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FINE MOTOR SKILLS WOODEN BLOCKS DEVELOPING GROSS MOTOR SKILLS Lift their hands Roll over Sit Crawl Stand and walk FINE MOTOR SKILLS First grip Pincer grip DRAWING 1. Scribble stage (1-3 years old) DRAWING 2. Pre-schematic stage (3-4 years old) It is in this stage that a child first makes the connection to communicating through their drawing. DRAWING years old DRAWING 4. The Schematic Stage (5-6 years old) DRAWING 5. The Dawning Realism (7-9 years old) WOODEN BLOCKS AND LEGO Wooden blocks are open; everything is possible, making connection Lego is construction material : different elements are connected by a technique. Lego, duplo, knex WOODEN BLOCKS Stage 1: Applies to the very young child, under two years of age. Blocks are carried around, not used for construction. WOODEN BLOCKS Stage 2: At approximately age two or three, building begins. Children mostly make rows, either horizontal on the floor or vertical (stacking). WOODEN BLOCKS Stage 3: Bridging: two blocks with a space between them, connected by a third block. WOODEN BLOCKS Stage 4: Enclosures: four blocks placed to enclose a space. WOODEN BLOCKS Stage 5: Age three to four. When facility with blocks is acquired, patterns and symmetry can be observed. WOODEN BLOCKS Stage 6: Age four to five. Naming of structures, with names relating to function of building. WOODEN BLOCKS Stage 7: Beginning at age five, buildings often represent actual structures children know from real life or stories. Strong impulse to dramatic play around the structures.

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