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Firefighters’ National Memorial Day / Jour commémoratif national des pompiers


Ottawa, Ontario


The CFFF is proud to have Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency

as the honorary host of the 14th annual ceremony.

La FCPMS est fière de la participation des Services d’incendie et d’urgence de la région d’Halifax à titre d’hôte honoraire de la

14e Cérémonie annuelle de la Fondation.

2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 20171



BRITISH COLUMBIACaptain Wayne Douglas, Fort St. John Fire Department

Captain Howard Breden, Richmond Fire RescueCaptain Merrill Gosling, Richmond Fire RescueFirefighter Larry Page, Richmond Fire RescueLieutenant Dale Ross, Richmond Fire Rescue

Captain Dann Marchessault, Saanich Fire DepartmentActing Captain Kevin Hegarty, Surrey Fire Service

Captain Randy Piticco, Surrey Fire ServiceCaptain William Hunter, Vancouver Fire & Rescue Services

ALBERTACaptain Ross Ellison, Calgary Fire Department

Lieutenant Donald Kennedy, Calgary Fire DepartmentCaptain Garry Grummett, Strathcona County Emergency ServicesCaptain Sidney Lowe, Strathcona County Emergency Services

MANITOBACaptain John Nicol, Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service

ONTARIOActing Captain Robert Davenport, Belleville Fire DepartmentCaptain John Kitto, Brampton Fire & Emergency ServicesFirefighter Keith Reid, Brampton Fire & Emergency Services

Captain Robert G. W. Wilson, Brampton Fire & Emergency ServicesCaptain Gilles Racine, Cornwall Fire Department

Acting Captain Ruurd Douma, Cumberland Fire DepartmentCaptain Julien Ethier, Elliot Lake Fire Service

Captain Charles Exton, Etobicoke Fire Department (Toronto)Captain Charles Mearns, Etobicoke Fire Department (Toronto)Captain William Terrell, Etobicoke Fire Department (Toronto)

Captain Murchie Hanson, Hamilton Fire DepartmentActing Captain Anthony Vanderholst, Kingston Fire Rescue

Platoon Chief William Misselbrook, Kitchener Fire DepartmentFirefighter Robert Bell, Mississauga Fire & Emergency ServicesFirefighter William Dawson, Mississauga Fire & Emergency Services

Firefighter Gerald Lacasse, Mississauga Fire & Emergency ServicesFirefighter Robert Drynan, Mississippi Mills Fire DepartmentPlatoon Chief Gaetan Marcil, North Bay Fire & Emergency Services

Fire Chief Timothy Bond, North Grenville Fire ServiceCaptain Richard Barker, North York Fire Department (Toronto)Firefighter William Parker, North York Fire Department (Toronto)Captain George Powell, North York Fire Department (Toronto)

Captain Rene Arbour, Ottawa Fire ServicesLieutenant Lucien Meranger, Ottawa Fire ServicesCaptain Andre Renaud, Ottawa Fire Services

Platoon Chief Frank Greco, Sault Ste Marie Fire ServicesFirefighter Cameron Barnes, Thorold Fire & Emergency Services

Lieutenant Reginald LaRush, Thunder Bay Fire RescueCaptain Walter Churchmack, Toronto Fire Services

Captain Rickie Dale, Toronto Fire ServicesCaptain William Davies, Toronto Fire ServicesFirefighter Michael Kane, Toronto Fire ServicesCaptain Dennis Moore, Toronto Fire Services

District Chief William F. Smith, Toronto Fire ServicesLieutenant Robert Lawrence, Welland Fire & Emergency ServicesCaptain Michael Klein, Whitby Fire & Emergency ServicesAssistant Chief Kenneth Racine, Windsor Fire Rescue ServicesFirefighter James Cox, York Fire Department (Toronto)Firefighter John Dowdell, York Fire Department (Toronto)

QUÉBECPompier Claude Berthiaume, Montreal Fire DepartmentPompier André Chapleau, Montreal Fire DepartmentPompier Gilles Dubois, Montreal Fire Department

Capitaine Claude Pelletier, Montreal Fire DepartmentPompier Jean-Claude Tonietto, Montreal Fire Department

Pompier Forestier Régis Tremblay, SOPFEU

NEW BRUNSWICKFirefighter Allen Kennedy, Debec Fire Department

Firefighter Robert Berryman, Fredericton Fire Department

2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 20172

Master of Ceremony / Maître de cérémonieMIKE McKENNA

2nd Vice-President CFFF / 2e vice-président FCPMS


Reading of Added Names / Lecture des noms rajoutésDOUG WYLIE

1st Vice-President CFFF / 1er vice-président FCPMS


2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 20173


President / PrésidentCanadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation / Fondation canadienne des pompiers morts en service

Remarks / RemarquesBRIAN GRAY

Acting Fire Chief / Chef adjoint

Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency / Services d’incendie et d’urgence de la région d’Halifax


Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness / Ministre de la Sécurité publique et de la Protection civile

Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

Honouring the Fallen / Hommage aux disparus Master of Ceremony / Maître de cérémonie

Ringing of the Bell / Sonnerie de la cloche

Last Post / Sonnerie aux morts

Moment of Silence / Moment de silence

Lament / Complainte

Reveille / Réveil militaire

Firefighters Prayer / Prière du pompierJohn den Hollander, Chaplain, HRFE / Aumônier, HRFE

Captain, Michel P Gagné, Chaplain, CFSU (Ottawa) / Aumônier, USFC (Ottawa)

“Amazing Grace” / « Grâce infinie »

March Past / Défilé

Final Salute / Dernier salut

Dismissal / Ordre de rompre les rangs


2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 20174


Surrey Fire Service, BCApril 20, 2015


Markham Fire & Emergency Services, ONJune 10, 2015


Dundalk Fire Department, ONMarch 10, 2016


28 mars 2016

CAPTAIN LENARD KJOSCadogan Fire Department, AB

July 9, 2016


Loyalist Township Emergency Services, ONJuly 16, 2016


Conmee Emergency Services, ONAugust 5, 2016


August 11, 2016


August 18, 2016


CFB Halifax Fire Department, NSSeptember 05, 2016

FIRE CHIEF ROBERT FELKERForest Grove Volunteer Fire Department, BC

September 13, 2016


October 26, 2016


CAPTAIN JEFFREY LILLYLunenburg & District Fire Department, NS

December 16, 2016

2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 20175


Firefighter Ernie Dombrowski died from a work-related illness on April 20, 2015. He joined the fire service in 2006.

Le pompier Ernie Dombrowski a succombé à une maladie professionnelle le 20 avril 2015. Il s’est joint aux services d’incendie en 2006.

Family Memories / Souvenirs de familleErnie was a wonderful man, caring husband, and devoted father. He loved being a firefighter. He cherished the comradery and brotherhood of the fire service and pushed himself to be as involved in thecommunity, specifically supporting children, as his schedule allowed.

Ernie was an integral part in the Surrey Fire Fighters Charitable Society’s Nutritional Snack Program,and used his passion for golf and hockey to organize annual fundraising tournaments, which are stillcarried on today in his absence. Not one to focus on himself, he preferred to create opportunity for other’ssuccesses. But perhaps in doing so, the struggle to stay mentally healthy was too great.

Ernie’s quick wit and entertaining sense of humour are deeply missed by his family, friends and colleagues.wife Gena, son Jason, and sister Annette.


Firefighter Jason Churchill died from a work-related illness on June 10, 2015. Hejoined the fire service in 1986.

Le pompier Jason Churchill a succombé à une maladie professionnelle le 10 juin 2015.Il s’est joint aux services d’incendie en 1986.

Family Memories / Souvenirs de familleJason joined the Markham Fire & Emergency Services in 1986. It wasn’t long before his restless spirit,intelligence, and passion for fire safety took him into the Training Division where he excelled. Jason wasa lifelong learner and imparted his passion for learning to the firefighters of Markham.

He was the driving force behind the Occupational Health & Safety Committee. He felt a personal responsibilityto do all he could to ensure that everyone in the Markham Fire & Emergency Services were as safe as theycould be on the job. The quality of training under Jason and the numerous changes brought about underhis stewardship defined the Markham Fire Department as a leader in fire strategy, fire operations, andfirefighter safety through training.

He was highly respected and loved by his family, personal friends, and the firefighter community. His zestfor life ended at the age of 50, but the impact he had on his family and friends will be everlasting. We allmiss his smile, gregarious laugh, and incredible hugs.

Jason, I suspect you will be forever loved and never forgotten by those with whom you interacted. You hada significant impact on numerous lives and in many ways you were larger than life itself.

2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 20176


Firefighter Scott Krueger died from a work-related illness on March 10, 2016. Hejoined the fire service in 1994.

Le pompier Scott Krueger a succombé à une maladie professionnelle le 10 mars 2016.Il s’est joint aux services d’incendie en 1994.

Family Memories / Souvenirs de famille

Scott was a proud and dedicated member for 20 years with the Dundalk Volunteer Fire Department,where in this small town he was called to serve with his father and his brother. When he was not atthe fire hall, he loved to cook and spend time with family and friends.

Scott passed away from a work related illness on March 10, 2016, three weeks before his 47th birthday. He will be loved and missed by his wife Tracey and his two children Brooke and Travis,and all the family and friends that got to know and love him.


Le directeur d’incendie Patrick Lemieux est décédé le 28 mars 2016 à son retour d’unappel. Il s’est joint aux services d’incendie en 1969.

Fire director Patrick Lemieux died after attending a fire call on March 28, 2016. Hejoined the fire service in 1969.

Family Memories / Souvenirs de famille

Suivant les traces de son père, le chef Edward Ted Lemieux, Pat a débuté sa carrière de pompiervolontaire le 4 février 1969. Quelques années plus tard, il devenait lieutenant responsable del’équipe d’appareils respiratoires. En 2001, il devient Directeur à temps plein du service incendiede la Ville de Maniwaki.

Les pompiers de Maniwaki couvrent aussi les Municipalités de Egan sud, Bois-Franc et la réserveamérindienne Kitigan-Zibi.

La majeure partie de son temps, Pat le passait à la caserne. Si vous le cherchiez, il n’était pas difficileà trouver. Il est décédé en faisant un travail qu’il adorait.

En plus de sa famille de pompiers, il laisse dans le deuil ses deux fils, Stéphane et Mathieu, sa sœur etses deux frères.

2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 20177


Captain Lenard Kjos died while responding to an incident on July 9, 2016. He joinedthe fire service in 2002.

Le capitaine Lenard Kjos a succombé le 9 juillet 2016, alors qu’il répondait à un appel.Il s’est joint aux services d’incendie en 2002.

Family Memories / Souvenirs de famille

Lenard Carl Kjos was a volunteer firefighter with the Cadogan Fire Department for 20 years. He took pride inhis job as a firefighter. He was a community man and he was always there to help someone.

Lenard was very much loved by his wife Diane, his daughter Debbie, son Darryl, and their respective families.He was loved by all his grandchildren and he adored his great-granddaughter.


Firefighter Patrick Pidgeon died at a fire on July 16, 2016. He joined the fire service in 2015.

Le pompier Patrick Pidgeon est mort sur une scène d’incendie le 16 juillet 2016. Ils’est joint aux services d’incendie en 2015.

Family Memories / Souvenirs de famillePatrick, also known as “Big P” to his family, was a decorated and honoured Canadian Forces veteranwho served in several conflicts, including one tour in Bosnia, and two tours in Afghanistan. In addition,he was a full time correctional officer at the Kingston and Millhaven penitentiaries. He wasn’t with theLoyalist Fire Department long as a volunteer, but it was a new calling for him for which he applied hisusual brand of enthusiasm, respect and unquenchable thirst for knowledge.

Anyone who knew Patrick would describe him as a jovial, intelligent, kind, and witty individual. Allof his comrades describe him as a natural leader, but he was a humble man and would describe himselfalways as a student. “We never know enough. There is always room to learn more from others”, he wouldsay. His thick French accent and “Pidgeonisms” became legend at his workplace and were always a sourceof amusement.

He was a consummate professional in everything he did, right down to his dress and deportment. Hisadage was; “do the right thing always”. More than anything Patrick was a humble man who never tookcredit for things and rarely accepted compliments or praise well. His kindness towards others, his passionfor travel, camping, tactical sport shooting, and his exceptional role as a father and husband will be thethings we remember most fondly about him.

We will never forget him and aspire daily to embody those traits we admired so much in him. His absencehas left a huge void in our lives, but we are so grateful for the memories he left us.

2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 20178


Deputy Fire Chief Terry Baxter died from a work-related illness on August 5, 2016. Hejoined the fire service in 1978.

Le chef des pompiers adjoint Terry Baxter a succombé à une maladie professionnellele 5 août 2016. Il s’est joint aux services d’incendie en 1978.

Family Memories / Souvenirs de familleTerry’s firefighting career began in 1978 when he joined as a founding member of the volunteer firedepartment in Conmee Township. Through hard work, training, dedication and expanding knowledge,he rose through the ranks until he was deputy chief. Terry was a very patient respected man; a greatteacher and mentor to all. You would always see him at the fire hall every Sunday for clean-up andThursdays for training. He was a great husband to his wife Dianne.

Terry would be humbled that he would be honoured through recognition at this year’s memorial ceremony.


Acting Captain Gino De Amicis died from a work-related illness on August 11, 2016. Hejoined the fire service in 1991.

Le capitaine (p.i.) Gino De Amicis a succombé à une maladie professionnelle le 11 août2016. Il s’est joint aux services d’incendie en 1991.

Family Memories / Souvenirs de familleGino was a proud but humble firefighter who joined the Toronto Fire Services on April 29 1991.Promoted to Acting Captain on June 15, 2009, Gino was always known as the quiet one around thehall. Not without opinion, he definitely had the knack for the quick witted one liners that everyonehad come to expect.

As a father and husband, Gino was passionate about his family. He always said that his twin sons,Matthew and Patrick, were the greatest achievements of his life. The hours of volunteer coachinghockey and lacrosse for his sons never weighed on him as it was his passion to be involved with theboys in their athletic endeavours. He was so very proud of his sons and all their accomplishments intheir young lives.

Gino would be honoured to be included in this year’s memorial ceremony. He will be forever lovedand missed.

2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 20179


Firefighter Steven Crites died from a work-related illness on August 18, 2016. He joined thefire service in 1981.

Le pompier Steven Crites a succombé à une maladie professionnelle le 18 août 2016. Il s’estjoint aux services d’incendie en 1981.

Family Memories / Souvenirs de familleSteven was a devoted husband and father, a loving son and brother, and a wonderful uncle, cousin,nephew, and friend to all who knew him.

Steve “Opie” – called by all of his firefighting crew - joined the Toronto Fire Department on November 2,1981. As a small boy, this was something he wanted more than anything. Steve had a love of all sports,including golf, baseball, and football, and once played on The Junior Toronto Argonauts. He also enjoyedhunting and fishing.

Steve was extremely proud of his brotherhood and was passionate about his work. He would oftenentertain people with jokes, or sometimes a harmless prank, all in good fun of course.

Cottage ownership was something on Steve’s bucket list. While he was able to fulfill this dream, sadly hewas never able to enjoy it as his journey with his illness began shortly after. He passed a few weeks aftercelebrating his 28th wedding anniversary, and a few months before retirement.

Steve is survived by the love of his life Lori, and their daughter Carly “pumpkin”.


Platoon Chief (Captain) Donald Martin died of a work related illness on September 5, 2016.He joined the fire service in 1982.

Le chef de peloton (capitaine) Donald Martin a succombé à une maladie professionnelle le5 septembre 2016. Il s’est joint aux services d’incendie en 1982.

Family Memories / Souvenirs de familleDon was a firefighter and dedicated family man. A volunteer firefighter as a teenager, he became a careerfirefighter and remained working at the job he loved, rising in rank to Platoon Chief. He was passionateabout his job and those he worked with. He was a committed community volunteer and gave of his timefreely and energetically.

His passion for his job and community was surpassed only by his love for his family and took careof everyone he loved. Coming from a large family, Don was always on hand to help out. Married for27 years, never a moment went by that his love, pride and respect was not shown or felt by his wifeJanet and daughters Megan and Taylor.

His legacy will live on in his family and his contributions to his fellow firefighters at CFB Halifax.

Forever loved, forever missed, never forgotten.

2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 201710


Fire Chief Robert Felker died from a work-related illness on September 13, 2016. He joinedthe fire service in 1982.

Le chef des pompiers Robert Felker a succombé à une maladie professionnelle le 13 septembre 2016. Il s’est joint aux services d’incendie en 1982.

Family Memories / Souvenirs de familleRobert, better known as Bob to his friends and family, belonged to the Forest Grove Volunteer FireDepartment for 34 years, 32 of those years were spent as the fire chief.

Bob was very proud of his department as he was there from the beginning, building it from the ground up.He spent countless hours at his hall dedicated to training and safety procedures to ensure members werefully trained to meet all requirements of the job.

The fire service was his number one passion in life. He brought his technical and electrical aptitude to thefire hall, creating a living hall that literally turns itself on and off when an emergency call comes in. Inthe fire service, the Forest Grove Fire Hall is affectionately called “Gadget Grove”.

Bob is very much loved, respected and missed by friends and family, and especially by his beloved wife of43 years Colleen, his daughter Crissy and grandson Austin.


Lieutenant Dennis te Boekhorst died from a work-related illness on October 26, 2016. Hejoined the fire service in 1999.

Le lieutenant Dennis te Boekhorst a succombé à une maladie professionnelle le 26 octobre2016. Il s’est joint aux services d’incendie en 1999.

Family Memories / Souvenirs de familleDennis was born in Holland, the youngest child of three to Jan & Maria te Boekhorst. They immigratedto Canada in 1977, when he was just three years old. From a very young age, Dennis found himself onspeed skates. He excelled, and soon found himself on the BC Junior Speed skating team.

He made it as a highly respected member of the Maple Ridge honour guard and training officer/mentorto the new recruits over his many years.

He was an excellent father to his two children Grace and Calym and when his daughter Grace got ill hedid not hesitate and rose to the occasion, becoming a live organ donor by giving his kidney to Grace. Itdidn’t seem to matter where Dennis went, he loved all the people along the way. Neighbours were neverneighbours to him, he had to get to know them all, and grow friendships wherever he went.

His favorite line was “I’m kind of a big deal”. Dennis really was a great big deal, everything he did wasbig, and especially the way he loved his two kids and our family. His trade mark was, always having asmile on his face through whatever was happening.

2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 201711


Captain Jeffrey Lilly died from a work-related illness on December 16, 2016. He joined thefire service in 1992.

Le capitaine Jeffrey Lilly a succombé à une maladie professionnelle le 16 décembre 2016. Ils’est joint aux services d’incendie en 1992.

Family Memories / Souvenirs de familleJeff was a proud and active member of the Lunenburg and District Fire department for 12 years.He loved helping people and being a part of this wonderful team, which is why it meant so muchto him to become Captain in 2015.

He was also an avid sports enthusiast. He played and refereed hockey. He loved playing soft ball,downhill skiing, and when the weather was right, hitting the road on his Harley. Jeff was also ananimal lover, and his two beloved dogs, Sadie and Sophie, miss him terribly.

Jeff was a quiet man with a quick wit, an amazing smile and sense of humor. He will be foreverloved and missed by his wife Coleen, his parents Barbara and Roland, brothers Shawn and Terry(Jamie), grandmother Lucy, his special niece Emma, as well as all of his extended family, friends,team members and LDFD family.

His Excellency the Governor General in Council recently signed a proclamation declaring the second Sunday in September of each year to be “Firefighters’ National Memorial Day” in recognition of the sacrifices made by our fallen firefighters in Canada. On behalf of the families of the fallen and all firefighters across Canada, theFoundation is extremely grateful for the proclamation, spearheaded by Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness Minister Ralph Goodaleand confirmed by the Liberal government.


Son Excellence le gouverneur général en conseil a récemment signé une proclamation désignant le deuxième dimanche de septembre dechaque année comme « Jour commémoratif national des pompiers », enreconnaissance des sacrifices consentis par nos pompiers morts en service au Canada. Au nom des familles des disparus et de tous les pompiers à travers le pays, la Fondation est extrêmement reconnaissantepour la proclamation, introduite par l’honorable Ralph Goodale, ministre de la Sécurité publique et de la Protection civile, et confirméepar le gouvernement libéral.

2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 201712

Harry Adams (19) 06/19/1914

Kenneth Aikenhead (9) 05/13/1987

Harvey Aitcheson (16) 10/06/2004

Alexander Aitchison (14) 04/05/1905

Edgar Aitchison (14) 08/22/1950

Paul Alain (7) 10/24/1945

Jean-Charles Alarie (7) 03/27/1984

Alfred Albert (8) 01/01/1928

David Allan (21) 08/25/1976

James Anderson (10) 03/09/1966

Andy Anderson (22) 04/09/2013

Thomas Andrews (14) 02/02/1949

John Anketell (10) 02/15/2014

Alan Anketell (9) 03/10/1999

Rene Arbour (17) 05/19/1997

Richard Ardagh (14) 01/27/1895

Jesse Armitage (16) 01/19/1980

Jack Armstrong (11) 03/06/1974

Jim Arnold (13) 11/06/1999

William Ashfield (14) 10/05/1880

Les Ashton (21) 12/23/2002

Denis Asselin (4) 08/02/1992

Jasper Assman (23) 10/06/1956

Alan Auger (10) 01/16/1985

Moise Aumond (5) 09/27/1890

Raymond Ayotte (7) 03/03/1971

Donald Babineau (16) 09/09/1987

Leslie Badry (22) 03/06/2013

Theophilus Ballinger (17) 06/02/1962

Donald Bamber (22) 08/06/2014

Elton Bannon (16) 03/09/1965

James Banting (21) 02/23/2011

James Barabash (24) 04/15/1995

Richard Barker (16) 10/29/2015

Cameron Barnes (10) 02/28/2012

E. Barnett (23) 09/14/1945

Clifford Barrett (16) 04/05/2010

Joseph Barrett (8) 09/30/1961

Michael Barry (5) 04/29/1877

Gordon Bartlett (1) 07/02/1994

Donald Barwell (14) 04/29/1975

Percival Barwick (17) 02/09/1967

Eric Basarowich (19) 02/22/1985

Glen Bassett (10) 02/13/1994

Michael Bates (16) 11/18/2013

Terry Baxter (17) 08/05/2016

Harold Beaton (10) 07/01/1992

Lionel Beaton (1) 05/14/1975

Robert Beatson (20) 11/28/1955

William Beattie (21) 05/09/2005

Simon Beauchamp (23) 07/01/1982

Léon Beaudoin (5) 12/11/1958

Richard Beaulieu (22) 08/30/1971

Denis Beauregard (7) 03/03/1981

Richard Befus (22) 07/31/2014

Robert Bell (11) 04/09/2015

Harvey Bellinger (14) 10/25/1993

Robert Belyea (3) 12/27/1983

Wayne Bench (10) 07/10/1997

Lester Bengay (9) 09/24/1972

Leroy Bennett (13) 09/20/1975

George Bennett (14) 06/14/1907

Lawrence Berenz (16) 10/25/2015

Clifford Bergen (24) 02/26/2012

Robert Berryman (3) 03/23/2016

Claude Berthiaume (8) 06/18/2016

John Bertram (13) 12/13/1896

Robert Bertrand (24) 05/12/2010

Alphonse Bertrand (7) 05/12/1930

Rolland Bérubé (6) 06/01/1961

Sampson Best (10) 01/13/1926

Ken Best (11) 10/29/1989

William Bettke (15) 01/30/2010

Jack Beuving (14) 03/18/2001

Robert Bezeau (9) 10/24/1997

Joe Billings (11) 03/19/1981

Arthur Bisson (8) 11/27/1967

Paul Bjerg (1) 06/23/1965

William Black (5) 04/28/1998

James Blackier (3) 03/13/1984

Léonard Blain (7) 05/23/1940

Andrew Boa (20) 09/15/2015

Ted Bochan (22) 06/26/2011

Jean-Marie Boivin (7) 07/27/1954

Clayton Bollong (1) 10/30/1956

Timothy Bond (9) 09/26/2016

Leonard Bondy (11) 02/27/1971

Leslie Booth (10) 06/30/1967

Donald Booth (16) 10/14/2007

George Booth (5) 10/11/1975

Leslie Booth (13) 08/28/1953

Randy Borecki (22) 11/23/2003

Leonard Borrow (24) 08/24/1973

Daniel Botkin (23) 12/29/2011

Raymond Boulanger (8) 01/29/1976

Jacques-Henri Boulet (7) 06/21/1986

Ralph Boulton (24) 09/04/1989

Bernie Bourne (10) 04/17/1994

Edmond Boutin (4) 07/21/1929

Walter Bowen (21) 04/22/1951

Robert Bowery (14) 01/06/1895

Ray Brackenbury (21) 12/03/1964

George Branch (1) 11/24/1980

Édouard Brazeau (4) 08/20/1919

Howard Breden (24) 11/20/1979


Names of the fallen are listed alphabetically with the memorial wall location number in brackets. The last name should appear within 2 feet of either side of the corresponding bronze marker joint.


Les noms des pompiers morts en service sont présentés en ordre alphabétique; le chiffre entre parenthèse identifie le point de repère surle mur commémoratif. Le nom de famille devrait être inscrit dans un rayon de deux pieds du point de repère de bronze correspondant.




2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 201713

George Bremner (16) 07/19/1947

William Brew (14) 09/24/1979

John Bricknell (16) 02/24/2000

Jonathan Brier (21) 03/19/1913

Frederick Briggs (24) 11/13/1969

Edward Briggs (22) 01/23/2004

James Brigham (19) 08/19/2000

William Brindle (15) 01/25/1901

Armand Brisebois (5) 03/01/1942

William Broderick (2) 12/06/1917

Raymond Brooks (13) 02/23/1991

Gordon Brough (17) 08/18/1994

Jack Brouwers (17) 08/02/2014

Keith Brown (17) 08/08/2005

William Brown (13) 09/20/1929

Charles Brown (9) 10/24/2004

Frederick Brown (19) 04/06/1953

William Bruce (21) 01/13/1940

William Brunt (2) 12/06/1917

Brian Brusegard (19) 12/29/2013

Gary Bryant (9) 04/19/2006

James Bryant (24) 06/29/1914

Harvey Buckley (10) 09/09/1949

Alexander Budd (10) 11/21/1957

Victor Budz (20) 05/31/1980

Murray Bulmer (14) 08/28/1953

Randy Burch (16) 11/12/2012

Ken Burfield (9) 10/15/1989

Stanley Burnett (14) 03/01/1961

Fred Burr (24) 05/04/1960

Terrance Burton (22) 11/16/2000

Randy Bush (10) 03/25/1981

Tim Butland (17) 11/16/1988

Richard Butler (22) 08/24/1958

Arthur Cade (23) 07/01/1984

Robert Calhoun (14) 06/07/1933

John Calhoun (17) 07/07/1957

Jack Cameron (10) 08/04/2012

William Cameron (24) 05/15/1918

Fred Cameron (13) 06/30/1934

Philippe Camiré (8) 06/06/1910

Ross Campbell (14) 01/29/1962

Alan Campbell (24) 11/23/1960

Peter Campbell (13) 05/02/2015

David Campbell (24) 08/03/1997

Robert Campbell (13) 11/23/2004

William Cannon (16) 07/16/1997

Doug Cantelon (13) 07/15/1999

Guy Cantin (16) 04/15/1997

Auguste Cardinal (8) 10/31/1913

Francis Cardinal (21) 07/21/2010

Joseph Careau (7) 05/15/1920

Patrick Carey (13) 04/30/2001

Ronald Carlisle (24) 02/15/2011

Charles Carolan (10) 02/25/2002

Sylvain Carpentier (5) 10/16/1896

James Carrington (21) 11/24/2008

Daniel Carroll (13) 05/04/2013

William Carson (10) 12/07/1999

Billy Carter (2) 12/03/1973

Craig Carter (17) 08/25/2004

David Cartmel (13) 09/03/2012

John Case (9) 06/18/1916

Norman Caskie (10) 07/09/1960

Edward Caskie (16) 07/13/1946

Bruce Catchpole (15) 01/26/1964

Neville Cave (21) 02/13/2014

Albert Cayen (13) 12/08/1947

Robert Chalmers (22) 07/06/2009

Peter Chambers (16) 10/10/2013

Thomas Chambers (16) 03/12/1956

André Chapleau (7) 05/11/2014

John Chappelle (11) 09/05/2007

Jean-Claude Charbonneau (7)09/17/1977

Hormidas Charest (6) 12/12/1922

William Charlton (14) 07/10/1866

Thomas Charters (10) 04/14/1881

Louis Chartier (8) 05/17/1935

Raymond Chatten (24) 08/20/1979

Joseph Cheeseman (10) 11/30/1996

Harry Chevalier (11) 07/04/1990

Normand Chiasson (5) 06/19/1991

Lucien Chicoine (5) 11/24/1941

Barry Chipka (18) 04/22/2006

Hormidas Choquette (5) 03/28/1927

Richard Choules (5) 04/29/1877

Erik Christensen (13) 03/19/2010

Mark Christensen (22) 08/17/2008

Thomas Christie (11) 11/24/1905

Frank Christie (19) 02/18/1952

Thomas Christie (23) 02/29/2008

Jason Churchill (10) 06/10/2015

Walter Churchmack (10) 03/17/2001

Philip Clack (23) 08/02/1974

Roy Clark (20) 05/14/2006

Murray Clark (22) 08/15/1976

Thomas Clark (10) 08/14/1992

Thomas Clark (16) 12/05/2008

John Clark (11) 12/04/1978

Lawrence Clark (15) 08/18/1908

Ronald Clarke (22) 09/03/2012

Harry Clarke (13) 07/10/1902

Roy Clarkson (10) 02/11/1980

Yvon Clément (5) 08/03/1971

Patrick Cleveland (17) 07/13/1989

Richard Cline (23) 06/27/1992

John Cloran (6) 08/03/1884

William Closs (16) 06/21/2009

Ronald Clowes Sr. (3) 04/23/2010

George Clynick (3) 03/19/1927

Norman Cocks (21) 05/08/1962

William Coe (9) 09/26/1920

Matthew Coleman (5) 02/12/1896

Walter Collard (14) 07/10/1902

Jérémie Collin (5) 08/21/1934

James Collins (16) 07/13/1980

Doran Collins (11) 06/10/1988

Clarence Collins (16) 10/16/1954

William Collins (22) 01/31/1948

Joe Comeau (24) 05/17/1999

Edward Condon (2) 12/06/1917

Kevin Conlon (16) 06/06/2005

Ivan Cook (17) 05/13/1968

William Cooke (12) 11/30/1998

Donald Cooper (16) 01/25/2014

James Copeland (16) 06/25/2000

Aurèle Cormier (4) 06/22/1982

William Cormier (1) 04/24/1930

Robert Corrigan (24) 07/01/1958

Edward Cosgrave (14) 06/24/1947

James Cote (21) 07/18/1969

Léopold Coté (6) 10/13/1951

Fernand Côté (17) 12/23/2007

Lucien Cotnoir (4) 02/08/1976

John Coull (19) 07/03/1944

Donald Coulter (17) 10/24/1983

Kent Cousineau (15) 05/14/2008

Rémi Couturier (3) 06/02/1940

James Cox (17) 11/09/2011

Raymond Cranswick (16) 12/15/1983

William Crawford (15) 03/02/2015

Roy Creen (13) 01/20/1908

Steven Crites (10) 08/18/2016

Gary Cross (16) 05/14/2008

Robert Crothers (9) 08/28/1997

James Crowley (10) 11/03/2001

Steve Cudnik (11) 11/15/1994

William Culling (16) 01/20/1953

Walter Cunliffe (13) 05/29/2011

Ken Currie (16) 02/01/2000

Ernest Cyr (4) 03/13/1948

Yvon Cyr (7) 05/15/1981

Stan Dabrowski (14) 05/18/1981

Georges Dagenais (6) 04/22/1893

Ted Daher (11) 12/05/1999

Ken Daigneau (11) 05/05/1998

Jacques Daigneault (5) 12/24/2002

Raymond Daigneault (7) 06/08/2013

Rickie Dale (17) 03/13/2016

2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 201714

Yvon Damato (7) 01/06/2012

Raymond-Lomer D'amours (8)12/12/1948

John Dance (11) 09/07/1977

Bruce Dancy (21) 08/31/2006

Michel Daragon (8) 06/29/1998

Hubert Daudelin (4) 02/24/1959

George Dauphinee (2) 12/01/1933

Robert Davenport (10) 04/11/2015

Alexander Davidson (14) 06/04/1937

Alexander Davidson (24) 07/16/1967

Thomas Davidson (20) 07/13/1984

James Davidson (17) 12/02/1947

William Davies (17) 12/28/2016

John Davis (15) 07/11/1884

Charles Dawson (9) 12/29/1977

Charles Dawson (19) 01/21/1896

William Dawson (10) 06/05/2016

Kenneth Day (15) 07/22/2011

Gino De Amicis (12) 08/11/2016

Louis De Brienne (4) 06/17/1932

Thomas Deacon (14) 04/01/1898

Jean-Luc Deba (21) 05/20/2011

Grover Deck (13) 05/19/1951

James Deemert (11) 09/30/2003

Fernand Defoy (6) 08/25/1957

Fred Deinhart (10) 10/31/1968

Willard Delano (3) 12/16/1959

Charles Delano (3) 12/16/1959

Napoléon Deloge (5) 01/22/1922

Brent Dempsey (22) 09/08/2003

Paul Denesuik (10) 12/09/1982

Wilfred Derocher (21) 05/04/1944

Robert Derrheim (22) 07/14/2011

Louis Deschamps (9) 06/16/1927

René Desharnais (7) 06/27/1993

Wilbrod Desjardins (7) 02/01/1925

Lionel Desjardins (16) 04/24/1968

Andy DesLauriers (9) 06/03/1992

Martin Desrochers (7) 06/27/1993

Pierre Déziel (5) 03/19/1990

Harris Diack (19) 06/18/2006

Clarence Dibble (13) 08/15/1964

Patrick Dineen (16) 05/18/2006

Raynald Dion (7) 06/27/1993

Mark Diotte (16) 05/07/2014

Paul Dixon (12) 10/16/1988

James Dixon (13) 07/23/1934

Duncan Doan (9) 08/06/1969

Paul Dolbec (7) 05/15/1981

Frederick Dolding (18) 08/12/1929

Ernie Dombrowski (24) 04/20/2015

Paul Donahoe (16) 10/09/2007

Barry Donnelly (15) 08/25/2005

Leo Dorgan (14) 05/27/2009

Gaston Dorval (8) 03/12/1961

William Douglas (5) 08/16/1849

Robert Douglas (3) 02/18/1941

Wayne Douglas (24) 05/21/2015

Ruurd Douma (16) 10/28/2016

John Dowdell (17) 03/16/2016

William Downey (10) 09/25/1967

Roy Downing (13) 08/28/1953

Gerhard Drachenberg (24) 07/22/1966

Walter Drake (11) 10/07/2001

Roland Drolet (7) 03/12/1961

Peter Drummond (23) 11/19/2007

Robert Drynan (17) 04/25/2005

Gilles Dubois (8) 06/24/2016

Jean-Roch Dubreuil (7) 01/07/1987

Desmond Dubroy (13) 04/01/1959

Jean Ducharme (6) 09/09/1965

Peter Duchnicki (10) 06/12/1957

Nestor Dudar (19) 04/10/2007

John Duffield (17) 08/17/2011

Jacques Dufort (7) 10/28/2002

Denis Dufour (7) 08/01/1978

Pierre-Alexandre Dufour (5)06/09/1893

Napoléon Dugal (8) 10/22/1937

John Duggan (2) 12/06/1917

Amédée Dumas (4) 03/16/1901

Murray Duncan (10) 04/07/2003

William Duncan (15) 03/25/2011

William Dundas (9) 11/15/1949

Ray Dunning (11) 06/01/1977

Laurent Dupont (5) 01/08/1994

Robert Dupont (7) 08/01/1978

Gilbert Dupuis (16) 02/16/1962

Hugh Durkin (14) 05/13/1913

J. Dusablon (18) 06/04/1976

Yannick Dutin (1) 07/12/1967

Stan Dutka (11) 03/09/2007

Lloyd Dutnall (22) 09/06/1970

Pierre Duval (6) 12/31/1883

Ronald Dysart (18) 06/06/2007

Donald Dyson (15) 01/21/2000

Murray Eastoe (19) 05/04/2012

Victor Ebbs (17) 12/05/2002

William Ebert (24) 07/16/2003

James Edwards (10) 12/15/1985

Alan Edwards (21) 05/12/2005

Jack Edwards (24) 06/23/1961

Donald Eichenberger (9) 08/11/1984

Robert Elder (22) 09/09/2005

Richard Eldon (15) 05/21/2012

Jack Elgar (19) 06/27/1998

Wilfrid Elliott (9) 04/29/1947

William Elliott (17) 03/07/2007

Robert Ellis (16) 10/06/1993

Fred Ellis (10) 11/29/2002

Herbert Ellis (24) 04/17/1930

Ross Ellison (22) 10/09/2016

Darrell Ellwood (16) 12/25/2011

Glen Emerson (16) 08/26/1989

Mathieu Émond (5) 03/04/2008

Jon Enander (21) 04/28/2013

Dustin Engel (24) 06/20/2004

John Enright (5) 01/22/1904

John Eskdale (14) 12/17/1855

Julien Ethier (10) 10/24/2012

Arthur Etter (2) 01/25/1885

Robert Evans (23) 11/29/2002

Thomas Everist (11) 04/24/1890

Charles Exton (11) 01/10/2015

Theo Farquharson (1) 09/01/1890

William Farrington (19) 12/23/2002

Greg Fecteau (16) 02/14/2007

Robert Felker (24) 09/13/2016

Peter Ferguson (9) 04/09/1955

Léonard Ferland (7) 05/17/1935

James Fewell (24) 08/02/1974

Rae Fidler (9) 05/09/1980

Michael Fikis (9) 03/05/1979

Guy Filiatrault (7) 05/14/1974

Alexandre Filion (5) 10/18/1927

David Findley (17) 03/13/1944

Arthur Fiset (7) 11/24/1930

Dennis Fisher (11) 03/19/1981

Edward Fisher (24) 07/25/1959

Frederick Fisher (23) 06/21/1982

Richard Fofonove (24) 07/16/1984

Pierre-Agapit Foisy (8) 11/28/1917

Hector Forest (5) 07/15/1933

Ross Forfar (10) 09/01/2005

James Forrest (14) 04/25/1878

John Forsyth (5) 06/22/1913

Jérémie Fortin (6) 10/16/1909

Jérémie Fortin (4) 09/22/1930

Earl Fox (2) 01/15/1956

William Fraser (13) 11/06/1967

Earl Fraser (17) 02/01/1953

Jean-Claude Fraser (5) 05/29/1984

John Fraser (9) 11/13/1962

Edward Frederick (1) 04/14/1878

James Frederick (24) 07/31/1962

Frank Freemantle (11) 03/31/1973

Alvin French (18) 02/12/1973

Mike French (17) 01/10/1990

Roy Friesen (24) 06/29/1985

Richard Frost (23) 05/10/1918

2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 201715

Robert Fry (20) 03/11/2013

Otis Fulton (24) 05/10/1918

Cyril Fyfe (21) 03/21/2005

Napoléon Gagnon (6) 01/12/1908

Gary Galipeau (11) 08/10/2001

Anthony Gallager (19) 08/14/1914

Jerald Gallaghan (16) 10/12/2008

Mike Gallant (1) 05/14/2015

Lawrence Gant (19) 05/21/1978

Kurt Gantner (23) 08/23/2011

Gilbert Garand (4) 07/15/1892

Lionel Gariépy (7) 03/02/1960

Ernest Garrett (10) 10/14/1966

Robert Gaston (15) 04/17/1952

Robert Gaston (17) 12/18/1967

Ian Gatehouse (11) 04/11/2004

Thomas Gauthier (7) 03/29/1911

Albert Gauthier (8) 10/11/1917

Raoul Gauthier (5) 06/17/1932

Viateur Gauthier (7) 12/16/1938

Lance Geary (23) 11/17/2008

William Geddes (9) 08/30/1950

Leister Geddes (23) 07/07/2011

Yvon Gendron (7) 08/18/1981

Jean-Marie Genest (5) 12/05/2007

Ludovick Geni (20) 07/26/2015

Patrick Geraghty (5) 01/27/1981

David Gerow (9) 03/27/1923

James Getty (9) 08/05/1972

Leonard Gibbons (14) 02/05/1955

Phillip Gibson (7) 01/17/1901

Austin Gibson (9) 08/09/1971

Richard Gietz (17) 12/29/2007

Gary Giffin (24) 06/11/2002

Howard Gilbert (11) 09/06/1974

Albert Gilbert (14) 07/16/1884

Sidney Gilbert (22) 03/15/2007

Russell Gilchrist (23) 06/29/1985

George Gilliland (16) 09/30/1954

Paul Girard (7) 04/15/2014

Philidor Gladu (6) 03/16/1950

Ross Gledhill (16) 12/31/1958

Patrick Glendinning (24) 11/14/2008

Thierry Godfrind (8) 07/13/2012

Henry Goldsworthy (22) 09/07/2013

Byron Goodin (3) 02/09/1972

Tom Gordon (10) 03/24/1997

John Gordon (13) 07/19/2011

William Gorman (1) 02/14/1926

Merrill Gosling (24) 02/21/2015

David Gottfredson (24) 07/26/1969

Paul Goulet (16) 05/03/1993

Charles Jr. Goulet (4) 11/29/1984

Stanley Gower (13) 10/04/1943

Francis Graham (14) 07/25/1877

Gary Graham (10) 04/13/1998

Murray Graham (15) 06/29/1994

John Graham (22) 05/25/2001

Terrence Graham (3) 07/10/2008

John Graham (24) 11/10/1979

Martin Gramm (14) 08/17/1998

Andrew Grant (23) 10/16/1933

Stephen Grant (17) 01/17/2012

Norman Grant (13) 11/11/2015

William Gratton (14) 08/21/1952

David Gray (13) 03/09/2010

Ian Gray (16) 08/26/2000

Frank Greco (17) 03/14/1997

Lorne Green (18) 04/01/2011

Robert Greer (3) 05/24/1874

Jacques Grenier (7) 03/01/1991

André Grenier (8) 02/23/1988

Bertrand Grenier (7) 02/05/1962

Maurice Grenon (14) 09/13/1982

Dale Griffin (24) 08/01/1985

John Groves (10) 05/25/2000

Garry Grummett (21) 03/02/2015

Albert Grundy (20) 11/08/2001

Dennis Guenter (20) 05/31/1980

Albert Guérin (7) 08/17/1936

Adolf Guterson (22) 12/16/1951

Paul Gyselinck (19) 02/04/2012

Gerald Hagan (22) 08/18/2006

Gerald Hagerman (16) 02/02/2013

Edward Hains (5) 02/20/1923

Gordon Hales (21) 09/01/1971

Don Haley (13) 11/21/2008

Robert Hall (24) 08/27/2007

Archibald Hall (1) 05/16/1966

Per Halvorsen (24) 03/31/1997

Reginald Hamblin (24) 04/17/1973

Alphonse Hamelin (5) 03/13/1948

Lucien Hamelin (5) 06/17/1932

Patrick Hamill (4) 06/22/1913

Leslie Hamilton (13) 08/20/1962

John Hamilton (9) 01/03/1965

Murchie Hanson (17) 04/24/2015

William Harpe (21) 05/21/1943

Leonard Harper (24) 12/08/1947

Alex Harris (22) 06/20/2009

Neil Harrison (17) 02/24/2014

John Harrison (16) 03/06/1969

Harold Harrison (22) 05/06/1995

Lawrence Hart (23) 08/12/1990

Éric Hart (5) 11/30/1979

Lorne Hartley (17) 11/02/1991

Arthur Hartop (11) 03/03/1934

Myron Harvey (2) 09/15/1992

Albert Hatch (14) 04/14/1904

William Hauber (24) 07/16/1985

John Hawley (19) 08/15/1949

Terry Haworth (11) 06/20/2008

Larry Hayman (21) 09/20/2007

William Haynes (16) 02/01/1955

Lloyd Hayward (4) 10/22/1958

Frederick Hazines (7) 03/10/1886

Peter Hearn (1) 10/30/1959

Rex Heath (17) 12/26/2009

Steven Heatherington (20) 07/18/1969

James Heaton (15) 01/24/2010

Clifford Heaton (21) 01/18/1970

Andrew Hebenton (19) 01/22/1955

Georges Hébert (3) 04/10/1952

Kevin Hegarty (24) 03/03/2015

Elmer Helm (10) 12/29/1977

Les Helman (18) 05/14/2008

George Heming (21) 06/26/2003

John Henley (13) 01/04/2015

Walter Hennessey (2) 12/06/1917

Normand Henri (15) 04/26/1991

Napoléon Henrichon (4) 06/17/1932

Svend Henriksen (17) 07/15/1999

James Henry (13) 07/23/1934

Douglas Herbers (21) 09/30/2003

Ted Heydon (9) 05/22/2007

Martin Hicks (3) 07/12/1993

Thomas Higgins (5) 04/29/1877

David Hildrop (17) 02/08/2013

Donald Hill (24) 08/08/1967

David Hill (24) 08/23/2012

George Hill (17) 12/27/1948

Herbert Hill (9) 02/20/1979

Reg Hill (24) 09/14/1945

Douglas Hillis (10) 01/12/2004

William Hilts (24) 05/22/2015

Timothy Hoday (15) 04/09/2015

Craig Hofland (9) 08/03/2012

William Holdbrook (5) 11/08/1909

Bruce Holland (23) 11/15/1991

Albert Hollands (16) 08/01/2014

Allen Holmes (12) 03/19/1981

Frederick Holmes (10) 08/01/1983

Roger Holmes (11) 08/10/1999

Harry Hook (13) 04/08/1948

April Hopkin (11) 10/20/2002

Ralph Hopp (21) 08/15/1976

Jacques Houle (8) 06/29/1998

Reginald House (10) 03/18/1967

M. Howell (24) 06/14/1952

2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 201716

John Howlett (13) 11/02/1874

Robert Hughes (13) 10/04/2008

Ernie Hughes (10) 10/26/1993

Nick Hughes (1) 07/08/1988

Robert Hughes (18) 09/13/1979

Roy Humes (3) 02/16/1940

Thomas Humphrey (9) 11/05/2001

James Hunt (23) 09/14/1945

William Hunter (24) 09/19/2015

Murray Huntley (1) 09/15/1992

Milford Hurlbert (9) 02/07/1962

Victor Husband (23) 06/07/1990

Sydney Hutnick (10) 08/30/1950

George Hutt (5) 01/05/1904

Robert Innes (19) 08/07/1999

John Insley (16) 01/10/2008

Roy Ireland (10) 02/05/1992

Raymond Jackson (11) 10/24/2000

Nathan Jackson (21) 07/21/2010

Paul Jackson (10) 06/09/2008

Victor Jackson (24) 07/22/1960

Robert Jacobs (16) 09/24/1948

J. James (22) 07/13/1992

Kevin James (10) 07/25/2014

Lloyd Janes (11) 12/04/1978

Frederick Jenkins (24) 01/01/1928

William Jenner (24) 09/25/1957

Thomas Jennings (24) 12/25/1968

Lewis Jessome (1) 01/30/1959

Donald Jeyes (14) 01/24/1987

Ritchie Jodrey (1) 02/14/2014

Robert Johnson (10) 02/07/1978

William Johnson (14) 10/05/1928

Vic Johnson (24) 01/01/1960

Hamilton Johnston (3) 08/24/1932

Mark Johnston (13) 04/07/2006

James Johnston (9) 05/25/1922

Roger Joly (5) 08/01/1975

Jacques Joncas (7) 03/12/1961

George Jones (24) 07/12/2013

Arthur Jones (13) 01/12/1941

Mel Jones (16) 06/25/2005

Jacob Jongkind (13) 09/09/2015

Michael Kaatz (11) 04/25/2007

Roger Kane (10) 09/02/1978

Michael Kane (11) 03/21/2016

Gerald Karl (16) 02/15/1987

Kevin Kavanagh (9) 09/23/2002

Ramsay Keast (17) 03/07/2000

Rufus Keating (1) 01/19/1894

James Keats (21) 05/30/2006

Thomas Kelly (12) 09/28/1973

Patrick Kelly (6) 09/18/1873

Elmer Kelly (12) 01/14/1945

Ed Kelsch (18) 12/13/2011

Gordon Kemp (17) 08/13/2011

Vernon Kempffer (10) 05/26/1947

Garry Kendall (22) 07/31/2000

Gary Kendall (16) 01/31/2010

William Kennard (16) 11/30/1957

Donald Kennedy (21) 02/16/1989

Gary Kennedy (11) 03/09/1989

Robert Kennedy (10) 03/31/1980

Ross Kennedy (24) 06/07/2010

Allen Kennedy (3) 10/17/2015

David Kennedy (13) 01/22/1948

Joseph Kennedy (14) 08/29/1960

David Kennedy (11) 10/05/2003

Walter Kent (16) 02/03/1950

Melville Kerfoot (13) 05/17/1947

James Kerr (10) 09/30/1913

Adam Kerr (13) 07/10/1902

Donald Kerr (11) 12/04/1978

Alex Kerrigan (9) 03/03/1947

Benjamin Kerton (3) 01/27/1976

Reino Keski-Salmi (24) 06/29/1985

James Kidd (14) 09/18/1869

Richard Kiely (1) 12/12/1960

Charles Kieswetter (13) 12/27/1988

Jan Kikals (24) 08/03/1997

Frank Kileen (1) 12/06/1917

Paul Killingbeck (10) 06/06/1987

Henry King (6) 10/16/1896

Roger King Jr. (1) 01/25/2012

Ernie Kingston (23) 08/01/1991

Charles Kirkaldy (16) 09/02/1952

John Kitto (17) 08/06/1994

Teras Kitzul (22) 04/24/1980

Lenard Kjos (21) 07/09/2016

Michael Klein (17) 02/16/2014

Raphael Klein (22) 05/04/1944

Raymond Kline (1) 12/23/1981

William Jr. Knapman (1) 04/21/1915

William Sr. Knapman (2) 01/25/1939

Jim Knight (17) 09/15/2007

Palmer Knight (17) 07/18/2003

Patrick Knowles (23) 08/06/1984

Elford Knox (18) 01/25/1956

Howard Koehler (17) 11/09/2003

John Kohlier (3) 12/27/1933

John Kopinsky (22) 05/30/1992

William Koshylanyk (21) 09/01/1971

John Krahn (19) 04/27/2005

Scott Krueger (17) 03/10/2016

Hilbert Kummer (13) 12/23/2015

Edward Kurtz (21) 03/01/2004

Peter Kuryluk (21) 09/01/1971

Joseph Labarre (8) 10/03/1911

Louis Labrie (5) 12/09/1932

Gerald Lacasse (11) 07/31/2016

Joseph Lacey (11) 10/22/1975

Ovila Lachance (14) 08/16/1898

Denis Lachance (5) 11/12/1988

André Lacoste (8) 02/17/2003

Normand Lafrance (7) 08/05/1990

Denis Lafrenière (7) 06/21/1986

Jeff Laishes (16) 02/03/2006

William Lake (16) 11/15/1978

Donat Lalonde (21) 06/29/1988

John Lalonde (17) 02/02/2010

Edmond Lamontagne (5) 02/19/1917

Wilfrid Lamoureux (4) 09/30/1901

Maurice Landriault (9) 03/09/1978

Marvin Lane (23) 11/03/2006

Gary Lang (14) 03/12/2006

Elmer Langdon (11) 12/08/1986

James Langton (14) 09/30/2007

Gary Lanyon (23) 06/15/2008

Rolland Lapointe (7) 05/15/1981

Edmond Laporte (5) 10/16/1896

Rolland Larin (5) 05/10/1961

Dean Larivee (24) 07/10/2006

Rolland Larochelle (16) 03/02/1964

Reginald LaRush (10) 02/24/2000

Arthur Laslett (13) 01/20/2005

Maurice Latour (6) 03/30/1966

Christopher Lavery (2) 04/07/2014

Charles Law (10) 06/27/1950

William Lawrence (10) 03/06/2010

Robert Lawrence (10) 10/08/2016

George Layfield (24) 05/24/1959

Bernard Leach (10) 06/25/1986

George Leader (17) 12/12/1996

Frank Leahy (2) 12/31/1917

Brian LeBeau (24) 10/03/1996

Emery Lebeau (4) 03/01/1942

Gaston Leblanc (7) 11/22/1981

Frank LeClair (14) 08/09/2011

Eugène Lecomte (15) 04/10/1930

Henry Lecreux (10) 02/24/1993

Robert Leek (16) 08/10/2008

William Leeson (10) 01/21/1991

Harry Lefebre (22) 02/02/1937

Claude Lefebvre (6) 03/19/1990

Robert Leggett (8) 08/06/1963

Émile Lelièvre (5) 12/06/1928

Patrick Lemieux (7) 03/28/2016

Joseph Lepage (8) 06/25/1937

Frederick Lepper (16) 04/08/1858

2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 201717

Léodel Leprohon (6) 03/10/1927

Jules Leroux (8) 06/03/1940

Charles Leslie (13) 05/17/1947

Harold Lessard (19) 02/04/2007

Marius Létourneau (7) 03/02/1960

Pierre Létourneau (5) 05/25/1987

Jacques Levert (5) 03/28/1927

Claude Levesque (10) 02/26/2005

William Lewin (2) 01/01/1898

Karl Lewis (16) 11/30/2015

Harvey Lewis (9) 02/03/1982

Barry Ley (16) 12/23/2001

Charles L'Heureux (5) 02/19/1917

Jeffrey Lilly (2) 12/16/2016

C. Lindberg (22) 05/18/2010

Alexander Lindsay (3) 03/25/1926

Antonius Lippers (17) 05/22/2013

Andrew Lipsett (3) 03/05/1905

John Livingstone (5) 05/01/1877

Alexander Lockhart (14) 02/04/1969

Eusèbe Loiseau (8) 03/02/1960

Dale Long (17) 04/16/2004

Jean-Pierre Longpré (5) 05/25/1987

Frederick Longstaff (17) 07/25/1950

George Look (21) 01/01/1981

Stanley Lough (9) 06/13/1941

Talmadge Loughery (3) 10/25/1975

Arthur Lounsbury (15) 08/06/2015

W. Love (24) 09/23/1970

Maxwell Lovel (18) 04/16/1986

Sidney Lowe (22) 10/15/2010

Osborne Lowe (3) 01/15/1971

Cecil Lowry (9) 02/13/1952

John Lowry (15) 08/12/1896

Glenn Lucas (19) 10/06/2001

Robert Ludlow (13) 11/07/1960

Joseph Lund (24) 09/01/1918

Frank Lunny (19) 02/26/1915

Herb Lytle (16) 06/28/2013

William MacDiarmid (16) 05/26/1931

James Macdonald (17) 07/06/2011

Alex MacDonald (13) 02/09/2008

Ron MacDonald (2) 11/02/1997

John MacFarlane (11) 08/29/1996

Mick MacFarlane (2) 01/20/1980

Donald MacInnes (11) 12/09/2002

David MacIntyre (15) 06/01/2011

Archibald MacIntyre (16) 06/25/1919

Ian Mackay (24) 07/16/2003

David MacLean (1) 01/01/1997

James MacLean (14) 07/05/2011

Ian MacLean (3) 07/12/1993

Shawn MacLeod (1) 12/23/2006

Wilfrid Magnan (6) 06/08/1966

Sylvester Maj (15) 07/14/2011

Garry Mallette (15) 10/03/2010

Edward Maloney (24) 07/18/1979

George Maltus (1) 12/06/1917

Harry Manderson (10) 11/18/1980

Richard Mann (15) 04/09/2004

Lucien Manning (5) 02/09/1987

André Manseau (7) 03/09/2008

Murray Sr. Manson (16) 02/01/2011

Dann Marchessault (23) 08/05/2014

Gaetan Marcil (16) 08/11/2016

Thomas Marks (9) 11/02/1943

Marcel Marleau (8) 01/21/2006

Donald Martin (1) 09/05/2016

Ernest Martin (3) 06/02/1940

William Martin (19) 01/15/2006

Kirk Martin (14) 02/23/1976

Irénée Martin (8) 06/25/1937

James Martin (17) 09/28/1981

John Mason (11) 03/19/1981

Alfred Mason (16) 03/02/1955

Richard Mason (9) 10/14/2013

René Massé (5) 12/20/1990

Donald Massender (16) 12/14/2009

Ronald Masson (5) 06/27/1973

Ronald Mathe (14) 03/02/2008

Arthur Matte (8) 02/06/1968

John Mavity (17) 01/30/2013

Robin May (16) 08/21/1973

Doug McAdam (19) 12/19/2003

E. McAllister (6) 09/15/1942

Joseph McCabe (14) 04/13/1948

Gerald McCabe (5) 12/04/1974

Gérard McCallum (5) 01/22/1930

Leo McCallum (9) 04/12/1972

Donald McCavour (23) 03/15/1966

William McCaw (22) 09/11/2013

James McConnell (16) 04/09/1952

Dave McCorriston (19) 09/27/2012

Shane McCready (11) 10/26/2012

Thomas McCullagh (13) 11/25/2001

James McDermott (4) 06/22/1913

Alfred McDonald (19) 12/06/1979

John McDonald (24) 06/06/1928

James McDonald (18) 11/03/2009

Joseph McDonnell (6) 10/24/1913

John McEwen (19) 05/24/1956

John McEwen (13) 11/16/1940

Neil McFadyen (17) 09/26/2001

Dennis McFarland (17) 09/17/2009

Richard McFarlane (24) 07/23/2014

Leonard McGee (14) 01/03/1979

Francis McGovern (14) 11/08/1984

Edward McGovern (21) 10/30/2004

William McGowan (14) 09/16/1960

George McGowan (3) 02/23/1941

William McIllhagga (19) 02/02/1921

William McIntyre (20) 08/01/2014

Harvey McKay (24) 03/14/2003

John McKenzie (23) 04/12/1912

Colin McKenzie (24) 05/10/1918

Bruce McKenzie (17) 07/30/1977

Frederick McLean (15) 03/24/1972

George McLean (18) 09/26/2012

John McLeod (21) 11/06/2014

Patrick McManus (7) 08/06/1963

Gerald McNally (14) 04/03/2004

Joseph McNulty (14) 12/01/1938

Malcolm McPhatter (23) 04/07/1949

Charles McPherson (19) 03/09/1912

Peter McRae (18) 06/09/1915

Hugh McShane (22) 11/17/1923

William Mearns (5) 11/16/1929

Charles Mearns (17) 05/21/2016

Kevin Mechefske (10) 12/18/2008

Fred Medley (23) 10/24/1925

Terrance Meehan (15) 04/09/1858

Norman Meeks (13) 03/09/2009

Hartley Megill (16) 06/06/1971

Ronald Meilleur (5) 04/30/1974

Donald Melville (19) 12/23/1926

Lucien Meranger (17) 12/01/1980

Frank Mercer (16) 10/16/1954

Théophile Michaud (3) 06/02/1940

Raymond Michaud (7) 06/27/1993

Archie Mignault (3) 06/02/1940

John Miller (13) 10/02/1890

Joseph Miller (22) 06/06/1956

George Miller (14) 10/20/1860

William Mills (11) 01/07/1996

Charles Milne (23) 05/02/1915

Donald Milne (17) 02/03/1974

Joe Milner (23) 01/15/1947

Cyrus Miner (14) 10/24/1892

Thomas Minhinnett (22) 06/28/2005

William Misselbrook (17) 03/19/1995

Edward Mitchell (13) 04/03/1944

David Moffitt (11) 11/14/1960

Jack Molitor (17) 02/20/1995

Webster Molson (5) 06/22/1913

Edmond Molyneux (19) 03/09/1912

William Monroe (14) 10/17/2006

Dennis Montgomery (24) 10/07/2008

Aimé Montmarquette (5) 04/26/1929

François-d'Assise Montpellier ditBeaulieu (7) 08/17/1936

2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 201718

Elzéar Montpellier dit Beaulieu (5)03/01/1942

Paul Montreuil (17) 02/03/1976

Kenneth Moody (21) 09/14/1999

Dennis Moore (11) 08/09/2016

Robert Moore (22) 08/11/2013

Robert Moore (23) 07/16/1967

Fred Moose Sr. (18) 06/28/1995

Siméon Morand (5) 11/15/1919

Garry Morden (16) 10/22/2008

Edwin Morette (14) 04/23/1966

Bernard Moriez (23) 09/07/1977

Kaven Morin (7) 10/29/2013

Wilfred Morin (17) 01/20/1941

Robert Morin (23) 06/23/1961

Daniel Morin (4) 03/22/1986

Wayne Morris (21) 08/01/2012

Alexander Morrison (19) 08/12/1929

John Morrison (17) 08/21/1980

Donald Morrison (24) 05/10/1918

Darcy Moses (22) 07/03/2006

Joseph Moss (16) 11/12/2005

Victor Mowat (24) 08/31/1987

Matthew Mroczeck (9) 09/28/2002

George Muir (11) 06/24/1991

Leo Mulleray (11) 01/26/1960

Jack Mulligan (9) 05/07/1967

James Mullin (24) 10/18/1975

Thomas Mulloy (4) 11/08/1909

James Munro (10) 08/24/1976

Sandy Munro (23) 07/31/1962

James Murdoch (14) 06/10/1922

Harley Murphy (15) 03/31/1962

James Murray (19) 03/31/1940

Wayne Murray (9) 08/11/1978

George Musgrave (24) 10/17/2005

Gord Myles (16) 02/13/1978

David Naar (21) 07/04/2006

Willie Nadeau (3) 06/02/1940

Paul-Émile Naud (5) 10/13/1951

Paul Nelson (13) 12/27/2011

Abe Neufeld (19) 04/10/1995

Wilbur Newell (2) 01/01/1970

Stanley Nichol (22) 04/25/2008

Robert Nicholls (17) 05/18/1937

Thomas Nichols (19) 02/04/2007

Frank Nicholson (16) 05/27/1961

John Nicol (19) 01/09/2015

Kenneth Nicoll (11) 07/12/1995

Thomas Nigro (17) 11/24/1997

Thomas Nobles (17) 11/06/2002

Yvon Noël (7) 01/18/1968

Dennis Nolan (13) 06/08/1902

Edward Normoyle (5) 02/24/1959

Melvin Northway (14) 10/09/1984

James O'Regan (2) 02/03/1901

Gerald Oakley (17) 01/02/2010

David O'Brien (14) 10/30/2013

Frank O'Brien (3) 03/15/1970

Larry O'Brien (24) 08/12/1974

Richard O'Brien (5) 07/29/1943

Gordon Odgers (24) 10/20/1974

John O'Grady (13) 07/19/2015

David O'Keefe (11) 01/18/2008

Terrance O'Keeffe (24) 04/09/1988

Harry Oliver (14) 11/08/1966

Roy Oliver (16) 10/16/1954

George Olmstead (19) 10/01/2007

Kevin Olson (21) 03/17/2005

John O'Rourke (5) 05/11/1893

Clarence Orser (16) 09/18/1958

Robert Oscroft (22) 10/23/2014

Maurice Ostiguy (7) 10/31/1959

Oliver Ough (11) 07/22/1918

Robert Owen (24) 08/17/2010

Larry Page (24) 02/17/1973

Pierre Paiement (5) 02/20/1986

Jack Painter (11) 06/02/1999

David Palmateer (16) 10/16/1954

Larry Palmer (9) 11/26/1977

Henry Panacheese (10) 08/12/1991

Alfred Papson (19) 04/14/2010

André Paquet (5) 06/17/1995

Andrew Park (10) 09/12/1944

Terry Parker (17) 07/02/1980

William Parker (17) 12/02/2015

George Parks (3) 11/04/1924

Orest Parsey (24) 09/17/1979

Norm Partington (14) 02/04/1981

Willie Patchinose (19) 05/08/2007

Robert Paterson (24) 12/18/1997

Robert Patten (11) 12/19/1975

Charles Patterson (13) 04/25/1878

John Patterson (13) 03/02/2006

Raymond Pauhl (13) 02/16/2011

Gordon Paul (22) 08/07/2007

Henry Paulson (22) 11/24/1978

Thomas Payne (24) 08/22/1997

Cyril Peacher (23) 08/12/1990

George Peacock (10) 12/09/2013

Wilfrid Pelletier (4) 03/09/1925

Claude Pelletier (8) 06/10/2010

Norman Penfound (14) 01/24/1966

Jacob Penner (24) 01/26/1969

Ronald Penney (1) 07/12/1967

Dennis Percival (23) 06/27/1992

Coleman Perkins (10) 08/30/1950

Jeannot Perreault (8) 01/13/1990

Sylvain Perron (7) 05/10/2011

William Perry (5) 04/29/1877

John Phare (24) 07/05/2015

Clifford Phillips (9) 11/03/1982

James Phillips (14) 09/15/1879

Richard Phillips (10) 08/30/1950

George Phillips (15) 01/25/1901

Henry Philpott (20) 12/22/2007

Albert Picotte (13) 01/31/1919

Patrick Pidgeon (12) 07/16/2016

Larry Pilkey (15) 10/27/2011

Randy Piticco (24) 12/23/2015

John Pitolay (18) 02/12/1973

Mario Piva (15) 08/09/2012

Pierre-Jérome Plouffe (7) 08/17/1936

Jack Plumridge (16) 05/14/1996

Reuben Poffenroth (22) 09/05/2005

Nelson Poirier (9) 01/29/1921

Serge Poirier (7) 02/28/2003

Édouard Poitras (8) 05/25/1968

Charles Pollard (24) 12/06/1963

Jocelyn Pomerleau (5) 05/29/1984

Herman Ponsford (13) 07/16/1887

Albert Popadick (5) 02/13/1970

Vincent Porter (3) 10/04/1974

Alfred Potter (16) 02/19/1904

William Potter (10) 05/18/1975

George Powell (13) 01/15/2016

Laurence Powers (14) 09/13/1854

Robert Pratt (9) 05/19/1930

Paul Presseau (4) 01/22/1922

Charles Price (14) 05/22/1964

Philippe Primeau (8) 07/28/2015

Thomas Pritchard (17) 08/17/1997

John Puckey (24) 04/21/1945

Lawrence Pyle (21) 07/11/1994

William Quanstrom (23) 08/09/1979

Carl Quinn (13) 01/14/1999

Lawrence Quinn (19) 06/14/1990

Gilles Racine (12) 09/02/2016

Kenneth Racine (17) 09/15/2012

Allan Rae (24) 02/23/1972

Seward Rankin (24) 08/21/1973

James Ratcliffe (7) 06/06/2005

Vianney Ratté (10) 05/15/1993

Lloyd Rauw (24) 08/07/1974

Kenneth Rea (10) 03/17/2011

Dennis Redman (14) 01/05/2001

C. Reed (13) 04/21/1992

William Reeks (15) 12/25/1870

Oscar Regimbald (16) 05/11/1992

Keith Reid (10) 12/12/2001

2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 201719

William Reid (9) 12/18/1959

Marcel Rémillard (8) 08/06/1963

Ronald Renard (22) 07/02/1998

Omer Renaud (5) 01/04/1924

Andy Renaud (11) 08/14/2003

Harold Revell (9) 10/24/1958

George Reynolds (13) 05/19/1951

Frank Reynolds (16) 11/28/1964

Alexandre Rhéaume (4) 03/20/1928

David Richard (22) 10/23/2003

Ray Richards (9) 08/16/2009

Robert Richardson (19) 07/11/2001

Grenville Richert (20) 05/25/2001

William Richmond (24) 06/23/1961

John Riendeau (20) 07/09/1978

Kenneth Rieu (24) 02/23/2014

Reginald Rimmer (22) 03/19/1913

Bruce Ritchie (17) 08/18/1998

Brian Ritchie (11) 02/28/2003

Dave Rivers (19) 10/26/2003

Francois Rivest (21) 08/17/2015

Mario Rivest (4) 08/02/1992

John Roach (9) 11/11/2014

Elzéar Robert (6) 09/27/1938

Alfred Roberts (24) 07/31/1963

John Roberts (9) 11/14/1970

William Roberts (17) 04/03/1993

James Robertson (19) 05/21/1978

Donald Robertson (19) 01/18/1993

Henri Robichaud (7) 03/02/1960

Robbie Robinson (21) 10/07/1948

Eric Robinson (24) 06/26/1947

John Robinson (17) 12/31/1937

Blair Robson (14) 10/03/2005

Roger Rochon (5) 01/03/1968

John Roe (13) 01/06/1904

Richard Roman (9) 04/30/1979

Orville Rome (13) 05/19/1951

Robert Roshard (24) 07/16/1984

Dale Ross (23) 02/19/1996

Thomas Ross (13) 11/16/1940

Kenneth Ross (19) 10/07/1954

Joseph Ross (14) 08/16/1944

Léopold Roussin (5) 05/23/1923

Cyril Rowe (24) 04/07/2013

Howard Rowe (24) 07/02/1975

Fred Roy (18) 10/15/2008

Frederick Russell (14) 07/10/1902

Matthew Rydings (8) 01/23/1923

Peter Saab (3) 05/04/2015

Frank Sabo (21) 12/23/2010

Norbert Sabourin (18) 03/14/1997

Eric Sadler (9) 10/07/1970

Derrick Saliken (23) 07/26/1994

Willliam Salmond (16) 08/05/2007

Wesley Salter (13) 06/07/1949

William Sameluk (23) 08/02/1974

Benoit Samson (8) 07/18/1987

Walter Samson (19) 07/26/2011

William Sanders (10) 01/02/1965

Frank Sandison (19) 03/24/1945

Wilfrid Sansoucy (4) 08/28/1921

Wilfrid Sarazin (4) 02/22/1928

James Saunders (17) 02/04/1978

Edward Savage (9) 10/09/1966

Chad Schapansky (24) 03/29/2004

Barry Schedler (19) 05/30/1999

Ernie Schmidt (14) 07/09/1974

Carl Schultz (14) 01/16/1921

Harold Scott (16) 10/18/1959

M. Scott (5) 03/21/1868

Harold Scotten (21) 12/03/1985

Thomas Scrase (18) 09/11/1936

Stanley Scruby (11) 03/03/1934

Arthur Searle (13) 10/09/1977

William Seccombe (9) 05/31/1908

Clarence Sedwick (9) 01/13/1965

David See (14) 07/10/1902

Raymond Seguin (16) 01/02/2001

Albert Seguss (13) 12/20/1951

Bruce Seitz (22) 08/11/2010

Armand Sénécal (8) 06/25/1937

Rosaire Sergerie (5) 02/22/2006

Ron Seymour (16) 10/08/2008

Albert Shackleton (16) 09/09/1940

David Shannon (9) 07/31/2000

John Shapton (16) 04/22/1955

William Sharpe (6) 09/17/1867

Joe Shaw (10) 01/01/1989

Robert Shearer (19) 12/23/1926

Michael Sherrod (24) 06/29/1985

James Sigurdson (24) 05/05/2013

Arthur Simmons (22) 12/30/1948

Maurice Simonin (22) 03/21/2000

William Simpson (11) 04/29/1966

John Simpson (15) 02/01/1975

Bob Simpson (10) 03/17/2001

Ken Skwark (19) 06/28/1995

Thomas Slater (24) 11/05/2015

Angus Small (16) 10/16/1954

John Smalley (24) 06/05/1893

Hendrik Smit (17) 04/11/2014

Arthur Smith (19) 12/23/1926

Harold Smith (22) 05/26/1971

Gordon Smith (11) 05/16/1974

George Smith (13) 12/26/1914

Theodore Smith (15) 12/19/1901

Alfred Smith (1) 09/12/1962

William Smith (9) 02/23/2011

Bill Smith (10) 02/05/2005

Robert Smith (24) 07/25/1978

Edward Smith (5) 02/12/1899

David Smith (23) 07/14/1985

James Smith (19) 03/24/1945

William Smith (11) 11/26/2014

Brian Smyth (24) 03/07/2015

Allan Snider (10) 03/06/1968

Albert Solmon (10) 05/01/1997

Harry Sorley (16) 05/21/2005

Erban Soucy (7) 03/02/1960

Jimmy Spence (18) 06/28/1995

Jeffrey Spencer (15) 02/06/2001

Frank Spooner (20) 09/08/2008

John Spruin Sr. (2) 12/06/1917

Helmut Stadel (23) 05/27/1965

Thomas Starmer (19) 01/31/1913

Robert Starnes (7) 10/23/1909

Bruce Statton (15) 08/09/2014

Kevin Stenfert (10) 06/28/1996

John Stephenson (9) 07/12/1994

George Stephenson (14) 04/25/1878

John Sterenberg (22) 10/25/2004

Clarke Stevens (22) 08/19/2006

George Stevens (10) 02/24/1966

William Stevenson (12) 10/25/1937

John Stewart (20) 01/16/1908

William Stewart (22) 03/19/1913

Albert Stewart (23) 09/11/1914

Robert Stewart (18) 12/23/1926

John Stewart (15) 09/06/1954

Russell Stewart (14) 05/31/1955

William St-George (6) 09/04/1894

Joseph St-Hilaire (5) 02/19/1917

John Stockman (17) 07/26/2010

Douglas Storey (16) 05/15/2001

R. Stoyko (18) 02/22/2003

Philip Strang (3) 05/14/2009

Charles Stroud (10) 05/02/2007

Michael Sullivan (1) 03/06/1903

Christopher Sullivan (1) 09/02/2005

Richard Supple (1) 03/21/1903

Gervais Sutherland (14) 10/04/1922

Ronald Sutherland (2) 07/25/1997

Harold Sutton (14) 03/04/1941

Gerald Sutton (11) 03/19/1983

Bernard Swan (20) 12/16/1993

O. Swanson (24) 07/11/1990

Thomas Swanson (24) 08/08/1968

Michael Swetnam (3) 01/13/2008

2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 201720

William Swire (13) 07/23/1934

James Sym (10) 04/26/1976

James Symon (22) 11/24/2005

Brian Taillefer (24) 08/01/2015

Robert Tam (10) 07/08/2004

Samuel Tardif (7) 01/26/1949

Edwin Taschuk (22) 05/21/1971

Hervé Tassé (8) 10/28/1977

Louis Taylor (24) 10/20/1942

Hugh Taylor (23) 11/04/1994

Rik Taylor (21) 04/23/2012

Royden Taylor (21) 01/18/2008

Dennis Te Boekhorst (24) 10/26/2016

Geoffrey Teeple (24) 07/26/1969

Donald Telfer (17) 08/19/1980

Paul Tell (24) 08/07/2005

Robert Teply (16) 03/20/1994

William Terrell (17) 10/09/1991

Gord Thatcher (11) 07/31/1991

John Theis (24) 07/27/1988

John Thewlis (17) 03/04/2001

Joseph Thibeau (1) 03/01/1995

Robert Thibert (15) 12/03/2009

Patrick Thibodeau (17) 04/26/2006

Jean-Claude Thivierge (7) 06/22/1955

Roger Thivierge (8) 11/14/1952

Bernard Thomas (9) 09/14/1914

Alfred Thomas (24) 11/21/1912

Jeremiah Thomas (14) 02/23/1891

Harry Thompson (9) 05/01/1969

Terry Thompson (17) 08/16/2014

Lionel Thompson (24) 04/27/2014

Randy Thompson (12) 03/19/1981

Moses Thompson (14) 02/05/1919

George Thomson (17) 07/08/1948

William Thomson (24) 08/15/1986

William Thornton (13) 11/24/1848

Grant Thorpe (23) 06/29/1985

Robert Thurlow (13) 06/30/1915

Brian Tilley (23) 07/31/2010

Walter Tilson (14) 02/21/1960

Thomas Timmins (13) 12/10/1995

Robert Timms (9) 01/31/2007

John Timney (10) 12/23/1941

Jean-Claude Tonietto (7) 10/10/2016

Wayne Topping (16) 08/24/2007

Edward Tothe (13) 08/16/2013

Robert Tourangeau (17) 06/28/2007

Joseph Towers (4) 07/10/1881

Gerald Trecartin (3) 05/28/1975

Régis Tremblay (8) 07/17/2016

Edward Tremblay (12) 11/12/2008

Robert Tremblay (7) 12/13/1984

Edmour Tremblay (8) 06/04/1941

Joe Truax (10) 07/15/1997

Horace Trudel (7) 11/22/1913

Raynald Trudel (5) 02/15/1975

Edward Turner (24) 06/01/1985

Lawrence Turner (16) 07/13/1980

Rick Tymchuk (21) 10/28/2005

James Tynan (2) 06/09/1909

James Tyrell (9) 08/30/1950

Carl Umphrey (10) 08/30/1978

Frank Unwin (22) 08/03/1967

Thomas Upton (23) 04/08/2006

Frank Urquhart (14) 09/22/1899

Philippe Vaillancourt (7) 06/29/1977

Harro van Bockel (21) 06/02/1995

Henry Van Kessel (24) 11/20/2010

Henry Van Kirk (10) 05/20/1967

Joseph Van Rijn (21) 03/03/2013

Bertrand Vandal (8) 05/29/1986

Anthony Vanderholst (10) 02/09/2011

GÈrald Vendette (7) 06/17/2001

Robert Vint (22) 06/14/1963

John Virostek (15) 11/04/2010

Xavier Volpé (3) 06/02/1940

Behrnard von Hardenberg (24)08/17/2003

Peter Voynovitch (15) 05/29/2012

Dale Waithman (20) 07/27/2011

Kerry Walchuk (24) 08/25/2004

William Walker (14) 09/28/1993

Joseph Walker (14) 05/17/1947

Lawrence Walker (14) 12/04/2013

Wayne Walker (13) 04/30/1975

John Walsh (14) 03/10/1929

Martin Walsh (1) 04/11/2013

Raymond Walter (10) 03/17/2011

Jerald Walter (21) 04/19/1972

James Wardle (11) 08/03/1950

James Warren (10) 08/11/1998

George Watkins (16) 06/03/1955

Clarence Watson (16) 09/21/1946

Gordon Watson (24) 01/01/1964

John Watson (4) 06/19/1991

Frank Watt (18) 01/18/1997

Patrick Watters-Michaud (21)07/22/2007

John Webb (9) 01/11/2001

Henry Wein (14) 08/18/1908

Chester Wells (10) 08/24/2003

Arthur Wellwood (16) 11/26/1929

Gerald Welsh (13) 11/08/1969

Fred Wenechuk (13) 01/24/2005

Alois Wenig (22) 06/29/1988

Paul Whalen (3) 02/28/1972

Patrick Whelan (5) 10/16/1958

Grahame White (24) 08/20/1981

Barry White (16) 01/21/2009

Joseph Whiteduck (5) 07/28/1974

Brian Whitehead (14) 06/15/2005

Timothy Whiting (24) 07/31/2010

Walter Wiggins (23) 06/23/1961

John Wilde (14) 08/29/1960

William Wilkins (16) 05/27/2002

Arthur Wilkins (24) 05/19/1946

William Willette (9) 05/19/1930

Daniel Williams (24) 06/18/1985

William Williams (4) 01/11/1974

Donald Willis (14) 09/14/2009

Victor Willison (14) 02/10/1956

Peter Willms (21) 09/01/1971

Olaf Wilson (22) 10/17/2007

John Wilson (11) 02/18/1955

Robert Wilson (11) 06/26/1914

Robert G. Wilson (9) 12/26/2008

Gary Wilson (17) 03/16/2007

Alan Wilson (17) 06/09/1994

Scott Wilson (3) 06/14/2001

Edgar Wilson (13) 08/17/1995

Edward Wilson (22) 12/16/1922

Thomas Wilson (14) 05/28/1897

Albini Wistaff (14) 05/12/1961

Adrien Witty (8) 08/26/1972

Leo Wood (1) 05/12/1965

Donald Wood (23) 04/17/1973

Robert Woodhead (24) 08/14/2009

Lawrence Woodhead (20) 06/16/1944

George Woodhouse (16) 09/22/1986

James Woodman (19) 04/22/2004

William Woods (15) 09/13/1854

William Woodvine (8) 12/22/1924

Steven Woodworth (23) 12/26/1998

William Woolley (10) 07/25/1964

William Wootton (24) 11/13/1943

Thomas Worley (24) 08/08/1968

Thomas Worrell (10) 09/19/1905

Ian Wright (24) 04/17/1973

Gordon Wyatt (23) 05/29/1983

Ernest Wyndham (22) 01/18/2004

George Wyse (17) 11/08/1975

Al Yates (16) 11/02/1996

William Yates (17) 03/24/2008

Eric Yuill (23) 08/11/1974

Ray Zents (10) 02/08/2003

Ray Zillman (18) 07/03/2008

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2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 201722

December of 2017 will be the 100th anniversary of theHalifax Explosion. Not only was it the largest man-made explosion until the atomic bomb in 1945, it

also killed approximately 2000 citizens and injured 9000.The Canadian Fire Service remembers it as the darkest dayin Canadian firefighter history, as nine members of theHalifax Fire Department were killed answering the alarm.

In 1917 Halifax was a booming sea port supplying the GreatWar in Europe. On the morning of Thursday December 6,1917, the empty 5000 ton vessel Imo collided with the fullyloaded munitions ship Mont Blanc lodging its prow into the Mont Blanc’s starboard bow. The collision started a firewhich spread quickly throughout the deck and hold containing 2600 tons of explosives. As the crew abandonedship it drifted into Halifax’s Pier 6 and spread fire to thewooden pier. The Halifax Fire Department was notified justbefore 9 a.m. and responded to Box 83 at Pier 6 to fight aregular fire…or so they thought.

Firefighters from Halifax’s Station 2 responded with theirfirst motorized apparatus, an American LaFrance pumper,known as the Patricia. The six crew members- CaptainWilliam Broderick, Captain George Maltus, driver BillyWells, firefighters Walter Hennessey, Frank Killean andFrank Leahy were the first firefighters on the scene andwere unaware of the ship’s cargo. Fire Chief EdwardCondon and Deputy Chief William Brunt arrived in theirroadster and, seeing the overwhelming fire, were in theprocess of calling a second alarm.

At 9:05 while rolling out hoses to attempt to fight themounting fire, the Mount Blanc exploded with a force of3 kilotons obliterating the dockyard area and levellingeverything within a 1.6 kilometre radius. As a mushroomcloud rose high above the harbour a resulting 18 metretidal wave further added to the destruction. The MontBlanc was completely destroyed with its deck gun landing5.5 kilometres away while pieces of hot shrapnel fellthroughout the city. Several pieces struck firefighters JohnSpruin and John Duggan, responding with horse-drawnhose wagons from Stations 1 and 7, killing them and theirhorses. The Chief, Deputy, and four members from thePatricia were also killed instantly while driver Billy Wellsmiraculously survived after the blast completely strippedhim of clothing and the tidal wave carried him away.

Firefighter Frank Leahy survived the initial blast but succumbed to his injuries on December 31 and now restswith firefighter Broderick and Chief Condon in Holy CrossCemetery. Firefighters Brunt, Maltus, Spruin, Hennesseyand Kileen were interred in Mount Olivet Cemetery, whilethe body of firefighter John Duggan was never found.

The death toll for the Halifax Fire Department was nineand to this day remains the largest single incident death tollfor a fire department in Canada. On the 75th anniversary ofthe Halifax explosion the Halifax Fire Department erecteda monument in honour of their fallen members. Each yearsince the 1992 unveiling, the Halifax Regional FireEmergency Honour Guard holds a ceremony to rememberthe nine fallen.

In 2012 the nine Halifax firefighters, who were killed like somany firefighters as they rushed toward danger, had theirnames engraved on the new Canadian Firefighters Memorial.While the names of those on the memorial wall are put onrandomly roughly in the area of Canada they perished, allthose who were killed together are engraved together.Therefore, the Halifax nine are side by side on the NovaScotia section of the memorial wall….never to be forgotten.


Décembre 2017 marquera le 100e anniversaire de l'explosion d'Halifax. Non seulement cette explosionaura été la plus importante provoquée par l’homme

avant la bombe atomique en 1945, mais elle aura égalementtué quelque 2 000 citoyens et blessé 9 000 autres. Le Serviced’incendie canadien s’en souvient comme le jour le plus sombre de l'histoire des pompiers canadiens, alors que neufmembres du Service des incendies d'Halifax y ont été tués enrépondant à l'appel.

En 1917, le port d’Halifax était une installation portuaireflorissante de par son rôle de soutien en approvisionnementde la Grande Guerre en Europe. Au matin du jeudi 6 décembre 1917, le vaisseau Imo de 5 000 tonnes, alors àvide, entra en collision avec le navire de munitionsMont Blanc, pleinement chargé, y enfonçant sa proue surl’avant-tribord du navire. La collision devait provoquer un



incendie qui se propagea rapidement sur le pont et dans lacargaison contenant 2 600 tonnes d’explosifs. L’équipageeut tôt fait d’abandonner le navire, et ce dernier partit alorsà la dérive pour entrer en collision avec la jetée no 6, où lefeu se propagea au quai en bois. Le service des incendiesd’Halifax, avisé tout juste avant 9 h, répondit à l’avertisseurd’incendie no 83, de la jetée no 6, qu’il combattait un feurégulier … c’est du moins ce que les pompiers pensaient!

Les pompiers de la caserne 2 d’Halifax eurent vite fait derépondre avec leur premier appareil motorisé, soit uneautopompe américaine Lafrance, connue sous le nom dePatricia. Les six membres d’équipage, le capitaine WilliamBroderick, le capitaine George Maltus, le conducteur BillyWells, les pompiers Walter Hennessey, Frank Kileen etFrank Leahy, furent les premiers pompiers sur les lieux; or,ils ne savaient rien sur la cargaison du navire. Le chef despompiers Edward Condon et le chefadjoint William Bunt suivirent bientôtavec leur roadster et, à la vue du feu gigantesque, appelèrent pour déclencherune deuxième alarme.

À 9 h 05, pendant que les pompiersdéroulaient les tuyaux pour tenter de lutter contre l’incendie qui se propageait,le Mont Blanc explosa avec une force de trois kilotonnes, nivelant tout dans un rayon de 1,6 kilomètre. Alors qu’unnuage en forme de champignon s’élevait au-dessus du port, un raz-de-marée d’une portée de 18 mètres s’ensuivit,occasionnant encore plus de destruction. Le Mont Blanc fut complètement détruit et sa lance-tourelle expulsée 5,5 kilomètres plus loin pendant que des éclats d’obus s’éparpillaient dans toute la ville. Les pompiers John Spruinet John Duggan, des casernes 1 et 7, furent frappés deplusieurs de ces morceaux en venant porter secours avec des dévidoirs tirés par des chevaux, ce qui les tua eux et leurs chevaux. Le chef, son adjoint et quatre membres duPatricia furent tués instantanément, tandis que miraculeuse-ment le conducteur Billy Wells survécut après avoir étédépouillé de ses vêtements par l’explosion et emporté par le

raz-de-marée. Le pompier Frank Leahy survécut à la premièreexplosion, mais devait succomber à ses blessures le31 décembre. Il repose maintenant en paix avec le pompierBroderick et le chef Condon au cimetière Holy Cross. Lespompiers Brunt, Maltus, Spruin, Hennessey et Kileen ontété enterrés au cimetière Mount Olivet. Quant au pompierJohn Duggan, son corps ne devait jamais être retrouvé.

Le nombre de morts pour le Service d’incendie de la villed'Halifax fut de neuf pompiers, et, à ce jour, ce nombredemeure le plus important au Canada pour un même incident, en termes de pompiers morts dans l’exercice deleurs fonctions. En 1992, à l’occasion du 75e anniversairede l’explosion à Halifax, le service des incendies d’Halifax a érigé un monument en l’honneur de ses membres disparus et, chaque année depuis son inauguration, la

Garde d’honneur des Services d’incendie et d’urgence de la région d’Halifax (HRFE) procède à une cérémonie enmémoire des neuf pompiers disparus.

En 2012, les neuf pompiers de Halifax qui furent tuéscomme tant d’autre qui, tout comme eux, se précipitentvers le danger, ont eu leurs noms gravés sur le nouveauMonument aux pompiers canadiens. Bien que les noms deceux qui s’y trouvent soient gravés de façon aléatoire dansla région du Canada où ils ont péri, tous ceux qui ont périensemble sont gravés ensemble. Cela dit, les neufs pompiersd'Halifax sont gravés côte à côte sur le Mur du Souvenirdans la partie de la Nouvelle-Écosse....

Gravé dans nos mémoires.

HFD and Patricia before explosion.Firefighter Frank Kileen is on runningboard. / Le Service d’incendie d’Halifax etPatricia avant l’explosion. On peutapercevoir le pompier Frank Kileen sur lemarchepied du véhicule.Photo courtesy Halifax Firefighters Monument Committee /Photo offerte gracieusement par le Comité du Mémorialaux pompiers d’Halifax

2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 201723


The Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation isa registered, non-profit charitable organizationdedicated to honouring Canada’s fallen

firefighters. The Foundation honours all types of firefighters whether volunteer/part-time, paid/fulltime, industrial, military, urban, rural, wildland, airport, or marine. The Foundation’s directors, whovolunteer their time, include members from all areasof the Canadian Fire Service as well as representativesfrom the business community.

The objectives of the Foundation are:

• To operate theCanadian FirefightersAnnual MemorialCeremony and updatethe memorial wall.

• To provide financialsubsidies to families of fallen firefighters for transportation toand lodging in Ottawa during thememorial weekend.

• To provide support programs along withscholarships and bursaries for the children and spouses offirefighters whose line ofduty death is recognizedby the Foundation.

Since 2004, the Foundation has operated the ceremonywith the assistance of Fire Services and organizationsfrom across Canada acting as honorary hosts in Ottawawho represent the Canadian Fire Service with pride.The cost of running a large scale ceremony is dauntingand the Foundation would like to thank all of our pastand current sponsors for supporting this event. TheFoundation operates solely on fundraising from private

donations, local fundraising events, andsponsorships from the business community.

With the construction of the Canadian FirefightersMemorial in 2012, the Foundation has now reachedall of its initial goals laid out in 2004, but the work isnot over. The Foundation will now begin to broadenits assistance to the families of fallen firefighterswhile continuing to honour them at the annualnational ceremony.

The CFFF/Doug Lock Education Fund providesscholarships and bursaries to the children andspouses of Canadian firefighters whose line of dutydeath has been recognized by the Foundation. TheFoundation’s ultimate goal is to provide educationassistance to every child of a fallen firefighter. TheCFFF also provides funeral assistance and supportsCamp F.A.C.E.S. for the families of the fallen. Formore information, visit cfff.ca.

2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 201724


La Fondation canadienne des pompiers morts en service (FCPMS) est un organisme de bienfaisance enregistré, à but non lucratif, vouée

à rendre hommage à tous les pompiers canadiens morts dans l’exercice de leurs fonctions, ceux-ci tantréguliers (rémunérés à temps plein) que volontaires (àtemps partiel), et en provenance de tous les milieux, ycompris des secteurs industriel, militaire, urbain, rural,forestier, portuaire et aéroportuaire. Les directeurs dela Fondation, qui donnent de leur temps de façon

bénévole, sont des membres en provenance de tous lessecteurs du Service d’incendie canadien, ainsi que desreprésentants de milieux d’affaires.

La Fondation a les objectifs suivants :

• Tenue de la Cérémonie annuelle à la mémoire des pompierscanadiens et mise à jour du Mur du souvenir.

• Soutien financier – transport et hébergement - aux famillesdes disparus lors de leur participation à la fin de semainecommémorative qui se tient à Ottawa.

• Prestation de programmes d’aide et d’éducationaux enfants et conjoints des pompiers disparus dont ledécès dans l’exercice de leurs fonctions a été reconnu par la Fondation.

Depuis 2004, la Fondation poursuit inlassable la tenue àOttawa de sa cérémonie annuelle, avec l’aide de servicesd’incendie et d’organisations de partout au Canada quiagissent à titre d’hôtes honoraires, et qui fièrementreprésentent le Service d’incendie canadien. Le coût pour la tenue d’une cérémonie de cette envergure en

est un important; à cet égard, la Fondation désire remerciertous ses commanditaires, passéset présents, qui l’ont soutenuedurant ces événements et quicontinuent de le faire. LaFondation opère uniquement àpartir du financement en prove-nance de dons de particuliers, dediverses activités de financementlocales et de commandites dumilieu des affaires.

Avec l’inauguration en 2012 du Monument aux pompierscanadiens, la Fondation venaitd’atteindre tous les objectifs initiaux qu’elle s’était assignés à ses débuts en 2004… mais letravail n’est pas pour autant terminé. La Fondation entendmaintenant élargir son aide auxfamilles des pompiers disparus,et ce, tout en continuant à leurrendre hommage chaque annéelors de la cérémonie nationale.

Le Fonds d’éducation FCPMS/Doug Lock remet desbourses d’étude et d’entretien aux enfants et conjointsdes pompiers canadiens dont le décès dans l’exercice deleurs fonctions a été reconnu par la Fondation. L’objectifultime de la Fondation est d’être en mesure d’offrir uneaide à l’éducation à chaque enfant d’un pompier mort endevoir. La Fondation offre aussi une aide aux funérailleset apporte son soutien au Camp F.A.C.E.S. pour les membres de la famille de pompiers disparus. Pour ensavoir davantage, visitez notre site Web à fcpms.ca


2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 201725


2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 201726

The journey to build the national firefighters memorialbegan in 2003 and ended on September 9, 2012 with the dedication ceremony by his Excellency the

Right Honourable David Johnston, the Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada. The Foundation’s goalwas reached with the assistance of the Ministry of CanadianHeritage and the National Capital Commission who now maintain the site.

This location of the Canadian Firefighters Memorial (CFM) issignificant in the fire history of our nation’s capital as it is thearea where the Ottawa-Hull conflagration of 1900 crossed overfrom Hull on the morning of April 26, 1900 after destroying1300 buildings. On the Ottawa side of the river the fire razed1400 buildings and killed seven. At the end of the day the firewas stopped from spreading downtown near the exact spotwhere the monument is located. The site is also close to whereCaptain John Lowry of the Ottawa Fire Department was killedin the line of duty on August 12, 1896 on Booth Street.

The design “We Were There” by the team of artist DouglasCoupland and landscape architect Mary Tremain of PLANTArchitects includes a large bronze statue of a firefighter who has returned to earth from heaven via a sixty-foot high fire pole to point out the names of his fallen comradeson a memorial wall. The memorial wall, in the abstract shapeof Canada, contains the names of all fallen firefighters randomly in cloud like formations roughly over the area ofCanada near where they died. Firefighters who died together

are listed beside each other. A lone pine tree, planted at a significant spot on the memorial site, represents the loneCanadian and the Canadian forests; they are protected fromfire by all firefighters. The Foundation’s motto, “Never to be Forgotten”, is engraved on the pine tree rock. The site contains unique materials which symbolize Canada. Plantings,which turn red in the fall, represent the retardant dropped byair crews who fight devastating forest fires in Canada. CanadianWildland fire service organizations and its supporters raised thefunds for the Lone Pine and its maintenance.

Another unique aspect of the CFM includes the use of old brasshose couplings in the production of some of the bronze elements. Fire departments from across Canada each sent onehose coupling; a piece of their history, to the foundry to be usedas part of the Memorial. Parts of the finished bronze elementsof the memorial actually have a piece of many departmentsfrom across Canada, making it truly national.

Mobile access to the Internet at the site will enable visitors to quickly locate names on the 105 foot wall. The nationalLODD database kept on the CFFF website includes the locationmarker for every name engraved on the monument.

The Canadian Firefighters Memorial is open 365 days a year. Itcaptures the significance of the sacrifices made by the CanadianFire Service in a uniquely Canadian setting where we canremember those in the fire service who have given their lives forcommunities across Canada.


L’aventure pour ériger le monument national à lamémoire des pompiers a débuté en 2003 et s’est terminéele 9 septembre 2012, avec la cérémonie d’inauguration du

mémorial présidée par Son Excellence le très honorable DavidJohnston, gouverneur général et commandant en chef duCanada. L’objectif de la Fondation a été atteint grâce à l’aide du ministère de Patrimoine Canada et de la Commission de lacapitale nationale qui verra dorénavant à maintenir le site.

Le site ou se trouve le Monument aux pompiers canadiens (MPC)revêt un caractère important pour l’histoire des incendies de lacapitale nationale. En effet, c’est là même, le matin du 26 avril1900, que l’incendie d’Ottawa-Hull a traversé la rivière à partir de Hull après y avoir détruit 1 300 bâtiments. Du côté d’Ottawa, laconflagration avait rasé 1 400 immeubles et entraîné la mort de sept personnes. En fin de journée, le feu avait été maîtrisé au centre ville, tout près du site où le monument se dresse aujourd’hui. Le site se trouve aussi à proximité de l’endroit où lecapitaine John Lowry, du Service des incendies d’Ottawa, est morten service le 12 août 1896 sur la rue Booth.

Le concept « Nous étions là », issu de l’équipe composée del’artiste Douglas Coupland et de l’architecte paysagiste MaryTremain, comprend une grande statue en bronze d’un pompierdescendu du ciel par un mât de descente de soixante pieds, et atterri là pour indiquer du doigt les noms de ses camarades disparus s’échelonnant sur le Mur du souvenir. Empruntant laforme abstraite du Canada, le mur accueille les noms des sacrifiésdans des formations nébuleuses surplombant la région ouprovince aux environs de laquelle ils ont péri. Les pompiers quisont morts ensemble y sont inscrits un à côté de l’autre. Un pinsolitaire, poussant à un endroit significatif du site mémorial,représente le Canadien solitaire et la forêt canadienne que lepompier en bronze protège de la conflagration. On constate quele mât de descente agit aussi en guise de paratonnerre. La devisede la Fondation, « Gravé dans nos mémoires », est inscrite sur lapierre à laquelle s’accroche le pin. Le site contient des matériauxuniques qui représentent le Canada. Les plantations, qui tournentrouge à l’automne, représentent le retardateur largué par leséquipages d’avions-citernes qui tentent d’éteindre les incendies

ravageant les forêts de l’Ouest du Canada. Il est à noter que cesont des organisations de lutte contre les feux de forêt et leurs supporters qui ont amassé les fonds nécessaires pour le projet du« Pin solitaire » et de sa maintenance.

Un détail tout à fait unique du MPC consiste dans le fait que quelques-uns des éléments de bronze du monument ont étéproduits à partir de vieux raccords de boyaux en laiton. En effet,des services d’incendie de partout au Canada ont été invités àsoumettre à la fonderie un raccord de boyau en laiton, soit unmorceau de leur histoire, pour être utilisé dans la construction du mémorial. Cela dit, les éléments de bronze du monumentcommémoratif comportent une parcelle de plusieurs servicesd’incendie de partout au Canada, ce qui le caractérise commeétant un monument vraiment national.

L’accès Internet à partir d’appareils mobiles permettra aux visiteurssur le site de rapidement localiser les noms sur le mur de 105 pieds(32 mètres). La base de données nationale des décès en service,accessible sur le site Web de la Fondation, inclut le marqueur d’emplacement de chaque nom gravé sur le monument.

Le Monument aux pompiers canadiens est ouvert 365 jours parannée. Il exprime la portée des sacrifices consentis par ceux etcelles qui font partie du Service d’incendie canadien, et ce, dansun contexte typiquement canadien où l’on peut se recueillir et serappeler ceux et celles du service d’incendie qui, partout à traversle Canada, auront fait le sacrifice ultime en venant en aide à leurcollectivité respective.

2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 201727




Toronto Fire Services 2004

Ottawa Fire Services 2005

Service de sécurité Incendie de Montréal 2006

Halifax Regional Fire Services 2007

Vancouver Fire & Rescue Services 2008

Brampton Fire & Emergency Services 2009

Calgary Fire Department 2010

Saint John Fire Department 2011

CFFF & Past Hosts 2012 (dedication year)

Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre Inc. 2013

Canadian Volunteer Fire Services Association 2014

Saskatchewan Fire Services 2015

Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management Ontario 2016

2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 201728

2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 201729



CFFF Music & Stage Manager, Ottawa Fire Services

Karen McKennaSoloist/soliste, National Anthem / Hymne national

Scott BakerPiper (lament) Halifax Regional Fire

Emergency Pipes and Drums

Bruce RushtonLast Post / Sonnerie aux morts

CFFF Mass Pipe and Drum BandPipe Major Gary Ford, Drum Major Bruce Mosher

Ottawa Fire Services BandPaul Casagrande, Director


AUDIO PROVIDED BY:DIMEUS 5-5, Technical Maintenance (TM) Troop, Audio Section, Department of National Defence /

DSUFGI 5-5 TMT- Troupe de maintenance technique, Section Audio, Ministère de la Défense Nationale

AERIAL LADDER TRUCKS PROVIDED BY:Ottawa Fire Service & Perth Fire Department

Bruce Armstrong and Darlene ClerouxCeremonial Services / Services de cérémonial

Public Works and Government Services Canada / Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada

Linda Mattaofficial photographer of the CFFF/ FCPMS

Ottawa Fire Chief Gerry PingitoreLogistical Support, Ottawa Fire Services


CFFF Colour Party Luigi Davoli, Mississauga Fire & Emergency Services

Nettleton’s Jewellery Ltd, Ottawa

Bullard, Manfred Kihn, Regional Sales Manager, Canada

Program coutesy of iMedia Northside Ltd. Richard J. Robertson,

Executive Director, Publications

Céline Guérin, Michael Dunlop, Joel BeriaultCFFF / FCPMS hospitality

Brenda Lethbridge,Gift Shop/ Boutique de cadeaux- CFFF/FCPMS

Saturday Meet & Greet sponsored by Levitt Safety

Sheraton Ottawa Hotel

872 Kiwanis Kanata Royal Canadian Air CadetSqn ceremony assistance provided courtesy of

Major D. Burniston, CD Commanding Officer

Vans provided by Avis-Budget Ottawa Car Rental,Mr. Sami Rouabah,


National Capital Commission / Commission de la capitale nationale

Ottawa Airport Authority/ Administration de l’aéroport d’Ottawa

The Highlander Pub, 115 Rideau Street, Mr. Ken Goodhue, proprietor

2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 201730

The Foundation would like to thank the following companies and organizations for sponsoring this year’s memorial ceremony. / La Fondation tient à remercier les compagnies et organisations suivantes pour leur commandite de la cérémonie commémorative de cette année.













2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 201731

EXECUTIVE / EXÉCUTIFPresident / Président

ROBERT KIRKPATRICKCaptain, Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services, ON

1st Vice President / 1er vice-président 2nd Vice President / 2e vice-présidentDOUGLAS WYLIE MIKE McKENNA

Division Chief, Vancouver Fire and Rescue (ret.) Fire Chief, North Hatley - Canton Hatley Fire Department(Also representing British Columbia) (Also representing Quebec & CAFC)

Treasurer / Trésorier Secretary / SecrétaireBRUCE PARADIS DAVID SHEEN

Fire Chief, CFB Greenwood, NS (ret.) Hamilton, ON(Also representing Atlantic region)



Representing the Families of the Fallen & Alberta

Carey TaylorFirefighter, Calgary Fire Department, AB

Representing Wildland FirefightersJames MacKinnon

Wildfire Technologist,

Alberta Environment &

Agriculture and Forestry

Representing MilitaryFirefighters

Gerard SlaunwhiteC.W.O., Office of the

Canadian Forces Fire Marshal

Representing OntarioJohn ClarePlatoon Chief,

Brampton Fire & Emergency Services, ON

Representing the I.A.F.F.Scott Marks

Ottawa ON

Representing the C.V.F.S.A.Martin Bell

Conquerall Bank, NS

Ceremony ChairmanJohn Sobey

Captain, Ottawa Fire Service, ON

Application ChairmanWayne Jasper

Firefighter – Anarchist Mountain

Fire Department, BC

Representing Saskatchewan & Manitoba

Charles OlsenRegina, SK

Representing the NorthTim Hinds

Fire Marshal, Nunavut (ret)

William StewartFire Chief,

Toronto Fire Services, ON (ret.)

Sandy LethbridgeBusinesswoman, Ottawa, ON

Brian HutchinsonAssistant Chief,

District of North Vancouver

Fire & Rescue, BC

Arnold LazareDirector of Community Protection,

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake, QC

Dr. Lori GrayOntario Psychological Association

Administration OfficerGaétan Magnan

Ottawa Office CFFF

CFFF ChaplainBruce Rushton

Surrey, BC

Communications / MediaKathryn Hendrick

Toronto, ON

2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 201732

2017 Memorial Service Service commémoratif 201733

CANADIAN FALLEN FIREFIGHTERS FOUNDATION440 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 200, Ottawa, Ontario K1R 7X6

FONDATION CANADIENNE DES POMPIERS MORTS EN SERVICE440, av Laurier Ouest, Suite 200, Ottawa (Ontario) K1R 7X6

Photo credit Sheldon Belanger, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry


HONOUR – REMEMBER – SUPPORTOver 1,375 Canadian firefighters have died in the line of duty since the first recorded casualty in 1848. The Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation exists to be sure they and those who come after them are never forgotten. The Foundation manages this Canadian Firefighters Annual Memorial Ceremony and has created support programs including funeral assistance and an Education fund for scholarships and bursaries for the children and spouses of those firefighters.

To find out more, please visit www.cfff.ca

Please make a donation todayso they will…never be forgotten!

HONNEUR – SOUVENIR – SOUTIENDepuis le tout premier décès enregistré en 1848, 1 375 pompiers canadiens sont morts dans l’exercice

de leurs fonctions. La raison d’être de la Fondation canadienne des pompiers morts en service est de faireen sorte que tous ces pompiers - et ceux et celles qui suivront - ne soient jamais oubliés. La Fondation, quivoit à l’organisation et à la gestion de cette Cérémonie annuelle à la mémoire des pompiers canadiens,a par ailleurs mis sur pied des programmes d’aide, dont un fonds d’aide pour les frais de funérailles

et un programme de bourses d’études pour les enfants et conjoints de ces pompiers.

Pour en savoir davantage, veuillez visiter www.fcpms.ca

SVP donnez dès aujourd’hui et faites en sorte qu’ils ne soient jamais oubliés

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