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  • 8/23/2019 Final Internee



    Prime Bank limited is a fast growing private sector bank and the bank has focused for

    providing high quality customer service at a very competitive price. PBL efforts are

    directed at diversification of products and services. Offering customers a wide varietyof choices and options have remained cornerstone of their business strategy.

    In this backdrop, PBL has launched credit card business in collaboration with a global

    player like Mastercard. Mastercard is one of the top 20 brands in the world. An

    alliance with these as its principal member is definitely a big advantage from

    marketing point of view. The policy planners have found a showing growth of card

    market with the increasing acceptability of plastic money in many outlets; the business

    has become intensely competitive. More players had entered into the market and some

    others were preparing for entry into the same. As increasing number of customers

    were turning to the convenient features of credit card usage, PBL had steeped up

    marketing efforts to retain and enhance their market.This report is basically deals with A Competitive Analysis of Prime Bank Credit

    Card with the Credit Cards offered by Standard Chartered Bank and National Bank

    Limited and its contribution towards the company growth.

    Overview of the problem:

    This paper emphasize that all tasks assigned to a marketing research manager, none is

    more critical that analysis competitors activities, performance and potentially in credit

    card market in Banking area that effect the projection in the future periods arefundamentals to architectonic a long term strategic plan and designing appropriate

    marketing strategies.

    In a research project is has been identified that the sales growth become negative for

    the last few months. Through this research proposal I like to identify the factors,

    which affect large in consumer preference at the time of selecting a particular

    companies credit card and find out prospective solution to overcome those

    shortcomings. At the same time in this exercise, it is tried my best to identify the

    variables that are significantly collateral in competitive advantage and by

    distinguished cardholders and merchant effect in performance.






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    Objective of the study:

    The main objective of the study is it explore and examine the underlying issues critical

    to developing and maintaining long term exchange relationship with the customers of

    the PBL. More specifically through this study I like to find out the lacking of PBL interms of its competitive competitors.

    1. To identify the competitors of the PBL.

    2. Identify the customer (cardholders) preference that differentiates the services

    of PBL Card with the competitor in the market.

    3. Identify the merchant preference in credit card transaction.

    4. Identify the share of heart of cardholders in charging credit card.

    5. To identify the share of dollars in credit and changing in total expenses.

    6. Identify the different changes, interest and service fees that give the competitive

    advantage in credit card market.7. The preference of merchant in credit card transaction.

    8. Potentiality of credit card.

    9. Find the variables that act as competitive advantage in credit card market.

    Research Questions:

    To achieve the objectives the following major research questions areidentified:

    1. What are the factors affect customers at the time of evaluation of the offerings

    of credit card of different competitors?

    2. Who are the competitors of PBL Credit Card and their performance

    comparing with Prime Bank Credit Card?

    3. What type of benefits do consumers expect from credit card and what type of

    difficulties they face at the time of using it?

    4. What type of differentiations exists in the competitive of credit card according

    to its interest, service charge and fees?






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    Once the research objectives are finalized the next logical step to achieve the objectives

    is to decide the methodology to be followed.In order to achieve the primary objective,

    quantitative method, in particular case study approach, appear more appropriate incollecting necessary data. Survey method can be use for research purpose through

    using a structured questionnaire that will be prepared both for cardholders and


    Data Collection: Both the primary and secondary form of information and alsorequires a depth observation of the phenomenon to be investigated is used to achieve a

    report which is more meaningful and presentable. But most of the data are primary.

    The details of these sources are given below:

    Primary Sources:

    Major source of collecting information is questionnaire, which will beprepared both for cardholders as well as for merchant.

    Another source of information may be discussions with the officers of credit

    card division through in depth interview of the competitive companies.

    Practical work exposure in the credit card division may consider another

    source of information.

    Secondary Sources:

    Brochures of different banks, their annual report, research publications,

    annual report of BIBM on Bank Management can be the secondary sources

    for collecting information. Dhaka Commercial bank Management.

    Dhaka Security and Exchange Commission who store information of all the

    banks operating in our country.

    Layout: All necessary parts of conventional formal report have been followed. The

    readers are expected to get a different taste from this report.






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    Time and Budget Schedule:

    For the proposed research we need to set a time set and required budget schedule,

    which may help to determine for further research step:

    Time Schedule

    Tasks Time

    1. Preparing a Research Proposal

    2. Completion of Literature review

    3. Developing interview guideline and Negotiation with the

    cardholders and merchant

    4. Data collection5. Data transcription

    6. Data Analysis

    7. Completions report writing, preparing recommendation

    and submission.

    1 Weeks

    1 Week

    2 Weeks

    2 Weeks2 Weeks

    2 Weeks

    2 Weeks

    Total 12 Weeks

    Project BudgetSubjects Costs

    1. Collection of literature

    2. Salary of the field investigators

    3. Tape Recorder, Telephone Charge and stationary

    4. Data Collection

    5. Data Transcription

    6. Printing and other costs

    Tk. 2,000.00

    Tk. 10.000.00

    Tk. 1,000.00

    Tk. 2,000.00

    Tk. 2,000.00

    Tk. 3,000.00

    Total Tk. 20,000.00






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    Every firm competing in an industry has a competitive strategy, whether explicit or

    implicit. This strategy may have been developed explicitly through appalling process

    or it may have evolved implicitly through the activities of the various functional

    departments of the firm. Left to its own devices, each functional department will

    inevitably pursue approaches dictated by its professional orientation and the

    incentives of those in charge. However, the sum of these departmental approaches

    really equals the best strategy.


    Competition includes al the actual and potential rival offerings and substitutes that a

    buyer might consider.We can broaden the picture further by distinguishing four levels of competition, based

    on degree of product substitutability:

    1. Industry competition: A company sees its competitors as all companies makingthe same product or class of products. Volkswagen would see itself as competing

    against all other automobile manufacturers.

    2. Form competition: A company sees its competitors as all companiesmanufacturing products that supply the same service. Volkswagen would see itself

    competing against not only other automobile manufacturers but also againstmanufacturers of motorcycles, bicycles, and trucks.

    3. Generic competition: A company sees its competitors as all companies thatcompete for the same consumer dollars. Volkswagen would see itself competing with

    companies that sell major consumer durables, foreign vacations, and new homes.

    Essentially developing a competitive strategy is developing a broad formula for how a

    business is going to compete, what its goals should be, and what policies will be needed

    to carry out those goals.






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    Process for Formulating a Competitive Strategy

    A. What is the Business Doing Now?

    1. Identification

    What is the implicit or explicit current strategy?

    2. Implied AssumptionsWhat assumptions about the companies' relative position, strengths and

    weaknesses, competitors and industry trends must be made for the current strategy to

    make sense?

    B. What is happening in the Environment?

    1. Industry AnalysisThe key factors for competitive success and the important industry opportunities and


    2.Competitors Analysis

    What are the capabilities and limitations of existing and potential competitors, and

    their probable future moves?1. Societal Analysis

    What important governmental, social, and political factors will present

    opportunities or threats?

    2. Strengths and Weaknesses

    Given an-analysis of industry and competitors what are the company strengths and

    weaknesses relative to present and future competitors?

    C. What should the business be doing?

    1. Tests of Assumptions -an strategy

    How do- the assumptions embodied in the current strategy compare with the analysis

    in B above?2. Strategy Alternatives

    What are the feasible strategy alternatives given the analysis above? Is the current

    strategy one of these?

    3. Strategy Choice

    Which alternative best relates the company's situation to external opportunities and



    An effective competitive strategy takes offensive or defensive action in order to createa defendable position against the five competitive forces. Broadly, this involves a

    number of possible approaches.

    Positioning the firm so that its capabilities provide the best defense against

    the existing array of competitive forces.

    Influencing the balance offered through strategic, thereby improving the

    firm's relative position; or

    Anticipating shifts in the factors underlying the forces and responding to

    them, thereby exploiting change by choosing a strategy appropriate to the new

    competitive balance before rivals recognize it






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    The Structural Analysis of Industry:

    The intensity of competition in an industry is neither a matter of confidence nor bad

    luck. Rather, competition in an industry is rooted in its underlying economic structure

    and goes beyond the behavior of current competitors. The state of competition in an

    industry depends on five basic competitive forces, which are show in Figure:

    Fig: Driving Forces Industry Competition

    Generic Competitive Strategies:

    Three Generic Strategies:In coping with five competitive forces, there are there potentially successful generic

    strategic approaches to outperforming other firms in an industry.

    1. Overall cost leadership

    2. Differentiation3. Focus


    The first strategy an increasingly common one in the 1970s because of popularization

    of the experience curve concept, is to achieve overall cost leadership in an industry

    through a set of functional policies aimed at this basic objective. Cost leadership

    requires aggressive construction of efficient -scale facilities, vigorous pursuit of cost

    reductions from experience, tight cost and overhead control, avoidance of marginal

    customer accounts, and cost minimization in areas like R&D, service, sales force,

    advertising, and so on.








    (Threats of new



    power of



    power of




    Rivalry among

    existing firms


    (Threats of

    substitute products


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    The second generic strategy is one of differentiating the product or service offering of

    the firm. Creating something that is perceived industry wide as being unique.

    Approaches to differentiating can take many forms: design or brand image (Fieldcrest

    in top of the line towels and linens: Mercedes in automobiles) technology) Hysteria in

    lift trucks Macintosh in stereo companions Coleman in camping equipment) features

    (Jennie air in electric ranges); customer service Crown cork and seal in metal cans)

    dealer network (Caterpillar Tractor in construction equipment,) or other dimensions.

    Product Services Personnel Channel Image






    ReliabilityRepair Ability



    Ordering Ease



    Customer Training


    ConsultingMaintenance &
















    Table: Differentiation variables

    FOCUSThe final generic strategy is focusing on a particular buyer group, segment of product

    line, or geographic market; as with differentiation focus may take many forms,

    Although the cost and differentiation strategies are aimed at achieving their objectives

    industry wide, the entire focus strategy is built around serving a particular target verywell and each functional policy is developed with this in mind.

    Strategic Advantage

    Uniqueness Perceived

    By the Customer Low Cost Position

    Industry Wide

    Strategic Target

    ParticularSegment only

    Fig: Three Strategic Strategies











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    Competitive strategy involves positioning abusiveness to maximize the value of the

    capabilities that distinguish it from its competitors. It follows that accentual aspect of

    strategy formulation is perceptive competitor analysis. The objective of competitor

    analysis is to develop a profile of the n attune and success of the likely strategy changeseach competitor might make, each competitors probable response to the range of

    feasible strategic moves other firms could initiate, and each competitors probable

    reaction to the array of industry changes and broader environmental shafts that might


    Fig: Components of a Competitor Analysis

    Areas Competitor Strengths and Weakness


    Standing of products, from the user's point of view, in each market segment

    Breadth and depth of the production


    Channel coverage and quality

    Strength of channel relationships

    Ability to service the channel

    Marketing and Selling

    Skills in each aspect of the marketing mix






    Competitors Response Profile Is the competitor satisfied with itscurrent position?

    What likely moves or strategy shifts will

    competitors make?

    Where is competitor vulnerable?

    What will provoke the greatest and

    most effective realization by the competitor?

    What drive the competitor?

    Future GoalAt all levels of management

    and in multiple decisions.

    What the competitor is doing

    and can do?

    Current strategyHow the business iscurrently competing?


    Held about itself and the



    Both Strengths and

    weaknesses. .

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    Skills in market research and new product development

    Training and skills if the sales force






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    Manufacturing cost position-economies of scale, learning curve of

    equipment etc.

    Technological sophistication of facilities and equipment

    Flexibility of facilities and equipment

    Proprietary know-how and unique patent or cost advantages Skills in capacity addition, quality control, tooling, etc.

    Location, including labor and transportation cost

    Labor force climate, unionization situation.

    Access to and cost of raw materials

    Degree of vertical integration

    Research and Engineering

    Patents and copyrights

    In house capability in the research and development process (product

    research, process, research, development, imitation, etc) R&D staff skills in terms of creatively, simplicity, quality reliability etc.

    Access to loused sources of research and engineering.

    Overall Costs

    Overall relative costs

    Shared costs or activities with other business units

    Where the competitors is generating the scale or other factors that are key to

    its cost position.

    Financial strength Cash flow

    Short and long term borrowing capacity (relative debt equity aeration)

    New equity capacity over the foreseeable future

    Financial management ability, including negotiation raising capital, credit in

    venturous and accounts receivable


    Unity of values and clarity of purpose in the organization

    Organizational fatigue based on recent requirements placed on it

    Consistency of organizational arrangements with strategy

    General Managerial Ability

    Leadership qualities of CEO; ability of CEO to motivate

    Ability to coordinate particular functions or groups of functions (e g

    manufacturing with resource coordination)

    Age training and functional orientation of management Depth of


    Flexibility and adaptability of management

    Corporate portfolio






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    Ability of corporation to support planned changes in all business units in terms

    of financial and other resources

    Ability of corporation to supplement or reinforce business unit strengths


    Special treatment by or access to government bodies

    Personnel turnover

    Value chain:

    To diagnose competitive advantage it is necessary to define a firm's value chain for

    competition in a particular industry. Starting with the generic chain, individual value

    activities are identified in the particular firm. Each generic category can be divided

    into discrete activities, as illustrate for one generic category in the following figure

    Fig: The generic Value chain.


    Dimensions of Competitive StrategyCompanies' strategies for competing in an industry can differ in as wide variety of

    ways. However the following strategic dimension usually capture the possible

    differences among a company s strategic options in a given industry:

    Specialization: the degree to which to which it focuses its efforts in terms of the

    width of its line the target customer segments an the geographic markets served;






    Firm Infrastructure

    Human Resource Management





    Operations Outbound








    Advertising Sales Force





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    Brand identification: the degree to which it seeks brand identification rather

    than competitors based mainly price or other variables. Brand identification can be

    as sieved inverting sales force or variety of other means.

    Push versus pull: the degree to which it seeks to develop brand identification

    with the ultimate consumer directly versus the support of distribution channels inselling its product.

    Channel selection: the choice of distribution channel ranging from company

    owned channels to specialty outlets to broad line outlets.

    Product quality: its level of product quality in terms of raw materials

    specifications, adherence to tolerances, features, and so on;

    Technological leadership: the degree to which it seeks important to note that a

    firm could be a technological leader but deliberately not produce the highest quality

    product in the market quality and technological leadership do not necessarily go


    Vertical integration: the extent of value added as reflected in th level of

    forward and backward interruption adopted in clouding whether th firm has captive

    distribution exclusive or owned retail outlets an in house service network and so on;

    Cost position: the extent to which it seeks the low cost position in

    manufacturing and distribution through investment in cost minimizing facilities and


    Service: the degree to which it provides ancillary services with its predict line

    such as engineering assistance and in house service network credit and so forth. This

    aspect of strategy could be viewed as part of vertical integration but of vertical

    integration be is usefully separated for analytical purposes;

    Price policy: its relative price position in the market. Price position will usually

    be related to the relationship between a unit and its parent such other variables as

    cost position and product quality but price is a distinct strategic variable that must

    be treated separately;

    Leverage: the amount of financial leverage and operating leverage it bears;

    Relationship with parent company: requirements on the behavior of the unit

    based on the relationship between a unit and its parent company. The firm could be a

    highly diversified conglomerate, one of a vertical chain of businesses part of a cluster

    of related businesses in general sector a subsidiary o foreign company an dos no. The

    gnarr of the relationship with the parent will influence the objectives with which the

    firm is managed the resources available to it and perhaps determine some operations

    or functions that it shares with other units;

    Relationship to home an host government: in international industries therelationship the firm has developed or is subject to with its home government as well

    as host governments in foreign countries where it is operating.






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    Competitive Advantage

    Marketing MixMarketers use numerous tools to elicit desired responses from their target markets.

    These tools constitute a marketing mix. Marketing Mix is the set of marketing tools

    that the firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives in the target market.

    McCarthy classified these tools into four broad groups that he called the four Ps of

    marketing: product, price, place, and promotion.

    Robert Lauterborn suggested that the sellers four Ps correspond to the customers four


    Four Ps Four Cs

    Product Customer solution

    Price Customer cost

    Place Convenience for customer

    Promotion Communication with customer

    Winning companies will be those who can meet customer needs economically and

    conveniently and with effective communication will get advantage against competitor.

    Marketer Responses and AdjustmentsMarketers also are rethinking their philosophies, concepts, and tools. Here are the

    major marketing themes as the millennium approaches:

    Relationship marketing: from focusing on transactions to building long-term,

    profitable customer relationships. Companies focus on their most profitable

    customers, products, and channels.

    Customer lifetime value: From making a profit on each sale to making profits

    by managing customer lifetime value some companies offer to deliver a constantly

    needed product on a regular basis at lower price per unit because they will enjoy the

    customer's business for a longer period.

    Customer share: from a focus on gaining market share to a focus on building

    customer share. Companies build customer share by offering a larger variety of

    goods to their existing customers. They train their employees in cross selling and up


    Target marketing: from selling to everyone to trying to be the best firm

    serving well defined target markets. Target marketing is being facilitated by the

    proliferation of special-interest magazines, TV channels, and Internet newsgroups.

    Individualization: From selling the same offer in he same way to everyone in

    the target market to individualizing and customizing messages and offerings.

    Customers will be able to design their own product features on the company's Web


    Customer database: from collecting sales data to building a rich datawarehouse of information about individual customers' purchases, preferences,

    demographics, and profitability. Companies can "Data mine" their proprietary






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    databases to detect different customer need clusters and make differentiated

    offerings to each cluster.

    Integrated marketing communications: from heavy reliance on one

    communication tool such as advertising or sales force to blending several tools to

    deliver a consistent brand image to customers at every brand contact.

    Channels as Partners: From thinking of intermediaries as customers to

    treating them as partners in delivering value to final customers.

    Every employee a marketer: From thinking that marketing is done only by

    marketing, sales, and customer support personnel to recognizing that every employee

    must be customer-focused.

    Model-based decision-making: from making decisions on intuition or slim data

    to basing decisions on models and facts on how the marketplace works.

    These major themes will be examined throughout this book to help marketers and

    companies sail safely through the rough but promising waters ahead. Successful

    companies will be those who can keep their marketing changing as fast as their market

    place and market space.

    Tools for Tracing and Measuring Customer Satisfaction:

    Complaint and suggestion systems:

    A customer-centered organization makes it easy for its customers to deliver

    suggestions and complaints. These information flows provide companies with manygood ideas and enable them to act quickly to resolve problems.

    Customer satisfaction surveys: Studies show that although customers are

    dissatisfied customers will complain. Most customers will buy less or switch

    suppliers. Complaint levels are thus not a good measure of customer satisfaction.

    Responsive companies measure customer satisfaction directly by conducting periodic


    Ghost shopping: Companies can hire persons to pose as potential buyers to

    report on strong and weak points experienced in buying the company's and

    competitors' products. These mystery shoppers can even test whether the company's

    sales personnel handle various situations well.

    Lost customer analysis: companies should contact customers who have stopped

    buying or who have switched to another supplier to learn why this happened. Not

    only is it important to conduct exit interviews when customers first stop buying, but

    it is also necessary to monitor the customer loss rate. If it is increasing, this clearly

    indicates that the company is failing to satisfy customers.

    Today, more and more companies are recognizing the importance of satisfying and

    retaining current customers. Here are some interesting facts bearing on customerretention:






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    Acquiring new customers can cost five times more than the costs involved in

    satisfying and retaining current customers. It requires a great deal of effort to

    induce satisfied customers to switch away from their current suppliers.

    The average company loses 10 percent of its customers each year.

    A 5 percent reduction in the customer defection rate can increase profits by 25

    percent to 85 percent, depending on the industry. The customer profit rate tends to increase over the life of the retained


    A satisfied customer tells about the company or product to 5/6 people, but on

    the other hand a dissatisfied customer tells to 15 to 18 people from hisexperience.

    Adding Financial Benefits:Two financial benefits that companies can offer are frequency marketing programs

    and club marketing programs. Frequency marketing programs (FMPs) are designed

    to provide rewards to customers who buy frequently and / or in substantial amounts.

    Frequency marketing is an acknowledgment of the fact that 20 percent of a company'scustomers might account for 80 percent of its business.

    Adding social Benefits:Here company personnel work on increasing their social bonds with customers by

    individualizing and personalizing customer relationships. Following table contrasts a

    socially sensitive approach with a socially insensitive approach to customers.

    Good Things Bad things

    Initiate positive phone callsMake recommendations

    Candor in language

    Use phone

    Show appreciation

    Make service suggestions

    Use "we" problem-solving language

    Get to problems

    Use jargon or shorthand

    Personality problems aired

    Talk of "our nature together"

    Make only callbacksMake justifications

    Accommodative language

    Use correspondence

    Wait for misunderstandings

    Wait for service requests

    Use "owe-us" legal language

    Only respond to problems

    Use long-winded communications

    Personality problems hidden

    Talk about making good on the past

    Adding Structural Ties:The company may supply customers with special equipment or computer linkages that

    help customers manage their orders, payroll, inventory, and so on.






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    CHAPTER -2


    Cash Cheque

    Different Types of card

    Credit Card


    The present day in convertible paper money and other credit instruments, which

    serve, as close substitutes for money called near money are only a recent development.The paper money (Cash) was not used circulation before the French Revolution; paper

    money (Cash) is a competitor of modern invention plastic money (credit card). People

    today are not habituated in plastic money. The main reason is to use Cash in

    transactions are easy acceptability, Government circulation, easily accessible, store

    value, social preference and reluctant of change new medium (credit card) rather than



    A cheque is an unconditional written order, advanced by a customer to his bank, to

    pay on demand a specified sum of money to or to he order of the person named therein

    or the bearer of the instrument. A cheque is defined by Negotiable Instrument Act as a

    bill of exchange drawn on a specified banker and not expressed to be payable

    otherwise that on demand. Cheques came into use in 1875. Crossed Cheque, Bearer

    and Order cheque are the different form of cheque, hi selling of goods; cheque is used

    in large transaction like industrial market.


    Bank Card:

    Transactions card giving a bank's customers' ability to pay for goods and services at

    retail merchant, and get cash at bank teller window or at ATMs. A bankcard may be a

    credit cad, tied to a pre-approved line of credit or a Debit Card, drawing funds from

    the holder's checking or saving accounts. A bankcard is also used as identification

    when cashing a check.






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    Debit Card/Assert Card:

    A plastic card used to initiate a debit transaction. In general, these transactions are

    used primary to purchase goods and services and to obtain cash, for which the

    cardholder's asset account is debit by the issuer.There are two types of Debit cards currently is use in USA: national Debit Cards, such

    as -the Visa Debit difference is that the national debit cards were designed specifically

    as retail payment cards; bank debit card were issued first as ATM access cards and

    later as general purpose transaction cards.

    Travel and entertainment (T & E) Cards:

    Charge cards used to pay for hotel, airlines and others business related expense.

    Diners Club, followed by American Express in 1958, issued the first travel card in

    1950. Travel Card differs from bank credit cards in several ways. They typically are

    30-day charge accounts, with payment due in full before the next billing cycle, theaccountholder receives copies of the original sales drafts (called Country Club billing)

    with the monthly billing statement, and some T & e card plans, usually corporate

    cards, gibe the C/H a quarterly summary of charges to the card.

    Smart Card:

    Bank card containing a computer chip for identification, special purposes processing

    and data storage. The computer ship has the ability top perform various

    computations, such as validating the C/H's PIN, authorizing retail purchases, verifying

    account balances and storing personal records. A smart card's internal memory may

    also store pertinent information on a consumer's relationship with a bank, brokers,

    insurance company or medical history time the card is used. Also called chip card or

    memory card.

    ATM card:

    An unattended self-service terminal activated by a card and cardholder validation

    method (CVM) that providing cash withdrawal. It also may perform other functions

    including basic banking functions such as accepting deposits, ordering transfers

    among accounts, accepting, loan payments and answering account balance inquiries.


    Physically, credit card is a layered piece of hard plastic with holograms and security

    features. It also carries a strip of magnetic tape on the back, which is loaded with

    electronic data including the cardholder details. The strip in read electronically by

    specialized machines called Point of Sale (POS) Terminals at merchants or Automatic

    Teller Machines (ATM) in bank premises or elsewhere.






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    It is developed on the technology of microchips and cryptography, which have bred a

    new generation of payment system. It is only today that the revolution in information

    technology has folly hit the area of retail payments. The Card is rectangular, looking

    rather like the familiar phone card. Its distinguishing feature is that it acts as cash,

    may be large account being only a small piece of documented plastic. This is why it is

    popularly called 'Plastic Money'.


    Credit was first used in Assyria, Babylon and Egypt 3000 years ago. The bill of

    exchange - the forerunner of banknotes - was established in the 14th century. Debts

    were settled by one-third cash and two-thirds bill of exchange. Paper money followed

    only in the 17th century. Christopher Thornton, who offered furniture that could be

    paid off weekly, placed the first advertisement for credit in 1730.

    From the 18th century until the early part of the 20th, tallymen sold clothes in return

    for small weekly payments. They were called "tallymen" because they kept a record ortally of what people had bought on a wooden stick. One side of the stick was marked

    with notches to represent the amount of debt and the other side was a record of

    payments. In the 1920s, a shopper's plate - a "buy now, pay later" system - was

    introduced in the USA. It could only be used in the shops that issued it.

    In 1950, Diners Club and American Express launched their charge cards in the USA,

    the first "plastic money". In 1951, Diners Club issued the first credit card to 200

    customers who could use it at 27 restaurants in New York. But it was only until the

    establishment of standards for the magnetic strip in 1970 that the credit card became

    part of the information age.

    In the late 1940s, a number of U.S. banks started issuing their customers scrip that

    could be used like cash in local shops. The Franklin National Bank (New York)- now

    EAB (European American Bank) - formalized the practice by introducing the first

    modern credit card in 1951.

    California-based Bank of America extended the idea throughout the United States by

    introducing the Bank Americard (now Visa) in 1960 and franchising a single bank in

    each major city as its local affiliate. These affiliates were responsible for signing

    contracts with merchants to accept cards as payment, as well as enrolling cardholders

    in their respective areas.

    At this time, a group of enterprising U.S. bankers who were not "franchises" of Bank

    Americard created their own network by accepting one another's local credit cards.

    On August 16, 1966, the group formed the Interbank Card Association(ICA) which

    later became MasterCard International.






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    (i) Single MoneyCredit card can be used in world wide as a Single money in transaction with safety. A

    MasterCard can easily be accessible in sub-Sahara or in Siberia.

    (ii) Emergency situation:In emergency situation (2am) when there is no money at home credit card can be

    charge for transaction or cash withdrawal from ATM booth.

    (iii) E-commerce:E-commerce is a new business arena in modern world. Buyer and seller can transact

    in online and sell goods in terms of credit card.

    (iv) Late Payment in Transaction:if there is no money at hand now, one can charge credit card. But the amount such

    transactions have to pay to the bank within a future time context.

    (v) Cash advance facilities:Credit card can be used to withdraw ATM booth or cash advance facilities from the

    bank within the credit limit.

    (vi) Security:It gives more security rather than carrying cash.

    (vii) 24 hours transaction:Credit card is accessible in transaction within any time of the day

    (viii) Social status:Anybody can pay bill by credit card and it relief him from money counting hassle.

    (ix) Traveling:In traveling credit card is the best friend. In some constrains it is not possible to

    endorse sufficient amount foreign currency. In such situation credit card is the best


    (x) Money is the second God:

    It is said that money is the second God. In crisis situation whenever anybody lost hisall things in a new place, credit card can relief his hassle because others cannot use it.

    So it cannot be robbed.






    The word credit comes from Latin, meaning, "trust".

    The first use of magnetic stripes on cards was in the early 1960's, when the

    London. Transit Authority installed a magnetic stripe system.

    San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit installed a paper-based ticket thesame size as the credit cards in the late 1960's.

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    Parties related to Credit Card:There are four parties related to credit Card.

    1. Card Holder

    2. Issuer.

    3. Acquirer.

    4. Merchant.

    Cardholder:The Cardholder is solicited, screened and approved by the issuer, which establishes a

    line of credit for the customer and issues the credit card.

    The Cardholder uses Credit Card either to purchase goods and services from a

    merchant or to obtain a cash advance from a member for which the cardholder

    receives a monthly bill from the issuer.

    Issuer:The Cardholder's financial institution (usually called the issuing member or issuer) is

    a licensed member of Master Card and/or Visa. The Issuer:

    Issues the card to the approved cardholder

    Receives and pays for transactions from Master Card and/or Visa

    Bills and collects from the cardholder

    The issuer may also benefit from the services of a third party and/or association in

    processing information and payments.

    Agent BanksManaging a credit program is expensive and some small financial institutions prefer to

    offer credit cards to their customers without taking on the complications andresponsibilities of becoming an issuing member.

    These small financial institutions can contract to become an issuing agent of an issuing

    member. The issuing agent solicits cardholder applicants for the issuer generally

    through take-ones made available at its branches. The issuer, in turn, issues the card

    its name, has the cardholder relationship makes all of the Credit Decisions, completely

    manages the card program. It the agent banks name appears on the card, then the

    agent bank must be in foliate/associate member of Master Card/Visa Int' 1.

    The issuer usually keeps most the income from the cardholder account the agent

    member may or may receive a small compensation for providing the application.






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    While the issuing agents income this from arrangement is small, it does, retain

    customers who might take their business else-where if a Credit Card Program were

    not available at their local financial institution. When the issuing agents name appears

    on the card it tends to preserve the financial institution-Cardholder relationship.

    AcquiringThe acquiring member or acquirer solicits, screens, and accepts merchants into itsCredit Card Program.

    The acquirer is a member of Master Card and/or Visa, and holds a written agreement

    with the merchant to.

    Accept the merchant's sales slips

    Provide the merchant with credit card authorization terminals, instructions,

    and contracted support services

    Handle and process the credit

    The acquirer usually charges the merchant a merchant discount for handling thetransactions. The acquirer is licensed by Master Card and/or Visa and agrees to follow

    the operating rules and regulations of the two associations.

    MasterCard and Visa provide various services to the acquirer including authorization

    and settlement processing, interchange and resolution of member disputes.

    Many financial institutions are both issuers and acquirer. As issuer they maintain the

    cardholder relationship. As acquirers they maintain the merchant relationship.

    MerchantThe Merchant can be virtually any company, which meets the qualification standardsof MasterCard and/or Visa and an acquirer. Typical merchant business includes retail

    stores, restaurant, airlines, mail order companies, and health plans to name a few.

    MasterCard and Visa both require that the merchant be financially responsible and of

    good repute. The merchant has a written agreement with the acquirer to accept the

    Credit Cards as payment and to abide by the terms of the agreement.

    Definition of Various Credit Card and Terms:

    Gold CardVisa or MasterCard Credit Card with a maximum credit limit of USD 5000/-, and

    frequently higher. These cards have a higher annual fee than standard bank credit

    card, and are marketed to consumers with above average incomes. Sometimes called

    prestige card or premium cards.






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    Also, American Gold Card, which differs from bank, issued cards. American Express

    issues the card, but the credit line is arranged separately, by a bank acting as an agent

    for the card issuer, and varies among banks. American Express travel Related

    Services Co. issued the first gold cards in 1966 and has claimed a proprietary right to

    the name, a claim the court have not upheld.

    Secured Credit CardA Credit card backed by a deposit account is issued to marginally qualified borrowers.

    Affinity CardCredit Card promoted under a sponsoring agreement between an organization and a

    card-issuing bank. In exchange for making available its membership list, the sponsor

    receives some compensation from the issuing bank, usually part of issuer's net interest

    income. The issuer may waive annual fees for affinity cardholders, or even offer the

    card at a lower rate than ordinary bankcards.

    Co-branded CardVisa or MasterCard Credit card jointly sponsored by a bank and a retail merchant,

    such as departmental store. Co-branded cards may be issued at less cost than

    conventional retail private label cards, and give issuing bank access to new customers.

    Cardholders may be given incentives, such as discount on merchandise, rebates, or

    discounts off purchases. A co-branded card has a tie-in with a specific merchant

    rather than an association or professional group. It also can be used at other

    merchant. Contrast with Affinity cards.

    Islamic credit cardShariah laws of contract Three fundamental principles

    1. Principles of Justice2. Principles of transparency

    3. Principles of Maslah

    Why Islamic credit card?

    An alternative mode of payment for Muslims to make retail purchases.

    To broaden the product offering of Islamic banks

    To capture customer and niche market segment.

    To compete with conventional banking products

    Definitions: - Debit card: A card issued to a customer with available balance in his


    Charge card: A card that provides a credit facility up to a ceiling but not


    Credit card: Revolving credit.






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    To customer To the Bank

    -Convenience -Customer satisfaction

    -Cash advance -Profit Mechanism

    -Grace period -Network acceptance

    [Source: Seminar-Dhaka Sheraton, August 20, 2001]


    1. Affinity and Co-Branded Card Program

    A program created to offer the issuers the opportunity to issue affinity or co-branded

    cards as well as life-style or specialized custom-feature cards targeted at potential

    cardholders having common interests or membership in an organization.

    2. Affiliate MemberA type of MasterCard member that participates indirectly through an association of

    member or a Principal member in the activities of this corporation (for example: by

    issuing MasterCard cards or by accepting transaction records from merchants).

    3. Bank Identification Number

    A unique number, of which the first position is 5, assigned by MasterCard

    international to identify member transactions and accounts. The BIN is the first six

    digits of a cardholder account number, and it is the second through seventh position of

    the 23-digit acquirer's reference number. Also known as the prefix.

    4. Banknet Telecommunication Network

    The MasterCard worldwide telecommunication network. The primary "data

    transport" communications facility that links all MasterCard customers and

    MasterCard data processing centers into a single online financial network.

    5. Card Validation Code

    A two-part security feature. CVC 1 is a 3-digit value encoded on tracks 1 and 2 in

    three contiguous positions in the "discretionary data" field of a magnetic stripe on a

    MasterCard. CVC2 differs from CVC1 and is indent-printed into the tamper-evident

    signature panel on the card. The CVC is intended to inhibit the alteration or misuse of

    card data and enhance the authentication of card.

    6. Check Digit Routine

    An algorithm that is performed on the primary account number (PAN) to ensure that

    the numbers were not transposed or miss keyed. The result is the last position of the

    account number, or check digit.






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    7. Counterfeit Card

    An instrument or device embossed, printed, or otherwise bearing MasterCard marks,

    so as to purport to be a MasterCard card issued by a member or affiliate. But that is

    not a MasterCard card because the embossing or printing thereon was not authorized,

    or because the MasterCard card has been altered or re-fabricated, even though it was

    validly issued initially.

    8. Chip

    A piece of silicon etched with electronic circuits. The microprocessor chip has an

    operating, a programming, and a data memory that allows internal processing to take

    place and provides additional storage capacity.

    9. Chip Card (Smart Card)

    A Card with logic capabilities and data storage capabilities to enhance card

    functionality and security (for example pay telephone cards)

    10.EMVA joint project started in 1993. To define global specification for chip-based credit and

    debit cards. The EMV specifications are divided into three parts- card specification,

    terminal specification, and application specification. The latest version of EMV is

    known as EMV2000, Integrated Circuit Card Specification for Payment System,

    Version 4.0 December 2000.

    Business Card In America:Below are credit cards tailored especially for businesses:

    Fleet Platinum Visa Business Credit Card

    Save with a 0% introductory APR on purchases and balance transfers for up to sixmonths, and a low variable rate, currently 10.99%, on purchases and balance

    transfers thereafter. Generous credit line up to $50,000, online account access,

    discounts on business products and services, free additional cards for employees, and


    Advanta Platinum Business MasterCard

    No annual fee credit card especially for small businesses. Offers credit lines up

    $100,000. Get a 0% APR on purchases and balance transfers for the first 9 months

    you have the card.

    Blue for Business from American Express(r)

    Blue for Business from American Express works much like a traditional credit card

    with revolving credit line. It offers a 2.9% introductory APR for 6 months, then a

    fixed 11.99% fixed rate afterwards. Unlike most Amex cards, there is no annual fee,

    and you can extend payments over time. Also offers business discounts at FedEx,

    Hertz, Hilton Hotels, Mobil and more. Of course, it also extends the perks American

    Express is known for, such as travel accident insurance, car rental insurance, baggage

    loss insurance and more.

    American Express(r) Business Gold Card

    This card offers basically the same features as the Blue for Business card above,although it has a little different payment arrangement. Like most American Express






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    cards, you pay off your balance monthly, unless you use the Business Flex program,

    which lets you draw out payments over time, but at a higher APR than the card above.


    From the point of view of the bank an ideal credit cardholder is the one havingfollowing features:

    Uses the card extensively for purchasing merchandise and services, thus

    generating service charge revenue.

    Makes use of the credit aspect of the card ideally by perpetually keeping his

    or her credit limit near maximum, thus generating interest.

    Makes large infrequent purchase, thus reducing processing costs per

    transaction. Is not delinquent in making the minimum monthly payments and did not

    default and thus reducing bad debt losses.


    In Bangladesh three banks have already introduced credit cards. These are Prime

    Bank, National Bank, Standard Chartered Grindlays Bank, American Express Bank

    issues charges cards only. Very recently Janata Bank a nationalized commercial bank

    in Bangladesh has also came up with its own smart card called "Ready Cash". A good

    completions swiftly growing up and it is expected that more banks national or

    international Government or private will enter the new place of business.

    Standard Chartered Grindlays Bank took a pioneering role in introducing creditcards in Bangladesh. It started acquiring Visa and MasterCard nearly 10 years back.

    In the first few years its operational area was very limited and concentrated only at

    the large hotels and restaurant. In 1997 the bank decided to launch full-scale card

    operation and very realistically brought a wide range of people under is service

    systems. It is now giving a wide range of card services thorough multifarious quality

    facilities. Standard Chartered Grindlays Bank issues only local credit card. It has Visa

    Silver, MasterCard Silver and MasterCard Gold.

    Prime Bank Limited obtained Principal Membership of Master Card International in

    the month of May 1999. Within a period of six months, the bank successfully launched

    MasterCard-Credit Card, which created a new dimension on its customer service andconsumer financing. Prime Bank Limited is planning to expand their card facilities

    even further so that more and more people can be benefited from both the emotional

    and functional needs.






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    Name of the Institutions Establishment


    Brand Credit card



    Proportion (%)

    National Bank Ltd. March, 1997 MasterCard 9000 6.72

    Standard Chartered(Grindlays)Bank

    March, 199 MasterCardVISA

    102000 76.12

    Prime Bank Limited November, 1999 MasterCard 10500 7.83

    Vanik Bangladesh Ltd. March, 1998 Vanik 8500 6.35

    Dhaka Bank Ltd. August, 2001 Vanik 4000 2.98

    Total 134000 100

    National Bank burst into the world of credit card in October 1997. It has Gold

    international and Gold local and Silver international and Silver local. National Bank

    Limited first issues International Card in our country. They started to issue local

    cards in the year of October 1999.

    Vanik a Sri Lanka - Bangladesh joint enterprise has also come forward with its won

    credit card service in recent time. It has started its operation in the year 1998. They

    have their own card called Vanik Card; one is known as Gold another is Classic.

    More and more people are getting interested in credit card facilities. To observe the

    success of the credit card operations of other banks, Premier Bank Ltd, Jamuna Bank

    Ltd., The City Bank Ltd. and Southeast Bank Ltd have taken measures introduce

    their own cards.






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    CHAPTER -3






    Membership:MasterCard is an association nearly 22,000-member financial institution worldwide.

    As part of its role in partnership with its members, MasterCard performs such central

    functions as:

    Creating global and regional marketing programs and promotions to


    the MasterCard brand

    Providing expert systems including secure, reliable, state-of the arttransaction processing

    Developing new products, services and technologies

    Setting and enforcing politics and standards for card use acceptance

    Benefits of MasterCard Membership:Payment cards are a proven means of generating profit and strengthening customer

    relationships. Additional benefits of MasterCard membership are access to: --

    The known and globally accepted MasterCard brand

    An integrated product and service offering that can customize to appeal todifferent types of customers

    Reliable and cost-effective transaction processing


    Banknet Telecommunication Network:Banknet, a global MasterCard telecommunications network, lets you communicate

    with other members and with MasterCard. It is used primarily send and receive '

    authorization, clearing and settlement transactions.






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    The MasterCard Banknet provides the following benefits: ~

    Flexibility, through an adaptive and reactive renting network

    Reliability, through rerouting capabilities and back up facility

    Efficiency, through a peer-to-peer architecture and pack let-switching

    protocol Expandability with redesign

    Intelligence of a distributed network.

    Speed (average 2.1- second response time)

    Standard Authorization Process:Here is the standard step-by-step procedure for authorizing the use of a

    MasterCard card.

    Step 1: The cardholder gives the card to the card to the merchant

    Step 2: The merchant starts the authorization process by either placing a

    call to acquirer or its agent entering the transaction into POS terminal Step 3: The acquirer host computer system sends an authorization request

    message to the Banknet network through the acquirer MIP

    Step 4: The Banknet network sends the authorization request message

    through to the issuer MIP. The issuer host computer (MasterCard Interface


    Step 5: The issuer host computer processes the authorization request and

    sends an authorization request response

    Step 6: Banknet routes the response to the acquire agent or its agent,

    Step 7: The acquirer or agent delivers the response to the merchant

    Standard Authorization Flow






    Card Holders


    Acquirer Host












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    In its authorization request response, the issuers can advice the merchant to take one

    of the following actions:



    Capture Card

    Refer to Card Issue

    Card Program Business

    There are two categories of payment card business: issuing and

    acquiring. Many MasterCard members participate in both


    An issuing member (issuer)handles all aspects of the cardholder

    relationship, including solicitation of cardholders and

    maintenance of cardholder's account.

    An acquiring member (acquirer) assumes the responsibilities of

    the merchant relationship, including merchant acquisitions and transactions


    Issuer information need:

    Estimated number of cardholders.

    Projected transaction volume and monetary amount.

    Estimated proportion of cardholders who will revolve their account


    Appropriate interest rate and annual fees.

    Products needs within your market.

    Approximate number of people who will apply for quality for, and use



    Current market competition.

    Cost of conduct card business.

    Projected interchange and others sources of revenue.

    Projected profit.

    Acquirer information needs:

    Number of visitors of the to the geographic area and their country of origin

    Estimated demographic spending

    Estimated number of merchants

    Average value of individual goods and services

    Average customer purchase

    Competitors' merchant discount rate possibilities of renting selling point-

    of-sale (POS) equipment

    Legal issues

    Market potentials Average interchange and other cost

    Available technology






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    Issuer income:

    Fee income

    Annual fee

    Supplemental card fee

    Cash advance feeLate payment fee

    Access limit fee

    Insufficient fund fee

    Enhancement fee

    Merchandising income

    Interest income:

    Billing date calculation

    Average daily balance calculation

    Posting date calculation

    Interchange Income:



    On us transaction

    Foreign exchange income

    Card Issuance Expenditure:

    Cost of funds Losses



    Operation and services

    Transactional fees

    Cash disbursement accommodation fee

    Banknet access fee

    Authorization service charge

    Acquire income

    Merchant discount rate

    Cash disbursement accommodation fee

    Rental / sale or equipment and supplies

    Cost of fund

    Acquirer business expenditure

    Interchange fee

    Cost of fund

    Operation and processing expense Merchant marketing and services






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    Cardholder decision factors:

    (i) Price(ii) Geographical convenience

    (iii) International acceptances

    (iv) Bank affiliation / loyalty

    (v) Enhancement / card product differentiation

    (vi) Credit policy

    Merchant decision factors:(i) Geographical convenience

    (ii) Loyalty

    (iii) Pricing

    (iv) Payment scheduling and timing(v) Credit arrangement

    (vi) Service and support

    (vii) Additional service.

    Product1. MasterCard Card:

    This general-purpose payment card offers unsurpassed global acceptance, letting

    customers purchase goods and services at participating merchants.

    2. Gold MasterCard Card:

    This product targets an upscale market and delivers increased profitability as a resultof greater frequency of use, higher spending, and larger average outstanding balance

    3. MasterCard Business Card:

    This card offers members incremental revenue and relationship with corporate clients

    with members.

    4. Co-Branded and Affinity Programs:

    This programs help issuer to segment to market and gain additional customers to

    incremental volume.

    5. MasterCard Travelers Cheques:

    Sold by members and through Thomas Cook network locations around the world,

    travelers' cheques give consumers a secure, convenient alternative to carrying cash.

    6.Maestro POS Debit Program:

    The only global, online point-of sales (POS) debit service with a single, unifying

    acceptance mark and brand; Maestro provides cardholders a payment alternative to

    cash or cheque that is quick, convenient and secure.






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    Services:1) MasterCard/Cirrus ATM Network

    A single network distinguished by the MasterCard and Cirrus marks, it offers

    worldwide cash access 24 hours a day, 365 a year, at Automatic Teller Machine (ATM)

    that permit cash withdrawals and other bank services.2) Priority Cardholder Service:

    These are the Lost and Stolen Card Reporting (LSR), Emergency Card Replacement

    (ECR), and Emergency Cash Advance (EGA) service, which protect all MasterCard

    cardholders against improper use of their cards if their cards are lost or stolen, and

    provided critical assistance.

    3) Master card global service:

    This will be a cost-effective telecommunications based service that makes emergency

    assistances for cardholders traveling outside their country more accessible.

    4) The MasterCard/ Thomas Cook Alliance:

    Provides cardholders with access to routine and emergency travel-related service at

    Thomas Cook travel and bureaux de charge locating worldwide.5) Card Enhancement service:

    Card enhancement provides valuable advantage and convenience for cardholder, offer

    members tools to maximize a portfolio's and build brand preference. These services


    Master Assist Travel Assistance Service

    Master Phone Telephone Service

    Product and Service Positioning.






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    VISA Card: August 2002

    PRODUCTVisa Classic

    Visa Gold

    NUMBER OF CARD30,000 (Both classic and gold)

    PER MONTH CARD ISSUEDAverage 1,000 cards; in the year 2000 SCB issued about 12,000 cards.

    ISSUANCE / ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Cardholder between the age of 21 and 70

    Cardholder is a Bangladeshi national

    Against RFCD Account* Balance (to be kept under lien)

    Against Exporter's Retention Quota FCY Account* Balance (to be keptunder lien)

    Maintained in any Bank.

    Card cannot be issued to more than top 3 executives of

    any exporting firm.

    All cards issued to the top executives of an exporting firm

    must be taken from only one issuing bank.


    Card Type Minimum Limit Maximum Limit

    Visa Classic (426376) US $ 500 US $ 4,500

    Visa Gold (426378) US $ 5,000 US $ 20,000


    Card Type Credit Limit Lien Amount LTV

    Visa Classic


    US $ 500 US $ 556 90%






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    US $ 2,500 US $ 2,778 90%

    US $ 4,500 US $ 5,000 90%

    Visa Gold


    US $ 5,000 US $ 5,556 90%

    US$ 10,000 US$ 11,112 90%

    US $ 20,000 US $ 22,223 90%


    Worldwide recognition and acceptance Accepted in more than 150 countries around he world including Bangladesh.

    Accepted at over 18m establishments worldwide including 3,000 merchant in


    Accepted at over 556k ATMs worldwide displaying the Visa log

    Accepted at over 398k visa member offices worldwide.

    Easy and flexible credit and repayment options

    Maximum 45 days interest free period

    Monthly minimum repayment of 5% or US $10, whichever is greater

    Instant cash advance up to 50% of the credit limit.

    Service & Price GuideInternational International

    Visa Gold Visa Classic

    General Payment due date 15 days 15 days

    from statement date

    Minimum amount due 5% or $10 whichever is higher

    Cash advance 50% of credit Limit

    Maximum interest free 45 days 45 days

    days available(incase of 100% payment of current

    balance on or before due date)

    International International

    Visa Gold Visa Classic


    Annual Fee (US $) 120.00 70.00

    Annual fee forSupplementary card (US $) 60.00 35.00

    Card replacement fee (US$) 15.00 15.00 (per card)






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    Other fees & charges (all cards)

    Finance charge on all transaction types, calculated from statement date

    till repayment date

    (calculated on average daily balance method) 2.5% per month (30days)

    Over limit charge (US $) 15.00


    Late payment charge (US $) 15.00


    (If minimum due is not paid within Due Date)

    Duplicate statement (US$) 5.00


    Returned cheque (US$) 15.00


    Outstation cheque processing (US $) 10.00


    Copy of sales voucher (US$) 15.00

    15.00 (up to a maximum of 3 months)

    Certificate charge (US$) 15.00


    Cash Advance fee 2.5%


    Safe and secure Photo-sign feature

    Cardholder protection in case of loss/stolen report

    24-hour customer service

    Supplementary cards

    Four supplementary cards on one account

    Separate spending limits for supplementary card(s)

    Replacement of only supplementary card(s) in case of lost / stolen







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    Vanik a Sri Lanka - Bangladesh joint enterprise has also come forward with its won

    credit card service in recent time. It has started its operation in the year 1998. They

    have their own card called Vanik Card; one is known as Gold another is Classic. It has

    now 9000 (Apx.) cardholders in credit card market.

    Vanik- Dhaka BankDhaka Bank has introduced new products like Credit Card, ATM Card and

    Automatic Phone Banking service in selected branches in recent years. Dhaka Bank

    Credit Card has earned wide acceptability and reputation within a very short time.

    The bank has developed the process such mat it can deliver the Credit Card within

    only seven days against security: for unsecured card it takes only ten days. It has also

    networked at all branches in Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, Narayangonj and Savar. To

    offer any branch banking facility for the convenience of the customer.

    Dhaka Bank at a Glance:

    Opening of the Card Business

    August 2001

    Human resource

    Executive -3, Non-executive -8

    Card Base:

    4000 (40% Gold Card and 60% Classic)

    Per month Issued Card:

    230 (Average)

    Credit Limit:

    Tk. 10,000 to 49,000 = Classic Card

    Tk. 50,000 to 1,00,000 = Gold Card

    Customer Positioning:

    Bill payment in Petrol Pump, and Auto Debit facility (Grameen Phone, Citycell). They

    are also going to deal with North South University where the students will pay their

    fees in Vanik Credit Card.

    Marketing Activities:

    20% of their income from Card goes to marketing expense. They have 15 DSAs and

    card selling through branch is one of their main Cards selling effort. They expand a

    large share for advertising of Cards.






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    Chapter 4


    National Bank Limited

    Standard Chartered Bank

    Prime Bank Limited


    Establishment and Operation:

    National Bank Ltd. has been established in 1983. It is working as a well-established

    reputed commercial bank in Bangladesh. A long termed vision governing body and

    skilled human resources is the main reason to get this position.

    Chairman : Abu Taher Mia

    Managing Director : Rafiqual Islam Khan

    Company Secretary : Md. Abdur Rahman Sarker






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    To maximize the facilities to the client and shareholders in

    systematic way

    Expand the multinational service in economic sector to

    reach the mass people To ensure the maximum utilization of manpower by

    increasing efficiency and growth of productivity

    To encourage saving attitude in different classes in the


    To gain confidence by easing the international transaction

    in internal trade

    Analyzing the realistic demand by consumers' needs and

    provide short and long-term finance.

    To activate the capital market by facilitating the banking

    system Utilizing the latest technology for the best service to the


    To bring and strengthen banking discipline and thus

    creating the long-term compatibility with the customer by giving

    the best service

    To improve the corporate image in home and abroad.

    Present Company Financial Position at a Glance:

    (Tk. inmillion)

    Year 2002 2003 2004 2005

    Authorized Capital 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.01

    Paid up Capital 396.16 430.27 430.27 430.29

    Income 1808.66 1871.54 2988.90 3285.01

    Expenditure 1407.69 1667.95 2064.75 2268.4:

    Net Profit before Tax 400.97 203.59 333.75 400.6

    Assets/ Liabilities 33617.50 36545.28 47148.08 48732.1

    Branches: 75 all over the country






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    Card Division:

    i. Establishment: March 1997

    ii. Human Resources:

    a. Executive : 3

    b. Non Executive : 37c. Technical : 3

    Total : 43

    iii. Card Base:

    a. Gold Card : 2000

    b. Silver Card : 7000

    Total Card : 9000

    iv. Trend Analysis:

    Year 2002 2003 2004

    Issued Card 2000 2700 1400

    Surrendered Card 43 58 63

    Income from Card (in million Tk.) 45.00 95.00 85.00

    Marketing Expenditure (%of income) 10 5 2

    POS Machine (no) 20 210 325

    Merchant 125 425 700

    iii. Target People to be served:

    Mainly salaried person

    Income Tk. 10000 or more selected for silver card, if other thing remain same.

    More than Tk. 55000 or more selected for gold card.

    For international card the prospect cardholder have to open a RFCD account

    Card is issued in security basis.

    iv. Customer Positioning:

    Price and Competitive offering is the key focal point of offering. NBL card has

    the following options:






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    Acceptance: An international MasterCard from National Bank Limited is

    accepted at million of establishments across the world and home including 5-star

    hotels, restaurant, departmental store and establishments offering diverse services.

    Security: When a NBL MasterCard holder automatically covered under

    Personal Accident Insurance against loss of life for as high as tk. 5 lakh in case of airtravel free of cost.

    Credit Cushion: It has revolving loan facility. You can avail a free credit facility

    from 15 days if you settle your full dues within payment due date.

    In Case of Lost Card: If a Card holder lost his card he have to report to the

    Credit Card Division and they will provide a replacement card on payment of

    prescribed fees. Card Division is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

    Supplementary Card Facility: A Cardholder can get supplementary card for his

    relatives. The expense of supplementary card will charged to the account of principal


    Cash Advance:Cash drawing facility through approved channels is available in

    some cases to meet your emergency requirement at a prescribed fee.

    Need not Pay Fluffy at a Time:NBL gives the opportunity of being flexible in

    repayment schedule suiting to convenience of cardholders.

    No Interest or Charges: Payment in full within the payment due date and enjoy a

    free credit facility from 15 days to 45 days.

    vii. Merchant Commission:

    2% to 3% (average 2.8%) on agreement basis.

    viii. Marketing Activities:

    a. Number of DSE : Nil b. Advertising Exp. : 5% c. Merchant Marketing: 3 people

    NBL maintain strong personal relation with its cardholders and merchant by giving

    prompt and customize service. They believe relationship marketing is key success to

    gain customer loyalty.






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    Establishment and Operation:

    The early years:

    Standard Chartered is named after two banks when merged in 1969. They were

    originally known as the Standard Bank of British South Africa and the Chartered

    Bank of India. Australia and China of the two banks, the Chartered Bank is the older

    having been founded in 1853 following the grant of a Royal Charter from Queen


    Standard Chartered today:

    Today Standard Chartered is an international bank focused on the merging markets

    in which it has worked for over 100 years in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin

    America. It has a network of over 500 offices in more than 50 countries, and its

    headquarter is in London.

    In Bangladesh:

    The Chattered Bank opened in Chittagong in 1948, which was, at the time, the eastern

    region of newly created Pakistan. The branch was opened mainly to facilitate the post-

    war re-establishment and expansion of South and South East Asia. The Bank opened

    its first branch in Dhaka in 1966 and shifted its headquarter from Chittagong to

    Dhaka after the birth of Republic of Bangladesh in 1971. At present, the bank has 28

    branches over the country by acquiring ANZ Grindleys Bank (2000).


    Vision: To be renown as the top performing banking group serving Australia, New Zealand


    in the international market.

    Mission:Standard Chattered bank credit card division mission statement states, " Touch the


    SCB is a banking and financial services group that aims to be an outstanding financial

    institution providing a broad range of services in the banking and non-banking

    financial sectors.






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    Values:The Bank holds the following values:

    To have a strong customer focus and to build a relationship based on integrity

    superior services and mutual benefit.

    To strive for profit and sound growth.

    To work as a team to serve the best interest of the group.

    To work for continuous business innovations and improvements.

    To value and respect people and make decisions based on merits.

    To provide recognition and rewards on performance.

    Branches: 18 all over the country.

    Card Division:

    i. Establishment: March 1995 [ANZ Grindlays Bank]ii. Human Resources:

    a. Executive : 26

    b. Non Executive : 300

    c. Technical : 2

    Total : 328

    iii. Card Base:

    a. Gold : 10000

    b. Silver : 60000

    Total : 700000

    iv. Trend Analysis:

    Year 2003 2004 2005

    Issued Card 6000 10000 38000

    Surrendered Card 120 208 320

    Income from Card (in million Tk.) 120.00 170.00 300.00

    Marketing Expenditure (%of income) 20% 10% 15%

    POS Machine (no) 220 350 500

    Merchant 1400 2100 3500

    Table: Annual Report of Standard Chartered Bank






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    v. Target People to be Served:

    Segmentation profile:


    Primarily located in major urban areas/ centers of the country i.e. Dhaka, Chittagong,

    Khulna, and Sylhet.


    Age: 18 to 70 years

    Income: Monthly minimum 10,000.00 and/or above

    Education: Graduates

    Profession: Executives, govt. officials, defense personnel, housewives, entrepreneurs/


    Psycho graphic:

    Life style:

    Mobile, sociable high achievers, motivated by status, style conscious, exposed of

    international media /lifestyle, English is first language after Bangla.

    Attitude-aspiration attracted to international offers, progressive, independent.

    v. Operational Structure of Card Service Division:

    The Cards Services Division (CSD) has six units namely, Risk Assessment, Collections,

    Merchant Services, Operation Services, Issuing Services continuously corking on

    improvement and wide acceptance of Standard Chartered cards. A manager whoreports directly to the Head of Cards heads each of these units. The Head of Cards is

    responsible for overall operation of CSD. A sales team known as Direct Sales Agents,

    work alongside these units to build up the customer base.

    a. Risk Assessment:It is the section where the applications for new cards are received or limit

    enhancements are approved. This department determines eligibility of the applicants

    on the basis of the information provided by the applicant with the relevant documents.

    For example, if the applicant is a service holder then he/she has to submit his/her

    salary certificates, on the other hand, if he/she is a businessperson then he/she has to

    submit income tax return certificate. On the Basis of these documents, the risk

    assessment department screens out those applicants who are not eligible. This

    department uses the services of a consultancy firm (third Party) to assist in the

    verification process. Once the applicant is selected to be eligible for a credit card, an

    initial credit limit is set. This limit is extended on the basis of customer instruction

    after six months of use and is supported by the customer's financial capability.






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    b. Collection:This department deals with the collection process. The collection process of credit card

    starts when the cardholder has failed to meet on or more contractual payments (i.e.

    minimum 10% payments) or exceeds the allocated credit limit or both in which case

    the cardholder becomes a delinquent. It therefore becomes the duty of the collections

    department to minimize the outstanding delinquent receivable and credit losses. Thecollection process involves the following:

    Services (updating status).

    Issues bills to customers and remind them the due date of payments.

    Locates and reminds defaulters of their obligations.

    Legal enforcement in case of grosses default.

    c. Merchant Services:A merchant is a shop, outlet, hotel or restaurant that accepts credit card. This

    department, also known as Acquiring Department, brings in new merchants to expand

    the business of the credit cards. The basic job of this department is to encourage thesellers to accept the credit cards and if they agree they become merchants of Stan chat.

    This department also takes up promotional activities to boost up the transactions at

    the merchant stores and sets up POS terminals to make credit card transactions easier

    and quicker.

    d. Operational Services:Basically this department deals with the payments and data submission related to the

    credit cards. For each transaction the Operations Department processes the customer

    sales, prepares the bills for the customers, gives authorization to the merchants about

    the acceptability of the cards, deals with excess usage beyond credit limit and arranges

    to settle payments to the merchants. Among other tasks this department also prepareswarning bulletin for merchant to prevent fraudulent transactions and take actions

    against any such case.

    e. Customer Services:Customer Services department deals with customers in the following manners:

    Issuance of approval letters, decline letters, renewed letters, replacement

    letters and enhancement letters.

    Issuance of credit cards and personal identification numbers (PIN).

    Issuance of renewed and replacement cards and PINs.

    Answering customer queries.

    Mitigating discrepancies regarding bills/payments.

    Handling customer instructions such as reporting lost card.

    f.Issuing Services:The Issuing Department of CSD has the responsibility and accountability of issuing

    debit cards for account holders while providing services through Nigh & Day Banking.

    Debit card is a plastic card by a bank to enable its customers with checks accounts to

    pay for goods and services at certain retail outlets by using the telephone network to

    debit their check accounts directly.






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    Presently the Cards Service Division (CSD) of Stan-Chat bank is issuing debit card

    known as ACCESS Card. The Bank has installed Automated Teller Machines (ATM)

    almost two years ago for the benefit of its debit cardholders. From the ATM debit

    cardholders can withdraw cash withdraw cash against their account at any time of the

    day or night. At present (June 2000), Stan-Chat has issued around 55000 debit cards

    for its account holders.

    vi. Customer Positioning:

    According to the management the core features involves 3 C's

    C - clean leading

    C - convenient

    C - cash advantage

    Standard chartered credit Card comes with a winning combination of value- packed

    features and benefits.

    Wide acceptance:

    Standard chartered Credit Card is accepted at more than 3,500 outlets around the

    country.. You can use your Card for everyday purchases as well as for high value

    purchases. Our wide range of merchants include hotels, restaurants, airlines & travel

    agents, departmental stores, hospitals and diagnostic centers, jewelry shops,

    electronics and computer shops, leather goods, mobiles and internet service providers

    and many more. This number is increasing everyday to cater to your growing needs.

    Easy Credit

    With Standard Chartered Credit Card you have the convenience to pay as little as 5%

    of your outstanding on the Card account every month, thus having the power and

    flexibility to plan your payments.

    Instant Cash Advances

    Standard Chartered Credit Card gives you access to cash up to 50% of the credit

    limit. You can withdraw cash advances from all Standard Chartered ATM's around

    the country, thus having access to cash 24 hours a day. Besides, cash advance can also

    be taken from any of our branches across the country.

    Safe and Secure

    You do not need to carry cash anymore if you are carrying Standard Chartered Credit

    Card. If you loose your card, you are protected against financial charges from themoment you report the loss to us.

    Air Accident Insurance

    The Standard Chartered Credit Card gives you free air accident insurance coverage

    upto Tk. 100,000 (for Silver Card) or Tk. 500,000 (for Gold card). This coverage is also

    applicable for supplementary Cardholders.






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    Supplementary Card

    You may apply for Supplementary Card(s) for your spouse, parents, sisters, brothers,

    friends or children over 18 years of age. All ch

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