and the Western

     world which is on the brinkof an apocalypse – performthis ceremony and that theEuropean Parliament should


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    indicate its strong request thatthe Consecration of Russiashould be done. Thank you.

    F N G:

    Good afternoon, ladies andgentlemen, and thank youfor coming and thank you for

     your attention. I have been

    promoting this Message of OurLady of Fatima for 35 years now,and it is a very simple message.

    I spent before that 12 years in

    university and I understand thatintellectuals find it difficult torealize that sometimes these things

     which are so simple are in fact true.

    1.  Some of the beautiful stained glass windows and the pipe organ in the gothic

    Cathedral of Strasbourg. 2.  Father Gruner giving Holy Communion during his

    Traditional Mass at the Strasbourg Cathedral. 3. Three Members of the EU Parliament

    (MEP) and their assistants, together with Father Gruner and Christopher Ferrara in front

    of the Strasbourg Cathedral, before starting the Rosary procession to the Parliament

    building. 4. MEP Mario Borghezio, Father Gruner with the statue of the Virgin Mary and

    MEP Elisabetta Gardini. 5. (From left) MEP Lorenzo Fontana and MEP Mario Borghezio

    introducing Father Gruner and Christopher Ferrara to the Parliamentary Meeting.Note the EU flag with 12 stars (see page 61 about the flag.) 6. Dr. Bastori (left); Italian

    Parliament Deputy Massimo Polledri; and MEP Mario Borghezio alongside the posters

    advertising the arrival of the Pilgrim Virgin Statue to the Parliament assembly.









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    I have often wondered andasked Our Lady why She doesn’tfind somebody else other thanme to do this work. There are

    409,000 Catholic priests but Iam the only Catholic priest inthe world, as far as I know, whopromotes the Fatima Messagefull-time. I suspect it’s becauseGod wishes to use the weak ofthis world in order to confoundthe strong, in order to show

    forth the strength of God. This will be Our Lady’s victory, notFather Gruner’s. It is about Herrequest for the Consecrationof Russia.

    St. Augustine tells us thatGod, in His goodness and His

    greatness, has great charitytowards each one of us and

     wants to give us great things.However, because we aresinners, He finds it difficult togive it to us because we willbecome proud.

     And so, St. Augustine tellsus that God has a dilemma.How is He going to give usthese great gifts when we don’tdeserve them and we’re goingto become proud because wereceived them?

     And St. Augustine tells us in

    The  City of God  book – whichindicates how the city of man isto be built according to the cityof God – that God has found a

     way to give us these gifts andthat way is through the meritsand the intercession of thesaints. Thus God will give these

    gifts only through the merits andthe intercession of the saints.

    Now, to have some idea of howgreat a saint the Blessed Virginis, St. Alphonsus Liguori tellsus that it is a great thing for aperson to live a good enough lifeto be able to save his own soul– he says that is what just mendo – but, he says, it is a greaterthing for someone to live so wellthat they have enough meritsto be able to save other soulsbesides themselves. And that,he says, the canonized saints

    have done.Then he says, the greatest of

    all things is for someone to havelived so well as to have meritedenough to save all souls – andthat human person to achievethis greatness is only the Blessed

     Virgin Mary.God wants to establish in

    the world devotion to theImmaculate Heart of Mary andHe will not give us these gracesof world peace that we do notdeserve, He will not give us thegrace of prosperity that is going

    to elude us very soon, if we don’tturn to God for help, except andonly through the Blessed Virgin.



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    God wants Her to get thecredit for it. That is why, whenSister Lucy asked Our Lord in1936, why He would not convert

    Russia, why He would not bringabout peace, except for theconsecration, Our Lord said:

    “Because I want My wholeChurch to recognize thatconsecration as a triumph ofthe Immaculate Heart of Mary,so that My Church will place

    devotion to the ImmaculateHeart beside devotion to MySacred Heart.”

     And so people have triedmany ways – Popes, bishops,diplomats; all sorts of ways havebeen tried – anything else but

    the one indicated by Our Lady ofFatima. The present Holy Father,Pope Benedict XVI, has alreadysent a delegation to Moscowto ask them if they wouldmind if the Pope would do thisconsecration. Unfortunately,the emissary they sent did notunderstand the Message wellenough. It is not a criticism ofRussia, this consecration; itis a blessing for Russia and ablessing for the world.

    Why would not a consecrationof the world be sufficient?

    Because, as Sister Lucy of Fatimahas explained, Russia is a welldefined territory. So when theconsecration of that specific

    country is accomplished andthe people see the change inRussia, they will recognize itrelates exactly to the Pope and

    the bishops’ act of consecration. And therefore they willrecognize it as being a triumphof the Immaculate Heart.

    So that is why a generalconsecration is not sufficient.In fact, Pope Pius XII, in1942, consecrated the worldon October 31 and again onDecember 8. Our Lord toldLucy that for that consecration,He would shorten the days ofthe Second World War – as Hereferred to it, He would shortenthe days of the present distress.

     And in 1943, on Ash Wednesday,Our Lord again spoke to Lucyand said that God was pleased

     with the consecration of the world but that peace would notcome from that, but only fromthe Consecration of Russia.

    In 1952 Our Lady spoke toSister Lucy of Fatima againand said:

    “Tell the Holy Father I amstill awaiting the Consecrationof Russia; without thatconsecration, the worldcannot have peace; without

    that consecration, Russiacannot convert.”

    How that is, we have writtenbooks; I would like to have


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    brought these books for thePress or for the Membersof Parliament. I’m happy togive them to you in various

    languages. Obviously, in a fewminutes it’s hard to explain allthese things as well as 35 yearsof research on the subject. ButI would like simply to say thatthe consecration is not againstRussia but rather it is a giftof grace that will affect the

     whole world.In 1931, in August, Lucy was

    praying in the chapel of OurLady of Guadalupe, askingfor the conversion of Spain, of  Portugal, of Europe, of Russiaand of the whole world. And so

    Our Lord spoke to her and said: “I’m very pleased with

     your prayer, ask this also ofMy Mother.”

    He then dictated two prayers.The first prayer He dictated was:

    “Sweet Heart of Mary, be

    the salvation of Russia, Spain,Portugal, Europe and the

     whole world. “

    The second prayer He dictated was:

    “By Thy pure and ImmaculateConception, O Mary, obtain for

    me the conversion of Russia,Spain, Portugal, Europe andthe whole world.”

    God knows the whole world

    needs conversion, not justRussia. So it’s not against Russia;but nevertheless, as Lucy hasexplained, in God’s providence,

    man proposes and God disposes.God has His own plans for thenations of the world; each oneplays its own role. In the case ofRussia, Lucy tells us:

    “Many times, the Blessed Virgin Mary told me and mycousins Jacinta and Francisco

    that Russia is the instrument ofchastisement chosen by Heavento punish the whole world(for its sins) unless we obtainbeforehand the conversion ofthat poor nation.”

    Unless we obtain the

    conversion of Russia, Russia will dominate the whole world. Russia will enslave the whole world unless we havethis consecration.

    On the other hand, Russia will be an instrument of

    blessing for the whole world ifit is consecrated. By becomingblessed, becoming consecratedto the Immaculate Heart ofMary, it becomes an instrumentin Her hands to bring peace tothe whole world. There is nothird alternative to this request.

    Many people know aboutFatima; they know that Sheappeared to three children;She asked for the prayers of the


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    Rosary. That is true, but there ismuch more to Fatima than justthe prayer of the Rosary. Thereis much more to Fatima than

     just the exhortation to be good.That is also true. But what is alsoimportant for us is that there isa prophecy and requests. Andthe prophecy is that if theserequests are granted, Russia

     will be converted and the whole world will be at peace.

    Now these prophecies thatare talked about by Our Ladyare not just talked about inthe Message of Fatima. Theyare talked about in SacredScripture. We are told in thebook of Isaiah, for example,

    that they will turn their swordsinto ploughshares. That is, theinstruments of war, whetherthey be a sword or a gun or amissile or an atomic bomb or

     whatever it is; these things which we spend over a trilliondollars a year on. One trillion

    dollars a year is being spent onarmaments not only in Europebut all around the world,including the so-called ThirdWorld countries.

    This will all change with thesimple act and prayer of only

    5 minutes. The Consecrationof Russia is an event that willchange the course of historyand that historians, lookingback centuries from now, will

    note that the moment when thischanged was the moment of theConsecration of Russia.

    But unless the Consecration

    of Russia is done, we will seea war like mankind has neverseen before – the part of theThird Secret that has not beenrevealed to you talks about thisas well.

    The Third Secret of Fatima is

    still being hidden by the Vatican.That is another subject which wedo not have time for here; I cananswer any questions on that,but very simply, these things arespelled out quite explicitly.

    Today is the Feast of Saint Anthony Mary Claret, whofounded the Congregation forthe Claretian Fathers. One of hisspiritual sons is Father Alonso,the greatest expert on Fatima.He has written 24 volumes withmore than 5700 documentson Fatima. These volumes, to

    this day, are still hidden bythe Vatican and by the Bishopof Fatima.

    If we have everything, whyare they not giving this to us?It is because the Message ofFatima is, in turn, an event that

    is of worldwide importance,the most important event of the20th Century, authenticated bythe most stupendous miraclesever seen. Yet, most people don’t


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    give enough attention to thisbecause they don’t even knowthe request for the consecrationor the consequences of not

    listening to it. I would like thento say that it is a special gracethat God wants to give to us,but He will give it only throughthe consecration.

     All of us have family, all ofus have friends – people whoare suffering from drugs orsomeone who is in prison, others

     who are fighting at home – thispeace is promised to the whole

     world, including our families,our friends, our communities,as well as within our cities andour countries.

     As Christopher Ferrara haspreviously pointed out, the Popesaid on December 22, 2010 thatthe forces of security are suchthat – because of the loss ofmoral values – they will not beable to resist the violence and

    the complete social turmoil thatis about to erupt upon the world.

    He compared our presentday to the time in history whenthe Roman Empire fell apartand then bands of maraudersand various vandals, and soforth, destroyed all that was in

    civilization. We went into theDark Ages after that. This is thetime that we are faced with nowunless we have the consecration.

    It’s the same thing today– we’ve given conferenceson Fatima and we have hadeconomists speak to us saying

    that the financial situationtoday is the same as it wasbefore World War I. And theonly (human) way out of thefinancial situation is to have war.

    We see that the Americandollar, for example, is aboutto lose its status as the world’scurrency and there are

     Americans telling us that waris the only way they can stopthemselves from losing theirdominance. This is what theattack on Iran is all about.

    What we need to see is that

    only God can deliver us fromthis and God will not deliver usexcept though this Consecrationof Russia to the ImmaculateHeart of Mary.

     And so we need to recognizethe moment we are at. Our Lord

     wept for Jerusalem because Hesaw that they did not recognizethe moment that they were at.These things I can explain atany great length or short lengththat you need, but I understand

     we only have a few minutes so I would like to point out then that

    the consecration – despite thatthe Secretary of State, CardinalBertone, says that it has beendone – it has not been done.


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    Our Mother ofPerpetual Help

    In this Image of the BlessedMother, She is seen holdingJesus protectively andconsoling Him. God sentHis Mother to Fatima witha Message of consolationand hope for mankind IFthe Pope and the bishopsobeyed Her command toconsecrate Russia to HerImmaculate Heart.

    If the consecration of the world done in 1984 was theconsecration that Our Ladyasked for, then 30 years later weshould have peace.

    We are no closer to peace than

     we were in 1984. In fact, weare further away. If we considerthe war against the unborn, forexample, it waged the death ofover one billion babies world-

     wide. The greatest amount ofcasualties the world has everseen is the war against the

    unborn – and this war continues,as do the wars in the MiddleEast. And they are talking aboutthem escalating into one great

     war – it is something that couldhappen at any time.

    There is only one solution. It

    is not just my opinion; it is whatthe Message of Fatima says. It’sunequivocal and there is noother way around it. And so Iurge the Members of Parliament

    and I urge the members of thePress to bring this motion ordeclaration of the Parliamentto the Pope because he wantsto do this but he has manypressures against him – not todo the consecration. He needs

    public support for doing theConsecration of Russia in time,before it’s too late for all of us.

    If there are any questions herefrom the Press we will be happyto take them.

    C F:

    I would like to add a comment.I think it is appropriate that wecome here before a politicalbody to seek a declarationregarding the Consecration ofRussia because there has been,

     within the Catholic Church,

    a political struggle by forces within the Vatican apparatus who have done everythingin their power to prevent the


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    explicit Consecration of Russiaby name.

    There have been revelationsby high-ranking Cardinals that

    Pope John Paul II was persuadedby his advisors – for political,ecumenical and diplomaticreasons – to abandon any explicitConsecration of Russia becauseit was imagined that mentioningRussia by name in the ceremony would be a provocation of theSoviet leaders. As if the VirginMary, Who is known to Catholicsas the Virgin Most Prudent, wassomehow less prudent than Vatican diplomats.

     And so we come here beforethis political body with a request

    to essentially help us breakthrough the political log jam – as we say in America – taking placeright now in the Vatican betweenthose who are trying to preventthe Consecration of Russiaby name and those who have

    attempted to obtain it for morethan 80 years, especially duringthe pontificate of John Paul IIand this present pontificate.

    The Pope has indicatedrecently, in response to apublicity campaign in Italy andspecifically targeting Rome, the

    necessity of perhaps revisitingthe issue of the Consecration ofRussia to the Immaculate Heart.In the meantime, in response

    to Father Gruner’s campaign,he explicitly consecrated thenation of Italy to the ImmaculateHeart of Mary in the midst of an

    economic and social crisis thathas many Italians worried.

     And the reason the Poperesponded by his publicconsecration of Italy to theImmaculate Heart was that– because of our publicitycampaign, the Vatican wasbesieged with comments fromthe Italian public, many of whom are not even believers, fora consecration of Italy.

    So this is also a matter ofsimple prudence on the partof people who may not have

    religious faith but who – at thispoint during a social, economicand moral crisis in Europe – are willing to try anything.

    That’s the reason we are heretoday. Whether or not you believein the Catholic Faith, whether or

    not you believe in this particularMarian apparition – which again,has been confirmed by a miracleand the absolute accuracy of itsprophecies – ask yourself: Whathas Europe, what has the Western

     world got to lose by asking thePope to perform this ceremony

    together with the world’s Catholicbishops, which would requireonly 5 minutes of their time – thatcould change world history?


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    M. B:

    I would like to stress onceagain the importance of thisinitiative, which is of the highest

    level. Father Gruner is the mostfamous expert on the Messageof Our Lady of Fatima, but I would like also to rememberthe importance of the otherspeaker [Christopher Ferrara], who – perhaps by virtue of hishumility – did not say that he isalso President of the AmericanCatholic Lawyers Association!They are therefore two veryimportant speakers! Speakingof important persons, I wouldlike to thank and welcomeother Members of the European

    Parliament who have justreached us: Elisabetta Gardini,Mr. Silvestri (who was the firstone to sign our initiative) andMr. Morgagni.

    If the journalists want to asktheir questions…

    J ( ANSA):I would like to ask you, what

    do you expect from this writtendeclaration and how manysignatures you hope to obtain?

    M. B:

    I would like you to ask yourquestions directly to the twoexperts, so I think this questionof yours should be answeredby them.

    F N G:

    I hope that all 700+ membersof Parliament would sign thisdeclaration, but any signatures

     would be an advantage to nodeclaration whatsoever. I haveheard that we already haveat least a dozen, I don’t knowthe exact count, but with thepoint being that the messageis becoming political when itshouldn’t be in the first place.Of course, we take politics in thelarger sense of the common goodin which we talk about things ofcommon interest.

    This is political in a sense thatit’s about the common goodof the people of Europe, of the

    people of France, of Germany,of Spain, of Italy, of the whole world. It’s for the common good. And by having such a declaration,it would help, it would givesupport which I believe is there. As I said, I have worked at this

    for 35 years, I have written to thebishops of the Catholic Churchfor the last 20 years, about tentimes a year. The Secretary ofState of the Vatican says that thebishops would not obey the Popein consecrating Russia; however,I know differently. They write to

    me and say they will obey.They say this will be offensive

    to Russia. It should not beoffensive to Russia. It’s a blessing


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    for Russia and, as such, sayingthis publicly in this public body would be something that I thinkcould be understood. It’s not

    picking on Russia but, rather,picking out Russia for a blessing.It’s not because we are betterthan anybody else, it’s becausethis is a request from Heaven –that is why.

    So by giving this moral publicsupport, we hope to achievethe Consecration of Russia. Wehope to bring about world peaceand to bring about the solutionto the financial problem whichhas beset Europe as well asNorth America, as well as the whole world.

    If it’s not evident to everyone yet it will be evident very shortlyfrom what I can tell. I havestudied economics for five yearsand I think I have learned a fewthings there, and I think it’s quiteevident what’s going to happen.

    However, the main benefit tobe derived from the Consecrationof Russia is that we are goingto have world peace; and thesecond benefit, even better still,is that many souls will be saved.

    If we don’t have the

    Consecration of Russia, manysouls will be lost for all eternity.

    We have a lot of pain. I haveseen movies about the SecondWorld War asking, “why does

    God permit this?” God is tryingto stop the destruction and painthat is about to befall all of us.God is trying, through this poor

    instrument and others, to bringthis to your attention; but if wedon’t act on it, we don’t have Godto blame, but ourselves, for nothaving the peace we could havehad but still to this day couldhave if we will act and speak upand do our part.

    M. B:

     As far as my involvement isconcerned, I have only “answered”to the “strong” request for theConsecration of Russia whichemerged from a very importantcongress, organized in Rome in

    May, which lasted for a week. Ididn’t know this reality, which isextremely important, representedby an archipelago of groups andapostolates which are workingall over the world to promote andspread the prophecies and the

    Message of Our Lady of Fatima,seeking for the involvement ofthe political world and to obtainpolitical decisions on the matter.

    I believe that this Message hascome at the right time. Just thinkabout all the signs of war and theterrible economic and financialdisaster which is looming over the

     world and is obviously very scaryfor any person with a minimum ofcommon sense!


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    I would say that these twoaspects [war and economiccrisis] should be sufficient

    to make us optimistic aboutthe results of this initiative(obviously, I’m talking aboutan optimism of good willand hope). 

    M. F:

    May I add just one thing, veryquickly? I don’t know how manypeople will sign our resolution;but I hope, obviously, that many will sign it. And we all know thatGod moves in mysterious ways.However, our true objective hereis the Consecration of Russia!

    There are too many facts hereto be considered coincidences:The apparitions occurred in1917 and finished in October ofthat year, the month when the

    Russian Revolution started. Wasit a coincidence? I don’t thinkso. Then we should not forget

    that the Soviet Union collapsedon December 8, 1991; so theremust be a link of some sort,because December 8 is the Feastof the Immaculate Conception.Something particular links OurLady to Russia, and therefore, a

    consecration of such a beautifulcountry like Russia would surelyharm no one, but would actuallybear very positive fruits for allof us. 

    M. B:

    By the way, today an

    authoritative colleague ofours reminded me that today,October 23, is the anniversaryof the Budapest Revolt, in whichmany Hungarian patriots died

    Member of European Parliament, Mario Borghezio (left) introduced Father

    Nicholas Gruner (right), who explained to the Parliament Assembly aboutOur Lady of Fatima being the ONLY solution for world peace. Here, heexplains the necessity of endorsing the Motion put forward requesting theHoly Father to consecrate Russia. See the Motion on page 19.



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     while fighting for their freedom.It was the beginning of the endof the Soviet Union, and I wish toremember those martyrs as well.

    There is a final question by the journalist Mr. Andrea Costa.

    J – A :

    I just wanted to know if youare planning to ask for a privateaudience with the Pope? 

    F G:I had an appointment to speak

     with the Holy Father, it was JohnPaul II at the time, but that sameday they said that the Pope wassick. So the appointment wascanceled – only to see him veryfit and healthy the day after!

    In any case, it seems thatthe Vatican does not want tohear about this subject! Untilnow, there has been no singlequestion about Fatima to whichI couldn’t answer properly. Thisis due not only to my knowledge

    of the matter, but also becausethe answer often comes to me assoon as I hear the question.

    Many are unaware of the factthat the current Holy Father,Pope Benedict XVI, has createda special Commission on Fatima,

     which has been operating atleast since 2006. Not a singlemember of this Commission hasever contacted me so far, despitethe fact we have printed and

    published a lot of articles andessays on this matter.

     As I said, the Vatican does not want to hear this truth, because

    it goes against the strategy ofthe Secretary of State. We wroteabout this openly: In 1962 the Vatican signed an agreement with Moscow, the so-called“Metz Pact”, a formal agreementsigned by the Secretary ofState in 1962 which forced theChurch not to condemn theerrors of Russia anymore. Untilnow, the Church has not deniedor confirmed this agreement, whose existence, however, we’veproven indisputably.

    The Message of Our Lady of

    Fatima goes directly against this Vatican-Moscow Agreement. I’m willing to speak to the Pope andto the Secretary of State, but onthe condition that, afterwards, I will be free to speak – because todefend and uphold the truth is

    our only defense. This is the onlycondition I have.

    M. B:

    The Press Conference is over,but our two experts will beavailable to answer any of yourquestions and doubts.

    Motion presented to the EUParliament is on next page.



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    Original Motion of October 23, 2012

    Written Declaration

    On the compliance, on the part of the Holy FatherPope Benedict XVI, to the will of Our Lady of Fatimafor consecrating Russia in a solemn and public manner


    The European Parliament

    - Having recourse to Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the Lisbon Treaty 

    - Having recourse to Rule 123 of its Rules of Procedure

     A. Whereas the Blessed Virgin Mary has promised a long

    period of prosperity and peace, if and only if, the Holy

    Father will consecrate Russia in a solemn and public

    manner, as precisely specified by Her in the Message

    of Fatima;

    B. Considering this collective prayer that the bishops of

    the whole world must recite with the Pope, will bring

    great benefits to all peoples;

    C. Taking into account that there is great danger at the

    present time to world peace and the serenity of all

    European peoples;

    1. Formally asks His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, to fulfill

    the will of the Queen of Heaven, so that all economic,

    political, social and military problems before us can be

    avoided, overcome and resolved definitively.

    2. Instructs its President, to forward this declaration

    together with the names of the signatories, to the

    Commission, the Council, to the EU High Representative 

    and the Parliaments of the Member States.

    Motion Presented for Signatureto Members of the European Union Parliament

    Revised Motion of November 13, 2012

    Written Declaration

    Within the EU role, invested in 2012 with the NobelPrize for Peace, in favor of the accomplishment of OurLady of Fatima’s will and for a spiritual rapprochment with Russia

    The European Parliament

    - Having recourse to Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the Lisbon Treaty 

    - Having recourse to Rule 123 of its Rules of Procedure;

     A. Taking into consideration that the Nobel Peace Prize

    given to the European Union, confers upon the Union

    itself a fundamental role for peace in the world;

    B. Taking into consideration that every initiative aimed to

    effect positively the ease of relations between Europeand Russia is useful to peace;

    C. Taking into account that there is danger at the

    present time to world peace and the serenity of all

    European peoples;

    1. Joins the request formulated by hundreds of thousands

    of faithful asking His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI to fulfill

    Our Lady of Fatima’s will by consecrating Russia in a

    solemn and public way, so that all economic, political,

    social and military problems, that are before us, may be

    avoided, overcome and definitely resolved.

    2. Instructs its President, to forward this declaration

    together with the names of the signatories, to the

    Commission, the Council, to the EU High Representative

    and the Parliaments of the Member States.

    The original Motion dated October 23, 2012 – in the left column –

     was proposed and explained to the Members of the European UnionParliament by Father Gruner and Christopher Ferrara.

     A short time later, Mr. Mario Borghezio was informed that, for theresolution to go forward, it needed to be slightly reworked. Hence, thenew wording of the resolution put forward on November 13 is shown inthe right hand column.

    We have presented them here in a format that allows you to comparethe changes made. As you can see, the passing of this revised Resolution

     would be a tremendous step forward for the cause of Our Ladyof Fatima.



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    This article is based on interviews given to Fatima TV in Rome and to TheFatima Crusader  by Father Gabriel Amorth, a famous exorcist and oneof the best known priests in Rome and the Vatican. He is well respectedby his fellow exorcists who have joined him in a worldwide fraternity of

    Catholic exorcists. Father Amorth is now retired from active ministry – being over 85 years old – but his mind is still sharp and he sees thebig picture of what is happening in the Church and the unique andprimary importance of Fatima to solving the growing crisis in the world.

    By Father Gabriel Amorth

    Fatima is Unique

    The apparitions of Our Ladyof Fatima are absolutelyunique in the history

    of the Church. They certainlyhave an exceptional religious

     value because saving souls andbringing them back to God is Our

    Lady’s main concern.But the apparitions also havea big impact and influence overthe course of mankind’s history.

      It’s true that God is theOne who guides history, butGod created man and madehim free, therefore man isable to influence and changehis own history. 

    So the apparitions of Our Ladyof Fatima have this two-fold

    significance: a religious as well

    as an historical one, especiallyfor world peace.

    The apparitions took placein 1917, almost at the end ofWorld War I. Our Lady, first ofall, showed Hell to the youngchildren of Fatima; Hell, which

    could be at the end of our life:it’s either Heaven, Purgatory orHell, nothing else! So we mustfocus continuously on our finalgoal, we must focus on God,otherwise we won’t even be ableto understand our own life onearth and its meaning.

    Our Lady spoke to us; Shespoke to us – NOT to announcenew wars – but in order toprevent them! If we listen to Her


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     words, pray the Rosary, practicethe devotion of the Five FirstSaturdays to Her ImmaculateHeart, then there will not be

    another war. Otherwise, if they will not hear Her words, underthe Pontificate of Pius XI a newand worse war would start!

    Our Lady Requestedthe Consecrationof ONLY Russia

    Our Lady has requested theConsecration of Russia. Wedon’t have time now to analyzethis subject, but I hold it dear.

    Sister Lucy always saidthat Our Lady requested theConsecration of Russia, andonly Russia.

    She also asked for theconsecration of the world whenShe appeared to another greatand young Portuguese saint,

     Alexandrina Maria da Costa.

    But the two things are

    separate. Now, Our Ladyrequested the Consecration ofRussia, in a solemn and publicceremony to be performed bythe Pope together with all theCatholic bishops of the world.This was specified in details byJesus, Who, as well as with Our

    Lady, continued to appear toLucy, because He wanted thatconsecration to be recognized asthe Triumph of the ImmaculateHeart of Mary, so that She

     would be honored together withHis Sacred Heart. These are the words of Our Lord!

    But time passed and the

    consecration wasn’t done, so OurLord was deeply offended.

    With our free will we canaffect international events.Everything depends on Godbut God created us free and

     we can influence humanevents.

    This is a fact! Take for instance what happened to the King ofFrance, who did not complyto the order he received fromHeaven, and ended up with hishead cut off!

    Our Lord appeared to SisterLucy and told her:

    “They will do theconsecration, but it will belate!” 

    I feel shivers running down myspine when I remember those words “it will be late!”, becauseit’s our fault that World War IIhappened in the first place!

    What’s worse is that OurLady ordered the Secret to beopened in 1960.

     And in that year Russia didn’tfinish spreading her errors all overthe world, yet! They didn’t do theconsecration, unfortunately, andthus, Russia did, in fact, spreadher errors all over the world! 


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    Consecration of RussiaWill Change the

    Course of History

    The conversion of Russia will be

    a Triumph of the Immaculate Heartof Mary, which will be recognizedby the entire world! That’s why OurLord wanted a solemn and publicconsecration, to be done by thePope together with ALL the bishopsof the world. This way, His entireChurch and all of Christianity,

    represented by the bishops, willhave consecrated Russia to theImmaculate Heart of Mary! Thatevent will change the courseof history!

     Yes, in 1984 the Pope quitetimidly attempted to consecrate

    Russia in Saint Peter’s Square. I was there, just a few feet away fromhim, because I was the organizer ofthe event in Saint Peter’s Square!It was March 25, 1984 and thePope had the statue of Our Ladyof Fatima come over from Fatima;it’s the statue that usually stays inthe huge plaza of the Sanctuary,in Fatima, but for that occasion he

     wanted the statue there.

    Kneeling in front of that statue,he attempted the consecration,but all around him were somepoliticians who told him “you can’t

    name Russia, you can’t!” And heasked “Can I name it?” And theysaid: “No, no, no!”

    The Message of Fatima IsMore Relevant Than Ever 

    But Our Lady didn’t appear tobring problems, She came to us to

    avoid problems! The propheciesof Fatima… let me tell you whatI think about them, by using thesame words pronounced by PopeBenedict XVI, the last time he wentto Fatima:

    “Whoever thinks that theprophetic mission of Fatima isconcluded deceives himself.”

     Look at the importance of theseapparitions! Look at the damageand collapse we’ve experiencedin the Church, both in its faithand morals!

    I would like to quote Pope Paul VI on this regard:

    “It was thought that afterthe Second Vatican Council

     we would have a renaissanceof the Church, but insteadit was a disaster! Within theChurch, the smoke of Satan

    has entered in the Vatican!” They believed in a renaissance

    of the Church, but it was adisaster, among the clergy, within the liturgy and among thefaithful, as well, who have lostfaith and have abandoned their

    religion in the millions! Thishas been followed by a secularthinking and culture which OurLady wanted to fight, by usingOur Lord’s words and faith.


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    They are Trying to Builda Society Without God

    Rationalism, the Age ofEnlightenment, atheisticCommunism – for them, scienceand reason justify everything and

     we no longer need God! See theresults: the family is attacked by

    divorce, when Jesus said “whattherefore God has joined together,let no man put asunder.” And whatabout abortion? With millions ofunborn babies killed every year,

     when Our Lord said: “Thou shaltnot kill” in His 5th Commandment!

    Look at the disaster we’re facingtoday! So, the apparitions ofFatima continue, but their endis glorious. Our Lady said:

    “In the end, My Immaculate

    Heart will triumph, theHoly Father will consecrateRussia to Me, Russia willbe converted and a periodof peace will be granted tothe world.”

    So, here is the great ending ofthe apparitions of Fatima.

    Before this finale, however, it’sprobable that mankind will suffersome kind of chastisement by God,due to their sins and cold hearts;but we’re not facing the end ofthe world, as some crazy man issaying, we’re going towards the

    Triumph of the Immaculate Heartof Mary and a period of peace.But we will have peace only if

     we’ll have faith in God and obey

    His words.|

    Above is a sample of the billboards the Fatima Center puts up in Rome andin North America to raise awareness that the world does have a solution for

    peace – through Our Lady of Fatima. It is due to large signs like this, that therewas a groundswell of public demand in Rome to which the Pope respondedand consecrated Italy to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This means of gettingcloser to the Consecration of Russia is very effective – but very expensive.What price is too high to pay for results like that? Please help us bring moreattention to Our Lady of Fatima’s promise to mankind by aiding us in thishuge expense.



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    There are many ways you, too, can help spread the urgent Message

    of Fatima and promote the Consecration of Russia. Following isa letter that a devotee of Our Lady, Richard J. Doherty, Doctorof Internal Medicine, wrote to a Cardinal. Remember, you can dothis too!

    To: Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, Archdiocese of New York,

    1011 1st Ave., NY, NY 10022Oct. 24, 2012

    Your Eminence,

    I am writing to you as onein a sincerely devoted groupof American Catholics whoare deeply concerned over the

    lack of significant compliance with those specific requestsmade of us by Our BlessedMother at Fatima in 1917 – for

     ALL Catholics to heed and toact upon.

    With regard to the importanceof this situation, I am addressingthis letter to you, in your roleof authority as President ofthe United States Conferenceof Catholic Bishops – withthe hope that you will initiateappropriate actions to remedythis gross failure of a majority of

    faithful members of the CatholicChurch in America – to carry outOur Blessed Lady’s requests.

     Along with others of like

    mind, it is my belief that thereare a large number of AmericanCatholics, especially amongthe young, who know little oreven nothing about Our Lady’sFatima Message.

    Moreover, that which manyCatholics already know aboutthe Fatima Message may bequite likely inadequate for the

    accomplishment of a positiveresponse to Mary’s requests.Or otherwise, perhaps, in theabsence of the advice anddirection needed from theShepherds of the CatholicChurch in America, many

    Catholics, even including somemembers of the clergy, maysimply ignore Her requests.

     As you know, the true story ofFatima elicits the essential factsconcerning the prophetic andmost important message givento the Catholics of the world byOur Blessed Mother Mary. Wehave learned from Her that Hermessage comes from God theFather; that it is a positive and


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    instructive message; that it isclear, direct and succinct.

      It requires that all membersof the Catholic Church bear the

    responsibility of carrying outthe Will of God the Father bycomplying with and faithfullyfulfilling those specific requeststhat She made – in order to bringan end to man’s evil behaviors,

     which are so offensive to God.

    Then, to comply with theWill of God the Father, theBlessed Mother called upon allCatholics to devote themselvesto Her Immaculate Heart; topray the Holy Rosary daily forthe reparation of sins; to makethe Communion of Reparation

    on the first Saturday of fiveconsecutive months; to prayfor the conversion of Russia;and most importantly in thisregard, for the Pope, in union

     with all the Catholic bishops ofthe world, to publicly consecrate

    Russia to Her Immaculate Heart.During Her apparition to

    the seers at Fatima on July 13,1917, the Blessed Mother spokethese words:

    “If My requests are heeded,Russia will be converted andthere will be peace, if not,she will spread her errorsthroughout the world, raisingup wars and persecutions ofthe Church. The good will be

    martyred, the Holy Father willhave much to suffer and variousnations will be annihilated.”

    How frightening! Indeed, how

    terrifying are the consequencesof not heeding Her requests.

     At this time, it is abundantlyclear that all of the direpredictions the Blessed VirginMary made at Fatima – withone exception remaining – have

    come true! And over time, eachone of Her terrible predictionsresulting from the “failure toheed” Her requests have becomemore fearsome and foreboding.

    We have seen the heinous evilof legalized induced abortion –first introduced in the world byCommunist Russia – spreadingto many other nations,including our own United Statesof America.

    We are aware of the increasein the widespread condolenceof sexual promiscuity and the

    deterioration of Americanfamily life; the acceptance ofeuthenasia; the declarationsaid to be “politically correct”that homosexuality is a normalfunction of human nature andis therefore morally acceptable;the scandal of sexual abuses bysome members of the Catholicclergy; and other evils thataffect our society – all of whichare so offensive to God.



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    It is noteworthy that on May11, 2010, Pope Benedict XVIsaid that the Fatima Messageindicates realities for the future

    of the Church which unfold andreveal themselves day by day.

    In response to those in theChurch who say that theMessage of Fatima has alreadybeen carried out and completedin accordance with the specificrequests of the Blessed Mother,Pope Benedict XVI, on May 13,2010, said:

    “He deceives himself whothinks the prophetic mission ofFatima is concluded.”

     Are the Shepherds of theCatholic Church in America

    among those who areso deceived?

    In view of the tremendousmoral deterioration of societiesin the world, as outlined above,the continuing silence of the

     American bishops regarding

    the need – which is now moreurgent than ever – to informall members of the AmericanCatholic Church, both laymenand religious, to faithfully fulfillall of Our Blessed Mother’sFatima requests, is most difficultto understand and impossibleto justify.

    To heed or not to heed? Wehave seen the horrendous resultsthat Mary predicted at Fatima

    for not heeding Her requests. Notheeding has brought us chaos!Heeding will bring us the periodof peace that the Blessed Mother

    has promised. In the end, Sheassures us that Her ImmaculateHeart will triumph. Heed andhasten that happy ending.

    May the bishops publiclyexhort all American Catholicsto pray the Holy Rosary daily forthe reparation of sins, to prayfor the conversion of Russia,to make the Communion ofReparation on the first Saturdayof five consecutive months.

     And, may the bishops of America inform Pope Benedict XVI that all of the American

    bishops are ready to joinhim in consecrating Russiato the Immaculate Heart ofMary.


     Yours Respectfully,

    Richard J. Doherty, M.D.

    Copy this letter and send it to yourparish priests, bishops and Cardinals.

    We must all stand up and

    let our voice be heard!




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    Father Nicholas Gruner, head of the Fatima Center, an internationalApostolate dedicated to making known the full Message of Fatima,was invited to address members of the European Union Parliamentconvened in Strasbourg, France, along with reporters from print andbroadcast media.

    Father Gruner, accompanied by U.S. attorney and Fatima expert,Christopher A. Ferrara, explained to the assembly the requests made

    by Our Lady of Fatima and the urgency of obedience to those requests.A resolution was introduced in which the Members of the EuropeanParliament formally ask that Pope Benedict XVI and the bishops ofthe Catholic Church comply with the specific request of Our Lady ofFatima to join together to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heartof Mary.

    Father Gruner and Mr. Ferrara explained to the assembly theprophecies of Fatima, the reasons why the Message should be given

    the utmost credence, and the promised benefits that will follow theconsecration when it is finally done in the proper manner. The followingis an interview with Father Gruner conducted by The Fatima Crusader  editorial staff.

    T F C [FC]

      Can you tell us what events

    enabled you to addressMembers of the EuropeanUnion Parliament?

    F G [FG]

    I can tell you, but it is a two-part answer – one having todo with the human elements

    involved, and the other withProvidence. It’s important that

     we always remember Our Lordis in charge of everything andHe has determined that our fate

    now rests with our fidelity toOur Lady’s requests.

    The Hon. Mario Borghezio,a Member of Parliamentrepresenting the NorthernLeague in Italy, asked me tocome to Strasbourg and speakto Parliament. Mr. Borghezioattended our conference,“Fatima: Your Last Chance!”

    in Rome in May 2012. Headdressed the conference (seepages 50-56) and his devotionto Our Lady and his faith in


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    Her Fatima Message becameapparent. The invitation toaddress his colleagues was

     very welcome.

     And while I give Mr.Borghezio my thanks, I mustultimately thank Our Lady. Thisis Her Apsotolate. She offersus the opportunities to do Her

     work. As I told the Membersof Parliament, I am merely aninstrument. I am one smallpriest dedicated to this great

     work. Anything I accomplishis not really to my credit, but isdue to Our Lady’s grace.

    [FC]  Why do you thinkOur Lady’s Apostolate wasoffered this opportunity at this

    particular time? You have beenstruggling for many years tomake the full Message of Fatimaknown. Now, you find yourselfin front of members of one ofthe most powerful bodies ofmen on the planet. What are

     your thoughts about the timingof this event?

    [FrG]  Time is running out.Our Lord spoke to Sister Lucyin Rianjo in 1931 and told herthat, unless the Consecration ofRussia was done in the mannerOur Lady requested – with the

    Pope and the bishops makingthe consecration in unison – thatHis ministers would follow theKing of France into misfortune.

     The reference is to King Louis XVI, who was beheaded by theFrench revolutionaries 100

     years after his great grandfather,

    Louis XIV, refused to comply withHeaven’s request that Francebe consecrated to the SacredHeart of Jesus. This request wasreceived in an apparition by St.Margaret Mary Alocoque andmade known to the King by hisconfessor. But the King refused.

    His descendant not only lost thethrone, but lost his head as well.

    We are nearing the 100-yearmark since the apparitions ofOur Lady of Fatima in 1917. Wehave less than 5 years left. Herrequests have not been honored

    by the popes and bishops, whom Our Lord refers to asHis ministers – but we can alsopresume that heads of state areHis ministers, as all authoritycomes from above. So, time isnow of the essence.

    Unless the consecration isdone – and done soon – theseministers, many of them, willfollow the King of France intomisfortune and it cannot begood.

    It seems obvious to me thatthe part of the Third Secet that

    the Vatican released to us onJune 26, 2000 is what is aboutto happen to Pope Benedict

     XVI if he delays much more


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    À Strasbourg 

    Parlement Européen, Salle de Presse

    23.10.2012  | 14H00

    from doing the Consecration ofRussia as requested by Jesus andMary in the Fatima Message.

    This vision of the bishop

    dressed in white, who is killedby a band of soldiers – bybullets and arrows – is a graphicdescription of what Our Lordmeant when He said:

    “Make it known to Myministers, given they follow theexample of the King of Francein delaying the execution ofMy command (to consecrateRussia), like him they willfollow him into misfortune.”

    The death of the Pope in that vision is followed by the killing

    To the right is a poster weput up in various placesaround Strasbourg,including inside thebeautiful Strasbourg

    Cathedral, as well asinside the EuropeanUnion Parliamentbuilding. This PilgrimVirgin Statue – blessedby the Pope at Fatimaand again in VaticanCity – was brought byFather Gruner via KLMAirline from Toronto toStrasbourg. With muchpublicity and anticipation,it was to be the historicfirst-time-EVER that OurLady was allowed insidethe Parliament building.See the article  (page 61) from Vatican City firstpublished on Monday,

    October 22, 2012 as asample of various articlespublished about it.Alas, the devil somehowsucceeded in preventing our Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima from beingpresent inside the Parliament building – because KLM apparently “lost” Her for two days!But we persevered and purchased another statue of the Blessed Mother to accompanyus inside the Parliament building while we explained the formal EU Parliamentarydeclaration calling for the Consecration of Russia (see page 19). 

    Further, Our Lady was able to turn the tables on the devil through the “loss” of the statue – which became the inspiration of a live call-in talk radio program with 4 million listeners,thereby giving the Fatima Message free publicity on Thursday, October 24, 2012.



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    of bishops, priests, religiousand lay people of various ranks.These, too, are ministers of God

     who are punished because they,

    too, failed to do what they could– and should – have done to dotheir part to bring about theConsecration of Russia.

    It might be objected: Howcould the laypeople of variousranks be included in thischastisement? As we mentionedabove, politicians and worldleaders are also ministers ofGod. But it should be pointedout that men of financial wealthare also ministers or stewardsof that wealth which God hasentrusted to them.

      In the approved apparitionof Quito, Ecuador, of Our Ladyof Good Success, we are toldthat one of the causes of ourpresent-day crises in the Churchand the world is the refusal of

     wealthy Catholics to contribute

    significantly to Catholicapostolates – that are ready,capable and willing to reversethis moral and spiritual decay inthe Church and the world.

    For example, our Apostolate– this Apostolate of Our Lady ofFatima – in my estimation, could

    do 10 to 100 times more (that’sten to one hundred!) than wedo now. But we do not have allthe necessary financial means

    to do everything we could andshould do. With one and a halfto two times more in yearly totalfinancial donations, perhaps we

    could bring about enough publicawareness of the  full  FatimaMessage – especially the urgentneed for the Consecration ofRussia – to cause Our Lady’striumph very, very soon.

    Unfortunately, because veryfew wealthy Catholics – to theirown detriment – know andunderstand the absolutelymonumental importanceand urgency of the FatimaMessage,  they don’t giveanywhere near enough of whatthey could to promote Our

    Lady of Fatima and Her ONE AND ONLY Peace Plan that will deliver us and them fromthe emerging  New World Order tyranny.

    Some would help if theyunderstood that by not

    supporting this apostolate anddoing what they can to bringabout the fulfillment of OurLady’s request – they are placingtheir own life and wealth andsoul in grave jeopardy – notto mention the devastatingcatastrophies that continue to

    befall the Church and mankind.Others of the wealthy

    apparently think only ofthemselves and refrain from


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    extending financial aid to needyand necessary apostolates suchas our own.

    Our Lady told us that unless

    She were obeyed, nations wouldbe annihilated. So not only doChurch officials and heads ofstate face imminent disaster, butall of us may soon pay the pricefor this foolish refusal to dothe simple things Our Lady haspromised will avert disaster andbring us the blessings of peace.

    [FC]  Do you think themembers of the EuropeanParliament realize that theclock is ticking and that disasteris looming?

    [FrG]  They certainly realizethis, although they might notunderstand the cause of it andthe only real solution. That’s

     why we went to Strasbourg: totell them what is happening and

     why and to show them whatthey can do about it – that is,

    how they can encourage thePope and the bishops to do theonly thing that can help us atthis point in history.

    [FC] But the European Unionis not founded on Christianprinciples. Many Members

    of Parliament are avowedlyopposed to Christian teaching,especially in the realm of sexualmorality. How can they evencomprehend the Message of

    Fatima without faith?

    [FrG]  The Members ofParliament know they and theirown countries are in trouble.

    They are becoming desperatefor a solution to the manyproblems they face, especiallythe financial problems.

    We may think that thesefinancial problems will onlyaffect those who work in the

    financial sector of the workplace– but that is not so. The financialproblems we are talking about will affect every man, womanand child on the face of the earth.The financial problems loomingover us will, if not averted, sooncause the breakdown of everyday

    transactions like buying yourgroceries or paying for electricityto your home. These may all cometo a complete stop – no buying,no selling, no work, no ability tofeed yourself or your family – allof this caused by real financial

    problems that can ultimatelyonly be solved peacefully and justly by the Consecrationof Russia.

    [FC] Why would non-believingMembers of Parliament take your

    proposal seriously?

    [FrG]  We explained to thosemembers who lack faith that OurLady’s solution is worth a try.They have nothing to lose. Andif it works, they have everything


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    to gain.

    I also think it is startingto dawn on some Europeanleaders, including Members of

    Parliament, that the EuropeanUnion has no solid, unifyingprinciple. How could it, whenonly the Catholic Faith canprovide it and they are afraid toembrace it? They tried to buildthe EU on economic cooperationand a common currency. Thishas failed big time, as everyonecan now see. Where do they gofrom here?

    We offered them a direction.We can only pray they will takeit. We did Our Lady’s bidding.We pray they will do likewise.

    We also continue to work for theconsecration in every way we can.

    [FC] Was there any indicationthat the Members of theEuropean Parliament took your

     words to heart?

    [FrG]  Yes, I think so. We

    received much encouragementfrom those who signed thepetition. And the media was veryinterested. We were interviewedby both broadcast and print

     journalists, so the wider public –the constituents of the Members

    of Parliament – knew about what was going on. An effective way to influence a politician isto go through his constituents.

     And this is most effectively done

    through the media.

     Along with the attention wereceived in the secular press andbroadcast media, we were also

    interviewed by  Fatima TV   in Rome and Fatima TV WorldWide on the Web to talk about theevent. We made our mark – inStrasbourg and in Rome. And

     we won’t let up. Our Lady hasgiven us the media tools andthe opportunity. By the graceof God, we will use them tothe utmost.

    [FC]  Do you think that PopeBenedict XVI and the bishopstook note of what happened inStrasbourg? Do you think they

     will respond?

    [FrG] Of course, I can’t predict just what will happen and when.But I know that Our Lady saidRussia will be consecrated inthe manner She desires “inthe end.” The end of what – isthe big question. The end of a

    terrible period of chastisement,after nations are annihilated? Ihope and pray this isn’t the case.I think Pope Benedict knowshow dire the situation is. Hemay be looking for the sort ofassurance and encouragement

     we are trying to provide.

    Unfortunately, the Churchhas been very worried aboutpublic opinion – its mediaimage – since Vatican II. In


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    consequence, as the worldhas become more godless andmorally depraved, the Churchhas become more timid about

    proclaiming her moral anddoctrinal authority. It’s obviousthe Holy Father wants to begin aNew Evangelization, as he callsit. Fatima is the key. We want tohelp him see this. And if we canpick up some political supportfor the consecration, the Pope

    may be emboldened to act.Once an idea – no matter

    how seemingly strange – isintroduced into the mind of thepublic, it loses its strangeness.Look at the things that arenow considered normal by the

    public: abortion, pornography,etc. If familiarity can make evilthings tolerable, it can certainly

     win hearts and minds forgood things.

    We have introduced Fatimaas a topic of public conversation

    in the media, in the realm ofpolitics. The more people hearand learn about it, the morethey will consider it a viablealternative, especially as othersolutions keep failing and thesituation worsens. The Pope andthe bishops live in the world of

    the media, of politics, as do weall now. Fatima is now part ofthat world. Fatima is the onlyhope for that world. This was ourmessage, Our Lady’s Message.

    [FC]  Is there anythingan ordinary layperson cando to help bring aboutthe consecration?

    [FrG]  Every ordinarylayperson is a potentiallyextraordinary saint. When wecooperate with grace, amazingthings happen to us and throughus. I think one of the keys tothe consecration is for the laityto live the Fatima Message.This means praying the Rosaryevery day and making theFirst Saturday devotions everyfirst Saturday.

      But it also means alwaysbeing focused on Our Lady, onHer Immaculate Heart; living in

    purity and love; and, of course, we can be pro-active in Hercause – petitioning the Popeand our bishop, petitioningour legislative representative,letting our neighbors knowabout Fatima.

    Supporting this apostolateis a great way to become partof the effort to bring aboutthe consecration. We needall the help we can get. So I

     would invite everyone to joinOur Lady’s Apostolate in every

     way they can. As we explained

    to the Members of theEuropean Parliament –

     You have nothing  to lose andeverything  to gain.|



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    PART II 



    In Part I (The Fatima Crusader, Issue 103) of Michal Semin’s address toour Rome Conference in May 2012, he explained that Hell is not emptyand that we must all sacrifice and pray. He gave the inspiring exampleof the sacrificial spirit of the three children of Fatima. In Part II, Mr.Semin continues to explain the supreme sacrifice of Jesus Christ in

    the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

    By Michael Semin

    In this second part of myaddress, I would like tocompare the Traditional

    Roman Rite with the new Rite ofPope Paul VI.

    Can we, in good conscience,

    say that they convey the sameattitude towards the meaningof sacrifice?

    Do they, in the identical way,express the Catholic teachingdefined at the Council of Trentand reiterated by Pius XII in

     Mediator Dei?Cardinal Ottaviani didn’t

    think so when he statedin 1969:

    “The Novus Ordorepresents, both as a wholeand in its details, a striking

    departure from the Catholictheology of the Mass as it was... definitively fixed by theCouncil of Trent.”

    Why did he think so? What are

    the main differences betweenthese two Rites that confirmthe claim that the meaning ofsacrifice and its role has shiftedfrom a central position tothe side?

    Well, it´s already the verystructure of the Mass. The newRite of the Mass is divided intotwo parts – the Liturgy of theWord and the Liturgy of theEucharist. This division givesthe impression that the part ofthe Mass before the Offertoryis somehow independent andcan exist without the secondpart, on its own; that these twoparts are separable and of thesame value.

    In fact, there are manyparishes in Europe and perhaps

    elsewhere too, where, due tothe lack of priests, the faithful inthe parishes are invited to takepart in “Liturgies of the Word”,


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    The beginning of the HolyMass at the foot of the altarsteps – the priest doesn´t comebowing to the congregation –symbolizes climbing up MountCalvary, from which, after

    offering the Sacrifice, the gracesflow into the whole Church.The penitential nature of theopening prayers is confirmedand crowned by a dualConfiteor – dual because thepriest and the faithful are notequal in offering the Sacrifice –

    a fact that is not reflected in theNew Mass having just a singleConfiteor.

     Also, the  Kyrie Eleison  isa penitential prayer so itis completely senseless toconsider all these prayers as

    a preparation for the readingfrom the Bible or as aninstruction of the faithful.

    presided by a deacon or alayman. The traditional RomanMissal has no such division,for all of its prayers and sacredgestures are oriented towardsthe propitiatory sacrifice, to the

    moment of Consecration.In the Traditional Rite, the

    priest comes to the foot of thealtar stairs and stands facingthe altar – which representsOur Lord – and prays  Introiboad altare Dei, followed by thePenitential Psalm  Judica me,arousing in his heart a spirit ofrepentance, awareness of hisown unworthiness and needof atonement for his own sinsand the sins of the presentfaithful. This Rite of the priest’scleansing comes from the Old

    Testament liturgy where thepriest of the Temple – before he walked into the Holy of Holies –ritually cleansed himself.

    This popular depiction of Jesus

    knocking on the door reflects

    our free will. We can either open

    the door of our soul and let

    Him in or we have the free will

    to reject Him. Let us pray for

    the Pope and all those persons

     – Cardinals, bishops and VIP

    government officials – who

    can encourage and persuade

    him to delay no longer to do

    the Consecration of Russia as

    Jesus formally commanded

    to be done.



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    Traditional Holy ScriptureIs Understood Differently

    In the New Rite

    Even the reading from Holy

    Scriptures is, in the TraditionalRite, understood differentlyfrom the way it is approached inthe modern liturgy – the Epistleis read facing the altar (Christ),the Gospel is read facing North,because North representspagan lands and the dominion

    of demons. Reading the Gospel,in this sense, is a kind of anexorcism – which is at the endof the Gospel – reflected bythe words of the priest: “By thewords of the Gospel may our sinsbe blotted out.” 

    The shift from Sacrificeto meal is even more clearand transparent in thechanges of prayers made inthe Offertory, or, rather, thechange in the very nature of theOffertory itself.

      According to the CatholicFaith and related liturgicaltradition of the Church, theoffering subject and offeredobject is Our Lord JesusChrist. That is why the prayerscontained in the traditionalOffertory presuppose the

    presence of Our Lord as the trueand only Victim, the Eucharisticpresence. The Offertory prayersanticipate Consecration. They

    do not mention bread; theyuse the term Victim-Hostia,Spotless Host, although it is notconsecrated yet.

     Along with the actions of thepriest, this prayer makes it clearthat what is offered at the HolyMass is the “Spotless Host” –that is, the Spotless Victim. Thepropitiatory (atoning) nature ofthe Mass is explicit – it is offeredfor our sins. It reminds us thatthe Mass is offered “for theliving and the dead”; and thepriest who offers the Sacrificeis a mediator between manand God.

    Out of 12 TraditionalOffertory Prayers

    2 Remain in the New Mass

    From the twelve Offertoryprayers in the TraditionalRite, only two are retainedin the New Rite of Mass. Andof interest is the fact that thedeleted prayers are the same

    ones that Luther and Cranmereliminated. And why did theyeliminate them? Because, asLuther said, they “smackedof sacrifice – the abominationcalled the Offertory, and fromthis point on almost everythingstinks of oblation.”

    The New Rite of Mass doesn´teven use the term Offertoryanymore; it calls this part ofMass “preparation of gifts”. And


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     within this part of the New Ritethere is not a single word whicheven hints that it is the Divine Victim which is offered. The

    bread and wine – “the workof human hands” – is all thatis offered.

    Michael Davies, who had aclose relationship with CardinalRatzinger, points out that thisconcept is fully compatible with the Teilhardian theorythat human effort, the workof human hands, becomes, ina certain way, the matter ofthe Sacrament.

    Then we have the changes inthe very heart of the Holy Mass– in the Canon. The second

    Eucharistic prayer is famousfor the absence of preparationprayers for the Consecrationand the words of Consecration,the Institution Narrative. Thepriest says these words as if he was merely retelling the story

    of the Last Supper some 2,000 years ago, instead of actuallyconsecrating the bread and wine in the here and now.

    Besides all these changesin the prayers of the Mass– the most profoundchange indicating the shift

    from Sacrifice towards acongregational meal isthe change in the priest´sorientation during the Mass.

    His position no longersymbolizes the fact that he isan intermediary between Godand man, as in the Traditional

    Mass – where he faces theTabernacle, but he is now the“president” of an assembly,presiding at the table around which the faithful are to gatherand “refresh” themselves at the“memorial supper.” (All thesephrases are from the General

    Instruction.) We all can shareplenty of stories about thedestruction of the traditionalaltars in churches all over the world and their replacementby tables. Again – the nature ofthe Mass moves from Sacrifice

    to meal.I do not doubt the validity

    of the New Mass, but howcan one not conclude fromthese changes that there issomething seriously wrongabout it? I do not doubt thatthere are many devout priests

    and laymen assisting at theNew Mass, but their faith in thesacrificial nature of the HolyMass and thus the Catholicreligion as a whole is welland alive – no thanks to theliturgical so-called reform, but

    despite it.From a historical perspective,

     we see that the post-Conciliarliturgical changes are similar,if not identical, to those which


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    the founders of Protestantism were bringing to life – Mass asan assembly with presider, theshift from Sacrifice to meal,

    laymen taking over specificallypriestly functions, narrativenature of consecration, priestfacing the people, etc.

    The Protestant inspiration increating the New Rite of Mass was confirmed by a close friendof Pope Paul VI, Jean Guitton:

    “The intention of Paul VI withregard to what is commonlycalled the Mass, was to reformthe Catholic liturgy in sucha way that it should almostcoincide with the Protestantliturgy — but what is curious

    is that Paul VI did that to get asclose as possible to the Protestant

     Lord’s supper ... there was with Paul VI an ecumenical intentionto remove, or least to correct,or at least to relax, what wastoo Catholic, in the traditional

     sense, in the Mass and, I repeat,

    to get the Catholic Mass closerto the Calvinist service.” 

    Sacrificial Mentality andPriestly Vocations

    Not being a priest, I do not want to dwell excessively on thematters that are mostly relatedto the priestly life, but allow meto mention my concern, that thelack of sacrificial mentality inthe New Liturgy might affect the

     very identity of the priesthood.I am not here to teach you, dearFathers, because I am sure younot only know it, but live it, that

    the life of the priest is definedand also nurtured by sacrifice,both at the altar and in hisministry outside of liturgy.

    Our Lord, Who is the HighestPriest, gives the example – Hegave His own life for our eternalsalvation. The priests of HisChurch are to follow Him andlay down their lives for theentrusted flock.

     Am I too daring to makea connection between therepression of the sacrificialnature of the Holy Mass and

    the lack of priestly vocations?Or the rise of the violation ofthe celibate life – as the vowof celibacy cannot be fulfilled without sacrificing the good ofmatrimony for a higher one?

     A priest gives up the goods of

    marital life so that he can be analter Christus, a second Christ,a mediator between God andmen. The reason for celibacyis not only that the priest hasmore time for pastoral work(practical reasons), but becausehe is unifying himself with the

    celibate living Christ, the High-Priest, for offering the mostHoly Sacrifice, for which he hasto be ritually clean.


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    “I will sen d down a shower of Ro se Petals

    from Heaven.”...St. Thérèse

    You can help spread Our Lady of Fatima’s Urgent Message ofHope and Peace throughout the world, even after God callsyou to your eternal reward. Millions of souls will be lost if OurBlessed Mother’s requests are not heeded and the Consecrationof Russia is not done as She requested. For the sake of thosesouls, as well as your own, we beg you to remember Our Lady’sApostolate in your will.

    MAKING A BEQUEST IS EASY For more information, call toll-free 1-800-845-3047

    or write us at the address found on the inside back cover. There is absolutely no obligation!


    Everything the priest does asa priest is in some way orientedtowards the altar and OurLord´s sacrifice, the font of all

    graces. It is from his serviceat the altar that he receiveshis priestly dignity, not fromplaying guitar or football withthe youth. And when he is atthe altar, he is not there toconcoct some creative liturgies,expressing his own personality,

    but to conform to Christ and actin His person. How well this isreflected in the fixed rubrics ofthe Traditional Roman Rite!

    Sacrificial Mentality andLay People and Marriage

    But, obviously, the life ofsacrifice is not exclusivelyreserved for the priests. Also we,

    laymen, are obliged to followthe example of Our Savior.How does the calling to live asacrificial life usually manifest

    itself in the life of a family? Inthe generous acceptance ofchildren, the willingness tohave a much larger family thanis the norm in the contemporarycontraceptive societies of themodern world.

    Today the definition of a “goodlife” is based on one´s self-realization and career building.Today the “good life” is themere enjoyment of life withoutrespect to the supernatural finalgoal of human life, or the needsof others. Unfortunately, even

    Catholics are not immune fromsuccumbing to such lifestyle.



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    The Loss ofthe Sense of Sacrifice

    Contraception, the symbolof modern hedonism and thus

    the loss of sense for sacrifice,is widespread in the post-Conciliar Church. But evenamong those who object to theuse of artificial contraceptionand abortion and who promotenatural family planning, weencounter an effort neutralizing

    the clear teaching of Pius XII onthe conditioned lawfulness ofthis method of spacing children.

    Knowing NFP literature andhaving taken part years ago ina NFP course, I do not recallany specific consideration for

    the explicit medical, social oreconomic conditions under which the married couple isallowed to enjoy the marital act with the expected sterility ofthat particular act.

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