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Page 1: February 201 w.ww.westwoodcivic.org Volume 43, Issue 2westwoodcivic.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1302.pdf · On February 18, 2010, Greenacres Foundation applied for a demolition

From The President’s Desk: Joe’ Kimmet, President

Greetings Westwood Residents’

i’ er tne past 50 uas, tn m I’ropwes 9n0 PJngs jinrnt’ee f Wei od (‘i As’.oiatiop \\1hCfl bi’,y: \\ u recerul J u.o’ed and

• p—O’ Wo1 t Buiidin, i t’ oudist the ab,o!uie ‘.cr—t 20 !;Li:.mnLs in \ - “ -nu thatiilpIe prub-ms. isus ar;; wm ru -

- ui he v!eved at - v R it i up—atd monthly.

qualify for t&s List huk,;s issues, inc’ude a ( onko O’--.r S t1ie (

- ,, r -r1 f I

- i,

2280 Harrison Avenue is number one (#1) on our list, because it has all of the above listed items seriously wrongwith it. The building has been an eyesore in our neighborhood for years. The owners are from out of town, and have“walked-away” from this property. The property tax delinquency is now over $40,000•0O. The building has virtuallybeen gutted by vandals, with graffiti and significant structural and mechanical damages exist. It is a hazard in manyways. If you have a chance, please drive by, and you willsee why it is a detriment to our neighborhood. WCA willask for demolition at the hearing on February 8th, and willpresent evidence and testimony at the hearing for why itshould be demolished.

On January 25th, WCA attended a similar Demolition Hear’mg, and testified for demolition of 2210 Harrison Avenue,•232l Dautel Avenue, 3138 Saffer Street, and 3162 Saffer

•..:........Ssteet These fcur buildings are also on the “Top’-207 WorstList, They all have the same or similar issues as 2280 Har’

On February 8”, WCA is attending the 2nd DemolitionHearing, where we will testify favoring demolition frr2280 Harrison Avenue, 3157 Bracken Woods and 3118Bracken Woods. As listed above, these buildings are alsovery seriously b.lighted, vandalized, gutted, and are a detri’inent to Westwood.

We would like to see all of you at a future WCA Meeting,where we will be discussing many of these bad buildings inWestwood, and making plans for their condemnation anddemolition. Our upcoming Meetings are February 12th and19”, andMarch 12”’ s.d 19”’, at 7:00 pm at the WestwoodTown Hall.. We need to repiace. these bad buildings. ..witheen spaces, manicured lots, Community Gardens, parks,ard quiet, nice spaces! 1 am hearing rumors abut a“Harrison Avenue Garden District”!!! Imagine that!

Your Board of Directors will be continuing towork hard toimprove the quality of life in Westwood!Have a Great Month, and “Look to the West, Fot TheBest”, where it’s a Great Day in Westwood!

February 201 w.ww.westwoodcivic.org Volume 43, Issue 2

Page 2: February 201 w.ww.westwoodcivic.org Volume 43, Issue 2westwoodcivic.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1302.pdf · On February 18, 2010, Greenacres Foundation applied for a demolition


UPDATE ofhe 2 mor road developmen±s in ‘frNC5WOOd:

Jeff Stein, Andrea Henderson and Martha Kelly from Department of Traffic and Engineering with the City

are attending our Feb 19th meeting to give us an update on Montana Ave as well as the seemingly endless

Harrison Ave roadwork. Also attending will be Cameron Ross (Senior City Planner) and Alex Peppers (City

Planner) to help us get a better understanding of the various potential zoning options. one example Form

Based Codes, that are being discussed for our Business District.

Sometimes these sort of zoning discussions can be a bit dry as

we all know howeve its VERY imporiaIL to gather as many

people as possible to get YO R iUac. YOUR concerns.

YOUR suggest:ons to help rnke our Buciness District an its

surrounding ana the bect it can be! ‘lie decsion of the past

have allowed some truh woiderfu] cns to grow and flourish

in our beloved West 3cd but we all also know that rnan’v

things (bad zonirg decisions) in the past have

also allowed ihingc to happen in Westwood that

we aic battlin r,ov. P1eae grab a neighbor or

friend and consider joining uz fOr what will

probaSly be a lively meeting! If you have any

questions plior to meung please contact Joel

Kimmet c’ cstvoodcivic.org.




RICK ind I IOII FINN(13) %-fl1 Office()I ]) 342iJ2 kr<wv. rickdholl’. r.V,Jm


WEST Sif Eli

Page 3: February 201 w.ww.westwoodcivic.org Volume 43, Issue 2westwoodcivic.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1302.pdf · On February 18, 2010, Greenacres Foundation applied for a demolition

The Gamble House Demolition PermitLiz Kissel

On February 18, 2010, Greenacres Foundation appliedfor a demolition permit to tear down the James N. Gamble home. Two years and eleven months later, on J anuarv 18,2013, the permit was issued after a series ofhearings, lawsuits, and appeals. At this writing, thehouse is still standing but the clock is ticking.

In May 2010, the Westwood Historical Society, West-wood Civic Association, and several neighbors of theproperty became intervenors in the first lawsuit by Greenacresagainst the city. Thatcase was remanded tothe Ohio First DistrictCourt of Appeals whereit has remained onJudge Susan Dlott’s docket Al - isfiled by Greenacres Foundation were combined into asingle case that ultimately wound its way to the OhioFirst District Court of Appeals. In October 2012, thatcourt ruled that the city must issue a demolition permitto Greena. •res since the application for the perthil. d•curred before the historic landmark desiiation was IiraLizea Tt aeci o’ eet cC e er cu’ arcvenors with no legal recourse.

Fo this reason, the city remus ed itself from the federallawsuit and issued the demolition permit. Legal ceuiseladvised the interveno that because there is no furtherlegal recourse, it would be prudent to submit an entry ofdismissal of the federal case. Not doing so leaves theinter. enors open tO.p.otentiai litigation against.•therm TheWestwood Civic Association Steering Committee willmeet and consider its response.


Members of the Westwood Community are invited tosupport Mother of Mere High SchooPs annual auctionevent, MERCYWEST - a Night of Denim, DiamouSsand Donations1This event is Mercys largest flindraismgevent arid supports die academic, religious and d*trácifrricular programs of the school,

isat y,tij,eroerc ogfMercest for event andticket details, And donft iorget to take your chance atwinning some cash in the Super Split-the-Pot! Chancesare being sold online and winners need not be present!.Thanks for your support.

Have some “This Old House” projects?Want to help preserve Westwood housing stock”?Check into these upcoming Cincinnati PreservationAssociation programs:

Old House Maintenance 2: Foundations and BasementsFebruary 16, 9 am, John Hauck House, 812 Dayton Street,West EndPresented by Arthur I. Sturbaum, P,E., and Ken Hughes

This program will cover how to keep foundations dry, stableand sound, as well as how best to create usable space in yourbasement.

Saturday workshop featureshow-to and product knowledgeclasses, including old-housemasonry. roofina. windows andtnanc1ng. Must-see neynotelunch speaker will be ]vlatt Grocoff of(31’eenovation TV,owner of the first net-zero-energy home in a historic district. Friday classes will be accredited classes fr profession-als.

Admission is FREE but reservations required. Contact CPAfor more information and to register or checkwww.n.kvrestoration.com.

March 30, 10:00 am, John Hauck House, 812 Dayton Street,West EndPresented by Edward Cunningham, CB.O.

Learn how to navigate City per-n..its, inspections, licensesan-d fees to renovate a vacant, decaying house.$500 CPA members, $10.00 guests.Reservations required: 513-721-4506,oG)cincinnatireservation,ora.


$5 CPA members & students, $10 guests. Reservations required: 513-721-4506,pf flpry_eiydop’g Mark attending on Ia

February 22-23, 9 am to 4 pm. Downtown Covington

PG. 3

Page 4: February 201 w.ww.westwoodcivic.org Volume 43, Issue 2westwoodcivic.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1302.pdf · On February 18, 2010, Greenacres Foundation applied for a demolition

Westwood Historical Society February Meeting

The History of the University of Cincinnati — the Cliffs Notes Version

February 13, 7:00 pm Westwood Library (3345 Epworth Avenue) note location

‘4 ith the University of C”c,nrau s b ce’i ew a app acning n 2019 there are a irest 200 ‘,ears efhjstor or

natis largest institution of higher edi cation. The Wednesday, February i 3 meeting of the Wdstwcod Historical Society

will feature Greg Hand who will provide a whirlwind review of UC’s storied past featuring heroes and scaia

wags, iumphs and pratfalls including some important TiC links to Westwood

Hand, who has westside ties, is associate vice president for public relations at UC. He has been associated with the caP

es’t’ smce °‘8 anu c a gradate ot t e P Mc vi csen Colwge or & Sie9ce Hafom mc emnlo e” by tt’

University of Cincinnati, Hand was a reporter and editor for several newspapers, including the Western Hills Press. He is

co-author, with Kevin Grace, of The Universily of Cincinnati, a pictorial history of the university, and Bearcats! The Story ofBasketball at the Universityof C’incfnnati, All are welcome.

Mark Your Calendars,The Westwood Home Tour is scheduled for Sunday, April 28, if you wouldlike to volunteer, or be. a sponsor, or feature your houe, contact Liz (6621156, yopricaloro, Adam (Adatnaiie etcorn), or Dave(dzelmgi)frch corn)

Citizens on PatrolTime to make those

even though e are into Fet ruar. it’s still “o mo iate ‘omake some New Year’s resohtioiv: According to Jc!1rNorcross of the University Oi Scranton. between 40—4%

of Americans make New cars Resolutn Hi earchshows that after six rnonth. 1(% of those : mdiUtjOflS na kept them. ‘ h: t,c c :dtls. .s

.:rt 1i:pre. c ‘.nerc •vhj make. rr.iIne ore liki’ attaw .:.r guals thai tiuse vh Unmake resolutions.

In 2012. the top twe iesalutiens that tmeriais tnai wereto Io weight, to er urg uto prid less and ..a’ ‘ rr oc to a’ ii ;ind 1;:. Ito eriio’. life Lo the hAlest

While these are all great personal goals, bere re ociesolutions to bLIp the aethhorhood ii


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Lspons1hi1It Liii-: r’’- ire a

able at neighborhood home goods and hardware stores.With a bucket or bag about 20 minutes each weekend, youcan become a steward of your block!

Start a neighborhood watch program on your street.Neighborhood Watch is a great way to work together withyour neighbors at making your street safer. If you call District 3 (263-8300) and ask to leave a message for PoliceOfficer Richard Minella, he can help you with the specifics

Report burned-out streetlights to Duke Energy. You canreport burned out or malfunctioning streetlights to DukeEnergy at 1-800-544-6900 or filling out an online form at <

www.duke-energy.com!ohio/serviceistreetliglit-outage.asp>in terms of public safety, streetlights do make a difference!

Become an ambassador for Westwood. Promote West-wood to those you meet from other Cincinnati neighborhoods. We have so much to be proud of here in Westwood:the rebirth of Western Hills Plaza. the new Fire Station onHarrison Ave., Westwood Community Gardens, the West-wood Home Tour, and the renovation of Westwood School.

Making a resolution to get involved with Westwood Citizens on Patrol? Email our unit and leave your name andaddress, and we’ll mail on a brochure or application:‘escodCOP Pa& vOP’ c-ca1 Crrcrira iPoi cc O1ce-Princess Davis at (513) 3523533.

Bruce McClung,Administrative Coordinator



Page 5: February 201 w.ww.westwoodcivic.org Volume 43, Issue 2westwoodcivic.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1302.pdf · On February 18, 2010, Greenacres Foundation applied for a demolition

Westwood Branch Library by Kathy Bach

Happy February! Although this is a short month, there’s A LOT going on! Groundhog Day, President’s Day, Black

History Month. Valentine’s Day, Mardi Gras, and did you know this Chinese New Year is the year of the Snake?

DisplaysCheck out our incredible display of Traditional African masks in our display case. An anonymous patron

has loaf ed us tiis stunning collection of masks from South and West 4frica Ritual and ceremonial masks

are an essential feature of the traditional culture and art of the peoples of Subsaharan and West Africa.

f Masks are one of the elements of African art that have most evidently influenced European and Western

art in generaL in the 20th century, artistic movements such as cubism, fauvism and expressionism have

often taken inspiration from the vast and diverse heritage of African masks. Influences of this heritage can

also be found in other traditions such as South- and Central American masked Carnival parades.

Passion, Power, and Politics’In honor of President’s Day Westwood branch celebrates the women behind the man Check out our display of Presiden

tial Wives biographies and historical fiction.

Join us at the Westwood Branch Library for these exciting programs! For information on any of our programs,

please contact us at 369-4474.

Game On! — Saturday, February 2 and March 2 at 2:00 p.m\—TeensPlay games with friends at the library! (Sponsored by the KerstenFund)

Yu-Gi-Oh!—Wednesday, February 6 at 3:00 p.m—TeensAttention all players of card games! Want to hang out withfriends after school and play Yin Gnoh, Magic the Gathering,Bakugan, or any other card game? Come play at the WestwoodLibrary the first Wednesday of every month’.

Read to Reel Movie—Wednesday. February 13 at 3:00 p.m.Join your friends, have some popcorn, and enjoy our feature presentation! Call branch for title.

Anime Club — Thursday, February 14 at 4:00 p.m. — Teens Registration RequiredCome watch Aninie with fellow otaku, draw and have some fun!

—Ages 8-14Westwood Library is partnering up with Heartprints to build,inspire, empower, and engage tweens ages 8-14 to explore aworld of learning fun. For our first session: Get to know yourfriends in a game of ‘building blind” with Legos!

oiate_Taste-Off—Friday, February 15 a: 4:00 pm.—TeensCome sample a variety of chocolates and vote for your favorite!

GED Practice Test—Friday, February 22 at 10:00 a.m.—Adults

Wii and More for Tweens—-Monday, February 18 at 2:00

p.m.No school today? Join your friends and come play games withus! —8-12.

Teen Spirit—Wednesday, February 27 at 4:00 p.m. —TeensJoin our teen librarian for Westwood’s Teen Advisory Board.Plan teen programs, make displays, and help out with your opinions!

Westwood Book Club—Thursday. February 28 at 7:00 p.m.—AdultsAnnie Freeman’s Fabulous Traveling Funeral by Radish. MeetsFourth Thursday of each month. Newcomers welcome!

Proerams made possible by the Friends ofthe Public Library and the KorstenFund. For more programs at other library locations, check out our program

calendar: http://www.cincinnaeiiibrary.org/programs1cahnidar.htrnI

Westwood Branch Library Hours of Operation:MonJTues./Thurs.: 12-8Wed./Fri,/Sat.: 10-6

And the Winner Goes To...Check out our Oscar display and be sure to flll out a ballot with your guesses for Best Picture, Best Actor!Actress, etc. for a chance to win a movie lover’s prize!

After-school Awesome!—Monday, February 11, 25 at 2:30 p.m. Movers & Shakers Every Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. Ages

You and your child shake it together for music, movement, andFin,

gjthL!—Thursday, February 21 at 3:00 p.m. —Ages 6- 3345 Epworth Avenue

12 513-369-4474

Build your imagination with Lego bricks!Branch Holiday_Hours:

The library is OPEN Presidents’ Day, Monday, February 18


Page 6: February 201 w.ww.westwoodcivic.org Volume 43, Issue 2westwoodcivic.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1302.pdf · On February 18, 2010, Greenacres Foundation applied for a demolition

UpcomingWestwood Civic Association

Meetings & Events

2/1212013 Steering Meeting 2119/2013 General Meeting3/1212013 Steering ieeting 3/19/2013 General Mee.tingSteering Committee Meetings are the second Tuesday of eachmonth at 7:00 PM, Westwood Town Hall.

Regular meetings are the third Tuesday of each month at2i!LPM, Westwood Town HalL

All meetings are open to the public and everyone iswelcome.

In 2013, why not try a resolution that Will better the environmentand the economy? Recycling conserves energy. saves natural resources. reduces pollution and creates jobs.

If you do not already recycle, you can start today. The first step isto get a bin or frnd a recycling drop-off location. For more information on your community’s recycling prop am, call the RecyclingHotline at 513-946-7766 or www.HamihonCountyRecycies.org

If you already recycle, use the New Year to improve upon yourgood habit. While you probably already recycle pop cans, pi3StIC

bottles, newspaper and milk jugs, some items are often forgotten.Remember you can also recycle:

Items such as styrofoam, aluminum foil, pie pans, takeout foodtrays, plastic bags and yogurt cups currently cannot currently berecycled in curbside recycling programs. Many of these items canstill be recycled at a varierv of outlets.

Plastic bags can be recycled at area stores such as Kroger, Meijer,i.owe’s, Wal-Mart, Rempke Biggs or other locations/5 plastic tubs (li eluding yogurt conrtiners) can be recycled atWhole Foods MarketCFL bulbs can be recycled at Lowe’s, Home Depot and Park +

VinePlease refer to our website, www.HamiltonCountyRecycies.org, orcall the Recycling Hotiirie at 946-7766 for a complete list.

You can also resolve to recycle more by participating in our freeelectronic waste and yard trimming drop-off programs beginning inthe Spring. Be on the lookout for more information visit our web-site or call the Recycling Hotline at 946-7766.

The Hamilton County Recycling and Solid Waste District is a division of the Hamilton County Department of Environmental Services which also encompasses the Southwest Ohio Air QualityAgency. For more information, visit the Hamilton County Recycling and Solid Waste District online atwww..Ham.ltonCountvRecvcIes.ors., call 946-7766, or interact withus on Facehook and Twitter.

Westwood Civic Association MonthlyStatement January, 2013


Membership $450.00

Westwood Community Gardens 400,00

Miscellaneous 1.03

Total Revenue $851.03


S400. 55

Total Expenses 400.55



Submitted by Valerie Baumann, Treasurer

Shampoo bottlesSalad dressinu bottlesContact solution bottlesKetchup & mustard bottlesLiquid laundry detergent jugsJelly, tomato sauce, pickle, andsaisa jars

Empty aerosol cans (removetips)MagazinesJunk mailPaper towel and toilet papercoresTissue boxes

Westwood Cftizens on PatrolA COM’ Jr..ITY brsan DMSION OF THE CNCNNAT POUCE

For a membership applicationor to report issues of concern

WestwoodCOp@aoLcornCaH: 51 3452-3533

Mnthl-Ates Published 12 (more or less) times For information on placing an ad, contact:$100.00 Full Page a year by WCA Becky Weber. Editor$50.00 Half Page with funds supplied by the bmimmy’aoi.com or$25.00 Quarter Page Neighborhood Support Program,

Business Card local advertisers, and membership dues. Westwood Civic Association$50.00................................................. Insert P.O. Box 11466

Cin&nad, OH 45211__1

Page 7: February 201 w.ww.westwoodcivic.org Volume 43, Issue 2westwoodcivic.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1302.pdf · On February 18, 2010, Greenacres Foundation applied for a demolition


Arbor Doctor, LLCRonald E. Rothhaas Jr.

513-661-2673Call the Arbor Doctor for:

• Quality tree and shrub care• Insect and Disease Management• Root Health Management• Environmentally sensitive batrnents and recommendations• Tree Risk Assessment• Landscape evaluation•Tree panting, landscaping• Unbiased recommendations for care, additions, pruning

and rem,a• Preservation of trees durIng construction• Si preservation and restoration• Speaking to your garden clu or other grotp meeting

Ash trees on yourty?Ask the Arbor Doctor on how to keep them healthy and safefrom the Emerald Ash Boreil We provide two treament optionsthat help ward off this tree killing insect.

Call Arbor Doctor &fon Your TreeGets Too Sick to Cuit the Pn,bksn!


— a a




I ZIP CODE_____________ PHONE NUMBER:____________________

E-MAIL ADDRESS:________________________



Annual dues are 510.00 per household. Make your check payable to “Westwood Civic Association” and mail to:WCA, P.O. Box 11466, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211Or you could save a stamp and bring this with you to the next meeting- we’d be happy to see you!

WCA OFFICERSTerm: April 2012 - April 2013

PRESIDENT*JoeI Kimmet.........200-4235

VICE PRESIDENT*My Kuhi 678-5119

VICE PRESIDENT*Mai.y Jenkins .346-5385

RECORDING SECRETARY*Karen Strasser 604-1167

TREASURER*Valerie Baumann



*Mjchelle Conda*Melva Oweyn*Jen.y Hildebrand*Irene McNulty

*Jjm MeNulty*Tom Minor*Jolm Sess*Becky Weber

Print Works• Printing

• Typesetting• Copies

Seroice Is Our #1 Goat

6500 Glenway AvenueBldg 13-4Cincinnati, Ohio 45211Phone: 922-5233Fax: 922-8720

Hours:Monday-Friday, 9:00-5:00(behind Thornton’s GasStation)

Pcice Hill Chill4920 Glenway Ave.

Cincinnati, OH 45238Phone: 471-9507


PrkeHill cNli

Golden Fleece LoungePhone:471-8434




PG. 7

Page 8: February 201 w.ww.westwoodcivic.org Volume 43, Issue 2westwoodcivic.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1302.pdf · On February 18, 2010, Greenacres Foundation applied for a demolition

Westwood Civic Association PRESORTEDPO Box 11466 I STANDARD


Return Service Requested


Is it time for you to renew? AUTO$CH 5-DIGIT 45211 10 1

Please check your mailing label on thisnewsletter. If the year above your name is2012, renewal is now due.

Dues are based on the calendar year. Youwill find an application in this newsletter.Just mail it with $10 to the P0 Box on theform.

Membership forms are also available onlineat westwoodcivicorg. Invite your friendsand neighbors to join!


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