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Page 1: Fire Alarm and Alert System with Smoke and Temperature ...


Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Course No: EEE 2211


Project Report

Name of the project: Fire Alarm and Alert System with Smoke and

Temperature Detector Using Microcontroller.

Submitted by:

Sakib Al Hasan Khan

ID: Section: C

Sadia Ashrafie Oronie 2nd Year,2nd Semester

ID: Spring’16

Talukder Meher Niger


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An automatic fire alarm system is designed to detect the unwanted presence of

fire by monitoring environmental changes associated with combustion. In general,

a fire alarm system is either classified as automatic, manually activated, or both.

Automatic fire alarm systems can be used to notify people to evacuate in the

event of a fire or other emergency, to summon emergency services, and to

prepare the structure and associated systems to control the spread of fire and


Equipments used: 1. Arduino Uno x1 2. Gas sensor (MQ2) x1 3. Temperature sensor (LM35) x1 4. Servo (MG996) x1 5. IC 7805 x1 6. Buzzer x1 7. 2.2k ohm resistor x1

Working principle: When the MQ2 gas sensor detects LPG, i-butane, propane, methane , alcohol, Hydrogen, smoke above usual condition and when the temperature rises above given value Arduino uses the buzzer to alert the affected area and the servo triggers the attached Cell phone to dial call to the given number using servo’s head.

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Description of used sensors and servo motor:

Gas Sensor (MQ2) :

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Wide detecting scope. Fast response and High sensitivity. Stable and

long life Simple drive circuit.


They are used in gas leakage detecting equipments in family and

industry, are suitable for detecting of LPG, i-butane, propane, methane

, alcohol, Hydrogen, smoke.

Temperature Sensor (LM35):

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• Calibrated Directly in Celsius (Centigrade)

• Linear + 10-mV/°C Scale Factor

• 0.5°C Ensured Accuracy (at 25°C)

• Rated for Full −55°C to 150°C Range

• Suitable for Remote Applications

• Low-Cost Due to Wafer-Level Trimming

• Operates from 4 V to 30 V

• Less than 60-μA Current Drain

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• Low Self-Heating, 0.08°C in Still Air

• Non-Linearity Only ±¼°C Typical

• Low-Impedance Output, 0.1 Ω for 1-mA Load


• Power Supplies

• Battery Management


• Appliances

Servo Motor:

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This High-Torque MG996R Digital Servo features metal gearing resulting in

extra high 10kg stalling torque in a tiny package. The MG996R is essentially

an upgraded version of the famous MG995 servo, and features upgraded

shock-proofing and a redesigned PCB and IC control system that make it

much more accurate than its predecessor. The gearing and motor have also been upgraded to improve dead bandwith and centering. The unit comes

complete with 30cm wire and 3 pin 'S' type female header connector that fits

most receivers, including

Futaba, JR, GWS, Cirrus, Blue Bird, Blue Arrow, Corona, Berg, Spektrum

and Hitec.

This high-torque standard servo can rotate approximately 120 degrees (60 in

each direction). The MG996R Metal Gear Servo also

comes with a selection of arms and hardware to get set up nice and fast!


Weight: 55 g

Dimension: 40.7 x 19.7 x 42.9 mm approx.

Stall torque: 9.4 kgf·cm (4.8 V ), 11 kgf·cm (6 V)

Operating speed: 0.17 s/60º (4.8 V), 0.14 s/60º (6 V)

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Circuit Diagram :

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Code: #include <Servo.h> Servo myservo; int smk = A0; int LM35 = A1; int buzzer = 10 ; int temp = 0; int gas = 0; void setup() { myservo.attach(5); pinMode(smk,INPUT); pinMode(LM35,INPUT); pinMode (buzzer,OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop () { temp = analogRead(LM35); int celsius = temp/2 - 8; Serial.println(celsius); Serial.println(" "); gas = analogRead(smk); Serial.println(gas); if (celsius>70 || gas>650) {

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if(celsius>40|| gas>535) { digitalWrite (buzzer,HIGH); delay(300); digitalWrite (buzzer, LOW); delay (300); int pos = 180; myservo.write(pos); delay(5); } else { int pos=0; myservo.write(pos); delay (5); digitalWrite (buzzer,HIGH); delay(600); digitalWrite (buzzer, LOW); delay (600); } } else { digitalWrite(buzzer,LOW); delay (1000); } }

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Troubleshooting: We faced some problems during this project. 1. We had trouble properly calibrating the MQ2 sensor. 2. During fire the temperature is greater but we used 45 degree Celsius as the base value to minimize the accident quickly. At normal household we had trouble reaching this temperature so we used lower temperature to test the project.

Applications: 1. Fire detection at early stage.

2. Detecting gas leakage equipments in family and industry, are suitable for detecting of LPG, i-butane, propane, methane ,alcohol, Hydrogen, smoke. 2. Protect household, industries etc.

3. Can be used where human interaction is limited such as mines. 4. Quick Actions to shut down Fire – 90% of fire damages occur due to lack of early fire detection. A fire attack is usually silent and people will know about fire only when it has spread across a large area. SMS based Fire Alert system gives warning immediately to multiple mobile numbers and hence remedy actions can be taken quickly. This helps to prevent major damages and losses created by a fire accident. Future Development: We used only Gas sensor and Temperature sensor in this project but other sensors will give this project even more precision such as a heat sensor. It will be more effective if we can add rescue system with this project, as we are thinking of to turn on water pump/water valve using another servo motor.

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Some Pictures Of Our Project :

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