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February 11, 2018 — Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

February 11, 2018 Page 3

OUR LITURGY In the first reading, a an with a skin infection is deemed unclean and separated from the community. In Corinthians, Paul tells us to be imitators of Christ, and to do everything for the glory of God. In the Gospel, Jesus cures a leper, and then tells him not to speak of the healing to anyone.

Mass Intentions for the Week

Sunday, Feb. 11 (Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time)

7:00 For the People of the Parish

9:00 For an End to Abortion (The Respect Life Committee)

10:30 LCPL Jacob Lamm (Respect Life Ministry)

12:00 Joann Bestuina (Frank, Melissa & Cathy Windishman),

Maryann Theisen (Patty & Jerry Peters), Samuel Coleman

(The Marchany Family), Chester Irvin (John & Maureen

Munz), Eileen Herlan (The Sheldrick Family)

5:00 Camille M. Raab (Loving Family)

6:30 Spanish Mass

Monday, Feb. 12

7:00 Viater Lopes (Joette, Nancy & Susie Stursberg)

9:00 Geroge J. Raab Jr. (Loving Family)

Tuesday, Feb. 13

7:00 For the People of the Parish

8:45 John Donohue

Wednesday, Feb. 14 (Ash Wednesday)

7:00 For the People of the Parish

9:00 For the People of the Parish




Thursday, Feb. 15

7:00 For the People of the Parish

9:00 Dec’d. Mbrs. of the Bosack Family (Jane & Jim)

Friday, Feb. 16

7:00 For the People of the Parish

9:00 Maurice Maloney (A Friend, K Of C)

Saturday, Feb. 17

8:00 Sister Theresa Graf CIJ (Trudy Duffy)

5:00 Richard Fahey (Loving Family), Vilma Villatoro

(Rita Fernandez), For the People of the Parish

Sunday, Feb. 18 (First Sunday of Lent)

7:00 For the People of the Parish

9:00 Dec’d. Mbrs. of St. Regis K of C & Columbiettes,

Howard Reynolds (The Napolitano Family), Samuel

Coleman (Delovan Brown & Family), Elizabeth Yosh

(Mr. & Mrs. L. Riccardelli & Family), Millie D’Agostino

(Lucy & Joe), Larry Miceli (Ann & Patrick Farley)

10:30 Jacob Lamm (Mike & Monika Curry)

12:00 For the People of the Parish

5:00 John Joseph Cummings (Betsy & Brian Dinger)

6:30 Spanish Mass

Altar Bread & Wine

In Memory of

Johanna, Joseph & Josephine Soldner

Requested by

Ann Festa

Serving Your Sacramental Needs

The Sacrament of Baptism

The Sacrament is celebrated on Sundays at 1:30 PM and on the first Saturday of each month. Parents, please call the parish office to arrange a meeting with a priest.

The Sacrament of Eucharist

See front cover for mass times. If you are sick for an extended period of time or are homebound, contact the parish office to have someone bring Communion to you.

The Sacrament of Confirmation

School aged children can prepare for this Sacrament by contacting our Faith Formation Office. Adults who have yet to be Confirmed should contact the Parish Office

The Sacrament of Reconciliation

As listed on front cover or call the office to see a priest.

The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick

This Sacrament is for the living. We celebrate this Sacrament each Spring and Fall for those who are chronically ill, advanced in age, or who are about to undergo surgery or hospitalization. We can arrange the Sacrament at other times by calling the Parish Office.

Emergencies: Call the office to speak to a priest.

Nighttime emergencies (631) 538-7219

The Sacrament of Matrimony

Bride or Groom please call the office at least six months before your desired wedding date to begin preparations for marriage. Please make contact with the parish before making other wedding day plans!

The Sacrament of Holy Orders

If you feel called to serve in the church as a priest deacon or in consecrated religious life, call the office to speak to one of the priests or deacons for guidance.

Interested in possibly becoming Catholic?

Contact the rectory to arrange a meeting to discuss your questions. We have classes to help people learn about our faith and decide if becoming Catholic is best for you. This whole process of inquiry and potential conversion is called RCIA—The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.

We will respect your personal journey with God!



February 11, 2018

Respect Life

Page 4

Our Prayer and Action

In Building the City of God

Our Prayer for Financial Well Being is $23,700 in our Sunday Offerings

(which will be a $5,000 increase over our 2017 Weekly Average):

Sunday Feb 4, 2018 Collections: $22,207

Same Week from Last Year: $22,868

Our 2017 Weekly Average Was: $18,700


Our Prayer for Evangelization is an increase of 500 new people

at Sunday Mass (which will be 2,043 people at Sunday Mass):

Mass Attendance on Sunday Jan 28th: 1,668

Our 2017 Average Mass Attendance: 1,543


Our Prayer for our St Joseph School Enrollment

Is 245 Students (which is an increase of 50 Students):

2017/18 Enrollment is currently: 199

2018/19 Enrollment: in process


Our Prayer for Parish Vocations is 5 new vocations

from within St. Joseph Parish

None as yet, but this is always in process

Legislative Corner

An extremely sad event occurred on January 30th of this year, and it

passed by without the average person knowing anything about it. The

Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (sponsored by Lindsey Gra-

ham of South Carolina) was proposed legislation that would have pro-

hibited abortions after twenty weeks (late term abortions), except in

cases of the health of the mother, or cases of rape or incest. The legisla-

tion was formed on the concept that an unborn baby is capable of feel-

ing pain at twenty weeks, as indicated by our latest scientific evidence.

Unfortunately, the legislation died in the Senate. The legislation had

already passed the House of Representatives, and there was every indi-

cation that President Trump would have signed it. The legislation had

to pass the Senate in order to become law. Unfortunately, the present

procedural rules of the Senate requires 60 votes to overcome cloture,

meaning moving the proposed legislation out of the discussion and de-

bate phase, and sending it the Senate floor for a vote. That vote would

have required 51 in favor for the legislation to pass. Ninety-seven Sena-

tors participated in the cloture vote, with forty-six voting to continue

debate. This effectively killed the bill. Our own Senator Charles

Schumer, Senate Minority leader, was photographed giving North Da-

kota Senator Heidi Heitkamp a high five in celebration of the defeat of

the proposed legislation.

As we consider the Senators’ celebratory gesture, it is important to in-

clude some facts in our reflection. A twenty week old unborn baby is

the size of a cantaloupe. The child is fully recognizable as a baby. At

twenty weeks, the baby’s mother can feel the baby kicking. When an

unborn baby of twenty weeks is operated on in the womb, it is standard

medical practice to give the baby anesthesia. The baby has nails on

their fingers and toes, they have begun to grow hair, they have begun to

develop taste buds, and they can detect light. There have been cases of

premature babies surviving at this stage of development, such as Micah

Pickering, for who the law was nicknamed. He was born at twenty

weeks and is now a healthy five year old.

But most importantly, it is important to ask why! Why would anyone

not be in favor of such a common sense, basic law? After all, according

to Planned Parenthood only 1% of the total abortions performed in the

country are performed after the twenty week mark. Perhaps the pro-

abortion lobbyists, and their Senators, and the billion dollar abortion

industry, are afraid of the progress this bill represented. After 45 years

of fighting there has been continuous erosion of Roe vs. Wade. Abor-

tions are at a 30 low. At this point 76% of all Americans support limits

on abortion, like the Pain Capable Protection Act; even 60 % of Pro-

Abortion citizens believe in limited abortion, and stricter laws (Marist

Poll). In fact, depending on the poll, the Pro-Life position enjoys a

slight majority among Americans for the first time in decades. So may-

be it was fear that elicited Senator Schumer’s deplorable response.

Whatever it was that caused it, it was shameful!

President Trump and The March for Life

President Trump became the first sitting President to address the

March for Life in person. It was greatly appreciate

Our Legislators:

Senator Charles Schumer, 143 Pinelawn Road, #300, Melville, NY

11747 (631)753-0978

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, 155 Pinelawn Road, Suite 250 North, Mel-

ville, NY 11747 (631) 249-2825

Congressman Pete King, 1003 Park Boulevard, Massapequa Park, NY

11762 (516) 541-6602

Congressman Lee Zeldin, 31 Oak Street, Suite 20, Patchogue NY 11772

(631) 289-1097

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you…” Jeremiah 1:

Respect Life Committee

The next meeting of the Respect Life Committee will be held Saturday, March 3 at 9:30am in the basement of the rectory. New members are always welcome!

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Did you pick up our parish Christmas gift to you, Perfectly Yourself by Matthew

Kelly? Have you read it yet? Wouldn’t it be marvelous if we all were perfectly ourselves? Image how the Kingdom of God would grow. Interested in discussing how we can help each other be perfectly ourselves? How about meeting on Tuesday morning at 10 am or Thursday evening at 7 p m.

Please contact Michele Nappi: [email protected] or call 631 981-1805 to see if we can grow together.

St Joseph Parish Fitness With Jesus Sessions

Sessions are held on Saturday, 9:00am in the Lower Rectory

February 17, 24, March 3, 10, 17, and 24

You, like so many people may have already forgotten your New Year resolutions. But, our faith teaches us

that it’s never too late and we can always begin again.

One of the most popular resolutions is to develop a healthier lifestyle. Healthy living creates wellness in

spirit, mind and body which strengthens our very being and enhances our relationship with God and oth-

ers. Improved whole person health enables us to use our God-given talents to make a difference in our

world. So… join us as we cheer each other on and strengthen our relationship with God and one another.

7:00 AM Mass

9:00 AM Mass

12:10 PM Prayer Service

5:00 PM Prayer Service

7:30 PM Prayer Service

—REMEMBER THOSE WHO HAVE DIED— our deceased soldiers and all of our

deceased relatives and friends.

Margaret Neber, Donald J. Horsfield, Jolan Csaszar Frank Ambrosio, Theresa Morin

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen

Venturing Events In Carew Hall after 5:00 PM Mass

Venturing is open to men and women age 14 through 20 who have graduated from 8th Grade. This year's crew plan is jam packed with interesting and fun activities here at St.

Joseph's and "off-campus" as well.

Come to our meeting and check it out.

Visit our next meeting:

February 18, 2018 e-mail: [email protected]

phone: Advisor Mike Keller (631) 872-7675

What did you do this weekend?

Cub Scout Pack 272

Boy Scout Troop 272

St. Joseph’s Cub Scout Pack 272 and Boy Scout Troop 272 have fun, exciting, educational, character building pro-grams for boys, age 7 through 17 (first Grade and up).

For more information or to enroll your child, contact Dr. Louis Scotti at 656-8428

or e-mail [email protected].

Pack, Troop, and Crew 272 have

a YEAR-ROUND scouting program.

Page 10

CYO Sport Programs



Intramural (Coed, ages 4-16): Gene 588-1879

Travel * (Boys) Vinny 543-4100


Girls ([email protected]) Debbie 467-6174

Clinic Division (Coed Grades K-2) Nick 585-7723

Boys Grades 3-12) Vinny 543-4100

Travel* Vinny 543-4100


Boys & Girls, Grades K-8 Jerry 585-4048

Soccer :

Intramural Boys & Girls(ages 3-13) Joe 585-0748

[email protected]

Travel (LIJSL): Rob 721-8831

Softball: Dennis 467-6174

Andrew Benjamin Vorisek

Defensive Driving

The defensive driving course will be offered at St. Joseph Church on Saturday, February 24th in Carew Hall from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. Fee is $45. Please call the rectory at 588-8456 to

reserve your place. Make checks payable to St.

Joseph Church.

St. Joseph Parish Gift Shoppe For your convenience the Parish Gift Shoppe will

be open after all Masses

on the weekends of our

Share Mercy Sundays.

We are located in the Lobby outside Carew Hall. You are cordially invited to stop in and see the va-

riety of items, reasonably priced, for all occasions.

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