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Assignment: Attracting Tourists in Singapore.

Type of document: Assignment.

No of words: 2000.


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Table of content

Content: Page No.

1. Project Scope and Definition…………………………….…...……….........03

2. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) ………….………………….………....08

3. Organization Breakdown Structure (OBS)…………………………………10

4. Integration of WBS and OBS………....……………………………………11

5. Network diagram …………………………………………………...………12

6. Gantt Chart …..……………………………………………………………..13

7. Budgeting of project ……………..………………………………..………..14

8. Risk Management ……………………………………………….………….15

9. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………...16

10. References…………………………………………………………...…….17

11. Appendix……………………………………………………….….………18


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1. Project Scope and Definition


Singapore has been portrayed as a play area for the rich, and it's actual that the little city-state has

certain sheen of riches. Be that as it may, Singapore offers more than simply top of the line

shopping centers, extravagance inns, and fine feasting (however it merits enjoying those a bit in

the event that you can). There is additionally a dynamic history and different ethnic quarters to

find, alongside the some family-accommodating attractions and flawless open spaces that make

going by this somewhat advanced city advantageous.

Singapore has an incredible open transportation framework that makes getting around

advantageous and simple. Once you've gotten a feeling of the metro map, you'll have no issue

flashing starting with one piece of town then onto the next. English is talked all over the place

and signs are in English too. Actually, Singapore is one of the least demanding and most

agreeable nations to explore in Southeast Asia. What's more, insofar as you're not contrasting

costs with adjacent Thailand or Vietnam, you're in for a beautiful sit tight.

1.1Project Identification

Title: Tourist in Singapore.

Location: Singapore.

Partner Organization: A Singapore based convention organizer specializing in tourism


Implementing Agency: Singapore.


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Starting Date: As Soon As Possible;

Funding Requested: 36044000

1.2The Overall Objective of the Programmer :

Emphasizing both the theoretical and applied aspects planning and development, you will

explore conceptual and practice issues facing the public and private sectors when dealing with

the Development of tourism.

SMART elements

Specific - Sector: Signed up contract with tourism department of Australia and UK to organize

a major tourism convention in Singapore.

Measurable – project management tools

Assignable – Assign teams to every task, total number of people would be 500

Realistic – reasonable budget

Time - Project Duration : 8 Months.

Project Aim

The target of this undertaking is drawing in traveler in Singapore from different nations. The

Universal Tourism Advancement software engineer is particular in its solid spotlight on the

issues, issues and procedures connected with the arranging and improvement of traveler


Underscoring both the hypothetical and connected parts of tourism arranging and improvement,

you will investigate calculated and pragmatic issues confronting the general population and

private segments when managing the advancement of tourism.


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The software engineer investigates a wide assortment of tourism advancement circumstances,

drawing on the School of Friendliness and Tourism Administration's longstanding aptitude in the

tourism division.

• Perspectives in Tourism Administration

• Tourism Administrations Advertising

• Digital Advertising and online networking in Tourism

• Destinations Administration and Advertising

• Accounting and Fund for Business

• Applied Showcasing Exploration

• Visitor Attractions Administration

• Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility



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Investigations of the nearby populace's impression of tourism effect are valuable in setting up

projects to minimize grating in the middle of vacationers and occupants, and in planning

arrangements to increase inhabitant backing of visitor endeavors. It is speculated that the

impression of vacationer effect differs with the separation a man lives from the visitor zone and

with the occupant's financial status. They need their legislature to offer more financial motivators

and wipe out any prohibitive measures so as to invigorate tourism in the range.


The group ought to work with key partners and different individuals from the group who have

been distinguished to set up and begin the undertaking. To set up the task for further execution,

our venture administration task offer specialists some assistance with advising the undertaking

group to

1. Complete an abnormal state work breakdown (WBS) structure

2. Determine the venture's arrangement at the point of reference level

3. Identify and enlisted person venture part if necessary

4. Prepare the Item Start Archive

5. Secure key assets that are required in the task

Table1.4: Milestones



2 Jan 2016 Complete a high-level work

breakdown (WBS) structure

Determine the project’s plan


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6 Feb 2016 Identify and recruit project

member if needed

11 Mar 2016 Prepare the Product Initiation


12 April 2016 Secure key resources that are

needed in the project

1.5Technical Requirements

To ensure social security

To increase transportation develops.

Easier visa & passport.

1.6 Limitations

In project management, two scopes are considered:

1. Project scope

2. Product scope.

Product scope is the planned quality, elements and elements of the item that the client as a rule

anticipates. Venture scope, then again, portrays the work required to convey an item or

administration with the expected item scope.

A standard must be set up by which to characterize and measure venture achievement. In a

general sense, venture achievement is the conveyance of the required item, administration, or

result on time and inside of spending plan. Cost and time are natural, however the pretended by

extension warrants further discourse. To comprehend the essentially of extension, one must value


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the relationship in the middle of degree and the venture targets. The venture is useful for

checking and controlling. Generally the venture is not run.

1.7 Review with customer

There are numerous reason travelers pulling in Singapore.

Singapore has been portrayed as a play area for the rich, and it's actual that the little city-state has

certain sheen of riches. In any case, Singapore offers more than simply top of the line shopping

centers, extravagance lodgings, and fine eating. There is likewise a lively history and assorted

ethnic quarters to find, alongside the some family-accommodating attractions and flawless open

spaces that make going by this somewhat cutting edge city advantageous.

Singapore has a great open transportation framework that makes getting around helpful and

simple. Once you've gotten a feeling of the metro map, you'll have no issue hurdling starting

with one piece of town then onto the next. English is talked all over the place and signs are in

English also. Truth be told, Singapore is one of the least demanding and most agreeable nations

to explore in Southeast Asia.

2. Work breakdown structure

The work breakdown structure is a tree structure that demonstrates a subdivision of exertion

required to accomplish a goal for instance Vacationer system, Visitor venture.

A work breakdown structure can be produced by beginning with the end goal and progressively

subdividing it into sensible parts as far as size, term, and obligation (e.g., frameworks,

subsystems, segments, undertakings, sub-errands, and work bundles), which incorporate all

strides important to accomplish the target.

The work breakdown structure gives a typical system to the common improvement of the general

arranging and control of an agreement and is the premise for isolating work into perceptible

augmentations from which the announcement of work can be produced and specialized;


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timetable, cost, and work hour reporting can be built up. The work breakdown structure can be

shown in two structures one in type of a table with subdivision of assignments two in type of an

authoritative outline.


The primary exercises incorporate;

• To make appealing spot for traveler in Singapore

• Selecting the prospected zone with traveler.

• Establishing an administration board of trustees.

• Managing all the gear.


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• Contracting base.

• Developing the vacationer administration framework.

• Maintaining the exercises.

Fruitful undertaking administration has a few huge qualities. To comprehend the estimation of

venture administration, it is important to comprehend the basic way of a task; the center

attributes of undertaking administration forms; how achievement is assessed, the part s,

obligations, and exercises of a task director and the skill required; and the setting in which

projects are performed.

3.Organization Breakdown Structure (OBS)

The most important result of this project will be to establish better place of tourist in Singapore.

Promoting Tourist

Facility of Tourist

Ensure social security


Tourist Project

To create attractive place for

tourist in Singapore

Selecting the prospected area

with tourist.Contracting base.

Developing the tourist

management system

Managing all the equipment &

Maintaining the activities

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4. Integration of WBS and OBS

Contact list- e.g:

Name of person-in-charge: Mr. Nineson

Designation of person-in-charge: Director

Duration: 240 days

Start date:01 Jan 2016

End date: 10 Aug 2016

Budget: SGD 200 000

Description of job: Direct the work


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5. Network diagram

Basic way examination ("CPA") is a generally utilized undertaking administration device that

uses system investigation to venture chiefs to handle complex and time-touchy operations.

The fundamental method for utilizing CPA is to develop a model of the undertaking that

incorporates the accompanying:

• A rundown of all exercises required to finish the task

• The time (length of time) that every action will take to finish

• The conditions between the exercises

• A- Selecting the prospected zone with traveler.

• B- Establishing an administration board of trustees.

• C- Managing all the gear.

• D- Contracting base.

• E- Developing the vacationer administration framework.


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• F- Maintaining the exercises.

G- Leading the Process.

H- Controlling with enhancement

I- Review the project work

J- Correct relevant points

6. Gantt Graph

A Gantt graph is a sort of bar diagram, adjusted by Karol Adamiecki in 1896 and autonomously

by Henry Gantt in the 1910s, that shows a venture plan. Gantt outlines delineate the start and

complete dates of the terminal components and synopsis components of a project.


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7. Estimated Annual Budget:

Estimated Annual Budget of Tourist attraction in Singapore is given explain.

No Type: Amount: Total:

1 Infrastructure development, social security of Tourist SGD 12880000

2 To develop transport & communication, To make new hotel for




3 Decorated every year tourism place in Singapore SGD 3056000

4 Utilities SGD 3640000

5 Over heads, SGD 2588000

Grand Total SGD36044000


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Tourists would play an important role and added that the government was taking steps to

improve facilities.

The direct contribution of Travel & Tourism to GDP was SGD19.1bn (5.3% of total GDP) in

2013, and is forecast to rise by 5.8% in 2014, and to rise by 3.4% pa, from 2014-2024, to

SGD28.3bn (5.3% of total GDP)in 2024.The total contribution of Travel & Tourism to GDP was

SGD39.7bn (10.9% of GDP) in 2013, and is forecast to rise by 5.5% in 2014, and to rise by 3.4%

pa to SGD58.2bn (11.0% of GDP) in 2024.The total contribution of Travel & Tourism to GDP

was SGD39.7bn (10.9% of GDP) in 2013, and is forecast to rise by 5.5% in 2014, and to rise by

3.4% pa to SGD58.2bn (11.0% of GDP) in


Visitor export generated SDG24.6bn (3.5% of total export) in 2013.this is forecast to grow by

5.0%in 2014, and grow by 2.1%pa, from 2014-2024,to SDG31.8bn in 2024 (2.7% of total).

8. Risk Management

A Progress indicator instruments will be utilized to screen and assess the undertaking on

customary premise.

Inside of the task administration life cycle, profitable reporting serves seven (7) key objectives:

1. To keep up an opportune, steady stream of data identifying with task advancement and


2. To raise issues, issues, delays in an auspicious, noteworthy style.


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3. To give adequate thinking and reason to changes and acclimation to plans and


4. To screen and track task expenses and spending plan use.

5. To lie a strong, down to earth establishment for educated choice making and innovative

issue determination.

6. To recognize individual and group achievements in an opportune composed style.

7. To give an institutionalized instrument to imparting "status" to venture partners.

9. Conclusion:

Singapore's tourism segment in 2015 is relied upon to keep on being pounded by headwinds

brought on by large scale monetary difficulties, for example, worldwide financial vulnerability,

hardened territorial rivalry and coin developments. Then again, in the midst of the testing

scenery, Asia-Pacific's outbound travel is still anticipated that would develop. STB is embarking

so as to situate itself to tap on circumstances on a progression of focused promoting activities.

Furthermore, STB will keep producing powerful key organizations, while developing the

BTMICE business from quality to quality. In exploring through an undeniably complex tourism

scene, STB, together with industry partners, will work towards building and creating economical

tourism items while improving industry aggressiveness. Our endeavors stay concentrated on

yield-driven quality development, with the accentuation on monetary commitment, advancement

and a connected with neighborhood group as we keep on building a significantly more lively

vacationer destination and charming home.


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1. The Tourist Promotion Board Ordinance 1963. (Ord. 35 of 1963, pp. 27–34). Singapore: Govt.

Print. Off. Call no.: RCLOS 348.5957 SGGAS.

2. Now a tourist association. (1960, February 17). The Straits Times, p. 8; Big boost for tourism

as govt steps in. (1964, May 20). The Straits Times, p. 12. Retrieved from Newspapers.

3. 'Create world image for Spore' call. (1964, February 1). The Straits Times, p. 4. Retrieved

from Newspapers.

4. State of Singapore. Government Gazette. Subsidiary Legislation Supplement. (1964, January

1). The Tourist Promotion Board Ordinance (Commencement) Notification 1964 (Sp. S 2/1964,

p. 1). Singapore: Government Printing Office. Call no.: RCLOS 348.5957 SGGSLS.

5. The Straits Times, 20 May 1964, p. 12.

6. Singapore. Legislative Assembly. Debates: Official Report. (1963, December 20). Second

Reading of the Tourism Promotion Board Bill (Vol. 22, cols. 1086–1087). Singapore: Legislative

Assembly. Call no.: RCLOS 328.5957 SIN.

7. Singapore Tourist Promotion Board. (1969). Annual statistical report 1968–1969 (pp. 15–

 8.Daliy star Newspaper



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General trends

Tourism receipts was estimated to reach S$18.8 billion in 2010, a growth of 49% compared to

2009, with Shopping and Sightseeing/Entertainment accounting for 21% of total expenditure

each, Accommodation making up 19%, and Food and Beverage another 10%.Gazette hotel room

revenue was estimated at S$1.9 billion, an increase of 21.8% over 2009. The overall average

occupancy rate was at 86%, 9.8% more than 2009, with the Economy tier seeing the largest

increase of 15.6%. Overall average room rate was at S$212, an increase of 12.2%, while the

overall revenue per available room was S$182, an increase of 26.6% over 2009.we can explain

by table of general trends in Singapore.

Year Tourism Arrivals Percentage change from previous period

1965 99,000

1970 579,000 488.1%

1975 1,324,000 128.6%

1980 2,562,000 92.%

1985 3,031,000 18.3%

1990 5,323,000 75.6%

1995 7,137,000 34.1%

2000 7,691,399 7.76%

2005 8,943,029 16.27%

2010 11,638,663 30.14%

Recent years

Tourism in Singapore is a major industry and contributor to the Singaporean economy, attracting

13,171,303 tourists in 2011, over twice Singapore's total population. It is also environmentally

friendly, and maintains natural and heritage conservation programs. We can see that of total

tourism arrivals and percentage to explain by year by year.


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Travel & Tourism forecasts over the next ten years also look extremely favorable, with predicted

growth rates of over 4% annually that continue to be higher than growth rates in other sectors.

Capitalizing on the opportunities for this Tourism growth will, of course, require destinations

and regional authorities, particularly those in emerging markets, to create favorable business

climates for investment in the infrastructure and human resource support necessary to facilitate a

successful and sustainable tourism sector.


Year Tourism Arrivals Percentage change from previous year

1997 7,197,871 −1.30

1998 6,242,152 −13.28%

1999 6,958,201 11.47%

2000 7,691,399 10.54%

2001 7,522,163 −2.20%

2002 7,567,110 0.60%

2003 6,127,291 −19.04%

2004 8,328,720 35.92%

2005 8,943,029 7.4%

2006 9,751,141 9.0%

2007 10,284,545 5.5%

2008 10,116,054 −1.6%

2009 9,345,054 −4.3%

2010 11,641,700 20.2%

2011 13,171,303 13.1%

2012 14,496,091 10.1%

2013 15,567,923 7.4%

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(Source: Singapore Tourism Board)

Singapore Tourist Arrivals


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