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Page 1: Financial Management Liliya N. Zhilina, World Economy and Inrernational Relations Department, Vladivostok State University of Economic and Services (VSUES).

Financial Management

Liliya N. Zhilina, World Economy and Inrernational Relations Department, Vladivostok State University of Economic and Services (VSUES).

[email protected]

10. Current Asset Management.

Page 2: Financial Management Liliya N. Zhilina, World Economy and Inrernational Relations Department, Vladivostok State University of Economic and Services (VSUES).

• Alternative working capital policies

• Cash management

• Inventory management

• Accounts receivable management

Page 3: Financial Management Liliya N. Zhilina, World Economy and Inrernational Relations Department, Vladivostok State University of Economic and Services (VSUES).

Basic Definitions

• Gross working capital:

• Total current assets.

• Net working capital:

• Current assets - Current liabilities.

• Working capital policy:

• The level of each current asset.

• How current assets are financed.

Page 4: Financial Management Liliya N. Zhilina, World Economy and Inrernational Relations Department, Vladivostok State University of Economic and Services (VSUES).

• Working capital management:

• Includes both establishing working capital policy and then the day-to-day control of:

• Cash

• Inventories

• Receivables

• Short-term liabilities

Page 5: Financial Management Liliya N. Zhilina, World Economy and Inrernational Relations Department, Vladivostok State University of Economic and Services (VSUES).

Selected Ratios for MicroDrive Inc.   MicroDrive Inc. Industry AverageLiquidity ratios    

Current Ratio 3,2 4,2 Quick Ratio 1,2 2,1

Asset Management ratios     Inventory Turnover 4,9 9 Days Sales Outstanding 45 36 Fixed Asset Turnover 3 3 Total Asset Turnover 1,5 1,8

Debt Management ratios     Debt Ratio 0,5 0,4 Times Interest Earned 3,2 6 EBITDA Coverage Ratio 3,0 8

Profitability ratios     Profit Margin 0,0 0,1 Basic Earning Power 0,1 0,2

Page 6: Financial Management Liliya N. Zhilina, World Economy and Inrernational Relations Department, Vladivostok State University of Economic and Services (VSUES).

How does MicroDrive’s working capital policy compare with the industry?

• Working capital policy is reflected in a firm’s current ratio, quick ratio, turnover of cash and securities, inventory turnover, and DSO.

• These ratios indicate MicroDrive has large amounts of working capital relative to its level of sales. Thus, MicroDrive is following a relaxed (fat cat) policy.

Page 7: Financial Management Liliya N. Zhilina, World Economy and Inrernational Relations Department, Vladivostok State University of Economic and Services (VSUES).

Alternative Current AssetInvestment Policies

Current Assets ($)

Sales ($)




Page 8: Financial Management Liliya N. Zhilina, World Economy and Inrernational Relations Department, Vladivostok State University of Economic and Services (VSUES).

Is MicroDrive inefficient or just conservative?

• A relaxed policy may be appropriate if it reduces risk more than profitability.

• However, MicroDrive is much less profitable than the average firm in the industry. This suggests that the company probably has excessive working capital.

Page 9: Financial Management Liliya N. Zhilina, World Economy and Inrernational Relations Department, Vladivostok State University of Economic and Services (VSUES).

The cash conversion cycle focuses on the time between payments made for materials and labor and payments received from sales:

Cash Inventory Receivables Payables

conversion = conversion + collection - deferral .

cycle period period period

Cash Conversion Cycle

Page 10: Financial Management Liliya N. Zhilina, World Economy and Inrernational Relations Department, Vladivostok State University of Economic and Services (VSUES).

Cash Conversion Cycle

CCC = + –

CCC = + 45 – 30

CCC = 75 + 45 – 30

CCC = 90 days.

Days per yearInv. turnover


Days salesoutstanding


Page 11: Financial Management Liliya N. Zhilina, World Economy and Inrernational Relations Department, Vladivostok State University of Economic and Services (VSUES).

The cash conversion cycle focuses on the time between payments made for materials and labor and payments received from sales:

Cash Inventory Receivables Payables

conversion = conversion + collection - deferral .

cycle period period period

What does the cash conversion cycle tell us about working capital management?

Cash Conversion Cycle

Page 12: Financial Management Liliya N. Zhilina, World Economy and Inrernational Relations Department, Vladivostok State University of Economic and Services (VSUES).

Cash Management:Cash doesn’t earn interest,

so why hold it?

• Transactions: Must have some cash to pay current bills.

• Precaution: “Safety stock.” But lessened by credit line and marketable securities.

• Compensating balances: For loans and/or services provided.

• Speculation: To take advantage of bargains, to take discounts, and so on. Reduced by credit line, marketable securities.

Page 13: Financial Management Liliya N. Zhilina, World Economy and Inrernational Relations Department, Vladivostok State University of Economic and Services (VSUES).

What’s the goal of cash management?

• To have sufficient cash on hand to meet the needs listed on the previous slide.

• However, since cash is a non-earning asset, to have not one dollar more.

Page 14: Financial Management Liliya N. Zhilina, World Economy and Inrernational Relations Department, Vladivostok State University of Economic and Services (VSUES).

Ways to Minimize Cash Holdings

• Insist on wire transfers from customers.

• Synchronize inflows and outflows.

• Use a remote disbursement account.

• Increase forecast accuracy to reduce the need for a cash “safety stock.”

• Hold marketable securities instead of a cash “safety stock.”

• Negotiate a line of credit (also reduces need for a “safety stock”).

Page 15: Financial Management Liliya N. Zhilina, World Economy and Inrernational Relations Department, Vladivostok State University of Economic and Services (VSUES).

Cash Budget: The Primary Cash Management Tool

• Purpose: Uses forecasts of cash inflows, outflows, and ending cash balances to predict loan needs and funds available for temporary investment.

• Timing: Daily, weekly, or monthly, depending upon budget’s purpose. Monthly for annual planning, daily for actual cash management.

Page 16: Financial Management Liliya N. Zhilina, World Economy and Inrernational Relations Department, Vladivostok State University of Economic and Services (VSUES).

Data Required for Cash Budget

1. Sales forecast.

2. Information on collections delay.

3. Forecast of purchases and payment terms.

4. Forecast of cash expenses: wages, taxes, utilities, and so on.

5. Initial cash on hand.

6. Target cash balance.

Page 17: Financial Management Liliya N. Zhilina, World Economy and Inrernational Relations Department, Vladivostok State University of Economic and Services (VSUES).

Inventory Management:Categories of Inventory Costs

• Carrying Costs: Storage and handling costs, insurance, property taxes, depreciation, and obsolescence.

• Ordering Costs: Cost of placing orders, shipping, and handling costs.

• Costs of Running Short: Loss of sales, loss of customer goodwill, and the disruption of production schedules.

Page 18: Financial Management Liliya N. Zhilina, World Economy and Inrernational Relations Department, Vladivostok State University of Economic and Services (VSUES).

Effect of Inventory Size on Costs

Reducing the average amount of inventory held generally:

• Reduces carrying costs.

• Increases ordering costs.

• Increases probability of a stockout.

Page 19: Financial Management Liliya N. Zhilina, World Economy and Inrernational Relations Department, Vladivostok State University of Economic and Services (VSUES).

Accounts Receivable Management:Do MicroDrive’s customers pay more or less

promptly than those of its competitors?

• MicroDrive’s days’ sales outstanding (DSO) of 45 days is well above the industry average (36 days).

• MicroDrive’s customers are paying less promptly.

• MicroDrive should consider tightening its credit policy to reduce its DSO.

Page 20: Financial Management Liliya N. Zhilina, World Economy and Inrernational Relations Department, Vladivostok State University of Economic and Services (VSUES).

• Cash Discounts: Lowers price. Attracts new customers and reduces DSO.

• Credit Period: How long to pay? Shorter period reduces DSO and average A/R, but it may discourage sales.

• Credit Standards: Tighter standards reduce bad debt losses, but may reduce sales. Fewer bad debts reduces DSO.

• Collection Policy: Tougher policy will reduce DSO, but may damage customer relationships.

Elements of Credit Policy

Page 21: Financial Management Liliya N. Zhilina, World Economy and Inrernational Relations Department, Vladivostok State University of Economic and Services (VSUES).

Does MicroDrive face any risk if it tightens its credit policy?

YES! A tighter credit policy may discourage sales. Some customers may choose to go elsewhere if they are pressured to pay their billssooner.

Page 22: Financial Management Liliya N. Zhilina, World Economy and Inrernational Relations Department, Vladivostok State University of Economic and Services (VSUES).

If MicroDrive succeeds in reducing DSO without adversely affecting sales, what effect would this have on its cash


• Short run: If customers pay sooner, this increases cash holdings.

• Long run: Over time, the company would hopefully invest the cash in more productive assets, or pay it out to shareholders. Both of these actions would increase EVA.

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