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Have you thought about the ramifications on our youth - the messages that are being sublimely sent by society

and the media about women? Do you realize that media today totally exploits women as nothing but sexual


Making a TV Commercial of a Sexy, Beautiful Woman eating a hamburger? What are the silent messages that

are being sent? This is important to grasp, why? Because women who blaze the trails, go where their career is

predominately male, these women have a huge road to travel!

When I read that Hillary Clinton (may) run for the presidency for 2016 - I knew that this was going to be an all

out struggle to combat the negativity, the stereotyping that the media and political affiliations resort to. Hillary

not only will need all of our votes, but she will need our support and our encouragement, our inspiration and

knowledge and assistance to support her and prove to the country that women can lead!

This magazine is my way to show the country and the world how women are blazing those trails. How they

are making those changes, stepping out to conquer new challenges and steer their organizations to a more

compassionate, caring, yet decisive level.

You will learn about the hurdles they encounter, and how they over come them. How their skills and expertise

actually assist in changing a policy or a perception. How they are banning together to give our youth the

strength to seek the roadway to their success - find their voice and bring individuality and acceptance to those

around them.

I encourage you to share this magazine with all of your friends and family! Give it to a youth that is struggling - I

do believe that at least one of the stories in this magazine will inspire them to step outside the box!

Judy Musgrove, Publisher


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“I am the Master of my Fate The Captain of my Soul”

Nelson Mandela

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“What’s On Your Mind”

In keeping with the theme of “Elegance”, the new digital magazine that will showcase strong, forward

thinking women in all walks of life, we want to hear from you on topics that you are passionate about.

As this is our first publication, we are throwing out several questions for your comments, but if you have

other thoughts to share, please do so.

This column will appear in each issue of Elegance. Our goal is to bring the female point of view to women

in politics, juggling home and work, women entrepreneurs, health and wellness and education issues.

It is known that Hillary Clinton may run for the Presidency in 2016. Let me know why you think

our country needs / or doesn’t need a Female President.

There are many reports out there stating that women are still paid a lower wage than their male

counterpart doing the exact same job - what can we do to stop this and create an environment to

encourage and support women to advance?

Explain why the age 50+ workers - are being forced out of the workforce because the younger

worker feels threatened?

Women are blazing trails all of the time, however, what do you feel are some of the main issues

that women face in reaching a higher level?

Email Ginny Your Comments:

“If you can imagine it, you can

achieve it; if you can dream it,

you can become it.”

William Arthur Ward

Changing Roles! Having come from the corporate world,

going thru downsizing and lay offs, I was dealing with

many different feelings.

Not being ready to “retire”, I was partially searching for

something to get involved in. That is when Judy Musgrove,

Publisher of “Elegance” approached me.

She explained what her concept was, and wanted to know if

I would like to get involved!

I didn’t even have to think about it! I was like a fish

floundering in the water - do I jump in or do I stay back?

This magazine is to inspire, encourage, educate and support

all of you fantastic women out there!

Ginny Macko, Editor

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A Bit About Pattie Young, Idaho Metal Artist . . . .

I came out of the womb creating art in one form, field or


But let me explain - Professionally I have played piano/dance,

worked as an editorial cartoonist, hair and makeup artist,

graphic designer, fabric/face and window painter, clothing

store owner/buyer and advertising art department manager/

image buyer.

Being a high energy (hyper) and physical person (runner) it

wasn’t until I transferred my background and talent into metal

that I felt I found my true blend and fit.

Working with reclaimed materials is an imaginative challenge

along with these items maintaining a visual feel of their prior

use that attracts me to want to share their life stories.

Working with other amazing metal artists/mentors such as

Bernie Jestrabek Hart creating life size and larger animals in

barbwire and aluminum has expanded my own style. I have

recently returned to my interest in

forging and blacksmithing which I

am currently creating a line of

forged jewelry combined with

reclaimed jewelry elements.

On the other end, I find myself also

now in the mentor role working for

causes and teaching students on

projects. The majority of my work

is currently in museums, galleries,

commissions and private

collections. You can see more by visiting her website and

finding her on Facebook!

Need more information?

Email Pattie or give her a call: (208) 278-5818

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Inspirations born from pleasure, born from pain,

as gifts they come, one and the same.

Pattie Young, Idaho Metal Artist

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Pattie Young, Idaho Metal Artist

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Northern California Asthma Camp

Children with Asthma, a serious condition that

alienates children from their friends, activities and


Children need a fun, great way to learn how to live

and accept their Asthma condition, learn that taking

their medication will most definitely allow them to

participate !

Al, why did you start your non-profit?

I saw a need. I have a 12 year old grandson that was

diagnosed at a very young age with Asthma. I also

served on the UC Davis Community Advisory Board

for six years, where I met Dr. Sam Louie, M.D. an

Asthma Specialist.

Those “TWO” factors influenced me to do

something!. I formed my non-profit organization

“CA FairPlay” in 2001.

What type of camp is it?

I offer a “FREE” summer camp experience for

children ages 6 - 12 that focuses on the special

needs of kids afflicted with Asthma. This camp

allows them to enjoy outdoor recreational activities,

like horseback riding, swimming, hiking, rock

climbing and gardening with onsite medical

supervision. Our camp balances fun activity with

education about how to live with asthma, which is

one of the leading causes of school absences in the

Sacramento area.

When do you hold the camp?

The Asthma Camp is held each summer in Livermore, CA,

and is sponsored by the Taylor Family Foundation.

Our first camp opened the summer of 2003. Our camp

has grown from an enrollment of 23 kids served by just

three nurses to 85 campers,

20 student nurses and 10

community volunteers

including a social worker

(all subject to back ground


What’s Al’s Success?

Being able to offer a $75,000 camp for $10,000 and to

acquire funding donations thru networking. Much of the

funding comes from the Taylor Family Foundation,.

However, we have many sponsors that help with all the

additional costs like bussing and insurance.

Any last words?

Seeing the joy in the children’s eye’s, hearing their laughter,

and watching them rock climb, jump in that pool, hike and

fish! Knowing that myself and all of the volunteers are

making changes in these children’s lives !

To learn more visit Al’s Asthma Camp Website

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The Elegance Index It takes a team to put something like this together. Thank you to Berbel Conneely, Ginny Macko, Virginia

Wolfe and Michael Arrington. This is Volume 1 - this is a quarterly magazine - they will grow in volume,

grow in expertise and information. Enjoy everyone and email us with your questions.

12 - Claudia Gordon

13 - Marianne Williamson

14 - 15 - Hillary Clinton

16 - 17 - Maria Shriver

05 - Pattie Young Metal Art

8-9 - Al Brown - Asthma

11 - Glenn Llupos

20 - Diane Edwards Realty

21 - Michael Spoto

27 - McKenzie & Kline

22 - Faded Diamonds

23 - Secret Storm

24 - The Shriver Report

28 - 29 - Nancy Tedlos

Entrepreneurs The Reading Room Health & Wellness Politics

Sometimes you have to forget what's gone, appreciate what Sometimes you have to forget what's gone, appreciate what Sometimes you have to forget what's gone, appreciate what

still remains and look forward to what's coming next.still remains and look forward to what's coming next.still remains and look forward to what's coming next.

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I’ve only put the “The Most Undervalued Leadership

Traits of Women”

1. Opportunity-driven

When confronted with a challenge, the women I know look for the opportunity within. They see the glass as half-full rather than half-empty. They push the boundaries and, when faced with adverse circumstances, they learn all they can from it. Optimism is their mind-set because they see opportunity in everything. Read More Here

2. Strategic

Women see what often times others don’t see. As one

of my women mentors told me, “A woman’s lens of

skepticism oftentimes forces them to see well beyond

the most obvious details before them. They enjoy

stretching their perspective to broaden their observa-

tions. Many women are not hesitant to peel the onion in

order to get to the root of the matter.” Read More Here

3. Passionate

While women in general were historically viewed and

stereotyped as emotional leaders by men, I believe they

are just passionate explorers in pursuit of excel-

lence. When women leaders are not satisfied with the

status quo, they will want to make things better. These

women leaders get things done and avoid procrastina-

tion. As another one of my women mentors said, “They

enjoy order and stability and a genuine sense of control.

Many women have learned not to depend upon others

for their advancement and thus have a tendency to be

too independent. A woman’s independent nature is her

way of finding her focus and dialing up her pursuits.”

Read More Here

I came across Glenn Llopus article “The Most

Undervalued Leadership Traits of Women”

This speaks volumes, is well said and really

points out our strengths and why we need

women in leadership roles.

4. Entrepreneurial

Entrepreneurship is just a way of life for many

women. They can be extremely resourceful, connect

the dots of opportunity and become expert in

developing the relationships they need to get the job

done. Many women leaders also see through an

entrepreneurial lens to best enable the opportunities

before them. They know that to create and sustain

momentum requires 100% focus on the objective –

and so they don’t enjoy being disrupted by unnecessary

noise and distractions. Read More Here

5. Purposeful and Meaningful

I have found that many women leaders enjoy inspiring

others to achieve. They know what it’s like to be the

underdog and work hard not to disappoint themselves

and others. Women leaders in particular often have high

standards and their attention to detail makes it difficult

for others to cut corners or abuse any special privileges.

Read More Here

6. Traditions and Family

Whether at home or at work, women are often the glue

that keeps things together and that is why they represent

great leadership for America’s future. When they sense

growing tensions that can lead to potential problems or

inefficiencies, the most successful women leaders enjoy

taking charge before circumstances force their

hand. Women are usually the ones to secure the

foundational roots of the family and to protect family

and cultural traditions from wavering. They provide the

leadership within the home and in the workplace to

assure that legacies remain strong by being fed with the

right nutrients and ingredients. Read More Here

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Claudia Gordon, Deaf Jamaican-born Lawyer gets Whitehouse Job!

The White House has appointed Jamaican Immigrant Claudia Gordon to oversee its efforts on disability issues.

Gordon, a deaf lawyer, moves over from the Department of Labour where she dealt with potential discrimination

by federal contractors to now work between the Obama administration and the disability community as the White

House’s disability liaison. Her new tittle is “Associate Director in the White House Office of Public Engagement!”

Click Here To Read More!

Women In Leadership Roles / Politics / Career

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Women In Leadership Roles / Politics / Career

Marianne Williamson Running for Seat in U.S. House of Representatives

Simply electing one person to Congress, or even a few people, is not of itself going to transform

America. What is needed now is a genuine, pro-democracy people's movement.

There should be no "political class" or "political elite" in America; rather, in the words of President

Eisenhower, "politics should be the part time profession of every American."

Click Here To Learn More

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Women In Leadership Roles / Politics / Career

Hillary Rodham Clinton, Presidential Campaign 2016?

When an audience member asked Clinton for her best piece of advice for “aspiring female change-makers,”

Clinton turned to what she described as one of the best pieces of advice she’d ever heard: a quote from Eleanor

Roosevelt, “who said that women in politics or in public roles should grow skin like a rhinoceros. I think there’s

some truth to that,” Clinton said.

Click Here To Learn More

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One Million For Hillary

Click Here to View the Video:

“The History of Progress In America”

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Women In Leadership Roles / Politics / Career

Maria Shriver is the mother of four, a Peabody and Emmy-winning journalist and producer, a six-time New York Times best-selling author, and an NBC News Special Anchor reporting on the shifting roles, emerging power and evolving needs of women in modern life. Shriver served as California’s First Lady from 2003 to 2010.

Shriver’s work is driven by her belief that all of us have the ability to be what she calls Architects of Change — people who see a problem in their own life or the community around them, then step out of their comfort zone and do what it takes to create the solution. Her website features the life stories and life lessons of Architects of Change to inspire people to use their own ideas, influence and initiative to make an impact on our world.

With a career in journalism spanning more than two decades, Maria Shriver was a network news

correspondent and anchor for CBS and NBC. She took a leave of absence from network news in 2004

when she became First Lady of California, but she continued to train her journalist’s eye on the

transformative societal trends impacting women as breadwinners, parents, caregivers and consumers.

In 2009, she published the “The Shriver Report: A Woman’s Nation Changes Everything,” which

revealed that women, for the first time in our nation’s history, represented half of all U.S. workers.

The report examined how that new reality is changing everything about how we live and work today.

In 2010, she published “The Shriver Report: A Woman’s Nation Takes on Alzheimer’s,” which was the

largest study ever conducted to look at the significant impact of Alzheimer’s disease on women who,

the study found, make up the majority of patients and caregivers.

Both Shriver Reports ignited national conversations about the changing status of women that continue

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Let’s Talk Women In Politics

First I want to give you the facts - these are current facts

(updated 2014) Taken from Rutgers Center for American

Women in Politics:

18.5% - Women currently hold 99 of the 535

seats in the 113th U.S. Congress

20% of the 100 seats in the senate

18.2% of the 435 seats in the House of


There is much debate whether Hillary Clinton will run for

the 2016 Presidency - ( My Opinion - This Country Needs


This country needs a change. We need to work together

for the benefit of all of the people. We need someone

with her experience and skill set to sit at the top. And we

are definitely ready for a woman.

With that said, we need more women in Congress to help

support her and tip that balance.

We don’t need one side acting like spoiled kids, not getting

their way so they boycott, or stop something from happen-


We truly need people brainstorming, coming to the table

with an open mind, forget what party affiliation they

belong to and work for the betterment of the people!

The more I started researching about Women in leadership roles, women in politics, women in predominately male

roles, the more I realized that this entire issue goes so much deeper. 1st look at the advertising - check out Carl’s Jr

advertising for their burgers - yes, Kate Upton is a beautiful woman - but how did eating a hamburger become

something sexual?

Frankly, in my opinion, it is way out of hand. What are the

advertisers really saying here? What impact are they making on

our youth?

It isn’t new that women are not taken seriously. When you have

advertising that is flashed all over the internet and TV like Carl’s Jr.

Hamburger Ads, it speaks volumes.

Now I want to make it clear here, that many men support, team up

or partner with women. They do think of women as an equal.. But when it comes to Politics we are venturing into

territory that is male driven and too much emphasis is on party affiliation.

Did You Know This Exists?

Here is an excerpt from Ready To Run Website:

We Need More Women in Public Office

Research shows that women make government more

transparent, inclusive and accessible.

Women bring different priorities and experiences

to public life, including perspectives that have been

largely absent in public policymaking.

Women change the way government works, and

their voices are needed in legislative chambers

around the country.

There are scholarships and training and all types of

information to review - A great place to start! Get

yourself a mentor - and move forward with your


I choose - to be that role model for the youth - to

encourage male and female to realize that beauty comes

from within. That the light that shines through you is

your inner beauty exposing itself to the world!

Women In Leadership Roles / Politics / Career

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Diane Edwards Realty . . .

Motivation + Determination = Dedication

(916) 524-8848

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Motivation + Determination = Dedication

Photography by: Kinetic Illusions

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Meet Diane Edwards, Realtor . Diane lives in the Rancho Murieta CA. community is married and is

mom to Zach - their 4 legged kitty and Zoie, a 6 month old lab puppy. I asked Diane some questions so you all

could get to know her better! In upcoming magazines she will be giving you some helpful tips regarding real estate.

What made you go into Real Estate and how did you get started?

My husband and I started looking for a place to retire and in doing so realized it was also a great opportunity to make changes

in our personal and business lives. After leaving my career in Human Resources and owning a business, going into Real

Estate just seemed to be a natural move. I realized quickly that real estate would allow me to meet individuals from all walks

of life and play a significant role in meeting their needs and desires in one of their biggest financial decisions.

What do you love about Real Estate? What type of training have you had and continue to have?

I’ve come to believe that my career in human resources and owning a retail business were just

stepping stones in preparing me for a successful real estate business. A real estate transaction

becomes very personal and emotional as most sales and purchases are triggered by an event

in a person’s life. A few examples are - relocation for a new job, loss of job, marriage or

divorce, blending of families, downsizing for retirement. As you can see, either way it could

be a positive event or a tragic one. It is my responsibility and duty to understand the

circumstances to ensure the best end result for my client.

One of my peers calls me a chameleon because he says he’s never seen someone change how

they interact with a client in an effort to fit the client’s personality trait. I think he meant this

as a compliment!

I enjoy the complexity of each transaction, negotiating contracts, marketing and managing

timelines. I particularly enjoy the aspect of outlining and explaining the process and

requirements. The last thing I want is for a client to be surprised with fees or costs

associated with a closing. Many new buyers don’t realize they are responsible for up-front

fees for inspections and appraisals. Also, there are added closing costs in addition to the

purchase price of the home. The same goes for a seller, many sellers are unaware of the

closing costs associated with a sale including pro-rated taxes and interest payments.

What type of clients do you cater to? There are many different types of real estate that one can get

involved in, what is your specialty?

I specialize in residential real estate and love both sides of the transaction representing sellers, investors and buyers. My

expertise in negotiations, marketing and technology are instrumental assets in procuring the highest and best offer for my

sellers. These same skills are applied to buyers with emphasis on utilizing the most cutting edge resources in searching

for the right property, negotiating within a client’s budget, then orchestrating all inspections and timelines.

I represent families, young professional, newlyweds, retirees and investors. I pride myself on providing the highest level of

service whether it is a $30,000 mobile home or a $1,000,0000 luxury home. You see, my business is primarily based on

referrals from satisfied clients. A referral is the best compliment I could ever receive!

Diane’s Credentials and Phone Number: Obtained RE License in 2004, CE every 2 years, Short

Sale & Foreclosure Certification, Masters Club designation 2012 & 2013. Member of Sacramento Association of

Realtors, Amador County Association of Realtors and California Association of Realtors.

“(916)524-8848” Click here to visit Diane’s Website.

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Great Media Solutions . . .

Meet Michael Spoto, the Business Development Director of The Outdoor Link. A truly giving man,

devoted to his family and his career. This woman owned company is truly making strides in a

predominately male environment. (702) 445-4535 - For creative media solutions give him a call.

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Elegance Reading Room Hello there, I’m Mellissa Thomas, a Central Florida freelance writer and author helping entrepre-

neurs and businesses like yours streamline their marketing message by writing magnetic content or

polishing existing copy so well that your customers won’t think twice. I currently am writing for (3)

blogs, I was in the Navy for 5 years and have traveled all over.

Let me know how I can help you!

Our Reading Room ~

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Almost every novel begins in the author’s imagination with a question: “What if…?”

My first “what if” came while I was watching a movie about a man who claimed to be a

psychic in order to avoid suspicion for a murder he had committed. I asked myself,

what if a person really did witness a crime in a psychic vision? With that question, a

novel was born. Visit my website for more information - or Email me I would love to

hear from you.

Elegance Reading Room

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Elegance Reading Room

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She’s The One . . . Click Here To View The Video

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Before & After Consignment

Interior Design is our specialty - taking something gently used and creating

an entirely new look - that is what Martha Kline and Shannon McKenzie do!

Click here to visit their website!

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The Designer’s Corner . . .

7 Must Have Accessories To Pull A Room Together:

Once you have taken care of your foundational elements like paint, flooring, furniture, window

coverings, it’s then time to put a personality into your space. Whether you like modern, clean line

spaces or traditional to eclectic the following are suggestions to put your personal stamp and style in

your space.

Area Rugs: A good area rug can not only define a space but make a statement with pattern and

color. Rugs like sisals or seagrass can add texture to the room but remain neutral in color, where

a Persian or modern patterned rug can play up your style and infuse color.

Art/Mirrors: We like a mirror in almost every room, mirrors are not only for reflecting spaces

but they are nice to use as a type of art. We especially like Sunburst Mirrors over a bed or chest

or small ones grouped together on a wall. Art work is a very important part of any room.

Whether you have original art or framed prints, it is important to make sure the size of the art is

appropriate for the wall. - instead of using a picture on every wall, mix things up - use a large

picture on one wall and a gallery grouping on a larger wall or over a sofa.

Lighting: Task lighting as well as overhead lighting is important in any room. Consider what

your room will be used for and place floor lamps and table lamps where needed; a reading chair,

behind a sofa, a dark corner can look alive with a plant and an “up” light. Overhead lighting

should always have a dimmer which can gibe you the flexibility in creating mood for the space.

Books: Whether you have old leather bound books or coffee table books or stacks of

magazines, these are all an intrical part of putting your personality into your space. You can tell

a lot about a person by what they read; travel books, history, poetry, design all speak volumes

about who lives in the space.

Pillows and Throws: With all the hard lines in a room we need pillows to soften the edges.

Pillows, like rugs, are a perfect opportunity to put your style into your room with bold color and

pattern or subtle colors with varying sizes.

Plants / Flowers: We can’t imagine a room without greenery of some kind. We like to put trees

in a corner that would otherwise feel void of color or interest as well as scatter small plants on

tables or if you are lucky enough to be able to pick flowers from your garden or cut a couple

oversized leaves from a tree and place them in a vase to showcase an outdoor feeling inside can

really bring life to a space.

Pottery or Glass Accessories: Placing colorful pottery or colored glass on shelves or part of a

grouping will give another layer to your space. These can be used as candlesticks or round urns

and ginger jars.

The above suggestions are all part of what we at McKenzie & Kline Design use as a guideline to

create warmth and dimension to any living space that we are decorating. Now that you have the

tools, start creating!

By McKenzie & Kline Design

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Health and Fitness is a great concern for so many!

Introducing Nancy Tedlos, a wife, mom, career woman and entrepreneur! Her dedication to

her family’s health, her commitment to your success ~ well read more on the next page!


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Meet Nancy Tedlos – Wife and Mother, with a fulltime career, a passion for healthful living, and an

advocate for sharing her passion through the network marketing of Vi- Nancy has been happily married to her soul mate for 8 incredible years. They have 3 beautiful children: Bella, Noah, and Olive. Nancy works full time with the State of California as a supervisor in Accounts Payable. According to Nancy, when she is not working, she loves spending time with her family, whether it be at home watching movies, hunting for lady bugs, or going to the park,. Most recently, family time has switched up to going to the gym at the kids’ request. She thinks it has to do more with the newly offered rock climbing than their desire to spend time exercising with their parents. With her busy schedule, one might ask Nancy how and why she wanted to pursue a home based business. After marriage and having kids, as many women do, Nancy felt her body was not the same. She had gained weight, felt unhappy with how she looked and felt and was basically uncomfortable in her own skin. Before becoming involved with Vi, she would watch what she ate, count calories, work out and still be unhappy with the results. Having had family members that suffered from obesity and diabetes, she was aware that being overweight has been associated with so many diseases and illnesses, including these. As her weight continued to teeter and she didn't see any changes in her body, she felt she had to do something. It was then that her friend, Oddie introduced her to Vi and the Project 10 Challenge.

Since then, she feels more motivated to work out and be

healthier. She reports that she has lost 12 lbs of fat in 90 days

and feels more comfortable in her own skin and getting more

compliments, which is certainly an ego boost.

Nancy was not the only one to discover Vi and Project 10, her

husband started it to and has lost 15lbs in 90 days.

She reports that he, too, is also very excited about living a healthier

lifestyle and getting his sexier back! An important part of all of this

to Nancy is that the kids are seeing mom and dad workout more and setting better example for them. Being

active has become such an important part of her family’s lifestyle.

The company that Oddie introduced her to presented a mission to fight the global epidemic of obesity. Nancy

felt that this was such a worthy cause to be a part of. Instead of treating the symptom, why not solve the root

of the problem? Her aunt, who would have been considered obese, even morbidly so, died 2 years ago because

of the health issues she had due to her weight. She tried losing weight off and on through crash diets and/or

starvation. Unfortunately, none of that worked. It's sad to know, had she lost the weight in a healthy manner,

she would be alive today. Her son would have his mother; my mom her sister; and I, my aunt.

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Believe that you can and will accomplish what you set out to do!

Dream Big! Don’t let anyone tell you that you cannot do it! Embrace

the day with joy and know that you are all that you can be.

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I am so excited! You have just read Volume 1 - Elegance the quarterly

magazine that will introduce you to great women and men that are making

a difference in our country today. I am using everyone’s social media

connections and their respective websites to showcase this magazine.

I want to show you all how powerful the internet / social media

connections really are. Why it is so important for you to enhance your

profile so you will be viewed as the expert that you are.

A Message From Judy

There are many fine women and men that I will be introducing to you. Believe you me, I would most definitely

want these fine women in my corner! Their quiet strength speaks volumes to what these ladies accomplish each

and every day. I want you to do me a favor . . . I need you to send me information on someone you would like

to see featured in our magazine. I intend for this information to be at the forefront of what people are talking

about! I believe:

It is time, for us all to put our differences aside, to stand together to earn the respect and devotion

that this country needs.

It is time that we put our heads together, put a woman in the white house and add more women to

the political scene.

It is time for our youth to have great role models that are in the forefront, so they receive the

inspiration to dream, to be different, to accept who they are, and to show that true beauty comes

from within. Nothing you do on the outside will reflect who you are on the inside.

Please join me in accomplishing this very big huge goal.

Judy Musgrove

Visit: The Chat Online News - the place men and women come together as partners, team players to

showcase their strengths and their accolades. Email Me or give me a call! (916) 496-2449. I look

forward to hearing from you.

Page 32: Female View ~ Expand Your Mind


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