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Page 1: First Results from the LYRA  Solar UV Radiometer J.-F.  Hochedez , I. E.  Dammasch , M. Dominique

First Results from the LYRA First Results from the LYRA Solar UV RadiometerSolar UV Radiometer

J.-F. Hochedez, I. E. Dammasch, M. DominiqueJ.-F. Hochedez, I. E. Dammasch, M. Dominique& the LYRA Team& the LYRA Team

COSPAR 38th Scientific AssemblyBremen 18-25 July 20108th Annual TIGER Symposium

LYRAthe Large-Yield Radiometer onboard PROBA2

Page 2: First Results from the LYRA  Solar UV Radiometer J.-F.  Hochedez , I. E.  Dammasch , M. Dominique
Page 3: First Results from the LYRA  Solar UV Radiometer J.-F.  Hochedez , I. E.  Dammasch , M. Dominique
Page 4: First Results from the LYRA  Solar UV Radiometer J.-F.  Hochedez , I. E.  Dammasch , M. Dominique
Page 5: First Results from the LYRA  Solar UV Radiometer J.-F.  Hochedez , I. E.  Dammasch , M. Dominique
Page 6: First Results from the LYRA  Solar UV Radiometer J.-F.  Hochedez , I. E.  Dammasch , M. Dominique
Page 7: First Results from the LYRA  Solar UV Radiometer J.-F.  Hochedez , I. E.  Dammasch , M. Dominique

• Royal Observatory of Belgium (Brussels, B)Principal Investigator, overall design, onboard software specification, science operations

• PMOD/WRC (Davos, CH)Lead Co-Investigator, overall design and manufacturing

• Centre Spatial de Liège (B)Lead institute, project management, filters

• IMOMEC (Hasselt, B)Diamond detectors

• Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung (Lindau, D)calibration

• science Co-Is: BISA (Brussels, B), LPC2E (Orléans, F)…

LYRA highlights

Page 8: First Results from the LYRA  Solar UV Radiometer J.-F.  Hochedez , I. E.  Dammasch , M. Dominique

LYRA highlights

4 spectral channels covering a wide emission temperature range

Redundancy (3 units) gathering three types of detectors Rad-hard, solar-blind diamond UV sensors (PIN and MSM) AXUV Si photodiodes

2 calibration LEDs per detector (λ = 465 nm and 390 nm) High cadence (up to 100Hz) Quasi-continuous acquisition during mission lifetime

Ly Hz Al Zr



Unit3 Si PIN Si Si

Page 9: First Results from the LYRA  Solar UV Radiometer J.-F.  Hochedez , I. E.  Dammasch , M. Dominique

SWAP and LYRA spectral intervalsfor solar flares, space weather, and aeronomy

LYRA channel 1: the H I 121.6 nm Lyman-alpha lineLYRA channel 2: the 200-220 nm Herzberg continuum rangeLYRA channel 3: the 17-80 nm Aluminium filter range including the He II 30.4 nm line (+ X-ray)LYRA channel 4: the 6-20 nm Zirconium filter range where solar variablility is highest (+ X-ray)SWAP: the range around 17.4 nm including coronal lines like Fe IX and Fe X

Page 10: First Results from the LYRA  Solar UV Radiometer J.-F.  Hochedez , I. E.  Dammasch , M. Dominique

LYRA pre-flight spectral responsivity(filter + detector, twelve combinations)

Page 11: First Results from the LYRA  Solar UV Radiometer J.-F.  Hochedez , I. E.  Dammasch , M. Dominique

LYRA data products and manuals…

…available at the PROBA2 Science Center:


Page 12: First Results from the LYRA  Solar UV Radiometer J.-F.  Hochedez , I. E.  Dammasch , M. Dominique

First results (even before opening covers)

Page 13: First Results from the LYRA  Solar UV Radiometer J.-F.  Hochedez , I. E.  Dammasch , M. Dominique

Aurora Oval

Perturbations appearing around 75° latitude

2-3 days after a CME, flare ...

Associated to geomagnetic perturbations

Spacecraft maneuvers


Page 14: First Results from the LYRA  Solar UV Radiometer J.-F.  Hochedez , I. E.  Dammasch , M. Dominique

First Light acquisition (06 Jan 2010)

Page 15: First Results from the LYRA  Solar UV Radiometer J.-F.  Hochedez , I. E.  Dammasch , M. Dominique


Occultations: Study atmospheric absorption; high temporal resolution needed Input for atmospheric models: NRT and calibrated data needed

Page 16: First Results from the LYRA  Solar UV Radiometer J.-F.  Hochedez , I. E.  Dammasch , M. Dominique


LYRA observes flares down to B1.0

LYRA flare list agrees with GOES14

Flares are visible in the two short-wavelength channels

Exceptionally strong and impulsive flares are also visible in the Lyman- alpha channel (precursor)

Example: C4.0 flare, 06 Feb 2010, 07:04 UTC

Page 17: First Results from the LYRA  Solar UV Radiometer J.-F.  Hochedez , I. E.  Dammasch , M. Dominique

M2.0 flare, 28 Feb 2010, 13:47 UTC

Page 18: First Results from the LYRA  Solar UV Radiometer J.-F.  Hochedez , I. E.  Dammasch , M. Dominique

Comparison with GOES flare

Example: M1.8 flare, 20 Jan 2010, 10:59 UTC

Page 19: First Results from the LYRA  Solar UV Radiometer J.-F.  Hochedez , I. E.  Dammasch , M. Dominique
Page 20: First Results from the LYRA  Solar UV Radiometer J.-F.  Hochedez , I. E.  Dammasch , M. Dominique

Sun-Moon eclipse

…demonstrating the inhomogeneous distribution of EUV radiation across the solar surface

Page 21: First Results from the LYRA  Solar UV Radiometer J.-F.  Hochedez , I. E.  Dammasch , M. Dominique

And we have a fifth channel at 17.4nm...

... called SWAP!

Page 22: First Results from the LYRA  Solar UV Radiometer J.-F.  Hochedez , I. E.  Dammasch , M. Dominique

SWAP and LYRA observing together


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