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Santa Rosa Sunrise

Rotary ClubP. O. Box 14953

Santa Rosa, CA 95402


Delbert Raby9358 Lakewood DriveWindsor, CA 95492


For those who have inquiring minds ...The Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Sunrise "Morning Star"

... ::


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Rotary Club of Santa Rosa SunriseRotary International District #5130

Chartered June 30,1986Meets every Thursday 7:15am

at The Doubletree Hotel3555 Round Barn Blvd.

"Commitment:The Key to SuccessDuane BlackwillDistrict #5130District Governor

"Believe in What You Do.

Do What You Believe In.

Robert BarthRotary InternationalPresident

"Get InvolvedNancy Aita

S. R. Sunrise RotaryClub President

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VOLUME 30 February 3, 1994EDITOR: Dale Zumfelde FAX: 575-1610PUBLISHER: Jeff Young


A correction and clarification from last week's Just the Facts! Column:Doli's house is not two times bigger than Warren's house! Nor is it3 1/2 acres in size. Doli was not fined $11 for licking 83 plates andDo!i did not send his vacuum cleaner'to Arizona. Sony for theconfusion.

JOHN VOYLES, it was noticed, was quick to bail out ofsitting at the head table when there was no one there but PresidentNancy. I'm sure it was nothing personal. Just John trying to relate.

But John V. was there when needed to present new memberMATTHEW WALLACE with his red badge. Welcome aboard Matt.

ERIC VAN CLEAVE celebrated a "quiet and sedate"birthday with his wife on January 29. Hope it wasn't too quiet.

BOB SCOTT'S wife, Kathy has a birthday coming up... Hopeit's a happy one. Why not do something wild and crazy, BOB?

LEROY (speaking ofwild and crazy) CARLENZOLI and wifeof29 years, CAROL will be celebrating the fact that she has whatevery woman wants most - LEROY! (I'm only reporting what wassaid. I don't make tiuYstuff up.)

RHOANN PONSETI marks 5 years inthe club - February 9.Congratulations and that was a great white suit.

DAN DAVIS got the floral tribute this week. I'm still notsure why but who cares. As long as I'm not the one laid out flat withall those flowers around.

DAN LAMBERT has a new roof on his house and not $5.00.BRUCE REYES showed the Rotarians and Elks in Telluride

Colorado how to drink wine. Also did some skiing I guess. $10.00.JOHN DOLINSEK again! No room, see next page . . .

Don't Forget!^irirfce^oivfy Annual Vlkntirie Party

Saturday, February 12at 6:30 p.m.Saturday Afternoon Club -430 Tenth Street, Santa Rosa

Looks to me like agreat menu and alot of fun! Hope you are signed up.

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A CONF' SION:/ don 'l know about you but Ifelt like a kid who hadn'tdonehis homewoik. When a recent

speaker asked the club, "Whatare we (as a club) unwillingto not have happen?", Ihoped she woiddn'tcall onme to answer. Ofcourse Iknew about the Child Abuse

Recovery Program, and Iknew we give money to theSalvation Anny. but J confesstofeeling pretty distantfromwhat the real workofthe clubis all about; distantfrom whatwe really do. 1 wonder if Iam alone. Maybe I could bemure committed to raisingmore money, or selling moretickets, or getting more raffleprizes ifI were more passionate about the workthe moneydoe:-. I wonder ifI am alone.

A-CHALLENGElTo anyone in the club. Howabout writing a piece for thenewsletter to make it come

alive; to let us know how our

workand how our money ismaking a difference. Let usknow and let usfeel how morework and more time can do

more good and make a biggerdifference. I for one willforego the replay ofrecognitions ( & other ofmy mindlessdrivel) infavor of becomingbetter informedabout thevalue we can have as a club

working to benefit ourcommunity. Tlie space isavailable, I want to know andI need to know - and I don't

think I am alone.Dale Zumfelde

Mystery Rotation

Gather near and you shall hear,of those who ski, without any fear.

It seems this group from Rotary,consisting of Stan, Randy, Peter and King,went to Heavenly Valley for some skiing.

They took some friends to have a good time,to the Nevada side to avoid a long lift line.

The family, of an old Marine fledvery very early, at O dark hundred,

to be on the snow that day on ski or sled.This was his youngest son's first ski trip,

and between dad's legs he skied at a rapid clip.

After skiing, to soothe their muscles in place of a rubthey soaked together in the old Hot Tub.

They gathered together at the end of the day,and went as a group to Harvey's Buffet.

At the door they saw a throngof people in line that was really long.They joined them and they did wait,

as it had been so long since they had ate.

Ellie and Amnanda quit skiing to play,as it was time to have some fun that day.In some places the snow was not there,

and into the air rocks would appear to impair,any skier that failed to take care.

On the last day our hero got his way,and true to form skied in the face of a raging storm.

But,at last he had to quit,when ahead he couldn't sec, not even a little bit.

As the Mystery Rotarian hates lectures,he will tell this tale with aid of pictures.

Some are dark and not so bright,as he took them without benefit of light.His regular job has to do with the Press,

which he works at with great success.

by Archie Julian - Epic Poet

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District Assembly: April 16 in UkiahPlease call Dan Davis for information.

District Conference: May 13Brooke Knapp : Keynote Speaker

Suss McCracken is Iiosting the next Fireside at his home at7:00pm on Tuesday night, February 15. Everyone (and spouse) iswelcome. Refreshments will be served. Hope to see you there!

SunnseJTrayelogueJ&ems.Steve Olsen will host interested members and guests at his house andwill present a program of professional videos on the World PairsChampionship which he recently attended in New Jersey. This is theultimate competition in the world for driving horses. The programis scheduled for Friday Night, February 25 at 7:00 p.m. To make iteasier on the hosts of this event, (and to encourage others to host inthe future) we ask those attending to bring along a bottle of wine (orother beverage of Uieir choice) to enjoy and to share during thisevening of travel adventure and fellowship.

Coming saon_^_Piano jConaertJIMuza Mdzinarishvili willpresent another concert of classical

piano music at D:de Ztunfelde's house at 7:00 p.m., Satwrday,March 5, 1994. Coffee and dessert will be served. Invited, butnot required, will be a coulributiou to sbow appreciation for the

pianist and to support Muza's goal ofattending theConservatory ofMusic in September.


Stan Walker reports we are #6 in the district with anaverage of $66/member. Great work. Can we be #1?

The DOL1 REPORT: Whilst considering a house in Wild Oak, JDcalled upon Ken Coker for his expert opinion, promised him lunch,set the time and then forgot. There was Ken, with structuralengineer, without money, and without DOLL "I FORGOT!"

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February - "World Understanding Month"

12Saturday VALENTINE'S DANCE15 Tuesday Fireside at Russ McCracken's House22 Tuesday World Understanding Day24 Thursday Association Meeting25 Friday " Travelogue at Steve Olsen's - 7:00 p.m.


5 Saturday Piano Concert - Dale Zumfelde's house - 7:00 p.m.8 Tuesday Board Meeting (Healthnet Office - 5:30 p.m.)10-18 INTERNATIONAL ASSEMBLY13-19 WORLD ROTARACT WEEK26 Saturday INTERACT CONFERENCE31 Thursday Association Meeting


12 Tuesday Board Meeting (Healthnet Office - 5:30 p.m.)16 Saturday DISTRICT ASSEMBLY28 Thursday Association Meeting


John Voyles - Program Chairman

February 10 Speech Contest - High School Students

February 17 Audio Visual Contest - High School Students

February 24 Ron Fream, Golf Course Architect

March 3 Bill Knight, Mayor of Santa Rosa

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Abramson * Al 576-8163 546-9220

Aita* Nancy Bob 823-9139 575-3115

Bayless Gary Lynda 542-6102 527-7300

Carlenzoli * Leroy + Carol 542-8964 542-6465

Cercone Frank Jan 526-9852 542-1644

Cheney Terry Jerry- 544-1099 527-5555

Coker Ken 527-0880 525-56C0

Davis * Dan Susan 527-0724 545-7010

Davis * Steve Rita 525-9306 575-9595

Dobbin Gregg Jan 579-0656 579-0554

Dolinsek John + Kathy 546-7306 544-5493

Doolittle Gary + Carolyn + 545-9354 546-0825

Dunn Bob Diane 539-7229 539-1024

Eakin Tom Joanne 579-5734 829-4600

Estes Carol 544-0119 8CO-9CO-S990

Finch Buster + Marilyn 538-2671 527-5555

Franke Rick • Judy 538-2451 526-3303

Handelman Albert 83S-7779 52S-2S82

Herron Steve 544-1860 524-3102

Hulen Phil Bette 539-1041 578-0253

Intner Riki + Bob + 539-4829 526-3141

Jacobson Carl + Judy + 575-1233 578-2370

Jar.'is Bob 523-2854 575-1198

Jensen Gary .Linda 546-5217 577-8202

Jones John + ' Ardys 526-5C01 546-0272

Julian Archie + Susan 433-6256 546-7822

King* Art Irene 539-59S0 527-08C0

Kingsley * Robert Jeanne 575-4719 523-9609

Lambert Dan + K*>; 539-7294 528-7711

Lockner Russell 526-3775 544-4133

Lockner Vicki 544-1593 52S-5371

Lorenzen * Dave + Shauna 526-U07 544-0707

Lorenzen Shauna Dave 526-1107 543-0172

McCracken Russ Deborah 935-6537 538-CS6S

Mika Nar.cie Mark- 546-7364 524-42C0

Olsen Steve Lynn' 546-3973 57S-6033

Owles * Steve Cathy 52S-1484 5S4-7360

Ponseti Rhoann + 571-0436 542-5713

Raby Delbert + Harriet t + 838-6701

Reyes Bruce + 538-0793 523-2310

Sass* Mike 526-1965 523-1987

Scott Robert Kathy 539-4341 544-5800


Kent -i- Joan 579-0161

Randy 528-2149 526-8585

Smith Warren + Wendy- 542-8108 245-4436/510

Solar Patricia Richard 838-392S 576-3629

Treleaven Peter + Marie + 538-9190 524-1024

Turner Drew Pat 525-8176 525-9262

Van Cleave Eric + Lori 823-6601 83S-9S22

Voyles John 869-2664 524-1999

Vvenielo Catherine Bill 539-9112 525-2243

Walker Stan Valeri 525-0152 536-1054

Wallace Matthew Cynthia 573-5963 800/492-3553

Watson John 573-0433 823-8333

Wessman Rolf 578-0230 578-0230

Young Jeff Karen 57S-7746 579-5200


Hank + Dotty 544-C579

Dale Shirle) 538-SC55 526-2632

•Board Member ♦ Piul Himl Fellow

Classifu iExecutive Gi.Insurance - HealthJewelery Design Sc ManufactureCivil EngineerDentist-OrthodonticsHuman Resourses

ArchitectureLaw - BusinessDentistry - (Additional Active)Investment AdvisorInsurance- Life/DisabilityAttorney ServicesMarketingConsultantFood ProcessingMortgage - Mortgage SalesElectronic Scale Service

DentistryLaw-Estate PlanningBankingCPA- ComputerApplicationMarriage-Family CounselingEngineering-ConsultingMaxillofacialSurgeryFurniture RentalCPA-5usiness PlanningEquiptment LeasingCPA - AccountingMortgage - LoansComputer SystemsReal Estate - CommercialElementaryEducationDelicatessenRadio Broadcasting-Managemer.'.Cyclery - RetailLaw-Products LiabilityLaw - Domestic RelationsManufacturing - FurnitureAdvertisingSenior A.ctiveChiropracticConstruction - ResidentialBusiness FormsInformation SystemsNewspaper PublishingGeothermal EnergyBanking - CommercialSecuritiesVeterinarian - Surgery-Mortgage - LendingPrepressBanking - MarketingConstruction - CommercialTax Sheltered AnnuitiesProperty ManagementComputerServicesInsurance - CasualtyHonoraryMemberArchitecture- Residential

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Sonoma County Make-Up Locations

MONDAYWEST SANTA ROSA-12:15pm HEALDSBURG-12:00pmLos Roblcs-Clcvcland & Edwards Masonic Tcmplc-Plaza & Center

TUESDAYWINI)SOR-7:15pm SANTA ROSA EAST-12:15pmWindsor Bowl-8801 Condc Ln. Flamingo Hotel-4th & Farmers Lane

ROHNERT PARK/C()TATM2:15pm GUERNEVILLE-6:30pmRed Lion lnn-1 Red Lion Dr. Northwoods Rcstaurant-Hwy. 116

WEDNESDAYSANTA ROSA-12:10pm PETALUMA VALLEY-12:15pmFlamingo Motcl-4th & FarmersLn. AdobeCreek GolfClub-FratesRd.

SONOMA VALLEY-12:15pmSonoma Golf & Country Club-1770 Arnold Dr.

THURSDAYPETALUMA-12:15pm CLOVERDALE-12:15pmVeteran's Mem. Bldg.-1094 Petahima Blvd.S. Veteran's BIdg-W. First St.


Veteran's Memorial Bldg.-282 High St.

This bulletin is sponsored by the following Rotarian:


Jeff Young

P.O. Box IIII • 335&Ruu.ifdBamBlwL>2)3 •S.mu R...-.I, CA 95402707-579-5200 .• Fax iDj »* .021

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Santa Rosa Sunrise

Rotary ClubP. O. Box 14953

Santa Rosa, CA 95402

toMfDelbert Raby9358 Lakewood DriveWindsor, CA 95492


For those who have inquiring minds ...The Rotary Club of Santa Ro.sa Sunrise "Morning Star"


jS**1 '


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Rotary Club of Santa Rosa SunriseRotary International District #5130

Chartered June 30,1986Meets every Thursday 7:15am

at The Doubletree Hotel3555 Round Barn Blvd.


The Key to SuccessDuane BlackvvillDistrict #5130District Governor

"Believe in What You Do

Do What You Believe In

Robert BarthRotary InternationalPresident

"Get Involved'Nancy Aita

S. R. Sunrise RotaryClub President

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VOLUME 31 February 10, 1994EDITOR: Dale Zumfelde FAX: 575-1610


The Mystery RotarianLast week'spoem I will not repeat,

Or everything else I would have to delete.Projector andscreen he lias already schlepped,

After all tliat, can the secret be kept?My apology to Archie, this is not what I do.I only do buildings and notpoems or Iiaiku!


The following fable (remember fables?) was taken from

The Book of VirtuesAJTreasuryiojc GreatMomlJitoiiesedited, with commentary by William J. Bennett

Hercules and the WagonerAesop

Somepeople exhibit an almost miraculous resolve in waiting for someoneelse to come along and do their work for them. This old fable may help uslearn that the only certain labor is your own.

A wagoner was dri\nng his team along a muddy lane with afullload behind them, wlien tlie wheels ofhis wagon sank so deep intlie mire tliat no efforts of his lwrses could move them. As hestood there, looking helplessly on, and calling loudly atintervals upon Hercules for assistance, tlie god himselfappeared, andsaid to him, "Put your slioulder to tlie w'tteel,man, and goad on your lwrses, andtlien you may call uponHercules to assist you. Ifyou won't lift a finger to lielpyourself, you can't expect Hercules or any one else to come toyour aid."

Heaven lielps those who Itelp themselves.

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Recognition:RHOANN PONSET1 took center stage to receive her Paul

Harris Fellowship and the well deserved round of applause.Congratulations to Rhoann for her accomplishment.

President Nancy reminded us that we have surpassed our goal ofhaving 5 new Paul Harris Fellows this year, and what's more, they wereall women. (Does tliat mean they areFellowettcs?) Yup! There have been6 of 'em, call them what you will. More are welcome.

JERRY JOHNSON joins the ranks of the Red Badges and wasescorted there by Russ McCracken. Welcome aboard Jerry and gladyou're here.

(Or would they be Fellerinas?)GARY BAYLESS celebrated a birthday and said it couldn't

be deferred another week. He just had to pay the $15.00 now.(Gary-6 lines, January 27, Volume 29, no abbreviation, bold print!)

JOHN WATSON has been cruising the Mexican Rivera withhis wife to be. It seems they got engaged to be married on the tripand will actually do so on April 24 in Hawaii. Congratulations toboth and $25.00 from John.

Did you notice howfast everyone ran up to get their NancyDitcks onTlint.sday? Everyone prohahly thought Nancy would change her mind.She didn 't, and more amazing still, everyone was able to take them homeat the end of the meeting.

(Fellowess? FcUowann?)Congratulations to all the excellent speakers at the meeting ov.

Thursday. Speakers "Number A, B, C, D andE" all did a great jobas did RUSS LOCKNER who organized and supervised the wholeevent. Tltanks to thejudges: Nancy Burton, Bill Klippert and CindyZinnamon. Opinion was thesubject was good and the speeches weregreat and, oh yes, "The Envelope Please:"

Kerry DoyleJessica GordleyJason Jasmine, 3rd PlaceMaggie Rich, 2nd PlaceLeslie Carrera, 1st Place

Next week, it's the Audio/Visual Contest. That should be great too!/ know, I know. Settle down. I'm just kidding! RELAX!

Everybody Hunts to be a fellow but do you know what it means? In mydictionary, lialfway down the list: "4 a: a person of one of tlie lowersocialclasses b: a wortldess man or boy " Now are you liappy? BE HAPPY!!!

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FiresideRuss McCracken is hosting the next Fireside at his home at 7:00 pmon Tuesday night, February 15. (We hope this gets to you in time tobe a last minute reminder) Tlie address is 390 Benicia and PhoneNo. is 538-2806. Directions: from Hiway 12, go north on MissionBlvd., east on Rinconada (before Montecito), right on Bcnicia Driveand 390 will be on the left. Hope to see you there'.

Travelogue.Series rFebruary 25, 7:00 p. m.Steve Olsen will host interested members and guests at his house at2885 Rollo Road, Bennett Ridge. Steve will present a program ofprofessional videos of the World Pairs Championship which herecently attended in New Jersey.

ANNADEL HIKEThe newly formed Santa Rosa Sunrise Rotary Clui Hike St BikeClub is holding the First of their projected monthly vents onSaturday, March 5. All those interested are invited to meet atWalgrcen's Drugs at Montgomery and Summerfield at 9:00 a.m.The intrepid leaders will then set off on a 3 hour, adult paced trek upCobblestone Trail to Lake Ilsanjo. (One presumes they will alsotrek down from the Lake; i.e., no one will be abandoned and noone, we hope, will be helicoptered out.) Does "adult paced" meanthey will slow down to accommodate us old folks or that we willhave to keep up with the "real" hikers? Sounds like a great way togo out and meet the approaching spring. Annadel should bebeautiful and the exercise is something we all can use. Super idea!Let's all go, bring the family, and then... A Bike Ride on April 2.

Piano Concert.IIMuza MdzinarishviU -will present another concert of classical pianomusic atDale Zumfelde's house at7:00 p.m., Saturday, Marcli 5,1994. Hikers arc invited to trek up to 1476 Los Alamos Road fromAnnadel. (Showers will be provided and the liming should be aboutright.) Like last time, there will be alot oflaughs and socializing togo along with the music sodon't be intimidated and think it has tobeserious just because it's classical."Nothing is interesting ifyou are not interested.!

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February - "World Understanding Month"

15Tuesday Fireside at Russ McCracken's House22 Tuesday World Understanding Day24 Thursday Association Meeting25 Friday Travelogue at Steve Olsen's - 7:00 p.m.


5 Saturday The first Hike of the Hike and Bike Club - 9:00 a.m.Piano Concert - Dale Zumfelda's house - 7:00 p.m.

8 Tuesday Board Meeting OHealthnet Office - 5:30 p.m.)10-18 INTERNATIONAL ASSEMBLY13 -19 WORLD ROTARACT WEEK26 Saturday INTERACT CONFERENCE31 Thursday Association Meeting


12 Tuesday Board Meeting (Healthnei Office - 5:30 p.m.)16 Saturday DISTRICT ASSEMBLY28 Thursday Association Meeting


John Voyles - Program Chairman

February 17 Audio Visual Contest - High School Students

February 24 Ron Fream, Golf Course Architect

March 3 Bill Knight, Mayor of Santa Rosa

March 10 Ben Aronoff - "GUARDING SAN QUENTIN"

Friday, June 3, 1994The Golf Tournament at Fountaingrove

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Last First Spouse Home tt Work nAbramson * Al 576-8163 546-9220

Aita* Nancy Bob 823-9139 575-3115

Bayless Gary Lynda 542-6102 527-7300

Carlenzoli * Leroy + Carol 542-8961 542-6465

Cercone Frank Jan 526-9852 542-1644

Cheney Terry Jerry 544-1099 527-5555

Coker Ken 527-0880 525-56CO

Davis * Dan Susan 527-0724 545-7010

Davis * Steve Rita 525-9306 575-9595

Dobbin Gregg Jan ,579-0656. 579-0554

Dolinsek John + Kathy 346-7306 544-5493

Doolittle Gary + Carolyn + 545-9354 546-0825

Dunn Bob Diane / 559-7229 539-1024

Eakin Tom Joanne ; 579-5734 829-46CO

Estes Carol / 544-0119 80C-9CO-8990

Finch Buster + Marilyn 538-2671 527-5555

Franke Rick • Jody 538-2451 526-3303

Har.delman Albert 838-7779 52S-2S82

Herron Steve 544-1860 524-3102

Hulen Phil Bettc 539-1041 573-0253

Intner Riki + Sob + 539-4829 526-3141

Jacobson Carl + Jvdy + 575-1233 578-2370

JWIS Bob / 523-2354 575-1198

Jensen dry l.inda 546-5217 577-8202

Jones John + Ardys 526-5001 546-0272

Julian Archil -r Susan 433-6256 546-7822

King* Art. Irene 539-5980 527-0800

Kingsley * Robert Jeanne 575-4719 523-9609

Lambert Dan + / Kay 539-7291 528-7711

Lockner RusseJi 526-3773 544-4133

Lockner Vicki 544-1593 528-5371

Lorenzen * Div-- + Shauna 526-1107 544-0707

Lorenzen • Shauna Dave 526-1107 543-0172

McCracken Russ Deborah 935-6537 538-086S

Mika Kancie Mark 546-7364 524-4200

Olsen Steve Lynn 546-3973 578-6033

Owles* Steve Cathy 528-14S4 584-7360

Ponse:i Rhoann + 571-C-136 542-5713

Raby Delbert + Harriett H- 838-6701

Reyes Bruce + 538-0793 523-2310

SlS;* Mike .- 526-1965 523-1987

Scott Robert Kathy 539-4341 544-5SCO

Scegmiller Kent + Joan 579-0161

Seelye Randy 528-2149 526-8585

Smich Warren + Wendy 542-8108 245-4436/510Solar Patricia Richard 838-3928 576-3629

Trcleaven Peter + Marie + 538-9190 524-1024

Turner Drew Pat 525-8176 525-9262

Van Cleave Eric + Lori 823-6601 83S-9S22

Voyles John 869-2664 524-1999

Vycnielo Catherine Bill 539-9112 525-2243

Walker Stan Valeri 525-0152 586-1054

Wallace Matthew- Cynthia 573-5963 SCO/492-3553Watson John 573-0433 823-8333

Wessman Rolf 578-0230 578-0230

Young Jeff Karen 578-7746 579-52CO

Zager Hank + Dotty 544-0579Zumfelde Dale Shirley 538-8035 526-2632

•Baud Member •-Paul Harm Fellow

)HLP RO. RClassification

Executive GiftsInsurance - Health

JeweleryDesign& ManufactureCivil EngineerDentist-OrthodonticsHuman Resourses

Architecture •--Law - Business

Dentistry - (Additional Active)Investment AdvisorInsurance - Life/DisabilityAttorney ServicesMarketingConsultantFood ProcessingMortgage- Mortgage SalesElectronic Scale Service

DentistryLaw-Estate PlanningBankingCPA-Computer ApplicationMarriagi-Family CounselingEngineering-ConsultingMaxillofacial SurgeryFurniture Rental

CPA-Business PlanningEquiptmcnt LeasingCPA - AccountingMortgage - LoansComputer SystemsReal Estate - CommercialElementary EducationDelicatessenRadioBroadcasting-ManagementCyclery- RetailLaw-Products LiabilityLaw - Domestic RelationsManufacturing - FurnitureAdvertisingSenior ActiveChiropracticConstruction • ResidentialBusiness Forms

Information SystemsNewspaper PublishingGeothermal EnergyBanking - CommercialSecuritiesVeterinarian - SurgeryMortgage - LendingPrepressBanking - MarketingConstruction - CommercialTxx Sheltered AnnuitiesProperty ManagementComputerServicesInsurance - CasualtyHonorary MemberArchitecture - Residential

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Sonoma County Make-Up Locations

MONDAYWEST SANTA ROSA-12:15pm HEALDSBURG-12:00pmLos Roblcs-Clcvcland & Edwards Masonic Temple-Plaza & Center

TUESDAYWINDSOR-7:15pm \ SANTA ROSA EAST-12:15pmWindsor Bowl-8801 Condc Ln. Flamingo Hotel-4th & Farmers Lane

ROHNERT PARK/COTATI-12:15pm GUERNEVlLLE-6:30pmRed Lion lnn-1 Red Lion Dr. Nortnwoods Reslaurant-Hwy. 116

WEDNESDAYSANTA R()SA-12:l()pm PETALUMA VALLEY-12:15pmFlamingo Holcl-4lh & Farmers Ln. Adobe Creek Golf Club-Frates Rd.

SONOMA VALLEY-12:15pmSonoma Golf & Country Club-1770 Arnold Dr.

THURSDAYPETALUMA-12:15pm CLOVERDALE-12:15pmVeteran's Mem. Bldg.-1094 Petaluma Blvd.S. Veteran's Bldg-W. First St.


Veteran's Memorial Bldg.-282 High St.

This bulletin is sponsored by the following Rotarian:

ROGERS/VrYOUNGi - - 11 K A N ' El W s ! r v i c e s

Jeff Young


TO. Box IIII • *558 Rmiml Bam Bint, -203 • Santa Rosa, CA "5402

7D7-579a3»»ftx 707-&6-8021

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Santa Rosa Sunrise

Rotary Club . ..P.O. Box 14953 .: ••.:% :'V & \ I 2 I ; - iSanta" .^^ktefefetf.! *nta Rosa; CA 95402-;-v-?#i; rh 1 g 1 | I 1 rpf L


Delbert Raby9358 Lakewood DriveWindsor, CA 95492


For those who have inquiring minds ...The Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Sunrise "Morning Star"

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Rotary Club of Santa Rosa SunriseRotary International District #5130

Chartered June 30, 1986Meets everyThursday 7:15am

at The Doubletree Hotel3555 Round Barn Blvd.


The Key to Success"Duane BlackwillDistrict #5130District Governor

"Believe in What You Do.

Do What You Believe In.

Robert BarthRotary InternationalPresident

"Get InvolvedNancy Aita

S. R. Sunrise RotaryClub President

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February 17, 1994Dale Zumfelde

Jeff YoungFAX: 575-1610

Thefollowing is reprintedfrom the February Issue of Vie Rotarian. It is containedin the Just Between Us column written byRoben A. Barth, President of RotaryInternational. President Nancy requested that it be included here in the bulletin.For thebalance ofthearticle,pleasesee page 44 ofthe February issue.

Are You a Rotarian?"As I see it, there are two kinds of people in Rotary clubsaround the world. The first kind of person attends meetings,pays dues, listens to the programs, gives money to specialprojects, and then forgets about Rotary during the rest of dieweek. The second type of person also attends tlie meetings andpays dues. However, there is a big difference between the two.The second person has an attitude of always being open to thepossibilities of what he or she can do for someone else. Thesecond person lives Rotary every day.

Which kind of person are you?Let's think about what it means to be a Rotarian, When

we wear the Rotary wheel emblem, I believe we are saying:You can rely on me.I am dependable.

I am available.

I give more titan I take.I add value.

Ask yourself today: Am I a member of a Rotary club, or am Ia Rotarian? I hope that each one of you can answer; I am aRotarian."

Robert Barth, President, R.I.


<$$&, D^mm tm


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CHENEY celebrating!Knockyourselves out.

ART KING is too and

still sore about it.Where ? Dfm 't know.

Irene's BD on VD. $15


Birthday, 4 hourBoredMeeting, Hockey Came,"No restfor the-"

DEL •'The Scout" RABY-

stiil has hearts on his

sock and U-wear and wepresumea song in hisheart.



BOB JARVISstill tryingto expand to Windsor.Good luck.

Happy Tfi


Hawaii and also playedin the Oakland

CollossalSee'EM. B-ball

that is, with his son.

PETER TRELEAVENpaid $15for picture ofLittle Peter in the paper.Hope theschool is stillrounding up all the littleones every day.

Mystery RotarianThis Rotarian gets his kicks,

by doing lots of trickswith sticks and bricks,

shovels, and picks,or stone and foam

when building a home.

First the client finds a lot,then they and this Rotarian will plot,

a house to build, in their style,down to the choice of color and tile.

There arc traps along the wayhe avoids them to earn his pay.

He listens carefully, trying to understand,what the client wants built on his land.

He then starts to design:beginning first with a single line,the house his client had in mind.

There's no accounting fcr taste,but, one can take out a lot of waste.

This man knows what to do,to tighten a plan before he's through.

It makes him really sadand more than a little mad,

when another in his profession,hasn't learned this valuable lesson,

"Do a job well, be thorough and complete,it's not finished until done, clean and neat."

You can use this man's creative side,

to make your home a better place to abide,or to build brand new,

a house for your spouse and you.

He is quiet and reserved,his good name is well deserved.

He has some great designs,Guess who it is or pay your fines,

by Archie Julian

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Travp.fogiie Sof*** -'FeBfuary 25, 7:00 UJfSteve Olsen's Residence; 2885 Rollo Road, Bennett Riu5e.Professional videos oftlie World Pairs Championship. This isthe final notice because it is happening this Friday night. Pleasebring drinks if you like and come for some fun and great videos of aunique, world-class spoiling event.

ANNADEL HIKEThe newly formed Santa Rosa Sunrise Rotary Club Hike &BikeClub is holding the first oftheir projected monthly events onSaturday, Marcli 5. All those interested are invited to meet atWalgi-een's Drugs at Montgomery and Summerfield at 9:00 a.m.The inireoid leaders will then set off on a3hour, adult paced trekup Cobblestone Trail to Lake Ilsanjo. Sounds like agreat way to ?oout and meet the approaching spring. Annadel should be beautiful•And the exercise is's'omething we all can use. Super ideal Lei's all go,bring the family, and then, coming up... ABike Ride on April 2.

Piaiio C_once!i:_iIMuza Mdzinarishvili - Classical Pianist will present the program shewill be playing for her audition at the San Francisco ConservatoryofMusic.Dale Zumfelde's house at 7:00 p.m., Saturday, March 5, 1994.

This sniff is too good to abbreviate:SHAUNA LORENZEN was recognized for her anniversary ofthewedding variety. In keeping with President Nancy's goal of 100% PaulHarris contributions this year, Shauna offered up S100.00 to same.Thanks Shauna and congratulations. As if that weren't enough, DAVELORENZEN, as fate would have it, and by virtue of concommitant,cosmic, confluence of confibndations, also celebrated an anniversary. Hetoo, to round out the symetry ofthe event, contributed $100 to theaforementioned PHF. In a related story, I am not sure why they put him inthere, but Ihope by.now they have liberated Archiefrom the quandary into whichhe had been put.ANJLAJjREATmGEJWmSJilLAI£PARTYJ)m^STAN and PHIL deferred most of the credit to their wives VALERIand BETTE, and asked me to include ARCHIE and SUE JULIAN

ifor the balloons and flowers and BOB and RKIINTNER, &CAROLYN DOOLITTLE. Itwas a great party. THANKSUR

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February - "World Understanding Month"

22 Tuesday World Understanding Day24 Thursday Association Meeting25 Friday Travelogue at Steve Olsen's - 7:00 p.m.


5 Saturday The first Hike of the Hike and Bike Club - 9:00 a.m.Piano Concert - Dale Zumfelde's house - 7:00 p.m.

8 Tuesday Board Meeting (Healthnet Office - 5:30 p.m.)10-18 . INTERNATIONAL ASSEMBLY

13-19 WORLD ROTARACT WEEK26 Saturday INTERACT CONFERENCE31 Thursday Association Meeting


12 Tuesday Board Meeting (Healthnet Office - 5:30 p.m.)16 Saturday DISTRICT ASSEMBLY28 Thursday Association Meeting


John Voyles - Program Chairman

February 24 Ron Fream, Golf Course Architect

March 3 Bill Knight, Mayor of Santa Rosa

March 10 Ben Aronoff - "GUARDING SAN QUENTIN"

Friday, June 3, 1994The Golf Tournament at Fountaingrove

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SUNRISE ROTARY CLUB -- MEMBERSHIP ROSTER^Home n Work U Classification I576-8163 546-9220 Executive Gifts823-9139 575-3115 Insurance - Health542-6102 527-7300 Jewdery Design &Manufaaure542-8964 542-6465 CivilEngineer526-9852 542-1644 Dentist-Orthodontics544-1099 527-5555 Human Rcsourses527-0880 525-5600 Architecture527-0724 545-7010 Law-Business525-9306 575-9595 Dentistry • (Additional Active)579-C656 579-0554 Investment Advisor546-7306 544-5493 Insurance - Life/Disability545-9354 546-0825 Attorney Services539-7229 539-1024 Marketing Consultant579-5734 S29-4600 Food Processing544-0119 800-900-8990 Mortgage - Mortgage Sales538-2671 527-5555 Electronic Scale Service538-2451 526-3303 Dentistry838-7779 528-2882 Law-Estate Planning544-1860 524-3102 Banking539-1041 578-0253 CPA -Computer Application539-4829 526-3141 Marriage-Family Counseling575-1233 578-2370 Engineering-Consulting523-2854 575-1198 Maxillofacial Surgery546-5217 577-8202 Furniture Rental526-5001 546-0272 CPA-Business Planning433-6256 546-7822 Equiptment Leasing539-5980 527-0800 CPA- Accounting575-4719 523-9609 Mortgage- Loans539-7294 528-7711 ComputerSystems526-3775 544-4133 Real Estate -Commercial544-1593 52S-5371 Elementary Education526-1107 544-0707 Delicatessen526-1107 543-0172 Radio Broadcasting-Management935-6537 538-0868 Cyclery -Retail546-7364 524-4200 Law-Products Liability546-3973 578-6033 Law - Domestic Relations528-14S4 584-7360 Manufacturing - Furniture571-0436 542-5713 Advertising838-6701 SeniorActive538-0793 523-2310 Chiropractic526-1965 523-1987 Construction- Residential539-4341 544-5800 Business Forms579-0161 InformationSystems528-2149 526-85S5 Newspaper Publishing542-8108 245-4436/510 Geothermal Energy838-3928 576-3629 Banking -Commercial538-9190 524-1024 Securities525-8176 525-9262 Veterinarian -Surgery

- 823-6601 838-9822 Mortgage - Lending869-2664 524-1999 Prepress539-9112 525-2243 Banking - Marketing525-0152 586-1054 Construction -Commercial573-5963 800/492-3553 TaxSheltered Annuities573-0433 823-S333 Property Management578-0230 578-0230 Computer Services578-7746 579-5200 Insurance - Casualty544-0579 Honorary Member538-8055 526-2632 Architecture - Residential

FirstAlNancyGaryLeroy +FrankTerr)'Ken



Gregg_/John +Gary +BobTom

CarolBuster +



Phil_Riki +Carl +


John + 'Archie +


Dan +Russell_VickiDave +




Rhoann +

Dclbert -fcBruce +


Kent +RandyWarren +


Peter +Drew

Eric +John^,CatherineStanMatthew

JohnRolfJeffHank +

Dale .






KathyCarolyn +DianeJoanne



Bob +Judy +






Harriett +


WendyRichardMarie +fatLori



' Shirley

"Uoard Member +Paul Hanil Fellow

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Sonoma County Make-Up Locations

MONDAYWEST SANTA ROSA-12:15pm HEALDSBURG-12:00pmLos Rubles-Cleveland & Edwards Masonic Tcmplc-Plaza & Center

TUESDAYWlNDSOR-7:15pm SANTA ROSA EAST-12:15pmWindsor Buvvl-8801 Cundc Ln. Flamingo Hotcl-4th & Farmers Lane

ROHNERT PARK/COTATI-12:15pm GUERNEVlLLE-6:30pmRed Lion Inn-1 Red Lion Dr. Norlhwoods Restaurant-Hwy. 116

WEDNESDAYSANTA ROSA-12:10pm PETALUMA VALLEY-12:15pmFlamingo Holel-4th & Farmers Ln. Adobe Creek Golf Club-Frates Rd.

" SONOMA VALLEY-12:15pmSonuma Golf& Country Club-1770 Arnold Dr.

THURSDAYPETALUMA-i2:15pm CLOVERDALE-12:15pmVeteran's Mem. Bldg.-1094 Petaluma Blvd.S. Veteran's Bldg-W. First St.


Veteran's Memorial Bldg.-282 High St.

This bulletin is sponsored by the following Rotarian:


Jeff Young

PO. Box HH • 3558Rom..113am Blvd.,*203 • Santa Rpsi.CA 95402707-579-5200 • fioc 7Q7-546-802I

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