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  • 8/10/2019 Fitzpatricks Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology - Exfoliative Erythroderma Syndrome


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    Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology, 7e >

    Section 8. Severe and Life-Threatening Skin Eruptions in the

    Acutely Ill Patient

    Exfoliative Erythroderma Syndrome (Ees)

    ICD-9: 695.9

    EES is a serious, at times life-threatening, reaction pattern of the skin characterized by a uniform redness,

    infiltration, and scaling involving practically the entire skin.

    It is associated with fever, malaise, shivers, and generalized lymphadenopathy.

    Two stages, acute and chronic, merge one into the other. In the acute and subacute phases, there is rapid

    onset of generalized vivid red erythema and fine branny scales; the patient feels hot and cold, shivers, and

    has fever. In chronic EES, the skin thickens, and scaling continues and becomes lamellar.

    There may be loss of scalp and body hair, and the nails become thickened and separated from the nail bed

    (onycholysis).There may be hyperpigmentation or patchy loss of pigment in patients whose normal skin color is brown or


    The most frequent preexisting skin disorders are (in order of frequency) psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, adverse

    cutaneous drug reaction, lymphoma, allergic contact dermatitis, and pityriasis rubra pilaris.

    [See Szary Syndrome in Section 21for a special consideration of this form of EES.]


    Ageof Onset

    Usually >50 years; in children, EES usually results from atopic dermatitis.


    Males > females.


    Some 50% of patients have history of preexisting dermatosis. Most frequent are psoriasis, atopic dermatitis,

    adverse cutaneous drug reactions, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL), allergic contact dermatitis, and

    pityriasis rubra pilaris (Table 8-1). Drugs most commonly implicated in EES are shown in Table 8-2. In 20% of

    patients, it is not possible to identify the cause.

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    Table 8-1 Etiology of Exfoliative Dermatitis in Adults

    Cause Average Percent

    Undetermined or unclassified 23

    Psoriasis 23

    Atopic dermatitis, eczema 16

    Drug allergy 15

    Lymphoma, leukemia 11

    Allergic contact dermatitis 5

    Seborrheic dermatitis 5

    Stasis dermatitis with id reaction 3

    Pityriasis rubra pilaris 2

    Pemphigus foliaceus 1

    aAs collated from the literature.

    Source: Abbreviated from Jih MH et al., in Freedberg IM, Eisen AZ, Wolff K, Austen KF, Goldsmith LA, Katz SI (eds.): Fitzpatrick'sDermatology in General Medicine,6th ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2003.

    Table 8-2 Drugs that Cause Exfoliative Dermatitis

    Allopurinol Codeine Mercurials Sulfasalazine

    Aminoglycosides Cyanamide Mesna Sulfonamides

    Aminophylline Dapsone Methylprednisolone Sulfonylureas

    Amiodarone Dideoxyinosine Minocycline

    Amonafide Diflunisal MitomycinC Tar preparations

    Ampicillin Diphenylhydantoin Omeprazole Terbinafine

    Antimalarials Ephedrine Penicillin Terbutaline

    Arsenicals Ethambutol Pentostatin Thalidomide

    Aspirin Ethylenediamine Peritrate and glyceryl trinitrate Thiacetazone

    Aztreonam Etretinate Pheneturide Thiazide diuretics

    Bactrim Fluorouracil Phenolphthalein Ticlopidine

    Barbiturates GM-CSF Phenothiazines Timolol maleate

    Bromodeoxyuridine Gold Phenylbutazone eyedrops

    Budenoside Herbal medications Phenytoin Tobramycin

    Calcium channel blockers Indeloxazine hydrochloride Phototherapy Tocainide

    Captopril Indinavir Plaquenil Trimetrexate

    Carbamazepine Interleukin 2 Practolol Trovafloxacin

    Carboplatin Iodine Quinidine Tumor necrosis factor-!

    Cefoxitin Isoniazid Ranitidine

    Cephalosporins Isosorbide dinitrate Retinoids Vancomycin

    Cimetidine Lansoprazole Ribostamycin Yohimbine

    Cisplatin Lidocaine Rifampicin Zidovudine



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    Clodronate Lithium St. John's wort

    Clofazamine Mefloquine Streptomycin

    aThe more commonly implicated agents are listed in bold.

    Source: MH Jih, A Kimyai-Asadi, and IM Freedberg, in IM Freedberg et al. (eds): Fitzpatrick's Dermatology in General Medicine, 6th ed. NewYork. McGraw-Hill, 2003, p. 487.


    The metabolic response to EES may be profound. Large amounts of warm blood are present in the skin due to

    the dilatation of capillaries, resulting in considerable heat dissipation. Also, there may be high-output cardiac

    failure; the loss of scales (and thus proteins) through exfoliation can be considerable, up to 9 g/m2of body

    surface per day.

    Clinical Manifestation

    Depending on the etiology, the acute phase may develop rapidly, usually in a drug reaction, or psoriasis. At this

    early acute stage, it is still possible to identify the preexisting dermatosis. There is fever, pruritus, fatigue,

    weakness, anorexia, weight loss, malaise, feeling cold, and shivers.

    Appearance of Patient

    Frightened, red, toxic, may be malodorous.

    Skin Lesions

    Skin is red, thickened, scaly. Dermatitis is uniform involving the entire body surface (Figs. 8-1to 8-3), except for

    pityriasis rubra pilaris, where EES spares sharply defined areas of normal skin (see Fig. 3-17). Thickening leads

    to exaggerated skin folds (Figs. 8-2and 8-3); scaling may be fine and branny and may be barely perceptible

    (Fig. 8-2) or large, up to 0.5 cm, and lamellar (Fig. 8-1).

    FIGURE 8-1

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    Exfoliative dermatitis: psoriasisThere is universal erythema, thickening of the skin, and heavy scaling. Thispatient had psoriasis as suggested by the large silvery white scales and the scalp and nail involvement not seen

    in this illustration. The patient had fatigue, weakness, malaise, and was shivering. It is quite obvious that such

    massive scaling can lead to protein loss and the maximal dilatation of skin capillaries to considerable heat

    dissipation and high-output cardiac failure.

    FIGURE 8-2

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    Exfoliative dermatitis: drug inducedThis is generalized erythroderma with thickening of skin resulting in

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    increased skin folds, universal redness, a fine brawny scaling. This patient had developed erythroderma

    following the injection of gold salts for rheumatoid arthritis.

    FIGURE 8-3

    Exfoliative dermatitis: cutaneous T-cell lymphomaThere is universal erythema, thickening, and scaling. Note

    that in contrast to erythroderma shown in Figs. 8-1and 8-2, the degree of erythema and thickness is notuniform and the redness has a brownish hue. In addition, this elderly patient had hair loss, massive involvement

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    massive hyperkeratotic scale of scalp, usually without hair loss in psoriasis and with hair loss in CTCL and

    pityriasis rubra pilaris; in the latter and in CTCL, ectropion may occur.

    Course and Prognosis

    Guarded, depends on underlying etiology. Patients may succumb to infections or, if they have cardiac

    problems, to cardiac failure (high-output failure) or, as was unfortunately often the case in the past, to the

    effects of prolonged glucocorticoid therapy.


    This important medical problem should be dealt with in a modern inpatient dermatology facility with

    experienced personnel. The patient should be hospitalized in a single room, at least for the beginning workup

    and during the development of a therapeutic program. The hospital room conditions (heat and cold) should be

    adjusted to the patient's needs; most often, these patients need a warm room with many blankets.


    Water baths with added bath oils, followed by application of bland emollients.


    Oral glucocorticoids for remission induction but not for maintenance;systemic and topical therapy as required

    by underlying condition.


    Supportive cardiac, fluid, electrolyte, protein replacement therapy as required.

    Rashes in the Acutely Ill Febrile Patient

    The sudden appearance of a rash and fever causes anxiety for the patient and medical advice is sought

    immediately. About 10% of all patients seeking emergency medical care have a dermatologic problem.

    The diagnosis of an acute rash with a fever is a clinical challenge (Figs. 8-4and 8-5). If a diagnosis is not

    established promptly in certain patients [e.g., those having septicemia (Fig. 8-6)], lifesaving treatment may

    be delayed.

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    Figure 8-4

    Generalized fixed drug eruption: tetracycline.Prostrated, 59-year-old woman with fever. Multiple confluentviolaceous red erythematous areas, some of which later became bullous.

    Figure 8-5

    Generalized rash with fever: measlesYoung woman with high fever, cough, conjunctivitis, and a confluentmaculopapular eruption in the edematous face. The rash also involves the trunk and the extremities. The patient hasmeasles.

    Figure 8-6

    Generalized purpura necrosis and fever: DICA 54-year-old woman with fever, prostration, and extensivegeographic infarctions on the face, the trunk, and the extremities. This is disseminated intravascular coagulation:purpura fulminans following sepsis after abdominal surgery.

    The cutaneous findings alone are often diagnostic before confirmatory laboratory data are available. On the

    basis of a careful differential diagnosis, appropriate therapywhether antibiotics or glucocorticoidsmay

    be started. Furthermore, prompt diagnosis and isolation of the patient with a contagious disease, which

    may have serious consequences, prevent spread to other persons. Contagious diseases presenting with

    rash and fever as the major findings include viral infections (Fig. 8-6).

    The diagnosis of skin eruptions is based mainly on precise identification of the type of skin lesions and

    additional morphologic clues such as the configuration(annular? iris?) of the individual lesion, the

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    Table 8-3 Generalized Eruptions in the Acutely Ill

    Patient: Diagnosis According to Type of Lesiona

    arrangement(zosteriform? linear?) and the distribution pattern(exposed areas? centripetal or centrifugal?

    mucous membranes?).

    In the differential diagnosisof exanthems, it is important to determine, by history, thesite of first appearance

    and temporal evolution [the rash of Rocky Mountain spotted fever characteristically appears first on the

    wrists and ankles], in measles (see Fig. 8-5) it spreads from head to toes in a period of 3 days, while in

    rubella it spreads rapidly in 24-48 h from head to toes and then sequentially clearsfirst face, then trunk,and then limbs. Contrasting this evolution, drug eruptions usually start simultaneously on the whole body

    (Fig. 8-4) or as fixed drug eruption at preferential sites (see Fig. 23-6).

    Although there may be some overlap, the differential diagnostic possibilities may be grouped into five main

    categories according to the type of lesion (Table 8-3).

    FIGURE 8-4

    Generalized fixed drug eruption: tetracycline.Prostrated, 59-year-old woman with fever. Multiple

    confluent violaceous red erythematous areas, some of which later became bullous.

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    Table 8-3 Generalized Eruptions in the Acutely Ill

    Patient: Diagnosis According to Type of Lesiona

    FIGURE 8-5

    Generalized rash with fever: measlesYoung woman with high fever, cough, conjunctivitis, and a

    confluent maculopapular eruption in the edematous face. The rash also involves the trunk and the

    extremities. The patient has measles.

    FIGURE 8-6

    Generalized purpura necrosis and fever: DICA 54-year-old woman with fever, prostration, and

    extensive geographic infarctions on the face, the trunk, and the extremities. This is disseminated

    intravascular coagulation: purpura fulminans following sepsis after abdominal surgery.

    Laboratory Tests Available for Quick Diagnosis

    The physician should make use of the following laboratory tests immediately or within 8 hours:

    1. Direct smear from the base of a vesicle.This procedure, known as the Tzanck test, is described in the

    Introduction. Smears are examined for acantholytic cells, giant acanthocytes, and/or multinucleated giant


    2. Viral culture, negative stain (electron microscopy), polymerase chain reaction for infections with herpes

    viruses, direct fluorescence (DIF) technique.

    3. Gram stain of aspirates or scraping of pustules. Organisms can be seen in the lesions of acute

    meningococcemia, rarely in the skin lesions of gonococcemia and ecthyma gangrenosum.

    4. Touch preparation. Helpful in deep fungal infections and leishmaniasis. The dermal part of a skin biopsy

    specimen is touched repeatedly to a glass slide, which isimmediatelyfixed in 95%ethyl alcohol. Special

    stains will reveal organisms.

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    5. Biopsy of the skin lesion.All purpuric lesions, inflammatory dermal nodules, and most ulcers should be

    biopsied (at base and margin) and a portion of tissue minced and cultured for bacteria and fungi. In

    gangrenous cellulitis (see Section 25), frozen sections of a deep biopsy will verify the diagnosis in minutes.

    6. Blood and urine examinations. Blood culture, rapid serologic tests for syphilis, and serology for lupus

    erythematosus. Examination of urine sediment may reveal red cell casts in renal involvement in allergic


    7. Dark-field examination. In the skin lesions of secondary syphilis, repeated examinations of papules show

    Treponema pallidum. Not reliable in the mouth because of resident nonpathogenic organisms but a lymph

    node aspirate can be subjected to dark-field examination.

    Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS) and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis


    ICD-9: 695.1 ICD-10: L51.1/51.2

    SJS and TEN are acute life-threatening mucocutaneous reactions characterized by extensive necrosis and

    detachment of the epidermis.

    They are variants of the same disease and differ only in the percentage of body surface involved.

    Either idiopathic or drug induced.

    Pathomechanism is widespread apoptosis of keratinocytes induced by a cell-mediated cytotoxic reaction.

    Confluent erythematous purpuric and target-like macules evolve into flaccid blisters and epidermal

    detachment mostly on the trunk and extremities, and there is associated mucous membrane involvement.

    Histopathologically: full-thickness necrosis of the epidermis and a sparse lymphocytic infiltrate.

    Treatment is symptomatic. Systemic treatment with glucocorticoids and high-dose intravenous

    immunoglobulin is advocated by some but still controversial.


    There is now consensus that SJS and TEN are different from erythema multiforme (EM).

    TEN is a maximal variant of SJS differing only in the extent of body surface involvement. Both can start with

    macular and target-like lesions; however, about 50% of TEN cases do not, and in these, the condition evolves

    from diffuse erythema to immediate necrosis and epidermal detachment.

    SJS:30% epidermal detachment.


    Age of Onset

    Any age, but most common in adults >40 years. Equal sex incidence.

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    Overall Incidence

    TEN: 0.4-1.2 per million person-years. SJS: 1.2-6 per million person-years.

    Risk Factors

    Systemic lupus erythematosus, HLA-B12, HLA-B1502, and HLA-B5801 in Han Chinese, HIV/AIDS.

    Etiology and Pathogenesis

    Polyetiologic reaction pattern, but drugs are clearly the leading causative factor. TEN: 80% of cases have

    strong association with specific medication (Table 8-4);

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    Skin Lesions

    Prodromal Rash

    Is morbilliform, can be target-like lesion, with/without purpura (Fig. 8-7); rapid confluence of individual lesions;

    alternatively, can start with diffuse erythema and no rash (Fig. 8-8).

    FIGURE 8-7

    TEN, exanthematic presentationThere is a widespread confluent macular rash with crinkling of the epidermis

    in some areas. There is detachment of the epidermis at the site of pressure (Nikolsky sign) resulting in a red

    erosion. This eruption was due to allopurinol.

    FIGURE 8-8

    TEN, exanthematic presentationA macular rash is starting to coalesce. Dislodgment and shedding of the

    necrotic epidermis has led to large, oozing, extremely painful erosions. The eruption was due to a sulfonamide.


    Necrotic epidermis first appears as macular areas with crinkled surface that enlarge and coalesce (Fig. 8-7).

    Sheetlike loss of epidermis (Fig. 8-8). Raised flaccid blisters that spread with lateral pressure (Nikolsky sign) on

    erythematous areas. Full-thickness epidermal detachment yields exposed, red, oozing dermis (Fig. 8-9)

    resembling a second-degree thermal burn.

    FIGURE 8-9

    TEN, non-exanthematic diffuse presentationThis 60-year-old man developed diffuse erythema over almost

    the entire body, which then resulted in epidermal crinkling, detachment, and shedding of epidermis leaving

    large erosions. This is reminiscent of extensive scalding.


    Initial erythema on face, extremities, becoming confluent over a few hours or days. Epidermal sloughing may be

    generalized, resulting in large denuded areas (Figs. 8-8and 8-9). Scalp, palms, soles may be less severely


    Mucous Membranes

    Invariably involved, i.e., erythema, painful erosions: lips, buccal mucosa, conjunctiva, genital, and anal skin.


    85% have conjunctival lesions: hyperemia, pseudomembrane formation; keratitis, corneal erosions; later

    synechiae between eyelids and bulbar conjunctiva.


    Regrowth of epidermis begins within days; completed in >3 weeks. Pressure points and periorificial sites exhibit

    delayed healing. Skin that is not denuded acutely is shed in sheets, especially palms/soles. Nails and eyelashes

    may be shed.

    General Findings

    Fever usually higher in TEN than in SJS.

    Usually mentally alert. Distress due to severe pain.

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    Cardiovascular: pulse may be >120 beats/min. Blood pressure.

    Renal: tubular necrosis may occur. Acute renal failure.

    Respiratory and GI tracts: sloughing of epithelium with erosions.

    Laboratory Examinations


    Anemia, lymphopenia; eosinophilia uncommon. Neutropenia correlates with poor prognosis. Serum urea

    increased, serum bicarbonate decreased.



    Vacuolization/necrosis of basal keratinocytes and throughout the epidermis.


    Full-thickness epidermal necrosis and detachment with subepidermal split above basement membrane. Sparselymphocytic infiltrate in dermis. Immunofluorescence studies unremarkable, ruling out other blistering disorders.

    Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis


    Exanthematous drug eruptions, EM major, scarlet fever, phototoxic eruptions, toxic shock syndrome, graft-

    versus-host disease (GVHD).

    Fully Evolved

    EM major (typical target lesions, acute GVHD (may mimic TEN; less mucosal involvement), thermal burns,phototoxic reactions, staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome (in young children, rare in adults and no mucosal

    involvement), generalized bullous fixed drug eruption, exfoliative dermatitis.

    Course and Prognosis

    Average duration of progression is 40 yr 1

    Heart rate >120 beats/min 1

    Cancer or hematologic malignancy 1

    Body surface area involved >10 percent 1

    Serum urea level >10 mM 1

    Serum bicarbonate level

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    Serum glucoselevel >14 mM 1

    Scorten Mortality Rate (%)

    0-1 3.2

    2 12.1

    3 35.8

    4 58.3

    >5 90

    Source: Data from Bastuji-Garin S et al.: SCORTEN: A severity-of-illness score for toxic epidermal necrolysis.J Invest Dermatol115: 149,

    2000; from Valeyrie-Allanore L, Roujeau J-C: Epidermal necrolysis, in Fitzpatrick's Dermatology in General Medicine, 7th ed, Wolff K,Goldsmith LA, Katz SI, Gilchrest BA, Paller AS, Leffell DJ (eds.). New York, McGraw-Hill, 2008, Chap. 39.

    Note: Although it is highly appreciated that this scoring system exists, we do have one reservation with SCORTEN. Only one point isassigned to body surface area involvement (>10%). There is definitely a prognostic difference between 20% and 70% body surface areainvolvement and this should actually be reflected in the total score.



    Scarring, hypo- and hyperpigmentation, abnormal regrowth of nails.


    Common, including Sjgren-like sicca syndrome with deficiency of mucin in tears; entropion, trichiasis,

    squamous metaplasia, neovascularization of conjunctiva and cornea; synblepharon, punctate keratitis, corneal

    scarring; persistent photophobia, burning eyes, visual impairment, blindness.

    Anogenitalia:Phimosis, vaginal synechiae.


    Early diagnosis and withdrawal of suspected drug(s).

    Patients are best cared for in an intermediate or intensive care unit.

    Manage replacement of IV fluids and electrolytes as for patient with extensive thermal burn. However, less

    fluid usually required as for thermal burn of similar extent.

    Systemic glucocorticoids early in the disease and in high doses are reported helpful in reducing morbidity

    or mortality (as is also the experience of the authors), but this has been questioned. Late in the disease,

    they are contraindicated.

    High-dose IV immunoglobulins halt progression of TEN if administered early. This is questioned by some

    authors; the discrepancy may be explained by the different products and batches used.

    With oropharyngeal involvement, suction to prevent aspiration pneumonitis.

    Surgical debridement not recommended.

    Diagnose and treat complicating infections, including sepsis (fever, hypotension, change in mental status).

    Treat eye lesions early with erythromycin ointment.


    The patient must be aware of the likely offending drug and that other drugs of the same class can cross-react.

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    These drugs must never be readministered. Patient should wear a medical alert bracelet.

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