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Page 1: Finite State Machine for Games

Finite State Machine for Games

Fall 2012Ref: Chenney, CS679 lecturesAI Game Programming Wisdom 2

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AI and GameIntroduction/examplesDesign Intuition State-based

ImplementationExtending Stack-based Fuzzy-state machine

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What is AI? (and is NOT)

AI is the control of non-human entities in a game

The other cars in a car game The opponents and monsters in a shooter Your units, your enemy’s units and your enemy in a

RTS game

But, typically does not refer to passive things that just react to the player and never initiate action

That’s physics or game logic For example, the blocks in Tetris are not AI, nor is a

flag blowing in the wind

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AI in the Game Loop

AI is updated as part of the game loop, after user input, and before rendering

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AI Module

AI Update Step

The sensing phase determines the state of the world

May be very simple - state changes all come by messaging

Or complex - figure out what is visible, where your team is, etc

The thinking phase decides what to do given the world

The core of AI

The acting phase tells the animation what to do

Game Engine




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AI by Polling

Senses: looks to see what has been changed in the


then acts on it

Generally inefficient and complicated Different characters might require different

polling rate

AI gets called at a fixed rate

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Event Driven AI

• Events triggered by a message • basically, a function gets called when

a message arrives, just like a user interface)

• Example messages: You have heard a sound Someone has entered your field of

view A certain amount of time has passed,

so update yourself

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does everything in response to events in the world

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AI Techniques in Games

Basic problem: Given the state of the world, what should I do?A wide range of solutions in games: Finite state machines, Decision trees, Rule

based systems, Neural networks, Fuzzy logic

A wider range of solutions in the academic world: Complex planning systems, logic

programming, genetic algorithms, Bayes-nets Typically, too slow for games

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What behaviors can easily be defined, or defined at all?Propositional logic:

Statements about specific objects in the world – no variables

Jim is in room7, Jim has the rocket launcher, the rocket launcher does splash damage

Go to room8 if you are in room7 through door14Predicate Logic:

Allows general statement – using variables All rooms have doors All splash damage weapons can be used around corners All rocket launchers do splash damage Go to a room connected to the current room

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Finite State Machines (FSMs)

A set of states that the agent can be inConnected by transitions that are triggered by a change in the worldNormally represented as a directed graph, with the edges labeled with the transition eventUbiquitous in computer game AI

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Formal Definitions (N. Philips)

"An abstract machine consisting of a set of states (including the initial state), a set of input events, a set of output events, and a state transition function. The function takes the current state and an input event and returns the new set of output events and the next state. Some states may be designated as "terminal states".The state machine can also be viewed as a function which maps an ordered sequence of input events into a corresponding sequence of (sets of) output events.Finite State Automaton: the machine with no output

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FSM with Output: vending machines

OJ & AJ for 30 centsState table

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Vending Machine: state diagram

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FSM and Game

Game character behavior can be modeled (in most cases) as a sequence of different “mental state”, where change is driven by the actions of player/other characters, …Natural choice for defining AI in games

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FSM Examples

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PacMan State Machine

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PacMan eats a Power Pill

Timer <= 0

Collision with PacMan

Timer <= 0

Collision with GhostBox

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Actions of States

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Roam;If PacMan gets close, PathTo (PacMan)

Timer--;PathAwayFrom (PacMan)

PathTo (GhostBox)Timer—Move back-and-forth

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Ex: predator vs. prey

Prey (laalaa)



Sees predator

No more threat


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Predator (Raptor)




Tidle > 5

Prey in sight

Tpursuit > 10


Prey captured


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Idling LaaLaa



Wander(set random target)



Target arrived



This page illustrates:hierarchical state,Non-deterministic state transition

This page illustrates:hierarchical state,Non-deterministic state transition

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FSM Design

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Quake2 ExamplesQuake2 uses 9 different states:

standing, walking, running, dodging, attacking, melee, seeing the enemy, idle and searching.

Incomplete design

Intuitive thinking: model the events and state changes

Intuitive thinking: model the events and state changes

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Quake: Rocket

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Shambler monster

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FSM Advantages

Very fast – one array accessExpressive enough for simple behaviors or characters that are intended to be “dumb”

Can be compiled into compact data structure Dynamic memory: current state Static memory: state diagram – array implementation

Can create tools so non-programmer can build behaviorNon-deterministic FSM can make behavior unpredictable

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FSM Disadvantages

Number of states can grow very fast Exponentially with number of events: s=2e

Number of arcs can grow even faster: a=s2

Propositional representation Difficult to put in “pick up the better powerup”,

“attack the closest enemy” Expensive to count: Wait until the third time I see

enemy, then attack Need extra events: First time seen, second time seen,

and extra states to take care of counting

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FSM Control System Implementation

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FSM Implementation

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Previous Example

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Code 1 Ad hoc implementation

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Code 1p

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Code 2Structure, Readable, maintainable

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Hierarchical …

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FSM Extensions

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Advanced Issues

Hierarchical FSMNon-deterministic FSMSwapping FSM

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Hierarchical FSMs

What if there is no simple action for a state?Expand a state into its own FSM, which explains what to do if in that stateSome events move you around the same level in the hierarchy, some move you up a levelWhen entering a state, have to choose a state for its child in the hierarchy

Set a default, and always go to that Or, random choice Depends on the nature of the behavior

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Stack-based FSM

History stack: Remember previous state; create characters with a memory …

Pushdown automaton(PDA)

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Goal-based vs. State-based

There is also a slight derivative to the state-based engine, but it used in more complicated games like flight simulators and games like MechWarrior. They use goal -based engines - each entity within the game is assigned a certain goal, be it 'protect base', 'attack bridge', 'fly in circles'. As the game world changes, so do the goals of the various entities.

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Processing Models

Polling FSM update

frequency Easy to implement

and debug Inefficiency (Little

Red example)

Event-driven Publish-subscribe

messaging system Game engine sends

event messages to individual FSMs

An FSM subscribes only to the events that have the potential to change the current state

Higher efficiency, non-trivial implementation

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Efficiency and Optimization

In AI, FSM is the most efficient technology availableYet, there is always room for improvement Level of Detail: depending on the

condition (e.g., distance with player), use different FSM, or different update frequency

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Web references: www.gamasutra.com/features/19970601/build_brain

s_into_games.htm csr.uvic.ca/~mmania/machines/intro.htm www.erlang/se/documentation/doc-4.7.3/doc/design_

principles/fsm.html www.microconsultants.com/tips/fsm/fsmartcl.htm http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/letstry/tutorials/dfa/

Game Programming Gems Sections 3.0 & 3.1

It’s very very detailed, but also some cute programming

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Well, the sad news …

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Behavior trees

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Additional Materials

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Intuitive Design

Say, a simple teletube baby has three states: idle, run, and waveScenario: When an idle laalaa sees a butterfly,

it waves to it. When the butterfly flies away, it returns to idle

When an idle laalaa sees a mouse, it flees away. When the mouse is no longer in sight, it returns to idle

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How to make sure the design complete? I.e., all states and transitions are considered

Is there any systematic way to develop an FSM?

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Quake Bot Example (first-cut)

Types of behavior to capture: Wander randomly if don’t see or hear an

enemy When see enemy, attack When not see enemy and hear an enemy,

chase enemy When die, re-spawn (new a bot from start)

Events: see enemy, hear enemy, dieStates: wander, attack, chase, spawn

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With 3 events, potentially there should be 23 states: (E,S,D)=(0,0,0),(1,0,0),(0,1,0), …,(1,1,1)

Some doesn’t make sense E.g., ESD = 111

Name and create a state for the ones that we want to consider Wander (ESD=000) Chase (ESD=010) Attack (ESD=1x0), x for dont-care Die (ESD=xx1)

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FSM (first-cut)

Events: E: see an enemy S: hear a sound D: die

States: E: enemy in sight S: sound audible D: dead








Problem: Can’t go directly from attack to chase. Why not?






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FSM (first-cut)

Events: E: see an enemy S: hear a sound D: die

States: E: enemy in sight S: sound audible D: dead







E S DSpawn





start E






Extra state needs to be defined

Extra state needs to be defined

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Quake Bot Example (refined)

Types of behavior to capture: Wander randomly if don’t see or hear an enemy When see enemy, attack When not see enemy and hear an enemy, chase

enemy When die, respawn

Extensions: When health is low and see an enemy, retreat When see power-ups during wandering, collect

them [hierarchical FSM]

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Example FSM with Retreat


























-E E






• States:– E: enemy in

sight– S: sound

audible– D: dead– L: Low health

A lot more states got added

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Hierarchical FSM Example

Note: This is not a complete FSM All links between top level states still

exist Need more states for wander

StartTurn Right



Wander Attack







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Non-Deterministic HierarchicalFSM (Markov Model)

Adds variety to actionsHave multiple transitions for the same eventLabel each with a probability that it will be takenRandomly choose a transition at run-timeMarkov Model: New state only depends on the previous state




Aim & Jump &Shoot

Aim & Slide Left& Shoot

Aim & Slide Right

& Shoot .3.3




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