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Page 1: Five ways to choose food that is your best medicine

Five Ways to Choose Food That is Your Best Medicine

Food is information and food is medicine. It tells us how to act and sometimes how toreact. But food is often accompanied by a lot of noise, too much advice and a host ofconflicting information.

1. Remember the old pickles and relishes your grandmother used to make? There’smedicine in those jars! Naturally fermented and cultured foods such as sauerkraut,kimchee, homemade yogurt and aged cheeses actually feed the good bacteria in your gut.

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Check out Nourished Kitchen to learn more about these traditional foods

2. You are what you eat, but really you are what you absorb. So in other words, if youeat foods that you can’t tolerate or you eat foods that give you headaches, make you feelbloated, give youstrange aches andpains, you aren’tabsorbing them andyou are probablydoing some damagetoo. So stay away fromthem and use thosenaturally fermentedfoods to restore thenatural bacteria ofyour gut!

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3. Think In Shades of Purple and Red: so you are in the produce department and wantto know whether to choose greenpears or red pairs, green apples or redapples. From a culinary perspective,you choose based on flavor and h0wyou want to use the fruit. From anutrition perspective, choose red. Thedeeper the blush, the greater yourfood-medicine in general. The redtranslates to anthocyanins which arepowerful antioxidants. Think ofantioxidants as anti-corrosives foryour body.

4. Think Deep Green over Light Green for Leafy Vegetables: The deeper the green, thebigger the health benefits. Deeper greenoften comes with more robust flavor,which means more antioxidants,vitamins and minerals. If you are timidaround greens, start with Napa cabbage,then move to spinach, onto bok choyand then to chard.

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5. Think Loose versus Tight: when choosing your lettuce, look for the floppy looselettuces such as Boston Bibb or Oak Leaf Lettuce. The more the leaves are exposed to UVlight, the harder the plant has to work to produce phytonutrients to protect it from thedamaging UV light. The higher the phytonutrient quotient, the more nutritionallybeneficial the plant for you. So go floppy not tight!

So with all that in mind, these are five straight talking ways you can choose food thatdoubles as your best medicine.

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Field to Plate

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Field to Plate is a visionary food education company, pioneering a paradigm shift in howwe think, talk and teach Americans about food and food choice. We are part of thegroundswell that believes that food, and the soil we grow it in, are the Foundation to ourhealth.

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