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Film: Excellence

Plot: Two ace creative women argue for innovation and excellence thus a jury declares the best.

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In Paris in office of 5&Sunny, Cynthia enters. She says hello to her colleague, Martha. How was your trip to Manhattan, Martha asks. The financial market is OK as secure consumerism is rising. Over there people in our agency are also doing good work. Cynthia puts aside her coat and asks, any thing special in my absence except this banner “Imagination Imitates, Criticism Creates”. Nothing special, Martha says. How is Edelman, Cynthia inquires. He is happy and expecting some new client in pharma business, Martha replies. That’s great and she gives her a gift-packet. Martha holds the mini packet and says, Thank you. Now I must see him in his office. See you later and Cynthia leaves.


Cynthia Martha

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Cynthia enters into the room of Edelman and says, Good morning. Edelman stands up and replies, nice to see you back. Both sit down. How was your meeting with Wall Street people, Edelman asks. It was good one and they are proud of their political system, consumer base and investment incentives. Chinese groups are investing in industries and media, Cynthia replies. Why EU not attracting Chinese investors, Edelman further inquires. Until England does not become part of European Union, how can Chinese invest, Cynthia replies. Do you like the banner, “Imagination Imitates, Criticism Creates” in your room, Edelman asks. Yes, I like it very much. Martha is truly genius, Cynthia replies. Should I leave? Edelman stands up and allows her. Good luck.



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Cynthia enters into her room. Martha excitedly says, thank you for the breath-taking Paris Hilton. You are welcome, Cynthia says. She searches the quotation on Bing and notes down some points for critical thinking and creative thinking. Another junior writer, Mathy, enters the room and greets them. Madam! We were waiting for you to start discussion on the banner. Who we, Cynthia inquires. Madam! our creative team at 5&Sunny, Mathy replies confidently. Have you discussed this issue with any outsider? No, Madam! she replies. Cynthia gives Mathy a gift-packet and asks for weekly report. Madam! Thank you for the gift and report is already in your mailbox, she replies. We will discuss the issue but not today, please go to your desk. Mathy sees Martha busy on her laptop and leaves the room.


On Wednesday, in conference room of 5&Sunny creative team is present. Cynthia says, thank you for your presence and starting a discussion on innovation and excellence. I have a plan to conduct a program in our agency. People especially students will also participate through video conference in this 15 to 20 minutes program. Hopefully Martha would agree with me. I want Mathy to mobilize the students as audience through digital media whereas I want Frank to set the conference room for the program. Any question? Will it be telecast, Frank asks. Yes, besides uploading at website of 5&Sunny we will share it with our partners worldwide, Cynthia clarifies. Martha! Do you have any question, Cynthia asks. Nope, she replies. Now get back to work all of you. It will be an exciting learning experience for the outsiders, Cynthia says.

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Edelman enters into the room of Cynthia and Martha and says. Good morning ladies. I am pleased to know that you are going to conduct a program in the agency that would give cutting edge to the budding 5&Sunny. You both women, oh I am sorry, persons are genius. Please make sure that everything would be near-perfect. We have to create Great Expectations instead of Diminished Expectations. I want this program must be discussed at White House besides corporate corridors around the world. Martha says, sir! You don’t worry we know how to make it possible. Edelman says, thank you and leaves the room.


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In TV lounge, Martha and her boy friend – Timothy - are discussing creativity. What is your stance, Timothy inquires. I will oppose Cynthia, Martha says. Then you will have to make points for both arguments, Timothy advises. Forget about the program. Let’s love, Martha says. I do not want you to loose in the program, Timothy says. You don’t worry. We have been conducting these sort of programs in the college and university. Let’s love, Martha says.


In office, Mathy is busy with her computer. She has relayed the program announcement with timings on Facebook, Twitter, SlideShare and Slate. She has relayed a couple of questions on Quora and other platforms. Madam! We have generated the announcement among 50,000 people worldwide for our program, Mathy informs Cynthia on phone. That’s great and thank you, Cynthia replies.

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In conference room of 5&Sunny, Edelman says, tomorrow our first program has to be on air. We have generated interest among more than 50000 people. All questions would be difficult to answer, therefore, I ask Mathy to give due representation to universities, colleges, design houses and ad agencies professionals. Our audio-video side is being looked after by Frank. Jury would be Katie Couric, Clint Eastwood, Dimitri Itskov and I. Miss Cynthia and Martha! You have to make the program truly successful and trailblazer. Tomorrow everyone should be in office sharp at 9 in the morning. Good luck and thank you all.


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In creative unit of 5&Sunny, should we do rehearsal for the program, Martha inquires from Cynthia. There is no need. Format is open and extempore, Cynthia replies. We only require good sleep before the program, Martha says. I agree with you and I am going to take rest in the recreation room, Cynthia says and leaves the room.


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To camera, Mathy introduces 5&Sunny, team leaders, AV Editor and jury members. Viewers can ask questions during the debate. Let’s start the program.

Miss Cynthia, what is your stance on “Imagination Imitates, Criticism Creates”, Mathy asks. Well, world has databases and organized institutes that offer countless composed and raw ideas. Criticism helps in innovation, R&D and organizational excellence. Miss Martha, what is your point of view, Mathy asks. Human beings still have to understand cognitive and anatomy to find out truth and origin of pure ideas. Original thoughts have always been desirable in academia and industry. I advocate for the imagination and do not believe that it ends in imitation. Cynthia says, Socrates gave his life and Hamlet searched for real human. An imaginative person usually ends in either Socrates or Hamlet whereas a critic paves the path for progress through transformation.


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In his office, Timothy is viewing the debate-program curiously and finds his girl friend in trouble and says to himself, O Martha! You have to come up with solid arguments.


Martha says, Idea is very important if we read carefully biography of Steve Jobs, Jack Welch and Bill Gates. Gates was drop out yet he has made his mark. Cynthia says, criticism creates more than one idea. Just look at Quora and PublikDemand. PublikDemand has exposed us to new opportunities in developing countries. Today we know that people through fake companies are fooling innocent people. Martha says, it was pure thought that compelled God to create the world. It was pure thought that compelled Merck to develop gelatin capsule. Cynthia argues, what about atom bomb? Criticism creates and I find Hamlet and Bakistan as best piece in global literature.

An American calls, my name is Richard. Cynthia is very much right. I have found best critic of Facebook from Peshawar and not from Silicon Valley. Moreover, life of every learning human is important and cannot be contained.

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In his office, Timothy finds his girl friend again in trouble and says to himself, O Martha! You should have prepared well for the program and sips black coffee.

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As no question was raised during this intense debate on fundamentals of innovation and excellence. I ask jury members to inform their decision.

Katie Couric, I am impressed with both creative gurus but Cynthia wins because of lucid arguments. Clint Eastwood, Cynthia is logical and social thus deserves laurels. Dmitry Itskov, I thank Cynthia for well preparation and invite her to Ukraine to establish a new agency like 5&Sunny.

Mathy says to the camera, you can still watch the episode on digital media and website of 5&Sunny. Thank you very much for joining us. Good bye.


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Edelman congratulates the team for excellent execution of program. Thank you Frank and Mathy, I am proud of you. Congratulations, Miss Cynthia! You have got invitation from Dmitri Itskov. Martha credit goes to you as you put the banner. Now whole world can understand about creativity and excellence through 5&Sunny. Frank, don’t forget to share episode with 500 top universities of world. Tomorrow is holiday and we are all going to an excursion trip on next weekend to Venice, Edelman announces.


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Timothy meets Martha in her apartment and says, you were confident and good in the debate. He prepares coffee for her and shows her recording of episode with augmented reality. We have to search for another alternative of Socrates and Hamlet. Let’s marry for the original thought, Martha says.

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Cynthia: Chief Creative Officer

Martha: Chief Creative Officer

Mathy: Ad Executive

Edelman: Chief Marketing Officer

Timothy: Journalist and lover of Martha

Guests: Clint Eastwood, Katie Couric, Dimitri Itskov

Proposed cast is requested to produce the film.

Key Credits

Sajid Imtiaz, Expert Member CDKN, Member Pakistan Society of Criminology

Visuals: Carat MediaFeedback: [email protected]

Writer is committed to donate 10% income from produced film for establishment of Takschschilla University.

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