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Page 1: Five Great Experiences to Nurture

Five Great Experiences to Nurture

Page 2: Five Great Experiences to Nurture

In this Slideshare presentation, we've identified five experiences from everyday life that we believe should be nurtured into existence. Good experiences can solve many problems, from essential issues like energy efficiency to the more nuanced complexities of health care. The common thread running though each of these five ideas is that by addressing these challenges from the perspective of the user, we can find new approaches and unique requirements that hide from the typical business purview.

There is nothing we love more than creating new exciting experiences.

Page 3: Five Great Experiences to Nurture

Improving Personal

Energy Consumption

Photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mookies/2459484455

Page 4: Five Great Experiences to Nurture

whatʼs happening

People say they want to be green, but for most of us it takes other motivations.

In the current economy, people are much more motivated to reduce their personal energy usage. The trouble is that when you get that big electricity bill, you can't see where the most usage and waste might be.

Photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mookies/2459484455

Page 5: Five Great Experiences to Nurture

what could happen

The good news is that there are a variety of ways we can help people to find and feel the value in good energy behaviors.

The challenge is to design services that are drop-dead easy, careful planned, and motivational from start to finish.

Photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mookies/2459484455

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Photo credit: http://flickr.com/photos/neovain/1365084318

Why are Nursing Homes Undesirable Places to Visit?

Page 7: Five Great Experiences to Nurture

whatʼs happening

What are some experiences weʼd rather avoid?And when does doing so hurt more than ourselves?

When is the last time you heard someone say how they love visiting the nursing home? Nursing homes, hospital wards, homeless shelters, funeral homes, prisons: Though the residents may long for company, no one wants to visit.

Photo credit: http://flickr.com/photos/neovain/1365084318

Page 8: Five Great Experiences to Nurture

what could happen

Could experience design transform these “institutions” into inviting places that keep us coming back? Perhaps a hospital could be designed with tasteful furniture, a funeral home could be designed to celebrate life, and a nursing home could be a place that children can't wait to visit again.The experiences weʼd prefer to forget are the experiences most ripe for re-imagining.

Photo credit: http://flickr.com/photos/neovain/1365084318

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It's Easy to Buy a Car Online. Why is it so Hard to Own One?

Photo gredit: http://flickr.com/photos/ambriola/3262497028/

Page 10: Five Great Experiences to Nurture

whatʼs happening

Shopping for cars online is awesome. It's amazing to see the cool sites and features auto manufacturers put out in an effort to get you to learn and buy.

Once you have the car, It's pretty grim. Say hello to terrible dealership websites, and hunting and gathering information.

Photo gredit: http://flickr.com/photos/ambriola/3262497028/

Page 11: Five Great Experiences to Nurture

what could happen

How about getting the car owner registered for regular service reminders when we purchase? Instead of showing next year's models, how about telling me how to care for the car I just bought?

Electronic car records should be relatively easy to accomplish. Service centers have this information in their systems after all.

Photo gredit: http://flickr.com/photos/ambriola/3262497028/

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Why are parking garages designed only for cars?

Photo credit: http://flickr.com/photos/virgilpix/274163010/

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whatʼs happening

In the years that people have been building parking lots and structures, we seem to have perfected the art of painting lines marking the location for our cars.

What is often ignored are the needs of people once they leave the shelter of their steel cages. Remember that a person's destination is rarely the garage itself.

Photo credit: http://flickr.com/photos/virgilpix/274163010/

Page 14: Five Great Experiences to Nurture

what could happen

Let's develop walkways for individuals and families to get to the elevator safely. There are some quick wins like improving the design of the signage or using painted lines to mark out walkways.

Letʼs think about how humans need to use these spaces.

Photo credit: http://flickr.com/photos/virgilpix/274163010/

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In Sickness and In Health

Photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/amywiddowson/1226873469/

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whatʼs happening

Healthcare is big business.

But for consumers, the experience of seeking health information and services is often a bumpy and confusing ride.

Photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/amywiddowson/1226873469/

Page 17: Five Great Experiences to Nurture

what could happen

How about more community-sourced conversations, better portability of medical records, and location-based tools that provide honest perspectives on how to access care.

The challenge is to build tools to connect and decode scientific terminology into "real language" for real people.

Photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/amywiddowson/1226873469/

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