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Page 1: Film Genres (Media Studies)


By Aycan Mehmet

Page 2: Film Genres (Media Studies)


Action films are usually big Hollywood blockbuster films with a large budget. The large budget usually caters for an all star cast, CGI and a lot of explosions.

The storyline for an action film is mainly saving a damsel in distress character from danger and the protagonist is usually a male.

Superhero films are usually connoted with action as there is usually a big fight scene at the end with the superhero’s arch-nemesis. This usually involves saving the superhero’s love interest from the bad guy.

My favourite film from this genre is Terminator 2: Judgement Day.

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Thriller uses elements of suspense and tension to anticipate the viewers senses.

There are different sub-genres such as psychological thrillers, crime thrillers and many more. Crime thrillers usually have a theme of heists and revenge. Psychological thrillers have a theme of mind games and horror-of-personality.

Alfred Hitchcock is a notorious thriller director who is infamous for the films Psycho and The Birds.

My favourite film from this genre is The Godfather.


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Musicals are usually an adaptation from a theatre musical.

One cliché for a musical is that there is a short dialogue scene that carries on to a big musical number. The story progresses to show a love interest beckoning and they usually break up for a power ballad then all the cast come together for a grand finale.

The first film that was a musical was The Jazz Singer.

My favourite film from the genre is Rock Of Ages


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Sci-Fi films usually consist of aliens and outer space scenarios.

Many films work around the ‘post-apocalyptic’ storyline, but there are other sub genres. Some even feature a story line of machines taking over the world. A lot of the time, the action and Sci-Fi genre overlap.

Star Wars is an infamous series in the Science Fiction genre

My favourite film from this genre is The Matrix


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Horror films tell a story which it’s purpose is to scare or shock people.

Sub-genres can include monster movies (Frankenstein), Ghost stories (Paranormal Activity) and Occult stories (Drag Me To Hell) .

A famous horror film is A Nightmare on Elm Street.

My favourite film from this genre is Insidious.

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A fantasy film is connotes with magic and supernatural forces. Some may include elements of Sci-Fi.

A fantasy film will mainly follow the traditional route of wizardry and dragons which causes a different realm from ours to be produced.

Many fantasy films are derived from books. A major example is the Lord of The Rings/The Hobbit series.

My favourite series from this genre is Harry Potter

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Comedy’s sole purpose is to generate laughter and a comical atmosphere amongst the audience, whether the humour is blatant or sarcastic.

There are many famous comic actors like Adam Sandler (pictured across), Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson and many others. Most comic actors are signed on the same production company. For example Adam Sandler, Kevin James and Rob Schneider usually work on the same film being on Sandler’s company Happy Madison Productions. These actors can be seen in the film You Don’t Mess With The Zohan and Grown Ups.

Many of the well-selling films get parodied by the genre. Vampire Sucks is a comical take on the Twilight Saga.

My favourite film from this genre is You Don’t Mess With The Zohan.

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