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Federal Communications Commission445 12th St., S.W.Washington, D.C. 20554

News Media Information 202 / 418-0500Internet: http://www.fcc.gov

TTY: 1-888-835-5322


Released: April 2, 2012



CG Docket No. 06-181

This Public Notice alerts certain entities that filed petitions for exemption from the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC’s or Commission’s) closed captioning rules before October 8, 2010, of the need to either (1) affirm that the information provided in their previously submitted petition is still accurate and up-to-date, (2) update previously submitted petitions with the information indicated below, or (3) withdraw their previously submitted petitions. Previously submitted petitions will be dismissed on July 5, 2012, without prejudice to filing a new petition for exemption, if not affirmed, updated, or withdrawn as set forth in this Public Notice.


In 1996, Congress added section 713 to the Communications Act (Act), setting forth requirements for closed captioning of video programming to ensure access by persons with hearing disabilities to television programming,1 and directing the Commission to prescribe rules to carry out this mandate.2 In 1997, the Commission adopted such rules, establishing implementation schedules for closed captioning that became effective on January 1, 1998.3 These rules allowed video programming providers, producers or owners to obtain an exemption from the closed captioning requirements if they could prove that providing captions would result in an undue burden.4 In determining whether an entity would experience an undue burden, the Commission considered four factors: (1) the nature and cost of the closed captions for the programming; (2) the impact on the operation of the provider or program owner; (3) the financial resources of the provider or program owner; and (4) the type of operations of the provider or program owner.

On October 8, 2010, Congress enacted the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA), which replaced the “undue burden” terminology with the term “economically

1 Section 305 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Pub. L. 104-104, 110 Stat. 56 (codified at 47 U.S.C. § 613).

2 47 U.S.C. §§ 613(b),(c).

3 47 C.F.R. § 79.1; see Closed Captioning and Video Description of Video Programming, Implementation of Section 305 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Video Programming Accessibility, MM Docket No. 95-176, Report and Order, 13 FCC Rcd 3272 (1997), Closed Captioning and Video Description of Video Programming, Implementation of Section 305 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Video Programming Accessibility, MM Docket No. 95-176, Order on Reconsideration, 13 FCC Rcd 19973 (1998).

4 47 C.F.R. §79.1(f).

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burdensome.”5 In October 2011, the Commission adopted an Interim Order directing the continued use of the original undue burden factors in evaluating petitions for individual captioning waivers under the new economically burdensome standard, based on guidance contained in the CVAA’s legislative history.6 Under section 713(d)(3) of the Act and the Commission’s rules, therefore, providers, owners, or producers of video programming may obtain an exemption from the closed captioning rules when they can show that these requirements would be economically burdensome.7

From October 2005 through August 2006, the Commission received approximately 600 petitions for individual closed captioning exemptions under section 713(d)(3). In 2006, the Commission’s Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau (Bureau) granted two of these petitions in the Anglers Order8 and during the weeks that followed, granted an additional 303 petitions in reliance on the reasoning of that Order. In 2006, the FCC received an Application for Review that challenged the exemptions granted in and those that relied on the Anglers Order.9 On October 20, 2011, the FCC granted the Application for Review, and in the Anglers Reversal MO&O reversed these exemptions.10 That MO&O also set forth guidance on the information and documentation that closed captioning petitions should contain, along with standards that the Bureau should use to determine when a closed captioning exemption is warranted.

At issue in this Public Notice are the unresolved petitions for exemption that are not subject to the Anglers Reversal MO&O,11 and that were filed before passage of the CVAA on October 8, 2010.12 Although some of these petitions were previously placed on public notice,13 no decision to grant or to

5 CVAA, Pub. L. No. 111-260, § 202(c) (2010), amending 47 U.S.C. § 613(d).

6 See Anglers for Christ Ministries, Inc., Memorandum Opinion and Order, Order, and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, CG Docket Nos. 06-181 and 11-175, 26 FCC Rcd 14941 at 14960, ¶¶30-37 (2011) (Anglers Reversal MO&O), which can be found at http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-11-159A1.doc. 

7 47 U.S.C. § 613(d)(3); 47 C.F.R. § 79.1(f)(1).

8 Anglers for Christ Ministries, Inc., New Beginning Ministries, Video Programming Accessibility, Petitions for Exemption from Closed Captioning Requirements, CGB-CC-0005 and CGB-CC-0007, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 21 FCC Rcd 10094 (Anglers Order) (CGB 2006).

9 Application for Review of the Bureau Order, CG Docket No. 06-181, CGB-CC-0005 and CGB-CC-0007, filed by Telecommunications for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (“TDI”), the National Association of the Deaf (“NAD”), Deaf and Hard of Hearing Consumer Advocacy Network (“DHHCAN”), Hearing Loss Association of America (“HLAA”), the Association of Late Deafened Adults, the American Association of People with Disabilities, and the California Coalition of Agencies Serving the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (collectively “Consumer Organizations”), filed Oct. 12, 2006 (Application for Review).

10 Anglers Reversal MO&O, supra n. 8.

11 For a full listing of the petitions subject to the Anglers Reversal MO&O, see Anglers Reversal MO&O, Appendix A, 21 FCC Rcd at 14966-14988.

12 The programming that is the subject of these petitions has remained exempt from the FCC’s closed captioning rules while these petitions have been pending. 47 C.F.R. § 79.1(f)(11). Note that any petition filed after passage of the CVAA (i.e., after October 8, 2010) is not subject to this Public Notice and will be addressed individually. Under the CVAA, all petitions received by the Commission after passage of the CVAA must be resolved within six months after the Commission receives the petition, unless the Commission finds that an extension of this time is necessary to determine whether such requirements are economically burdensome. Pub. L. No. 111-260 § 202(c), amending 47 U.S.C. §713(d)(3). 13 See, e.g., Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau Action, Requests for Exemption from Commission’s Closed Captioning Rules, Public Notice, CG Docket No. 06-181, DA 07-276 (2007) (placing numerous petitions on public


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deny was ever made regarding these petitions. The Bureau is now ready to apply the standards contained in the Anglers Reversal MO&O to resolve the claims for an exemption by these petitioners. However, we realize that considerable time has passed since many of these petitions were first filed, and that various circumstances including, but not limited to, the financial status of the petitioners and the cost of captioning, may have changed.

Accordingly, in order to ensure that information provided in each petition is current and accurate, we require each petitioner whose petition is listed in this Public Notice, to do one of the following by July 5, 2012: (1) file an affirmation with the FCC that its previously submitted petition and supporting information is accurate and up-to-date; (2) file updated information in accordance with the factors listed below to support its claim that captioning its program(s) would be economically burdensome; or (3) withdraw its previously submitted petition.

Any petitioner listed in this Public Notice that does not take one of the steps listed above by July 5, 2012 will have its pending petition dismissed without prejudice on July 5, 2012. A petitioner that wishes to request a closed captioning exemption in the future may file a new petition in accordance with the factors listed below to support its claim that captioning its program would be economically burdensome. In order to ensure that all petitioners subject to this Public Notice are aware of this Public Notice, we will send a copy of this Public Notice,14 along with instructions on filing updated information, by certified mail, return receipt requested to each petitioner at its last known address within 10 business days of release of this Public Notice.

Updating Previously Submitted Petitions

A petitioner that is interested in continuing to request a closed captioning exemption for its programming must include up-to-date evidence, supported by affidavit (i.e., a written sworn statement made under oath), demonstrating that it would be economically burdensome to provide closed captioning on the specific programming for which an exemption is sought. Specifically, each petition should contain current and detailed documentation, in accordance with the original factors outlined in section 713(e) of the Act and 79.1(f) of Commission’s rules, to support a claim that providing closed captions would be economically burdensome (would result in a “significant difficulty or expense”) as defined by the following criteria: (1) the nature and cost of the closed captions for the programming; (2) the impact on the operation of the provider or program owner; (3) the financial resources of the provider or program owner; and (4) the type of operations of the provider or program owner.

In order to make the above showing that providing captioning would be economically burdensome, each petitioner must:

provide documentation of its financial status sufficient to demonstrate its inability to afford closed captioning – for example, profit and loss statements or bank statement information. (This documentation should not just include the resources devoted to or the costs associated with the television program(s) at issue);

provide information about the costs of captioning the specific program for which the exemption is sought;


14 This Public Notice contains an Appendix listing the hundreds of affected petitioners. Each Petitioner will receive a copy of the body of the Public Notice without this lengthy Appendix. Any petitioner wishing to see the full list of affected petitioners may view the Public Notice with its Appendix on the FCC’s website, http://www.fcc.gov/encyclopedia/economically-burdensome-exemption-closed-captioning-requirements.


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verify that it has sought closed captioning assistance (e.g., funding, services) from its video programming distributor and note the extent to which such assistance has been provided or rejected;

verify that it has sought additional sponsorship sources or other sources of revenue for captioning, and show that, even if these efforts have not successfully produced assistance, it does not otherwise have the means to provide captioning for its programming; and

provide information on the type of its operation(s) and the impact that providing captions would have on its programming activities, for example, the extent to which its programming might not be shown if it is required to provide captions.

In addition, each petitioner may describe other factors that it deems relevant to an exemption determination, as well as any alternatives that could be a reasonable substitute for the closed captioning requirements. Each petition should also contain a specific list of names of the program(s) for which the petitioner is seeking an exemption. Finally, as noted above, each petition must be supported by an affidavit attesting under oath to the truthfulness of the information contained in the petition. Failure to support an exemption request with adequate explanation and evidence to make these showings, supported by an affidavit, will result in dismissal of the request.

Each updated petition that provides sufficient information will be placed on public notice to allow the public to comment on the merits of the petition.15 After giving the public an opportunity to submit comments, the Bureau will conduct an individual review of each petition to determine the extent to which providing captioning would be economically burdensome for the petitioner, based on information provided in the petition and any comments received, and will issue an order either granting or denying the petition.

To request materials in accessible formats for people with disabilities (Braille, large print, electronic files, audio format), send an e-mail to [email protected] or call the Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau at 202-418-0530 (voice), 202-418-0432 (TTY). This Public Notice can also be downloaded at http://www.fcc.gov/encyclopedia/economically-burdensome-exemption-closed-captioning-requirements.

Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau Contact: Traci Randolph (202) 418-0569 (voice), (202) 418-0537 (TTY); e-mail: [email protected].


15 Each petition, as well as any supporting financial information provided, will be available for public inspection.  Petitioners may request “confidential treatment” of the information contained in their petitions if they do not want this data to be shared with members of the public. See 47 C.F.R. § 0.459.  Along with the request for confidential treatment, petitioners must also submit a second version of the petition with the confidential information redacted.  The redacted version will be publicly disclosed.  If the request for confidential treatment is granted, the “public version” of the petition must still contain sufficient documentation to support the petitioner’s claim that closed captioning would be economically burdensome.  The petition must include this documentation so that the public understands the basis for the exemption request and can comment on its merits.


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Unresolved Petitions for Individual Closed Captioning Exemptions

Case IdentifierCSR

Petitioner Program Name Mailing Address

5979 Complete Video Productions

“The American Outdoorsman”

Schlagel, Damore & Gordon, LLCAttn: Melissa C. Carpani201 E. Loula, P.O. Box 10Olathe, KS 66051-0010Re: Complete Video Productions

6930 Rural Heritage “Rural Heritage” Rural Heritage281 Dean Ridge LaneGainesboro, TN 38562-5039

Case IdentifierCGB-CC-

Petitioner Program Name Mailing Address

0002 Paul Ott Carruth & Carla Carruth Tigner

“Listen to the Eagle” Paul Ott Carruth & Carla Carruth TignerBox 219Summit, MS 39666

0003 Annabelle Productions

“Cal-Hi Sports Bay Area”

Annabelle Productions, Inc.6017 Ostenberg Dr.San Jose, CA 95120

0011 Frank Leto Frank Leto5200 Summit Ridge Dr. # 4312Reno, NV 89523

0012 S&B Productions “Reno’s Backstage Pass”

S & B Productions3417 Ridgecrest Dr.Reno, NV 89512

0013 MDR Consulting “MDR Television” MDR Consulting13410 Preston Rd., Suite 1395Dallas, TX 75240

0014 Quebedeaux Pontiac-GMC

Quebedeaux Pontiac-GMC4251 East 5th St.Tucson, AZ 85711

0016 Bubba Newman Productions

“The House Detective”

Bubba Newman Productions3690 Grant Dr., Suite CReno, NV 89509

0017 Crisp & Cole Productions

“Crisp & Cole Connection”

Crisp & Cole Productions5650 District Blvd., Suite #103Bakersfield, CA 93313

0019 Wrestle, Inc. “Wrestle Birmingham”

Michael TrucksTrucks & Trucks


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4505 Gary Ave.Fairfield, AL 35064

0021 V Labar Productions “Live Action Wrestling”

V Labar Productions110 Patrick Court, Suite ARocky Mount, NC 27804

0022 National Television Education Foundation, Inc.,

“We are Tomorrow… R-U?”

National Television Education Foundation, Inc.P.O. Box 752022Memphis, TN 38175

0024 Jerry Bryant “JBTV” Robinson Curley & Clayton, P.C. 300 South Wacker Dr., Suite 1700Chicago, IL 60606Re: Gerald Bryant/JBTV

0026 Communica-tions Unlimited

“Lawyers, Guns, and Money”

Communications Unlimited10148 Indian Ridge DriveReno, NV 89511

0027 Parenting Today “Parenting Today” Parenting Today Television Show10940 S. W. Barnes Rd. #369Portland, OR 97225

0029 Bob Asbury “Columbia Country” Bob Asbury23245 E Settler Dr.Liberty Lake, WA 99019

0032 Harvest Life Changers Church

Harvest Life Changers Church 14401 Telegraph RoadWoodbridge, Virginia 22192

0035 Caribou Productions “The Caribou Show” Caribou ProductionsP.O. Box 91316Sioux Falls, SD 57107

0037 Ultimate Combat Experience

“Ultimate Combat Experience”

Ultimate Combat Experience4095 West 4715 SouthSalt Lake City, UT 84118

0040 Greater Fellowship Ministries

“Destiny Through the Word”

Greater Fellowship Ministries1523 Bowman Road, Suite ELittle Rock, AR 72212

0044 Joy Ministries “Joy in the Morning Joy MinistriesP.O. Box 65036Virginia Beach, VA 23467

0047 KJLA Barry FriedmanThompson Hine, LLP1920 N St, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20036Re: KJLA

0048 Florida Knowledge Network

Florida Knowledge NetworkFlorida Department of EducationSuite B1-14325 West Gaines St.Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400

0049 Engle Broadcasting Engle BroadcastingP.O. Box 288Cedar Brook, NJ 08018


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0050 Bob Robbins Outdoors

“Bob Robbins Outdoors”

Bob Robbins Outdoors10800 Colonel Glenn Rd.Little Rock, AR 72204

0053 The Alabama Conservation and Natural Resources Foundation

“Outdoor Alabama” The Alabama Conservation andNatural Resource Foundation64 Union St, Suite 449Montgomery, AL 36104

0054 TJA Advertising/ 3Way Chevrolet

TJA Advertising75 Zaca Lane, Suite 110San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

0061 Sam Shad Productions

“Nevada Newsmakers Show”

Sam Shad ProductionsP.O. Box 10853Reno, NV 89510

0062 A&S Media, LLC “The Remax Showcase of Homes”

A&S Media, LLC1119 E. Clinton Ave.Huntsville, AL 35801

0064 Maricopa Community Colleges Television

Maricopa Community Colleges TVScottsdale Community College9000 B. Chapparal RoadScottsdale, Arizona 85256-2626

0071 The Catholic Mass- St. Petersburg, FL

“The Catholic Mass” DiVito & Higham, P.A.4514 Central AvenueSt. Petersburg, FL 33711-1041Re: The Catholic Mass

0073 Dyson Media Group Dyson Media Group8330 West Sahara Ave.Las Vegas, NV 89117

0074 Global Media Marketing, Inc

Global Media Marketing, Inc.1032 W. Taft Ave.Orange, CA 92865

0079 Eastern Outdoors TV Eastern Outdoors TV2505 Washington Blvd., Suite HBelpre, OH 45714

0084 TDS Management Group, Inc

“Focus on Diversity with Troy Shaw”

TDS Management Group, Inc.6737 W. Washington St., Ste. 2223West Allis, WI 53214

0087 The Garden Party Network

“The Garden Guru Show”

The Garden Party Network9401 Shellabarger Rd.Bakersfield, CA 93312

0088 The Leadership Group, Newsmakers Productions, Inc

“Pennsylvania Newsmakers”

The Leadership GroupNewsmakers Productions, Inc.6300 Smithfield St.Boston, PA 15135

0091 HuntFish-Cook HuntFishCook2221 Lytle StreetHuntsville, AL 35801


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0095 Arrow Group Realty Development Inc. d/b/a Coldwell Banker America West

Arrow Group Realty Development Inc. d/b/a Coldwell Banker America West1820 Westwind DriveBakersfield, CA 93301

0101 TCB Café Publishing & Media LLC

TCB Café Publishing & Media LLCP.O. Box 471706San Francisco, CA 94147

0102 ELVS, LLC ELVS LLC1412 South Jones Blvd.Las Vegas, NV 89146

0106 Oddball Productions Oddball Productions5702 Autumn Crest Dr.Bakersfield, CA 93313

0109 Cliffdweller Productions, LLC

Cliffdweller Productions, LLC3517 Calle Suenos SE.Rio Rancho, NM 87124-6713

0110 Pacific News Services

“YO!TV” YO!TVPacific News Service275 9th StreetSan Francisco, CA 94103

0113 St Louis Church St Louis Church2001 N. Twenty-Fifth St.P.O. Box 5040Waco, TX 76708

0115 Harvest Moon Productions, Inc.

Harvest Moon Productions, Inc.1300 Slaughter RoadMadison, AL 35758

0116 KVMD KVMDc/o Thompson Hine, LLP 1920 N Street NW Washington, DC 20036-1600

0117 KXLA KXLAc/o Thompson Hine, LLP 1920 N Street NW Washington, DC 20036-1600

0120 Talking Pictures Productions

Talking Pictures Productions3674 West Belfort DriveSalt Lake City, UT 84120

0123 Longworth Productions

“Triad Today” Longworth Productions304 Carlisle Park DriveKernersville, NC 27284

0124 Home Ideas James Dugan, Inc

Home Ideas James Dugan, Inc2900 W. 11th Street - Suite 100Sioux Falls, SD 57104

0127 Distortion 2 Static Distortion 2 Static570 Beale Street, #204San Francisco, CA 94105


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0128 ADZ, LLC ADZ, LLC3054 S. Valley View Blvd, Ste 230Las Vegas, NV 89102

0129 Major Marketing Major Marketing937 Lee Road 357Valley, AL 36854

0145 Tom Lavin “New Skills for Living”

Tom Lavin7402 Monet Ct.Sun Valley, NV 89433

0148 The LuCa Group, Inc.

The LuCa Group, Inc.667 Brea Canyon Road #27Walnut, CA 91789

0150 Keeler Productions, Inc.

“The Keeler Show,” “Star Chef,” “Health Smart,” and “CNY Open House”

Keeler Productions, Inc.1900 Genesee St., Suite 302Utica, NY 13502

0152 Guerilla Productions “Carolina Cooking” Guerilla Productions920 Mills StreetRaleigh, NC 27608

0154 W Productions “Good Business with Charlie Whisner,” “At Home with Westmark,” and “Coldwell Banker Show”

W Productionsc/o Austin J. AgnewThe Agnew Law Firm1208 – 14th St., Suite 1001Lubbock, TX 79401

0155 Vickie Roberson Productions Corporation

“Vickie Roberson Entertainment Show”

Vickie Roberson Productions Corporation3420 Edison Blvd.Shreveport, LA 71107

0156 Fearless Music “Fearless Music” Fearless Music, Inc.c/o Matthew Lamm. Esq.Hermine Hayes-Klein, LLCP.O. Box 20221New York, NY 10011

0157 Real Estate TV “Real Estate TV” Real Estate TV1001 Ruth Creek CourtColumbus, GA 31909

0159 Family Motors “Family Motors” Family Motors5300 Wible RoadBakersfield, CA 93313

0161 The Movie Show Plus

“The Movie Show Plus”

The Movie Show Plus18543 NorwoodDetroit, MI 48234

0162 Outdoor Adventures Productions

“Bayou Country Outdoors”

Outdoor Adventures Productions1019 Shady LaneWestlake, LA 70669

0164 The Clarion Company

“CSRA Home Showcase”

The Clarion Company4115 Columbia Road, Suite 5-301Martinez, GA 30907-0405


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0166 Berlin Enterprises, Inc., d/b/a BCLIP

Berlin Enterprises, Inc.12 B Old Charlotte Hwy.Asheville, NC 28803

0171 Atlanta’s Best New Homes

Atlanta’s Best New Homes1776 Peachtree St., NW Suite 626 South TowerAtlanta, GA 30309

0175 Hunter Productions, Inc.

“The Home Hunter” Hunter Productions, Inc.2012 East GlennPhoenix, AZ 85020

0177 The Home Show “The Home Show” The Home Show1501 Ten Palms CourtLas Vegas, NV 89117

0181 Ursus Enterprises, Inc.

“Northeast Journal & Wildfire”

Ursus Enterprises, Inc.24 Common St.Waterville, ME 04901

0183 Barry University Barry UniversityConnie Hicks McMahon11300 Northeast Second AvenueMiami Shores, FL 33161

0186 Kent Hrbek Outdoors, Inc.

“Kent Hrbek Outdoors”

Kent Hrbek Outdoors, Inc.c/o Lauren ColbyLaw Offices of Lauren A. Colby10 E. Fourth St.P.O. Box 113Frederick, MD 21705-0113

0189 Hot and Cold Productions

“Hot and Cold” Hot and Cold ProductionsP.O. Box 395Stockton Springs, ME 04981

0190 The Caleb Crump Show

“The Caleb Crump Show”

The Caleb Crump ShowP.O. Box 53454Albuquerque, NM 87153

0191 U.S. Media Concepts “Boyland Honda TV” U.S. Media Concepts2185 South 83rd StreetWest Allis, WI 53219

0192 U.S. Media Concepts “Big Iron TV” U.S. Media Concepts2185 South 83rd StreetWest Allis, WI 53219

0196 Angler West Television

Angler West Television11441 Rugby Hill Dr.Redding, CA 96003

0199 Cottage Hill Baptist Church

“The Cross Connection”

Cottage Hill Baptist Church 4255 Cottage Hill RoadMobile, AL 36609

0200 In Her Shoes, LLC “For Her Information” In Her Shoes, LLC1817 N. Halsted St.Chicago, IL 60614

0202 Alaska On-Line “Alaska On-Line, Conversations With Red Boucher"

H.A. Boucher & AssociatesLara Boucher6920 Fairweather Dr.


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Anchorage, AK 995180204 The City of Utica,

NY“City Limits” Harry M. Scaramarella

Assistant Corporation CounselDepartment of Law1 Kennedy PlazaUtica, NY 13502

0207 Michigan Farm and Garden Show

“Michigan Farm and Garden Show”

Michigan Farm and Garden Show657 E. Winegar Rd.Morrice, MI 48857

0209 Hunting Home “Hunting Home” Hunting Home981 West 1st St.Owensboro, KY 42301

0210 Jam Dance Fitness “Get Fit With Jam” Jam Dance Fitness1109 East Park Drive, Suite 202Birmingham, AL 35235

0213 MediaTriton, Inc. “Know the Cause” MediaTriton, Inc.301 W. Washington StreetRockwall, TX 75087

0220 Appalachian Outdoor Productions

“The Appalachian Sportsman”

Appalachian Outdoor ProductionsRt. 3 Box 112-AElizabeth, WV 26143

0221 Corinth Films, Inc. Corinth Films, Inc.3117 Bursonville Rd.Riegelsville, PA 18077

0223 Brenmor, LLC “Real Estate Showcase, TV”

Brenmor, LLC420 Parkview DriveSheffield Lake, OH 44054

0224 Profiles in Caring Profiles in Caring1775 West 1500 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84101

0229 Alma Vision Hispanic Network, Inc

“Vision for the Souls” Alma Vision Hispanic Network, Incc/o Shelley SadowskyKatten Muchin Rosenman LLP1025 Thomas Jefferson St., NW – Suite 700 East LobbyWashington, DC 20007

0234 dpi Production Company

dpi Production Company1010 Grand AvenueSchofield, WI 54476

0236 Platinum Television Group

Platinum Television Group1000 E. Hillsboro Blvd. Studio 105Deerfield Beach, FL 33441

0237 Stax's Dining Club Stax's Dining Club30 W. Orchard Park DriveGreenville, SC 29615

0240 Ads4TV “Pahrump Valley Homes & Living”, & “The ReMax

Ads4TV1231 East Basin – Suite 7Pahrump, NV 89048


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Advantage Home Show”

0241 Lanco Innovative Group, Inc. d/b/a/ Spread the Word Today

LANCO Innovative Group, Inc.d/b/a Spread The Word Today8910 Miramar Parkway – Suite 307Miramar, FL 33025

0245 William Letcher, DMD, Inc.

“Something to Smile About”

William Letcher, DMD, Inc.5522 South Lewis AvenueTulsa, OK 74105

0246 Peninsula TV Peninsula TV610 Elm St., - Suite 211San Carlos, CA 94070

0247 Word of Life Church Word of Life Church1984 Cliff Gookin Blvd.Tupelo, MS 38801

0252 JCR Advertising & Production

JCR Advertising & Productionc/o Smithwick & Belendiuk, P.C., 5028 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Suite 301, Washington, DC 20016

0254 Good Feet Good Feet2753 Richmond Road #385, Lexington, KY 40502

0256 Calvary Baptist Church

“New Beginnings” Calvary Baptist Church5011 Jackson St., Alexandria, LA 71303-2398

0262 IMIG Media “Alaska Real Estate Showcase”

IMIG Media2611 Fairbanks Street Suite 100Anchorage, AK 99503

0263 The Marketing Group, Alaska

The Marketing Group, Alaska310 K Street Suite 200Anchorage, AK 99501

0265 Kenwood Television Productions, Inc.

“Passport to New Homes”

Kenwood Television Productions, Inc.8939 Harperpoint Drive, Suite ACincinnati, OH 45249

0269 The Los Angeles Unified School District

Los Angeles Unified School Districtc/o Lawrence N. CohnCohn and Marks LLP1920 N St., N.W.Washington, DC 20036

0276 Richard LeBouef Entertain-ment, LLC

“Richard LeBouef's Good Time Kitchen”

Richard LeBouef Entertainment LLCP.O. Box 758Jennings, LA 70546-0758

0277 Iowa Realty Iowa Realty3501 Westown ParkwayWest Des Moines, IA 50266


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0279 Outdoor Xcursions “Outdoor Xcursions” Outdoor Xcursions205 Glengarriff DriveMadison, AL 35757

0280 Alabama Media Arts Association, Inc.

Alabama Media Arts Assoc., Inc.224 Alpine St.Birmingham, AL 35210

0281 Elizabeth Baptist Church

“Fresh Manna with Pastor Craig Oliver”

Elizabeth Baptist Church4245 Cascade Rd, SWAtlanta, GA 30331

0285 Calvary Baptist Church

Calvary Baptist Church501 West MainTupelo, MS 38804

0287 Exploring Alaska “Exploring Alaska” Exploring Alaska35555 Spur Hwy, #232Soldotna, AK 99669

0288 The Western New York Minority Media Professionals Inc.

“Late Nite Noise” & “UPFRONT Magazine”

The Western New York Minority Media Professionals Inc. P. O. Box 1081 Buffalo, NY 14205

0293 Lighthouse Full Life Center Church

“Walk in the Light” Lighthouse Full Life Center Church2415 Madison SEGrand Rapids, MI 49507

0296 Information Media Group

“Decorating Made Easy” & “Reel Adventures”

Information Media Group400 Executive Center Dr. Suite 210West Palm Beach, FL 33401-2922

0298 Woman to Woman TV

“Woman to Woman” Woman to Woman TVP.O. Box 16613Jackson, MS 39236

0305 Equestrian Sports Media International

“Showjumping Unplugged”

Equestrian Sports Media InternationalBarry A. FriedmanThompson Hine LLP1920 N Street, NWWashington, DC 20036

0308 Texas Tech University Athletics

“Red Raider Sports with Mike Leach”

Texas Tech University AthleticsRed Raider AvenueLubbock, TX 79409

0309 Texas Tech University Athletics

“Red Raider Sports with Larry Hays”

Texas Tech University AthleticsRed Raider AvenueLubbock, TX 79409

0317 Born to Ride TV Born to Ride TVP.O. Box 3021Brandon, FL 33509

0320 Auburn – Opelika Today

Auburn – Opelika Today1800 Pepperell Pkwy.Opelika, AL 36801


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0323 Dead Serious Entertain-ment

Dead Serious Entertainment2628 Lee Road 84Waverly, AL 36879

0325 Sports Vision Sports Vision6486 Yellow Stone DriveColumbus, GA 31909

0326 Wrestle Jam Wrestle JamP.O. Box 536Buena Vista, GA 31803

0328 Crossroads Church Crossroads Church150 Verona DriveLafayette, LA 70507

0329 Car Mart Car Mart3913 Biltmore DriveColumbus, GA 31909

0330 GreekTV, Inc. Greek TV, Inc.3653 Walnut StreetLafayette, CA 94549

0331 Abilene Baptist Church

“Strength for Today” Abilene Baptist Church3917 Washington RoadP.O. Box 204167Augusta, GA 30917-4167

0332 Broadway Joe Video Show (Joe & Freddie Booker)

Broadway Joe Video Showc/o R. S. McCulloughMcCullough Law FirmP.O. Box 251963Little Rock, AR 72225-1963

0336 Crew Cut Tele-productions

“Today's Home Remodeler”

Crew Cut Teleproductions2413 Parmenter Street – Suite 201Middleton, WI 53562

0338 Rhodes Financial Services

“CSRA Listings” Rhodes Financial Services610 Ronald Reagan DriveEvans, GA 30809

0340 Rocky Drake Outdoors

Rocky Drake Outdoors1000 Monte Sano Blvd.Huntsville, AL 35801

0343 Freedom Lexington “Freedom on Location”

Freedom Lexington1560 E. New Circle RoadLexington, KY 40509

0344 Lucky 2 Productions “Get the Net with Brent Shores” and “In the Hunt with Pete Centerino”

Lucky 2 Productions9190 Velma StreetBoise, ID 83704-3271

0345 St. Bernards Medical Center

“Issues in Health” St. Bernards Medical Center225 East Jackson AvenueJonesboro, AR 72401

0346 ISP Sports ISP Sports34 Old Ivy Road – suite 200Atlanta, GA 30342


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0347 Family Broadcasting Group

Family Broadcasting Groupc/o Cary S. TepperBooth, Freret, Imley & Tepper, P.C.7900 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 304Bethesda, MD 20814

0351 RP Media “Tee Times with Doug Bell”

RP MediaP.O. Box 2485Huntsville, AL 35804

0354 Cat Paws Foundation “Cat Paws” Cat Paws Foundation9115 Cross Mountain TrailSan Antonio, TX 78255

0356 FLAV’A Network FLAV’A Network18921 St. MarysDetroit, MI 48235

0357 Hunting and Fishing The Southwest TV Show

Hunting and Fishing The Southwest TV Show6000 Murcia Ave. NWAlbuquerque, NM 87114

0359 Woods Communi-cation

“County Law,” “MPD,” & “Venture Outdoors”

Woods CommunicationAaron P. ShainisShainis & Peltzman, Chartered1850 M Street, N.W., Suite 240Washington, DC 20036

0360 Television Wisconsin, Inc.

“Sidelines” Television Wisconsin, Inc.c/o Robert J. RiniRini Coran, PC1615 L Street, N.W. – Suite 1325Washington, DC 20036

0361 Television Wisconsin, Inc.

“Urban Theater” Television Wisconsin, Inc.c/o Robert J. RiniRini Coran, PC1615 L Street, N.W. – Suite 1325Washington, DC 20036

0362 ACME Television Licenses of Wisconsin, LLC

“WIWB(TV)” ACME TV Licenses of Wisc., LLCc/o Andrew S. KerstingDickstein Shapiro Morin & Oshinsky 2101 L Street, NWWashington, DC 20037-1526

0364 LibCo, Inc. “Region 8 Showcase” LibCo, Inc.P.O. Box 790472 CR 766Jonesboro, AR 72403

0365 ACME Television Licenses of New Mexico, LLC

“Caleb Crump,” “Frost Mortgage,” “Homes & Land,” “On Target Productions,” “JCR Advertising,” & “MDR Consulting”

ACME TV Licenses of NM., LLCc/o Andrew S. KerstingDickstein Shapiro Morin & Oshinsky 2101 L Street, NWWashington, DC 20037-1526


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0367 LibCo, Inc. “Shop South Mississippi”

LibCo, Inc.208 Debuys RoadP.O. Box 4596Biloxi, MS 39535-4596

0370 On The Road TV “On the Road” On The Road TVSima N. ChowdhuryFletcher, Heald & Hildreth1300 North 17th St. – 11th FloorArlington, VA 22209

0372 The Whaley Company LLC

“Alabama Home TV” The Whaley Company LLC1000 Blue Heron PointBirmingham, AL 35242

0374 Dickey Tree Service of Hoxie

Dickey Tree Service of Hoxie301 Lawrence 511Hoxie, AR 72433

0380 On The Water, LLC “Fishing New England”

On The Water, LLC35 Technology Park Dr., E.Falmouth, MA 02536

0381 Avea Garcia Avea Garcia11792 San Rossore CourtLas Vegas, NV 89123

0383 Showcase Technologies

Showcase Technologies2749 Thomas DriveCape Girardeau, MO 63701

0384 Rivertown Ford Rivertown Ford1680 Whittlesey Rd.Columbus, GA 31904

0385 World Softball League, Inc.

World Softball League, Incc/o James H. WillsKalina, Wills, Gisvold & Clark6160 Summit Drive, #560Minneapolis, MN 55430

0390 CivCo, Inc. “Inside East Texas” CivCo, Inc.135 S. Main St.Greenville, SC 29601

0391 Rise Real Estate Rise Real Estate1000 Monte Sano Blvd.Huntsville, AL 35801

0392 Wille Bacote “The Dance Connection”

Wille Bacote10007 Pleasant Valley DriveCatonsville, MD 21228

0393 Tele Vision of Arkansas

Tele Vision of Arkansas11800 Pleasant Ridge Road – No. 327Little Rock, AR 72223

0395 MJS MJS1801 Clint Moore Road – Suite 201Boca Raton, FL 33487


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0396 All Around Media, LLC.

“All Around Atlanta” All Around Media, LLC.3475 Lenox Rd. – Suite 400Atlanta, GA 30326

0398 Total Energy Productions

“The Gospel House Television Show”

Total Energy Productionsc/o Michael R. AshburneLaw Offices of Michael R. Ashburne449 Merritt Avenue – Suite “A”Oakland, CA 94610

0402 Workhorse Productions, LLC

“Opportunity Knocks TV”

Workhorse Productions LLC552 East Market StreetLouisville, KY 40202

0403 Alabama Realty Group

Alabama Realty Group17308 Hwy 72 WestAthens, AL 35611

0405 Relentless Pursuit Relentless Pursuit15710 East Illinois 9 HwyCanton, IL 61520

0407 Rust College “Campus Report” Rust CollegeCampus Report150 Rust AvenueHolly Springs, MS 38635

0411 The Godfathers Entertain-ment of Pennsylvania LLC

“Xclusive” The Godfathers Entertainment of Pennsylvania, LLC1759 Michael Dr.Whitehall, PA 18052

0413 Kellogg Street Productions

“Mohawk Valley Living”

Kellogg Street Productions30 Kellogg StreetClinton, NY 13323

0414 Combs Broadcasting, Inc.

Combs Broadcasting, Inc.1812 5th Avenue SouthJasper, AL 35501

0416 DK Productions, Inc. DK Productions, Inc.1931 S.W. 5th St.Lee’s Summit, MO 64081

0418 Romesburg Media Romesburg Media115 North Edgewood AvenueSomerset, PA 15501

0419 Oval Media “RaceScene” Oval Media 8437 South East Woodcrest PlaceHobe Sound, FL 33455

0420 R.C. Boyd Enterprises

“Honey Hole All Outdoors”

R.C. Boyd Enterprises, LLC2003 Navasota CoveWestlake, TX 76262

0422 Dragonlake Productions

“2xtreem” & “Roundhouse”

Dragonlake Productions1821 W. 10th Street, Suite 5Riviera Beach, FL 33404

0424 Central Alabama Outdoors

Central Alabama OutdoorsPost Office Box 241Millbrook, AL 36054


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0425 P.A.C. Publishing P.A.C. Publishing850 Dunbar Ave.Oldsmar, FL 34677

0428 DRD Consulting, LLC

DRD Consulting, LLC225 W. Main St.St. Clairsville, OH 43950

0429 Parkway Mitsubishi Parkway Mitsubishi1327 LaFayette ParkwayLaGrange, GA 30241

0430 Caliber Automotive Liquidators, Inc.

“SLASH-IT” Caliber Automotive Liquidators, Inc.200 Hamner Avenue – 2nd FloorNorco, CA 92860

0431 Tony Moore Automotive

Tony Moore Automotive725 Beltline Rd.Decatur, AL 35801

0433 John Wellons Productions

John Wellons Productions16973 SW 102 AvenueMiami, FL 33157

0434 Grand Metro Audio Video

“Awlo” Grand Metro Audio Video1199 Countryside Drive De Pere, WI, 54115

0439 WOUB Public Television

“live local pledge breaks during fundraising efforts”

WOUB Public Television9 South College St.Athens, OH 45701

0440 Mr. George Newman “Bloomin’ in the Garden”

George Newman8008 Grand Teton Dr.Potomac, MD 20854

0443 J.A. Alternatives J.A. Alternatives141 South Central Avenue, Suite 303Hartsdale, NY 10530

0445 Centennial Toyota Centennial Toyota920 E. Rome Blvd.North Las Vegas, NV 89086

0447 Bighorn Outdoors, LLC

Bighorn Outdoors, LLC8033 Hill Rd.Canal Winchester, OH 43110

0448 Ray Slone and Bruce Clarke

“Cruise’n with E-Rider”

Cruise’n with E-Rider6378 BurkwoodClayton, OH 45315

0452 Hybrid Moon Video Productions, LLC

“Weddings Portland Style”

Michael Dell LongLong Law, P.C.806 SW Broadway, Suite 800Portland, OR 97205-3310Re: A Hybrid Moon Video Productions, LLC

0455 Spinal Aid of Northwest Florida, Inc.

Spinal Aid of Northwest Florida, Inc.9007 University Parkway


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Pensacola, FL 325140457 Cherry Hill Triplex Direct Result Marketing, Inc.

3901-A Main Street – 2nd FloorPhiladelphia, PA 19127

0460 U.S. Media Concepts “Cu Fleet Auto Show” U.S. Media Concepts2185 South 83rd StreetWest Allis, WI 53219

0464 Omni 2000, Inc. “Click Here” and “I On”

Omni 2000, Inc.413 Cooper St., Camden, NJ 08102-1521

0466 Captive View Advertising

“Latin Late Night” R. Joseph DillRe: Captive View Advertising, Inc.Eraclides, Johns, Hall, Gelman, Eikner & Johannessen, L.L.P.4811 Atlantic Blvd.Jacksonville, FL 32207

0468 Crawley Productions Crawley Productions34025 Barclay Ave.Lillian, AL 36549

0471 Hype413, Inc. Hype413, Inc.100 South Broad Street, Suite 2121Philadelphia, PA 19110

0472 Mike Stephenson Entertain-ment, Inc.

Mike Stephenson Entertainment, Inc.110 Tanasi Shores Gallatin, TN 37066

0473 The Showcase Realty Show

The Showcase Realty Show2625 S. Rainbow Blvd., Suite D-102Las Vegas, NV 89146

0478 Off Beat Productions, Inc.

“Off Beat Cinema” Off Beat Productions, Inc.7 Broadcast PlazaBuffalo, NY 14202

0479 Crozier & Henderson Productions

“Hot on Homes” Robert A. SilvermanFish & Richardson P.C.1425 K Street, N.W.11th FloorWashington, DC 20005Re: Crozier & Henderson Productions

0482 John Baer “Coastal Empire Exteriors’ Home Improvement Time”

John Baer12609 Mercy Blvd.Savannah, GA 31419

0485 Crown Real Estate Crown Real Estate3501 Mall View Rd. #105Bakersfield, CA 93305


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0488 Ralph Furtman “Sportsman’s Notebook”

Ralph Furtman4210 E. Superior St., Duluth, MN 55804

0489 Wisconsin’s Waters & Woods LLC

Wisconsin’s Waters & Woods LLC339 W. White Oak WayMequon, WI 53092

0490 Radiovision “The Greatest Auto Show on Earth from Rodeo Ford”

Radiovision531 West Main StDenison, TX 75020

0491 VanderLeest Enterprises, Inc.

VanderLeest Enterprises, Inc.200 N Broadway Green Bay, WI 54303

0495 Doug Houston & Associates, Inc.

“Doug Houston Outdoors”

Doug Houston & Associates, Inc.3315 Demetropolis Road, Suite 307Mobile, AL 36693

0498 Miami-Dade TV “Inside,” “Miami-Dade Now,” “Downtown Dade”

Miami-Dade TV111 NW 1st Street, Suite 2510Miami, FL 33128-1900

0499 Million Dollar Entertain-ment & Advertising, Inc

“Paul Bowman's Million Dollar Country”

Million Dollar Entertain-ment & Advertising, Incc/o Koerner & Olender, P.C.11913 Grey Hollow CourtNorth Bethesda, MD 20852

0500 Hats Off With Betty Snowden

Hats Off With Betty SnowdenP.O. Box 5166, Eugene, OR 97405

0503 RTE 3 Auto Sales of Concord, Inc

RTE 3 Auto Sales of Concord, Inc310 No State St.Concord, NH 03301

0504 DiSalle Real Estate Co.

“The DiSalle Real Estate Show”

DiSalle Real Estate Co.1909 River Rd. Maumee, OH 43537

0506 US Media Concepts, LLC

“Comedy College TV” US Media Concepts, LLC2185 South 83rd St. West Allis, WI 53219

0508 Machen/Lear & Associates

“South Texas Journal” Machen/Lear & AssociatesP.O. Box 81411Corpus Christi, TX 78468

0509 Steve Weed Productions

“Utica Rome Speedway LLC Race Show”

Steve Weed Productions406 Tilden St. Watertown, NY 13601

0511 Capital One Productions

“Bay Area Life” Capital One Productions5638 Maymont LaneDublin, CA 94568

0514 Great Scott Productions

Great Scott Productions2802 Roosevelt BoulevardMiddletown, OH 45044


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0515 Planet X Group “Planet X” Planet X Group132 N. El Camino Real, Suite 322Encinitas, CA 92024

0517 Michael J. Wiegenstein d/b/a Medical News Network

“Medical News Network”

Michael J. Wiegenstein28406 Taos Ct.Cathedral City, CA 92234

0518 Haute House Entertain-ment, LLC

“Upscale TV:Chicago”

Haute House Entertainment, LLC440 North McClurg Court, Suite 816Chicago, IL 60611

0523 Boston Neighbor-hood Network

“Neighborhood Network News” & “Talk of the Neighbor-hoods”

Boston Neighborhood Network8 Park Plaza, Suite 2240Boston, MA 02116

0528 Cajun Karl’s Cookin’ Adventures, LLC

Cajun Karl’s Cookin’ Adventures LLC215 Aspen TrailLafayette, LA 70501

0530 Hi-Fi Video Productions

“RealtyTV” Hi-Fi Video Productions405 N. Stuyvesant StreetBenton, IL 62812

0531 Bill Heard Chevrolet Bill Heard Chevrolet4930 University DriveHuntsville, AL 35816

0532 Edward Boyé Edward Boyé9925 S. Santa Monica BoulevardBeverly Hills, CA 90212

0534 Cornerstone Digital Network

“CornerStore TV Twin Cities Home Showcase”

Cornerstone Digital Network119 North Fourth Street, Suite 305Minneapolis, MN 55401

0535 Oklahoma Tourism & Recreation Department

“Discovery Oklahoma”

Oklahoma Tourism & Recreation DepartmentP.O. Box 52002Oklahoma City, OK 73152-52002

0538 ADAL Corporation d/b/a Miksta Media

ADAL Corporationd/b/a Miksta MediaP.O. Box 881122Port St. Lucie, FL 34988

0539 Santorella Publications, Ltd d/b/a RC Enterprise

Santorella Publications, Ltd.d/b/a RC Enterprises13 Pleasant AvenueDanvers, MA 01923

0540 Makai Ohana Productions

“Oregon Lifestyle” Makai Ohana ProductionsP.O. Box 1Ophir, OR 97464

0541 The County of Bernalillo, NM

“Dance, Dance, Dance, It's a Teen Thing”

The County of Bernalillo, NMOne Civic Plaza, NWAlbuquerque, NM 87102


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0542 Elliott Marketing “Today's Topic” Elliott Marketing1421 N. Main StreetClovis, NM 88101

0544 CityScene Television “NW Style” CityScene Television4710 SW Kelly Avenue, 2nd Fl.Portland, OR 97239

0546 LAD Advertising LAD Advertising360 E. Jackson StreetMedford, OR 97501

0547 Spot TV Network Spot TV Network1101 Humboldt Avenue NorthMinneapolis, MN 55411

0548 Making it Big in Las Vegas

Making it Big in Las Vegas9717 Villa Lorena AvenueLas Vegas, NV 89147

0550 Deborah Benton “The Valley Gold Show”

Deborah Benton231 Granada AvenueYoungstown, OH 44504

0551 Optimum Impact Inc. Optimum Impact Inc.301 Newbury Street #318Danvers, MA 01923

0554 Clemens Weaver Advertising

“Let's Eat” Clemens Weaver Advertising21 W. BeauregardSan Angelo, TX 76903

0556 Musical Memories Musical MemoriesBox 907Oak Park, IL 60303

0558 Riverview Media, Inc.

Riverview Media, Inc.P.O. Box 524Victoria ParkWestern Australia 6979

0559 Peter Dills “The Chef Knows” Peter Dills80 N. GreenwoodPasadena, CA 91107

0560 M & T Productions “Tech Time” M&T Productions4040 SW 114th AvenueBeaverton, OR 97005-2281

0563 Video Zone Video Zone5757 N. Central AvenuePhoenix, AZ 85012

0564 Television 1 Production

“Texas Longhorn Football”

Television 1 ProductionJim Knox4703 Palisade DriveAustin, TX 78731

0565 Street Heaters TV Street Heaters307 Kennedy AvenueDuquesne, PA 15110

0568 Vision For Souls Family Worship

“Walking In Vision” Vision For Souls Family Worship Center


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Center 6519 Factory Shoals RoadMableton, GA 30126

0569 Bighorn Productions “Reno-Tahoe Family Show”

Bighorn Productions619 South Arlington AvenueReno, NV 89509

0570 First United Methodist Church

First United Methodist Church512 North Main StreetHigh Point, NC 27260

0573 U. S. Cablecasters, Inc.

U. S. Cablecasters, Inc.725 N. A 1 A, Suite A106Jupiter, FL 33477

0575 B-Mac Corner B-Mac Corner100 Fourth StreetDonora, PA 15033

0576 Cordillera Communications, Inc. - KTVQ

Cordillera Communications, Inc.P.O. Box 25573203 3rd Avenue NorthBillings, MT 59103

0577 Community Television, Inc.

“Babbie's House” and “Friends & Neighbors”

Mark A. BalkinHardy, Carey, Chautin & Balkin, LLPCommunity Television, Inc.110 Veterans Boulevard-Suite 300Metairie, LA 70005

0578 Stanley Siegel On The Go

Stanley Siegel On The GoP.O. Box 133Beverly Hills, CA 90213

0579 Mike McDaniel TV, Inc

“Having a Beer With Mike”

Mike McDaniel TV, Inc.3974 South Lake Orlando ParkwayOrlando, FL 32808

0580 Hooten Publishing, Inc

“Hooten's Arkansas Football”

Hooten Publishing, Inc.38 Rosemont DriveLittle Rock, AR 72204

0582 Tucson Osteopathic Medical Foundation

“The Healing Touch” Tucson Osteopathic Medical Foundation3182 North Swan RoadTucson, AZ 85712

0583 Barth Mulford “Car Talk with Tony B”

Car Talk with Tony B4600 Vestal Parkway, E.Vestal, NY 13850

0584 Control Track, Inc. Control Track, Inc.P.O. Box 560124Orlando, FL 32856-0124

0585 TVU Music Television

“TVU's Most Wanted” TVU Music TelevisionP.O. Box 1887Westerville, OH 43086

0586 The Old Coach, Inc. “The Rodney Southern Show” and “The Doug Pederson Show”

The Old Coach, Inc.1825 Garden OaksMarshall, TX 75672


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0587 Evangelist Mamie Clark

“New Jerusalem Revival”

“New Jerusalem Revival”P.O. Box 3594West Columbia, SC 29171

0588 Mission Broadcasting, Inc.

Mission Broadcasting, Inc.c/o Drinker Biddle & Reath L.L.P.1500 K Street, N.W., Suite 1100Washington, DC 20005-1209

0589 Mike Sherman Productions

“Mike Sherman Show”

Mike Sherman Productions1401 Estuary TrailDelray Beach, FL 33483

0590 Trifecta Entertain-ment, LLC

“The Fuel Show” Trifecta Entertainment, LLC9125 SE Taylor StreetPortland, OR 97216

0591 Galilee Baptist Church, Inc.

Galilee Baptist Church, Inc1500 Pierre AvenueShreveport, LA 71103

0592 Tipping Point, Inc. “STATE CHAMPS! High School Sports Show”

Tipping Point, Inc.P.O. Box 80632Rochester, MI 48308-0632

0593 New Life Center Television(Bakersfield)

New Life Center Television4201 Stine RoadBakersfield, CA 93313

0594 Premier Productions “Xtreme Life” Premier ProductionsP.O. Box 790942Paia, HI 96779

0595 Co-laborers with Christ

Co-laborers with Christ5734 Windsor Drive #4AColumbus, GA 31909

0596 Mount Zion Fellowship

“The Word of Righteousness”

Mount Zion Fellowship13710 Midland RoadPoway, CA 92064

0597 Discover the Joy Discover The Joy, Inc.P.O. Box 1382Benton, AR 72018

0598 ReelzChannel, LLC ReelzChannel, LLCc/o Holland & Knight LLP2099 Penn. Ave., NW, Ste 100Washington, DC 20006

0599 Shep Mullin “Premier Home Show”

Shep Mullin 3600 Edgewood RoadColumbus, GA 31907

0600 Christian World Ministries of Lake Charles

“Building the Future” Christian World Ministries of Lake Charles2001 E. Gauthier RoadLake Charles, LA 70607

0601 Peace Haven Baptist Church

Peace Haven Baptist ChurchP.O. Box 382 Yadkinville, NC 27055


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0602 Upon This Rock Ministries

“The Breath of God” Upon This Rock MinistriesP.O. Box 2146Covina, CA 91722

0603 Diocese of La Crosse (Wisconsin)

Diocese of La Crosse (Wisconsin)c/o Birnbaum Seymour Kirchner & Birnbaum LLP300 North Second Street - Suite 300P.O. Box 308La Crosse, WI 54602-0308

0604 Express Automotive Center, Inc. d/b/a AutoShopper America

Express Automotive Center, Inc. d/b/a AutoShopper Americac/o Clifford & BrownBank of America Building1430 Truxtun Avenue – Suite 900Bakersfield, CA 93301-5230

0605 ITV Productions, LLC

“Independent Television”

ITV Productions, LLC321 Broadway Ave N #407Seattle, WA 98102

0606 Temple of the Air “Yom Kippur” Temple of the Air8440 Wilshire Blvd.Beverly Hills, CA 90211

0607 Northside Church of Christ

“Know Your Bible” Northside Church of Christ835 Double Churches RoadColumbus, GA 31904

0608 Think Drug Free America Inc.

“Too Blessed 2 Be Stressed TV Show”

Think Drug Free America Inc.1309 North BroadwayKnoxville, TN 37917

0609 Florida Auto Credit Inc.

Florida Auto Credit Inc.c/o Karen Sugerman, Esq.801 NE 167th Street, 2nd FloorNorth Miami Beach, FL 33162

0610 Alliance Auto Plaza, Inc.

Alliance Auto Plaza, Inc.c/o Karen Sugerman, Esq.801 NE 167th Street, 2nd FloorNorth Miami Beach, FL 33162

0611 Bighorn Productions “Reno Magazine” Bighorn Productions619 South Arlington Ave.Reno, NV 89509

0612 Pace Assembly of God

Pace Assembly of God3948 Highway 90Pace, FL 32571-1998

0613 The University of Oklahoma

“The Locker Room” The University of Oklahoma“The Locker Room”660 Parrington OvalNorman, OK 73019-0390

0614 U.S. Media Concepts “Shootout TV” U.S. Media Concepts2185 South 83rd St.West Allis, WI 53219


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0615 Sheryl Burns Ministries

Sheryl Burns Ministries1980B S. Academy Blvd.Colorado Springs, CO 80916

0616 Long Haul Productions, Inc.

Long Haul Productions, Inc.c/o Kalina, Wills, Gisvold & Clark, P.L.L.P.6160 Summit Drive – Suite 560Minneapolis, MN 55430

0617 Rouse Video Productions

Rouse Video Productions17 Edgewood StreetWheeling, WV 26003

0618 Dr. Kaveh Niknia, D.D.S.

Dr. Kaveh Niknia, D.D.S.3101 West Coast Hwy, #309Newport Beach, CA 92663

0619 St. Michael's Media, Inc.

“The One True Faith” St. Michael's Media, Inc.22007 Woodward Ave.Ferndale, MI 48220

0620 Hooked On Fishin Hooked On Fishin23062 260th StreetShady Point, OK 74956

0621 Bullseye Video Productions

“Hamilton Nissan Television”

Bullseye Video Productions39 Autumnfest Ct.Greencastle, PA 17225

0622 Minority Broadcasting Company

“Sports Talk” Minority Broadcasting Company18530 Mack Avenue, #182Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236

0623 Hunters Exchange Television, Inc.

Hunters Exchange Television, Inc.1031 Woiderski RoadCheboygan, MI 49721

0624 First Assembly of God

First Assembly of GodP.O. Box 734Dothan, AL 36302

0625 Water Lion Media, LLC

“Time on the Water” Water Lion Media, LLC35 Cobbler LaneSchaumburg, IL 60173

0626 True Divine Baptist Church

True Divine Baptist Church4525 Virginia Loop RoadMontgomery, AL 36116

0627 Shiloh Christian Center

Shiloh Christian Center155 East University BoulevardMelbourne, FL 32940

0628 Allied Marin Productions

Allied Marin Productions3100 Airway Ave., Suite 132Costa Mesa, CA 92626

0629 United Sound “Karaoke Showdown” United SoundP.O. Box 8469Endwell, NY 13762


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0630 True Success Christian Fellowship

True Success Christian Fellowship3379 Watchman DriveMontgomery, AL 36116

0631 Victory and Dominion World Outreach Center

Victory and Dominion World Outreach CenterP.O. Drawer 6881438 Highway 258 NorthSnow Hill, NC 38580

0632 Northview Christian Church

“On Course” Northview Christian ChurchP.O. Box 1913Dothan, AL 36302

0633 Luell Media, LLC “Outdoor Insight Television”

Luell Media, LLC340 Mayfair StreetAntigo, WI 54409

0634 Colonial Hills Baptist Church

“Merry Christmas, Tyler!”

Colonial Hills Baptist Church7330 S. BroadwayTyler, Texas 75703-5003

0635 First United Methodist Church

“A Celebration of Worship”

First United Methodist Church2727 Jackson StreetAlexandria, LA 71301

0638 Moment of Truth Live Telethon Moment of TruthPO Box 35Landis, NC 28088

0639 Outdoorsmen Productions, LLC

Outdoorsmen Productions, LLC405 N. Broadway, Box 354Hartington, NE 68739-0354

0640 L.L. Brandon Ministries, Inc.

L.L. Brandon Ministries, Inc.4725 Greenwood RoadShreveport, LA 71109

0641 Bull Moose Productions, LLC

Bull Moose Productions, LLC74 Hillside AvenueOld Town, ME 04468-1935

0642 Great Commission International Church (GCIC)

“Today with Kathleen Quick”

Great Commission International Church P.O. Box 1900Powell, OH 43065

0643 Worldwin Media N.F.P.

Worldwin Media N.F.P1506 High Ridge PkwyWestchester, IL 60154

0644 Victorious Praise Fellowship Church of God in Christ

Victorious Praise Fellowship Church of God in ChristP.O. Box 14392Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

0645 Modern Auto Center, Inc

Modern Auto Center, IncKaren Sugerman, Esq.801 N.E. 167 Street, 2nd FloorNorth Miami Beach, FL 33162

0646 Premiere Auto Center, Inc.

Premiere Auto Center, Inc.Karen Sugerman, Esq.


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801 N.E. 167 Street, 2nd FloorNorth Miami Beach, FL 33162

0647 Living Word Family Church

Living Word Family ChurchP.O. Box 61129Raleigh, NC 27661-1129

0648 World-overcomers Christian Church

Worldovercomers Christian ChurchP.O. Box 52391Durham, NC 27717-2391

0649 Kingdom Church International

“Kingdom” Kingdom Church InternationalP.O. Box 2052Jacksonville, FL 32203

0650 The Home Team Show

The Home Team Show7700 NE Parkway Drive, #125Vancouver, WA 98662

0651 Exciting Evangel Temple

Exciting Evangel Temple1110 South 12th Street P.O. Box 1077Fort Smith, AR 72902

0652 Crown Point Productions

Crown Point Productions4731 W. Atlantic Avenue, Suite B-21Delray Beach, FL 33445

0653 The Local Newspaper, Inc. f/k/a GE Media, Inc.

“Carolina People” The Local Newspaper, Inc. f/k/a GE Media, Inc.Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth, P.L.C.Attn: J.M. Di Scipio & S.N. Chowdhury11th Floor, 1300 North 17th StreetArlington, VA 22209

0654 G-Rock TV G-Rock TV29 Sachem WayLadera Ranch, CA 92694

0656 Port of Faith Chapel, Inc. d/b/a International Christian Centre

Port of Faith Chapel, Inc. d/b/a International Christian Centre101 Indigo Drive P.O. Box 9655Daytona Beach, FL 32120

0657 Maya Talk Maya Talk10016 Picea CourtNew Market, MD 21774

0658 D.S.T.V. D.S.T.V.2628 Lee Road 84Waverly, AL 36879

0659 New Life Empower-ment Temple

New Life Empowerment TempleP.O. Box 72093Richmond, VA 23255

0660 Young Warriors International, Inc.

Young Warriors International Inc.5417 Palisades CourtKeller, TX 76248


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0661 Strategic Marketing & Media Corporation

Strategic Marketing & Media Corporation1800 E. Lambert Road, Suite 210Brea, CA 92821

0662 Coldwell Banker West Shell

“Sunday Morning Home Show”

Coldwell Banker West Shell7240 Muirfield Drive, Suite 100Dublin, OH 43017

0663 Dixie Outdoors Dixie Outdoors531 County Road 69Newville, AL 36353

0664 Faith Deliverance Tabernacle

Faith Deliverance Tabernacle10428 W. Highway 84Newton, AL 36352

0665 Greater Beulah Baptist Church

Greater Beulah Baptist Church280 Headland AvenueDothan, AL 36303

0666 Cowboy’s- Triad Venture Corp.

Cowboy’s- Triad Venture Corp.4657 S. Oates StreetDothan, AL 36301

0667 Behold The Lamb of God

Behold The Lamb of God250 Chickasaw StreetDothan, AL 36303

0668 Spirit Of Praise Spirit Of PraiseP O Box 188Headland, AL 36345

0669 Ridgecrest Baptist Church

Ridgecrest Baptist Church1231 Fortner StreetDothan, AL 36301

0670 Gospel To The Nations Church

Gospel To The Nations ChurchP O Box 9971Dothan, AL 36304

0671 Wiregrass Spotlight on Homes

Wiregrass Spotlight on Homes456 S. Oates StreetDothan, AL 36301

0672 Bluegrass in the Wiregrass

Bluegrass in the Wiregrass529 Harvest LaneDothan, AL 36301

0673 United New Jerusalem

United New Jerusalem1109 Meharis CircleDothan, AL 36303

0674 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church (Turning Point Ministries)

Pleasant Grove Baptist Church (Turning Point Ministries)2172 Jacob StreetCottondale, FL 32431

0675 Urban Group Media “Urban Lifestyle” Urban Group Media11088 W. Motes DriveMarana, AZ 85653


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0676 The Word Evangelistic Church

The Word Evangelistic Church10501 South Avenue JChicago, IL 60617

0677 Dickson Realty “Real Estate Today” Dickson Realty1030 Caughlin CrossingReno, NV 89509

0678 Majors One-on-One, LLC

“The Tax Lady Sings” Majors One-on-One, LLC1247 Lipps LaneLouisville, KY 40219

0679 World Global Ministries

World Global Ministries69 King Ave.Newark, OH 43055

0680 First Baptist Church Mount Pleasant

First Baptist Church Mount Pleasant681 McCants Dr.Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

0681 Christ Memorial Church

Christ Memorial Church3330 E. Livingston Ave.Columbus, OH 43227

0682 Bullseye Video Productions

“Hamilton Hyundai Television”

Bullseye Video Productions39 Autumnfest CtGreencastle, PA 17225

0683 Spinning Z Productions

Spinning Z Productions4723 N. KelsoChicago, IL 60630

0684 Media Partners Group

“eXplore!” Media Partners Group188 Main Street New York Mills, NY 13417

0685 Greater Anointing Harvest Church

Greater Anointing Harvest Church20 Charlotte St.Dorchester, MA 02125

0687 Wild New Mexico, Inc.

“Wild New Mexico” Wild New MexicoPO Box 37413Albuquerque, NM 87176

0688 Faith Christian Center, Inc

“Catch the Truth” Faith Christian Center, Inc95 Sagamore RoadSeekonk, MA 02771

0689 Art Showcase Auction

Art Showcase Auction326 N. Western Ave., Ste. 169Los Angeles, CA 90004

0690 Wave Church “The Wave with Steve Kelly”

Wave Church1000 N. Great Neck Rd. P.O. Box 4488Virginia Beach, VA 23454

0691 National Scholastic Sportsman Program

“NSSP Outdoors TV” National Scholastic Sportsman Program4460 A.T. Massa Dr.Paducah, KY 42003


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0692 RE/MAX Magic Real Estate

“The RE/MAX Magic Show”

RE/MAX Magic Real Estate4630 California Ave.Bakersfield, CA 93309

0693 Anchorage Baptist Temple

Anchorage Baptist Templec/o Joseph E. Dunnne, III, AttorneyP.O. Box 9203Durango, CO 81302

0694 The Media House “Cutting Edge M.D.'s” The Media House4850 Commerce Dr.Bakersfield, CA 93309

0696 Miracle Temple Deliverance Ministries, Inc.

Miracle Temple Deliverance Ministries, Inc.401 N Wright St.P.O. Box 1042Burgaw, NC 28425

0697 Cliffdweller Productions, LLC d/b/a Home-Builders' Gallery Television

“Living Right” Cliffdweller Productions, LLC d/b/a Home-Builders' Gallery Television3517 Calle Suenos, SERio Rancho, NM 87124-6713

0698 The Sanctuary of Savannah, Inc.

The Sanctuary of Savannah, Inc.8912 Whitfield Ave.Savannah, GA 31406

0699 Club Affairs Television Show

Club Affairs Television ShowP.O. BOX 720208McAllen, TX 78504

0700 The Way of God Church of the Lord Jesus, Inc.

The Way of God Church of the Lord Jesus, Inc.3013 S. Rainbow Dr., Suite ADecatur, GA 30034

0701 Inshore Fishing Techniques

Inshore Fishing Techniques153 Overlook Dr.Chuluota, FL 32766

0702 Pacific International, Inc.

Pacific International, Inc.555 Birch St.Nekoosa, WI 54457-1397

0703 National Group Advertising

National Group Advertising22287 Mulholland Hwy, Suite 88Calabasas, CA 91302

0704 The Destiny Place “Destiny Dimensions on WAPT Channel 16 in Jackson, MS”

The Destiny Place131 E. McDowell Rd.Jackson, MS 39204

0705 Greater Community Temple C.O.G.I.C.

Greater Community Temple C.O.G.I.C.924 N. Dunlap at ChelseaMemphis, TN 38107

0706 Step By Step Ministries

“The Shofar Man's Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord International

Step By Step Ministries815 S. Babcock Rd.Porter, IN 46304


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Conference”0707 First

Community/TDW Ministries of Minneapolis

“Walking by Faith” First Community/TDW Ministries of MinneapolisP O Box 110543001 Russell Avenue NorthMinneapolis, MN 55411

0708 Creative Video Imagery

“Great Lakes Golf Today” and “Lets Fixer Up”

Creative Video Imagery1650 SchombergToledo, OH 43605

0709 The Congregation of God Seventh Day Association

“Watch America” The Congregation of God Seventh Day Association2751 Main St. Kennesaw, GA 30144

0710 Two Lane Blacktop Media

“Miles Around” Two Lane Blacktop Media9125 SE Taylor St.Portland, OR 97216

0711 Trenton Partners, Inc “Poorman's Bikini Beach”

Trenton Partners, Incc/o Pick & Boydston, LLP1000 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 600Los Angeles, CA 90017

0712 The Agency Advertising Group

“Bozzani Info 01” The Agency Advertising Group2041 E. Villa St.Pasadena, CA 91107

0713 HuntFish TV “HuntFish TV” HuntFish TV4940 West 8th Winona. MN 55987

0714 Golden Heights Church of Christ

“Back to the Bible” Golden Heights Church of Christ2051 Martin Luther King Blvd.Fort Lauderdale, FL 33310

0715 Don Russell Productions

“Inside the Outdoors” Don Russell Productions3526 Woodmont Park LaneLouisville, KY 40243

0716 TDP Production “Music from the Heart”

TDP Production121 Canary StreetCordele, GA 31015

0717 The Upper Room Ministries

“Vision Ministries” The Upper Room Ministries322 S. 24th StreetClarksburg, WV 26301

0718 Light of Life World Outreach Center

Light of Life World Outreach Center600 The DriveFairmont, WV 26554

0719 Chuck Thomas “Movie Reviews and Previews”

Chuck Thomas711 Atlantic AvenueMonaca, PA 15061

0720 Muscogee (Creek) Nation Communi-cations Department

“Native News Today” Muscogee (Creek) Nation Communications Department P.O. Box 580Okmulgee, OK 74447


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0721 PCM Media Group “The Source One Television Show”

PCM Media Group7010 Royal Hunt DrivePanama City Beach, FL 32407

0722 Christlove International Christian Ministries

Christlove Int’l Christian Ministries214 W. 70th Street, Suite 104Shreveport, LA 71106

0723 Don’t Shoot Productions

“The Scott Conner Show”

Don’t Shoot Productions 3200 Carlisle Boulevard NE, Ste 218Albuquerque, NM 87110

0724 Urban Mix TV Show Urban Mix TV Show1803 W. 95thChicago, IL 60643

0725 G & M Advertising G & M Advertising5400 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Suite 250North Hollywood, CA 91606

0726 First Baptist Church of South Richmond

“The Empowerment Hour”

First Baptist Church of South Richmond1501 Decatur StreetRichmond, VA 23224

0727 Zoo Productions, Faith House Of Refuge Ministries

“Zeal of Obedience Ministries”

Zoo Productions, Faith House Of Refuge Ministries1401 East Washington StreetSuffolk, VA 23434

0728 New Jerusalem “Walking in Kingdom Authority”

New Jerusalem1285 Raymond RoadJackson, MS 39212

0730 First Baptist Church of Jonesboro

First Baptist Church of JonesboroPO Box 773Jonesboro, GA 30237

0731 Faith Center of Paducah, Inc.

“Discovering a Better Life”

Faith Center of Paducah, Inc.5121 Charter Oak DrivePaducah, KY 42001

0732 Song Revival Fellowship & Ministries, Inc.

“The New LaVerne Tripp and Family Program”

Song Revival Fellowship & Ministries, Inc.PO Box 899Gallatin, TN 37066-0899

0733 Baerclaw Productions, LLC

Baerclaw Productions, LLCSmithwick & Belendiuk, PC5028 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Ste 301Washington, DC 20016

0734 The House of Peace Worship Church

“Perfect Peace Broadcast”

The House of Peace Worship ChurchPO Box 11432372 Grove StreetVicksburg, MS 39180


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0735 GhettothropicLLC “Commu-nity’s Choice”

Ghettothropic, LLC2422 Burton Street SEGrand Rapids, MI 49546

0736 Blueprint for Green, LLC

“Blueprint for Green” Blueprint for Green, LLC5500 Lincoln Drive, Suite 150Edina, MN 55436

0737 RML Ministries “InnerView” RML Ministries13220 GreenfieldDetroit, MI 48227

0738 Ultimate Outdoor Adventures, LLP

“Ultimate Outdoor Adventures TV”

Ultimate Outdoor Adventures, LLP3205 89th Avenue SEBismarck, ND 58504

0739 Life Christian Center International

“Is This Really Church?”

Life Christian Center International1211 Stuart AvenueAlbany, GA 31707

0740 Family Church “Purpose for Life” Family Church1200 Glory Way BoulevardBradenton, FL 34212

0741 True Worshippers Apostolic Church

True Worshippers Apostolic Church106 North Bloom St.Pine Bluff, AR

0742 Deeper Calling Media

"DeeperLiving" Deeper Calling Media1065 Walther BlvdLawrenceville GA 30043

0744 Agape Storge Christian Center

“Faith for Living” Agape Storge Christian Center130 North Theobald St.Greenville, MS 38701

0745 Maranatha Cornerstone Church

“A Fresh Anointing” Maranatha Cornerstone ChurchRt. 2 Box 83-ALetart, WV 25253

0746 RP Media/Damson Automotive

RP Media/ Damson AutomotiveP.O. Box 2485Huntsville, AL 35804-2485

0747 A-Nation TV A-Nation TV6765 Westminster Blvd., Suite #C520Westminster, CA 92683

0748 Behind the Rack “Behind the Rack” Behind the Rack830 W. White Sands Dr.Meridian, ID 83646

0749 A&S Media “The Remax Showcase of Homes” (60 min. version)

A&S Media1406 Glenwood Dr. SE.Huntsville, AL 35801

0750 The Church of God Evangelistic Association

The Church of God Evangelistic Association908 Sycamore St.Waxahachie, TX 75165


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0751 Storm Worldwide Inc.

“Spotlight On VA” Storm Worldwide Inc.3002 Hull StreetRichmond, VA 23224

0752 A.M.E.N Television “Entertainment Africa”

A.M.E.N Television12230-80 Westheimer Rd.Houston, TX 77042

0753 Global Glory, Inc. Global Glory, Inc.PO Box 612663Dallas, TX 75261

0754 Crosspoint Community Church

Crosspoint Community ChurchPO Box 17767Hattiesburg, MS 39404-7767

0755 Foxworth Marketing Group, LLC

“The Foxworth Report”

Foxworth Marketing Group, LLCc/o Edward Foxworth III3174 E. LafayetteDetroit, MI 48207

0756 Visual Films, LLC “Catfishing America” Visual Films, LLC62 East Elm AvenueMonroe, MI 48162

0757 The Harbor Church The Harbor ChurchPO Box 1775Millsboro, DE 19966

0758 Media Underground Productions/Living Additions, LLC

Media Underground Productions/Living Additions, LLC3485 W. Harmon Ave., Suite 100Las Vegas, NV 89103

0759 BugWater Media, LLC,

“Tim Roller's Wild Addition”

BugWater Media, LLC,110757 W. Rosted RoadLake City, MI 49651

0760 The “Boo” The Clown Show

The “Boo” The Clown Show7550 N. Jones Blvd.Las Vegas, NV 89131

0761 Kompa en Action Inc.

“Life in Miami” Kompa en Action, Inc.8071 NW 44th Ct #4Coral Springs Fl 33065

0762 Wood Ford Sales, Inc.

Wood Ford Sales, Inc.325 Hwy 463NTrumann, AR 72472

0763 West End Assembly of God

West End Assembly of God401 Parham RoadRichmond, Virginia 23229

0764 ASAT Outdoors, LLC

ASAT Outdoors, LLC307 East Park AvenueAnaconda, MT 59711

0765 Outdoor-Frontiers Multi-Media LLC

“Steve Huber's Outdoor-Frontiers TV”

Outdoor-Frontiers Multi-Media LLC119 E. Frederick StreetRhinelander, WI 54501


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0766 Christian Joy Center “Changing Lives In Changing Times”

Christian Joy Center1208 Sumac DriveEl Paso, Texas 79925

0767 St. Luke's United Methodist Church

Robert Lewis Thompson Smithwick & Belendiuk, PC5028 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Suite 301Washington, DC 20016

0769 Coldwell Banker Bain

“Tour of Homes” Coldwell Banker Bain7525 S.E. 24th Street, Suite 630Mercer Island, Washington 98040

0770 Hooked Up, LLC “No Excuses Televised Fishing and Outdoor Adventures”

Hooked Up, LLCP.O. Box 123Greenville, Wisconsin 54942

0771 Mambo, LLC Mambo, LLCCharles R. NaftalinLeighton T. BrownHolland & Knight LLP2099 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 100Washington, DC 20006-6801

0772 Life Christian Church Life Christian Church3193 Rochester RoadTroy, MI 48083

0773 Radarworks Radarworks6100 Wilshire BoulevardLos Angeles, CA 90048

0774 First Church of Creative Mind

“The Unlimited God Power Hour”

First Church of Creative MindPO Box 1209Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729

0775 Sal LoMagro “Orion’s Archers” Sal LoMagro425 Drumlin HillDeerfield, WI 53531

0776 PJ’s Music Group “Rev’s Place” PJ’s Music Group2055 South Lumpkin RdColumbus, GA 31903

0777 First Baptist Church, Laurel

“First Things First” First Baptist Church, LaurelPO Box 2636607 West 5th StLaurel, MS 39442

0778 River of Faith International Harvest

River of Faith International Harvest7827 Tanners GateFlorence, KY 41042

0779 Direct-Avenue “Dr. Bakst Magnetic Therapy”

DirectAvenue32840 Wolf Store Rd, Suite BTemecula, CA 92592

0780 Bennett Chiropractic Bennett Chiropractic120 West Dublin Drive, Suite 102Madison, AL 35758


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0781 The Life Church of Memphis

The Life Church of Memphis1800 North Germantown ParkwayCordova, TN 38016

0782 The Geary Company “Longford Homes Infomercial Feb. '08”

The Geary Company3136 Russell RoadLas Vegas, NV 89120

0783 Donna Dell’Anno “Smiley the Clown & Friends”

Donna Dell’AnnoPO Box 224Yorkville, NY 13495

0784 Hunting Lease LLC “Hunting Lease Magazine TV”

Hunting Lease LLC1 Oakwood Park Plaza, Suite 205Castle Rock, CO 80104

0785 New Life World Ministries

“The Set Time” New Life World Ministries2500 Decker Boulevard, Suite D-4Columbia, SC 29206

0786 Utah Partnerships For Christ

Utah Partnerships For Christ3701 Harrison Boulevard SouthOgden, UT 84403

0787 Charles D. Johnson “Living The Beat” Charles D. Johnson113 West Spencer CourtHarlingen, TX 78550

0788 The Blue Group The Blue Group1200 Barton Hills #101Austin, TX 78704

0789 Villages News Network

Villages News Networkc/o Erick LangenbrunnerMcLin & Burnsed P.A.1028 Lake Sumter LandingThe Villages, FL 32162

0790 Faith Cometh By Hearing Ministries

Faith Cometh By Hearing MinistriesPO Box 335Monrovia, CA 91017

0791 Marcum Media, LLC “Talisman Medallion” Marcum Media, LLC4550 East Bell Road, Suite 136Phoenix, AZ 85032

0792 Chrisagis Brothers Ministry

Chrisagis Brothers Ministry103 Sinclair AvenueYorkville, OH 43917

0793 World Missions Today, Inc

“Influence Living” World Missions Today, Inc1053 Knights Bridge CircleDavenport, FL 33896

0794 Greater Level Full Gospel Baptist Church

“Increased Living” Greater Level Full Gospel Baptist Church502 Tulane DriveWilmington, NC 28403

0795 Central Seventh-Day Adventist Church d/b/a Media Group Ministries

“Yours for the Asking”

Central Seventh-Day Adventist Church d/b/a Media Group MinistriesPO Box 360597


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Columbus, OH 432360796 Revelation

International Ministries

“Revelation International”

Revelation International Ministries5160-B Beamon RoadNorfolk, VA 23513

0797 Mercury Film and Television

“Your One Stop Flooring Solution” and “Charles Townsend Tells All”

Mercury Film and Television73-241 Highway 111, Suite 3-FPalm Desert, CA 92260

0798 The McGarry Group LLC

“Live Your Legacy!” The McGarry Group LLC8210 Jacobs Ridge LaneCumming, GA 30028

0799 Gospel Broadcasting Network

Gospel Broadcasting NetworkPO Box 23604Chattanooga, TN 37422

0800 Classifieds On-The-Air Advertising & Production

“At Your Request” Classifieds On-The-Air Advertising & ProductionDaniel F. Royal, Attorney at Law9065 South Pecos Road, Suite 240Henderson, NV 89074

0801 Polkavideos “The Polkas Are On” PolkavideosPO Box 413Ringle, WI 54471

0802 C.A.R.E. Productions “Al Dia TV Talk Show”

C.A.R.E. Productions4341 Woodtree LaneOrlando, FL 32835

0803 First Baptist Church of Memphis

First Baptist Church of Memphis200 E. Parkway N.Memphis, TN 38112

0804 Mac Kelly Productions, LLC

“Wolfman Mac’s Nightmare Sinema”

Mac Kelly Productions, LLC27500 DonaldWarren, MI 48092

0805 Midwest Sports Clash, LLC

“Midwest Sports Clash”

Midwest Sports Clash, LLC181 University StreetFerndale, MI 48220

0806 CliffDweller Productions d/b/a Home-Builders’ Gallery Television

“Good For You” CliffDweller Productions d/b/a HomeBuilders’ Gallery Television3971 Southern Boulevard, SE Ste 101Rio Rancho, NM 87124

0807 Pine Street Church of God

“Higher Dimensions Through Praise and Worship”

Pine Street Church of God1303 Leader StreetDouglas, GA 31533

0808 The Facts & Figures/ Citywatch Group

The Facts & Figures/ Citywatch Group24325 Crenshaw Blvd., Suite 251Torrance, CA 90505

0809 Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus

“TV Mass For Shut-ins”

Fourth Degree Knights of ColumbusPO Box 3662


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Quincy, IL 623050810 First Baptist Church

of Rio Hondo “The Rio Hondo Baptist Program”

First Baptist Church of Rio HondoBox 279Rio Hondo, TX 78583

0811 Jan Holley Advertising Productions, Inc.

Jan Holley Advertising Productions, Inc.2701 West Terrace DriveAugusta, GA 30909

0812 Peanut Pictures LLC “Playing for Peanuts Peanut Pictures LLC155 Prospect AvenueValhalla, NY 10595

0813 Bill Molls Adventures LLC

“The Modern Day Mountain Man”

Bill Molls Adventures LLC2010 Long Lake LaneComstock, WI 54826

0814 Dove Song Ministries “One-On-One” Dove Song Ministries100 Collins CrestCedar Bluff, VA 24609

0815 Sandy Bottom Outdoor Productions

“Real Life Outdoors” Sandy Bottom Outdoor ProductionsRoute 2, Box 677Arlington, GA 39813

0816 Swamp City Productions

“What the Stuff – Outdoor Adventure,” “The Life for Me,” and “Sunday Stays & Getaways”

Swamp City Productions440 Sawgrass Corporate Pkwy, Ste 102Sunrise, FL 33325

0817 MGK Productions d/b/a Focus Outdoors

MGK Productions d/b/a Focus Outdoors3333 Division Street #119St. Cloud, MN 56301

0818 The Marcus Institute The Marcus Institute1920 Briarcliff RoadAtlanta, GA 30329

0821 Seneca Creek Productions

“Love of the Hunt” Seneca Creek Productions231 Crawford RoadBrockway, PA 15824

0822 Stella Productions d/b/a Vegas Media Group

Stella Productions d/b/a Vegas Media Group1771 East Flamingo, Suite 206aLas Vegas, NV 89119

0823 Frank Perez “Edificando Vidas” Frank Perez444 North 12th StreetSan Jose, CA 95112

0824 Whitetail Properties, LLC

“Whitetail Properties TV”

Whitetail Properties, LLCc/o Rammelkamp Bradney, P.C.J. Andrew Merriman232 West State StreetPO Box 550Jacksonville, IL 62651-0550


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0825 Market Squared Productions

“Market Squared” Market Squared Productions25 Quail Hill RoadPittsburgh, PA 15214

0826 John Deahl John Deahl607 Crestview Drive #25Mechanicsville, IA 52306

0827 Abundant Life Church of Christ

Abundant Life Church of Christ3700 Goodell RoadRichmond, VA 23223

0828 Wolf Pack BowHunting, LLC

Wolf Pack BowHunting, LLC33144 220th Avenue SEErskine, MN 56535

0829 KSLA TV “Your Hometown Show”

KSLA TV1812 Fairfield AvenueShreveport, LA 71101-4461

0830 Raw TV Productions “Raw TV” Raw TV Productions1039 West GrandChicago, IL 60422

0831 Showcase Media, LLC

“The Showcase Sports High School Report”

Showcase Media, LLC3605 Wildwood DriveEndwell, NY 13760

0832 Alex Marin “Las Maravillas de Dios”

Alex MarinPO Box 280224Northridge, CA 91325

0833 International Land Consultants, Inc.

“Hawks Bluff” International Land Consultants, Inc.143 Hawks Bluff RoadSpencer, TN 38585

0834 Al Jerkins “Gospel Jubilee” “Gospel Jubilee”c/o Law Offices of Trucks & TrucksMichael G. Trucks4505 Gary AvenueFairfield, AL 35064-0536

0835 Compass DVDs Compass DVDs13835 North Tatum Blvd, Ste 9-286Phoenix, AZ 85032

0836 Believers-Way Church

“The BelieversWay” BelieversWay Church6201 Canyon DriveAmarillo, TX 79109

0837 WSBS Licensing, Inc.

WSBS Licensing, Inc.c/o Kaye Scholer LLPAllan G. MoskowitzThe McPherson Building901 15th Street, NWWashington, DC 20005

0838 Grace Bible Fellowship of Antioch

“Amazing Grace” Grace Bible Fellowship of Antioch913 Sunset DriveAntioch, GA 94509


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0839 Won’t Be Denied Productions

Won’t Be Denied Productions5808 Lincoln Meadows 818Fort Worth, TX 76112-2653

0840 South Greenwood Assembly of God

“Nothing’s Too Hard For God”

South Greenwood Assembly of God280 Galilee RoadGreenwood, SC 29646

0841 God’s Way Healing & Worship Center Church

God’s Way Healing & Worship Center Church1552 Boston Grill RoadMt. Pleasant, SC 29466

0842 In Your Backyard Iowa, LLC

“Backyard Iowa” In Your Backyard Iowa, LLC406 South 2nd StreetPO Box 14Winterset, IA 50273

0844 Brian Austin Productions d/b/a Mud Truck TV

“Mud Truck TV” Brian Austin Productions d/b/a Mud Truck TVPO Box 10389Conway, AR 72034

0845 De la Cruz del Sur Producciones

“Patagonic Waters De la Cruz del Sur ProduccionesMontes Grandes 977Acassuso, San Isidro (B1642BYA)Buenos Aires, Argentina

0846 The Karen DeKay Show

“The Karen DeKay Show”

“The Karen DeKay Show”460 North Section StreetFairhope, AL 36532

0847 First Baptist Church of Hattiesburg

First Baptist Church of Hattiesburg510 West Pine StreetHattiesburg, MS 39401

0848 David Hughes “Those Golf Guys” David Hughes1030 Caughlin CrossingReno, NV 89523

0849 Dennis Tsakirs “Wealth Wise” Dennis Tsakirs305 Green StreetSomersworth, NH 03878

0850 DBS Productions “Good News Great Music”

DBS Productions1320 Ida Ave.Flint, MI 48503

0851 Heritage Christian Center, Inc.

“Winners Walk” Heritage Christian Center, Inc.2032 Blanding BlvdJacksonville, FL 32210

0852 The Wellness Hour, Inc

300 Carlsbad Village Dr. Suite 220Carlsbad, CA 92008

0853 Darrin Campbell “Strut and Rut Outdoors”

Darrin Campbell1450 Fulls Fork RdLeroy, WV 25252

0854 Pappas Telecasting of Central Nebraska, L.P.

Pappas Telecasting of Central Nebraska, L.P.c/o Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth,


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PLC11th Fl, 1300 North 17th StArlington, VA 22209

0855 The Little Rock Compassion Center

The Little Rock Compassion Center3618 W. RooseveltLittle Rock, AR 72204

0856 First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta

First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta1328 Peachtree St, NEAtlanta, GA 30309

0857 Jacob's Well Ministries, Inc

Jacob's Well Ministries, Inc9203 Hwy 11 NPoplarville, MS 39470

0858 Major Players, LLC “The Xtreme Show” Major Players, LLC17650 West 12 Mile Rd.Southfield, MI 48076

0859 Nacogdoches Independent School District

“Inside NISD,” “Dragon Athletic Show,” “La Conexion Hispana,” & “Brick Street News”

Nacogdoches Independent School District511 South UniversityNacogdoches, Texas 75961

0860 Rev Productions “Sportsaholic” Rev Productions440 N. McClurg Court, Ste 816Chicago, IL 60611

0861 Heartwise Ministries “At the Heart of Health”

Heartwise Ministries8831 Forest Creek LaneOoltewah, TN 37363-9182

0862 Center Ridge Baptist Church, Inc

“Good News Gospel” Center Ridge Baptist Church, Inc760 County Road 267Shubuta, MS 39360

0863 Women's Image Network

“The WIN Awards” Women's Image Network2118 Wilshire Blvd. #144Santa Monica, CA 90403

0864 Windsor Broadcast Productions

“The American Health Journal”

Windsor Broadcast Productions74-075 El Paseo, Suite C-4Palm Desert, CA 92260

0865 Mountain Licenses LP (KAYU-TV, KFFX-TV, KCYU-LD)

“Washington's Most Wanted”

Mountain Licenses LP (KAYU-TV, KFFX-TV, KCYU-LD)c/o Lerman Senter PLLC2000 K Street, NWSuite 600Washington, D.C. 20006-1809

0866 Xcorps Action Sports TV

“The Xcorps” Xcorps Action Sports TV132 N. E1 Camino Real #341Encinitas, CA 92024


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0867 Louis Scorpiniti “The Gate” Louis Scorpiniti1406 E. 14th StreetDes Moines, IA 50316

0868 The Christian Church of Myrtle Beach

The Christian Church of Myrtle Beach1226 Vurcale Rd.Myrtle Beach, 29579

0869 Mud Creek Baptist Church

“A Clear Word” Mud Creek Baptist Church403 Rutledge DriveHendersonville, NC 28739

0870 Word of Truth Worship Center, Inc

“Mentality Change Ministry”

Word of Truth Worship Center, Inc3004 Seventh St.Meridian, MS 39301

0871 Spirit of Truth Spirit of TruthPO Box 8Enon, OH 45323

0872 Pre-Owned Auto Mart

“Intro to Pre-Owned Auto Mart”

Pre-Owned Auto Mart6319 Highway 49 SPO Box 488Paragould, AR 72451

0873 Reno Style “Reno Style” Reno Style960 South Virginia StReno, NV 89502

0875 First Presbyterian Church

“First and Foremost” First Presbyterian Church200 West Washington StreetGreenville SC 29601

0876 Opal Crews Word of Life

Opal Crews Word of Life308 Dublin CircleMadison, Al 35758

0877 Wazoo Sports, Inc. Wazoo Sports, Inc.1380 West Fifth St., Suite 200London, KY 40743

0878 Epic Films “Austin UnCut” Epic Films1106 Brookside CoveCedar Park, TX 78613

0879 McDuff Graphics & Marketing

San Joaquin Community Hospital

McDuff Graphics & Marketing115 Pine StBakersfield, CA 93304

0880 Mount Moriah Baptist Church of Spartanburg, Inc

Mount Moriah Baptist Church of Spartanburg, Inc445 South Church St.Spartanburg, SC 29304

0881 Nature Productions “Hunting for the Dream,” & “Mossy Oak Real Estate Outdoor Adventures”

Nature Productions123 Unity Rd.Benton, ME 04901

0882 New Hope Convenant Christian Fellowship Center

“Following Christ Will Lead You To God”

New Hope Convenant Christian Fellowship Center111 North Alabama Street


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P.O. Box 91Broxton, GA 31519

0883 Apostolic True Temple Church of God

Apostolic True Temple Church of God3000 Stringfield Rd.Huntsville, AI. 35810

0884 Christian Ridge Church of God

Christian Ridge Church of God53 Christian Ridge RoadEllsworth, ME 04605

0885 Christ Temple Church

“New Day” Christ Temple Church2935 Cole RoadWinston-Salem, NC 27107

0886 Pentacostal Lighthouse Church

Pentacostal Lighthouse Church6107 Blue Spring RoadHuntsville, AI. 35810

0887 The Hyndman Ministry Center

The Hyndman Ministry Center232 Hyndman Rd.Hyndman, PA 15545

0888 Father Cedric Pisegna Ministries

“Live with Passion” Father Cedric Pisegna Ministries430 Bunker Hill Rd.Houston, TX. 77024

0889 D.J. Edwards Ministries, Inc.

D.J. Edwards Ministries, Inc.P.O. Box 602Park Hills, MO 63601

0890 Union Chapel Missionary Baptist Church

Union Chapel Missionary Baptist Church315 Winchester Road, N.E.Huntsville, AI. 35811

0891 Lakewood Baptist Church

Lakewood Baptist Church4011 Lakewood DrivePhenix City, AL 36867

0893 Florence Baptist Temple

“Baptist Temple Hour”

Florence Baptist Temple2308 South Irby StreetPO Box 12809Florence, SC 29504

0894 The Saviour Is Waiting Ministries

“The Saviour Is Waiting Telecast”

The Saviour Is Waiting Ministries855 Patch Drive Spartanburg SC 29302

0895 Long Suffering M. B. Church

Long Suffering M. B. Church366 Carson Rd.Lowndes County, MS

0896 Ministry of Fullness Word of Faith

“Kingdom Word” Ministry of Fullness Word of Faith2236 Old Salisbury RdWinston Salem, NC 27127

0897 Village of Faith Ministries

Village of Faith Ministries5741 S. Laburn um AveuueRichmond, VA 23231

0898 Sam Cobbins d/b/a “Outdoors With Sam Cobbins d/b/a WTE


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WTE Production Shambani,” “The Sermon,” “Versus,” “Delta's Blues”

Production14 Sunset CircleGreenwood, MS 38930

0899 Tuscarora Multimedia

“Cheryl Peach Gospel Show”

Tuscarora MultimediaPO Box 516Chambersburg, PA 17201

0900 Calvary Revival Church Richmond

Calvary Revival Church RichmondP.O. Box 6509Richmond, VA 23230

0902 Passion for Christ Ministries

Passion for Christ MinistriesP. O. Box 4168Huntsville, AL 35815

0903 Abundant Life Community Church

“Body Builders Television Network”

Abundant Life Community Church202 Vancouver CircleInterlachen, FL 32148

0904 St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church

“The Word of Change”

St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church248 Southern Ave.Spartanburg, SC 29303

0905 Changing Your Mind Ministries

Changing Your Mind Ministries3506 Edwards Rd Taylors, SC 29687

0906 Clower & Associates “Dwight Keith Ministries”

Clower & Associates3217C Post Woods DrAtlanta, GA 30339

0907 Cliffdweller Productions, Inc. d/b/a Travel Guide New Mexico

“Travel Guide New Mexico”

Cliffdweller Productions d/b/a Travel Guide New Mexico3791 Southern Blvd, SE Ste 101Rio Rancho, NM 87124

0908 Jolene Kennedy Ministries

“Jolene Kennedy Ministries”

Jolene Kennedy Ministries633 E. RichmondFresno, CA 93720

0909 Swamp City Productions

“What the Stuff Review,” & “What the Stuff Baby Boomers”

Swamp City Productions440 Sawgrass Corp. Pkwy, Ste 102Sunrise, FL 33325

0910 Destiny Global Ministries, Inc.

Destiny Global Ministries, Inc.1408 Cavanaugh RoadFort Smith, AR 72908

0911 Ebony Counseling Center

“Keeping It Real” Ebony Counseling Center1301 California AvenueBakersfield, CA 93304

0912 PTL Community Development

PTL Community Development5253 Highway 90 DMobile, AL 36619

0913 Barry Clement “Unplugged @ The Cornerstone”

Barry Clement115 Spring Estates Dr.Liberty S.C. 29657


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0914 Somar Two Productions

Somar Two ProductionsP.O. Box4485 Trenton,, NJ 08610

0915 Operation Mobile Operation MobileP.O. Box 911Mobile, AL 36601

0916 Life Center Church “Prophetic Encounter” Life Center Church656 Cherry St.Hendersonville, NC 28792

0917 My Father's House International Outreach Ministries, Inc.

My Father's House International Outreach Ministries, Inc.1858 Midtown DriveColumbus, GA 31906

0918 New Energy Advertising

New Energy Advertising4 GalleriaRancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688

0919 Engaging Media “NW Lifestyles” Engaging Media2852 Williamette St. #241 Eugene, OR 97405

0920 Celebrity Update, Inc.

“Celebrity Update” Celebrity Update, Inc.205 N. Stephanie St.Henderson NV, 89074

0921 Zap Lab Ltd. “The Plush Life” Zap Lab Ltd.1325 Airmotive Way, Ste 301Reno, NV 89502

0922 Zap Lab Ltd. ‘The Fowl Life” Zap Lab Ltd.1325 Airmotive Way, Ste 301Reno, NV 89502

0923 Five & Dime Productions

Five & Dime Productions950 28th St.Grand Rapids, MI 49508

0924 Charles Fedullo “Fairbanks Focus Alaska View”

Dept. of Journalism, UAF101 Bunnell Bldg. PO Box 756120Fairbanks, AK 99775

0925 L. R. Byrd “L. R. Byrd Talkshow”

L. R. Byrd TalkshowPO Box 9272Greenville, S.C. 29604-9272

0927 Envision Media Group, LLC

Envision Media Group, LLC705 K Lakeview Plaza BlvdWorthington, OH 43085

0928 Faith Assembly Christian Center

Faith Assembly Christian CenterPO Box 51671Durham, NC 27717

0929 Office of Communi-cations Archdiocese of New York

Office of Communications Archdiocese of New York1011 First Ave.New York, NY 10022-4112


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0930 Lyon Group L.L.C. Lyon Group L.L.C.2100 HighlandHelena, MT 59601

0933 Mt. Zion Apostolic Church

“Victory Through Praise”

Mt. Zion Apostolic Church4900 E. 38th StIndianapolis. IN 46218

0934 What's Your Story, LLC

“What's Your Story?” What's Your Story, LLCP.O. Box 16302Greenville, SC 29606

0935 Iglesia Nueva Jerusalem, Inc

“Nueva Vida” Iglesia Nueva Jerusalem, Inc2883 Pleasant Hill RdDuluth GA 30096

0936 Campfire Productions, L.L.C

Campfire Productions, L.L.C.c/o The Jones Law Firm721 W. 1st St.Cedar Falls, IA 50613

0937 Pro Arts Media Productions/Pro Arts Recording & Sound Co, Inc.

“House of Prayer,” “PrayingTime,” & “Moving Forward”

Pro Arts Media Productions/Pro Arts Recording & Sound Co, Inc.PO Box 397Chambersburg, PA 17201

0938 Eager Avenue Grace Church

“Reign of Grace Television Broadcast”

Eager Avenue Grace Church1102 Eager Dr.Albany, GA 31707

0939 Messiah Missionary Baptist Church

“Growing In The Spirit”

Messiah Missionary Baptist Church5640 E. 38th StIndianapolis, IN 46218

0940 Rowe & Hamilton “Faith & The Law” Suite 600 Victoria Centre22 East Washington St. Indianapolis, IN 46204

0941 Berean Bible Church “Proclaiming Jesus Christ”

Berean Bible Church 5602 Allisonville Rd, PO Box 20506Indianapolis, IN 46220-0506

0942 Fervent Prayer Outreach Ministries

“Get Well Now” Fervent Prayer Outreach Ministries10512 E 38th St.Indianapolis, IN 46235

0943 Grace Baptist Church “God's Turn” Grace Baptist Church432 West 300 North 309 Anderson, IN 46012

0944 Analeh TV Productions

“Spanish TV Show-TV”

Analeh TV Productions38 Sinclair StreetWindsor, CTt 06095

0945 Journal Broadcast Corporation

“FOX 57 In The Morning”

Journal Broadcast Corporationc/o Lennan Senter PLLC2000 K Street, NWSuite 600


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Washington, DC 20006-18090946 Kingsley Terrace

Church of Christ“Kingsley Terrace Church of Christ Program”

Kingsley Terrace Church of Christ2031 E. 30th Street Indianapolis, IN 46218-2797

0947 Telecel Marketing Solutions, Inc.


Telecel Marketing Solutions, Inc.16021 Industrial Dr, Suite 7Gaithersburg, MD 20877

0948 PentecostalMissionary Church of God (Iglesia De Dios Misionera Pentecostal)

PentecostalMissionary Church of God (Iglesia De Dios Misionera Pentecostal)6145 N 36th DrPhoenix AZ 85019

0949 San Fernando Cathedral of San Antonio

San Fernando Cathedral of San Antonioc/o Robert Lewis ThompsonSMITHWICK & BELENDIUK, PC5028 Wisconsin Ave., NW #301Washington, DC 20016

0950 SuperLatina Productions

“SuperLatina” SuperLatina Productions4148 Norway LaneGrand Prairie, TX 75052

0951 Variedades De Washington

“Variedades De Washington”

Variedades De Washington7233 North Starcrest DriveWarrenton, VA 20187

0952 Iglesia Del Camino Church

Iglesia Del Camino Church903 South County Road W.Odessa, TX. 79763

0953 Nosyael Digital “Auto Magazine” and “TV Mania”

Nosyael DigitalPO Box 953Anusco, PR 00610

0954 The Universal Church, Inc.

The Universal Church, Inc.Venable, LLP575 7th Street, N.W.Washington, DC 20554

0955 TV Mall “TV Mall” TV MALLVia San Juan D-37Urb. EstanciasBayamon 00961

0956 Iglesia de Cristo Ministerios Elim Maryland

Iglesia de Cristo Ministerios12345 Georgia Ave.Silver Spring, MD 20906

0957 Word & Praise Worship Ctr.

Word & Praise Worship CenterP.O. Box 1743Shreveport, LA 71166

0958 Second Baptist Church

“Purpose of Life” Second Baptist Church3705 Kessler Blvd. North DriveIndianapolis, IN 46222


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0959 Templo Maranatha Church

Templo Maranatha ChurchP.O. Box 6397 Phoenix, AZ. 85005

0960 The Light of the World Church

The Light of the World Church1206 N Laurel Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85007

0961 Rachelle Entertain-ment Productions, LLC

“Veronica's Blog” Rachelle Entertainment Prod., LLC4151 Middlefield Rd Ste 101Palo Alto, CA 94303

0962 The Open Door Church, Inc.

“Hope Worth Having” The Open Door Church, Inc.600 Miller StreetChambersburg, PA 17201

0964 Victory Outreach Church of San Diego

“Celebrate TV” Victory Outreach Church of San DiegoP.O. Box 13340 San Diego, CA 92170

0966 Mundo Natural Inc. Mundo Natural, IncPO Box 810288Carolina, PR 00981-0288

0967 Falllah Productions, Inc.

“Windy City Poker Championship”

Falllah Productions, Inc.18728 Center Ave.Homewood, IL. 60430

0968 Top Gun Productions, Inc.

“Speed & Fire with Juan ‘Corvette’”

Top Gun Productions, Inc.P.M.B. 327 Santa Juanita Station,Santa Juanita, Bayamon, P.R. 00956

0969 Ministerios Dejame Ayudarte

Ministerios Dejame Ayudarte401 H St., Suite BChula Vista, CA 91910

0971 Tidwell Cancer Treatment Center

“Tidwell and Friends” Tidwell Cancer Treatment Center2121 Warm Springs Rd.Columbus, GA. 31904

0972 Videoworks “Debtors Also Have Rights”

VideoworksHaciendas Bethel RR-5 Box 8210Bayam6n PR 00959

0974 Coneccion Peruana “Coneccion Peruana” Coneccion Peruana10706 King Riding Way #T3Rockville, MD 20852

0975 M. E. Marketing “Inmigrante TV” M. E. Marketing6657 Navigation Blvd.Houston, TX 77011

0976 Fishing Wisconsin TV.com

Fishing Wisconsin TV.comN3624 Sky High Rd. Poynette,WI. 53955

0977 Right Relationships with Nancy Pina

“Right Relationships with Nancy Pina”

Right Relationships with Nancy Pina60 #D Briar Hollow Lane


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Houston.Texas 770270979 Congregation Mita

ChurchCongregation Mita ChurchCalle Paris 243 San Juan PR 00917- 3632

0980 Oasis Christian Fellowship

“The Oasis” Oasis Christian Fellowship998 Beaver Creek DrWebster, New York, 14580

0981 La Camara Que Vende, Inc

“La Camara Que Vende, Inc”

La Camara Que Vende, Inc1389 Castillo del MarCarolina P.R. 00979

0982 Ondas de Esperanza “Ondas de Esperanza” Ondas de Esperanza8102 Carroll Ave.Takoma Park, MD 20912

0983 Jesus Jams TV “Jesus Jams TV” Jesus Jams TV590 Spruce Ct.Creswell, OR 97426

0984 New Horizon Christian Fellowship

New Horizon Christian Fellowship3718 8th StMeridian MS 39302

0985 Pepe Gonzales “El Show de Pepe” Pepe Gonzales1500 South VanNess Ave San Francisco, CA 94110

0986 Fallah Productions, Inc.

“Jacksonville Greyhound Racing and Poker's First Annual Chad Brown No Limit Texas Hold 'Em Championship”

Falllah Productions, Inc.18728 Center Ave.Homewood, IL. 60430

0987 Northwood Christian Church

“Spiritual Journey” Northwood Christian Church4550 Central Ave.Indianapolis, IN 46205

0988 New Life Worship Center

“A New Life with Pastor John Ramsey”

New Life Worship Center7860 Lafayette RdIndianapolis, IN 46278

0989 Smart Concepts “Smart Home Improvement”

Smart Concepts4525 S. Jamestown Ave.Tulsa, OK 74135

0990 Three Amigos Auto Center

Three Amigos Auto Center301 Mitchell RdModesto, CA 95354

0991 Ringside Champion-ship Wrestling

Ringside Championship Wrestling2561 Highway 1Cherry Valley, AR 72324

0992 NorthPark Church NorthPark Church 7770 Hwy. 39 NorthMeridian, MS 39305

0993 A 4Ruedas “A 4Ruedas” A 4Ruedas2016 21st San Pablo, CA 94806


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0994 Freedom Rock Christian Fellowship Church

Freedom Rock Christian Fellowship Church5718 5th Street Meridian, MS 39307

0995 Dallas Avenue Baptist Church

Dallas Avenue Baptist ChurchPO 1790 300 Dallas Ave.Mena, AR 71953

0997 JOBO and Associates, LLC

“Mainstreet Northern Nevada”

JOBO and Associates, LLC9505 Comanche Moon DriveReno, Nevada 89521

0998 Lamb of God Christian Church

“The Sword of the Spirit”

Lamb of God Christian Church4745B Warm Springs RdColumbus, GA 31909

0999 Del Mar Productions, LLC

“Allimite” Del Mar Productions, LLCPO Box 21161Denver, CO 80221

1000 The Present Truth The Present TruthPO Box 900729Palmdale, CA 93190

1001 NWA On Fire “NWA On Fire” NWA On Fire709 Lakeshore DrParsippany, NJ 07054

1002 Solid Ground Worship Center International

“Victorious Living NOW”

Solid Ground Worship Center Int’l 437 W. Butler RoadMauldin, SC 29662

1003 Independent Wrestling Entertain-ment

Independent Wrestling Entertainment62 Penny LaneBradley, ME 04411

1004 First Assembly of God Church

First Assembly of God ChurchPO 2988Meridian, MS 39302

1005 Comfort Pedic Corp. Comfort Pedic Corp.PO Box 4142Bayamon, PR 00958

1006 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church

“Spirit of Excellence” Pleasant Grove Baptist Church2153 Kempsville Rd.Virginia Beach, VA 23464

1007 Ryan Fowler “On the Scene” Ryan Fowler5473 Terrytown LaneLithonia, GA 30038

1008 Car Shop America, Inc.

Car Shop America, Inc18905 30th Ave NPlymouth, MN 55447

1009 First United Methodist Church

First United Methodist Church P.O. Box 1306Valdosta, GA 31603-1306

1010 The Terri Lynn Show “The Terri Lynn Show”

The Terri Lynn Show1328 Oakpark Dr.


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Jackson, MS 392131011 Keith Nemerow “Platinum Ink the

Documentary”Keith Nemerow5128 Burnet Rd.Austin, TX 78756

1012 DigIn, LLC Nick ArnoldDigIn, LLC3273 S. Wadsworth Blvd #1-81Denver, CO 80227

1013 Yellow Gal High Definition, LLC

Nick ArnoldYellow Gal High Definition, LLC 3273 S. Wadsworth Blvd #1-81Denver, CO 80227

1014 RE/MAX Fine Homes

RE/MAX Fine Homes32392 S. Coast Hwy. Suite 100Laguna Beach, CA 92651

1015 WHOA Ministries WHOA Ministries325 Lakeshire PkwyCanton, MS 39046

1016 SWATV Entertain-ment

“EI Florido que barato”

SWATV Entertainment2181 Caminito Norma Unit 133Chula Vista, CA 91915

1017 FalkonQwest Productions

FalkonQwest Productions8444 Lexington AveDowney, CA 90241

1018 Isramec, LTD “IBA English News” Isramec, LTD11 Perets St.Kfar-Saba 44418 Israel

1019 Iglesia De Cristo Miel

Iglesia De Cristo Miel1602 9th Ave.Longmont, CO 80150

1021 Emmanuel Global Network, USA

“Standard of Life” Emmanuel Global Network, USA12999 E. Adam Aircraft CircleEnglewood, CA 80112

1022 Persinger Automotive Persinger Automotive2737 Government BlvdMobile, AL 36606

1023 James Thomas Productions

“Firstlook” James Thomas Productions800 Washington Ave. PMB #103St. Louis, MO 63101

1024 Public Pursuit Hunting

Public Pursuit Hunting921 North Minnesota StreetWarren, MN 56762

1025 The Father's Field Ministries

“Proclaim It” The Father's Field MinistriesP. O. Box 977Brandon, MS 39043

1026 Park Place Baptist Church

Park Place Baptist ChurchP.O. Box 1497Brandon, MS 39043


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1028 Unity Church of Christianity

Unity Church of Christianity2909 Hillcroft Suite 200Houston, TX 77057

1029 Hunter's Edge, LLC “The Hunter's Edge Show”

Hunter's Edge, LLC191 Kelley RdBainbridge, GA 39817

1030 Southside Baptist Church

“Vision Broadcast” Southside Baptist ChurchRt 1, Box 163Lakeland, GA 31635

1031 Bayird Motors Bayird MotorsP.O. Box 488Paragould, AR 72451

1032 C&G Productions, LLC

“DC Contigo” C&G Productions, LLC936 North Kenmore St.Arlington, VA 22201

1033 Fitzsimmons Media Fitzsimmons Media742 McMu1lenBoise, ID 83709

1034 Jeff Nabel “The Nevada Pulse T.V.”

The Nevada Pulse T.V.9065 So Pecos Dr. Suite 270Henderson, NV 89074

1036 Westgate Free Will Baptist Church

Westgate Free Will Baptist ChurchPO Box219Arcadia SC 29320

1037 Tulsa- The Gathering Place

Tulsa- The Gathering PlacePO Box 97Bixby, OK 74008

1038 Tulsa Christian Center Ministries

“Jesus is the Way” Tulsa Christian Center Ministries10815 E. MarshallTulsa, OK 74116

1039 E&L Heidelberg Ministries

“Dream Big” Dream Bigc/o White Stone Baptist ChurchP.O. Box 436Newton, MS 39345

1040 E&L Heidelberg Ministries

E&L Heidelberg Ministriesc/o White Stone Baptist ChurchP.O. Box 436Newton, MS 39345

1041 The Hata Foundation The Hata FoundationPO Box 552Pearl City, HI 96782

1042 LaReiwa Media “Futbol y Mas” LaReiwa Media12 South First St. #306San Jose, CA 95113

1043 Changeable Shoe Company, Inc

“Inter-changeablez - Your Inter-changeable Shoe Company”

Changeable Shoe Company, Inc2600 W. Sahara Ave, #116Las Vegas, NV 89102


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1044 DW Communi-cation & Media

“Green Education 101”

DW Communication & Media14350 Solomons IslandSolomons, MD 20688

1045 Prince George's American Christian Television Systems (PGACTS, INC)

Prince George's American Christian Television Systems (PGACTS, INC)4518 Beech Rd #100Temple Hills, MD 20748

1046 Big Time Wrestling “Big Time Wrestling” Big Time WrestlingP.O. Box 133Reading, MA 01867

1047 La Luz Church La Luz ChurchP.O. BoxX 2924Odessa, TX 79710

1048 Swanigan Legal Services

“On the Go with Amie Jo”

On the Go with Amie Joc/o Swanigan Legal Services471 N Fresno StFresno, California 93721

1049 Church of Love Faith Center

“Victory Living” Church of Love Faith Center700 Exchange Blvd.Rochester, NY 14608

1050 Big Buck Pole, LLC “The Q 1 Big Buck Pole”

Big Buck Pole, LLCPO Box 62062 Division St.Coldwater, MI 49036

1051 Justin Carmack Justin Carmack291 Monow Cemetary Rd #5Bryson City, NC 28713

1052 Steve Thompson Productions

“Dining with Steve” Steve Thompson ProductionsP.O. Box 2731Stow, OH 44224

1054 Box Office America Box Office America21220 Devonshire St., Suite 103Chatsworth, CA 91311

1055 Valdense Films “Por Un Mejor Vivir” Valdense Films7210 Piney Wood PlaceLaurel, MD 20707

1056 Reelz-Channel, LLC “Movies & Music” ReelzChannel, LLCc/o Holland & Knight, LLP2099 Penn. Ave, N.W. Suite 100Washington, D.C. 20006

1057 Reelz-Channel, LLC ReelzChannel, LLCc/o Holland & Knight, LLP2099 Penn. Ave, N.W. Suite 100Washington, D.C. 20006

1058 God’s House of Grace Ministries

God’s House of Grace MinistriesPO Box 120-031Brooklyn, NY 11212


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1067 Chinowth & Cohen Realtors

Chinowth & Cohen Realtors9110 South Sheridan RdTulsa, OK 74133

1068 Texas Roadhouse Live

Texas Roadhouse Live1322 Chestnut Ridge Rd.Humble, TX 77339


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