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Jeff Dozier


July 8, 2014

Harold Blanco

Fish Bowl Story

One day, all the little fishes in their fish bowls were just swimming around, as usual, minding

their own. When all of the sudden, a new fish bowl appeared just to the side of them. At first nothing

was in it, but soon a giant came and placed a new fish in the new bowl. It appeared that soon the old

fish group would have a new member. However, they knew that it would be a large task for the new fish

to join them; this had happened many times before, and the bigger fish new seemed to make it. They’d

either swim around happily until they die or worse – not make the jump! That’s right: to make it into the

old bowl and make friends, new fish would have to launch themselves out of their new fish bowl and

into the old one with the other little fish.

As everyone in the old fish bowl is used to this procedure they just go about their day:

swimming and blubbing around their home. But the new fish is confused. “Why would they put me in

here by myself?” it thought as it swam around looking clueless (as all goldfish do). But then it considered

what seemed to itself to be crazy – it must make the jump. The new fish blubbed over at the old fish,

warning them that it plans to join them; but alas, none of them were paying the least bit of attention. So

as the new fish worked up the courage to attempt such a feat, the other fish just decided to watch it

swim around for a while. They just stared, slightly blinking every ten-to-twelve seconds, but now the

time has come.

Finally, as the new fish is swimming around, building up speed to make the jump over to the old

fish bowl, the old fish watch in suspense. They blubbed back and forth at each other, but no one

understands what they’re saying so that doesn’t matter all that much. Now, as the new fish has gained

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enough speed he shoots up to the top of the water and out he goes! As it flies through air unsure

whether or not it is going to make it, it can only think one thing (but as humans we have no idea what

that is so we don’t know).

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