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  • 8/18/2019 Federalism USA


    American Federalism


    Barrister Syed Mustafa Ali

  • 8/18/2019 Federalism USA


    Defining federalism

    National government and state governments both have

    assigned powers .

    Both levels of government derive their power from the


    Two or more governments exercise power and authority

    over the same people in the same territory Both must agree to constitutional changes

    The division of power between the national government

    and the states is protected in the Constitution.

    It was a middle ground between the systems of

    government that were known at the time of the writing

    of the constitution: confederal and unitary systems

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    What is Federalism?

    Mere existence of state and

    federal governments does not

    make it a federal system.

    Both the federal government

    and the state government gettheir power from a common

    source - the constitution.

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    Forms of Government



     significant government powers aredivided between the central government and smaller

    governmental units

    Confederation  —  constituent units or states retain

    ultimate authority and can veto major actions of thecentral government

    Unitary  —  central government exercises all

    governmental powers and can change its constituentunits

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     Alternatives to FederalismUnitary  Systems:

    Puts all  governmental power in the central government

    Britain, France, Israel, and the Philippines.


    Sovereign nations create a constitutional compact but

    carefully limited the power of the central government

    Articles of Confederation, The United Nations, EuropeanUnion 

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    1. The Roots of the Federal


    The Framers worked to create a political system that washalfway between the failed confederation of the Articles

    of Confederation and the tyrannical unitary system of

    Great Britain.

    The three major arguments for federalism are:

    1. the prevention of tyranny;

    2. the provision for increased participation in politics;

    3. and the use of the states as testing grounds or laboratories

    for new policies and programs.

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    Advantages to Federalism

    Suited for large geographic areas because it encouragesdiversity

    Avoids concentration of political power

    Accommodates already existing state govt

    State serve as training grounds for national leaders

    Keeps govt close to people

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    Disadvantages to Federalism

    Inflexibility inherent in a written constitution Complex, dealing with many governments

    Duplication of offices and functions

    Conflicts of authority may arise

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     Key Constitutional Provisions Defining


    Article I, Section 8 sets forth the enumerated powers thatbelong to the national government.

    The 10th Amendment to the constitution reserves powers

    not granted to the national government to “the states or

    to the people.” (These powers have not been explained,expressed, written down etc)

    The “necessary and proper” clause of Article I, Section 8,

    opens the door to implied powers for the national

    government. Article VI includes the “supremacy clause” stipulates the

    national law supersedes conflicting state laws law

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     Three Lists of Subjects in the


    The constitution contains three lists of subjects: A list of what the Congress can do (Article 1 Section 8)

    (The exclusive, shared and implied powers of the Congress)

    A list of what the Congress cannot do (Article 1 Section 9)

    (The powers denied to the Congress)

    A list of what the States cannot do. ( Article 1 Section 10)

    (The powers denied to the States)

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    Constitutions Distribution of Powers


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  • 8/18/2019 Federalism USA


    Article I, Section 8

    The enumerated powers of the central government include

    the power to: lay and collect taxes on imports and exports

    provide for the national defense and make

    regulations for the military regulate commerce with foreign nations, among the

    states, and with Indian tribes

    coin money and regulate the value thereof

    declare war

    establish post offices

    issue copyrights and patents

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    Implied Powers

    The central government may make all laws

    which shall be necessary and proper  for

    carrying into execution the enumeratedpowers. (Art 1 Sec 8 (18))

    The necessary and proper  clause has often

    been used to expand the powers of thenational government (elastic clause).

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    The Elastic Clause (Article I, Section 8)

    Congress shall have the power "to make all laws

    which shall be necessary and proper for carrying intoexecution...powers vested by this Constitution in the

    government of the United States."

    The constitution empowers the Congress to

    “regulate commerce with foreign nations and amongseveral states.” The Congress has derived the power

    from this clause the power to control all means of

    transport and communication.

    From the clauses giving the Congress the power to

    promote general welfare, it has derived the authority

    to pass social legislation like old age insurance

    schemes etc.

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    State Powers

    Most come from the Tenth Amendment  that says: "The

     powers not delegated to the United States by theConstitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are

    reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

    These are often referred to as reserve or police

    powers (affecting health, safety, marriage, electionsand morals) 

    Conflict may arise with Article VI Sec 2 which is

    the ‘Supremacy clause’- It states that Federal lawis supreme in the USA even over state laws.

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    Concurrent/ shared powers

    Concurrent powers such as the right to tax, borrow

    money, establish courts, and make and enforce laws are

    powers shared with national government.

    However, what will happen if there is a conflict between

    Federal law and State Law on the same subject.

    Doctrine of federal pre-emption: As the Supreme Courtstated in Altria Group v. Good, 555 U.S. 70 (2008), a

    federal law that conflicts with a state law will trump, or

    "preempt", that state law.

    Consistent with that command, we have long recognizedthat state laws that conflict with federal law are “without

    effect.” Maryland v. Louisiana, 451 U. S. 725, 746 (1981) 

    Article VI (2)- Supremacy clause- National law supreme

    over state law.

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    Denied Powers of the States

    Article I, section 10 lays out the powersdenied to the states.

    enter into treaties, alliances, orconfederations

    Maintaining armies

    Laws impairing the obligations ofcontract


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    Denied Powers of the Federal


    Article I Section 9 lays out powers denied tothe central government.

    Suspend the writ of habeas corpus

    Bills of attainder Ex post facto laws

    Spend money without congressional

    appropriation Granting titles of nobility

    give preference to ports of one state over


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    The Framers wanted a single country, not thirteen

    squabbling semi-countries.

    Article IV Section 1: Full faith and credit clause:“Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to

    the public acts, records, and judicial proceedingsof every other state. And the Congress may bygeneral laws prescribe the manner in which suchacts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, andthe effect thereof.” 

    States recognize drivers’  and marriage licenses,custody rulings, etc.

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    Privileges and immunities clause (Article IV Section 2(1):“The citizen of each state shall be entitled to all

    privileges and immunities of citizens in the several


     Extradition clause (Article IV Section 2(2):“A person charged in any state with treason, felony,

    or other crime, who shall flee from justice, and be

    found in another state, shall on demand of the

    executive authority of the state from which he fled,be delivered up, to be removed to the state having

     jurisdiction of the crime.” 

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    According to California law, a “citizen” is a person thathas taken up permanent residence in the state. A family

    moves from Arizona to California and is denied welfare

    benefits. The state requires them to be residents for at

    least 1 year.

    Is this constitutional?

  • 8/18/2019 Federalism USA


    3. The Evolution and

    Development of Federalism

    The allocation of powers in our federal system has changed

    dramatically over the years.

    The Supreme Court in its role as interpreter of

    constitution has been a major player in the redefinition ofour Federal system.

     McCulloch v. Maryland  (1819) gave a liberal

    interpretation of the implied powers of the national

    government. Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) gave a broad interpretation to

    the interstate commerce clause.

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    McCulloch v. Maryland  

    first major decision by the Supreme Court about the

    relationship between the states and the nationalgovernment.

    The Constitution was silent on the power to form Banks

    in the States. The State of Maryland said it was therefore a

    ‘reserved power’ which they could exercise.  The Court upheld the power of the national government

    to establish a national bank and denied the right of a state

    to tax the bank. “The power to tax is the power to


    The Court’s broad interpretation of the necessary and

    proper clause paved the way for later rulings upholding

    expansive federal powers.

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    Gibbons v. Ogden  (1824) The Gibbons case centered on the conflict between the

    states and the powers of Congress. Could New York grant a monopoly concession on the

    navigation of the Hudson River? The Hudson River formspart of the border between New York and New Jersey andthe U.S. Congress also licensed a ship to sail the Hudson.

    The main constitutional question in Gibbons was about thescope of Congress' authority under the Commerce Clause(Article I, sec. 8: “to regulate commerce with foreignnations, and among the several states, and with the Indiantribes”)

    In Gibbons, the Court upheld broad congressional powerover interstate commerce.

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    The Civil War and Beyond

    Dual federalism remained the SupremeCourt's framework for federalism and theprevailing notion in the Reconstruction andProgressive Eras.

    Dual federalism finally ended in the 1930s,when the crisis of the Great Depression

    demanded powerful actions from the nationalgovernment.

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    Fiscal Federalism

    Federal Government granst aid to States and local bodies.14% of the state budget comes from Federal Govt grants.

    Fed. Gov. has power to review and examine state

    schemes which make use of this aid.

    Conditions are set by the Fed. Gov over how the moneyis spent.

    Fed. Gov. has right to set forth rules and regulations of its

    own on the States.

    Grants can be withheld if State is non- compliant.

    Hence, State sovereignty is compromised.

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