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  • 1 Financial Report 2011




    Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.


    In 2011 years was a year filled by challenges that getting harder because of the strict competitions.

    Competitions occurred from other financial institutions both banking institutions and financial non-

    bank institutions.

    Several of marketing way are influenced the community to join by them in using the service products

    which covered by a variety of amenities are in promised.

    The lower middle market segment that typically became operational land for non-bank financial

    institutions now became target operational financial banking institution that causing aggressive

    market competition.

    KOSPIN JASA has been 38 years old facing the circumstance which remain vigilant coupled that

    enhanced the guidance to the members and prospective members include the associate members

    that have been the faithful basis of supporter and service.

    Our gratitude to Allah Because of the mercies of ALLAH and the support from the members and

    community and also the team work of the board, supervisor, advisor and the entire employees we

    can pass-through the year of 2011 with a number of achievement and development.

    The achievement that implied in the work plan in the form of income and cost budget in the year of

    2011 has not been completely achieved but it is the booster to better in the future.

    We were conveying the data of development and achievement in the year of 2011 briefly, as the

    following table:


    TION (2011)






    TION (2010)



    ASSET 2,408 2,481 97,5 % 1,778 35,43 %

    DEPOSIT AND SAVING 1, 802 2,274 79,23 % 1,606 12,20 %

    LOAN 1,769 1,955 90,49 % 1,439 20,04 %

    OWN CAPITAL 364,679 185,533 196,56 % 117,573 201,17 %

    *) in Millions IDR


  • 2 Financial Report 2011


    TION (2011)






    TION (2010)


    ASSET 271,341 314,463 86,28 % 155,110 74,93 %

    SAVE AND LOAN 258,306 298,033 86,67 % 144,977 78,17 %

    FUNDING 300,589 306,000 98,23 % 166, 141 80,92 %

    *) in Millions IDR

    Facilities and Infrastructure:

    Along the service increasing and comfortable are followed by the development of technology that

    cannot be avoided then in 2011 has moved from the old office to the new office that is more

    representative in conventional or Sharia unit with all of needed equipment and also open the new

    service office on strategic places.

    Those are the offices are being moved:

    - Cirebon branch office

    - Cepiring branch office

    - Semarang branch office that is being moved to Mranggen

    - Kedungwuni branch office

    - Bookie cash office

    Those are the new office:

    - The branch office of Surabaya (Darmo)

    - The cash office of Kalinyamatan (Jepara)

    - The branch office of padalarang (Bandung)

    - The branch office of Kemantran

    While the opening of new offices then the amount of KOSPIN JASA are 92 units that consist of 75

    conventional units and 17 sharia unit. The opening of new office include in work plan of the year

    2011 and can be realized yet because of some constrained, those are finding the strategic location

    and the licenses are in progress.

    The Shari a mortgage unit had opened by Kospin JASA since on February in 2011 years as the real

    manifestation of KOSPIN JASA to the SMEs of financial needed in a short time. The quite bright

    future prospect is had by this services unit, so it will be needed in all KOSPIN JASA office.

  • 3 Financial Report 2011

    As a result of work that can be presented to the members in the form of save and loan service which

    obtained from the division of leftover (SHU) in 2011 accordance to the divison of statue. The 11,43

    saving service would be gotten by each member from primary saving, compulsory saving and 12,92

    % from the rate that had been paid during 2011.

    There were 61 members during in 2011 years who passed away among the members . He was Mr.

    Marsidi, SH from Surakarta as the IV chairman in the board of KOSPIN JASA that passed away on

    November 8th 2011 years.

    The description about the development of KOSPIN JASA are more completed during in 2011 years .

    The organizational aspect report; business aspect; financial aspect and capital would be presented

    by us as the following description:


    Together Building the Business

  • 4 Financial Report 2011

    Board Member & Supervisory Board

    Acountability Report of the 2011

  • 5 Financial Report 2011


    Details of the 38th Annual Members meeting Agenda 2011

    The code of conduct in the 38th Annual members meeting 2011

    Minutes of Annual 37th members meeting decission 2010

    Board accountability report of the 2011

    Management and Organizational Aspects

    Business Aspect

    Capital and Finance Aspect


    Credit Union Program of KOSPIN JASA in 2012

    Budgeting plan of revenue and expenditure in 2012

    Balance of profit and loss KOSPIN JASA 2011

    Balance of profit and loss KOSPIN JASA Sharia service 2011

    Supervisor Report of Kospin Jasa 2011


  • 6 Financial Report 2011

    Details Assembly Agenda of the 38th Annual Members meeting

    Code of conduct in the 38th Annual members meeting

    Minutes Decission of the 37th Annual members meeting


  • 7 Financial Report 2011

    Details Agenda of the 38th Annual Members meeting KOSPIN JASA 2011

    Sub-Agenda of Annual Members meeting

    1. Opening 2. Report / Speech from Chairman of KOSPIN JASA

    3. Award certification for the exemplary member of KOSPIN JASA 2012 4. Greetings from the Authorities:

    a. Mayor of Pekalongan b. Governor of Central Java c. Minister of SMEs and Cooperative Continues with official opening ceremony of Annual member meeting

    5. Supplication 6. Closing session (sub opening agenda - done) Sub-Agenda Annual Members meeting (Assembly)

    1. Opening by the chairman of the assembly 2. Confirmation of Minutes Decision 2010 3. Confirmation of code of conduct in the 38th annual members meeting of Kospin Jasa 4. Board Management report 2011

    5. Board Supervisor report 2011 6. General Overview given by the members 7. Confirmation of Policy report 2011, Profit/loss Balance 2011, work agenda / annual budgeting

    and planning of 2012 and monitoring report 2011 8. Closing

  • 8 Financial Report 2011

    Code of conduct in the annual members meeting 38th KOSPIN JASA 2011 March 31st 2012



    a) This meeting is called the annual meeting of KOSPIN JASA 38th 2011 and abbreviated became

    38th RAT JASA.

    b) 38th ANNUAL MEMBER MEETING OF KOSPIN JASA held on Saturday, March 31st 2012 in Pekalongan.


    a) The characteristic of 38th ANNUAL MEMBER MEETING OF KOSPIN JASA is closed for public and

    the third party who have not concerned.

    b) The basic of 38th ANNUAL MEMBER MEETING OF KOSPIN JASA is UU No. 25/ the year of 1992,

    constitution and household budget of KOSPIN JASA.

    c) The purpose of 38th RAT JASA:

    1. Discuss, decide, and authorize board accountability report 2011, supervisor report 2011,

    loss/profit balance sheet 2011, income budget plan and expenditure 2012 work program.

    2. The other things that obtain the authorization from 38th ANNUAL MEMBER MEETING OF KOSPIN JASA and to the improvement of KOSPIN JASA.


    a. For the smooth execution of 38th ANNUAL MEMBER MEETING OF KOSPIN JASA is formed a

    committee by the name of 38th ANNUAL MEMBER MEETING OF KOSPIN JASA executive


    b. The executive committees of 38th ANNUAL MEMBER MEETING OF KOSPIN JASA who have duty to prepare everything, execute the technical aspect of administrative and assist the

    chairman of assembly until finish.

    c. The boards of KOSPIN JASA are responsible in executive committee of 38th ANNUAL MEMBER MEETING OF KOSPIN JASA .

  • 9 Financial Report 2011


    a. The participant of 38th ANNUAL MEMBER MEETING OF KOSPIN JASA consist of:

    The members of KOSPIN JASA include boards, supervisors and advisors. b. The companion of 38th ANNUAL MEMBER MEETING OF KOSPIN JASA consist of:

    Government/coach cq. SMEs and cooperative minister; cooperative department & SMEs province; cooperative department & SMEs city.

    c. The observer of 38th ANNUAL MEMBER MEETING OF KOSPIN JASA consist of:

    - The candidate members who obtain approval from the organizer to follow 38th RAT JASA;

    - The person who came to ANNUAL MEMBER MEETING OF KOSPIN JASA on behalf of the members;

    d. The visitor of 38th ANNUAL MEMBER MEETING OF KOSPIN JASA consist of: The Invitation



    a) The participants had to have the right to speak, choose and be elected.

    b) The companions had to have the right to speak and follow the progress of all the assembly actively, direct and guide the assembly orderly and smoothly and overall assembly.

    c) The observers had to the right to follow the progress of assembly and overall RAT execution but do not have the right to speak, produce a sound, choose and be elected.

    d) The visitor had to have the limited right to follow and attend the opening assembly

    e) All of the parties who attended 38th ANNUAL MEMBER MEETING OF KOSPIN JASA assemblies without exception, have the duty:

    1. Maintain the discipline the 38th ANNUAL MEMBER MEETING OF KOSPIN JASA assemblies run smoothly and achieve the purpose;

    2. Sign the attendance list.

    3. Come 15 minutes before the assembly begins.

    4. Obey the applicable regulation and maintain the discipline in order to make the 38th ANNUAL MEMBER MEETING OF KOSPIN JASA assembly run smoothly, orderly and achieve the purpose.

  • 10 Financial Report 2011



    Guided by cq. Committee protocol

    b. RAT ASSEMBLY Lead by the chairman as the chairman of assembly Assist by the general secretary as the assembly secretary Both of them can be replaced by the other organizers who are elected.



    1. The opening by master of ceremony

    2. Report/Speech from The Chairman of KOSPIN JASA

    3. Give Award Certification for the Exemplary Member of KOSPIN JASA

    4. The greetings from authorizes: a. The mayor of Pekalongan b. The Governor of Central Java c. Minister of SMEs and Cooperative Continues with Official Opening Ceremony of Annual Member Meeting 5. Supplication

    6. Closing session ( sub agenda finished ) THE 38th ANNUAL MEMBERS MEETING 1. Opening by the chairman of the assembly;

    2. Confirmation of minute decision in the annual members meeting 2010;

    3. Confirmation of code of conduct in the 38th annual members meeting assembly of KOSPIN


    4. Board management report 2011;

    5. Board supervisor report 2011;

    6. General Overview given by the members

    7. Confirmation of policy board report 2011, profit/lost balance of leftover (SHU) 20011, and

    work agenda/annual budgeting and planning 2012 and Supervisor report 2011;

    8. Closing

  • 11 Financial Report 2011


    MANAGEMENT a. The 38th ANNUAL MEMBER MEETING OF KOSPIN JASA is valid when the requirements that

    managing is completed by KOSPIN JASA chapter XII subsection 25th verse 1st at least 10 % of registered membership or equal with the minimum 273 members.

    b. In any assemblies consist of the member right to speak, the agenda in limited time and the strict schedule, it will be limited the spent time and many providing terms.


    a) The chairman of assembly to manage and lead the assembly and also be responsible of smoothly assembly.

    b) The chairman of assembly authorize to take the needed measures/actions for the smoothness of assembly include the right to limit, notice the deviate speaker and passed the given deadline, etc.


    a) The problems that arise in the assembly be solved by the basic of deliberation and consensus according of Pancasila, the 1945 constitution and Indonesian cooperative family principle.

    b) The things are not regulated in the code of conduct and be needed will be further managed based on the approval of the 38th RAT assembly.

    Pekalongan, on March 31th 2012 The 38th annual members meeting

    KOSPIN JASA 2011


    The chairman of assembly The secretary of assembly


  • 12 Financial Report 2011

    2012 International Year of

    Cooperatives Kospin Jasa Goes to

    Worlds Level Cooperative

  • 13 Financial Report 2011

    The minutes of Annual Members meeting 37th decision KOSPIN JASA 2010

    Date : On Saturday, 26th March 2011

    Time : 10.30-13.45

    Place : HA Djunaid Convention Center

    Agenda :


    1. Opening

    2. Report/Speech from The Chairman of KOSPIN JASA

    3. Award Certification for the Exemplary Member of KOSPIN JASA 2010

    4. Greeting form the Governor of Central Java

    5. Minister of SMEs and Cooperative Continues with Official Opening Ceremony of Annual

    Member Meeting

    6. Supplication

    7. Closing


    1. Opening by The Chairman of the assembly

    2. Confirmation of minute decision in the annual members meeting business 2009

    3. Confirmation of code of conduct in the annual members meeting assembly KOSPIN

    JASA 37th

    4. Board accountability report 2010

    5. Supervisor report 2010

    6. General Overview given by the members

    7. Confirmation of policy management report 2010, balance and leftover (SHU)

    2009, and work agenda/annual budgeting and planning 2011 and Supervisor

    report 2010

    8. Closing

  • 14 Financial Report 2011

    Attendance : A. Official Guest

    1. Minister of SMEs and Cooperative;

    2. Governor of Central Java;

    3. Cooperative chairman department and SMEs of Central Java Province;

    4. Cooperative Department and SMEs of East Java Province;

    5. Cooperative Department of Bali Province;

    6. Mayor of Pekalongan;

    7. Regent of Pekalongan;

    8. Cooperative Department and SMEs of Pekalongan City, Pekalongan Regency, Pemalang Regency and Semarang City;

    9. Syariah Supervisor Council

    10. Syariah Adviser Council

    1. 11.Dekopin Central Java region

    2. 12.Dekopin Pekalongan City area

    B. Boards : 14 people of 14 boards Supervisor : 3 people of 3 supervisors Advisor : 5 people of 6 advisors (1 person Mr. tikno Tjandranegara permit)

    C. Member : 1597 of 2920 people or 56,71 %, legal based on After listen, pay attention and consider to the: 1. Greeting from the Minister of SMEs and Cooperative

    2. Greeting from the Governor of Central Java

    3. Greeting from the mayor

    4. The Chairman of KOSPIN JASA report

    5. General overview given by the member

    DECIDED 1. Approve and legal the 37th RAT 2010;

    2. Approve and legal the 36th decision news agenda 2009 on march 21st 2010;

    3. Accept and validate:

    a. Board report and policy of the 2010

    b. Supervisor report of the 2010

    c. Profit/loss balance 2011 that has been audited by official public accountant Mr. Tahrir Hidayat with financial report that being presented on December 31st 2010 and 2009, countable of leftover business.

    d. The income, cost and work plan 2011.

  • 15 Financial Report 2011

    4. Profit/lost and balance authorization 2010 by the meeting member meeting on march 26th

    2011, give the entirely liberation responsibility to the board, supervisor and the execution of

    KOSPIN JASA from their board management responsibility, management and supervision

    that have been authorized in the as long as the actions reflected on profit/lost and balance;

    5. The hospital and Convention Hall H. A. Djunaid mansion management is implemented by the

    boarding school of Al-Quran Buaran foundation and the outcome does not include to the

    income of KOSPIN JASA but for subsidizing the cost of lodge / Students Dormitory;

    6. Approved the opening of KOSPIN JASA office in Makassar and Nangroe Aceh Darussalam;

    7. Approved the formation of education and training to be implemented immediately;

    8. Strive the KOSPIN JASA to be 300 of the world creative by the support from the members,

    government and Dekopin;

    9. Board regeneration can be approved and implemented;

    10. The opening of KOSPIN JASA outlet office outside the large cities among other levels, at the

    district in accordance to the direction from the Minister of SMEs and cooperative;

    11. The decision that sharia unit KOSPIN JASA be independent conventionally needs to be


    12. The minister of SMEs and cooperative reference that KOSPIN JASA can open overseas service

    office through the Embassy can be accepted and needs to be further.

    Pekalongan, on March 26th 2011

    The chairman of assembly the secretary of assembly


  • 16 Financial Report 2011

    Known and validated by,

    Vice members,

    (Danang Kusrin B)/ member No.3872 (Wonosobo branch)

    (Mahdi Hidayatullah) member No.5249 (Warung buncit branch)

    (Moh. Fariz Firdaus) / member No. 5127 (Warung Buncit branch)


    SMEs and cooperative boards

    Of Central Java Province


    NIP. 19651204 199203 1 012

  • 17 Financial Report 2011



  • 18 Financial Report 2011


    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bismillahirrohmaanirrokhim Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

    INTRODUCTION In 2011 was a year filled by challenges that getting harder because of the strict competitions.

    Competitions that arise from other financial institutions both banking institutions and non-bank


    Several of marketing way are influenced the community to join by them in using the service products

    which covered by a variety of amenities are in promised.

    The lower middle market segment that typically became operational land for non-bank financial

    institutions now became target operational financial banking institution that causing aggressive

    market competition.

    KOSPIN JASA has been 38 years old facing the circumstance remain vigilant coupled with enhanced

    the guidance to the members and prospective members include the associate members that have

    been the faithful basis of supporter and service.

    Our gratitude to Allah Because of the mercies of ALLAH and the support from the members and

    community and also the team work of the board, supervisor, advisor and the entire employee we

    can through 2011 with a number of achievement and development.

    The achievement that implied in the work plan in the form of income and cost budget in 2011 has

    not been completely achieved but it is a booster for a better achievement in the future.

    We conveyed the data of development and achievement in 2011 briefly, as the following table:


    BUDGET (2011)

    ACHIEVEMENT (2011)



    ASSET 2,408 2,481 97,5 % 1,778 35,43 % DEPOSIT AND SAVING

    1, 802 2,274 79,23 % 1,606

    12,20 %

    LOAN 1,769 1,955 90,49 % 1,439 20,04 % OWN CAPITAL 364,679 185,533 196,56 % 117,573 201,17 %

    *) in Millions IDR

  • 19 Financial Report 2011









    (2010) DEVELOPMENT

    ASSET 271,341 314,463 86,28 % 155,110 74,93 % SAVE AND LOAN 258,306 298,033 86,67 % 144,977 78,17 %

    FUNDING 300,589 306,000 98,23 % 166, 141 80,92 % *) in Millions IDR

    Facilities and Infrastructure: Along the service increasing and comfortable that followed by the development of technology that

    cannot be avoided then in 2011 has moved from the old office to the new office that is more

    representative in conventional or sharia unit with all of needed equipment and also open the new

    service office on strategic places.

    Those are the offices are being moved: Cirebon branch office

    Cepiring branch office

    Semarang branch office that is being moved to Mranggen

    Bright future prospect, so it will be needed in all KOSPIN JASA office. Kedungwuni branch office

    Bookie cash office Those are the new office: The branch office of Surabaya (Darmo)

    The cash office Kalinyamatan (Jepara)

    The branch office of Padalarang (Bandung)

    The branch office of Kemantran

    While the opening of new offices then the amount of KOSPIN JASA are 92 units that consist of 75

    conventional units and 17 sharia unit. The opening of new office include in work plan 2011 and can

    be realized yet because of some constrained, those are finding the strategic location and the licenses

    are in progress.

    Sharia mortgage unit had opened by KOSPIN JASA as the real manifestation of KOSPIN JASA since on

    February in 2011 to the SMEs of financial needed in a short time. This service unit has quite .

    As a result of work in 2011 that can be presented to the members in the form of save and loan

    service which obtained from the division of SHU in 2011 accordance to the division of statue.The 11,

    43 saving service would be gotten by each member from primary saving, compulsory saving and 12,

    92 % from the rate that has been paid during 2011.

  • 20 Financial Report 2011

    We need to covey that during 2011 there were 61 members who passed away among the members

    who have passed away was Mr. Marsidi, SH from Surakarta as the IV chairman in the board of

    KOSPIN JASA that passed away on November 8th 2011.

    The description about the development of KOSPIN JASA is more completed during 2011. The

    organizational aspect report; business aspect; financial aspect and capital would be presented by us

    as the following description:


    1. Membership

    Membership was increase and decrease during 2011 because of some factor, those are

    passed away, domicile and age that affect the existence to be a rein member. In the other

    hand the new member recruitment that consist of young businessman and merchant

    especially in new develop area. Beside that KOSPIN JASA still do the recruitment to the

    special member accordance with provision 18 verse (2) law No.25 the year of 1992 and

    provision 4 verse (2) statutes. The regulation implied on provision 15 household budgets.

    Member list of KOSPIN JASA 2011:

    In the end of 2010 the amount of members is 2.818 people

    Decrease during 2011 is 130 people

    Increase member during 2011 is 44 people

    The amount of member In the end of 2011 is 2.732 people

    But the amount of special member in the end of 2011 is 5.646 people

    Until now the recruitment is still open, request through KOSPIN JASA growth. But we do

    selection to maintain the members quality.

    2. a. Boards

    Board members cooperation and solidarity is maintained and work well. Young board

    empowerment has been started in order to regeneration. Formerly the amount of boards is

    14 people, because Mr. H. Marsidi, SH, now became 13 people. All of his duty as the

    chairman IV now transferred to the other board so that we dont need the new board.

    Board management structure period 2010-2014:

    1. Chairman : H.A Zaky arslain Djunaid

    2. Vice chairman : H. M Andi Arslan, SE

    3. Chairman I : Lukito Sindoro ( Liauw Yang Sin )

  • 21 Financial Report 2011

    4. Chairman II : H. Teguh Suhardi , BA

    5. Chairman III : H. Marsidi, SH (alm)

    6. Secretary : H. Sachroni

    7. Vice secretary : H. A Alf Arslan, SE

    8. Secretary I : H. Ali Mukti, SH.M.Hum

    9. Secretary II : Kadafi Yahya

    10.Treasure : H. Taufik Karim

    11.Vice treasure : Budi Setiawan (Yap Yun Foe)

    12.Treasure I : H. Nadhirin Maskha

    13.Treasure II : H. Bidhowi

    14.Treasure III : Ir. Ong Umaryadi, MM

    c. Supervisor

    The cooperation among board and supervisor work well during 2011. Beside that in annual

    plenum forum the supervisor also give suggestions that are considered important for KOSPIN

    JASA improvement.

    Supervisor structure period 2010-2014:

    1. Supervisor coordinator : H. Lutfi Tochfa

    2. Vice supervisor coordinator : Husen Sahab

    3. Supervisor member : Agung Wijaya

    d. Advisor

    For accomplished the policies that done by the supervisor during 2011 the existence of

    advisor give the beneficial suggestion for KOSPIN JASA improvement.

    Personnel advisor of KOSPIN JASA:

    1. H. Mukmin Bakri, BSc 2. Tikno Tjandranegara (Thio Thek Djiang) 3. H. A Sakhrur 4. H. Mustafa Mulahela 5. DR. H. Moh. Ali Shahab, SE. MSi 6. H. Agus Anwar

    e. Sharia Supervisory board

    Sharia supervisory board has been involved with the boards well, so during 2011 operational

    sharia service unit accordance with applicable rule.

    In every visiting Sharia supervisory board

  • 22 Financial Report 2011

    These are the sharia supervisory boards:

    1. KH. Moch. Akrom Shofwan

    2. H. Abdul Aziz chudrowi

    3. H. Abdul rosyad

    Which is assisted by sharia advisoy board:

    1. Prof. Dr, KH Ali Mustafa Yaqub, MA

    2. Prof. Drs. H. M Nahar Nahrawi, SH, MM

    3. Human resource

    Along with the rapidly developmental business and improvement of technology that KOSPIN

    JASA human resource circumstance is strived to keep it. In 2011, the employee recruitments

    done to fill the gaps of full duty staff and resign employee, beside complete the formation

    for the new office opening. Improving competence and knowledge of employee through the

    training that held by KOSPIN JASA itself outside and inside of KOSPIN JASA.

    The employees of KOSPIN JASA 2011 are:

    In the end of 2010 amount of employees are 962 people, they are placed in conventional

    office are 857 people and in sharia unit are 105 people. In the 2011, finished task and resign

    employee are 49 people and increasing of employee are 131 people so that the total amount

    are 1.044 people. So the amounts of employees who are placed in conventional KOSPIN JASA

    are 899 people and in sharia KOSPIN JASA are 145 people.

    Consider to the education background of employee. There are 579 people who are D3

    (Diploma) until S2 (Post Graduate) and 465 people who are SD (elementary school) until

    SLTA (high school) education background.

    In framework of profession certificate program that became requirement for the chairman in

    cooperative credit union and credit union unit by the minister SMEs and cooperative, so in

    2011, 50 % of chairman division and branch chairman has been follow the training and

    certification which competence bases and all of the employee passed.

  • 23 Financial Report 2011


    In the strive to anticipate business competition constraints among the same institution getting

    harder and strict so in 2011 KOSPIN JASA strive to escalate the service by apply efficiency system as

    strict as possible.

    ATM product which has been running is upgraded to be ATM visa so that it can be used for member

    transaction not only in this country but also in the other countries. ATM machine has been mounted

    in some KOSPIN JASA branch offices to make the member and community easier to do transaction


    Business unit which established by KOSPIN JASA in the form of incorporated company which KOSPIN

    JASA have included in stocks of majority capital 2010 has been work well and produce profits.

    PT. Jasa Investindo, PT. Media Jasa Grafika and PT. Jasa Sejahtera have given dividend contribution

    from the profit which contribute to SHU KOSPIN JASA itself.

    Similarly the prosperous expectation retirement are really beneficial for the employee in his old age


    Shari a mortgage unit cannot the result effectively because of the leftover ( SHU ) have not one year

    yet so it still be detained to supply the operational capital.

    III. FINANCIAL AND CAPITAL ASPECT Financial and capital position for three years management period. All of KOSPIN JASA whether

    conventional and sharia service unit show the meaningful development.

    Asset development, own capital (equity), deposit and saving, loan/cost which is given saving and

    loan service which gotten by the member, we present in a graphic:



    YEAR REALIZATION BUDGET ACHIEVEMENT 2009 1.464.699 1.560.854 94 % 2010 1.778.659 1.761.401 101 % 2011 2.408.534 2.481.818 97 %

    *) in Millions IDR

  • 24 Financial Report 2011


    YEAR REALIZATION BUDGET ACHIEVEMENT 2009 66.053 62.922 104,97 % 2010 155.110 135.819 114,20 % 2011 271.341 314.463 86,28 %

    *) in Millions IDR

    2. OWN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT YEAR REALIZATION BUDGET ACHIEVEMENT 2009 86.725 86.100 101 % 2010 117.573 139.471 84,30 % 2011 364.679 185.533 196,56 %

    *) in Millions IDR

  • 25 Financial Report 2011


    A. CONVENTIONAL YEAR REALIZATION BUDGET ACHIEVEMENT 2009 1.344.852 1.468.044 91,61 % 2010 1.606.860 1.600.593 100,39 % 2011 1.802.478 2.274.974 79,23 %

    *) in Millions IDR

    B. SHARIA SERVICE UNIT YEAR REALIZATION BUDGET ACHIEVEMENT 2009 58.668 57.922 101,28 % 2010 144.977 115.819 125,17 % 2011 258.306 298.033 86,67 %

    *) in Millions IDR

  • 26 Financial Report 2011



    YEAR REALIZATION BUDGET ACHIEVEMENT 2009 1.172.311 1.425.857 82,22 % 2010 1.439.640 1.438.329 100,09 % 2011 1.769.013 2.028.177 87,22 %

    *) in Millions IDR

  • 27 Financial Report 2011


    YEAR REALIZATION BUDGET ACHIEVEMENT 2009 59.686 60.526 98,61 % 2010 166.141 127.420 130,38 % 2011 300.589 306.000 98,23 %

    *) in Millions IDR

    5. SAVING AND LOAN SERVICE YEAR SAVING SERVICE LOAN SERVICE 2009 10,84 % 21,91 % 2010 10,55 % 15,08 % 2011 11,43 % 12,92 %

    *) in Millions IDR

  • 28 Financial Report 2011

    6. FINANCIAL AND BUSINESS RESULT DEVELOPMENT The comparison of lost/ profit balance between 2010 and 2011 of KOSPIN JASA in conventional and

    sharia service unit separately after audited by the public accountant. These are the accountant

    opinion that we attach.


    Thats all board accountability brief report in the 2nd year of 2010-2014 that can be presented. In

    facing 2012, we do hope the actively participation from all the members, whether in the form of

    service products, advice or critical in order to make KOSPIN JASA as world level cooperative.

    Finally if there is any mistaken or the other unpleased things in giving the service to the members,

    we do sorry about that.

    Wabillahit Taufik Wal HIdayah

    Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

    Pekalongan, December 31st 2011



    Secretary vice secretary secretary I secretary I

    H. Sachroni H. A Alf Arslan, SE H. Ali Mukti, SH,M.Hum Kadafi Yahya

  • 29 Financial Report 2011


    H. Taufik Karim Budi Setiawan

    Treasure I Treasure II Treasure III

    H. Nadhirin Maskha H. Baidhowi Ir. Ong Umaryadi, MM

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