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  • Fiscal Administrators

    October 14, 2020

  • 2

    Fiscal Administrators | What We Heard & Today’s Agenda

    Topic Comments Heard Today’s Agenda Item / ObjectiveTarget


    Announcements • N/A• Request Form Update

    5 min

    Project Overview • NA • Project Timeline – Where Are We?

    New Implementation Stage • When can we see the system?

    • Configure & Prototype overview / expectations for this

    stage of Implementation Phase

    • Activity: Potential questions from stakeholders in your


    15 min

    Change Leaders • NA

    • Change Leader Engagement Strategy

    • Change Leaders by Area

    • Activity: Stakeholders in my Area

    20 min

    Other Business and Wrap Up • N/A • Questions 5 min

  • 3

    Request Form Change – Andrew Bedotto

  • 4

    Project Overview

  • 5


    Project Overview | What Should I Expect When?

    Imagine Deliver Run

    TestConfig & Prototype ArchitectPlan

    Architect: Building the Model

    • Expect: The team starts establishing

    implementation; requirement gathering

    sessions begin, known as Architect sessions.

    • Involvement: The team displays Workday

    functionality during the Architect sessions

    and gathers requirements. Architect

    sessions cover a variety of topics and

    include 20-30 team members from

    Functional, Technical and Change

    Management areas from across Grounds

    for each sessions. Focus groups that take

    place after the Architect sessions help


    Configure & Prototype: Walking through the Tenant

    • Expect: The requirements we gathered are now validated and UVA’s initial tenant is built. The

    team creates training plans based upon what we know from Architect sessions.

    • Involvement: Participate in interactive walkthrough of processes; the team gathers feedback on

    issues and opportunities from staff to enhance the system.

    Test: How Does Workday function at UVA?

    • Expect: The team starts end-to-end testing in the Workday Tenant. Initial training materials may

    also be distributed during this time.

    • Involvement: You may be asked to help test UVA’s Workday Financials or to evaluate how

    ready you think you and your unit are to go live with Workday Financials.

    Deploy: Workday Goes Live!

    • Expect: Training as we prepare to transition to Workday Finance.

    • Involvement: Once Workday goes “live”, we will ask for everyone’s active involvement in

    training as UVA staff and faculty acclimate to new workflows and processes. We’ll depend on

    our Advisory Group members to help us know what is working – and what needs to be tweaked.

    Support & Stabilization:

    The New Normal

    • Expect: With the system

    live, we are making the

    small process changes

    necessary for Workday to

    be effective for all users.

    • Involvement: Keep us

    apprised of challenges

    you encounter, as well as

    continuous improvement


    Plan: Preparing for Phase 3

    • Expect: Behind-the-scenes work: hiring,

    planning to implementing.

    • Involvement: The team is putting the

    foundation in place!



    2020 2021 2022

    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


  • 6

    DRAFTNew Implementation Stage | Configuration and Prototype

    What to expect in Configuration and Prototype:

    • Over the past few months, we have been meeting in teams with various

    groups and cataloging their requirements

    • We have built a design (Configuration #1) around current requirements.

    This will serve as a starting point to guide the build.

    • In C&P, we will update and change on the initial design, setting a

    foundation for future iterations

    What is needed of the UVa team:

    • Validate Configuration #1

    • Ensure build from the cycle meets requirements of daily work

    • Start to become knowledgeable on relevant functional areas of


  • 7

    New Implementation Stage

  • 8

    New Implementation Stage | Configure & Prototype Overview






    Sprint Review

    Configure &


    The objective of this stage of the deployment is to complete the configuration of the Workday application,

    integrations, and reports and prepare the tenant for the Test Phase.






    User Stories


    Test Scenarios





  • 9

    2020 2021

    Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug

    New Implementation Stage| Timeline DRAFT

    Configure & Prototype – 10m Architect – 8m Holid

    ay B







    C1 BuildFunctional Team

    Technical Team Conversions

    C2 Build

    Integrations Build

    Report Build

    E2E Build

    • Baseline configuration and FDM

    • First cut of Business Processes• Iterate on configuration and business processes

    • Add integrations and reporting

    • Conversion subset

    Define FDM


    Mapping Rules Develop FDM mapping tool COA to FDM mapping by Units (through 3/15/2022)



    Sessions – C1

    Sprint 1.1 Sprint 2.1 Sprint 2.2Sprint 1.2



    Sessions – C2



  • 10

    DRAFTNew Implementation Stage | Potential Questions

  • 11

    Change Leaders

  • 12







    Advisory Group

    Change Leader

    Change Leader

    ToolkitChange Partner

    Professional Development will be provided at

    monthly Advisory Group meeting on change

    leadership principles. The OCM team will be

    customizing content and facilitating learning

    activities for these sessions*

    A Change Leader Toolkit will be

    created containing the content from

    professional development and

    specific tools/activities to be

    completed by the change leader.

    A Change Partner from OCM will be

    meeting monthly with change leaders.

    The change partner will assist the

    change leader in completing

    assignments from the toolkit.

    Change Leaders | Engagement Strategy

  • 13

    • AR - Lisa Benton, School of Architecture

    • AS - John Mastrandea, College of Arts and Sciences

    • AT - Sarah May, Athletics

    • AT - Erica Perkins, IM-Recreation

    • BA - Charles Rush, Batten School

    • BU - Melissa Clarke, Business Operations

    • BU - Andy Mansfield, Business Operations

    • CO - Ivan Bari, Human Resources

    • CO - Mary Brackett, Organizational Excellence

    • CO - Megan Lowe, Office of the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

    • CO - Ana Lynch, Office of the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

    • CO - Reid Thompson, Organizational Excellence

    • CO - Scott Willis, Human Resources

    • CP - Sue Herod, School of Continuing and Professional Studies

    • CU - Phil Paulick, Curry School

    • CU - Christopher Peper, Curry School

    • DA - Beth Van Hook , Darden

    • DS - Diane Wendelken, Data Science School

    • DV - Marianne Harrison, Advancement

    • DV - Michael May, Advancement

    • EN – Kim Gregg

    • FI - Jennifer Nicole Hale, Finance

    • FI - Brian Logwood, Finance

    • FI - Julie Richardson, Finance

    • FM – Jason Davis, Facilities Management

    • HS - Kimberly Holdren, UVA Health System

    • HS - David Key, UVA Medical Center

    • IT - Carol Temerson, IT

    • IT - Teresa Wimmer, IT

    • LB - Chip German, Library

    • LB - Susan Neal, Library

    • LB - Barbara Paschke, Library

    • LW - Troy Dunaway, Law School

    • MC - Rob Tharpe, McIntire

    • MD - Kyle Bowman, School of Medicine

    • MD - Kerrie Faust, UVA Health System

    • OP - Penny Cabaniss, Operations

    • PR - Samantha Jane Anderson Jackson, University of Virginia Press

    • PR - Missy Brads, Office of the President

    • PR – Jen Starkey, Miller Center

    • PR - Justina Duncan, Office of the President

    • PR - Gary Nimax, Compliance

    • PR - Philip Stavropoulos, Audit

    • PR - Caroline Walters, Records Management

    • PV - Ashley Bagby, IRA/UBI

    • PV - Eduardo Lorente, Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost

    • PV - Scott Newman, IRA/UBI

    • PV - Michael Phillips, Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service

    • RS - Urmila Bajaj, Research & Public Service

    • RS - Jeffrey Blank, Research & Public Service

    • RS - Kelly Hochstetler, Research and Public Service

    • RS - Anjula Joseph, Research & Public Service

    • SA - Wayland Bryan, Student Affairs

    • UPG - Marc Rickabaugh, University Physicians Group

    • WS - Kristy Robertson, College at Wise

    • WS - Heather Wilson, College at Wise

    Change Leaders | Advisory Group Members

  • 14

    Change Leaders | Key Stakeholders

    Create a list of key

    individuals/groups in your area

    who will be affected by FST

  • 15

    Other Business and Wrap Up

  • 16


  • 17

    Appendix | RAPID Description

    RAPID Roles Names of Individuals or Entities

    Recommend FST Program Leadership

    Agree (Veto)

    Tier 1: Co-Chairs / Functional Owner(s)

    (depending on the type of decision)

    Tier 2: Workstream Lead(s)

    Perform FST Project Team


    FST Steering Committee

    FST Advisory Group

    UVA Fiscal Administrators

    DecideTier 1: Exec Committee/Leadership Council

    Tier 2: Functional Owner(s)

    RAPID Logo to be used in communications

  • 18

    Appendix | Decision Making Framework

    While RAPID roles should be defined for all decisions, documentation only required for Tier 1 and 2.

    Does the decision impact one or more of the following:


    Impacts the scope outlined in SOW and is a candidate for a change order


    Changes the budget of the project, e.g., needs additional resourcing


    Impacts a large group of stakeholders or has high impact on current functionality


    Changes the schedule of the project go-live date or milestone

    Does the decision maker,

    e.g., Functional Owner,

    want to get formal input

    from advisory entities in

    order to make a decision?


    NO NO


    Requires RAPID documentation

    Decide: Executive Committee/Leadership Council

    (decision dependent)

    Agree: Co-Chairs or Functional Owner(s)

    Input: Advisory Entities

    Recommend: Workstream Leads


    Requires RAPID documentation

    Decide: Functional Owner

    Agree: Workstream Leads (decision dependent)

    Input: Advisory Entities

    Recommend: Workstream Leads


    Does not require RAPID documentation

    Decide: Functional Owner or Workstream Lead(s)

    Input: Business Process Owner

    Recommend: Team Leads


    Creates a new UVA Finance policy or involves change to existing policy


  • 19

    Appendix | Functional Decisions

    Decisions will be made by the project team, when possible. However, should there be a functional

    decision that requires escalation, the following proposed governance structure will be utilized.

    Makes the decisionRecommend, Input, or Agree1

    Tier 1 Decisions

    Tier 2 Decisions

    Tier 3 Decisions


    CommitteeLeadership Council



    Functional OwnersSteering


    Advisory Group



    Workstream Leads



    Advisory Group



    Workstream Leads

    Functional Owners

    1. Other advisory stakeholder groups may be leveraged to solicit feedback and advisory guidance based on the topic at hand

    2. An individual’s role at the University supersedes one’s project role in determining decision-making authority

    Workstream LeadsBusiness Process


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