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Why Choose Us: The Story Of Firegang Dental


Discover why Firegang chose to dedicate their business to the serious success of small dental practices.

Table of Contents


Why Dentistry?

Why It’s A Good Thing We’re Not Dentists Dentists Need

Marketing They Can Trust 100% Results Oriented

360-Degree Approach

Firegang In The Press

About Firegang


For decades, the dental marketing industry has been fundamentally flawed. For one, there are very few marketing companies out there who focus solely on the dental industry (and understand the intricacies of the business.) Those companies who do work with dentists are typically massive marketing mills—too big to give you the customized plan your practice needs to succeed or stay up-to-date on cutting-edge technologies. And then, worse of all, there are those online marketers who claim to want the best for your practice, only to disappear with your money and absolutely no results to show for it.

So what makes Firegang Dental Marketing different from the rest?

In this special report, you’ll learn why Firegang Dental Marketing chose to dedicate their business to dental marketing, what sets us apart from other lackluster marketing companies, and—most importantly—why this matters for your dental practice.

Whether or not you choose to work with Firegang Dental Marketing, our intention with this Insider Guide is not only to take you behind-the-scenes of Firegang, but also to shine a light on what you should look for in a dental marketing company that is committed to your ground-breaking success. Let’s have a look!

Why Dentistry?

One of the questions that we receive at Firegang on a regular basis is: Why dentistry?

The short answer is that we saw a crucial need for a marketing company that was purely focused on the dental industry—and committed to the success of small dental practices.

When we founded Firegang Dental Marketing, there were a few big corporate dental practices that were skilled and trained at marketing. But there was no one with the same level of expertise representing the smaller, family-run dental practices. It was clear there was a real need for personalized dental marketing that focused on producing powerful results. Firegang Dental Marketing decided it was time to fill that need.

Of course, we also knew that we had the skills and expertise necessary to ensure dentists saw significant results in their online marketing campaigns. Early on, Firegang had immense success in the dental industry. We were immediately able to distinguish trends in these first cases that allowed us to continue replicating online marketing success for each and every dental practice we worked with.

So you can see, dentistry quickly became the obvious choice. Dental practices needed personalized online marketers they could trust—and we knew we could deliver the results that would transform their practices.

But how can we know the dental industry so intimately if we aren’t even dentists? It’s a fair question. However, we can easily say that a large part of our success has resulted from the fact that we aren’t dentists.

The thing is, your dental practice isn’t marketing to other dentists. It is marketing to people just like us. People who are looking for a lifetime family dentist they can trust for all their dentistry needs. So though we are 100% on the side of the dentists, we can bring this unique patient perspective into your marketing. That means your potential patients will feel understood and valued before they even pick up the phone to call you.

It’s also important to note that we are experts at what we do, just like you are. For example, take the patient who comes into your office. Often before you even need to look inside the patient’s mouth, you’re able to get a pretty good idea of what is going on inside, simply by listening to the patient describe his or her symptoms. It’s the same for us. By committing our business to dentistry and bringing 20+ years of combined experience to your case, we know what’s keeping your practice from growing—and the exact marketing treatment to prescribe as a result.

Why It’s A Good Thing We’re Not Dentists

We noted this above, but it is such a crucial topic that we feel it absolutely necessary to mention it again: The dental marketing industry is broken.

Aside from Firegang, there are very few dental marketers out there who care about the success of small dental practices AND can provide the results your practice needs to rise above the competition.. Instead, this is what you’ll typically find:

1. Massive Marketing Mills - These giant marketing companies might meanwell, but they are simply too large to provide you with the customizedsupport and strategy that it takes to succeed in today’s age. What’s more,these marketing mills are too big to stay up-to-date on the latest cutting-edge marketing technologies (which means your dental practice will bethe one to fall behind the competition.)

2. Marketers Who Are Too Generalized - These are typically the onlinemarketers who are smaller and do genuinely care about your dentalpractice’s success. However, they are simply too generalized. They don’tfocus on the dental industry, and as a result, they don’t understand whatsets dental marketing apart from any other niche or industry.

3. Snake Oil Salesman - The profiteers out to make a pretty penny from yourpractice without providing any real value whatsoever.

We’re not like the others. Firegang Dental Marketing’s results-oriented, 360-degree approach ensures your dental practice receives the customized marketing you can trust. Let’s dive into more of what that looks like.

Dentists Need Marketing They Can Trust

100% Results-Oriented

At Firegang, the only thing that matters is getting more patients in your chairs. Sure, website traffic and social media followers are great. But these numbers alone don’t mean anything if your bottom line isn’t increasing. If you aren’t getting more quality patients, then we know something isn’t working. That also means we focus on the entire marketing process, from the click to the call to the chair.

To ensure your dental practice receives marketing results that skyrocket production, Firegang Dental Marketing always stays up-to-date on the latest cutting-edge technologies and best online marketing practices. Of course, we don’t believe in cookie-cutter marketing solutions, either. Each dental practice is unique, so your marketing strategy should be, too. It’s also important to note that we’re obsessed with tracking results. After all, how else can we know what’s working and what’s not? We believe constantly analyzing our strategy—and making this data completely transparent to you—is what will ensure your dental practice beats out the competition to dominate your marketplace.

We assign an individual case manager to your particular practice. That means you can say goodbye to call queues—and hello to a readily available personal representative who knows your marketing strategy inside-and-out.

Growth in Sales Leads And Phone Calls For A Dentist After One Month Of Working With Firegang

A 360-Degree Approach

With 20+ years of combined experience in marketing, Firegang knows that if you really want your online marketing to succeed, then you’ve got to look at the bigger picture. That means we take into account the entire experience patients have with your practice.

How do new patients find you online? What experience do they have on your website? What is it like when they make that first call to your practice? What kind of service do they actually receive when they arrive for their appointment?

This 360-degree approach is why dental practices who choose to work with Firegang see exponential growth in their production. Sure, it would be a lot easier for us if all we did was focus on website traffic or Google Adwords results. But then your dental practice wouldn’t achieve the serious growth we know it’s capable of—and we would be falling short of our mission to only provide your practice with the best results possible.

Firegang In The Press

By now you have a pretty good idea about why Firegang Dental Marketing is so passionate about helping small dental practices to succeed. It’s also clear how our unique, 100% results-oriented, 360-degree approach sets us apart from the rest. But don’t just take our word for it. Have a look at a few of the places Firegang Dental Marketing has been featured in the news and around the web. You’ll also see Firegang Dental Marketing is a certified Google partner.

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