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  • 8/10/2019 Financial Check 2011



    CHECK 2011

    Revised 2011

    Dr Rohan Weerasinghe

  • 8/10/2019 Financial Check 2011




    This mini eBook is intended to be a reminder and a re-evaluation of

    the tools I gave many of you last year with my Wealth Check Ebook.

    I have added new material based on my learnings from 2009/10

    and removed many of the exercises. It is a quick and powerful read.

    Moreover, I have zeroed in on looking at your Income-Expenses,

    Assets and Liabilities as there was so much interest expressed after

    my recent set of presentations in the UK.

    I cannot emphasize enough the importance of carrying out this

    evaluation of your finances. To help, I have not only created the

    spreadsheet for you to use, but I have also created a few short

    videos on how to use it.

    Like most spreadsheets, it can be modified, improved and adapted

    to suite your needs. My hope is that it will act as a catalyst to help

    you to improve yours and other peoples lives. I will soon have a

    link on my BLOG for people to access the spreadsheet. I would ask

    that, if you enjoy using it, please pass on the link to other people

    who can go to my website, register for the spreadsheet and benefit


    I would highly recommend also reading Chapter 12 in my book

    TURNING POINT and attending one of my three day Turning Point

    Weekends to get the impact of this information.


    Please note that the information presented in this eBook is for educational

    purposes only and is not intended to be advice. If you are uncertain of any aspect

    of your finances you should seek advice from an independent financial advisor

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    Ask the right questions

    I talked about this last year and I think it is vital to repeat myself

    here. What questions are you asking yourself that may be causing

    you to stay in a poverty mindset rather than an abundance

    mindset? Something I have noticed in this last 18 months is that

    fear has driven people to focus on what they may lose or what

    things will cost them. Although these form part of an investors

    evaluation, they need to be kept in proportion with the other key

    questions essential for moving FORWARD, not STANDING STILL.

    The Laws of attraction and abundance require us to also be

    abundant in our beliefs about attracting wealth. When a human

    being only focuses on NOT LOSING they will, undoubtedly create

    the energy and vibration of NOT LOSING. This is a low vibrational

    energy centered around fear. This in turn, attracts more of that

    which they are focusing on LOSS & FEAR. I have seen and

    witnessed this. To attract wealth we need to focus on wealth. To

    attract more opportunities we need to open up the radar that is

    tuned into OPPORTUNITIES (NOT LOSS!). We need to start seeking

    that which we wish to experience. We have to retune.

    To do this we must re-structure the questions that we ask

    ourselves. Human beings habitually ask themselves questions every

    minute of every day consciously or subconsciously, verbally ornon-verbally. The quality of the questions we ask ourselves directly

    influences the quality of the answers we receive. Poor quality

    questions can result in fear being generated, bad decisions, poor

    investments, financial challenges etc.

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    Here are some examples of poor quality questions:

    Why is it I cant seem to find any more money to invest with?

    Why are my finances always so poor?

    Why cant I earn more money?

    Why cant I seem to clear my debts?

    Why am I always so busy?

    Why cant I find new clients?

    Why do I keep losing money?

    Why cant I find more opportunities?

    Looking at these questions makes you aware of the negative

    implications of asking them. Now, the key is to re-word a question

    so that it produces a result that will move you forward. For


    Why cant I earn more money in my job could change to What do

    I need to do in my job or business to increase my income or who

    do I need to speak to, to increase my choices in my career, which

    will improve my income?

    Asking the right question shifts your focus to finding a solution

    instead of an answer to a poor question which can only lead to a

    poor answer.

    Be Decisive

    Let me share an observation I made in 2009. I found the people I

    met and taught all over the world fell into three categories.

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    1. Those who had become MORE decisive as a RESULT of the

    recession. They were fed up (pissed off to use a term I

    heard a lot) of having their finances influenced by outside


    2. Those who became LESS decisive as a RESULT of the

    recession. They were scared of trying something new in case

    the market changed and they could not make money. They

    preferred to stay where they were.

    3. Those that simply did nothing and just watched the world

    events unfold in front of them.

    Oddly those in Category 2 are the ones who appear to spiral down

    and become frustrated. This is because secretly they want to try

    something but their BELIEFS have been shaped by other peoples

    views and the external world.

    Those in category 1 DECIDE to shape their own destiny They accept

    it will require change and some set-backs but they refuse to live in



    In his book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill states that amongst

    the single most defining characteristics of the successful and

    wealthy people that he studied, decisiveness was right up there

    towards the top of the list. Furthermore, he states that people who

    tend to fail and struggle financially dont make decisions quickly and

    as a result either miss opportunities or dont move them forward.

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    Jim Rohn refers to procrastination as one of the major self-limiting

    mechanisms that literally keeps people poor.

    The question is What have you put off doing that you know you

    need to do to move your life and your financial situation forward?

    It is important to recognize an important decision when it faces you

    and to realize that delaying making a decision has NO benefit.

    FOCUS ON THE END RESULT you are looking to achieve and that will

    make the decision process easier. As an investor this is VITAL.

    The Power of Focus

    What most people dont realize is that on a continuous basis they

    are focusing on something, consciously or subconsciously. As with

    the process of asking questions, when we focus on something with

    enough intensity, the result we achieve will be directly related to

    that upon which we focus.

    Many of you will be or have attended my webinars on the high yield

    passive income investments in the FOREX market that I invest into.

    This is a classic vehicle that you may wish to invest into. But, it is

    only applicable if it is in your current and long-term line of FOCUS.

    For example, if you are looking to have a certain amount of money

    grow at a very high rate and have a passive income from this pot of

    money in the future, then your focus is, capital growth coupled with

    income. Knowing that this fund has returned between 4% and

    almost 6% over the past 5 years means that it fits exactly your

    strategy. It is a perfect, passive, hands-off strategy.

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    However, if your FOCUS is to use all your money to put into, say, a

    short term trade and you want to be active in creating your cash,

    buying and selling for example then the passive strategy of this

    fund is not for you.

    Many of you may have a focus on both strategies e.g.

    passive/capital and cash. In which case you then ask POWERFUL

    QUESTIONS around how much you want to apportion your money

    into the two vehicles and then DECIDE when you want to do it. It is

    that simple.

    In summary, your focus and the associated questions must be

    directed in a solution oriented and positive manner. For example,

    your goal may be to create an additional 50,000 in profits from

    your real estate deals. Your focus and related questions must seek

    to direct your mind, energy and emotion in a way that moves you

    towards that goal NOT away from it.

    What investment or business opportunities can yield me

    50,000 in profit?

    What business or career best suits what I am passionate

    about and would allow me to earn additional income?

    Who are the KEY people I need to contact to help me improve

    my circumstances?

    What financial areas do I need to work on to ensure that I can

    improve my current situation?

    Having made 50,000, your FOCUS may change to turn this into

    passive income. If you have a goal to make 2000 per month from

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    this. you may then say, well if I take this 50,000 and put it into the

    Investment Fund I mentioned, and if it made an average of 4% per

    month (2000/month), then you would be able to turn your

    property profits into a passive income from the Forex Fund. Or, you

    could leave it there in the fund and it would grow in this example at

    around 45% to 50% per year.

    Note that there is a very subtle but powerful shift in the manner in

    which these questions and the focus are structured. Firstly, the

    focus is on the assumption that there is always a way and that it will

    happen. Secondly the questions seek to look for more than one

    strategy (plural).


    This next section is based on some of the material I wrote about

    last year and is a supplement to the SPREADSHEET that I have now

    made available to you. Hopefully with this and the spreadsheet you

    will be able to do a thorough review of your finances.

    Financial Review Income & Outgoings

    Whether you are in a good financial situation or a dire situation I

    recommend that you carry out a complete financial review of:


    Income2. Expenses

    When I am working one-to-one with a Client I spend time reviewing

    their whole financial situation. We look at existing outgoings in order

    to establish any unnecessary outgoings and then we boil it right

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    down to establish what the true survival figure is. We also explore

    income and what potential income streams there are.

    This is a very powerful exercise which few people actually carry out

    on a regular basis. With regard to your income, it may be that at

    this moment in time you only have one or two main sources of

    income. This is something that I explore with my clients, with a view

    to expanding their financial horizons in order to create multiple

    sources of income. In my Turning Point book you will learn how to

    integrate this into your daily and monthly money system.

    When looking at expenses it is vital that you use a spreadsheet type

    system. This should include a breakdown of your outgoings into

    areas such as:


    Fuel & travel costs

    Social and entertainment




    And several others

    The key here is to identify where you can plug the leaks and at the

    same time increase the flow of money coming in - therefore creating

    abundance and more money to allow you to expand your

    investment opportunities.

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    Property Investors & Business Owners

    For those of you who are either property investors or business

    owners, the same exercise that you carried out in your personal life

    can also be carried out on your business. I am very specific about

    this with my clients. We have a whole spreadsheet system that is

    used to evaluate every possible expense going out of your portfolio.

    This is then used together with your income to assess a future cash

    flow model, which we assess through a separate spreadsheet model.

    In many cases, there are several outgoing costs that most people

    are unaware of and that can be reduced or completely removed

    depending on the nature of the portfolio and how it is managed.

    Ultimately you should have an income and expense breakdown for

    each and every property you own or every business that you run.

    Assets and Liabilities Specific

    When assessing your assets, please take into account anything of

    significance that you own and its current market value.

    The same applies to liabilities, so list all existing liabilities. Loans,

    credit cards, overdrafts and mortgages must be listed. Plus personal

    loans from friends etc.

    Sometimes you may have existing assets that can be sold and used

    to reduce existing liabilities and as a result dramatically improve

    your financial situation. This is the second part of my process when

    I work with people. I will have them list out exactly what their

    existing assets are with their associated liabilities. At this point we

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    start to review what the potential strategies are available for

    improving their whole financial situation and reducing expenses.

    My suggestion is, when listing assets that you list everything that

    you own that has value if it were sold. Liabilities include any

    borrowing that you have from loans, credit cards, mortgages etc.


    As a quick reminder, please remember that wealth can be built

    through each of the above vehicles. It is important to identify what

    is the best, or, are the best strategies for me right now? What am I

    looking to achieve?

    1. Passive = income without your input of time

    2. Cash = money created by time exchange or by buying and

    selling something for a profit

    3. Capital = equity that is build over time or through

    negotiation. This is about taking a longer term view

    All are valid and all work in harmony together.


    There are opportunities all around you, the key is to keep your

    radar switched on so you can look for them. Have a look at my

    website on the opportunities page to see what things I look into.

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    If you want to watch attend of my live Turning Point Seminars or

    on-line presentations, then go to www.thebaldtruthonline.com and


    Also get a feel for the powerful impact that our three day Turning

    Point Seminar can make on your health, relationship and wealth by

    visiting THE BALD TRUTH Facebook Fanpage and read what others

    have experienced. I would love to meet you personally at one of my

    up and coming events.

    Finally if you have not read a copy of my book Turning Point then I

    believe you will find some invaluable personal and financial tools in

    there too.


    Please note that the information presented in this eBook is for educational

    purposes only and is not intended to be advice. If you are uncertain of any aspect

    of your finances you should seek advice from an independent financial advisor.

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