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By: Megan YuhaszPratt

Page 2: Final Project

What are the benefits of having relationships?

• The benefits of having relationships come in many different ways. A lot of it depends on what kind of relationship you have. For example in Of Mice and Men They benefit from each other by Lennie giving George family and George helping Lennie survive and take care of himself.

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Are all relationships equal?• No, not all relationships are equal. There are many

different type of relationships, Mutualism (+,+), Parasitism (+,-) , Commensalism (+,o), Amensalism (-,0) , Neutralism (0,0) , Competition (-,-). As you can see there are many different types and not all of them are as powerful as the next. For Example in Of Mice and Men Curly and Lennie have a bad relationship, and Lennie and George have a supporting relationship.

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How do relationships support our lives?

• Have you ever had that one person in your live, who inspires you until no end? This relationship is proof that relationships support out lives. For me, that person is my previous choir teacher, Mr. Galbreath. He had an awful disease where his lungs slowly harden. He never let that pull him down, he inspired me to play music with all the emotion you can give, and he also taught me how to find joy in the simplest things.

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What are the trade-offs in relationships?

• Some of the trade offs in a relationship, would be things like compromises. For example I will do more chores if you pay me fifty more cents a week. Another, would be I’ll go to the races if you’ll go to the ballet. Or like in , The Mighty , Kevin was willing to pay Max to take him to the fair.

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What determines the relationships we have?

• Everything, determines what relationships we have! For example if you are rude to someone repeatedly, the relationship you have with that person is going to be negative. Also it can be something like a car, dog, house, school and even walking by someone on the street. Hurricane Katrina changed the relationships down in new Orleans. After that happened everyone no matter enemy or not helped anyone they could see in need of help. Everything effects your relationship.

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How does class, religion, race, and culture determine our relationships?• Class, religion, race, and culture determine a lot

about out relationships. If you are in an upper class school, you will have relationships with those people. The other major one that changes our relationships is religion. If you don’t believe in something and someone else does, the two of you will probably not get along as well as two people who share the same religion. Race has an effect on them, but not as much as it did in previous years. Culture sometimes even determines with class, race and religion you are.

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What role does empathy play in a mutual relationship?

• Empathy plays a big role in a mutual relationship. For example in Tuesdays with Morrie Mitch had a lot of empathy for Morrie. Morrie was slowly dieing and if Mitch haven't of had that empathy he would have not come back to see him, the relationship would indeed only be one sided. In The Mighty Max had a lot of empathy for Freak. That is what inspired him at the end.

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What place does a dream/vision have in one’s life/relationships?

• Your dream determines everything about you. If you truly long to be in music and hear what Mozart and Beethoven heard back when they were alive, you are going to strive to hear it by doing anything and everything in music. But focusing on this can cause a lot of your human relationships to suffer. Dreams/ visions have a lot to do with the people you meet and the things you do. Changing life as you want it .

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MemoirGetting ready for Easter dinner with my entire

family, we realize that we do not have any green beans. So my Dad and I go to the closes grocery store. I stared on one end of the Produce and he started on the other, as we approached the middle there were no green beans. So what do we do? We go all the way to Meijer in Birch run to get them. As we are heading to the produce, I see this enormous batch of color. So naturally I turn around and what do I see? A massive Easter basket filled with about sixty regular sized Easter baskets. I Flag Dad down, circling it slowly joking about taking it home, I see the price tag for not the regular sized ones but for the enormous one…It was Ten Dollars, and in addition it was fifty percent off that. At first we did not believe that it was only five dollars.

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Memoir (continued)Then we asked one of the employees and

indeed it was only that. So the three of us unloaded the Massive basket. As my Dad and I carried it through the Meijer, some people laughed, some in ah, and some pulling their kids out of the way so we could through. As we put the basket on the check-out counter, the cashier was extremely nervous and crept out that we were act shelly going to buy it. The manger walked by and shouted “YES!” As the massive basket approached the car, I and my dad realized it wouldn’t fit into the back unless the back hatch was open. So the basket was turn so the handle was first into the car. I was sitting inside the handle of the basket, I felt like the Easter Santa!

One life lesson I definitely learned about that day is that life can definitely surprise you.

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The End

“Humor is a spontaneous, wonderful bit of an outburst that just comes. It’s unbridled, it’s unplanned, it’s full of surprises.

-Erma Bombeck Quotes

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