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ICELC STUDY PROMO Invite 1 friend to study and get 1 month FREE tuition fee. Introduce our service to as many friends as you can and get as many months of tuition fee for FREE! KIDS ENGLISH

BUSINESS ENGLISH TEEN ENGLISH TOEIC TOEFL IELTS TRAINING Contact “Elle” at EMAIL: [email protected] M: +63 998 532 5369 http://ellenglish.wordpress.com/


“China removes one-child policy”


1. Restrict

2. Surging (population)

3. Predictions

Guide Questions

1. Who made the announcement the one-child policy had ended?

2. When was the one-child policy introduced?

3. What was surging that the Chinese government wanted to restrict?

4. Personal Application:

1. Give your thoughts on the issue?

2. Would you like your country to have a pne-child policy? Why or why



Fire away !!!

Nancy Stanley, I've got something to tell you.

Stanley Fire away, I am listening with open ears.

Nancy I just came back from Sunrise Limited, and they decided to sign a one-year

contract with us. Furthermore, I have talked Manfield Corporation into extending

the contract.

Stanley Excellent ! I told you so. Where there's a will, there is a way.

Nancy Yes. I'm glad that I listen to your advice.

Stanley I'm pleased with your ability and strength.

Explanation :

Fire away - Start to talk

Example : You've got more questions? Well, fire away.

ICELC STUDY PROMO Invite 1 friend to study and get 1 month FREE tuition fee. Introduce our service to as many friends as you can and get as many months of tuition fee for FREE! KIDS ENGLISH

BUSINESS ENGLISH TEEN ENGLISH TOEIC TOEFL IELTS TRAINING Contact “Elle” at EMAIL: [email protected] M: +63 998 532 5369 http://ellenglish.wordpress.com/


China and Taiwan in historic meeting

A historic event involving China and Taiwan will take place today, Saturday, November 7th. Chinese president Xi Jinping and Taiwan president Ma Ying-Jeou will meet for discussions in Singapore. It is the first summit at presidential level to take

place between China and Taiwan since the end of the Chinese civil war in 1949. Taiwan is just 180 km from China but their relations have remained cautious and, at times, frosty for decades. China considers Taiwan as part of its territory and therefore does not regard it as a separate nation. Only 22 foreign governments recognise Taiwan as an independent country. The status of Taiwan is one of the more difficult problems in international politics to find a solution to. The meeting between the two leaders is a major stepping stone to repair decades-old divisions. It could pave the way for similar

meetings in the future. Special etiquette is already in place for the milestone encounter. The two parties have decided not to use the term "president" to address each other. Instead, they will use the word "mister". Further, the two leaders will not sign any agreements. Neither will they issue any joint statements or hold a joint press conference. A Chinese official said the meeting is to, "exchange views on promoting the peaceful development of [our] relations". A spokesman for Mr Ma said the talks, "aim to solidify relations between the two sides and keep the status quo". WORD CHECK UP

1. Remained

2. Etiquette

3. Stepping stone

Personal Application:

1. What do you think about what you read?

2. On what day of the week did the meeting take place?

3. Where did the meeting take place?

4. How far apart are China and Taiwan?

5. What is one of the more difficult international problems to solve?

6. What kind of stone did the article call the meeting?

ICELC STUDY PROMO Invite 1 friend to study and get 1 month FREE tuition fee. Introduce our service to as many friends as you can and get as many months of tuition fee for FREE! KIDS ENGLISH

BUSINESS ENGLISH TEEN ENGLISH TOEIC TOEFL IELTS TRAINING Contact “Elle” at EMAIL: [email protected] M: +63 998 532 5369 http://ellenglish.wordpress.com/



1. What’s the setting of this picture?

2. Who are the characters?

3. What are they doing?

4. What is the issue in this photo?

5. What lesson can we learn from this?

6. How is the politics in your country?

7. Do you like politics issues? Why or why not?

8. How do you choose your leader?

9. How do you think is the better way of choosing our leader?


COMMON MISTAKE: Don't step on the grass. BETTER: Keep off the grass. COMMON MISTAKE: I get my salary twice a month. BETTER: I get paid twice a month.. COMMON MISTAKE: Would you like a drink ? BETTER: Would you like something to drink ? COMMON MISTAKE: Let me examine your pulse. BETTER: Let me feel your pulse. COMMON MISTAKE: I have no exercise talent. BETTER: I am not athletic.

ICELC STUDY PROMO Invite 1 friend to study and get 1 month FREE tuition fee. Introduce our service to as many friends as you can and get as many months of tuition fee for FREE! KIDS ENGLISH

BUSINESS ENGLISH TEEN ENGLISH TOEIC TOEFL IELTS TRAINING Contact “Elle” at EMAIL: [email protected] M: +63 998 532 5369 http://ellenglish.wordpress.com/

Thursday DEBATE


Zoos are premises for the captivity of

animals, often in urban areas where many

of the animals would not otherwise be

found, with the intention of studying the

animals and displaying them to the public

at large. The predecessor of the zoo was

the menagerie, which involved the

captivity of birds typically for the

entertainment of the aristocracy, and has a long history running back to ancient times.

The first modern zoo evolved out of an aristocratic menagerie in Vienna in 1765. Many

types of zoo now exist, from the petting zoos that encourage the public to get up and

close with the animals to the large nature reserves that provide space for the animals to

roam around within and most famously the large, urban zoos like the London Zoo which

include elephants, lions and penguins and are usually notable tourist drawcards for the

cities concerned

Pros: Whatever the good intentions of zoo-keepers, animals in zoos

suffer. They are inevitably confined in unnaturally small spaces, and are kept

from the public by cages and bars. A study of British zoos found that

elephant enclosures were 1000 times smaller than their natural habitats.

Wild polar bears are confined 'in spaces that are more than a million times

smaller than their arctic territory. They suffer psychological distress, often

displayed by abnormal or self-destructive behaviour. Aquatic animals do not

have enough water, birds are prevented from flying away by having their

wings clipped and being kept in aviaries. Furthermore, the locations of zoos

in urban areas leads to incidents like the fox attack at London Zoo in 2010

that killed 11 South African and Rockhopper penguins

Cons: Wild animals do not suffer in well-regulated, well-run zoos.There have in the

past been many bad zoos and cruel zookeepers. It is imperative that these are reformed

and weeded out. The Animal Welfare Act, enacted by the United States in 1970, is a good

example of a step that can be taken to ensure all animals are treated appropriately and

not misused or harmed1. Good zoos in which animals are well fed and well looked after

in spacious surroundings are becoming the norm and should be encouraged. Zoos can

exist without cruelty to animals, however, and so the fact that there are animal welfare

problems with some zoos does not meant that all zoos should be shut down.


1. Captivity

2. Predecessor

3. Menagerie

Personal Application:

1. What can you say about the issue? 2. Which side of the debate are you? Why? 3. What are the effects of keeping wild animals out of the wild?

ICELC STUDY PROMO Invite 1 friend to study and get 1 month FREE tuition fee. Introduce our service to as many friends as you can and get as many months of tuition fee for FREE! KIDS ENGLISH

BUSINESS ENGLISH TEEN ENGLISH TOEIC TOEFL IELTS TRAINING Contact “Elle” at EMAIL: [email protected] M: +63 998 532 5369 http://ellenglish.wordpress.com/


Read and be familiar with the Business Idiom below and use them in

your conversation.

Why study idioms?

One of the keys to speaking like a native is the ability to use and understand

casual expressions, or idioms.

On the Line

Lately Tom's been more conscientious about the accuracy and quality of his work with the

company. He was warned that his job was on the line because of his lack of concern for

his duties. When Tom was alerted that he was in danger of losing his job, he began to

take his obligations with the company more seriously.

Feel Like a Million Dollars

I bumped into Nick at the salon yesterday. He looked great, but I noticed that he had a

slight limp when he walked.

I guess you didn't know that he had an operation on his knee.

No, I didn't. How's he feeling ?

He says he's feeling like a million dollars now. Apparently the pain in his knee is all


It's good that he's feeling so wonderful. It must be a refreshing change not having to put

up with all that discomfort.

Hang On

During the depression years the Smiths had a great deal of trouble with their business, but

somehow or other they were able to hang on. Although they almost lost their store, they

managed to persevere until things got better.

Make Ends Meet

It's almost impossible trying to keep up with the high cost of living.

It's true. Things are so expensive nowadays that it's very difficult to make ends meet.

You know, even with Lucie's salary, our combined income is hardly enough to pay all

the bills.

Money talks

We've been waiting for three months to get delivery on our car, and people who put in

their order after us have already gotten theirs.

Well, money talks. Why don't you try giving the dealer a little something extra to move

things along ?

I know full well that money has the power to influence people, but I refuse to pay extra

for a service that is owed to me as a client.

If you want to have your car maybe you'd better reconsider.

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