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Page 1: feasibility report

J.A.C. Feasibility

StudyBy: Josh Klabunde


Contact: Phone: 614-595-9468 Email: [email protected] Address: 236 West Reade Ave. Upland Indiana, 46989

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Table of ContentsExecutive Summary.....................................................................................................................................3

Industry Analysis.........................................................................................................................................4

Industry Overview...................................................................................................................................4

Market Positioning..................................................................................................................................4

Key Success Factors................................................................................................................................4

Technology Impact..................................................................................................................................4

Competitor Analysis....................................................................................................................................5

Key Competitors......................................................................................................................................5

Competitor Overview..............................................................................................................................5

Market/Customer Analysis.........................................................................................................................6

Market Characteristics and Trends..........................................................................................................6

Market Segmentation...............................................................................................................................6

Target-market Needs...............................................................................................................................6

Benefits of Products or Services..............................................................................................................6

Key Characteristics of Target Market......................................................................................................8

Target Customers....................................................................................................................................8

Decision Makers and Influencers............................................................................................................9

Channels of Sales and Distribution Feasibility.......................................................................................10

Channel Types.......................................................................................................................................10

Advantages and Disadvantages of Channel Types.................................................................................10

Targeted Channel...................................................................................................................................11

Channel Needs.......................................................................................................................................11

Channel Partner Considerations.............................................................................................................12

Operations/Production Feasibility...........................................................................................................13

Internal Analysis....................................................................................................................................13

SWOT Analysis.....................................................................................................................................13

Technical Considerations.......................................................................................................................14

Human Resources..................................................................................................................................14

Infrastructure Requirements....................................................................................................................15

Optimum Size to Start...........................................................................................................................15

Preferred Geographic Location..............................................................................................................15

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Special Facility Needs...........................................................................................................................15


Key Assumptions...................................................................................................................................16

Scope and Scale of Project in Financial Terms......................................................................................16




Go/No Go..............................................................................................................................................17

Identify Next Steps................................................................................................................................17

Appendix A:................................................................................................................................................18


Appendix B.................................................................................................................................................19

Graphs and Charts.................................................................................................................................19

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Executive SummaryTime Management can become an enemy for many college students who take on a

variety of activities in addition to their academics, and if not approached properly can lead to failure to perform, forgetfulness, sleep deprivation, and increased stress levels. This report describes and evaluates one possible solution to the problem of managing time in college. A possible solution was identified and designed focusing on the schedule of an average student’s lifestyle. This solution is called JAC. JAC stands for “Josh’s Assisting Calendar.” JAC is an app that’s main features revolve around creating a student’s daily schedule with intelligent scheduling recommendations and notifications. Common study time table are also suggested for use. This app also incorporates eating, sleeping, and free time into its scheduling design. JAC allows students to go about their daily lives without the stress of time management. Essentially if used to its highest potential, JAC will be able to completely schedule a student’s life making it possible for students to focus their attentions to performing in each activity rather than remember them all.

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Summary of Concept JAC will have access to user’s calendars as well as notifications. This makes the process

of transferring already planned events to JAC easier. Once JAC has access to all of the previously scheduled events the user will never need to use another calendar application again. This is because JAC is a fully operational calendar as well as intelligent scheduling assistant. Scheduling will be done in a variety of ways to make event planning easier for the user and more specific. Listed below are the types of events that can be scheduled as well as some features within those events.

Events Features of EventAcademic Class/Test/Quiz/Meeting/Custom:

Study Session Assignment

Work Schedule Multiple shifts at one timePersonal Ability to include reminders and notes for the eventSleep/Meals Tracks sleeping patterns

Tracks eating patterns

All events have the option to repeat daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly, as well as have pre-event notifications with any notes or details. When a user wishes to add an event they simply hit the “Add Event” button and then select the type of event they wish to add. Depending on the event selected the app will follow a series of steps to ensure that all details needed for that event are schedule. This includes additional study sessions for Tests, Quizzes, and Assignments. A Work event will be able to repeat scheduling in order to add multiple shifts under one event title. The flow chart below demonstrates the steps the app will take to schedule an event.

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For all events notifications will be automatically turned on. However notifications themselves can and will be prompted to be personalized for each event. Notifications can be set to an adjusted time before each event. Notes can also be added to the notification specific to its connected event. This allows the user to prepare for an event as well as remember anything needed for the upcoming event. An example of this notification process would be setting a notification 10 minutes before a class period that is titled, “Do not forget to print your homework.” Another feature for all events is the option to add transit time to the event. The amount of time scheduled will be selected and then added onto the beginning and the end of the selected event. An option will be available to change the end transit time if the end location is different than the starting location. When added to the calendar transit time will appear as separate events connected to its corresponding event. A helpful tool that JAC provides is the ability to look up transit time by connecting to a maps app on the smart phone.

In addition to scheduling events JAC can also schedule/avoid scheduling preferred sleep hours. JAC will track the amount of sleep a user gets per week and use this for analysis weekly. JAC will also schedule eating times for the user to ensure that the user has time to eat in their busy schedules. JAC can also be personalized to send helpful reminders throughout the day as well as humorous notifications. Some of the features listed above will either be limited or not available in the free version of this app to encourage users to pay for the pro version.

Industry AnalysisIndustry Overview

Time Management is a booming self-help industry with thousands of books, DVDs, online seminars, and “experts” devoted to helping people manage their time more effectively. An Amazon search for “Time Management” will result in almost 130,000 book results. A Google search for “Time Management” will result in millions of articles promoting time management techniques or time management retail. Time Management is a section of the Self Help industry. This industry is estimated to be worth $11 billion dollars per year in the United States alone. Live Training seminars make up $400-$500 million dollars of this estimated profit, while books and audio sales make up for another $455 million in profits.

Market PositioningThe Time Management Market is positioned into several products and services. The most

common products for this industry include books, DVDs, and audio tapes. The most common services provided include, seminars (web/live), program packages, and electronic programs. Product and product line expansion/development is a liable introduction into this market, however the introduction of a new product/service at this time is unlikely due to the limited amount of channel distributions that have left to be covered. Customers for this market would most likely consist of people desiring additional help in managing their time through the use of books, technology, or seminars.

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Key Success FactorsIn order to succeed in the Time Management industry products and services must cater to

the needs of their target audience, i.e. people in need of managing their time. Due to the fact that the target audience is buying into the service to better manage their time, products and services need to not be time consuming. They also must be easy to use while providing visible results. If a product or service does not result in its claimed benefit it will not survive. Furthermore products/services should be convenient and easily accessible. This is a key factor that will define the intended target audience. For example, live seminars should be aimed towards the largest gathering of participants while web seminars need to be made easily accessible online.

Technology ImpactThe Self Help industry has been impacted greatly by technological advances over the

years. Online seminars, audio books, and apps represent new products have only been accessible as of this decade. They have allowed extended accessibility and convenience that has helped to grow the industry exponentially in the last 10 years alone. Anyone with access to internet or a smart phone now has the ability to benefit from Time Management help virtually or online. This being said, there is much advancement to be made in the use of these technologies. Technology can allow self-help advice to be more accessible, more efficient, and more effective. It also has allowed self-help advice to go mobile affecting a larger audience.

Competitor AnalysisKey Competitors

Remember the Milk Daily Agenda Timeful

Competitor OverviewRemember the Milk (RtM) is an app that is designed to manage a user’s calendar. This

app partners with Google Calendar, Gmail, Twitter, Evernote, and outlook express. RtM is available for all Apple, Android, and BlackBerry products. This app works as an alternative calendar including reminders. The main feature of this app is to combine multiple calendars in order to keep track of all scheduled events. Tasks are scheduled individually and additional details such as due date, repeat, and time estimate can be added. Tasks are visible in a list view by day.

Daily Agenda is an app that is designed to manage a day’s agenda. Instead of focusing on a calendar this app focusses on only one day. The main features of this app are to show the elapsed time of each schedule event, the time until the next event, a list of the daily events, and

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notifications. The app also has the ability to show the events of the next two days, but its main focus is today’s events.

Timeful is advertised as an intelligent time management app. This app is currently the most similar app to JAC and thus its greatest competitor. The app has access to user’s calendar as well as notifications. It can schedule “to-dos” and “habits.” Timeful will use predictive algorithms to schedule “to-dos” and “habits.” The app claims that the more a user uses this app the more accurate it will become. This app also allows users to enter events that repeated. Calendar, daily, and list views are available in this app.

These competitors represent apps with the most similar features to JAC. Below is a chart that shows the main features of all three competitors as well as JAC side by side for comparison.

RTM Daily Agenda Timeful JACSync Calendars X X X XUnique Event Types


Repeat events X X XDaily View X X X XWeekly View XMonthly View X X X XIntelligent Scheduling


Schedule Sleep/Meals


Personalized Reminders


Schedule Multiple Work Shifts


Analyze Use of Time


Detailed notes X X XStudy Sessions XCustom Events X XHomework Assignments


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Market/Customer AnalysisMarket Characteristics and Trends

The market for Time Management is growing due to increases in technology. New trends for this market include the use of technology such as online calendars and smart phone apps. Users in this market tend to be managing many tasks and events daily. Users of Time Management products/services can often suffer from high stress and sleep deprivation. Users also may be looking for solutions to inefficient working or poor work results.

Market SegmentationAll persons must manage their time. This means that all persons are included in the

market segmentation. The market can be divided into two categories, those who want help to manage their time, and those who do not want help to manage their time. For the purpose of this report those who want help to manage their time will be the selected market segmentation analyzed. Of those who want help managing their time the market can be segmented into gender and age. Females and males will schedule their time differently depending on their personal life stages. Age is also a factor in market segmentation because of required events i.e. work, school, children’s schedules. The target market for JAC would include college students from all majors and college sizes; age 18-24 both male and female. JAC can be used by other segments of this market however the initial design will be directed towards this target market.

Target-market NeedsThe needs of the time management target market for JAC revolve around a weekly

scheduling of academic, professional, and personal events. The target market will have required classes that they need to schedule class times, study times, exam times, and homework times for. Many students also have jobs that they will need to include in their weekly schedule. Personal needs may include spiritual events, relational events, sporting activities, hobbies, and other free time activities. Additional needs include sleep and eating. Students need to remember each event in their schedule including time it takes to travel to each event. It is an overall need of students to balance the time applied to each of the needs listed above.

Benefits of Products or Services JAC will be able to provide the target customer with a personalized assistant. JAC can

schedule all events in a user’s life as well as analyze time spent. If used properly users will never forget any event, work shift, or homework assignment. Users will develop appropriate study patterns, and learn to balance their personal, professional, and academic lives. Users will be able to reduce stress from remembering detailed schedules as well as reduce sleep deprivation caused by poor planning. Users will be able to focus on the output of their work and enjoyment of their lives rather than the remembering and scheduling of the next event.

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Key Characteristics of Target Market The target market for Time Management is equal to the size of college students

nationwide By 2016 it is expected that 94% of college students will have smart phones Target Market is easily accessible through technology 3 out of 4 customers hold jobs 84% of customers have a credit card Many online and offline competitors

Characteristics of target customers include the above characteristics as well as the description of the target customer listed in the following section of this report.

Target CustomersThe target market for JAC would include college students and graduate students; age 18-

24 both male and female. JAC can be used by other segments of this market however the initial design will be directed towards this target market. This market consists of 12 million females and 9 million males as of the fall of 2014. 97% of students own a personal computer and 94% own a mobile phone. It is estimated that 42% of college students feel “down, depressed or hopeless.” Females report 10 hours of daily smartphone usage while males report 8 hours of daily smartphone usage. On average college students study 14.7 hours per week. Students receive on average 6-6.9 hours of sleep daily. The average student spends $211 dollars a month on discretionary spending.

Students that would benefit from this app would be students who might lead busy lives including rigorous academics, have a thriving social life, and possibly work multiple jobs. They are looking for a way to manage this time in order to reduce forgetfulness and increase productivity. Students would be tech savvy as well as own a smart phone.

Decision Makers and InfluencersSince the target market is made up of college students each student is primarily their own

decision maker this is in contrast to high school when parents played a large role in scheduling the student’s lives. Since college students now have the freedom to schedule their lives they can often become overwhelmed with events leading to forgetfulness and under preparation. Professors and Bosses are influencers on a student by planning academic and professional events that are required for students. Peers and relationships can also be major influencers on a student. Parents are strong influencers on the student’s perception of how they spend their time. Students friends and significant others will also affect how a student spend the 24 hours they have each day. This influence can lead to conflict in scheduling and increased stress of busy lives. Other influences on a student’s decision making can include but are not limited to: hobbies, sports, sleep, eating, games, grades, financial aid, religion, health, and pleasure. All of these will influence how a student decides to schedule their time and what they will use to help them schedule this time.

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Channels of Sales and Distribution FeasibilityChannel Types

The industry for Time Management has two types of channels, offline and online. Offline channels include live seminars, audio tapes, DVDs, and books. Online channels include e-books, web seminars, and online help programs. Smart phone apps can fall into either category depending on its connection with the internet.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Channel TypesAdvantages Disadvantages

Live Seminars Large group of specific audience

Can be coupled with large events

Offers more personal interaction

High costs High planning time Limited audience Limited time frame Not exactly replicable Time consuming

Web Seminars Unlimited audience size

Easily accessible Low costs

Not as personal Not exactly replicable Require internet

capabilities Time consuming

Books Mass production Replicable Re-usable Tangible

High costs Difficult distribution Not adjustable Impersonal Time consuming

E-Books Mass production Low costs Replicable Re-usable Easily accessible

Not adjustable Not tangible Impersonal Requires Internet Time consuming

Audio Tapes Mass production Replicable Re-usable Tangible

High Costs Difficult distribution Not adjustable Not visual Impersonal Time consuming

Online Programs Mass production Low costs Replicable Adjustable Easily accessible

Impersonal Requires Internet

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Time adaptiveDVDs Mass production

Replicable Visual

High Costs Difficult distribution Not adjustable Time consuming

Smart Phone Apps Mass production Easily accessible Personal Low Cost Adjustable Different for each user Time adaptive

Requires Smart Phone

Targeted ChannelThe targeted channel for JAC’s distribution would be smart phone apps. After evaluating

the advantages and disadvantages of each channel I strongly believe this is the best channel to enter into the target market segmentation of college students. With the amount of college students that own a smart phone at an all-time high the access through this channel is growing exponentially. Due to the advantages greatly outweighing the disadvantages this channel is by far the superior choice for entering the Time Management industry. It is also the least time consuming which is the end goal of this product in the first place. Students need to be provided with a solution to time management that is efficient, low cost, easily accessible, and easy to use. The channel of smart phone apps provides all of these needs.

Channel NeedsWithin the smart phone app channel are three segments. These segments are where apps

are launched from and include: Google Play, App Store, and Windows Store. The first need when entering this channel is to decide which segment to launch from. JAC will be launched first in the App Store as this statistically is the highest proceeds for a startup app. If successful, JAC will be launched in the other two segments as well. The next need of this channel is coding. JAC will first be coded in Objective C for launching in the App Store. Later it may be converted to Java for use on Android or Windows smart phones. This channel also requires a decision about whether to launch JAC as a paid or free app, or both. JAC will be ideally launched as a free and pro app with greater features in the pro if paid for. This decision will be discussed further in the financial section of this report. Another need of this channel is app design. JAC will be designed to be simple and yet detailed. JAC will be professional while also being personal. JAC will be efficient and easy to use. Overall, JAC will be an app that users not only rely on but enjoy using throughout their week.

Channel Partner ConsiderationsSince JAC is a calendar app and its goal is to benefit the user and make the user’s life

easier partnering with other apps and companies for advertisements would be ill-advised. This

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would complicate the app and reduce space for app design. A better option would be to partner with colleges to connect to the target audience. If sponsored by colleges as a resource for students this would allow an excellent way to introduce the app into the target market where target consumers could easily find and use the app. JAC could be displayed on colleges’ websites as well as be mentioned as a resource for students use in freshmen orientations and similar events. Colleges would benefit from the increased efficiency and reduced stress in their students’ lives and JAC would benefit from increased advertisement.

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Operations/Production FeasibilityInternal Analysis

The start-up and running of the app will require detailed programing but in a small infrastructure. This will be analyzed further in the infrastructure requirement. After the launch of the app, programing and regular updates/monitoring will be needed. Financial accounting will also be needed in order to keep track of revenue and expenses. This will be discussed further in the finance section of this report. Marketing will be used through other app advertisements, online reviews, and increasing overall SEO ranking. Other processes that will increase the overall quality of the product may include in app reviews, website links, and constant competitor comparison.

SWOT AnalysisAs one of the only intelligent time management apps available JAC has many strengths.

The main strengths of this app include the ability to suggest scheduling sessions. JAC is one of the only apps intelligent enough to send efficient notifications to ensure that no event is forgotten. JAC is also more personable than the average smart phone calendar. JAC is simple and easy to use, and yet detailed enough to schedule every event in a student’s life. JAC also has the strength of incorporating sleep/eating into a student’s schedule. JAC takes the best parts of many different time management apps and combines them into one easily usable app.

While if used properly JAC’s strengths far outweigh its weaknesses, there are still some areas where JAC struggles. For instance JAC is only as useful as a user allows JAC to be. If a user does not get into a habit of scheduling every event into the app as soon as they find out about it JAC cannot remind them of these events when they come up. JAC will also be limited to only one language and available for only one app store at launch. When launched JAC may easily be buried in the pile of new apps being launched daily. This could make marketing difficult and slow in the beginning. JAC will experience weaknesses relatable to all start-up products but over time these weaknesses should turn into strengths.

JAC has the opportunity to first grow exponentially in use locally. After this is achieved further expansion can include worldwide accessibility, launches on other app stores, coded into new languages, and updates internally. JAC is designed for college students. An opportunity for growth may include a new version of JAC designed for different age segmentations of the Time Management industry. JAC will have the initial start-up opportunities presented to every new product including, growth in marketing, advertising, e-commerce, and SEO ranking. JAC will also be launched only for smart phones. Expanding into the computer market will be another large opportunity for JAC’s growth.

Competitors are JAC’s greatest threat. With the amount of Time Management apps already on the market this may make it difficult for JAC to grow in the beginning. However due

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to the niche market group that JAC’s unique intelligent scheduling is designed for this threat should be easily overcome. JAC will also experience start-up threats including, financial pressure, small initial marketing and advertising plains, and coding failures.

Technical ConsiderationsJAC will be designed in Objective C for the App Store. This will require programmers

familiar with this software and app design process. JAC will also need the appropriate computer technology to programs its code and store its code safely. Future technical considerations will include reprogramming in multiple computer languages as well as converting the code for computer use in the long run. Beta testing of JAC’s design should be tested several months before the app release.

Human ResourcesJAC will require one to three programmers. These programmers will need to have the

skills to program in the required computer language efficiently and professionally. They will also need the ability to monitor the code and make practical updates to the code as it is used. Key characteristic of these programmers will include but are not limited to: hard working, devoted, persistent, creative, determined, ingenuitive, fast programmers, understanding of app creation and launch process, and an understanding of the updating process for already launched apps. Marketers will also be needed to monitor the advertisements JAC runs. They will also be responsible for online reviews, links, and SEO ranking. These people should have extensive e-commerce knowledge. An accountant will also be needed to record the finances and revenues that JAC incurs. Until the app begins to make profit hiring outsiders to fill these positions will not happen. This app has the potential to be created and operated by college students for free.

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Infrastructure RequirementsOptimum Size to Start

JAC will be launched only on one app store to start with. The start-up size will include JAC free and JAC PRO. These two apps will be the same basic content, however JAC PRO will offer new features including, weekly time analysis, study session pattern recommendation, and greater personalization. The required space to design and launch JAC may include a small team of 2 or 3 designers in a dorm room on 2 to 3 computers. If finances require this app could be designed by one designer on one computer.

Preferred Geographic LocationDue to the accessibility of the App store JAC will launched worldwide. However initially

JAC will only be in English and thus will be limited to The United States. Ideally JAC will be translated into many different languages and usable wherever the App store is accessible.

Special Facility NeedsThe only facility need JAC has is a computer and external hard drive to design and save

the source code from.

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FinanceKey Assumptions

Programmers, marketers, accountants will need to be paid Opportunity cost will include pay for other jobs given up while working on JAC Computers are the only materials needed for start-up Profits will be made in JAC PRO Partners could also be used for profits (explained later) Programmers expertise will be required Cost to launch in App store is $99/year

Scope and Scale of Project in Financial TermsWith a loan from a supporter/partner a professional designer(s) can be hired to create

JAC for $5000-$8000. However, if JAC were to be created by volunteer computer design majors on a local campus is could be created for free. Once created it would cost $99/year to launch on the App store. Cost will also include opportunity costs which would be equivalent to the amount of time it would take the designers to create the app. After talking to some app programmers at Taylor University we have estimated it would take between 100-200 hours to program this app. This would be equivalent to $800-$1600 of pay that could have been gained working for a job paying $8/hour. If JAC partners with colleges the partners can bear some of financials. If JAC is successful enough it can require a yearly usage fee from the colleges and in return customize the app for that college.

RisksThe most obvious financial risk is the amount of money that is put into the development

of the app and if when the app is launched it fails to gain users in the target market. Other possible risks may include unexpected programming roadblocks that require additional financial resources to overcome. The risks can be minimized through the use of volunteer designers. If this route is taken the risk would include the opportunity cost and the $99/year cost to launch the app if the app fails.

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As far as providing the most reliable, efficient, convenient form of scheduling and time management, I strongly believe there is no better alternative to JAC. JAC is a comprehensive, intelligent scheduling app that takes into consideration every part of a student’s life when building their calendar and reminder notifications.

Go/No GoAfter considering the cost and difficulty of launching JAC as well as the impact JAC can

have on the target market and the target customers that make up that market, this feasibility report supports a “Go” decision to create and launch JAC. The strengths outweigh the initial weaknesses and the opportunities far outweigh the threats. The target audience is welcoming to this type of technology and now more than ever, the app channel is easier to use. There is a large population in the target market with a significant amount of spending ability. Start-up size has the ability to start small and grow as the customers begin to buy into the idea of JAC. JAC has few to no competitors and is revolutionary in its market. There is no other product that can take into the consideration every part of the target market’s life the way JAC can.

Identify Next StepsAfter the “Go” decision has been approved it is time to decide whether to hire

programmers through the use of a loan or hire volunteer programmers to design the code for JAC. After JAC has been designed it will go through a short period of Beta testing before it is released on the App Store. Upon release marketers will begin the advertising process through electronic and online ads. An accountant should be hired to keep track of the finances spent to develop JAC as well as JAC’s revenue. The next steps will include analyzing customer reviews and updating JAC to meet further customer needs.

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Appendix A:Referenceshttp://unilearning.uow.edu.au/report/3bii1.html

















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Appendix BGraphs and Charts

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