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Page 1: February 2, 2020, Presentation of the Lord (World Day for …holyrosarynl.ca › wp-content › uploads › presentationofthelord.pdf · 2020-02-02 · Reflection – Presentation

Ruah Counselling Centre Winter 2020 Group Offerings. Courses usually run for 8 weeks beginning in January. Courses include: Rebuilding After the End of a Relationship; Stress Management; Self-empowerment for Women; When You see Red for Women; When you See Red for Men. Also provides individual, couple, and family counselling. Contact Samantha Lake at 579-0168 or go to www.rcsj.org for more information. DIPLOMA IN THEOLOGY & MINISTRY..OFFERED BY THE ARCHDIOCESE OF ST. JOHN’S AT QUEEN’S COLLEGE - A two-year Diploma in Theology and Ministry through Queen’s college. Once weekend each month for two years, you will gather with a group of believers who are curious and committed to explore many areas of theology with faithful facilitators. For more info contact Anne Walsh @ 579-0065 ext.227 or [email protected] A NOTICE FROM THE ST. JOHN’S HOSPITAL CHAPLAINS…Upon admission to one of the St. John’s Hospitals please inform the admitting staff of your Denomination so you receive a visit from the Roman Catholic Chaplain during your stay. WORLD DAY FOR CONSECRTED LIFE 2020..Initiated in 1997, by Saint John Paul II, the World Day for Consecrated Life is celebrated annually on February 2nd, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. St. John Paul gave as the purpose of this World Day: “to help the entire Church to esteem ever more greatly the witness of those persons who have chosen to follow Christ by means of the practise of the evangelical counsels” as well as, “to be a suitable occasion for consecrated persons to renew their commitment and rekindle the fervour which should inspire their offering of themselves to the Lord.” We are grateful to these consecrated men and women of our Archdiocese who live out their baptismal vocation by professing the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience in a religious congregation, a secular institute or through private vows. The World Day for Consecrated Life is a wonderful opportunity for us to show our gratitude to them by praying for God’s continued blessing upon them and by praying that many others will hear and respond to the call to Consecrated Life. From Fr. Joe Mroz [email protected] MUN.. Weekday (Monday – Friday) Mass time Change – now at 12 noon (instead of 12:15) UC 4018. Everyone welcome.

Holy Rosary Parish (Portugal Cove St. Philips/Airport Heights) 3 RC Church Drive Portugal Cove St. Philips NL, A1M 0G5 Telephone: 709 895-6722 Website: http://www.holyrosarynl.ca Facebook: https//www.facebook.com/holyrosarynl Email: [email protected] Administrator: Father Kenneth Walsh & Parish Priest at Holy Family Parish, Paradise Office hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 am -2:00 pm Chairperson of Parish Council: Richard Thorne Chairperson of Finance Committee: vacant Sacristan: Mrs. Shirley Neary Secretary: Suzanne Thorne Reflection – Presentation of the Lord - The Gospel for the feast of the Presentation is a fitting way to mark the World Day for Consecrated Life. In today’s Gospel, two prophets, Simeon and Anna, proclaim Jesus as the longed-for Saviour. Simeon, in particular, is filled with the Spirit, the Spirit through whom Jesus is “a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.” The prophetess Anna spent her life in the Temple, praying and fasting. While Jesus is here presented as a sign of contradiction, so too is Anna. How her life contradicts a world indifferent to God! Those in religious orders and other forms of consecrated life give a unique prophetic witness. Their vows (or promises) of poverty, chastity and obedience offer a stark contrast to a world where wealth, sexual “freedom” and personal autonomy are often the highest values. Religious men and women challenge us to give ourselves totally to Jesus. Although few an spend all our days in the temple, we can live in union with the Holy Spirit in secular life. We can make time each day to sit silently in God’s presence, longing for the fullness of that presence. Hunger for the Spirit is transformative of both our personal lives and our society. Lay people too can consecrate ourselves to God.

Glen Argan, Edmonton, AB Sacrament of Penance: Sunday morning 9:00 am – 9:15 am Sacrament of Baptism: Parents and god-parents must complete a pre-baptism course, prior to baptism. Call the office during office hours to register for Baptism. Sacrament of Marriage: At least six month notice is required. Couples preparing for marriage are asked to speak with the priest before any plans are made.

February 2, 2020, Presentation of the Lord

(World Day for Consecrated Life)

Page 2: February 2, 2020, Presentation of the Lord (World Day for …holyrosarynl.ca › wp-content › uploads › presentationofthelord.pdf · 2020-02-02 · Reflection – Presentation

Mass Schedule & Intentions February 4 - February 9, 2020 Tuesday 7 pm Holy Family, Paradise Wednesday 6:30pm Holy Rosary Juanita Dinn; Regina Grace Laurie; Marion Connors Thursday, 10 am Holy Family, Paradise Friday, 10 am Holy Family, Paradise Saturday @ 4:30 pm & Sunday @ 11 am - Holy Family, Paradise Sunday @ 9:30 am - Holy Rosary - Intentions of Parishioners

Sanctuary Light: Deceased or the Butler & Sullivan Families Holy Rosary Parish Council and Finance Committee meeting on Wednesday, February 5 @ 7 pm (following Mass). All members are encourage to attend. Parish Income January 26, 2020 Offertory Envelopes: $1027.00 Loose $134.40 Monthly Envelopes: $35.00 Returned Envelopes: $155.00 Missals: $5.00 Votive Candles: $26.30 Donation: $100.00 Total: $1482.70 Acknowledged with many thanks!

Ministry Schedule February 9, 2020 Reader Gina MacArthur Darlene Rowsell Eucharistic Minister Gen Tucker Altar Server Chris Donovan Gift Bearer Elliott Keating Family Hospitality Anita Lundrigan Cross & Candle

Ministry Schedules: If you are unavailable on a date assigned to you, please find a replacement or call the parish during office hours. Please come to Mass at least 10 minutes earlier on your assigned date. MINISTRY SCHEDULE: New ministry schedules (up to the end of June) now available on the table as you come into church. Please pick up yours at your convenience. Thank you. Traditional Latin Mass.. celebrated at St. Pius X Chapel, Smithville Crescent, Sundays at 5:00 pm.

Holy Rosary Parish – holding a Card Game on Tuesday, February 4, 8:00 pm at St. Lawrence Parish Hall, Portugal Cove. Admission is $5.00. Usual excellent prizes and a door prize. Please bring your own cards and baskets; tea/coffee will be provided. Please come along and bring some friends. A special thank you to the Rev. Amanda and the parishioners of St. Lawrence for allowing us to use their parish hall. NORTHEAST AVALON COMMUNITY FOOD SHARING Holy Rosary, Portugal Cove St. Philips is part of the Northeast Avalon Community Food Sharing operating out of Holy Trinity Parish Hall, Torbay. For this reason we will be collecting non-perishable food items all year and not just at Christmas. Our parishioners, who received a hamper at Christmas can now avail of this food sharing all year. Others who may need assistance during trying times may also contact the association. Anyone who would like to drop off food items may put them in the box at the entrance of the church and the box will be emptied regularly. If you need more information or assistance please call the parish office at 895-6722. Thank you for your continued support. Got questions? Submit them via the collection basket or via email to [email protected]. Each week we answer a question concerning the Catholic Faith. This week’s question: What are all those little candles net to the sanctuary? These are candles we light to remember our loved ones, or for special intention for the sick or those who are undergoing surgery. CENTRE FOR LIFE. Registration for computers for seniors has resumed for the winter season. Call 579-1500 to register. Counselling and support services are available for post-abortive women in an unexpected pregnancy. Professional confidential counselling services are available by contacting 579-3838 or email [email protected] The Presentation of the Lord – February 2, 2020 – Wrold Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life - ”Consider your own calling….”and do not be discouraged by others when considering the consecrated life or priesthood. consecrated life? Call Father Jeff Kolonel 745-8183, Father Ray Earle, 754-1195 or Father Philip Melvin 754-1195 or email: [email protected]

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