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Page 1: ffi'u't of 238th meeting of EXIM... · Private Limited, 604 Tower2, cHD Avenue 71, Sector 71, Gurgao n - 122001. As the sowing time of Berseem crop is already over, hence the committee

No.1-1 1812018-SD.lV (238th EXIM)Government of lndia

Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

(Department of Agricult,'", Cooperation and Farmers Welfare)

F1211, Shastri Bhawan,New Delhi.

b, Dated:.28tn JanuarY ' 2019'

Sub: Minutes of the 238th meeting of EXIM Committee for export and import of

seeds ano pianting materiais held under the Chairmanship of Additional

Secretary InCf, SACafW, otr lgth January, 2019 at 4.00 P'M' in

Gommittl" iroo, No.13g, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.

I am directed to fonruard herewith a copy of the minutes of the 238th meeting of

EXIM committee for export and import of seeds and planting materials held under

the Chair:manship of Additional Secretary (DC), DAC&FW, on 1Oth January ' 2018 at

4.OO P.M. in committee Room No.138, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi for favour of

information and further necessary action' ffi'u't(Dr. DiliP Kr. Srivastava)

Asstt. Commissioner (QC)

Encl: a/a.


1. Agriculture commissioner, DAC&FW, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi

2. obo (cs), ICAR, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi'

3. DDG (Hort.),-tcA'R, KrishiAnusandhan Bhawan-ll (KAB-Il), Pusa', New Delhi'

4. JS (PP), DAC&FW, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi

5. ls ircl, DAC&FW Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi'

6. lS irrloe), DAC&FW, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi'

7. Horticulture Commisrion"r, DAC&FW, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi'

8. Director, NBPGR, Pusa, New Delhi'110012'L Plant Protection Adviser, Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine and

Storage, NH.lV, Faridabad (Haryana)

l0.Economic and Statistical Adviser, pACafW, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi'

11.Secretary, National Biodiversity Authority, chennai - (NSC Ltd'' New Delhi-

110012.12. PPS to Additional Secretary (DC), Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.

l3.PPStoJS(Seeds),DAC&FW,KrishiBhawan'NewDelhi'14. pps to JS iOir s"iro), DAC&FW, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.

15.Director, Directorate General of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Commerce, Udyog

Bhawan, New Delhi.

Page 2: ffi'u't of 238th meeting of EXIM... · Private Limited, 604 Tower2, cHD Avenue 71, Sector 71, Gurgao n - 122001. As the sowing time of Berseem crop is already over, hence the committee

Minutes of the 238th EXIM Committee meeting for export and import of seeds and plantingmaterials held under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (Seeds), DAC&FW on10th January,20lg at Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.

The list of participants is annexed.

Item No. Ib

Action Taken Report for the 237tn EXIM Committee meeting for export andimport of seeds and planting material held on 6th November,2018.

a) The minutes and recommendation letters in respect of 237* EXIM Committeemeeting have been issued to all concerned on I lth December, 2018.

Follow-up Actions

b (i) Request for extension of validity period in respect of import of 40,000 Nos. DatePalm Plants c.v. Barhee (A22000 Nos., Khunezi (a) 7000 Nos., Medjool @ 9000Nos., and AAC Madsari Male @,2000 Nos. from United Arab Emirates by M/s.Atul Ltd., Floras Division, P.O. Atul-396020, Distt.-Valsad, Gujarat.The Committee considered the request of the firm and approved for grant ofextension of validity for a further period of three months from the date of issuance ofthe letter for extension of validity for import of 40,000 Nos. Date Palm Plants c.v.Barhee @ 22000 Nos., Khunezi @ 7000 Nos., Medjool @ 9000 Nos., and AACMadsari Male @ 2000 Nos. from United Arab Emirates by M/s. Atul Ltd.,- FlorasDivision, Valsad, Cuj arat.The permission also subject to strict compliance of Plant Quarantine (Regulation ofimport into India) Order, 2003 and amendments made therein.

( ii) Request for extension of validity period for import of 130000 Nos. PlantingMaterial c.v. Apple Saplings@65000 Nos., Feathered Trees@15000 Nos., AppleRoot Stock@ 50000 Nos. from Holland by M/s. Fruit Master Agro Fresh Pvt.Ltd., Lassipora Pulwama, J&K:l 9?J03.The Committee considered the request of the firm and approved for grant ofextension of validity fbr a further period o1'three months from the date of issuance ofthe letter for extension of validity for import of 130000 Nos. Planting Material c.v.Apple Saplings@65000 Nos., Feathered 'frees@15000 Nos., Apple Root Stock@50000 Nos. from Holland by M/s. Fruit Master Agro Fresh Pvt. Ltd.,, LassiporaPulwama, J&K.The permission also subject to strict compliance of Plant Quarantine (Regulation ofjrnport into India) Ordel 2003 and amendments made therein.

(iii) Request for extension of validity period of recommendation letter No.l-116/2018-SD.Iy (236tn EXIM b(xiii) dated l3th Septcmber, 2018 in respect ofimport of total 66,816 Nos. Apple/PeariCherry (Rootstocks/Scions) Apple @20,000 Nos., Pear@ 24000 Nos. and Cherry 22816 Nos. c.v. as per (list enclosed)from USA by M/s. Seven Star Fruits Pvt. Ltd., 19, Raj Mahal,84, Veer NarimanRoad, Churchgate, Mumbai.The Committee considered the request of the firm and approved for grant ofextension of validity for a further period of tlrree months from the date of issuance ofthe letter for extension of validity for import of total 66,816 Nos. Apple/Pear/Cherry(Rootstocks/Scions) Apple @ 20,000 Nos., Pear@ 24000 Nos. and Cherry 22816Nos. c.v. as per (list enclosed) from USA by Mis. Seven Star Fruits Pvt. Ltd., 19, Raj

Mahal, 84, Veer Nariman Road, Churchgate, Mumbai.


Page 3: ffi'u't of 238th meeting of EXIM... · Private Limited, 604 Tower2, cHD Avenue 71, Sector 71, Gurgao n - 122001. As the sowing time of Berseem crop is already over, hence the committee



The permission also subject to strict compliance of Plant Quarantine lRegulation ofimport into India) Order, 2003 and ?mendments made therein.



Extension of validity period for import of Berseem Seeds against permission of1562 MTs Berseem seed c.v. Mescavi from Egypt by M/s Ganga seedsCoprporation, 136Indra Market, Old Sabji Mandi, Delhi.As the sowing time of Berseemapprove the request of extensionof Berseem Seed by importer.

crop is already over,of validity period for

hence the committee did notimport of remaining quantity

(v) Extension of validity period for import of Berseem Seeds against tt e per-issionof 220 MTs Berseem Seed c.v. Mescavi from Egypt by M/S Empreus EnterprisePrivate Limited, 604 Tower2, cHD Avenue 71, Sector 71, Gurgao n - 122001.As the sowing time of Berseem crop is already over, hence the committee did notapprove the request of extension of validity period for import of remaining quantityof Berseem Seed by importer.

(vi) Proposal for import of total 3,00,000 Nos. Apple clonal Root stock c.t. EIVILA9-T337, EMLA 9-NIC9, EMLA 9-RN29, EMLA 9-Pajam2 and BUD-9 @ 50,000Nos. each and EM[,A 106-94 and EMLA l1l @ 2s,000 Nos. each fromNetherland (under MIDH Action Plan 2018-19) by Directorate of Horticulture,Government of Jammu and Kashmir, Rajbagh, srinagar, opp. presentationConvent School-1 90008.As DPPQ&S informed that the said PEQ facility does not fulfill att ttre requiredcriteria as per SOP for growing of apple plants, hence the EXIM Committee of thisDepartment rejected the proposed import of planting material.

(vii) Proposal for import of 20 kg Sweet Corn seeds c.v. H88173 from B.aril by M*Syngenta India Limited, S. No. ll0lll/3, Amar Parsadigm, Baner Roab, baner,Pune-411 045.The Committee considered the request of the firm for necessary co.rection in thename of the cultivar HB8l73 instead of H8817, accordingly the committee accededthe request of the firm to revise the name.

(viii) Proposal for import of total 20,000 Nos. Blueberry Tissue Criture plants c.oHaven and colibri @ 3,300 each, Biloxi Bluberry and sharpblue @ 2,g00 Nos.each, Misty, Revielle, o'Neal, Legacy and Arlen @ 1,300 each, powderblue

@1,050 Nos. and De soto @ 250 Nos. each from usA by M/s. Himalayan Florica,77-72, Samalkha Vistar, Kapashere Chowk, New Delhi-110037.Based on the report of DPPQS that the firm has the required PEQ f;cilities as per SOpfor import of 20,000 Nos. of Blueberry tissue cultured raise plants, the committeeapproved the prqposal for import of 20,000 Nos. Blueberry Tissue Culture Plants c.v.Haven and colibri @ 3,300 each, Biloxi Bluberry and Sharpblue @ 2,g00 Nos. each,Misty, Revielle, o'Neal, Legacy and Arlen @ 1,300 each, powderblui @ l,osoNos. andDe Soto @250 Nos. each from USA by M/s. Himalayan Florica, New Oilhi-110037.The permission will be valid for six months only and also subject to strict complianceof Plant Quarantine (Regulation of import into India) Order, 2003 and amendmentsmade therein.

(ix) Proposalforimportoftotal3,300Nos.ofolivepta,@Chemlali, Hojiblanca, Kalamon @ 300 Nos. each, Manzanillo Real @ 600 Nos.,Novo, Manzanillo, Souri and Nabali @ 300 Nos. each from Israel by RajasthanOlive Cultivation Limited, (Joint Venture of Govt. of Rajasthan), State Instituteof Agriculture Management Campus, Agriculture Research Institute,Durgapura, Jaipur-302 018 (Rajasthan).

Page 4: ffi'u't of 238th meeting of EXIM... · Private Limited, 604 Tower2, cHD Avenue 71, Sector 71, Gurgao n - 122001. As the sowing time of Berseem crop is already over, hence the committee


Based on the report of DPPQS that the organization has the required PEQ facilities asper SOP the EXIM Committee approved the import of 3,300 Nos. of Olive Plants c.v.Arbosana, Corolea, Chemlali, Hojiblanca, Kalamon @ 300 Nos. each, ManzanilloReal @ 600 Nos., Novo, Manzanillo, Souri and Nabali @300 Nos. each from Israelby Rajasthan Olive Cultivation Limited, (Joint Venture of Govt. of Rajasthan), Statelnstitute of Agriculture Management Campus, Agriculture Research Institute,Durgapura, Jaipur-302 0 I 8 (Rajasthan).The permission will be valid for six months only and also sudect to strict complianceof Plant Quarantine (Regulation of import into India) Order, 2003 and amendmentsmade therein.

(x) Proposal for import of 5,000 Nos. Grapes c.v. ARRA 29 (Bare root plants freefrom Soil) from Chile by M/s. Vilas Vishnu Shinde, Sr. No.1l02l8, Behind PoliceHead Quarters, A/P-Adeaon, Tal & District Nashik-422 003.As the DPPQS has informed that the firm itself has cancelled the import, hence thecommittee did not considered the proposal.

(xi) Proposal for import of total 7,600 Nos. Apple Plants c.v. (list enclosed) from ltalyby M/s. Green master Landscapes Pvt. Ltd., 8, Vasant Arcaqde,3'd floor, VasantKuni, New Delhi-I10 070.

(xii) Proposal for import of total 2,100 Nos. Date Palm - Offshoots/Suckers c.v.Barhee, Khunezi @ 600 Nos. each , Khalas, Medjool @ 300 Nos. each , AACMadsari Male and Ghannami Nl.ale @ 150 Nos. each from 3 different firms ofUAE by M/s. Atul Ltd., Floras Business, P.O. Atul 396 020, Dist. Valsad,Gu.iarat.

(xiii) Proposal for import of total 31,000 Nos. of Date Palm plants (Tissue Cultureraised hardened Date Palm plants) c.v. Barhee @ 30,000 Nos. c.v. Ajwah andMale @ 500 Nos. each from United Kingdom (UK) by Atul Ltd., Floras Division,P.O. Atul-396 020, Distt. Valsad, Gujarat

(xiv) Proposal for import of total 30,000 Nos. of Date Palm plants c.v. Barhee @18,000 Nos., c.v. Khunezi @ 6,,000 Nos., c.v. Medjool @ 4,,500 Nos. and c.v. AACMadsari Male @ 1,500 Nos. from United Arab Emirates (UAE) by Atul Ltd.,Floras Division, P.O. Atul-396 020, Distt. Valsad, Gujarat.

(xv) Proposal for import of 1,00,000 Nos. Oil Palm seed sprouts c.v. Tenera (DxP)from Costa-Rica by Mis. 3F Oil Pal Agrotech Pvt. Ltd., 6-3-56912, ft Floor,Rockdale, Soma.iiguda, Hyderabad-500 082, Telengana.As the PEQ verification report i.r.t. to above proposals (xi to xv) are still awaitedfrom DPPQS, Faridabad, hence the EXIM committee deferred above proposals forwant of verification of PEQ facilities available with the importer for import of aboveconsignment. However, the Chairman of the committee desired that DPPQS shouldsubmit the report within l5 days.

New proposals for export of Seeds and Planting Materials

Item No.2 Proposal for export of 325 MT of Jute seeds c.v. JRO 524 (Nabin) to Bangladeshby M/s. Balaji Seeds, l0-1, Veluru Road, Chilakaluripet-122 616, Guntur Dist,Andhra Pradesh.

Item No.3 Proposal for export of 172 MT of Jute seeds c.v. JRO 524 (Nabin) to Bangladeshby M/s. A.K. Laskar Nursery, N-37, Karigar Para Road, Kazipara, Barasat,Kolkata-700125 West Bengal.

Page 5: ffi'u't of 238th meeting of EXIM... · Private Limited, 604 Tower2, cHD Avenue 71, Sector 71, Gurgao n - 122001. As the sowing time of Berseem crop is already over, hence the committee

Item No.4 Proposalforexportofl26MTofJuteseedsc.v.JRos@by M/s. A.P. Laskar Seed Farm, 15, Jessore Road East Karigar para- Road,Kazipara, Barasat, Kolkata-700125 West Bengal.Proposal fo.

"*tech Seeds, 69.{, Satish Mukher.iee Road, Kolkata-700026.


Item No.S

ADG(Seeds),ICARinformedthatonlyonefirmatItefrom CRIJAF, Barrackpore, hence proper verification of foundation/breeder seedshould be done. During the meeting, the Committee scrutinized the documentssubmitted by the firm and found that firms at ltem No. 3 and 4 have purchased thefoundation seed from M/s. Balaji Seeds, Guntur and Saikiran Hybrid Seed,Cundapally, Andhra Pradesh respectively. However, Crop Division has suggestedthat proposal may be favourably considered as per extant EXIM policy.Based on the availability of Jute Seed for domestic requirements and furtherdiscussion as above over the proposal the Committee approved the export of Juteseed by above firms as proposed at item No.2-4.For Item No.5, ADG (Seeds), ICAR opined that c.v. Molokhia of Jute seed have norbeen released by this name in India, however, in African countries it is used for leafyvegetable purpose locally called Molokhia, therefore, the Committee approved theproposal of export of l0 Mlof Jute seeds c.v. Molokhia to Syria.

Item No.6 Proposal for export of total 2000 Kg ofMRC 7031, MRC 7361 and MRC7377 BG-II @ s00 kg each to Matawi by M/s.Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds co. pvt. Ltd., 4E/15, Ashok centre, 3.d hl,or,Jhandewalan Extension, New Delhi-110055.ADG (Seeds), ICAR opined that source and origin of these varietieVtines should Ueclarified and an Affidavit from the exporter should be obtained that no Indiangermplasm has been utilized in development of these hybrids/varieties/lines. As thefirm has already submitted the required affidavit, hence on the basis of Affidavit andfurther discussion in view of earlier permission, the EXIM Committee approved theproposal.Proposal for export of total 60 MT Paddy Hybrid s""Os c.v. Arize Swift Gold6444 @ 40 MT and Arize 10008 @ 20 MT to M/s. Bayer pakistan pvt. Ltd,Pakistan for commercial purpose by M/s. Bayer Bioscience pvt. Ltd., plotNo.13, Sy.No.P64l2,software units Layout, Madhapur, Hyderabad-S0O 0gl(Telangana).Proposal for export of 1000 MT paddy hybrid s""os "o a.ir" - B TE I to M/s.Bayer vietnam Ltd., vietnam by M/s. Bayer Bioscience pvt. Ltd., plot No.l3,

ur, Hyderabad-500 0gl (Telansana).

Item No.7

Item No.8

Item No.9 Proposal for exp.ort of total 3300 MT Paddy hybrid seeds c.v. Arize Dhani Gold@ 1800 MT, Arize Tej Gotd @ 1000 MT and Arize A27006 @ so} MT to M/s.Bayer Crop science Ltd., Bangladesh by M/s. Bayer Bioscience pvt. Ltd., plotNo.l3, Sy.No.P64l2,Software units Layout, Madhapur, Hyderabad-S0O 0glff"Urgrr+

Item No.10 Proposalforexportoftotal3516MTPaddyhybrids"@Bigante @ 2600 MT, Habilis Ptus @ 350 l4T, AZ7B88 and azussur @ fisMT each, 6129 Gold @ 130 l4T,, AZ6108 @ 2s MT and A27006 @ tt Mr toM/s. Bayer Crop Science Inc. Manila, Philippines by M/s. Bayer Bioscience pvt.Ltd., Plot No.13, sy.No.P64l2,software Units Layout, Madhapur, Hyderabad-500 081 (Telangana).

Page 6: ffi'u't of 238th meeting of EXIM... · Private Limited, 604 Tower2, cHD Avenue 71, Sector 71, Gurgao n - 122001. As the sowing time of Berseem crop is already over, hence the committee

ADG (Seeds), ICAR opined that source and origin of these varieties/lines should beclarified and an Affidavit from the exporters should be obtained that no Indiangermplasm has been utilized in development of these hybrids/varieties/lines.As the firms have already submitted the required affidavits, hence on the basis ofAffidavit and further discussion, the Committee approved the export of abovequantities of Paddy/Hybrid Paddy Seed as proposed by respective exporters againsteach ofthe proposal (ltem no.7-10).

ftem No.ll Proposal for import of total 300.122 kg Papaya seeds c.v. Papaya Sinta IN/FI,Papaya Sapna IN/FI, Papaya Red Royale IN/FI @ 100 kg each and Papaya TH-PP-3475 @ 0.122 kg from Thailand by M/s. East West Seeds India Pvt. Ltd., GutNo.66, Village Narayanpur (BK), Tq. Gangapur, P.O. Waluj, Aurangabad-431133 (MS).On the basis of affirmative comments received from all the concerned divisions andfurther discussion over the proposal, EXIM Committee approved the import of total300.122 kg Papaya seeds c.v. Papaya Sinta IN/Fl, Papaya Sapna IN/Fl, Papaya RedRoyale IN/Fl @ 100 kg each and Papaya TH-PP-3475 @0.122kg from Thailand byM/s. East West Seeds India Pvt. Ltd., Aurangabad.The importer will give an affidavit that the seed is not genetically modified; besides,the sample/consignment will be released only after the confirmation from NBPGRthat the seed imported is Non-Genetic Modified. Accordingly, the representative ofDPPQS may be directed to send the sample to NBPGR, New Delhi.Above permission will be valid for six months only and also subject to strictcompliance of Plant Quarantine (Regulation of import into India) Order, 2003 andamendments made therein.

Item No.12 Proposal for import of total ll20 kg Paddy Hybrid SL-8H Parent lines c.v. SL-lA @,1000 kg, SL-8R @, 100 kg for hybrid paddy SL-8H seed production andSL-7H Fl @ 20 kg for demonstration from Philippines by National SeedsCorporation ltd., Bee.i Bhawan, Pusa, Complex, New Delhi-1100f 3.Based on the comments received from all concerned divisions and furtherdiscussion, the EXIM Committee deferred the proposal for want of informationabout the details of earlier import done (how much quantity of aforesaid hybrids/parental lines was imported and its utilization in India) by NSC for thesecultivars/varieties/hybrids.

ItemNo.13 Proposal for import of 1,00,000 Nos. oil Palm seed sprouts c.v. Tenara fromThailand, Costa Rica, and Malaysia for Oil Palm area expansion by M/s.Godrej Agrovet Limited, Palm Oil Mill, Ch. Pothepalli-534451, DwarakaTirumala Mandal, West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh.In view of the comments from the concerned Division and further discussion of theproposal, the Committee deferred the proposal for want of verification of PEQfacility with the importer by DPPQ&S within l5 days.

Item No.14 Proposal for import of 3,000 Nos. Avocado plants c.v. Hass from Israel by M/s.Sam Agritech Limited, Sy.No.608/6, Pudur village, Medchal District-S0l 401,Telangana.As the comments of Horticulture Division of ICAR/DAC&FW are awaited besidesthe verification of PEQ facility with importer is also awaited, hence the Committeedeferred the proposal for want of verification of PEQ facility with the importer byDPPQ&S and comments of Horticulture Division of ICAR/DAC&FW.

Page 7: ffi'u't of 238th meeting of EXIM... · Private Limited, 604 Tower2, cHD Avenue 71, Sector 71, Gurgao n - 122001. As the sowing time of Berseem crop is already over, hence the committee

Item No.l5


Proposal for import of total 21,500 Nos. Kiwi fruit plants @ 4,000 Nos. fromThailand, Apple, Pear, Plum, Peach, Citrus plants @ 3,000 Nos. each, Cherryand Blueberry @ 1,000 plants each and Avocado plants @ 500 Nos. each fromItaly (Europe) for cultivation by M/s. Sheel Biotech Ltd., Sheel llouse, RZ-2705130, Main Jagdamba Road, New Delhi-l10019.In view of the comments from the concerned Division and further discussion of theproposal, the Committee deferred the proposal for want of verification of PEQfacility with the importer by DPPQ&S within l5 days.

Item No.16 Proposal for import of total 1,30,000 Nos. Apple Plants (saplings) c.v. RedDelicious Group @ 70,000 Nos., Gala Group @ 45,000 Nos. Fuji @ 10,000 Nos.and Golden @ 5,000 Nos., total 30,000 Nos. Apple Rootstock c.v. MMl1l, MM9and MM106 @), 10,000 Nos. each and total 10,000 Nos. Apple Bud Sticks/scionwoods c.v. Red Delicious (@ 8,000 Nos., Gala and Fuji (D 1,000 Nos. each fromItaly by M/s. Indo Dutch Horticulture Technologies (P) Ltd., P.O. Chaffi,Bh imtal, Distt - Nainital, Utta rakhand-263 136.

Item No.l7 Proposal for import of total 55,000 Nos. Apple Rootstock c.v. Geneva Series @30,000 Nos., M9 and MMlll @ 10,000 Nos. each and M27 @ 5,000 Nos. fromHolland by M/s. Indo Dutch Horticulture Technologies (P) Ltd., P.O. Chaffi,Bhimtal, Distt - Nain ital, Uttarakhand-263 136.

Item No.18 Proposal for import of total 7,00,000 Nos. Malus Apple 'Iree M9 T337 Gala @3,85,000 Nos., Red Delicious @ 1,,75,000 Nos., Golden Delicious @ 70,000 Nos.Fuji and Granny Smith @ 35,000 Nos. each from Italy and total 1,00,000 Nos.Malus Apple Tree M9 T337 c.v. Fuji and Elastar @ 25,000 Nos. each, RedjonaGold @ 20,000 Nos. and Gala @ 30,000 Nos. from Netherland by M/s. H.N.Agriserve Pvt. Ltd, Lassipora, Pulwama, J&K, Pin-192303.In view of the comments from the concerned Division and further discussion of theproposal, the Committee deferred the proposals as mentioned above at Item Nos.l6to | 8 for want of verification of PEQ facility with the importer bv DPPQ&S.

Item No.l9 Proposal for import of 4,000 Nos. of Guava Fruit Plants and 2,000 Nos. ofDragon Fruit Plants from Thailand for cultivation by M/s. Sheel Biotech Ltd.,Sheel House, RZ-2705130, Main Jagdamba Road, New Delhi-l10019.In view of the comments from the concerned Division and further discussion of theproposal, the Committee deferred the proposal for want of verification of PEQfacility with the importer by DPPQ&S within l5 days.

Item No.20 Import 1892 MTs of Berseem seed from Egypt by Bharat Agro Overseas (India),A-64,Industrial Area, G.T. Karnal Road, Delhi-1100332705/30, Main JagdambaRoad, New Delhi-1 10019.As the sowing time of Berseem cropconsidered the proposal of extensionquantity of Berseem Seed by importer.

is already over, hence the committee did notof validity period for import of remaining

The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.

Page 8: ffi'u't of 238th meeting of EXIM... · Private Limited, 604 Tower2, cHD Avenue 71, Sector 71, Gurgao n - 122001. As the sowing time of Berseem crop is already over, hence the committee


List of participants who attended the 238th EXIM Committee meeting for export andimport of seeds and planting materials held on 10th January, 2019 under the Chaiimanshipof Additional Secretary @C).

e 1. Dr. Devesh Chaturvedi, Additional Secretary (DC), DAC &. FW, Krishi Bhawan,

New Delhi - Chairman.

2. Sri Ashwani Kumar, Joint Secretary (Seeds), DAC & FW, Krishi Bhawan, New


3. Dr. D.K. Yadava ADG (Seeds),ICAR, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi

4. Dr. Ram Sanehi, Asstt. Commissioner (Crops), DAC&FW, New Delhi.

5. Shri R.R. Sharma, Asstt. Commissioner (Hort.), DAC&FW, New Delhi.

6. Drl Manish Das, Principal Scientist, Horticulture Science Division, ICAR, KAB-II,

Pusa, New Delhi-l 10012.

7. Dr. Shaloo Ayri, Asstt. Director, DPPQS, Faridabad. '8. Dr. S.C. Dubey, Head, Plant Quarantine,ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi

9. Dr. Mahendra Pratap Yadav, Asstt. Director, Seed Division, DAC&FW, New Delhi.

10. Dr. Dilip Kr. srivastava, Asstt. commissioner (QC), DAC&FW, New Delhi.

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