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Page 1: Film Production

Film ProductionFilm production is everything involving the making of the film, for instance the idea, to the distribution to cinemas then to DVD. The

production covers all of the different aspects involving the film production, and the main three I am going to research are firstly the

Cinematography, then the Sound and editing and also special effects and graphics covering the changes through the years and how the

development is still happening with every passing day.

Page 2: Film Production

Cinematography and Sound

First of all Cinematography is deciding on the lighting and camera choices for the film being produced recorded for the film itself therefore it is very important for the maker to get this key aspect right. Sound being another important aspect when creating the film because if the music does not fit the cinematography of the film, then the film will be not successful, both are needed to fit one another's description and complementing each other in doing so, thus producing a really nicely fitted film. A great example of a nicely fitted film is the Bourne Ultimatum, with its nicely placed camera shots with complementing music and vice versa, it make the film flow and gives realism to the scenes. This though is an example of the technology of today by using Diegetic and non- diegetic sounds, and in the context of cinematography, it has shots placed in that so it does not give to much away to the audience but giving enough, keeping the audience drawn and poised…

Understanding Cinematography and Sound

Page 3: Film Production

First Aspects of Cinematography

The first glimpse of cinematography was traced back to the worlds first motion picture called Roundhay Garden Scene. Directed by Louis le Prince who was an inventor and showman made this on October 14th 1888 in the garden at Oakwood Grange in Roundhav, Leeds, West Yorkshire, England, shown on the right. This unexpected, groundbreaking breakthrough event happened seven years before the Lumière Brothers' Sortie de l'usine Lumière à Lyon made the first paid exhibition on December 28, 1895 at Le Grand Café, in Paris, France. This was the date known as the birth of the cinema since it was the first time the cycle of production-distribution-exhibition happened. The European city soon became the motion picture capital of the world.


The well known film ‘Jaws’ back in 1975 shows how cinematography was back 35 years ago….

Page 4: Film Production

Cinematography35 years Ago

In 1975 one of the most well known most successful film was made, Jaws. Jaws shows so many great shots showing great examples of cinematography, these made by The cinematographer Bill Butler.

Billy Butler was the person who focused of the cinematography of the film, this enabled him to have control over the camera shots used for the film.... Finding a article from Bill Butler it tells of the shots he wanted to use and how new ideas arisen making new camera shots…


Below is a link to the trailer of Jaws, this video shows some of the camera shots that was first made like the underwater point of view, these shots 35 years were the best ever, and to much affect still are brilliant but as the years go on more and more shots are becoming known and because of the growth of technology more genius shots are overshadowing the unique shots made in this trailer....


Page 5: Film Production

Convergence of Cinematography

Convergence in the film terms always is around when a film is being produced and in this instance, the Camera shot from a film could be converged with the Industry who produces posters, Thus creating a conversion between the two.....

Impact on the Audience

As classing myself as the audience i believe that the cinematography for me is positive as it is a way to show how the industry regarding Cinematography is being developed.....

Page 6: Film Production

First Aspects of SoundAs shown to the right it is a picture of the first

aspect of developing and experimenting with the use of sound with motion Pictures.

Image from the Dickson Experimental Sound Film (1894 or 1895), produced by W.K.L. Dickson as a test of the early version of the Edison Kinetophone, combining the Kinetoscope and phonograph.

Eadweard Muybridge scheme for sound cinema that would combine his image-casting zoopraxiscope with Edison's recorded-sound technology.No agreement was reached, but within a year Edison commissioned the development of the Kinetoscope, essentially a "peep-show" system, as a visual complement to his cylinder phonograph. The two devices were brought together as the Kinetophone in 1895, but individual, cabinet viewing of motion pictures was soon to be outmoded by successes in film projection.

This meaning that Eadweard Muybridge created a scheme in so that sound for the cinema would be chosen, then when finished, the idea was to cast the roles of the people through using the sound to see if they fitted with it... This being different to nowadays because the sound is written after casting.....

Page 7: Film Production

Sound 40 years ago

A great example of sound is from the 1960 great horror film, Physco. Directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Hitchcock made this horror with every intention of creating a film like so was not known of at the time, until it was released. It was one of the first films to produce such a horror which ending up becoming one of the most successful film of all time. I thought I would talk about it in the concept of sound because when a killing is about to occur the music takes over everything and draws you into the film and builds tension and suspense....Its sharp, edgy and in my opinion this makes the scene complete, without it the scene would be nothing, the sound makes its sucess.....


Page 8: Film Production

Convergence of SoundThe film industry creates many convergences, and for sound it is

no different. The film industry when creating a successful film began to create many convergences with lots of different other industries. With sound convergences are made with mobile phone industries, creating ringtones of a favourite catchphrase, a famous noise, For example the Physco killing noise....

Impact on Audience

The impact of sound convergence, like ringtones is a very successful convergence because ringtones are very easy to produce and then selling one for as little as £2.00 to £4.00 therefore the revenue would be immensly great and ever increasing.... The price of these ringtones though in my point of view is very bad as the costs are to high....

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