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  • 8/8/2019 Final Dcode



    It is the ultimate nightmare for every human resources, security, or risk management

    professional; your phone rings late Friday afternoon as you wind up loose ends from yet

    another challenging week and are looking forward to a quiet weekend. A panic stricken

    voice informs you that Mr. X in accounting has assaulted another co-worker and

    threatened to harm a supervisor. It turns out Mr. X was not only stealing money, but did

    not really have the experience claimed.

    As the mess is being sorted out, everyone will be asking you the same question over and

    over. From the company CEO, CFO, and corporate attorney to managers, supervisors,

    and co-workers, there is one thing everyone wants to know; how did that person get hiredin the first place?

    If the matter turns into litigation, the legal fees for just one incident of workplace

    misconduct can easily soar into the six figures. Injured co-workers, members of the

    public who were damaged, or even the bad employee who may claim wrongful

    termination can sue your firm. Once litigation starts, you will also find that in addition to

    your normal duties you now have a second and full time job dealing with the discovery

    process in litigation and the organizational fallout.

    The statistics on the consequence of even one bad hire are chilling. The financial cost tobusiness from theft, violence, and false credentials can be enormous. There are other

    costs that are hard to measure, such as the harm to employee morale or the firms

    reputation. Industry statistics suggest the cost of even one bad hiring can exceed

    Rs.100000 taking into account the time spent on recruitment, hiring, and training and the

    amount of time the job is left undone or done badly by an unqualified applicant.

    Given the enormous price tag of the bad hiring decision, it is no surprise that employers

    of all size are turning into various tools to boost the effectiveness of hiring process. The

    tools run from honesty and skills testing to behaviors-based and group interview


    Ultimately none of these has proved effective in weeding out bad candidates, unless used

    in conjunction with a program of pre-employment background screening to obtain hard

    facts about a candidate.

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    Employment Screening Services & Employee Background Checks:

    Employment screening services and employee background checks are vital to

    maintaining workforce integrity and safety. Background check or backgroundinvestigation is the process of looking up and compiling criminal records, commercial

    records and financial records (in certain instances such as employment screening) of an


    Background checks are often requested by employers on job candidates, especially on

    candidates seeking a position that requires high security or a position of trust, such as in a

    school, hospital, financial institution, airport, and government. These checks are

    traditionally administered by a government agency for a nominal fee, but can also be

    administered by private companies. Results of a background check typically include past

    employment verification, credit score, and criminal history.

    These checks are often used by employers as a means of objectively evaluating a job

    candidate's qualifications, character, fitness, and to identify potential hiring risks for

    safety and security reasons. Background check is also used to thoroughly investigate

    potential government employees in order to be given a security clearance. However,

    these checks may sometimes be used for illegal purposes, such as unlawful

    discrimination (oremployment discrimination), identity theft, and violation of privacy.

    The onus of selecting the right candidate lies primarily on the HR Executive who uses his

    experience and expertise to evaluate the candidate. A direct interaction with the candidate

    speaks volumes of his personality. However, a more in depth evaluation of the

    prospective employee is a must.

    Types of checks

    Employment References

    Education Verification - School grades, degree and any professional

    qualifications obtained

    Character Reference Check

    Gaps in employment history Identity and Address Verification

    Whether an applicant holds a directorship

    Credit History - bankruptcies

    Criminal History Report

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    What is Pre Employment Screening?

    As the name suggests, it is the process of screening / verifying a person's background

    information prior to employing him in your organization. It has become imperative toconfirm and re confirm a persons background, his character and his proposed

    experience. Pre Employment Screening (verification) aids in eliminating such risks as

    work place violence, internal thefts etc. Hiring an undeserving candidate can

    unnecessarily increase your training and recruitment costs, harm your organizations

    harmony and put confidential information into jeopardy.

    Failure to conduct a background check has multiple negative repercussions which can

    well be avoided through a well balanced pre employment screening program.


    The use of background report is becoming a common phenomenon in today's job market.

    The corporate world is requiring all its employees or job applicants to undertake checks

    to ensure all the information they provide is truthful. The need for caution is even more

    now than earlier mainly because of safety and security measures. No matter the status or

    position of your employment, a check into one's life has to be done. Fear has risen among

    employees who worry that employers can go digging up information that does not relate

    to a job or vacancy. In their defense the employers indicate that they are only being


    To understand this concept, first we need to know why these checks are necessary to

    employers. The market today calls for a thorough background report of employees hence

    companies or organization follow suit. To prevent lawsuits that may otherwise arise due

    to inappropriate hiring of staff, state background checks help to counter this. Child

    smuggling rings have resulted in tougher measures to prevent this syndicate hence all

    employees that care for children are screened. The global war on terrorism has made

    security concerns a priority of any nation thus not just anyone can be hired without first

    knowing his/her identity. Due to the significance of their jobs; executives, directors or

    officers require tougher screening than the rest. They have access to large resources and a

    considerable amount of power thus the need for caution. Applicants today may tend to

    falsify their resume so as to make it appear fit for a certain job description; they try to

    prey on the knowledge that employers don't have the time to run checks on them. In the

    US, state background checks are a necessity for a certain category of jobs. They include

    those working in retirement homes and adoption agencies. The advent of modern

    technology has made it cheaper and faster to vet an employee or applicant.

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    A background check often includes the social security number, credit records, bankruptcy

    status, medical records, driving records, educational records, criminal records, vehicle

    registration, court records, property ownership, and personal references, past employers,

    drug test records, incarcerations records, military records, character references and statelicensing records. Information that is not usually included is criminal history, any arrests

    that may have taken place in the life of an individual, bankruptcy status though it is

    usually public knowledge and any compensation that an employee may have been

    awarded in the past. Permission is required by employers to access certain records that

    include medical, educational and military service. Proper procedure has to be followed

    by employers in conducting this kind of process. It requires the permission of the

    applicant or employee as stated in the law. In most cases, falsifying a resume is a

    criminal offensive and the employer can take stern measures against you.


    Uncovers falsified or puffed credentials.

    Eliminates uncertainties in the hiring process.

    Saves money and time spent in recruiting, hiring, and training.

    Can help protect against negligent hiring lawsuits.

    Reduces turnover.

    Reduces workplace violence.

    Failure to perform pre-employment screening could destroy everything a businessowner or manager has worked hard to build.

    Elimination of risks of theft and fraud


    Many organizations outsource the entire screening procedures to an agency that

    specializes in doing so. This helps them to

    Save time, energy and resources in learning the screening process and instead

    concentrate on running their own business, something that they do best.

    Absorb the new candidate and grow with him. Since the specialists have already

    completed a thorough background check, there is nothing left to worry about.

    Help the HR department to concentrate on their core competencies.

    Furnish the reports put together by the screening team as a legal document at a later


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    force the managers of an enterprise to express their goals with specificity so that they can

    be understood and undertaken by the workforce and to provide the resources needed for

    them to successfully accomplish their assignments. As such, HRM techniques, when

    properly practiced, are expressive of the goals and operating practices of the enterpriseoverall. HRM is also seen by many to have a key role in risk reduction within


    Synonyms such aspersonnel managementare often used in a more restricted sense to

    describe activities that are necessary in the recruiting of a workforce, providing its

    members with payroll and benefits, and administrating their work-life needs. So if we

    move to actual definitions, Torrington and Hall (1987) define personnel management as


    a series of activities which: first enable working people and their employing

    organizations to agree about the objectives and nature of their working relationship and,secondly, ensures that the agreement is fulfilled" (p. 49).

    While Miller (1987) suggests that HRM relates to:

    ".......those decisions and actions which concern the management of employees at all

    levels in the business and which are related to the implementation of strategies directed

    towards creating and sustaining competitive advantage"

    Its features include:

    Organizational management

    Personnel administration

    Manpower management

    Industrial management


    The Human Resources Management (HRM) function includes a variety of activities, and

    key among them is deciding what staffing needs you have and whether to use

    independent contractors or hire employees to fill these needs, recruiting and training the

    best employees, ensuring they are high performers, dealing with performance issues, and

    ensuring your personnel and management practices conform to various regulations.

    Activities also include managing your approach to employee benefits and compensation,

    employee records and personnel policies. Usually small businesses (for-profit or non-

    profit) have to carry out these activities themselves because they can't yet afford part- or

    full-time help. However, they should always ensure that employees haveand are aware

    ofpersonnel policies which conform to current regulations. These policies are often in

    the form of employee manuals, which all employees have.

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    In simple terms, an organization's human resource management strategy should

    maximize return on investment in the organization's human capital and minimize

    financial risk. Human Resources seeks to achieve this by aligning the supply of skilled

    and qualified individuals and the capabilities of the current workforce, with theorganization's ongoing and future business plans and requirements to maximize return on

    investment and secure future survival and success. In ensuring such objectives are

    achieved, the human resource function purpose in this context is to implement the

    organizations human resource requirements effectively but also pragmatically, taking

    account of legal, ethical and as far as is practical in a manner that retains the support and

    respect of the workforce.

    Human Resources may set strategies and develop policies, standards, systems, and

    processes that implement these strategies in a whole range of areas. The following are

    typical of a wide range of organizations:

    Recruitment, selection, and on boarding (resourcing)

    Organizational design and development

    Business transformation and change management

    Performance, conduct and behavior management

    Industrial and employee relations

    Human resources (workforce) analysis and workforce personnel data


    Compensation, rewards, and benefits management

    Training and development (learning management)

    Implementation of such policies, processes or standards may be directly managed by the

    HR function itself, or the function may indirectly supervise the implementation of such

    activities by managers, other business functions or via third-party external partner



    Each and every employee has to contribute individually and also collectively to the

    success of the organization. At the low level they have to contribute to a goal. To makethem contribute the human resource management team has to work harder. It is found

    that the contribution of an employee is low when they do not know what they are doing.

    Lack of knowledge on a particular process or technology, leads to low productivity in the

    organization. The human resource department should identify such employees and train

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    them in the necessary skills. They should also know the individual and group psychology

    to deal such employees in the organization.

    The HR management team should attract the right talent to their organization, giveappropriate compensation, retain them and also develop them to meet the current and

    future organizational goals. The HR management team is dedicated to this work round

    the clock. Without them it is not possible to have the right team to execute projects. They

    need to keep track of the skill acquired by the employees during their tenure in the

    organization and deploy them for the right projects.

    The employees need to be properly trained and motivated by the human resource

    management team. The ethical policies should be communicated to them at the right time

    and the problems in the organization should be revealed to get the right solution from

    them. Thus they should make the employees work more efficiently to meet theorganizations goal.


    The impact of fake CV is appalling to any organization and hence background

    verification process is necessary to prevent negligent hiring suits. Thus, it will assure the

    reliability of a CV and helps the business to hire only those likely to be effective on the



    Article: 1

    By Lester S. Rosen

    (Published in the Career Section of the Sunday San Francisco Examiner/Chronicle)

    Employers are increasingly turning to background screenings of job applicants as a way

    of minimizing legal and financial exposure. Concerns about workplace violence,

    negligent-hiring lawsuits, wrongful termination and other problems are leading manyemployers to be more careful about who is hired in the first place.

    For applicants, however, background screening can create an uneasy feeling that they are

    mistrusted from the start or that Big Brother is watching.

    The fact is, however, that background screening of job applicants benefit employers and

    employees alike.

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    For applicants, the advantage of working for a company that requires screening is that

    efforts have been made to ensure that co-workers have the qualification and credentials

    they say they have. In addition, employers typically screen for criminal records,

    especially those involving in violence or dishonesty.For the employer, screening saves the time and money wasted in recruiting, hiring and

    training the wrong candidates and eliminates potential difficulties in the work force.

    Of course, a background screening is not a full-fledged investigation. Screening

    companies are typically looking for red flags indicating potential problems or resumes

    that are not factual or omit important information.

    When an employer uses a background screening company to prepare a report, several

    steps must occur:

    The employer must clearly disclose to the applicant in a separate document that a

    report is being prepared. The disclosure can no longer be buried in an application

    in the fine print.

    A signed release is required before checking records such as criminal convictions

    or pending criminal cases, driving records, credit reports or educational


    An additional notice is required when a background firm checks references, such

    as asking previous employers about job performance.

    If an employer intends to deny employment based upon information in the report,

    the job applicant must receive a copy of the report and a notice of legal rights.

    If an applicant believes the information is wrong, the applicant can inform the

    screening agency, which must remove or correct inaccurate or unverifiedinformation, usually within 30 days.

    Applicants have the right to inspect their files.

    This is designed to strike a balance between an employers need to exercise due diligence

    in hiring and an applicants right of accuracy and privacy. For applicants who are

    genuinely the victims of mistaken identity or bureaucratic errors, there is an opportunity

    to know what is being said about them and to fix the record so they are no denied

    opportunities unfairly.

    For a job applicant, honesty is always the best policy. Negative information honestly

    disclosed in an interview with an interview with an explanation may well have no effect.

    However, if the employer discovers it through a third party, then the lack of honesty may

    be the reason for not getting the position.

    Even a criminal conviction cannot legally automatically disqualify a person from

    employment, without considering the nature of the offense, when it occurred, what the

    applicant has done since and whether it is related to job performance.

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    Background checks are frequently conducted to confirm information found on an

    employment application or rsum/curriculum vitae. One study showed that half of all

    reference checks done on prospective employees differed between what the job applicant

    provided and what the source reported. They may also be conducted as a way to further

    differentiate potential employees and pick the one the employer feels is best suited for

    the position. Employers have an obligation to make sure their work environment is safe

    for all employees and helps prevent other employment problems in the workplace.

    To find out the awareness of background verification in the IT, ITES,

    Infrastructure and Pharmaceutical Sectors.

    To find out the utility of background verification in the IT, ITES, Infrastructure

    and Pharmaceutical Sectors.

    To find out the significance of background verification in the IT, ITES,

    Infrastructure and Pharmaceutical Sectors.

    To find out the opinions of companies about outsourcing background verification

    to the third party vendors.


    To study the recruitment process adopted by companies.

    To study the background check process.

    To study the factors affecting the verification.

    To analyse the percentage of selected and rejected candidates based on

    background verification.

    To give suggestions to impose the efficiency of recruitment process using

    background verification.

    Operational definition of concepts:

    Employment Verification: An employment verification is a method of

    verifying dates of, or gaps in, employment and positions held with the HR or

    Accounting departments of a candidates previous employer.

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    Time constraints

    Study through a single background verification firm

    The study will b carried with pure academic objectives but findings may be

    valuable feedback only to the organization and cannot be generalized.


    Chapter One: Introduction: this chapter includes the subject background of the

    research topic.

    Chapter Two: Design of the study: this chapter includes:

    1. A brief introduction of the subject background

    2. Statement of the problem

    3. Review of previous literature if any

    4. Scope of the study

    5. Objectives of the study

    6. Hypothesis if any

    7. Operational definition of concepts

    8. Methodology

    9. Sampling plan

    10. Tools and techniques for collection of data

    11. Plan of analysis

    12. Limitations

    13. An overview of the chapter scheme

    Chapter Three:Profile of the company

    This chapter includes complete profile Dcode Research Services Pvt Ltd, nature of its

    business, organizational structure, competitors, and vision and mission statement.

    Chapter Four: Analysis of the study

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    Here the primary data collected in tune with its objectives will be analyzed. Each

    question shall be reduced to a TABLE followed by the explanation and inferences.

    The analysis will be supported by Graphs, charts, diagrams wherever necessary.

    Chapter Five: Summary of findings, conclusions and suggestions

    This chapter provides summary of the findings, conclusions drawn from the findings

    and suggestions for improving strategy of Dcode Research Services Pvt Ltd,




    Dcode research private limited is a start-up risk management company specializing in

    providing wide range of professional services from pre-employment to post-employment

    verifications catering to the fast growing IT, ITES and other industries in India. This

    company started in November 2005.


    "To be the Best Background Screening Solutions Provider"


    "To become the most reliable, committed and cost-effective pre and post

    employment screening solutions provider in India"

    Dcode Research, the most rapidly growing background Screening Company, delivers

    higher returns to clients through its cost-effective, high-value services model thus

    making hiring process easier.

    The company works diligently to help you with your needs, always keeping in mind, the

    basic aspects of our business - quality, integrity and efficiency. For aspirants looking toenhance their career prospects, we provide an opportunity and help them realize their


    Dcode delivers world-class talent of experienced professionals with deep business and

    technical acumen. By continuously refining skills and adapting to new technologies, we

    help taking your business productivity to new heights.

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    The company is head quartered in Bangalore, having network of associates in major



    The major competitors are FADE, Authbridge, Verifacts and Hill & Associates.



    A network of contacts nearing 20000+ across all industries (the fastest in this segment)


    The industry itself is not geared up for background check.


    The IT industry is aware of the recent scamps and frauds.

    More demand for verification companies in the IT sector.

    Less competition since there is only few players conducting background



    Major competition from FADE, Authbridge, Verifacts and Hill & Associates, a well

    established company in the field of risk management and background screening.


    1. Education Verification: when hiring an individual, companys salary packages

    and positions is based on the individuals education. Failing to verify important

    information can result in having unqualified people in positions the dont deserve

    affecting companys ability to compete. With this search the company will validate

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    schools attended, diplomas, degrees, and date of attendance. Based on the information

    supplied by the candidate, Dcode research will attempt to verify an applicants academic

    history such as Degree earned, Date Degree earned, Degree in progress and Type of

    degree. Dcode research verifies this information by directly contacting theUniversities/Institutions from which the candidate passed out.

    2. Employment Verification: some candidates may be less than truthful about

    their employment history. Internal research shows this to be the number one discrepancy

    on resumes and job applications. The background specialists will verify information on

    applicants resume, validate dates of employment, position, salary, reason for leaving or

    termination and eligibility for re-hire, and they interview former supervisors who had

    personal knowledge of the applicants skills and qualifications. Additionally, DcodeResearch also reports any discrepancies in employment history including time gap to the


    3. Reference Verification: a verification of business or personal credentials is a

    valuable source of information about the applicants general image as perceived by

    others. Results may offer insight into the candidates trustworthiness, reliability,

    competency and integrity. All questions can be customized to clients unique needs.

    Interviews with former employers, co-workers may fill in the blanks when it comes toevaluating potential employees. Dcode Research conducts reference interviews with

    those identified by applicants or the HR managers of companies where the candidates

    were earlier working.

    4. Criminal Checks: the report generates a list of addresses the applicant has lived

    at the last seven years. They use these addresses as the benchmark for beginning a

    criminal record search. This is the most effective way to verify the candidates criminal

    history and the best way to ensure legal protection. These records will indicate if a

    subject has a criminal act or offense filing within the last seven years, or more if

    applicable. Complete reports will include the date filed, charges, level of the charges,

    deposition date and final disposition.

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    Analysis and interpretation

    Question 1, Q.13 and Q.14 are applicable to the total sample, i.e. 70. Question 2 to question 4 is applicable to the respondents who have answered

    No in question 1, i.e. companies that do not conduct background screening.

    (Sample size: 5)

    Question 5 to question 12 is applicable to the respondents who have answered

    Yes in question 1, i.e. companies that conduct background screening. (Sample

    size: 65)

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    Table 1: showing the frequency of companies conducting background screening:

    Frequency No. of respondents Percentage

    Yes 65 92.9

    No 5 7.1


    The above table shows that 92.9% conduct background screening of their employees and

    only 7.1% companies do not conduct background screening.

    Graph 1: showing the frequency of companies conducting background screening









    No. of respondents




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    Ultimately none of the hiring tools proves to be effective in weeding out bad candidates,

    unless used in conjunction with a program of pre-employment background screening to

    obtain hard facts about a candidate. Thus, from the table and analysis it can be inferred

    that most of the companies are aware of background screening and conduct backgroundscreening as part of the recruitment process in order to minimize the risk of fraudulent

    entries and dishonesty in work place.

    Table 2: showing the reason for not conducting background screening:

    Reason No. of respondents Percentage

    Lack of resources 4 80

    Background screening is not important 0 0

    Existence of stringent hiring process 1 20

    Others 0 0


    The above table shows that 4 companies do not conduct background screening because of

    lack of resources and 1 company do not conduct background screening as there exist a

    stringent hiring process.

    Graph 2: showing the reason for not conducting background screening










    No. of respondents

    Lack of resources

    Background screeningis not important

    Existence of stringenthiring process



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    From the table and analysis it can be inferred the companies that lack in resources and

    believe that they have a stringent hiring process do not want to invest in conducting

    background screening.

    Table 3: showing the willingness of the companies to conduct background screening in

    the near future who does not conduct at present:

    Willingness No. of respondents Percentage

    Yes 0 0

    No 0 0

    Not sure 5 100


    The above table shows that all the 5 companies that do not conduct background screening

    are not sure whether they would like to conduct background screening in the future.

    Graph 3: showing the willingness of the companies to conduct background screening in

    the near future who does not conduct at present







    No. of respondents



    Not sure


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    From the table and analysis it can be inferred that the 5 companies that do not conduct

    background screening are startup companies and have limited resources and so not

    decided if they would like to conduct background screening in the future.

    Table 4: showing whether the companies would like to outsource background screening:

    Willingness No. of respondents Percentage

    Yes 0 0

    No 0 0

    Not sure 5 100

    Analysis:The above table shows that all the 5 companies that do not conduct background screening

    are not sure whether they would like to outsource background screening in the future.

    Graph 4: showing whether the companies would like to outsource background screening







    No. of respondents



    Not sure

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    From the previous table and analysis it can be inferred that as the companies who do not

    conduct background screening are not sure of conducting it in the future.

    Table 5: showing the reason for conducting background screening:

    Reason No. of respondents Percentage

    After an incident in the company 3 4.6

    Heard of recent scams 15 23.1

    Company policy 47 72.3

    Others 0 0


    The above table shows that out of 65 companies who conduct background screening, 3

    started after an incident in the company, 15 started after hearing the recent scams about

    fake resumes and 47 companies conduct as it is a part of their company policy.

    Graph 5: showing the reason for conducting background screening







    No. of respondents

    After an incident inthe company

    Heard of recentscams

    Company policy


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    From the table and analysis it can be inferred that with the increasing importance of

    background screening, many companies have made it a company policy while hiring and

    few have started after hearing the recent scams and only 3 have started after an incidentin the company to avoid the risk of hiring fraudulent employees.

    Table 6: showing the types of background verifications that the companies conduct:

    Types No. of respondents Percentage

    Employment verification 28 43.1

    Education and Employment verification 31 47.7

    Police verification 0 0

    Drug screening test 0 0

    All the above 6 9.2


    The above table shows that 43.1% companies conduct only employment verification and

    47.7% companies conduct both employment and education verification. Only 9.2

    companies conduct all the four i.e. employment, education, police and drug test.

    Graph 6: showing the types of background verifications that the companies conduct









    No. of respondents

    Employment verification

    Education andEmployment verification

    Police verification

    Drug screening test

    All the above


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    Applicants today may tend to falsify their resume so as to make it appear fit for a certain

    job description. From the table and analysis it can be inferred that police verification and

    drug screening test are not common in India whereas employment and education

    verification is being conducted by most of the companies as there is results of fakeinformation provided by the candidates to get their dream jobs.

    Table 7: showing job levels at which background check is conducted in the companies:

    Job-level No. of respondents Percentage

    Entry level 28 43.1

    Middle-level 0 0

    Top-level 0 0

    All-level 37 56.9


    The above table shows that out of 65 companies who conduct background screening, 28companies conduct background screening for the entry level employees whereas other 37

    companies conduct at all level.

    Graph 7: showing job levels at which background check is conducted in the companies










    No. of respondents

    Entry level





    The global war on terrorism has made security concerns a priority of any nation thus not

    just anyone can be hired without first knowing his/her identity. Due to the significance of

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    their jobs; executives, directors or officers require tougher screening than the rest. They

    have access to large resources and a considerable amount of power thus the need for

    caution. From the table and analysis it can be inferred that most of the companies

    conduct background screening at all the job-levels whereas only a few conduct at theentry level.

    Table 8: showing the medium adopted by the companies for conducting background


    Medium No. of companies Percentage

    In-house 16 24.7

    Out-source 21 32.3

    Both 26 40


    The above table shows that out of 65 companies who conduct background screening, 16conduct in-house, 21 outsource to background screening agencies and 26 conduct both

    in-house and outsource.

    Graph 8: showing the medium adopted by the companies for conducting background









    No. of companies





    From the table and analysis it can be inferred that most of the big companies conduct

    both in-house as well as outsource background screening where as few companies with

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    less headcount conduct background screening in-house and few others who do not have a

    trained background screening department outsource it.

    Table 9: showing the benefits gained by the companies by conducting background


    Benefits No. of respondents Percentage

    Preventing fraudulent entries 26 40

    Reducing unproductive workforce 19 29.2

    Reducing attrition 0 0

    Reducing hiring expenses 0 0

    All the above 20 30.8

    Analysis:The above table shows that 26 companies conduct in order to prevent fraudulent entries,

    19 conducts to reduce unproductive workforce and 20 conducts to prevent fraudulent

    entries as well as reduce unproductive workforce, attrition and hiring expenses.

    Graph 9: showing the benefits gained by the companies by conducting background









    No. of respondents

    Preventing fraudulententries

    Reducing unproductiveworkforce

    Reducing attrition

    Reducing hiring expenses

    All the above


    Hiring an undeserving candidate can unnecessarily increase your training and recruitment

    costs, harm your organizations harmony and put confidential information into

    jeopardy. Thus from the table and analysis it can be inferred that background screening

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    help in reducing fraudulent entries, unproductive workforce, attrition and hiring


    Table 10: showing the time taken in the background screening process by different

    companies:Time-taken No. of respondents Percentage

    Less than a week 13 20

    A week 24 36.9

    15 days 13 20

    A month 15 23.1

    More than a month 0 0


    The above table shows that 20% companies require less than a weeks time, 36.9%

    requires a week, 20% requires about 15 days and 23.1% requires about a months time inthe background screening process.

    Graph 10: showing the time taken in the background screening process by different








    No. of respondents

    Less than a week

    A week

    15 days

    A month

    More than a month

    Inference:As employment verification and drug screening test do not require much time the

    companies that conduct only these verifications requires less time whereas education and

    police verification takes longer time than drug screening and employment verification

    and so requires longer time in the background screening process.

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    Table 11: showing the difficulties faced by the companies during the process of

    background screening:

    Difficulties No. of respondents Percentage

    Insufficient data 19 29.2Cost 4 6.2

    Poor responses 18 27.6

    Lack of time 20 30.8

    Others 4 6.2


    The above table shows that the difficulty faced by 30.8% of the companies is lack of

    time, 29.2% is insufficient data, 27.6% is poor responses and 6.2% is cost.

    Graph 11: showing the difficulties faced by the companies during the process of

    background screening












    No. of respondents

    Insufficient data


    Poor responses

    Lack of time



    As the hiring process involves high cost and time, the H.R.Managers are being

    pressurized by the top management to complete the formalities within a limited period of

    time and thus lack of time is a major difficulty faced during background screening. In

    many cases the company is not provided with the data that the applicants are required to

    provide and also the incorporation of the sources are other major difficulties faced by the

    companies during background screening.

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    Table 12: showing the frequency of getting fake resumes:

    Frequency No. of respondents Percentage

    > 10 47 72.3

    10 30 12 18.5< 30 6 9.2


    The above table shows that the frequency of getting fake resumes less than 10 is 72.3%

    and between 10-30 is 18.3% and only 6% more than 30.

    Graph 12: showing the frequency of getting fake resumes







    No. of respondents


    10 30

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    Free of biasness 6 8.6

    Competitive pricing 9 12.8

    Network 6

    Faster service 20 28.6All the above 29 41.4


    The above table shows that 8.6% of the companies look for free of biasness and network,

    12.8% of the companies look for competitive pricing, 28.6% for faster services and the

    rest 41.4% look for all the factors in a third party vendor.

    Graph 13: showing the factors that companies look for in a third party vendor








    No. of respondents

    Free of biasness

    Competitive pricing


    Faster service

    All the above


    From the table and analysis it can be inferred that as background verification is a part of

    recruitment process, the more time involved in background verification, the more is the

    hiring expenses as well as the recruitment process is delayed. Thus most of the

    companies look for faster. Also in the competitive market, companies look for

    competitive pricing as well as better network and free of biasness.

    Table 14: showing the willingness to contact Dcode Research for outsourcing

    background screening:

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    Willingness No. of respondents Percentage

    Yes 3 4.3

    No 67


    The above table shows that 3 companies are willing to contact Dcode Research for

    outsourcing background screening whereas 67 companies are not willing to contact

    Dcode Research.

    Graph: 14 showing the willingness to contact Dcode Research for outsourcing

    background screening









    No. of respondents




    From the table and analysis it can be inferred that almost all the companies are satisfied

    with their vendors and few who do not conduct background screening and are planning to

    conduct in the future would prefer to contact Dcode Research for outsourcing.


    Majority of companies conduct background screening of their employees and

    only few companies do not conduct background screening.

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    Companies that do not conduct background screening is because of lack of

    resources and existence a stringent hiring process.

    Companies that do not conduct background screening are not sure whether they

    would like to conduct background screening in the future. Companies that do not conduct background screening are not sure whether they

    would like to outsource background screening in the future.

    Companies who conduct background screening started after an incident in the

    company or after hearing the recent scams about fake resumes and most of the

    companies conduct as it is a part of their company policy.

    Companies mostly conduct both employment and education verification. Only

    few companies conduct all the four i.e. employment, education, police and drug


    Companies mostly conduct background screening at all level and few at the entrylevel.

    Among the companies who conduct background screening, most of them conduct

    both in-house and outsource it.

    Companies conduct background screening mainly in order to prevent fraudulent

    entries and to reduce unproductive workforce and very few to reduce attrition and

    hiring expenses.

    Companies that conduct only employment verification requires less than a

    months time and those education verification require requires about a months


    Difficulties faced by most of the companies during background screening are lack

    of time and insufficient data.

    The frequency of getting fake resumes less than as the applicants are now aware

    of background screening that is being carried out by most of the companies.

    The companies mainly look for all the factors i.e. free of biasness network,

    competitive pricing and faster services and in a third party vendor.


    Not doing a thorough background check is as dangerous a practice as not having

    insurance. In the recent year there have been quite a number of events that have lead to

    Mount Carmel Institute Of Management Page 31

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    immediate need for an increase in the security for that companies and the workforce of

    the company. With the huge advancement in technology over recent years, data theft is

    the new invisible crime and poses a real threat to all business. Because employees have

    access to vast amounts of data that sensitive data is vulnerable in the hands of a dishonestemployee.

    There are increasing numbers of companies that have understood the importance of

    background check while hiring heir employees and have made it mandatory. This is

    mainly because of bad experience in the past with respect to employees faking their

    resumes, particularly the educational qualifications and the experience. Although, in

    practice, not all companies conduct a background check, therefore, it is necessary that in

    order to hire the right kind of employee and reduce fraudulence and dishonesty in

    workplace, companies should make it a part of the process to conduct background check.

    When we make background check a part of the process of recruitment, there are all

    possibilities that the candidates applying are aware of the practices followed by the

    company. This automatically discourages fraudulent candidates from applying, which is

    a blessing in disguise as it saves the company a lot of time and money by no interviewing

    the wrong candidates.

    Talking about the kind of checks, criminal and drug test are not so popular in India. In an

    advanced country like the United States, criminal check is almost compulsorily done

    while recruiting for any job level. It becomes more important in India because there is

    huge number of foreign companies setting up their operations in India. It is a matter of

    credibility. Any fraudulent practices by the employees, especially in foreign company,

    adversely affect the reputation of the company and mostly the country. Such cases are

    always blown out of proportion and get attention world-over. To avoid such a disgusting

    situation, it is always better that criminal check should be taken more seriously and

    should be made mandatory at all levels of employment. Criminal check will increase the

    security of the workforce and is important for the companies to perform a strong criminal

    check if they want to increase the security of the workforce and in turn increase the


    In conclusion, it is necessary for the companies to conduct background check and make

    it a routine part of recruitment process in order to hire the right kind of employees and

    reduce fraudulence and dishonesty in work places.


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    Most of the companies are no conducting criminal check, so Dcode Research can

    probably recommend these companies to conduct this check since it is the most

    important check in the background screening process.

    Most of the companies look for faster service among the third party vendors soDcode Research should try to provide faster service than its competitors.

    Dcode Research should opt for competitive pricing strategy so that they can be


    Dcode research must stress the importance of background check at all levels of

    management in it sector and provoke more and more it companies to implement

    background screening.

    Dcode research can recommend the companies to outsource education

    verification since the quality and reliability of this check done by them is too

    good and they would be directly contacting the head of the university/institution

    through their network and this would reduce the pressure of the human resource


    There is a lot of scope for background screening agencies currently in India, so

    Dcode Research can also start up its operations in other major cities and should

    build up a strong network team across India.

    Dcode is a new company in the field of background screening and most of the

    companies are not aware of this company, so it should involve in heavy

    advertisements. It can come up with attractive print ads and advertise it in

    newspaper or HR journals.

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    Important investment with individuals getting involved in frauds there is an increasing

    need of this activity in firms - Deccan herald; Tuesday 18 may 2010

    Background screening can help boss and applicants Lester S. Rosen - Career Section of

    the Sunday San Francisco Examiner/Chronicle


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    *1. Do you conduct Background screening in your organization? (If no,

    Q.2-Q.4; if yes, Q.5-Q.12)

    Yes No

    2. If No, Is it due to one of the following?

    Lack of resource Background Screening is not important

    Existence of stringent hiring process


    3. Would you like to conduct in the near future?

    Yes No

    Not sure

    4. Given the high pressure of HR managers, would you outsource it?

    Yes No

    Not sure

    5. If yes when did you start conducting background verification?

    After an incident in the company

    Heard of recent scams Company Policy Others

    6. What are the verifications you conduct for your organization? [Can tick

    more than one]

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    Employment verification Education and Employment verification

    Police verification Drug screening test

    All the above

    7. At what level do you conduct background check in your organization?

    Entry level Middle level Top level All level

    8. How is the background check conducted in your department?


    Outsource Both

    9. Background verification has helped your organization in reducing?

    Preventing fraudulent entries

    Unproductive workforce Attrition

    Hiring expenses All the above

    10. How long does this background verification process take?

    Less than a week A week

    15 days A month

    More then a month

    11. What types of difficulties are faced in Background Screening?

    Insufficient data

    CostPoor response

    Lack of timeAll the above

    12. What is the approximate percentage of getting fake resumes?

    > 10 10-30

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    < 30

    *13. What do you look for in a Third Party Vendor (background verification)?

    Free of bias Competitive Pricing Network of those who conduct these

    checks Faster service

    All the above

    14. Would you like to minimize the risk of fraudulent entries into your

    company by contacting Dcode Research Pvt. Ltd.?

    Yes No

    Mission of Dcode Research Pvt. Ltd.:

    "To become the most reliable, committed and cost-effective pre and post

    employment screening solutions provider in India"

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