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Page 1: Finxpress - 08 February, 2015

The finance club at IMT Ghaziabad is engaged in a constant endeavor to pro-vide you with a practical exposure to the world of finance and the latest emerging trends in the re-lated fields of Risk Manage-ment, Banking, Investments and non-finance topics.

Do write to us at: [email protected]


Term of Week

In Focus


Tech World

Follow-up Public

Offer | 6

Stream Mini and Pavilion Mini Affordable Compact

PC’s |12

Vinod Dham |11

IMF Reforms Delayed:

Alternatives needed | 4


Elections | 2


Page 2: Finxpress - 08 February, 2015


Disclaimer: FinXpress takes no responsibility for the opinions expressed in the magazine.

P u b l i s h e r o f t h e e d i t i o n :

P r i t i S u r e k a

Page 1 of 12



InFocus | 2

Delhi Elections

Opini on | 4

IMF Reforms Delayed:

Alternatives needed

Term o f the Week | 6

Follow-up Public Offer

Marke t th i s Week | 7

News | 9

Personal i ty | 11

Vinod Dham

Tech Wor l d | 12

Stream Mini and Pavilion

Mini Affordable Compact


February, 08 | 2015 | Volume 33

The countdown for Chakravyuh’15, IMT Ghaziabad’s Sports event has begun. The teams are

finalizing their strategies and practicing with full vigor. The battlefields are under the process of

renovation. The inauguration ceremony of the event is to be held at 18:00 hrs on 12th

February,2015. IMTians are invited to attend the event and show your support to the teams.

Club FinNiche releases its weekly magazine FinXpress, with the In Focus talking about the

‘Delhi Elections’. The Opinion gives an overview of ‘IMF Reforms Delayed: Alternatives


The term of the week describes “Follow-on Public Offer", an issuing of shares to investors by a

public company that is already listed on an exchange. Do have a look at the market section,

Tech world which brings to you about Stream Mini and Pavilion Mini Affordable Compact PC’s

and Personality of the week, Vinod Dham.

Hope everyone likes the revamped version of magazine. Club FinNiche welcomes any

comments, suggestions or criticism regarding the magazine. Please do write to us and share

your ideas.

Happy Reading!


The Editorial Team

Club FinNiche

Page 3: Finxpress - 08 February, 2015

Page 2 of 12

Former Chief Minister, Arvind

Kejriwal, a strong contender.

The last government lasted

only 49 days.

Power companies are appre-

hensive about AAP winning the


Market might experience a sell

off if AAP comes to power.

In Focus - By Shashwat Shekhar

On 12th January 2015, Election Commission of

India announced that state assembly election of

Delhi is going to be held on 7th February, 2015.

This is the second time in the last fourteen months

that the people of Delhi will vote to elect a Chief


The last election held in December ‘13 resulted in a

fractured mandate with Bhartiya Janata Party

emerging as single largest party (32 seats),

although failing to form a majority in the state

assembly. Aam Aadmi Party took part in the

elections for the first time under the leadership of

Arvind Kejriwal and came in, a close second to BJP

(29 seats). Finally, AAP with the support of Indian

National Congress formed a government with

Arvind Kejriwal as the Chief Minister. This

government lasted 49 days because Arvind

Kejriwal resigned from his post as the government

failed to table the Jan Lokpal Bill in the assembly.

BJP expressed inability to form the government,

hence the state assembly was dissolved and

President’s rule was implemented. It is a difficult

situation to be in, for a state that had the same

Chief Minister for 15 straight years before 2013.

As campaign draws to a close, let’s have a look at

major contenders:

AAP under Arvind Kejriwal: Founded primarily to

champion the cause of common people of India,

they spoke against corruption and VIP culture of

politicians. The party made huge waves in the 2013

assembly elections by winning 29 seats. Once in

power, populist measures, such as providing

20,000 L of free water to every household every

month, were taken. Cost of electricity was reduced.

Though these measures were viewed favourably

across India, a section of people expressed caution

over the populist measures. Arvind Kejriwal’s

resignation as Chief Minister of Delhi was

considered as a betrayal of people’s trust and was

condemned by all political parties as a wrong

move. Arvind Kejriwal challenged Prime Minster

Narendra Modi from Varanasi in the Lok Sabha

elections and lost by a significant margin. Senior

leaders left the party citing autocratic nature of the

leader. AAP’s popularity declined for major part of

2014. An opinion poll survey held in December

2014 by news channels showed that AAP would

finish a distant second, behind BJP, if fresh

elections were to be held in Delhi. Since then AAP

has made a credible comeback.

Arvind Kejriwal started the campaign by making a

public statement that quitting the Chief Minister’s

chair was one of his biggest mistakes. Also for

major part of the campaign AAP has avoided direct

attacks on BJP and in particularly the Prime

Minister. They have also promised to install 15 lakh

cameras to ensure safety of women, provide free

Wi-Fi in Delhi, build around 2 lakh toilets in the

capital and many more.

A new opinion poll has showed AAP finishing

ahead of BJP. AAP’s ideology is more along the

lines of socialism rather than capitalism. When it

was in power AAP took a stand against FDI in multi

brand retail. This stance made the business

community jittery. Some investors from silicon

valley have voiced their concerns about investing in

Delhi if AAP comes to power. In it’s brief stay AAP

had managed to antagonize the corporate houses.

So much so that the day the result of opinion polls

Delhi Elections

Page 4: Finxpress - 08 February, 2015

Kiran Bedi is BJP’s Chief Min-

isterial candidate.

The corporate houses are

backing BJP to win the elec-


BJP is in favor of implement-

ing GST.

INC might play a role in case of

a hung assembly.

In Focus

Page 3 of 12

were announced the market recorded a dip. The

shares of power companies like Reliance and Tata

Power were specially affected. It is possible that if

AAP wins the elections, market may experience a

sell off. Power companies are especially

apprehensive as AAP wants an independent audit of

the power companies. In the recent campaign AAP

has tried to pacify the business community. AAP’s

manifesto has promised lowest VAT in the country.

They have also promised simplify VAT filing for the


BJP under Kiran Bedi: The rise of BJP in 2014 has

been spectacular with the party winning 282 Lok

Sabha seats . Since then the party has been able to

record wins in almost every state assembly elections

held including Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Haryana. In

J&K it is expected to form a government in alliance

with PDP. Much of this success has been dedicated

to the Modi wave with the Prime Minister being the

face of most of the campaigns. BJP has fought all the

elections with development as the prime focus.

The party has produced successful Chief Ministers in

Narendra Modi, Shivraj Chauhan and Manohar

Parrikar. BJP was favoured to win the state elections

of Delhi but as stated earlier the scenario has

changed and AAP is now favourite to win the

election. To strengthen leadership in Delhi BJP

inducted two former allies of Arvind Kejriwal into the

party- Kiran Bedi and Shazia Ilmi. They nominated

Kiran Bedi as their Chief Ministerial candidate. Kiran

Bedi who was India’s first woman IPS officer is

considered by BJP, a strong candidate to challenge

Arvind Kejriwal. BJP posts 5 questions to AAP

everyday in order to target them. BJP’s 250 point

vision statement for Delhi includes key areas like

transparency, accountability and no tolerance

towards corruption.

BJP has chosen to keep quiet on providing full

“statehood” to Delhi. The impact of this vision

statement can be gauged only after the results. BJP

is known for it’s business friendly attitude. The party

is in favour of GST and unlike AAP, they have been

clear about it. Implementation of GST would lead to

increase in investments in Delhi and would provide

stable tax environment to the corporates. Markets

are expected show substantial gains if BJP comes to

power in Delhi.

INC under Ajay Maken: With only 44 members in

Lok Sabha and having lost all the assembly elections

after that, INC has been written off by everyone.

They are expected to win fewer seats than last time.

But the grand old party of India might have a role to

play in case of a fractured verdict just like in 2013.

Delhi goes to vote on 7th February and counting is on

10th February. The result of this election could

possibly define the direction of politics in India.

Results of opinion poll held in Dec 2014 and Jan


(Source: Economic Times)

Page 5: Finxpress - 08 February, 2015


IMF reforms delayed: Alternatives


- By Shubhra Sasmit

Page 4 of 12

The IMF (International Monetary Fund) calls itself

the first responder to a financial crisis, their claim

that they justify by their response to the 2007

economic crisis, and their response to the

European crisis and the debt crisis that is

continuing till now in Greece. But the question that

arises today is whether their effectiveness and their

legitimacy is beyond doubt or whether its in serious

doubt. The IMF functions in a quota based way,

where each country has a weightage given on the

basis of their relative size in the global economy,

and according to these weightage their respective

contributions to the IMF funds are determined.

The countries pay their share of quota of fund in

the following ways: One quarter of their share in

form of the widely accepted foreign currencies such

as US dollar, euro, yen and pound) or in the form of

SDR( Special Drawing Rights) and the remaining

share are paid in their own currencies.

The problem that exist today is that institutions like

IMF were born from the Bretton Woods system that

basically gave control of the decision making to the

relevant countries of that time when it was formed

(27 December, 1945). So although the IMF today

has 188 members, but the main decision making

body of the IMF, the executive body has 24

members which looks after the day to day

functioning of the IMF, these 24 board members

represents all 188 countries, where the smaller

countries are grouped together to from one

member, with US and China having their own seat.

To reflect the growing changes in the world

economy the IMF passed a reforms package in

2010 that was to be implemented within 3 years.

The problem is that to pass any reforms the IMF

has to approve the reform by a whopping 85% of

the majority, this is where the problem lies, US has

the voting share of 16.75% effectively giving it a

veto, and several congressional sessions have

passed without the US Congress ratifying the IMF

reforms, whereas the current vote share that has

already approved the package is 77% that is

almost the entire members of the IMF community.

The reforms were supposed to make the IMF more

legitimate and would have shifted 6% weightage to

the emerging economies including China which

would have seen the biggest growth in its voting


K e y P o i n t s

IMF functioning

Role of IMF in the world

Decision Structure

Changing global economy


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Page 5 of 12

What should India do?

India, one of the leaders of the emerging economies

and having 4.4% of the GDP share of the world

economy, was to see an increment to its voting

share in the Board of Governor in the IMF, it would

increase from 2.44% to 2.75%, making it the 8th

largest quota holder at the IMF from the current 11th

position. The continued delay by the US in doing its

part, rankles the BRICS and the other emerging

countries. For all its preach of inclusivity and

representations Europe and US refuses to

democratize the IMF and thereby reduce their

power, even though after reforms US would still

enjoy veto.

India should and it is doing, work with BRICS

economies and further strengthen the BRICS bank

process and create a parallel structure, if the IMF

can’t reform.

Cooperation should remain there with IMF and

World Bank on issues of global importance. The

reality is the world is moving towards multi polarity,

and institutions need to reflect that, a functioning

BRICS bank and other banks like ADB decreases

the clout of the western nations who are overly

represented in these institutions which is not

reflected by their share of the global economic

landscape, just for an example China, the world’s

second largest economy, will still be third in the

overall quota of the IMF even after reforms.

India is often called the voice of the underdeveloped

and the countries of the Africa in UN, so India

lending its voice to the institutions like BRICS and

ADB, will diversify the global economic landscape

as India today is one of the leading economies of

the world, though there is still a long way to go.

Decisions like financing Greece on its debt even

though the Greeks didn’t qualify on 3 out of the 4

categories for issuing fund by the IMF, just goes on

to show that the IMF is and was a west dominated

institution which is averse to change.

Europe is grossly over represented which is and will

lead to clashes with the emerging economies.

The future lies with a parallel structure that can take

in the needs and the rights of the emerging

economies, and creates a rule based organization

where the playing field is the same for all. India

along with China have to become the leader of

these movements as they are the bastions of the

emerging economies.

This is by no means a call to arms, India is and will

continue to be a partner of the West and Europe,

these steps are required for writing and updating

the rules that were last written in 1945, to factor in

the changes that has taken place and the changes

that will take place. Regional institutions like BRICS

bank can help usher in the changes and acts as a

check on the IMF and World Bank and can be a

constant reminder that parallel institutions exist, if

they think they can afford to be complacent.

R o l e O f I n d i a

BRICS and other institutions

Role of emerging economies

The future of global institutions

Page 7: Finxpress - 08 February, 2015

E n e r g o us

Energous Corporation is a

technology and intellectual

property licensing company

which will leveraging strategic

partnerships to expand the

WattUp ecosystem.

I t i s a ls o s o f t w a r e c o n -

t r o l l e d

The entire WattUp wire-free

charging system is software

controlled. Using either a mo-

bile app or cloud-based web

portal, you can to identify

which devices you want to

receive power, in which order

of priority, and even at what

times you want the devices to


Follow-on Public Offer

Term of the Week

Page 6 of 12

When any company which wants go public by

raising funds from general public will issue stocks

of the company for the first time. This process of

issuing of shares to the general public is called

initial public offering (IPO). This is usually done by

small companies who are seeking capital to

expand and also by large privately owned

businesses looking to become publicly traded.

Now, what if the company needs further funds

which it wants to raise through equity from public.

Can the company issue share again? Yes, this is

called Follow on Public Offer (FPO). FPO (Follow

on Public Offer) is a process of issuing new shares

to the public by a company which is already listed

on an exchange. FPO is generally used by

companies to diversify their equity base

A follow-on offering can be both dilutive and non-

dilutive or a mixture of both. In a dilutive follow-on

offering the company issues new shares in addition

to the already existing shares in the public. Where

as in case of non-dilutive follow-on offering

company is not increasing its existing number of

shares but increasing its float i.e. number of share

available for the general public to trade.

Let us understand dilutive and non-dilutive clearly

through examples. A company which has issued

1,00,000 shares through IPO. Now it wants to raise

capital again through equity i.e. by issuing shares.

If it goes with dilutive FPO, it issues new shares in

addition to existing shares.

Assuming it has issued 50,000 new shares now the

total number of shares are 1,50,000. Now all net

income now is eligible to share between 1,50,000

share unlike 1,00,000 shares before FPO. This is

called dilutive FPO because all the earnings and

the multiples are diluted because the same

earnings are to be shared between more number

of shares.

But, in case of non-dilutive FPO the company will

not issue any new shares but the founders/chief

executives of the company will sell their shares

increasing the float i.e. number of share available

for general public. The number of shares here

remains 1,00,000 and this is the reason earnings

are not diluted and so called non-dilutive FPO.

If we look into the differences between IPO and

FPO, IPO is more risky. For an individual investor it

is difficult to predict the price of the share and

future prospects of the company because very little

information is available about the company’s

history. Also, most IPOs are of companies going

through a transitory growth period, and they are

therefore subject to additional uncertainty

regarding their future value.

But for FPO public already aware of the current

and future performance of the company and can

exactly estimate the cost by looking at the price of

the previously issues share price. If a company is

coming out with an FPO, it also means that the

company is short of funds. An FPO is raised for

more funds or money or for establishing new


-by Mohana Krishna Kummara

Page 8: Finxpress - 08 February, 2015

The stock of Tata Motors

plunged 5 per cent to close at

₹559.60 on Friday after the

company posted the steepest

decline in profit in seven quar-


Among the gainers HDFC

holds firm, up 2.6%, Infosys

Ltd added 1.63%, while Sesa

Sterlite Ltd advanced 1.35% on



Shares of power companies such as Tata Power and Reliance Power will continue to remain in

focus next week due to Delhi polls. Analysts feel an Aam Aadmi Party victory may hit power com-

pany stocks as the party’s policies, such as more subsidy for power, and its opposition to reforms,

such as FDI in retail, have struck a sour note with investors. Already power companies have

started weakening after opinion polls have suggested the party is ahead in Delhi. Saturday and

Sunday will see about 80 companies declaring their October-December quarter financial perform-




Market this Week

Page 7 of 12

Open High Low Close

SENSEX 28892.21 28922.85 28647.14 28717.91

NIFTY 8696.85 8,726.20 8,645.55 8661.05

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Market this Week

Page 8 of 12




Commodity Unit Rs / Unit % Change

Gold 10 grams 26802.00 -1.83

Silver 1 kg 37024.00 -2.21

Crude Oil 1 bbl 3260.00 2.29

INR/ 1 USD 61.6950

INR /1 EURO 69.8698

INR/ 100 JAPAN YEN 0.5186


Open High Low Close

NYSE Comp 10,903.29 10,931.76 10,820.83 10,847.51

NASDAQ 4,768.85 4,787.19 4,731.22 4,744.40

S&P 500 2,062.28 2,072.40 2,049.97 2,055.47

FTSE 100 6,865.93 6,886.18 6,835.53 6,853.44

CAC 4,698.84 4,707.24 4,675.37 4,691.03

DAX 10,866.20 10,877.67 10,802.89 10,846.39

NIKKEI 225 17,696.18 17,700.67 17,603.07 17,648.50

SSE 50 2,335.36 2366.33 2303.11 2,325.24

Hang Seng 24,843.20 24,843.20 24,645.76 24,679.39

Page 10: Finxpress - 08 February, 2015

Alibaba buys 25 per cent stake in Paytm's parent unit, One97 Communications

Jack Ma-owned Alibaba-the largest e-tailer in the world- will acquire 25-per cent stake in One97

Communications, the parent of mobile commerce firm Paytm, as the Chinese e-commerce giant

makes its debut in the rapidly expanding m-commerce space in India. Ant Financial Services, part of

the Alibaba Group, said on Thursday that it has entered in a strategic agreement to acquire 25-per

cent stake in One97 to support the growth of mobile payment and commerce platform in India. Paytm

will use the funds to grow its mobile payment ecosystem and further boost its commerce user base.

The deal represents Ant Financial's first-ever investment in an Indian company, the statement

added.Ant Financial will also provide Paytm with strategic and technical support for its business.

Huawei opens R&D centre in Bangalore, invests USD 170 mln

Chinese telecom equipment producer Huawei has inaugurated its research and development (R&D)

campus in Bangalore. The centre can accommodate 5,000 engineers. However, the facility currently

employs 2,700 people. "The India R&D centre will continue to focus on development and delivery of

high quality software platforms, components and applications for the various product lines of the parent

company", said Huawei India R&D Center COO Wilson Wang. The Bangalore centre is Huawei's

largest R&D facility outside China. Huawei has invested around USD 300 million in R&D in India over

the past 15 years.

FY16 disinvestment target to be around Rs 43,000 cr

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in the Budget for 2015-16, is likely to target around Rs 43,000 crore from

disinvestment proceeds, almost the same level that the government expects to realise from stake sale

in PSUs this financial year. "The disinvestment target to be outlined in Budget should be in line with

this financial year's target. There are only a handful of big companies which have to comply with the

minimum public holding norm," a source said. Jaitley would present the Budget for 2015-16 on

February 28. The government looks at disinvestment proceeds as a major source of revenue, after tax

collection, to finance the fiscal deficit.

The government last week sold 10 per cent stake in CIL for Rs 22,558 crore. It has to sell another 5

per cent in the company to achieve the minimum 25 per cent public shareholding norm as prescribed

by market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).

G o v e r n m e n t m a y s c r a p

d i v i de n d d i s t r i b u t i o n t a x

The government is considering

scrapping DDT in its annual

Budget this month, as part of

efforts to boost investor

sent iment, a Television

Channel reported.

Unlike many other countries,

India taxes companies on their

payment of dividends to

shareholders at a rate of 15 per

cent. Scrapping the levy could

increase net pay-outs and

boost the attractiveness of

Indian stocks.

News of the Week

Page 9 of 12

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News of the Week

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NSE asks investors to keep funds ready for upcoming OFS issues

Buoyed by retail participation in recent Coal India divestment programme through OFS, India’s leading

bourse NSE on Wednesday said brokerages and investors need to keep adequate funds ready to buy

shares in such issues as they are announced in a short notice. The offer for sale (OFS) mechanism

facilitates the promoters of listed companies to sell their existing shareholding through an exchange-

based bidding platform.

According to norms, a seller has to announce intention of sale of shares at least two days ahead of the

trading day of the issue (T-2). Noting that the government is likely to take the OFS route to divest its

stake in various companies in the coming months, NSE Chief Business Development Ravi Varansai

expressed concerns that timelines provided for retail investors under the mode were “extremely tight”

and as such they should be prepared for such issues in advance.

Meru to spend Rs 600 cr to buy regional taxi brands

Meru Cabs, a pioneer in the radio taxi segment, is set to spend about $100 million (a little over Rs 600

crore) for acquiring service providers in the next couple of months. Dismissing speculation over Uber

being in talks with Meru for a buyout, Chief Executive Officer Siddhartha Pahwa said they were in an

advanced stage of raising about $150 mn. A large part of it would be used to acquire small to medium-

size taxi service provider brands across India.

Twitter tops Wall Street revenue target, user growth slows

Twitter Inc said on Thursday the social media company is signing up users as quickly as most of last

year after a fourth-quarter slowdown, boosting its shares 11%. Twitter beat Wall Street's profit and

revenue targets in the fourth quarter. User growth weakened in the quarter, but picked up in the new

year, Chief Executive Dick Costolo said in a statement.

Twitter added 13 million to 16 million users in each of the first three quarters of 2014 and was on track

to hit a similar number in the current quarter, it said. That compares with a rise of about 4 million in the

fourth quarter to 288 million monthly users as of Dec 31. Costolo said on a conference call that

quarterly specific factors, including seasonality and the launch of Apple Inc's new mobile operating

system, slowed additions in the fourth quarter. Shares of Twitter, which initially slipped after the results

were released on Thursday, rose in after hours trade to $45.91 from their closing price of $41.26.

Page 12: Finxpress - 08 February, 2015

Personality of the Week

Page 11 of 12

Vinod Dham - Inventor, Entrepreneur and Venture Capitalist

Vinod Dham is popularly known as the father of the

Pentium processor. Born in 1950 in Pune, he had

his initial schooling in Pune. He did his Bachelors

in Electrical Engineering from Delhi College of

Engineering in 1971. Thereafter he had a brief stint

with Continental Devices, a Delhi based

semiconductor company.

In 1975, Vinod Dham went to the US and did his

Masters in Electrical Engineering from the

University of Cincinnati. After completing his

Masters in 1977, Vinod Dham joined the National

Cash Register (NCR) at Dayton, Ohio. Vinod was

a team member of the NCR's memory design

group. He received many patents for his work at



While making a presentation at the IEEE

conference in Monterrey, California on re-

programmable memory, Vinod Dham received an

offer from the Intel to work with them. In January

1990, Vinod was in-charge of developing the 586

or Pentium processor. He worked relentlessly on

the project and the Pentium processor was a big

hit in the market. Vinod Dham rose up the

corporate ladder and reached the position of the

Vice President of the Intel's Microprocessor

Products Group. He quit Intel in 1995.

Thereafter, Vinod joined NexGen, a start-up firm

as Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice

President.. When Advanced Micro Devices Inc.

(AMD) acquired NexGen in 1996, Vinod Dham

looked after the development of AMD's famous K6

Processor, world's fastest personal computer

microprocessor. Later on he quit AMD.

In News

Vinod Dham was recently in news regarding his

comeback as an entrepreneur after 15 years. The

inventor and venture capitalist will be the chief

executive of online technology education startup

Acadgild, which he has co-founded along with

India's storied entrepreneur duo - Krishnan

Ganesh and Meena Ganesh.

Acadgild's internet-based platform aims to teach

just about anybody , including a class 10 student,

software programming that is relevant to today's

rapidly evolving digital world. Globally about 50

billion devices - from cars to consumer electronics

- will be connected by the end of the current


B o r n


A l m a M a t e r

University of Cincinnati

Delhi College of Engineering

C i t i z e n s h i p

United States of America

C e l e b ra t e d W i t h

1993: Top 25 executives in the

US computer industry.

1999: Top 100 most influential

Asian Americans of the


2000: Appointed to serve on

the President’s advisory

Commiss ion on As ian

Americans and Paci f ic

Islanders by President Clinton.

2009: Awarded the NRI

Achievement Award at the NRI

Global Summit.

Page 13: Finxpress - 08 February, 2015

Tech World

Page 12 of 12

Stream Mini and Pavilion Mini Affordable Compact PCs

HP launched low cost Windows alternative to

Chromebox - the HP Stream Mini PC - at $180

(more or less Rs. 11,500), complete with a

packaged keyboard and mouse.

The organization has likewise presented the

Pavilion Mini PCs beginning at $319.99 (roughly

Rs. 20,000) with the Intel Pentium CPU, and

$449.99 (more or less Rs. 28,000) for the Intel

Core i3 model. Both - HP Stream Mini and HP

Pavilion Mini - accompany Windows 8.

On the lines of Mac Mini and Chromebox, the HP

Stream Mini is conservative machine with a stature

of about 52.3mm and a weight of give or take


The HP Stream Mini packs an Intel Celeron 2957U

(1.4GHz, 2 centers, 2 strings) processor, 2GB of

DDR3L (1600MHz) RAM and 32GB SSD


The Intel Pentium-controlled details of the HP

Pavilion Mini PC incorporate a 1.7GHz Pentium

3558U CPU, 4GB of RAM, and a 500GB 7200RPM

hard commute. The other Pavilion Mini packs a

1.9GHz Core i3-4025U CPU, 8GB of RAM and a

1TB 5400RPM hard commute.

Moreover, HP is putting forth free 200GB of

Microsoft OneDrive stockpiling for a long time, and

a value $25 (give or take Rs.1,800) blessing card

that can be utilized at the Windows Store to

purchase applications, music, and even Xbox One

amusements, says organization. Network choices

on the HP Stream Mini and HP Pavilion Mini

incorporate Ethernet port, four USB 3.0 ports,

incorporated Wi-Fi 802.11n, Bluetooth 4.0, SD card

peruser, sound jack, DisplayPort 1.2 and a HDMI

1.4 port.

-by Shikha Sharma

C o s t

Near about Rs. 12,000

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