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Page 1: First Presbyterian Church, Covington August 2013 FIRST PRESS€¦ · Covington, GA 30014 770-786-7321 Nonprofit Organization U.S. POSTAGE P A I D Covington, GA 30014 Permit No. 32

First Presbyterian Church 1169 Clark Street, SW Covington, GA 30014 770-786-7321

Nonprofit Organization U.S. POSTAGE


Covington, GA 30014

Permit No. 32

The deadline for the September “First Press” is August 15, 2013. Please submit your articles and information to the church office by email: [email protected] or by dropping off

your copy to the church office, neatly printed or typed or on a flash drive. Thanks!

Time Sensitive Church News Please Do Not Delay

August Birthdays

If your birthday has not appeared on our monthly list, please notify us and we will add it to our data base so that when your next birthday rolls around, we will be able to help you celebrate!

4 Betsy Morehouse 5 Velma Prescott Mac Cranford Grady Wade 6 Danny Vining 7 Avery Lewis 8 Sandy Morehouse 9 Bill Loeble 11 Bob Rossi

12 Kenny Compton 13 Emily Bunn 14 Jean Elder 16 Carol McGiboney

Haylee Burtts 17 Ephraim Lanford

Homer Borders 18 Ryan Henderson 22 John Stamps

23 Bettie Miller Charles Strickland

25 Kevin Hester 26 Dale Tingler 27 Elizabeth Gregory 29 Brad Hawley 30 Dennis Raines 31 Holden Evans

First Presbyterian Church, Covington August 2013

First Presbyterian


1169 Clark Street, SW,

Covington, GA 30014


Fax (770)786-6596



First Presbyterian Church Staff

William B. Wade, Jr.

Pastor [email protected]

Louly F. Hay Parish Associate [email protected]

Dan Walden Director of Youth and

Children’s Ministry [email protected]

Peni Haug Secretary-Treasurer

[email protected]

Alan Bunn Choir Director

[email protected]. ga.us

Alice Walker Organist

Awalker.organist@ gmail.com

Pauleen Green and Maria Serrato


Krissy Jones Director

Early Learning Center krissyFPELC


It is hard to believe, but summer vacation is almost over. Sunday, August 18th, is Rally Day, the day when we be-gin a new Sunday School season, the day when many of our programs and activities begin again for the school year. On Rally Day, new Sunday school teachers and classes will be introduced at a church-wide gathering in the Fellowship Hall at 9:45 a.m. Breakfast will be served.

During worship we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper and all baptized persons are invited to share in the sacrament. Prepare your heart.

Community on our Knees

The second annual Community On Our Knees will take place on the downtown square on Saturday, August 3, 2013 at 7:00 pm. It is a worship and prayer event, sponsored by area churches, for the 2013-2014 school year. Prayer will be offered for public, private and home school students, families, teachers, ad-ministrators, bus drivers, staff, workers and board members, along with city and county offi-cials and civil servants. There will be praise music and singing by chil-

dren and youth from the churches. People are encouraged to wear school shirts or jerseys.

A Prayer Wall and tent will be available throughout the day on the square

for you to come, pray and leave prayers for the new school year and community from 9 am - 8:30 pm for prayers. Our church will be responsible for helping at the Prayer Wall on Saturday, August 3, from 1:00 - 2:00 pm.

Silver Saints’ Lunch

The Silver Saints, Ambassador Choir and friends of FPC will have lunch on Thursday, August 8, at 12:00 noon in the Martin Fellowship Hall at FPC. It’s hard to believe that summer is coming to a fast halt and autumn will soon be upon us. Our lunch will consist of picnic foods.

We hope to see you there!

Rally Day

Page 2: First Presbyterian Church, Covington August 2013 FIRST PRESS€¦ · Covington, GA 30014 770-786-7321 Nonprofit Organization U.S. POSTAGE P A I D Covington, GA 30014 Permit No. 32

Page 2 First Presbyterian Church

2013 June

Numbers rounded

Monthly Budget

Monthly Income/


YTD Income


Pledged Income 32,472 37,027 191,112

Non-Pledge Income 2,249 4,580 22,275

Other Income 375 935 2,385

Total income

35,917 42,542 215,773

Expenses 36,404 32,663 205,000

Net Totals 6/30/13 1,306 9,879 10,772

News and Notes

Weekly E-newsletter: Send us your e-mail address if you are not receiving it already. Just send an email to: [email protected]

USHERS NEEDED Anyone interested in helping with ushering please contact Jim Stillerman at [email protected] or call his cell 770-843-2805.

Pledge Shortfall Year to Date:


Monthly Financial Report

New Address

Russ Cole The Magnolias 964 S. Main Street Conyers, GA 30012 770-255-4820

Session Meeting

The Session will meet on Sunday, August 18, for its regular monthly meeting. We will meet immediately after worship. In addition to the regular agenda, we will be receiving new members.

Presbytery Meeting

There will be a meeting of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta at the Korean Community Church on Saturday, August 17. The Rev. Billy Wade will attend along with two Elders to be named soon.

New Directory to be Published

We will be publishing an updated Church Directory on August 8th, and we need your help to make it as accurate as possi-ble. We ask that you look at your listing in the “draft” directory on the table in the narthex. If all information is correct, please put a check mark beside your name. If your address, telephone, cell phone or e-mail have changed or been added, please write that information beside your name. Make sure if you have live-at-home children, that they are listed. If there is no listing for you please add it on the blank paper provided. You may also request a name tag if you don’t have one (on directory page or on separate sign-up sheet). We would also like you to include full birth dates (month/day/year) for all who reside in your household and who attend church here. If you do not want others to see your birth year, you may send it in an e-mail, write a note or call the church office: [email protected] or 770-786-7321. Thanks so much for your help!

Cell Phone Number Listings

More and more people are dropping their home phones and going exclusively to using their personal cell phone numbers. Previ-ously we have not printed cell phone numbers, knowing that some folks prefer NOT to receive all of their calls via cell phone. Since communication is very im-portant to the congregation we are going to begin printing cell phone numbers in the new Directory. You still have a choice -- you may say nothing and all of your phone numbers will be printed -- or you may let us know to exclude your cell or home phone number(s). Please let us know by using the directories in the nar-thex to communicate your wishes or by

using the method listed below. Thank you!

Contact information: church office - 770-786-7321 Office e-mail: [email protected]

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 9:30 Ambassador Choir Car Pool 10:00 Sing at Riverside

2 Newton Schools Open

3 7 pm Worship for Community on Our Knees

4 9:00 Handbell Choir 9:30 Children’s Choir 10:00 Sunday School 11:00 Worship


6 4:00 Exercise

7 4:00 Prayer Group 6:45 Sanctuary



10:30 Ambassador Choir

12:00 Silver Saints Lunch

7:00 Confirmation Meeting

9 10

11 9:00 Handbell Choir 9:30 Children’s Choir 10:00 Sunday School 11:00 Worship


First Day for the Early Learning Center


4:00 Exercise

14 4:00 Adventure Club 4:00 Prayer Group 6:45 Sanctuary



Newsletter Deadline

10:30 Ambassador Choir



9:00 Presby-tery Meeting at Korean Community


Rally Day

9:00 Handbell Choir 9:30 Children’s Choir 10:00 Sunday School 11:00 Worship with the Lord’s Supper 12:00 Session meeting after worship


20 4:00 Exercise


4:00 Adventure Club 4:00 Prayer Group 6:45 Sanctuary


22 9:30 Ambassador Choir Car Pool 10:00 Sing at Benton House



9:00 - 12:15 Choir Retreat at Conyers Presbyterian Church


9:00 Handbell Choir 9:30 Children’s Choir 10:00 Sunday School 11:00 Worship 6:00 Youth & Parents Meeting



4:00 Exercise


4:00 Adventure Club 4:00 Prayer Group 6:45 Sanctuary



9:30 Ambassador Choir Car Pool 10:00 Sing at Merryvale



First Presbyterian Church Page 7

See our website at: www.fpccov.org

Page 3: First Presbyterian Church, Covington August 2013 FIRST PRESS€¦ · Covington, GA 30014 770-786-7321 Nonprofit Organization U.S. POSTAGE P A I D Covington, GA 30014 Permit No. 32

Presbyterian Women


Class of 2013 Patrick Carmichael

Judy Davis Denny Dobbs Aubrey Evans Dave Gregory

Class of 2014 Debra Arnold

Bill Loeble Darcel Tabb

Roger Tingler Cy Wolverton

Class of 2015 Gary Boteler Billy Fortson

Jan Giles Jim Stillerman Kevin Weber

Page 6 First Presbyterian Church

Nursery Volunteers

8/4 : B & L Bouchillon Family

8/11: S & A Evans

8/18: Trista Wilson

8/25: Bates Family


Hospital Visitors

8/4: Ann Bouchillon

8/11: Louly Hay

8/18: Bob & Darcel Tabb

8/25: Cy & Jean Wolverton

Ushers for August

Bill Loeble

Sound Engineer: Ken Walker

You may bring donations of food staples to the church or drop them off at the Commu-nity Food Pantry from 9:00-11:00 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday. For direc-tions call (770) 784- 0037.

Special requests for August:

cooking oil and cereals

Save the week of September 22-28 for a state-side mission trip. The “who, what, when and where” will be announced soon. So mark your calendar and plan to join us!

The Presbyterian Women’s Cir-cles joint meeting will be Thurs-day, September 5, at 6:30 p.m. in the Martin Fellowship Hall. Des-sert will be followed by a presenta-tion by Michael Morgan entitled "Bible Translation Through Women's Eyes." The lecture will feature translations of the Bible into English from Queen "Bloody"

Mary Tudor in 1548 to the present, and will include such scarce versions as the only complete Bible translated by a woman (Julia Evalina Smith, 1876), and the first complete book of Psalms by a woman

(Margaret Patullo, 1828). Michael Morgan is organist at Atlanta's historic Central Pres-byterian Church, and serves as the musi-cian at Columbia Seminary. He is a graduate of Florida State University and Atlanta University, and did postgraduate study at Grace Ca-

thedral in San Francisco. He has served as Dean of the Atlanta Chapter, American Guild of Organists, and on the Executive Board of the Presbyterian Associa-tion of Musicians. Michael has played recitals and worship services across the country, and in England, Spain, France, Germany, and Switzerland. His library of English Bibles and related books is perhaps the

most comprehensive private collection in the country, with virtually every version and translation repre-sented. He travels widely presenting lectures, exhib-its, and Psalm festivals. Michael is the author of The Psalter for Christian Worship, and, as a hymn writer, has been published in a number of worship re-sources, including Hal Hopson's People's Psalter, Psalms for All Seasons and Lift Up Your Hearts (published by several Reformed denomina-tions through the Calvin Institute), and Glory to God (the upcoming new Presbyterian hymnal).

Witness Team News

First Presbyterian Church Page 3

News of Our Choirs

CHILDREN'S CHOIR NEWS: The first children's choir rehearsal will resume Sun-day morning, August 4, at 9:30 am - 10 am in the choir room. If you have a child (or children) from age 4 through rising 5th grade, please bring them to rehearsal each Sunday at 9:30. We'll be working on music to present in worship on a monthly basis as well as begin work on our annual Christmas pro-gram to be performed in December. At the conclusion of rehearsal each Sunday morn-ing, your child(ren) can grab a doughnut in the fel-lowship hall and then head on to Sunday School which begins at 10 am. If you have any questions, please contact Alan Bunn, music director, at [email protected] or at 770.891.0235. I look forward to working with your young ones and helping them grow in Christ through music at First Presbyterian Church. SANCTUARY CHOIR NEWS: I hope all you singers have had a great summer break! Our first rehearsal of the new season will be Wednesday, August 7 from 6:45 - 8 pm in the choir room. I hope to see all of you there! Our first annual choir retreat with the sanctuary choir from Conyers Presbyterian Church will be on Saturday, August 24 from 9 am - 12:15 pm at the

Conyers Presbyterian Church at 911 Main St. in Conyers, GA. Dr. Stephanie Tingler, voice professor and chair of the voice department at the University of Georgia, will be our clinician/retreat leader. We will all be able to reconnect with one another and learn some new things as well. Please come be a part of this wonderful, musical, educational experience! If you have been looking for a place to serve Christ at First Presbyterian of Covington, then consider joining the choir. No experience is necessary. Just a commitment to attend a one hour and fifteen min-ute rehearsal each Wednesday evening following the FPC midweek feast and sing in worship on Sun-day mornings. A piece of cake! Please consider attending the choir retreat on Saturday, August 24 at

Conyers Presbyterian Church as well. If you have any questions or are interested in singing in the sanctuary choir, please contact Alan Bunn, music director, at [email protected] or at 770.891.0235. The first handbell rehearsal will be Sunday morning, August 4 from 9 am - 9:50 am in the FPC Sanctu-ary. We will begin working on music for the new season as well as begin-ning our Christmas (What? Already?) music. Anyone interested in playing in the FPC Handbell Choir should contact Alan Bunn, music director, at [email protected] or at 770.891.0235. Mu-sic reading ability is strongly recommended to play handbells. If you would like to learn to read music in order to play handbells, let me know, and I will help you accomplish your goal! Alan Bunn, Director of Music

August 1—Sing at Riverside. 9:30 car pool from church or meet at Riverside at 10:00 to warm up.

August 8 and August 15 regular rehearsal at 10:30 in the choir room.

August 22—Sing at Benton House. 9:30 car pool from church or meet at Benton House at 10:00 to warm up.

August 29—Sing at Merryvale. 9:30 car pool from church or meet at Merryvale at 10:00 to warm up. If you would like more information about the Ambas-sador Choir, you may speak with Alice Walker at church or by calling 770-787-6915.

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Page 4 First Presbyterian Church

** Early Learning Center News ** Dear FPC Family,

We are getting ready to welcome a new school year at FPELC! We have a busy schedule for August: teacher pre-planning August 8th-August 9th, Open House August 8th, and the first day of school will be August 12th.

If any of you would like to come and help, please join us for Open House on Thursday, August 8th. We will have two sessions: 10:00am for students with last names beginning A-M and 11:15am for students with last names beginning N-Z. We will need help sorting supplies, selling shirts/bags, and directing people to the correct classrooms. Please plan to arrive at 9:45am if you are able to help us.

As most of you know, our annual parent/teacher work day was Saturday, July 27th. This was a day to prep the rooms and playgrounds to get them ready for

the new school year. We greatly appreciate all of you who came to the work day to lend a hand. A tidy school means a safer school with less chaos for our teachers and students!

We will have many opportunities for the FPC family to help and visit the ELC during this school year. We will continue to have library time with guest readers, and we hope to acquire help from some of you with our annual An Art Affair which we hope to host in March of 2014. Thank you from the bot-tom of my heart to those of you who always lend a helping hand for our amazing little school!

Thanks for all of your support and God Bless! ~Krissy

VBS Thanks!!

Thanks to many dedicated adult and teenaged vol-unteers, we had the best Vacation Bible School ever!!! Co-Directors Debra Arnold & Rebecca Bates did another amazing job of planning, gather-ing supplies, decorating, and assembling a team of volunteers who love God and God’s children. With the help of these volunteers and the generous dona-tions of many, we took seriously our charge to wel-come the children of our church and community in the name of Christ Jesus.


It’s time once again for...

Adventure Club Starts Wednesday, August 14th

Adventure Club is for all children grades Kinder-garten through 5th. We’ll meet on Wednesday af-ternoons from 4:00 to 5:45 pm to learn about God and God’s people through games, drama, music and arts & crafts.


As we begin a new year of Youth Connection activities, it is time for us all to put our heads (and our hearts) together to plan for the coming year. Please make a note about the following important meetings.

CONFIRMATION INFORMATION MEETING: Thursday, August 8th @ 7:00 pm. Parents with children who are rising 6th grade and above who wish for their children to participate in Confirmation classes dur-ing the coming school year are invited to learn about our plans. Bring your calendar!

YOUTH CONNECTION PLANNING: Sunday, August 25th @ 6:00 pm. Parents and youth (6th through 12th grades) are encouraged to come together for dinner in the fellowship hall, followed by some discus-sion about our plans and our mission together. Bring your calendar to this also!!

First Presbyterian Church Page 5

Congregational Life and Care

Welcome to the

Newly Baptized

Let’s Be Good Neighbors

Joseph Cannelongo is interested in starting a phone tree to call some of our elderly members on a regular basis. If you are interested in co-chairing this wonderful committee, or in serving on it, please call Joe at 770-788-9855.

Meals for Members of the Congregation

Here at First Presbyterian we take care of each other when a need arises. Our own Rebecca Bates is having a series of treatments and will need some help with the cooking, as do others from time to time. If you are able to help take a meal please contact Debra Arnold at [email protected] or Darcel Tabb at [email protected] for the website set-up to help with organizing the date and times needed.

Merryvale Assisted Living home offers three different groups to help those caring for loved ones who have dif-ferent types of de-mentia. You don’t have to have a loved one residing at Merryvale to take advantage of these helpful groups.

Sandwich Generation* Support Group Facilitated by Gena McLendon, RN, BSN, Execu-tive Director of Merryvale, this group meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm at the Square Perk Café. *Sandwich Generation” is a term that describes those who are caring for children at the same time as caring for older family members.

Lewy Body Dementia Support Group Facilitated by Kathy Fowler, Med, this group meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 10:00 am in Merryvale’s Library. (Other types of dementia also discussed in this group.)

Alzheimer’s Disease Support Group Facilitated by Dru Moody, LCSW, Bereavement Coordinator of Longleaf Hospice, leads this group on the 3rd Thursday of each month, 7:00 pm in the library at Merryvale.

Isabelle Lacouture Hinz was baptized during the morning worship service on July 21. Her parents are Nicolle and Andrew Hinz who were received for membership on July 14.

Montreat Retreat Registration

It is time to make your reservation for the church retreat at Montreat which is scheduled for November 8-10, 2013. The whole church family is invited! The blue registration forms are on the round table in the narthex. Please fill out the form and attach your deposit. Full details are listed on the form. If you have other questions speak with Billy Wade or Dan Wal-den. If you forget to pick up a form on Sunday, you may stop by the church during office hours.

We are approaching the time to tell Montreat how many people will need rooms. So please register soon.

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