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Final Recommendation to the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board 2018

Recommendation Deny the Application of Bellissimo Beginnings

School Information School Bellissimo Beginnings Home District EBR Type Type 1 Districts

Served/Specific School EBR

CMO/EMO Year Opening 2020-21 Grade Configuration at Start

Pre-K-K Grade Configuration at Scale


Enrollment at Start 100 Enrollment at Scale 280

Reasons for Recommendation

As stated in the application, the mission of Bellissimo Beginnings is to provide a rigorous and differentiated academic program to disadvantaged Pre-K-3rd grade students through year-round learning to close the achievement gaps.

The proposed school plans to operate intersessions for students who are struggling to provide

extra assistance in targeted areas.

Professional development topic stated in the application are timely and relevant; however, as stated, all teachers will receive the same professional development.

School culture and financial readiness are key components of the application; however, they are not addressed in the application. Board readiness is addressed but is incomplete.

Identifying and assisting EL students is not addressed in the application.

One background check is concerning.

The application is not comprehensive in nature and the alignment of critical pieces of the plan are lacking.




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Section Evidence


The charter school proposal should discuss the extent to which the leadership team possesses the ability to: *Identify the role of the school in addressing the problem or demand that the school seeks to address in the location in which it seeks to serve. *Create a vision that describes what success for students beyond school looks like if the applicant group fulfills the role described in its mission. *Propose a school that solves a problem related to student outcomes that is either shown to exist with data or is in response to demonstrated demand for a proposed school model.

The mission of Bellissimo Beginnings is to provide a rigorous and differentiated academic program to disadvantaged Pre-K-3rd grade students through year-round learning to close achievement gaps. The vision is to build and sustain a school where students acquire a strong foundation that prepares them for academic, social and emotional success as they enter the 21st century.


The charter school proposal should discuss the extent to which the leadership team possesses the ability to: *Recruit a student population that is shown to exist with current data and includes a percentage of Economically Disadvantaged students and Students with Disabilities that meets or exceeds the minimum legal percentage. *Provide a legal and logical plan to garner interest in the school and subsequently enroll students. *Demonstrate with data that they have identified pools from which to recruit students that will enable them to meet their enrollment targets. *Ensure that admission requirements comply with R.S 17:3991(B)(3)

The application states that 4 out of 6 schools that provide a preschool educational program in the 70815-zip code earned an overall “D” rating. Schools referenced include Broadmoor, LaBelle Aire, Twin Oaks and Villa Del Rey elementary schools. While a location is not given, it is assumed the proposed school will recruit from the 70815-zip code. The targeted percent of economically disadvantaged students is not listed in the Overview nor is the targeted percent of students with disabilities.


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Recruiting will include door-to-door canvassing of the neighborhood, community open houses, flyers, brochures, newspaper ads, social media campaigns.


The charter school proposal should discuss the extent to which the leadership team possesses the ability to: *Provide estimates of baseline performance for the student population that they propose to serve. *Provide a logical plan to establish student performance goals that rely on diagnostic data that uses the same metrics as the performance goals themselves. *Establish performance goals for all student achievement data considered in calculating the proposed school’s performance scores. *Name mission-specific goals if applicable and ensure that the goals are measurable, ambitions, and feasible. *Select curricula in ELA and math that are either rated Tier 1 by the LDOE or, if the LDOE has not yet rated the selected curricula, the applicant correctly demonstrates using the LDOE’s Instructional Materials Review Rubric in order to achieve a Tier 1 rating. *Select curricula for all other content subject areas that demonstrates how these curricula will prepare students for the Louisiana State Standards. *Select interim assessments that are either rated Tier 1 by the LDOE, are produced as part of a Tier-1 rated curriculum, are part of Louisiana’s Comprehensive Assessment System (LEAP 360), or if the LDOE has not yet rated the selected assessments, applicant correctly demonstrates using the LDOE’s Instructional Materials Review Rubric that they meet the standards of a Tier 1 rating. *Develop a professional development plan for all teachers that corresponds with and supports both the proposed curricula and the school’s student performance goals.

The proposed school will have open admissions. The application states that the “Gold assessment tool is built within Creative Curriculum and offers pre-assessment tools beginning in kindergarten.” Creative Curriculum is the curriculum of choice for the proposed school and Gold is the assessment tool; however, neither are rated Tier 1 by the LDOE. Goals include 95% attendance, 85% mastery or above in ELA, math, science and social studies on LEAP 2025. Students needing additional instructional support will be encouraged to attend intersessions as outlined in the calendar.


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*Provide differentiated coaching to teachers that is data-driven. *Provide professional development that ensures teachers are trained to use targeted supports in addition to high quality instruction to support Students with Disabilities, English Learners (ELs), and academically struggling students. *Present a logical process by which they will screen all students, identify students requiring additional supports, and consult with a decision-making team to plan supports and interventions for those students. *(If applicable) Detail a logical and feasible plan for how struggling students at the virtual school will receive at least twenty percent of instruction in person. *(If applicable) Detail a plan for how no-cost transportation services will be provided to struggling students at the virtual school for in-person instruction. *(If applicable) Detail a plan for how struggling students will be evaluated by the virtual school on an on-going basis, the tools that will be used for this evaluation, and the frequency of the evaluation. *(If applicable) Demonstrate that the selected structures, policies, and practices are shown to be effective by sound research and will drive the intended student goals. *(If applicable) Allocate time daily and throughout the year in such a way that all students will complete all courses required to graduate on time.

School members will participate in continuous professional development before/after school, during common planning periods, or professional days built into the calendar. Initial PD will focus on growing readers, social-emotional skills, home/school connection, classroom management and child development. Not applicable A yearly calendar has been provided in the application.

Special Student Populations

The charter school proposal should discuss the extent to which the leadership team possesses the ability to: *Provide a logical plan to screen all students and to ensure that struggling students are evaluated for special education services early and accurately, as defined by LDOE’s Special Education Guidebook. *Present a plan for developing IEPs that contains rigorous goals and instructional plans that are suitable to meet those students’ goals.

The application states that all students will receive a Free and Appropriate Public Education including initial and on-going assessments. Who will provide the assessments, when will they be administered and what will


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*Present a monitoring plan that will enable relevant staff to track the progress of all students with IEPs towards the goals articulated in their respective plans. *Demonstrate that the leadership team will be able to provide all special education and related services needed either by the staff listed on their organization chart or identified external groups with whom they can contract to provide needed services. *Identify the staff members who will lead student evaluations, IEP development, and provisions of ongoing services and ensure that those staff members have appropriate expertise and credentials relevant to the services. *Ensure that the proposed school intends to use the same grade-level curricula for Students with Disabilities that will be used for the general student population. *Demonstrate that the proposed school has a protocol for (1) identifying students whose primary or home language is not English and (2) who can administer an English Language Proficiency screener to potential English Learners. * Provide translation/interpretation services for families of English Learners and to translate application/enrollment materials. *Demonstrate that EL students will utilize the same grade-level materials as their non-EL peers with the necessary language supports and resources. *Identify staff member(s) who will serve ELs or include a plan to hire staff member(s) who will serve ELs and ensure that those staff members have the expertise and credentials relevant to the services. *Provide a plan for the professional development necessary to build content-area teachers’ capacity for teaching ELs. *Ensure that the proposed school uses the same grade-level curricula for English Learners that will be used for the general student population.

be done with the information is unclear


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School Staff

The charter school proposal should discuss the extent to which the leadership team possesses the ability to: *Create an organizational chart and corresponding job descriptions that include all essential responsibilities and positions necessary to implement the proposed school’s mission and vision. *Present data that shows that the pool of teachers and administrators from which the applicant group intends to recruit exists. *Identify pipelines from which the leadership team can hire individuals with all required skillsets identified in teacher and administrator job descriptions. *Connect teacher expectations to student performance goals such that students will meet their performance goals if teachers meet theirs. *Construct systems and structures for ensuring teachers achieve their expectations and address performance deficiencies.

An organizational chart and corresponding job duties are included in the application. The proposed school will work with local universities to hire the best trained teachers possible.


The charter school proposal should discuss the extent to which the leadership team possesses the ability to: *Establish a culture that is designed to promote a positive, rigorous, and inclusive academic environment that enables the school to maintain a suspension rate that is consistent with the highest expectations in the Charter School Performance Compact. *Describe a logical system of policies and practices for setting and maintaining positive student norms that is supported by sound research. *Create a disciplinary system that is aligned with the law, reflective of best practices, and aligned with their student culture plan.

Mission Critical Partners (If applicable)

The charter school proposal should discuss the extent to which the leadership team possesses the ability to: *Identify partners with demonstrated expertise in the needed areas if the proposed school’s model requires expertise that goes beyond that which is included in the organizational chart.

Not Applicable


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*Identify all mission-critical partnerships as evidenced through a letter from partners that includes the intended period of the partnership, the scope of services they will provide, and an approximate cost for the services. *Establish an unbiased system for setting goals for the partner and holding the partner accountable.

Board Readiness

The charter school proposal should discuss the extent to which the leadership team possesses the ability to: *Ensure that each board member’s role on the board matches their professional skill set. *Ensure that, for each of the following areas, there is at least one board member able to provide expertise in academics, finances, legal issues, management and operations, and community relations. *Ensure that the responsibilities enumerated for each role enables a clear division of roles among the board members. *Establish a set of metrics by which the board will monitor and gauge the school’s academic, operational, and financial effectiveness which should, at a minimum, include the expectations of the Charter School Performance Compact. *Ensure that the board has a clear decision-making process for how they will respond to information they gather in monitoring the school’s effectiveness that clearly demonstrates that there are roles and responsibilities among board members in considering information that facilitates informed board decision-making. *Ensure that the board of the proposed-school articulates a set of standards that the school leader must satisfy in order to keep the school on track to achieve its vision. *Ensure that the board will provide logical evidence that the school will achieve its vision if the school leader satisfies the standards set forth by the board for the school leader. *Ensure that the board identifies the information that will be used to determine if the school leader has satisfied each standard and the process by which they will collect that information.

Job responsibilities for President, Secretary and Treasurer are listed in the application; however, the position of VP is listed in the Overview with no job description. In the Overview, there is no named Treasurer. Three of the original board members have resigned because they have been unable to fulfill their responsibilities. Background checks have been received on all board members, but some resumes are missing.


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*Ensure that the board of the proposed school has a logical decision-making framework and process to support and hold the school leader accountable according to a set of standards that will further the school’s mission. *Describe the steps the board and leader will take in the event the leader does not meet accountability measures including but not limited to clear metrics that trigger different courses of action and lists the specific metrics the board will use to make personnel decisions. *Ensure that the board articulates a logical process by which they identify conflicts of interest and ensure that these conflicts of interest do not impact board decisions. *Ensure that the board articulates a logical process by which they will assess their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as a training plan that corresponds with lacking areas of expertise. *Ensure that the board articulates a logical new member recruitment plan that prioritizes the required areas of expertise, as well as a logical new member on-boarding plan that ensures that all new members are familiar with board bylaws and requirements.

Financial Readiness

The charter school proposal should discuss the extent to which the leadership team possesses the ability to: *Make projections based on accurate, conservative, and legally compliant assumptions. *Ensure that all funds from external sources are demonstrated to be reasonably expected. *Ensure that no essential services are funded at amounts that would preclude the applicant group from implementing their plan. *Ensure that there is no evidence that the proposed school ever will become insolvent or lack access to the necessary amount of liquidity. *Ensure that there are no material findings in the non-profit organization’s most recent audited financial statements. *Ensure that assumptions about facilities in all financial statements correspond to a conservative


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facility plan and account for possible contingencies. *Ensure that the proposed school has a plan to hire a financial manager who has at least a bachelor’s degree in finance and/or accounting, or that the proposed school has partnered with an organization staffed by individuals with the necessary expertise that will provide financial management services as stated above. *Ensure that the charter school applicant group protects mission-critical expenses when faced with budget cuts. *Ensure that there is appropriate segregation of financial duties. *Establish control systems that ensure only allowable expenses will be made and that all expenses will be coded appropriately.

Returning Applicant Groups (If applicable)

The charter school proposal should discuss the extent to which the leadership team possesses the ability to: *Demonstrate that, since their last application, they have participated in sufficient formal training to develop the capacities previously found lacking. *Demonstrate that, if the applicant had unmet standards related to their school leadership and/or board membership, the applicant has either demonstrated changes to their school leadership and/or board membership since the previous application cycle that are relevant to the standards previously found lacking, OR has had formal school leadership and/or board membership training in best practices in order to develop the capacities previously found lacking.

Not Applicable


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School Leadership Team Capacity

The charter school proposal should discuss the extent to which the leadership team possesses the ability to: *Create a leadership team that has managed a school, a team of teachers, or an academic program that showed some level of growth or success under their responsibility. *Create a school leadership team that has held past leadership positions in which they demonstrated a high level of responsibility for operations and/or finances. *Create a leadership team that has established a track record of improving student achievement, and/or provides enough data to demonstrate the leadership team’s ability to develop a high performing team of teachers across multiple years. *Show that the leadership team has established a track record of leading operationally and/or financially viable organizations.

Dr. Jennifer Andrews-Bynum has leadership experience in education.

Virtual School Standards (If Applicable)

The charter school proposal should discuss the extent to which the leadership team possesses the ability to: *Demonstrate that the applicant has a logical plan for orienting new students and parents to the school such that both students and parents are given clear expectations on student participation and performance at the beginning of the student’s enrollment. *Demonstrate that the applicant has clear expectations for student participation that differentiates between what it means for a student to be in engaged learning, in attendance, and truant in the virtual setting. *Demonstrate that the applicant has a plan for clearly communicating expectations regarding student participation in the virtual setting to teachers, students, and their families. *Demonstrate that the applicant has a plan in place for measuring, monitoring, and reporting student participation in the virtual setting including, at a minimum, monitoring how often students are logging on, how long students are staying logged on, and what amount of time

Not Applicable


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logged on is spent actively engaging in curriculum and instruction. *Demonstrate that the applicant has an actionable intervention plan for students who are not meeting the school’s expectations for engaging and participating in the virtual setting. The proposed plan must involve teachers, students, and parents in increasing engagement and preventing truancy. *Demonstrate that the applicant has a plan to ensure that all enrolled students have access to the online learning environment within a reasonable amount of time once they enroll at the virtual school. *Demonstrate that the applicant has a logical plan for how they will provide timely support in the event of technical difficulties that minimize the loss of instructional time. *Ensure that the applicant provides a plan that outlines the nature, frequency, and location of all required and optional in-person meetings and interactions between parents and school staff, including but not limited to parent/teacher conferences, open houses, and school community meetings. *Ensure that the applicant has a plan for complying with Title 28, Charter 11, {1119, Health Screening as part of enrollment and the ongoing functioning of the school.

School Leader & Board Member Performance Tasks

The charter school proposal should discuss the extent to which the leadership team possesses the ability to: School Leader Performance Tasks *Build investment in the proposed school by presenting a coherent vision for an engaging, rigorous, and inclusive school. *Demonstrate that the proposed school can apply the plans outlined in their application to real world scenarios related to instructional oversight and teacher development. *Use questioning, analysis, and reflection to develop well-reasoned and creative ideas, conclusions, and solutions to common challenges faced by new charter schools.


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*Strive for continuous improvement, is receptive to feedback, and takes ownership of school outcomes. Board Member Performance Tasks *Use questioning, analysis, and reflection to develop well-reasoned and creative ideas, conclusions, and solutions to common challenges faced by new charter schools. *Demonstrate that the proposed school can apply the plans outlined in their application to real world scenarios related to school leader accountability, financial oversight, and equity issues.

Strengths Intersessions for students who are struggling provide extra assistance in targeted areas. Monies have been set aside to pay for six teachers and the proposed school will recruit volunteers.

Areas in Need of Improvement

While the application notes that the SPS for four out of 6 elementary schools in the 70815 zip code have a combined SPS of “D,” it should be noted that of the four schools, three have a “B” in student progress rate and one has a “C” in student progress rate as identified by the LDOE. A more complete breakdown is as follows: School SPS Progress Rate Broadmoor Elementary



LaBelle Aire D B Twin Oaks D C Villa Del Rey D B

According to the LDOE: Student progress measures the rate at which students are progressing towards mastering the key skills they need to be successful in the next grade level. This rating recognizes the growth students achieve throughout the school year, rather than just recognizing their performance on end-of-year assessments. It can be concluded, therefore, that these four schools are on an upward trajectory regarding student achievement.


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Professional development topics are timely and relevant; however, as stated, all teachers will receive the same professional development. School culture and financial readiness are not addressed in the application. Board readiness is addressed but is incomplete. Identifying and assisting EL students is not addressed in the application. One background check is concerning (Jennifer Andrews-Bynum—Proposed School Leader)



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New Operator 


Name of Proposed Charter School: Bellissimo Beginnings

Reviewer’s Name: Katie Blunschi Date: April 29, 2019

Section Maximum Points

Reviewer’s Score

Vision 3 3 Students 4 4 Academics 11 6 Special Student Populations 12 7 School Staff 5 5 Culture 3 2 Mission Critical Partners (If applicable) N/A N/A Board Readiness 13 2 Financial Readiness and Finances 10 3 Returning Applicant Groups (If applicable) N/A N/A School Leadership Team Capacity 4 2 Virtual School Standards (If applicable) N/A N/A School Leader and Board Member Performance Tasks 6 4 Total Score 71 38 =

53.5 %


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