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Page 1: FIT NEWS Newsletter-June09.pdf‘subcutaneous’ (deep) layer of fat. This means, we must lose the excess fat that is covering up the muscles in order to discard that ‘flabby’

June 2009

Volume 1, Issue 5

Inside this issue:

Monthly Supplement 2

Monthly exercise 3

A little humour 3

Centre bits ‘n pieces 4

Lifeforce Fitness Centre


Think of movement as an opportunity & not an inconvenience.

Be active everyday, in as many ways as possible.

Put together at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity on most, preferably all, days.

If you can, also enjoy some regular vigorous exercise for extra health & fitness.

Get ‘moving’ with a friend or family mem-bers. Twice the fun, twice the motivation.

Build up your ’movement’ habits gradually, & keep setting new goals.

Keep warm in winter by ’moving’.


By Phil & Vonnie

Healing Alternatives: …....Garlic

Garlic has been used as a healing agent for centuries. Before antibiotics garlic was commonly used as a protection from infections. This use continual until World War 1, and then was replaced by pharmaceuticals. Garlics active ingredient is a substance called Allicin. Allicin is a powerful antibiotic and anti-fungal. Allicin is not present in garlic in its natural state but is released when the cloves are crushed or finely chopped. Allicin breaks down quickly and is destroyed by cooking so fresh Garlic cloves are the pre-ferred way of administration. It tastes better too. Try some freshly minced or crushed garlic in your own salad dressing. Or for that extra Yum tasting Steak, spread minced garlic on top while still on the BBQ while the second side is cooking.

FICTION: Certain exercises will rid us of trouble spots. FACT: Some people believe that if they exercise one particular area, it will cause fat to be removed from that area. In the gym you often find men who store their fat in their abdomen, are on the ab machines, and the women with larger thighs are on the hip machines for hours in hopes of ‘spot reducing’. However, while these abdominal and hip exercises can strengthen and tone the muscles of those regions, those muscles are actually located underneath the ‘subcutaneous’ (deep) layer of fat. This means, we must lose the excess fat that is covering up the muscles in order to discard that ‘flabby’ appearance. When you exercise, the areas where you will lose weight is determined by your genes. But remember, fat will gradually be lost from the entire body with the aid of regular small balanced meals, and regular exercise.

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Page 2: FIT NEWS Newsletter-June09.pdf‘subcutaneous’ (deep) layer of fat. This means, we must lose the excess fat that is covering up the muscles in order to discard that ‘flabby’

One of the best ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle is to eat regular, nutrient balanced meals. Whether you are an athlete competing at an elite level or a busy housewife the same problems occur with regular eating habits. Powdered meals, or more specifically meal replacement powders, are the best way to keep the nutrients up and the hunger cravings at bay. These supplements have been formulated by dietitians for human health and take the guess work out of maintaining a healthy eating schedule while tending to a busy lifestyle. They are very convenient as you can pack them dry and just add cold water or milk just before drinking. They taste good too! One thing that constantly holds people back from their dietary goals, whether that be fat loss or muscle gain, is intermittent eating patterns. If you hold out on the nutrient that your body needs then cravings occur that have you eating anything conven-ient but not really in your best interests. Body Ripped, an Australian company, make an excellent tasting and cost efficient Meal Replacement called Body Blast. This product if combined with fiber and essential fatty acids has a nutrient profile that you could safely live off, but is recommended as a supplementary feed between the main meals or meal replacement if nothing else is available. We stock Body Blast in 2kg containers, but can get it in 5kg too. It is available off the shelf in Chocolate or Vanilla flavour, or you can order Strawberry or Cookies n Cream.


Exercise Technique: - Remember...your exercise technique is much more important than putting more weight on the bar. Completing each exercise with good form is the trick to developing muscles. Only put the weights up once you have mas-tered the exercise and can successfully complete the desired number of sets/reps properly. Don’t rush, muscles don’t develop over night! Avoid rushing the exercise-use full control throughout the entire movement with and against the resistance.

Page 2

Supplement of the Month:………..…Body Blast Meal Replacement


Body Blast, made by BodyRipped.

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Page 3: FIT NEWS Newsletter-June09.pdf‘subcutaneous’ (deep) layer of fat. This means, we must lose the excess fat that is covering up the muscles in order to discard that ‘flabby’

Volume 1, Issue 5

A power mower was broken and wouldn’t run. The wife kept nagging to her husband that he should get it fixed. But, somehow the message never sank in. Finally she thought of a clever way to make her point. When her husband arrived home one day, he found her seated in the tall grass, busily snipping away with a tiny pair of sewing scissors. He watched silently for a short time and then went into the house. He was gone only a few moments. When he came out again he handed her a toothbrush. The husband said, “When you finish cutting the grass you might as well sweep the side-walks.” The doctor says he will probably walk again, but he will always limp. (Trust me guys, this is so not worth trying to be “clever”.)

A little bit of humour………….

Exercise of the month: ……..”Interval Training”

Interval training is the combination of high intensity bouts of cardio exercise separated by rest cycles of lower intensity exercise. This type of training will rapidly increase aerobic power and cardiac output. One way of setting up an interval program would be to cycle at about 90% of maximum heart rate of 30 seconds then back off to 60% for a 90 second recovery period. To calculate your maximum heart rate use the following formula: 220 minus your age, then divide this by the %Heart Rate you want to work at. (eg. 220-age 40=180, then 60% of 180=108 H/R) As beginners reach the higher levels of heart rate at lower levels of exertion, it is safe for both base level and advanced level athletes to perform at their own pace. As your fitness levels increase you can extend the high intensity time and decrease the rest period. When comparing the work level or distanced traveled in the high intensity cycle with your beginning level, you will be amazed how quickly your performance will improve with this training too! Interval training can be done on most types of cardio equipment.

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Page 4: FIT NEWS Newsletter-June09.pdf‘subcutaneous’ (deep) layer of fat. This means, we must lose the excess fat that is covering up the muscles in order to discard that ‘flabby’

3, 38 High Street, Wodonga, Vic., 3690

Lifeforce Fitness Centre

ness card on our notice board.

You may have noticed Felicity & Daniel (AKA Batman) around the centre (or streets & shopping centres) lately. They (along with Nicola) are part of a Market-ing Team currently working on a promotional campaign for our centre. Hence the roof balloon, TV, Radio & paper ads, This is all about getting our name out there in order to encourage more people in to train & join. The more members we have, the better facilities we can provide. So if you know some one who is thinking about getting fit or joining a gym, feel free to intro-duce them.

“Swine Flu”- Time to panic! (we don’t think so.) But okay it has hit the area! Unfortunately the media mass hysteria has also hit. When it comes to your health, illness & exercise, common sense should always pre-vail. If you are unlucky to get ill or injured, providing you are feeling well enough, most times gentle exercise can help assist with the healing process provided you don’t over stress your body. However, if you are obvi-ously contagious or quite unwell, it is always best to stay away from the general population as much as pos-sible until your health picks up. It is not a good idea to try to “sweat out” a flu. This can often lead to further complications like dehydration or hold back your chance of getting over it quicker. Rest & listen to your body at all times is best.

Happy Birthday to all those “turning of age” during June.

Please all remember that TOWELS are required to be used in this centre to assist with hygiene. If you forget yours, they can be hired or pur-chased from reception.

10 week “Beat the Bulge Challenge”

Is well under way. Good luck to all challengers!

Need a bit extra? Try the classes on offer. Circuit Tuesday night at 6pm, & Bum Blaster Wednesday night at 6pm. Both suitable for all levels of fitness.

Congratulation to Thomas & Georgette on the birth of your baby.

We wish to support our Members – if you have a business of your own, we invite you to place a busi-

Phone: 02 60243338 Fax: 02 60243338 Email: [email protected] www.lifeforcefitness.com.au

Back with more

news soon!

Our goal is to have a fully equipped, user friendly gymnasium in Wodonga on par with any other

centre in Australia.

With the support of the community, we will be continually improving the facilities to suit the

communities needs.

Centre bits n pieces………...

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