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Page 1: Flames of the Ether by Sarah C. E Parker

Flames of the


By Sarah C.E. Parker

Page 2: Flames of the Ether by Sarah C. E Parker

Sarah C. E Parker


Copyright © 2011 – Sarah C. E. Parker

All rights reserved worldwide.

No part of this book may be copied or re-sold

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Acknowledgments i

Map ii




I Kara 6

II Revelations 18

III Demons in the Night 26

IV Echoes of Fate 31

V Secrets of the Past 44

VI Souran 48

VII Vernose 73

VIII Faces in the Mist 81

IX Memories and



X Ensnared 114

XI Reminiscence 130

XII The Catacombs


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XIII Silver 146

XIV Day Break 169

XV Eyes of the Enemy 180

XVI The Docks 197

XVII Nightingale 205

XVIII Exodus 227

XIX Undercurrents 246

XX Tal'Sur 262

XXI Enemy at the Gates 284

XXII Faith to Wither 298

XXIII In the Dark 304

XXIV Fey Mors 317

XXV Home Again 338

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Thanks to my family, specifically my dad for all the editing

and contributions you made to better my story, and also

thanks to my little sister Jess for all the great ideas..

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Motionless in the icy rain, I waited for the end. It

was remarkable how easily I had been deceived, duped into

complacency by those who became my undoing. I stood

now at the end of my life, my last moments spent in

reflection, for great was the folly that has led me to this end.

Death by betrayal, a truly tragic way to die. Doomed by

the ones you trusted most. Condemned by those who were

once your friends and companions, and left to spend the

brief period remaining of your life chiding yourself for

being so foolish. In my world, trust is not something that

can be afforded. People should know better than to trust so

blindly. They should know better than to be foolish enough

to be led into the trap and sucked into the web of lies so

cleverly designed so that it ultimately leads the fool to their

own demise. Such bad judgment is unforgivable, for

betrayal is not only the fault of the traitors who commit it,

but also the fault of the person foolish enough to trust so

completely that they forsake all caution and place their

belief in the flawed hands of those who would later be the

cause of their downfall. The consequences of such blind

trust stretch far beyond that of any other, as a betrayal such

as this one leaves you in painful regret, forever to

remember, both in life and in death, what a fatal mistake

you have committed. I had made many terrible mistakes,

but unlike the others this was not one that I could fix.

As the end drew nearer, I glanced around one final

time, studying the treacherous faces of those who had once

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been my friends, changed now by their deeds into those I

hated most. I should have seen through their masks of

deception. I should have looked beyond the false pretenses

of friendship and sensed their malicious intentions. As I

looked at them now, I saw them for what they really were,

nothing more than gutless snakes with no sense of either

loyalty or honor. I was filled with fury as I saw their eyes fill

with anticipation as my doom approached.

One face in particular caught my eye, his face a mask

of icy calm as he watched. Zeveran Cray. My first in

command and at one time a very close friend, but no

longer, now he stood amongst my enemies, waiting in silent

anticipation like all the others for the sword to strike. He

most of all, would pay for his treachery.

I felt a wave of bitterness as I turned to face my

executioner. No one should have to die like this. My enemy

approached and drew his sword. There was nothing I could

do except stand there and wait for the inevitable. I felt a

sudden burst of pain as the blade pierced my body. With

my last breath I swore vengeance on those who had

betrayed me, cursing them with the blackest of spells that

should never have been spoken. They would never rest

until I was avenged. From that moment on they would live

in anguish, never to feel the peace of death until justice was

served. I will never feel any remorse for my actions that day.

They were the ones who would look back on this moment

and become filled with regret, not me. Their legacy will be

one of horror. I will show them the meaning of pain! They

shall dread ever having dared to betray me! Let them rot for

all eternity!

The wind rose to a piercing shriek as I finished the

incantation. I collapsed to the stone floor laughing at the

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fools who sat there smiling in satisfaction, unaware of the

terrible fate that awaited them. The air grew still as my life

slowly drained away, and sealed in hate and blood my

words took hold. I felt a strange numbness and everything

around me began to fade. My name will be cursed forever

more for unleashing such a horrid plague upon the earth.

Nevertheless, I lay there fully content, sighing with

satisfaction as death’s cold hands closed around me.

* * * * *

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Chapter I


Kara walked silently through the underbrush, her

pale blond hair glinting in the moonlight. She stared up at

the star filled sky, feeling at ease in the deep silence that

surrounded the forest. The moon lay high in the heavens,

casting ghostly shadows across the forest floor. No sound

disturbed the night's mute perfection, and Kara felt a deep

sense of peace as she walked through the wood. This was

her home. She had lived here all her life and had never

really been anywhere else, but this did not concern her in

the least. This was where she belonged and there was no

other place that she would ever rather be.

Even as a child, Kara had always loved the forest,

especially at night, a time when all the world lay in silence,

at peace in its bliss filled sleep. Some people would

consider such times to be plain and boring, but they simply

could not perceive the true serenity that only nature could

offer. There were people who had been here for

generations, yet none of them truly appreciated the forest.

None came to understand it as she did, but then again, most

people here insisted on sticking to their archaic views,

seeing everything in black and white. Anything strange that

they didn't understand was evil and that was all there was to


Though sometimes a little restless, Kara had never

been very fond of exploration. Someday she would leave,

but until then there was no point in agonizing over it. The

forest was her refuge, her home. There was no point in

leaving the familiar in favor of something new and exotic. At

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least Kara did not believe so, for standing here, looking up

at the starlit sky was the time when she felt most serene.

Her parents however felt just the opposite.

They didn’t approve of her midnight walks. They

never had. As a child at least their concern had made some

sense, but now it was just ridiculous. It was foolish how

overprotective they were, always paranoid about hidden

dangers waiting to claim unwary travelers. Kara viewed their

opinion as pointless suspicion based on nothing more than

paranoia. There weren’t many dangers in a small town like

Savory, and when you’ve spent your entire life living in the

woods, by the time you’re 15 you know how to take care of


Besides, even if something really were hiding in the

darkness (as unlikely as that was) she had her magic to

protect her. This was not a reassuring prospect to her

parents though, if anything, it just gave them even more

reason to not allow such outings. Their mistrust of magic far

surpassed any other dislike in their life. For reasons

unknown to her, they viewed magic as an evil fruitless tool

of destruction that consumed all who used it. She on the

other hand saw magic as a wonderful gift, an opportunity to

experiment with things most people could only dream


She paused, remembering the cryptic words of her

parents, spoken softly to each other when they believed her

to be asleep. She remembered hiding in the doorway

watching silently as they talked. She stared blankly ahead,

replaying the scene in her head exactly as she had seen it

before. Her mother stood against the wall, her voice frantic

as she spoke. “It is unsafe for her to play with something as

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dangerous as magic. It is not a toy! You know what

happened to the last one cursed with this plague!”

Her father shook his head, his face stern as he

spoke. “What can we do? We cannot tell her the truth. It

would only frighten the child.”

Her mother sighed, her dark hair tumbling loosely

into her eyes. “I suppose you’re right, but that doesn't make

me feel any better about it. If it weren't for that no-good

cousin of hers, we wouldn't have to worry so much.”

That had been more than 5 years ago, but she still

remembered the conversation word for word. She hadn’t

understood what it was they were talking about, she still

didn’t, but she got the message. They viewed the magic as a

curse and something had happened a long time ago to

enforce this belief. Still, she refused to see things from their

perspective. It was her life, and from her point of view their

criticism of magic was simply an unnecessary resentment

over something that they couldn’t change, no matter how

hard they tried.

Of course, her parents weren’t the only ones

opposed to the use of the dark arts as they were often

regarded, for people seemed incapable of making any

distinction between magic in general and the malevolent

force that served only to bring destruction. There were

many people who shared their mistrust of magic, most of

them having good reason to as thousands had died in the

wars that resulted from the use of such powerful forms of

magic. Now most agreed that all magic was dangerous, the

horrible acts committed by races such as the Volrye, were

too scarring to forget. Her parents however had no history

with magic. The wars of the dark arts had been hundreds of

years ago in distant parts of the realm. He parents had no

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relation to such events. Her gifts were nothing more than

coincidence making their hate of it all the more strange.

For as long as she could remember magic had

always been a part of her life. Though nothing

extraordinary, it was nevertheless an interesting prospect

with unlimited possibilities, a perfect escape from everyday

life. Though at times a little unpredictable, it had never

failed to accomplish its intended purpose. What was the

point of dreading something that was a part of you? She

wasn’t going to deny her gift just because her parents

mistrusted it.

Superstitious by nature, the people of Savory were

of much the same opinion as her parents. Though she was

unsure of the reason for her parent’s suspicion of magic, the

people of the town made it pretty clear. Magic was a

forbidden art; strange, foreign, and not to be trusted.

Anything unfamiliar or unexplored that had the potential to

be used for destructive purposes was instantly deemed evil

and never to be used. Any mention of magic simply caused

you an evening of dirty looks and a mutual distrust shared

by all within hearing distance. The only person who had

shared her thinking on the subject was Kail, but he was long


She paused as she neared the small clearing where

her house sat. There was no light emanating from the

windows of the cottage. This was a good sign, as it meant

that her parents were still asleep and unaware of her

absence. She stared at the small brick cottage across the

way. It wasn’t much, but it was home.

She crossed the empty clearing and started toward

her house, her mind beginning to wander. She had just

reached the center of the glade when out of the corner of

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her eye she saw a flash of movement in the underbrush.

She turned and examined the area, but everything looked as

it always did. Nothing seemed to be out of place. She

scanned the area one final time before scaling the side of

her house and climbing through the open window of her

bedroom, finding no reason for her sudden unease.

Unnoticed in the darkness, the stranger crept back into the

concealing shadows of the forest, his deep blue eyes serious

as he thought about the role she was to play.

* * * * *

With morning came clear blue skies and intense heat.

Kara road her horse through the humid air constantly

wiping her forehead in an attempt to stop the stream of

sweat steadily dripping down her face. She peered through

the branches overhead at the streamers of sunlight filtering

down through the tangled limbs, casting elaborate patterns

of light and shadow that danced playfully across the path in

front of her. She hated to think of what it would feel like

once noon came.

She made her way through the forest toward the small

town that lay at the edge of the valley. She never passed up

an opportunity to go into town, even on days such as this

when most people spent their time inside desperately trying

to keep cool. Though there was never anything interesting

happening in small secluded places like Savory, the trips

into town nonetheless provided an opportunity to get at

least some news on what was happening in the outside


She glanced around the empty forest, reflecting upon

times past. She remembered walking through these woods

years ago, back when her magic was still new to her and she

was just discovering her abilities. She remembered Kail, his

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blue eyes smiling as he patiently instructed her. She closed

her eyes, shaking her head. Kail was gone; there was no

point in lingering in the past.

Time dragged on slowly and Kara could tell by the

steadily increasing noise and the presence of other travelers

on the secluded trail that she was nearing Savory. She rode

on, expecting at any moment to emerge from among the

trees and enter town.

A strange silence overcame the forest, filling Kara

with a sudden uneasiness and a feeling of being watched.

Her pulse racing, Kara carefully examined her surroundings

but saw nothing out of the ordinary. She thought again of

last night; she had experienced the same feeling of being

watched, but this was different. The eyes she felt upon her

were cold and calculating, yet strangely familiar as well. She

reached out, sending tendrils of magic into the brush,

searching for what lay hidden there. She scanned the area

with her mind closing her eyes in concentration as she

searched. Something dark brushed the edges of her

consciousness sending shivers down her spine. She felt a

momentary connection and had almost located its source

when suddenly it vanished. She cut off her search, shocked

by the sudden disappearance of what she had felt only

moments before. She looked around, peering intently into

the dense underbrush, but found no trace of the strange

presence she had sensed earlier. She continued on,

unaware of the strange ghostly eyes tracking her every


* * * * *

Kara walked through the small town of Savory,

made uneasy by the strange occurrence in the forest. She

knew that it was irrational to be so on edge considering that

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nothing had really happened to make her so

uncomfortable. Still, it was unexplainable and something

about the entire incident was peculiar. The thing she found

to be most unsettling was the strange sense of familiarity that

she had experienced when she had probed the area, and

even more disturbing was how all traces of it had vanished

in an instant. She knew that she was probably just

overreacting, but somewhere deep down she knew she

wasn’t. Rationality and common sense pushed aside, Kara

strode forward, looking over her shoulder every few steps to

make sure nothing was out of place.

After two hours of wandering around town she had

gathered enough supplies to last her and her family at least

a few weeks, sparing her any further trips into town in the

steadily worsening weather. Her earlier optimism had

quickly disappeared after the long trip through town in the

day’s steadily worsening heat. That combined with her

recent bout of paranoia because of what had happened

earlier had not made for a very enjoyable day.

The sun sank slowly below the horizon, reducing

the temperature and eliminating the stifling sense of

suffocation she had experienced only hours before. What

few people there had been outside quickly disappeared,

leaving the streets empty and barren. The slow descent of

night cast ominous shadows across the flagstone, giving

everything around her a decidedly sinister cast. Kara looked

around nervously, the once familiar buildings appearing

strange and gloomy in the failing light.

She glanced about, watching as one by one people

left the main street, returning home after a long day.

Though it was more likely they were heading toward the

local tavern, which was quickly filling up with people who

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sought to reward themselves for a hard day’s work. After

looking over everything to make sure nothing was amiss,

she started back the way she had come, unwilling to stay any

longer. She rounded a corner, quickly approaching the edge

of town, and came to an abrupt halt, unable to dismiss the

feeling of being watched. She turned and found herself

staring at a strangely familiar figure standing in the shadows

of the building across the way, silently tracking her every

movement. Deep blue eyes met her own as the stranger

stepped into the light, pulling down the hood of his cloak

and standing fully revealed before her. She gasped in

surprise, recognizing immediately the face of her cousin.

No one had seen or even heard from Kail in over 2

years. Few people knew what had happened to him. Some

never even realized that he had left. For as long as Kara

could remember, Kail had been both her mentor and

friend. He was had taught her everything she knew about

survival and more importantly, everything she knew of

magic, which was why her parents had always regretted

having him as a member of their family. Kail's Father,

Veren, had died in a fire when he was still very young, and

he had been raised by his mother in a cottage a few miles

outside of Savory. Having no siblings of her own, Kail had

been like a brother to Kara. Growing up an only child in a

secluded environment, there weren’t many people who

shared her unique interests, especially her passion for

magic. The residents of the town being very old fashioned

and suspicious of anything that intruded upon their selective

way of life.

Though he hadn’t been born with any magic of his

own, Kail had always been extremely interested in the world

of the unseen. He soon discovered how to use certain

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elemental magics, perfecting in days what others studied

years to learn. By the time he was 17 he had mastered the

basics of magic, and had in turn, instructed Kara on how to

manage her own. Though older by 4 years, Kail had never

hesitated to show Kara anything she needed to know,

teaching her how to use magic to her advantage and helping

her to keep her emotions under control. It had been

difficult at first, but after a while she had come to see that

many things were possible when you had magic to help you.

He had always been there when she needed him. The only

person in her tiny world that she could trust with things

others would instantly dismiss as foolish.

At least that’s how it had been until three years ago

when he decided to leave, traveling west toward Souran with

the aspiration become a master of the arcane and explore

the mountains. He had been accepted into an order of

mages dedicated to the study of various elemental magics.

All members of the order were sworn to protect and

defend. Each magic wielder worked to maintain the balance

of the land’s magic, protecting against any attacks or

intrusions that had their origin in the darker arts that were

forbidden to all because of the negative effects they had on

both the land and the wielder. Though said to support all

forms of magic, the practice of channeling spirits was

forbidden, and the combination of magics was done only

with the permission of all members of the council, and even

then always under strict supervision. Any deviation or

experimentation was completely prohibited, lest it lead to

corruption. After a year of study, Kail departed Souran,

convinced that he could learn more by himself where he

would be allowed to explore the more powerful forms of

magic forbidden to those under the control of the council.

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After his abrupt disappearance, things within the order

began to fall apart and the whole organization was dissolved.

No one had heard from Kail since, most simply assumed

that he was dead. Now here he was, standing before her and

acting as if nothing had happened at all.

“Hello Kara.” He greeted her casually.

She stood speechless, a mix of emotions flooding

through her at the appearance of someone she had thought

gone forever. Kail stood awkwardly to one side, watching

closely her reaction to his sudden appearance. Kara opened

her mouth to speak but he raised his hand silencing her and

continued talking. “I know that you must have questions,

but there isn’t time. There is much that must be made right

and it goes far beyond you and me. I promise I will tell you

everything in time, but first you must listen.”

Kara stood in silence, hesitating a moment before

agreeing to hear him out. Kail hadn’t come back simply to

visit. Much had happened in the past 2 years and she

sensed that whatever he had come here for was much more

important than taking care of some unresolved issues with

his long-forgotten cousin. It seemed that she must wait a

while longer if she ever wanted to receive the answers to her

questions. Kail led her off the main street toward the edge

of town, the sun casting strange shadows as it slowly slid

below the horizon.

Kail paused, his blue eyes serious as he turned to

look at her. “As much as I might wish it was otherwise, I

cannot reveal to you most of what has happened to me

these past few years, nor can I give you much of an

explanation for what I’m about to tell you.”

“Wait one second.” Kara exclaimed, unable to

contain herself any longer. “What are you talking about,

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and what did you mean when you said there’s no time? No

one has heard from you in over 2 years, and you can’t

expect me to listen to you when you won’t even bother to

explain where you’ve been all this time! It’s not like I…”

“We have to leave, now.”

Kara stared, taken aback by the sudden turn of

events. “Leave? Where? You can’t just show up after three

years and tell me I need to just leave without any

explanation or even any good reason explaining why I

should go!”

“Kara, please! There isn’t time. They may already

know you’re here.” They? She thought in confusion, her

mind churning with a multitude of unanswered questions,

but one look at Kail’s face told her they would have to wait.

She took a shaky breath, still unsure whether or not

she was making the right decision. “I will follow you

wherever it is we need to go, but after this is over you owe

me a very long explanation.”

Kail smiled uncertainly. His soft reply lost in the

fading noise of the town, “If only it were that simple.”

Kara quickly gathered up the supplies she had

bought earlier that day and followed Kail to the stable on

the outskirts of town. Her cousin moved deftly across the

loosely packed straw, leading forward a pair of well-bred

stallions, their hooves churning the ground beneath them as

they eagerly waited to depart.

It only took a few minutes for them to load their

horses. They took no extra time to fuss over details, with

Kail becoming steadily more worried as the last traces of

sunlight faded from the sky, and the evening dragged on

towards nightfall. Kara glanced over at him in bewildered

concern, knowing that there must be some cause for his

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strange behavior, but not understanding what. Whatever it

was that they were running from, it was definitely a serious

matter. They mounted and set off, cloaks wrapped tightly

about them to ward off the night’s deepening chill. They

rode through the forest, the last few rays of light slowly

disappearing into darkness. Kara looked back and watched

the town slowly fade into the distance, feeling a part of

herself go with it.

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Chapter II


The world slipped slowly into darkness as night

settled over the plains. Kara slid off her horse feeling weary

and drained, all of her energy sapped by their harrowing

flight. She couldn’t remember when they had last stopped

to rest, but it seemed like an eternity. She felt a weary

depression set in as she stared at the endless expanse of

grassland that lay before her. After a full day of racing

across the empty terrain with the sun beaming down on her,

she had begun to miss the cool quiet of the forest.

She tore angrily at a hunk of bread and remounted,

knowing they wouldn’t stop till nightfall, meaning there was

at least another hour of riding before they stopped to set up

camp. She stared blankly ahead of her, taking in the deep

shadows slowly settling over the landscape, the long grass

painted red by the sun as it slowly sank toward the horizon.

She sighed, starring disinterestedly at the scarred terrain as

it flew past. Ahead of her, her cousin sat still as stone upon

his gray charger, his mind on other things. Something was

strange about him. He was far different from the person

Kara had known in her childhood. The stranger before her

was not the carefree individual she remembered, his

previous bright and happy attitude turned distant and

brooding. She wondered suddenly what had happened to

him during his absence. He had failed to mention anything

about the past few years, refusing to answer her questions

until the time was right, but it was hard to be patient while

so much was happening that she didn’t understand.

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She frowned, growing extremely agitated as she

thought about Kail’s apparent reluctance to tell her

anything. Two days of riding alone through the nearly

deserted country surrounding Savory and he had still failed

to mention why it was that they were running.

The last 48 hours had been spent riding at

breakneck speed through the treacherous landscape of the

forest, driving the horses to their limits and stopping to rest

only when it was absolutely necessary. Kara was exhausted,

her endurance pushed to its limit. Neither had slept more

than a few hours since their abrupt departure from town,

but Kail seemed unaffected. Kara’s patience wore thin and

her temper worsened, for she was continually frustrated by

Kail’s insistence that they get safely away before her

questions could be answered. Though she found his request

unreasonable, she couldn’t seem to find a way to get any

answers from him without forcing a confrontation, and so

on she rode, pushing herself to the limit in an attempt to

keep going even though every bone in her body screamed

for her to stop. With no idea where they were going, or

even what they were running from, it was getting decidedly

difficult to keep her anger in check.

They stopped to rest as night set in and fighting against

her exhaustion, Kara gathered her thoughts and confronted

her cousin.

“I have spent the past 2 days in flight with no idea

where we are going, running from some faceless demon that

I know nothing about! Right now, all I want is to go to sleep,

and wake up to find that this has all just been some

elaborate dream, but I refuse to do anything of the sort until

I get some answers! You must understand that I find it

impossible to be patient when I have absolutely no idea

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what’s going on!” She stood staring at her cousin, frustrated

and weary, all the doubt and anger formed by the stress of

the past few days only working to strengthen her

determination. She stood before him, silently fuming, and

was surprised to see him smile.

“I suppose I knew the moment I found you that it

wouldn’t be long before you demanded some answers,” He

began, “but you must understand that everything I have ever

done I did because of need, not on a whim. You are in

great danger Kara and whether you like it or not, you don’t

have much of a choice in the matter. You’re already a part

of this and you don’t get the luxury of deciding whether or

not to become involved.”

He stopped, all traces of a smile now gone,

vanished as if it had never existed. He looked directly at

her, his deep blue eyes reflecting his thoughts as clearly as if

they were written on paper. He straightened, his expression

grave, and in a voice barely a whisper, he continued. “As

you may know, the practice of necromancy had been

outlawed after the wars between the Volrye and the

Darkened, a dark time in which most of the west had

suffered devastating losses as well as the destruction of its

capital city, Tolfane. Not many know the true reason

behind the war but the event itself is common knowledge.”

Kara sat in silence, waiting patiently for her cousin

to continue. “The Volrye were a power hungry people bent

on the destruction of all who opposed them in their crazed

conquest of Almora, led by the dark sorceress Dectra, who

ruthlessly destroyed any and everything in her path. For

years they were a terror upon the land, using the dark arts

to summon the souls of the dead in and utilize them as both

soldiers and as tools to strengthen their magic. Their

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mistake was made when they intruded upon the territory of

a reclusive race of people known as the Darkened, an

ancient people born and raised to fight using the most

deadly of magics, starting a feud that lasted many years until

the leader of the Volrye was slain in a devastating battle that

nearly wiped out both races. The entire land was affected by

this shocking series of events, and the monarchies of all the

major realms vowed never again to allow the practice of the

dark arts to go unpunished. There had always been rumors

of those who continued with their studies in spite of the law,

but rumors were all they ever were.”

He paused, his tone becoming grim as he

proceeded. “At least that’s how it was until about two

hundred years ago, when someone discovered the remnants

of a powerful text known as The Book of Night, an ancient

tome used by Dectra herself, containing many terrible

secrets about the darker side of magic. Her name was Syra

Ilsren, practitioner of the dark arts and leader of an order of

sorcerers studying the forbidden magics in an effort to

discover a means to gain mastery over the realm of the

dead. Using the secrets learned from the text, Syra began to

delve deeper into the forbidden arts, using her newly

discovered power in the most terrible of ways, until finally

some within the cult became dissatisfied with her

leadership, believing that she had gone too far in her pursuit

of power, so they turned to the people of Zalem for aid in

her destruction. The people of the realm of Zalem

mistrusted any and all forms of magic, and were especially

vehement about the complete prohibition of any and all use

of the dark arts. The antagonism between them and the cult

was a constant throughout Syra’s lifetime. It was a feud that

only ended years later with the death of Syra and the

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destruction of the cult. Syra’s death however, was not of

natural causes. It happened just days before her planned

attack on the kingdom of Zalem when her most trusted

advisor, Zeveran Cray, along with the rest of the

conspirators disloyal to Syra, betrayed her to the king of

Zalem and revealed to the government the location of all

the cult’s main hideouts. She was executed at dawn of the

following day, but not before she used her dark powers to

curse those who had betrayed her, binding their souls to

herself and leaving them to live in eternal torment until the

day she was avenged.”

Kail paused in his narration, his expression

becoming troubled, “I had heard the story before, but it was

not until recently that I discovered the truth of it. The curse

is real and it has evolved far beyond what it once was. The

living dead of whom the legend speaks are no fantasy. They

are a serious threat and mortal weapons cannot harm them;

even the most potent magic does nothing but hinder their

efforts. The thing that was once the traitor Zeveran and the

others who betrayed Syra all those years ago now roam

these lands. They are far more dangerous than anything I

have ever seen, their very souls twisted into something so

loathsome and dark that I can barely stand to even think

about it. After years of hiding deep within the Black Marsh,

they have come forth with no intent other than to destroy,

and to remove all those who may yet undo the curse and

stop them from succeeding in their dark goals. You most of

all Kara, for yours is the magic that they fear most, for you

are the direct descendant of Syra Ilsren and the only person

capable of stopping them.”

Kara stared at him with her mouth hanging open,

too shocked by what he had just said to form a coherent

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sentence. She struggled to say something in response but

remained speechless, wondering distantly if this was all

some cruel joke. Not only was her ancestor a practitioner of

dark magic and directly responsible for possibly the greatest

evil ever to enter the realm, but she, a girl of barely fifteen

was supposed to destroy a cult of demonic creatures

spawned from the blackest of sorcery and evolved into

something no longer human, something too powerful for

even the most formidable of mages to even contemplate


Kail looked down, seeing the look on her face and

reading in her eyes her response. “I know you don’t believe

that you can accomplish anything close to what I ask, but

you need to understand…”

“Understand what? That I need to either travel to

my death and confront an undefeatable evil or spend the

rest of my life in hiding? Understand that because I’m the

descendant of some evil sorceress I need to go avenge her

well-deserved death or die trying? How is that fair? It’s not

even reasonable! Why can’t you go! You’re the one with the

real magic, the one who spent the past three years learning

it! I’m just a girl. I haven’t even had a chance to do anything

with my life! I can’t do anything even close to what you’re

asking! You can’t just come here and expect me to, to...”

She trailed off, realizing as soon as she said it that none of it

really mattered in the end. If this was something that Kail

could have done himself, he never would have dragged her

into it. She glared at him, knowing none of this was really

his fault, but blaming him anyways for the way things had

turned out.

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She sighed, “You know you’re insane and I

probably am too, because no matter how much I argue I

know that I’m going to end up going anyway.”

“I wouldn’t have involved you in all this if it weren’t

absolutely necessary.” He stated quietly. “It was by my

choice that I traveled to Souran to study magic. It was my

choice to dedicate my life to maintaining the balance and

protecting the realm. If I could do this on my own, I would.

I know that you didn’t want to become involved in any of

this, but I’m afraid there isn’t much of an alternative. I’m

sorry that things turned out this way, but you are the only

living descendant of Syra, the only one capable of

preventing this calamity. I may be your cousin, but I cannot

do what is needed, you can.”

Kara did not understand what he meant by that, but

she knew regardless that everything he had told her was

true. “I know.” She sighed in resignation, feeling the last of

her anger fade into reluctant acceptance.

“Get some sleep,” Kail replied. “At dawn we leave

for Souran, from there we will travel south until we reach

the Black Marsh.” She laid back, her mind filled with

millions of questions and queries, all without answers. She

closed her eyes, thinking of the past and how much

everything had changed. In only a few hours her entire life

had been altered irrevocably, and no matter how much she

might want them to, things would never go back to the way

they were before, nor would she be able to live with herself

if she went back home now and tried to act as if nothing was

wrong. She couldn’t just walk away, not now, not if it meant

that she would be responsible for the deaths of thousands

and all the destruction that would follow, all because she

was too afraid to try. She thought then of her parents and

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their seemingly unreasonable distrust of magic, and realized

in light of this new revelation that maybe their prejudice had

not been all that irrational after all. Magic was not always

necessarily a good thing. Kara’s thoughts drifted and her

exhaustion finally overcame her. She fell slowly asleep, her

thoughts plagued by doubts and unanswered questions.

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Chapter III

Demons in the Night

They set out at dawn, packing up what remained

of the supplies they had brought, they departed. Kara road

steadily onward, trying her best not to think about the long

journey that lay ahead. Her attempts to focus on other

things eventually failed however, and she found herself

thinking once again of the previous night’s frightening

revelation about her heritage. She had never bothered to

wonder why she possessed magic, or where such a gift had

come from. She never would have thought to consider the

possibility that her magical abilities were anything more than

just a fluke. As far as she knew, no one else in her family

had ever had possession of magic, except for Kail, and that

was only because he had gone out of his way to learn it. The

inheritance of magic was an extreme rarity anywhere within

the realm, it had happened only a few times in the history of

Almora, and even then, only among the more powerful

races such as the Soera and the Volrye, to whom magic was

their lifeblood. Now to learn the truth about her family and

to finally understand what it meant to have magic such as


She shook her head, unwilling to continue with her

trail of thought. Lingering on such matters only worked to

further her depression. Dark clouds began to mass in the

sky above her head, seeming to reflect the grim mix of

emotions that roiled inside of her. Kail quickened their

pace in the hopes of reaching shelter before the storm

struck. Kara stared straight ahead through unseeing eyes,

her thoughts on other things.

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They stopped at nightfall, settling down for the

night beneath a grove of trees, the only shelter visible across

the barren expanse of grass that was the plains. Kail

cautiously scanned the area, seeming uneasy for some

reason as they slowly dismounted. Kara gazed

apprehensively through the sparse covering of trees, the

faint glow of twilight already beginning to fade into


It took longer than expected to set up camp, a time

spent in silence as neither made any attempt at

conversation. Kail continued to look decidedly uneasy,

though Kara couldn’t see why and felt no desire to ask. She

reflected briefly on the times she had spent with him years

before any of this had happened. His constant attentions

and gentle instruction had been what had helped her to

cope with the isolation caused by her magic, allowing her to

see her power as a gift. Though back then it had only been

a toy, something to pass the long hours of the day and

amuse herself with, never anything as momentous as what

Kail now expected it to be.

The night was pitch black, the stars blotted out by

the thick covering of clouds. Kail forbade any sort of fire,

claiming it was too risky and that it would only give away

their position to those they were hiding from. Kara watched

silently as Kail sat staring off into the distance, his face dark,

his eyes turned a pale indigo. He seemed unusually

reserved and something about his demeanor hinted at

knowledge of something that she sensed was not altogether

pleasant. Kara sat alone and ate her meal in silence, sensing

that he was not in the mood for idle conversation. It was

strange to see how much things had changed between them

in the few years he’d been away. She found it depressing to

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be reminded of the sad fact that nothing was permanent,

even the things you were sure would never change soon

became unrecognizable, even to themselves. She stopped as

she realized that she had not been thinking about Kail, but

of herself. Only a few days had passed since her sudden

reunion with her cousin and already she was far different

from the ignorant 15 year old she had been. She pulled her

knees up to her chest, reflecting on how much better it had

been when she hadn’t known about such things. She lay

down, her gaze wandering aimlessly across the empty

horizon. A faint mist had settled across the plains cutting

down visibility to almost nothing. Kara drifted off to sleep

unable to dismiss the horrible feeling of dread as the night


* * * * *

Kara gave a violent start, and struggled to focus her

sleep filled eyes on the figure standing before her. Kail

stood over her, a finger to his lips. He motioned for her to

get up, glancing worriedly over at the area beyond the place

where they camped. Kara rose silently, detecting a sudden

shift in the air. She shivered, feeling strangely on edge, the

irrational sense of foreboding she had experienced earlier

returning and filling her heart with dread.

Kail guided her from the campsite, crouching down

in the center of a thick tangle of weeds and pulling her

down beside him. Kara slowly crept forward, the sudden

silence pressing down upon her like a weight around her

neck. She stared out into the mist, slowly scanning the

empty horizon for some sign of whatever lurked in the

darkness, hidden just beyond her field of vision.

Her breath caught in her throat and she peered

intently forward at the blurred figures emerging from the

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haze. The creatures strode forward, moving slowly yet

without hesitation as they made their way across the plains,

an inevitable unstoppable force that threatened to swallow

her whole. She bit back a scream as she stared at the black

cloaked forms moving toward them. A horrible darkness

spread out from the figures, an icy blackness that drained

the warmth from the air and turned her knees to jelly. She

found herself unable to move, assaulted with wave upon

wave of terror. One of the creatures moved forward, its gaze

fixing on the exact spot where she lay hidden. The cold eyes

seemed to cut through the layers of brush and settle on the

girl who lay concealed beneath the undergrowth, turning

her blood to ice. She remained motionless, unable to so

much as breathe as she gazed into the coal black eyes of the

creature, its face a sunken skull, eyes smoldering with

hatred and murderous rage. A sudden noise sounded far to

the east, echoing through the still air and shattering the

unnatural silence that filled the night. She heard the

pounding of hooves as the faint sound became clearer.

The lead figure turned, and after quickly scanning the area

where they lay hidden rode off toward the last fading echoes

of sound ringing through the night.

Kara stayed silent watching the figures fade back into

the mist, unable to breath, knowing that if she tried it would

only result in a scream. She turned toward Kail and was

surprised to find that she was shivering.

“What were they?” she gasped in a hoarse whisper,

angry and ashamed but unable nevertheless to stop the

violent shudders that racked her body.

“Shades of what were once the members of the

dark cult that betrayed Syra.” He replied his face pale but

otherwise composed.

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“What happened? How did they know where we

were? I swear they were looking right at me, almost as if…”

She trailed of unable to continue remembering the horrible

paralysis that had overcome her.

“We can’t stay here,” Kail stated abruptly, scooping

up their supplies and saddling their horses. “Even if they

didn’t know for certain where we are, they will soon


Kara stopped, recalling suddenly the strange sound

that had drawn the attention of the creatures. “What

happened back there? The sound I mean. They were

coming toward us and then all of a sudden…”

“A distraction,” He stated, “nothing more. They

will be back on our trail before you know it.” He quickly

mounted his horse and motioning for Kara to follow. Kara

looked out across the deserted plains. The strange fog had

all but vanished, leaving only traces of vapor in the damp

air. The sky was already starting to lighten, the deep black

turning to a soft gray as the night inched on towards

morning. She glanced up at the clouds amassing overhead,

in an effort to turn her thoughts away from what had just

happened. It was not a good distraction however, as such

weather just meant more bad news; the storm they had been

anticipating was not far off.

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Chapter IV

Echoes of Fate

Rumbles of thunder shook the earth as sheet upon

sheet of stinging rain poured down from the sky, completely

drenching an already sodden Kara and leaving both her and

her cousin desperately struggling to find their way through

the ferocious downpour. Bolts of lightning forked across the

sky, causing flashes of light in an otherwise black world.

“We Have To Stop!” Kara screamed, fighting to be

heard over the howl of the wind.

Kail Shook his head.“If we stop now, we’ll lose any

lead we may have gained. This is a good thing, we couldn’t

have asked for a better way to cover our tracks. Not even

they can track us in weather like this.”

Another lightning bolt sizzled through the air,

striking a tree and setting it ablaze. A good thing? She

couldn’t see how almost being struck by lightning as well as

being pelted by torrents of stinging water was a good thing.

“If we stay out here we’re going to die anyway!” Kara yelled,

all the fear and uncertainty of the past few days coming

together now working to elevate both her anger and fear. It

seemed that she was in a steady downward spiral from bad

to worse.

“Fine,” Kail agreed. He avoided her gaze, saddened

as he spoke “Adra is only a few hours south of here. We

should be able to stay there until this storm blows over.”

Kara nodded, gripping tightly the reins of her horse and

leading it forward through the gale. She glanced sideways at

Kail, seeing the sadness in his eyes. Adra was where he had

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grown up. The last time he had visited there was his father's

funeral, but they had no choice in the matter.

It was nearly an hour later that she caught site of a

faint light glimmering in the darkness up ahead. Relief

overwhelmed her as she stared at the pinpricks of fire that

pierced the night, temporarily pushing back the dread and

doubt of the past few days at the thought of being warm and

dry for even a few minutes.

The lights soon began to take shape and Kara

found herself looking at a town. It was fairly large for a

settlement in such a remote area and she found herself

vaguely depressed by the plain gray buildings and the

garbage littered streets that lay before her. Kail led her

forward, heading towards a small nondescript tavern on the

edge of the city. He glanced at the buildings as they passed,

recognizing each and every one of them. They arrived at the

far side of town, a small tavern appearing in front of them.

After quickly tying up their horses, they stepped inside and

found themselves in a large room, the smell of ash and the

stench of beer heavy on the air. Kail strode forward, his

cloak pulled low over his face to conceal his features from

the crowd of onlookers. He moved towards the counter,

Kara standing in the background, waiting patiently as he left

to talk to the innkeeper.

He walked up to the man behind the counter and

began to speak, “Me and my companion have come seeking

shelter from the storm,” he began, “we’re not from around

here and…”

“That much is plain to see.” stated the man,

abruptly cutting off the rest of Kail’s sentence. He spoke

with a strange accent and seemed to be in a rather foul

mood. He had taken an instant disliking to them, which was

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strange considering they really hadn’t done anything. “I

don’t know ya and frankly, I don’t much like ya either. If

you’re looking for a drink you’ve come to the right place.

We’ve also got a few rooms upstairs if you need one, but I

feel you should know that folks ‘round here don’t take

kindly to strangers, me included, especially secretive ones.

So get what you need and get out.” Upon finishing his

sentence he turned his back on them and began grimly

scrubbing the grime encrusted counter, muttering under his

breath as he scraped at the grit in a futile attempt to get it


“Please don’t be upset,” said a young woman, long

brown hair swaying as she stepped forward. “He doesn’t

take kindly to strangers. You and your friend there can have

one of the rooms upstairs, first one on the left. Drinks are

extra.” Kail thanked the girl and paid her the money for the

room. She accepted it with a smile and immediately

returned to work. Kail headed back toward Kara, the room

key held loosely in his hand.

“Not the friendliest of people are they?” She asked

“Just cautious.” was his only reply. “I’m going to

stay down here for a while and see what I can learn. You’re

free to go upstairs at any time, though I wouldn’t advise

staying down here long.” She stared after him as he walked

away, irritated by his suggestion, and angrily decided that

she wasn’t going anywhere.

She watched as Kail walked through the crowd,

casually conversing with the other customers, who were by

now far too drunk to care where he was from. Kara slid into

a booth and looked around the crowded room, grimacing at

the foul odor of sweat and beer that lingered on the air. A

table at the far end of the room drew her attention, empty

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except for a single person, the slight figure shrouded in a

long gray cloak and sitting deep in the shadows of the

sheltered alcove. Her attention was momentarily diverted by

a commotion near the bar, where two men sat angrily

yelling at each other and soon began a full out brawl. Kara

gathered up her things, deciding that it was time to leave.

She shot one last glance at the cloaked stranger and was

shocked to find that there was no one there. She scanned

the crowd, looking for some sign of the telltale dull gray

cloak, but found nothing. She walked up the stairs toward

her room, feeling unsettled and disturbed all over again.

Nothing seemed to make sense these days. She drifted off

to sleep, her thoughts lingering on things of night and

shadow, as she saw once more the faces of those that

hunted her.

* * * * *

Kara sat bolt upright, frantically scanning the room

for any sign of the demons that haunted her sleep. She sat

back, feeling worn and exhausted. She hadn’t had a good

night’s sleep since her encounter with the creatures on the

plains, and the nightmares were getting worse. Every time

she closed her eyes she saw the pale tormented face of the

shade, its cruel eyes burning with some unknown inner

torment. The dead gaze penetrating flesh and bone, and

laying bare her soul.

She crept from the room and went back down into

the main room of the tavern. It was not long after midnight.

Only a couple hours had passed since she had left upstairs.

Kail was nowhere in sight and she assumed that he was

already asleep. She slid into a booth in the back of the

room, not wanting to draw attention to herself and gratefully

accepted the tankard passed to her by the barmaid. She

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sipped slowly at the cup of ale and looked around the

crowded room. It was considerably quieter than before,

most of the customers having descended into a drunken

stupor after drinking enough beer to flood half of Savory.

Suddenly a soft, ghostly voice reached her ears and

she found herself listening intently as strange music filled

the room with its haunting melody. The room went dead

silent. All the earlier commotion vanished as the first few

notes rang through the air and faded into the night. She

searched for the source of the strange music and found

herself staring at the same cloaked stranger that she had

seen earlier that night, the girl’s features hidden by the

curtain of hair surrounding her face. In her hands she held

a strange stringed instrument which she played skillfully, her

angelic voice ringing softly through the air as she strummed

each note. Her hair shone silver in the lamp-light. Her eyes

remained downcast throughout the song, her attention

riveted on her instrument. As the final note slowly faded

into silence, two milky white eyes lifted to meet her own

and Kara found herself staring at the face of a young girl no

more than 17, her fair face unlined though her hair was

already colored a silvered white. The musician slowly

departed from the stage at the front of the room where she

had been playing, her gaze steady as she strode across the

floor, never faltering or searching, but smooth and sure.

Kara’s initial surprise turned to amazement as the girl

walked directly across the room and slid into the seat

opposite her. Her gaze was strangely penetrating, even

though Kara knew she couldn’t possibly really see her.

“Greetings oh chosen descendant of she whose

name shall forever be cursed. You are not unwelcome here,

though many would disagree.” She greeted.

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Kara stared, taken aback and instantly suspicious of

this strange woman who seemed to be much more than she

appeared. “Hello.” Kara replied uncertainly. “That was

beautiful, I’ve never heard anything so…” She paused, at a

loss for words, the stranger’s cool eyes fixed on her the

entire time.

“Sometimes people need a little light to inspire

them,” The singer stated, “especially in times like these.

You most of all know this Kara, for one with a task as

momentous as yours cannot resolve to do everything


Kara’s eyes were probing as they searched the face

of the woman across from her, disturbed and on edge. She

reached slowly under the table, her hand closing around the

hilt of her dagger. “How do you know my name?”

“I see many things, most of which are much more

shocking than such simple knowledge as knowing a

stranger's name. There is much more to this story than what

your cousin has told you. There will be much loss before

the end. I suggest you look past the obvious next time

someone tells you something, and try to understand that

there are many things that are not as they appear to be.

There is more to a message than just words.” She stood up,

leaving as abruptly as she had come. She spared Kara one

final glance as she left. “Beware Kara,” she called. “for in

the end, you are alone.” She turned away, her small lithe

figure quickly disappearing into the crowd. Kara stared after

her, the bleak words of the girl’s warning echoing in her

mind, an omen of doom in an already darkened world. She

sat in silence, thinking of how difficult her life had become.

* * * * *

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Menacing laughter haunted Kara’s dreams that

night, her head filled with images of a past long forgotten.

She looked nervously at the pale face of the stranger who

stood before her, positive she had never seen the woman

before, and yet sensing that e knew her all the same.

“What’s wrong child?” the woman mocked, her low voice

dripping with fake sympathy. Kara jumped back, watching

in horror as the woman’s face slowly transformed into

something much more sinister. Two coal black eyes blazing

with anger stared out at her from a face twisted with hate.

She stared at the dark figure, unable to move as it slowly

approached her. “Don’t you know your death when you see


* * * * *

Kara sat bolt upright, her body drenched in sweat.

The horrifying memory of the tormented eyes of the

demon that haunted her dreams hung in the forefront of

her mind. The dream disturbed her greatly, as there was

something chillingly prophetic about it. She shuddered as

she remembered the cold face of the woman and the

dreadful fascination she had felt as she had watched it

slowly transform into the face of her enemy. She felt as if

she was missing something painfully obvious. She

remembered suddenly Kail’s story of how Syra was

betrayed and finally realized what the dream had been

referring too. She now knew exactly who it was that she and

her cousin had seen that night on the plains, Zeveran Cray,

foremost among those cursed by Syra and leader of all

those who now sought to kill her. It all made sense really,

and it helped to explain how the creatures had found them

so easily, if they were being led by someone as powerful as

the former right hand of her cursed ancestor. The

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disturbing thing though was the strange sense of familiarity

she had experienced upon seeing the woman and the

instant recognition she had felt the moment she had heard

her voice. Who was she and why was it that no matter how

hard she tried she couldn’t get rid of the feeling that she

knew exactly who she was?

Midnight came and went with Kara still refusing to

even attempt to sleep, still thinking on the events of the

dream. She sat in silence, continually frustrated by her lack

of knowledge as she tried to reason this through. The

nagging feeling that she was still missing something

remained inside her, and no amount of speculation or

deliberation would tell her why.

* * * * *

They left the inn early that morning, packing their

things and saddling the horses in record time, setting off as

the first few tinges of color began to light the sky. Kara

watched silently as the city of Adra slowly faded into the

distance, thinking once more of the strange warning she had

received from the girl at the inn. “There is much more to

this story than what your cousin has told you, there will be

much loss before the end. I suggest you look past the

obvious next time someone tells you something and try to

understand that there are many things that are not as they

appear to be.”

She still didn’t completely understand what it was

the woman had been trying to tell her, and more

importantly, the reason for the strange revelation. She could

not quite accept the possibility that the girl had been telling

the truth when she had said that she had seen things that

were yet to happen. The more probable answer was that the

strange musician had been lying the entire time and

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someone had wanted her to say those things to Kara, not to

aid her but for their own selfish reasons. If anything, it only

gave Kara all the more reason to simply forget the entire

incident. After all, what reason did she have to believe one

word of what she had been told, especially when it meant

doubting her cousin, but for some reason she simply

couldn’t bring herself to just dismiss it out of hand. What

troubled her even more was the strange dream she had

experienced. Something about it seemed far too important

to ignore. If only she could remember what it was. She

stared moodily into the distance, wishing desperately that

things could just go back to the way they had been before,

and at the same time knowing how pointless it was to waste

her time thinking about it.

They rode on, the landscape becoming lighter as

the morning wore on. It was almost noon when Kail

suddenly stopped, frowning and scanning the landscape

ahead of them. He glanced up at the roiling bank of clouds

that had begun to fill the horizon and his brow lowered in


“What is it?” Kara asked, looking out at the empty


“The clouds just changed directions.” Kail replied,

his expression growing dark. Kara stared

uncomprehendingly at her cousin, not seeing what the

problem was. Then, all of a sudden, the sky turned dark.

Deep fog descended over the plains, blotting out the sun

and making it impossible to see beyond a few feet in any


“What the...” She stopped abruptly as the fog

parted and someone approached. Kail dismounted, pulling

out a long sword that lay concealed beneath his cloak when

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suddenly he froze. Kara turned to go to him and suddenly

found she could not move. It was nothing like the paralysis

she had felt when facing the shades of Syra’s followers, she

simply found herself unable to move as if invisible restraints

had been placed over her entire body, leaving her incapable

of movement.

She starred in shock as the figure before her began

to take shape and she found herself facing the strangely

familiar form of Syra Ilsren. The sorceress looked like

someone in her mid-thirties with jet black hair that tumbled

well past her shoulders and gave her skin a ghostly white

hue. Something about her was... off. She seemed ethereal as

if she could fade away in a moment’s notice, and Kara

found that if she looked closely she could see right through

her into the swirling fog that filled the air beyond. “Hello

Kara.” Syra greeted, her voice low and mocking just as it

had been in her dream.

“You’re dead.” She replied, still trying to come to

terms with what was happening.

“Just because I died doesn’t mean I don’t still exist.

I've been watching you. You've felt me before haven't you?”

She asked her face cold. Kara remembered the moment in

the woods outside of Savory, thinking of the inexplicable

feeling of being watched.

“That was you?” she breathed, staring

apprehensively at the specter before her.

“Don't sound so surprised. I wasn't about to let you

be destroyed by the Cursed Ones was I? Not with you being

my only chance at settling this matter. Luckily your cousin

over there made action unnecessary and here you are

fulfilling your destiny.”

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Kara stared at her, her eyes narrowing. “How are

you still here? The Cursed Ones wouldn't just let you live,

even in this form.”

Syra glared at her, her eyes flaming. “They have no

power over me. They are but puppets on a string. Those

traitorous scum will never be rid of me. Fools! They will

burn for all eternity!” Kara flinched as the sorceress’s eyes

glowed red, her voice filling with venom as she spoke.

“Besides,” she said, all traces of her previous anger gone,

“you should be grateful. I came to help you. Justice must be

served after all, and you as my successor, are going to give it

to me.”

“I don’t want your help.” Kara replied, growing

angry as she stared at the face of the person responsible for

everything that had happened.

“I grow tired of your antics. You don't have a

choice in the matter. The Cursed Ones must be stopped.”

Kara glared at her. “It’s your fault they’ve become

what they have. Do you know what will happen if they win?

How many people will…”

“Silence!” Syra screamed, her voice dropping to a

hiss, “Foolish girl. You understand nothing!” Kara flushed,

infuriated by this arrogant cruel specter telling her that she

didn’t understand. How many people’s lives would this

woman’s curse destroy, and yet here she was expecting

complete compliance in the carrying out of what she termed


Kara jumped as the sorceress let out a harsh laugh,

breaking the morbid silence that surrounded them. “How

little you understand,” she jeered. “I see the judgment you

would pass upon me, yet still you remain ignorant of the

sins of those others to who you look for guidance.” Kara’s

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eyes followed Syra’s line of sight and she grew suddenly

cold as her gaze came to rest on her cousin. “You think I

am the only one who has used that which is dark?” Syra

queried. Kara shook her head. She thought back to that

night at the inn and the words of the seer, there is much

more to this story than what your cousin has told you.

“Enough of this, I need not waste my time explaining such

things to you,” The sorceress said loftily, her face filled with

barely concealed contempt. “My time here is almost over.

Hear my words and listen well, for I shall not repeat them.

Many trials lay before you Kara, some of which without aid,

you will not survive. Seek out Gray Ravenwing, for without

him this quest shall surely fail. Find him, and drive back the

dark which you so despise.” She faded away, her words

echoing through the dead air of the grasslands. Kail lurched

forward, freed from the bonds that had held him frozen.

He stared around in confusion as the fog faded away,

leaving everything precisely as it had been before.

“What just happened?” Her cousin asked

uncertainly, and Kara realized he had been unaware of

everything that had just occurred. She took a shaky breath

and told him about her meeting with Syra. “Are you sure

she said Gray Ravenwing?” He asked, his voice taking on an

unfamiliar note of sadness.

“Positive.” She replied. “Why? Do you know

where to find him?”

Kail looked away, refusing to meet her gaze. “It

seems that there’s been a change of plans,” he stated, his

expression becoming slightly brooding as he considered

what lay ahead. “It appears I have a meeting with an old

friend.” They gathered up their supplies and set out, riding

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toward the distant city of Souran and the fate that awaited

them there.

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Chapter V

Secrets of the Past

Kara glanced sideways at her cousin, taking in his

gloomy expression and suddenly wondering how it was that

he knew the person Syra had mentioned. Gray Ravenwing.

The name seemed to bring him great pain. Whatever it was

that had happened between them, it couldn't have been

good. He had barely spoken since yesterday when she had

told him of the encounter. She thought again of the words

of her dead ancestor. What was it that Kail hadn’t told her?

Why was it that everyone seemed to know exactly what was

going on except for her?

“Who is he?” she asked quietly, looking up at her

cousin, his face pale and drawn.

“What are you talking about?”

“Gray Ravenwing, how is it that you know him and

why is it that you’re so afraid of seeing him again?”

He stared at her, a look of slight surprise crossing his

face before changing back into the look of dread he had

been wearing before. “It’s a long story. Many things

happened back then, most of which are better forgotten.”

“Tell me.” She said, her voice insistent.

He turned to face her, his face dead serious. “You

won’t like what you hear”

She stared at him, a deep foreboding burning deep

inside of her, warning her of what was to come. “I need to


He sighed taking a deep breath before he began.

“Shortly after I was accepted into the order of mages, I met

another magician. His name was Gray Ravenwing. He had

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an amazing affinity for magic. He could see things no one

else knew and his talent for manipulating and combining

different forms of magic was amazing. When first we met,

Gray was already in his ninth year of service. He came to

Souran early on in his life and was the youngest person ever

to be granted an apprenticeship there. Like me, all he

wanted was to learn more about magic, but the council was

opposed to such rash exploration. They claimed that

certain magics were not to be tampered with, that

experimentation was dangerous. As it turns out, they were

right but I couldn’t see this when I first came there. We

became friends, both of us attempting to change the

prejudiced view of the council, to allow exploration into the

more powerful forms of magic. For a while, we were almost

inseparable, until one day I discovered something that I felt

would finally solve all my problems and everything


He paused, his eyes filling with pain and his

expression becoming troubled. “He told me not to use it,

but I wouldn’t listen. I thought if I could learn to control it I

would finally be able to show the others that such powers

could be used for good instead of evil. I would finally be

able to stop living in secrecy and hiding my studies. I was

wrong. I couldn’t control it, and things soon got out of

hand.” He trailed off, his eyes downcast.

“Wait a second, control what? What was so dangerous

about your research?”

“Kara I’m not sure that…”

“What is it that you found?” She repeated, her voice

shaking slightly as she thought of Syra’s words. “I see the

judgment you would pass upon me, yet still you remain

ignorant of the sins of those others whom you look to for

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guidance. You think I am the only one who has used that

which is dark?”

He looked up at her, his eyes pained. “It was known

by the Darkened as the Taylovas. You know it as The Book

of Night.” Kara was speechless. She could not believe what

she was hearing; such terrible things could not be true. She

closed her eyes, hearing Syra’s evil laughter echoing again

and again inside her head.

“Eventually I stopped using it, but not before

something went terribly wrong. It was in the middle of a

spell using spirits that I stumbled upon it. I wasn’t sure what

it would do, but the words of the incantation seemed to

strike a chord within me. There was great power within

those line and I was positive that if I could control it, I

would finally have what I needed to reform the council.

Gray stopped me before I could complete the incantation,

but it was already too late. I could feel them waking and I

have been looking for a way to stop them ever since. The

council discovered what had happened, but Gray told them

that he was the one responsible and was exiled never to

return. I was afraid. I didn’t want to be held accountable for

what I had done and so I stood by as he was punished. I let

him take the blame for my mistake and I never told anyone

the truth. Latter, when no one was around I snuck into the

archives and destroyed all evidence of my research. It

wasn’t until recently that I discovered you were the only one

who could stop the cataclysm that I have set in motion.

Now, because of me, it falls to you to end Syra’s curse and

destroy what I have unleashed.”

Kara gasped, feeling the last remainder of hope

breaking apart inside of her as she realized the full impact

of what her cousin was telling her. “It was you? You’re the

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reason I left my home. You’re the reason I’m being hunted

by those...those…things!”

“Kara I’m so sorry, I never meant for…”

“Stop!” she screamed her eyes tearing up. “Just

stop.” She sunk to her knees, bowing her head in defeat.

“Do you know what you’ve done?” she sobbed her voice

barely a whisper. “Do you know how many people will be

hurt because of this?”

“For a long time I have suffered under the weight

of this burden, but I can’t fix it by myself. If I could undo

what I have done I would, but I cannot change what

happened any more than you can. I need your help in

order to stop them. It’s something I cannot do on my own.

Kara, please.”

She looked up, searching the once familiar face of

her cousin and desperately wishing that none of this had

happened. She rose to her feet, mounting her horse and

gathering their scattered supplies. When next she spoke her

voice was cold “I will do what I must, but after this is over, I

want you to leave. Leave and this time, don’t come back.

I’m tired of being lied to.” She turned galloping toward the

horizon, knowing that everything she had once believed was

a lie.

* * * * *

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Chapter VI


Gray stared moodily out into the rain soaked

streets of the city of Souran, watching the crowds of

people as they passed, each of them searching for

shelter from the downpour. The storm which had

come over the town had been going on for a number

of days now and it didn’t do much to improve his

already gloomy mood. Something was happening,

something dark was stirring, and soon it would

overtake everyone. He gazed out through the dirt

streaked windows of the tavern, watching sadly as the

people pushed through the crowd. They flocked like

vultures, enduring the rain and the cold in order to get

a hold of the possessions of the recently deceased that

were being auctioned off, the bodies of the items’

previous owners left to lie in the gutter. It was funny to

see how ignorant people were, chasing after empty

promises of wealth and riches, never knowing that

soon none of it would matter anyways. Soon they

would join their brothers in the gutter and these streets

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would lie in silence.

Once, a long time ago he had been concerned

about what would happen to others, but much had

changed since then, and he was no longer responsible

for the balance of the realm. Let the people continue

with their sad lives while they could.

He ran his hand through his hair, sitting alone

at the back of the tavern. No one came near him.

Though only in his early thirties, the haunted look in

his eyes spoke of something that had aged him far

beyond his years, and the grim animosity that

constantly lay over his rugged and unshaven features

drove of any who might seek to intrude upon his


Souran had never been his favorite place. It held

too many unpleasant memories, though much had

changed since the destruction of the Council of Mages.

They at least had held order here after the king's

death, now the council lay in ruins and the city had

fallen to anarchy. He slumped forward over his glass,

remembering the white shining columns of the council,

the peace that had lain over the city while both king

and mage had ruled, but the king had died a long time

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ago, the council destroyed shortly after. Now

memories and piles of rubble strewn across the hill top

were the only remnant of their power. The age of

splendor and glory that had once ruled this city had

been broken, discarded in favor of the mire and refuse

of the current day.

A man stumbled drunkenly out of the tavern

door, rejoining his brethren in their work to further the

city’s decay. No, nothing remained of the glory and

valor once found here. Fitting then, that this is where

he should live out his days.

Gray sighed, leaning back against the hard

wooden backed chair and ordering another drink to

drown his sorrows. The council hadn't believed the

threat to be as dire as he had stated. They had never

been able to see past their own conceited world and so

in the end their destruction had been inevitable. He

could still see their faces, contorted in pain as he had

watched them burn. He had come too late to prevent

it from happening, had stood by helplessly as they had

died. Kail had known, but he had done nothing to stop

the Cursed as they destroyed everything he had once

stood for. He had fled, leaving them alone to face the

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terror that he had wrought.

Gray bowed his head, wiping the memory from

his mind. Now with the council destroyed no one

remained to stop what was coming. He sighed, if only

they had listened to reason. If only they had seen…

He leaned over, his deep brown hair tumbling

into his eyes as he reached for his drink. He glanced

disinterestedly around the crowded tavern as two men

began to fight, pummeling each other over some

imaginary insult. It soon got out of hand and he smiled

slightly as they were both tossed out into the street. It

was amazing to see how far the once great city had

fallen. Souran, the city of kings, now a bottomless pit

of criminals and drunkards. The smile faded from his

face and his dark gray eyes turned stormy as a cloaked

figure appeared in the doorway of the tavern,

immediately sending a jolt of recognition through him

and brining up memories of times better forgotten. His

frown deepened as the stranger crossed the room and

sat down next to him.

He sighed, pushing his drink to one side and

turning to face him. “What do you want Kail?”

“Not exactly a warm welcome, but I guess after

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all that’s happened, you aren’t very happy to see me.”

“Why did you come here Kail? You were

exiled from the city after you defied the council’s

orders and tampered with the archives.” he sighed,

staring accusingly at the man responsible for his ruin.

“You weren’t there when it mattered; why come back

after all this time?”

Kail shook his head. “What happened then is

not what matters, besides the laws of the council no

longer hold any sway here, and you of all people are

not one to talk about disobeying orders. I’m here

because I need your help.”

Gray’s eyes filled with anger and his voice

dropped to a whisper. “You are the last person I

would ever wish to help. Where were you while I was

persecuted? I took the blame for your mistake and

then you left without a word to anyone. It’s your fault

the council fell. All of this is your fault. You knew they

would come! You knew the council didn’t have the

power to stop them! You abandoned them! I took

responsibility for your actions because I knew if they

found out it was you, they would have given you a

punishment much worse than exile. I hid the book,

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concealed your crimes and how did you repay me? By

vanishing, and leaving them to their fate. I am not so

foolish that I would make the same mistake twice by

trusting you.”

“I know what I did, and I’m sorry about what

happened, but you cannot ignore your duty to these

people and to everyone else in the realm. The Cursed

Ones have risen, and we need your help in order to

stop them.”

“Who are you to lecture me about duty? You

wouldn’t listen when I warned you about using the

book. You weren’t there when the council burned,

when all our friends died along with the rest of their

order. They lie dead now, and so does everything they

have worked for. You didn’t hear their screams, you

weren’t…” He stopped, composing himself and

blocking the images from his mind. “I won’t help you.”

He stated.

“But you have to!” Gray shifted his attention to

the young girl standing awkwardly off to one side, her

pale blond hair tumbling into her eyes as she stared at

him, her voice demanding and insistent.

“Little girl I don’t have to do anything.” He

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replied calmly ignoring her and turning back to face


“I’m finished with trying to mend your

mistakes Kail. I’m not going with you, and that’s the

end of it.” He turned away from the stunned face of

his former companion and rose to leave.

“So what, that’s it? You just get up and leave?

How can you do that! We need your help. People

make mistakes! You think I like being lied to and

being charged with correcting my family’s blunders?

Of course not, but that doesn’t mean that everyone

else deserves to suffer because of them, so just get over

it and help! I don’t pretend to know how you feel

about this, but I can’t do this on my own and I’m not

going to allow you to just sit here and let it happen!”

Gray glared savagely at the small blond waif of

a girl standing before him, her face flushed with anger

as she gave her speech. “What makes you think I can

help you? I don’t know how to stop these things any

more than you do.”

“But you know where to find them, don’t

you?” Kail said softly.

Gray sighed, “Perhaps I do, but the mire of the

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Black Marsh is not any place for little girls and their

misguided friends.”

“I have a name.” she replied through gritted

teeth. “It’s Kara, and I may be the only one who can

stop the ensuing destruction that the Cursed shall

bring, but I need your help.”

“I don’t care who you are, I’m not going to

help you.”

“Look, just help us find our way through the

marsh, at least for the sake of everyone else who will

be affected if we fail, then we won’t bother you ever

again.” She pleaded, her gaze beseeching.

“I’m sorry, I can’t.” He rose, turning to leave

and was quickly intercepted by Kara, her blue eyes

alight with anger.

“You were a good person once. The past and

whatever happened then is irrelevant. Don’t you care

at all what will happen to the world if they win? You

won’t change what went wrong simply by sitting here

and wallowing in your own self-pity. I hope you

remember this moment as everything around you is

dying, maybe by then you’ll have finally learned that

there are things that are worth protecting, things that

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are more important than your and your own self-

righteous broodings.” He stared at her in shock,

completely taken by surprise as she abruptly turned

and stormed out the door. He stared after her,

thinking on what she had said.

“How many more people will have to die Gray,

before you see what must be done?” Kail whispered,

rising and disappearing out the door. Gray stared

blankly out the window to the city outside, meeting the

eyes of a small child playing in the streets. He looked

down, thinking of the faces of his dead friends. How

many more?

* * * * *

Kara fled from the tavern, marching through

the sodden streets and thinking about everything she

had just said. She hadn’t realized until that point how

much those words applied to her own situation. She

remembered the stunned faces of Gray and her cousin

as she had delivered her speech. It had all been for

nothing though, the trip to Souran, her flight across the

plains. She leaned against the wall, staring up at the

sky. The rain ran in glistening streams down her face,

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drenching her completely until she sank to the ground

a sodden mess of clothes and hair. She buried her

head in her hands, feeling keenly the hopelessness of

her situation. It seemed there was no one she could

trust, whatever it was she had to do, she would have to

do it by herself. She remained motionless as a familiar

figure came and sunk to the ground beside her. They

both sat in silence, staring out into the rain in mute

depression until finally he spoke.

“That was quite a speech you gave back there.”

Kail said softly.

“It didn’t make a difference in the end though

did it?” she replied, refusing to look at him, and

continuing to stare moodily at the ground.

“I think maybe it did. Each person must make

their own choices in life, though I am not one to talk

about right and wrong. Gray’s choice not to help

changes nothing. We’ll just have to find our own way,

and whatever happens, even if you do still hate me, I

want you to know I’m proud of you.”

“I don’t hate you,” she sighed, “I’m just tired of

knowing that all my life I’ve been lied too, and now

that I know the truth I sometimes wish that I was back

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to being the ignorant fifteen year old I was before.”

“Maybe it’s better this way.” He stated, “I don’t

know about you, but I don’t really trust Syra’s word

about anything.”

Kara sighed leaning her head on her cousin’s

shoulder. “What did Gray mean when he said the

council burned?”

“You weren’t the first target of those who now

hunt us.” Kail said softly, staring off into space. “It was

about a year ago, not long after I had left. They came

in the night while the city lay in slumber. The council

thought they would be safe within their walls, but they

were wrong. I tried to warn them, but they wouldn’t

listen to me. I was an outcast, no longer trustworthy in

their eyes. My decision to leave had placed me in

disfavor with them and I was viewed as a criminal for

tampering with the records.” He hung his head in

shame, pausing to compose himself before continuing.

“They burned it to the ground. Most of them were still

asleep while it happened, some fought back, but they

were no match for the combined power of the Cursed.

There were no survivors.”

He continued on, his voice filled with regret.

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“Gray blames me for what happened to them that

night. I couldn’t have stopped them anymore than he

could, but he holds me accountable none the less.

Maybe he was right. They couldn’t have known what

they were up against. If only they had listened…”

Kara studied her cousin’s face, forgetting for a

moment her earlier anger as she stared at a man who

had lost everything because of his mistake. She leaned

against him staring out into the rain and thinking about

how in the end, nothing that Kail had done back then

changed how things now stood; there was still a chance

that the future could be saved and that was all that

mattered. “When do we leave?” she asked.

He turned to face her, his blue eyes serious

“We’ll stay here for a day or two while we replenish

our supplies, until then I want you to lay low. Don’t

attract any unwanted attention. I’m not exactly

welcome here. I’ve managed to make quite a few

enemies over the years and it wouldn’t do for them to

discover I was here.”

She smiled at him. “Don’t worry. I’ll try my

best not to get us killed.” She leaned back against the

wall, hoping desperately that Kail was right and Syra

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had been wrong about their fate.

* * * * *

They slept that night at an inn near the center

of the town. Kara collapsed on the bed, ringing out her

sodden cloths and drifting off quickly to sleep. The

following morning brought a stop to the rain which had

plagued the town and Kara’s mood was improved

considerably by the bright sunshine that came to

replace it. There was no sign of Gray. She had

searched earlier that day but had been unable to find

him. Kail had suggested several places where he might

be, but all of them had been vacant. It seemed she had

blown her only chance to persuade him to come. They

would simply have to complete this quest alone.

The day passed by uneventfully. Despite Kail’s

earlier warning about not being welcome in Souran, no

one seemed to care much who they were or why they

had come to the city.

Kara stared out at the grim expressions of the

people around her, all of them appearing weary and

resigned with a pinched hardness in their features that

gave her pause in approaching any of them. “Why are

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they like that?” she asked her cousin softly as one very

disgruntled man shoved her aside on his way to the

tavern, his expression cold.

“They don’t really have much reason to rejoice

anymore. They’ve been without king or any sort of

decent ruler for years now. The only sort of justice

now is the corrupted whims the strong hold over the

weak. Their only sense of purpose is found in the

bottom of their bottle as they try and drown the

demons that pursue them.”

Kara looked at him quizzically, her brow

knitted in confusion. “What do you mean? What

happened to their ruler?”

Kail shook his head. “He made a mistake,

decided on something the people disagreed with, and

so some of the more ambitious villains here took

advantage of the opportunity, spreading propaganda

about the king and persuading the people to rise up

against him. Most did not buy into it, but those that did

were ruthless enough that it made no difference. They

came upon him like ravenous wolves. Forgotten were

all the victories and glory to which he had led them,

and all the man had sacrificed to save them from

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destruction. But that seems to be the way of most

things, one spark able to start a bonfire.” Kail sighed,

his face grim. “They razed the palace, burning it to the

ground in a single act that forever ruined the city. They

ripped out the soul of this city by killing both the king

and his entire family before anyone rational could step

in and prevent it. Those that had planned to replace

him however, found themselves in the middle of a

chaos and panic which they could not control. For a

while, the council of mages was able to maintain the

order here, and at least deliver some measure of justice

to the distressed citizens, but now they’re gone as well,

and the only rule that remains is each person taking

care of themselves. Needless to say, it is a poor way to


Kara did not ask any more questions after that,

reflecting on what he had told her and continuing

about the day’s business with a heavy heart.

They split up around mid-day to shop for

supplies, assuming it would take less time if they both

did half. By the time they had completed their search

and finished gathering the necessary provisions, it was

already nightfall. They returned to the tavern where

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they had stayed the night, Kara’s earlier good mood

having long since vanished. She felt keenly her failure

to convince Gray of the urgency of their situation.

Despite what Kail had said, she believed that Syra had

been truthful in telling her to seek him out, and her

unsuccessful attempt to change the former mage’s

mind gnawed at her.

She ate her dinner in silence, feeling weary and

subdued as she thought about how little help she had

provided throughout this entire expedition. If it

weren’t for Kail, she would never have made it this far;

she would have died that night on the plains. She

shivered, recalling how helpless she had been while

under the gaze of the creature that had once been

Zeveran Cray. She had been paralyzed with fear,

unable to think of anything but those terrible eyes as

they sought her out and dissolved her courage in one

quick glance that turned her knees to jelly.

She stopped, thinking to herself how strange it

was that there had been no sign of the Cursed since

that night. Perhaps they had lost their trail in the

storm, but somehow she doubted it. The more she

thought about it, the more troubled she became. If

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they had discovered her so easily before, why was it

that they were unable to find now, unless of course

they already knew exactly where she was and it was

only a matter of time until they arrived. She shook her

head, dismissing the thought as nothing more than

paranoia. The creatures had no way of knowing that

she and her cousin would go to Souran. Her fear was

simply making her irrational. She stared moodily at

her plate, her appetite having disappeared completely.

She pushed the unfinished meal across the counter

and deftly paid for her food. Kail glanced over at her,

appearing concerned as he read her expression.

“It’s nothing.” She sighed. “Just a little tired,

that’s all.” He raised an eyebrow, obviously not buying

the excuse. He did not press her further however,

turning back to his dinner with his features

purposefully devoid of expression.

“Maybe you should get some rest,” was all he

said, turning away the words spoken over his shoulder

as she rose to leave. Kara started up the old staircase

that led to the upper floor of the inn, reflecting once

again on her conversation with the shade of Syra. She

didn’t need the assistance of her ancestor, or anyone

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else. She would do this without anyone’s help if she

needed to, and it did not matter what the sorceress had

foreseen; she had been wrong. At least that was what

she told herself, though the hope seemed a frail one.

* * * * *

Silence lay over the city, the sky an empty expanse

of featureless black that hung menacingly overhead. Thick

clouds spread over the heavens like a shroud and blotted

out all traces of moon and stars, leaving the city below in

darkness. Kara stared out her window. Sleep would not

come to her this night, her thoughts too filled with

speculations of what was yet to come. She found the silence

that lay over the streets below unnerving. She had never

thought that a city as large as Souran would ever lay so

deathly quiet, even at night. Kail sat beside her, a pale

shadow wrapped tightly in his black cloak.

“Something isn’t right.” He whispered, echoing her

thoughts. “It’s too quiet.”

“Maybe everyone’s just asleep.” Kara replied

uncertainly, trying to convince herself more than her cousin.

“Stay here,” he told her, “I’ll be back soon.” He left

without another word, stepping silently through the door

and disappearing into the night. Stay here she thought, yeah

right. She gathered up her things, pulling on her boots and

slipping out the door after him.

* * * * *

Kara stepped out into the empty streets, the chill night

air making her shiver. She stumbled forward blindly in the

deepening dark, unable to see anything more than the vague

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outline of buildings. She cupped her hands together,

focusing on the thought of light. She watched patiently as a

tongue of flame came to life within the cradle of her hands,

illuminating the darkness around her and driving off the

unnatural cold that seeped through her. She glanced around

uncertainly, staring at the small shape slumped in the corner

of the alley. She rushed forward and turned over the body,

her eyes widening in horror as she beheld the form of a

child, no more than nine years old, his entire body lined

with wicked looking gashes that coated every part of the

child in blood. She felt a wave of nausea roll through her as

she stared down at the corpse. She peered out into the

street, but there was no sign of anyone. They all still lay

asleep, unaware of what lurked in the darkness. She looked

about, searching for her cousin, but she had lost sight of


A low growl sounded off to her left. She spun around

frantically searching the shadows for what lay hidden there.

A huge shape lunged at her. She reacted out of instinct

hurling the flame she held cupped in one hand at the beast

and watching in amazement as it grew into a pillar of fire,

engulfing the monster and burning it to ash. She gaped at

the charred remains of what seemed to be a large wolf, its

body covered in coarse hair and its eyes gleaming blood red

in the darkness. A piercing howl carried through the air

from somewhere down the street. There were more of

them. She had to find Kail.

She took off at a sprint, charging down the empty

street in the direction she had seen him go. She didn’t see

the creature until it was already on top of her, slamming

into her with enough force to take down a horse. She

screamed as she felt teeth sink into her shoulder, almost

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blacking out as she fell to the ground in a tangled heap, the

putrid smell of the animal on top of her flooding her

senses. She heard a sudden yelp of pain from the beast as it

was pulled off of her, a sudden flash of silver stabbing

downward through its heart. She stared uncomprehendingly

at the figure that stood over her, sword in hand.

“Stupid girl,” he snapped. “What do you think you’re

doing? Running out into the streets in the middle of the

night while the city is infested with ravenous wolves! You

weren’t kidding when you said you needed my help. ” He

reached down, tearing off a strip off cloth and binding her


“I…I have to find Kail.” She gasped struggling to rise.

“Hold still,” he commanded, “You’ve already lost a

lot of blood.” She felt a hand grasp her own, pulling her to

her feet where she swayed unsteadily. Stormy gray eyes

stared accusingly at her from beneath the cowl of a long

robe, and she realized suddenly that she was staring at the

face of Gray Ravenwing.

“Come on,” he said, pulling her along through the

night. She stumbled after him, cradling her ruined shoulder.

Another wolf launched itself out of the shadows behind

them and Gray spun around, swinging his sword in a

whirling arc and turning the creature into nothing more than

a bloody mess lying motionless on the ground. With the

conclusion of the attack, the night seemed unnaturally

silent, with nothing to break the eerie stillness that hung

over everything around her. The people of Souran

remained deep in slumber, unaware of the chaos taking

place outside.

“Why don’t they wake up?” she questioned, glancing

around nervously as another howl split the night.

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“They can’t.” Gray answered. “They’re under a

sleeping spell. None of them will be aware of any of this

until they wake up tomorrow and find the carcasses in the


She peered through the darkness, searching for more

of the creatures. “If that’s true why aren’t we asleep?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” he replied in that condescending

way of his, “because of our magic.” Kara glared at him, but

he didn’t seem to notice. They ran through the streets,

heading toward the east end of town.

Kara began to feel light headed. The wound in her

shoulder was taking its toll. “How did you find me, and now

that I think of it, why did you save me? I thought you

weren’t going to help us.” She gasped as they darted

forward through the deserted streets.

“Despite what you may think, I am not completely

heartless. Besides, I couldn’t have just stood by and let you

die, now could I’? Not with you being, as you so eloquently

put it, ‘the only one who can stop the ensuing destruction

that the Cursed shall bring’.” He paused, his face becoming

grim. “I’m tired of standing by and watching people die.”

He said quietly. “You were right Kara. The past is gone.”

A bright flash of light appeared ahead of them,

followed by a series of agonized yelps, both originating from

the entrance of an alleyway not far ahead. Gray turned to

face her. “Stay here, I’m going to go help Kail. Try not to

get yourself killed while I’m gone, okay?” Kara flushed. She

felt an overpowering compulsion to say something that

would wipe that arrogant look off his face as but nothing

came to mind. He charged forward into the alley, leaving

her propped up against a wall, fighting against the wave of

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blackness that was beginning to tinge the corners of her


* * * * *

Kail leapt forward, his hand a glove of white fire as

he drove back the beasts that surrounded him. He had

encountered them shortly after he had left Kara. They had

come upon him rather suddenly, bursting out of the

shadows in a rush of teeth and claws, their eyes empty red

orbs that revealed them to be something demonic in origin.

He had known as soon as he saw them who had sent the

creatures. Their arrival here had not been a coincidence.

They had been summoned and dispatched here with the

specific purpose of seeking him and Kara out. The Cursed

had not given up their pursuit as easily as he had hoped;

they had simply sent these creatures to finish the job in their


He had cut down the first two beasts as they

charged forward from out of the darkness, the bone chilling

howls of anticipation having spoiled their ambush by giving

him the few seconds warning that he needed to summon up

his magic and brace for their attack. The first few had been

easily dispatched, but his magic had drawn the hoard.

There were dozens of the creatures, and even with his

magic to aid him it seemed highly unlikely that he could

prevail against such odds as for every one he struck down,

two more seemed to rise up and take its place. He had tried

initially to frighten them away so that he could make his way

back to where Kara waited at the inn, but the creatures did

not seem to have much concern for self-preservation. They

had cut off his intended escape and managed to corner him

in an alleyway where he had spent the last 10 minutes

pinned against the wall and trying to avoid being eaten.

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The wolves circled anxiously near the mouth of the

alley, waiting for an opportunity to stirke. The largest of the

creatures darted forward to snap at his right side, and he

swung his sword sideways in a broad hacking slash that bit

deep into the creature’s collarbone and instantly put an end

to its efforts to strike. One of the braver among the pack

took advantage of his distraction and lunged for his throat,

but the as wall of flame flared up in front of the beast just

and reduced the slavering demon into a scattering of ash.

Kail’s head jerked up in surprise as a wall of flame

ripped through the alleyway, scattering his assailants

throughout the passage. He stared in disbelief at the

cloaked form of Gray Ravenwing, his long silver sword

cutting down enemies by the dozen as he threw himself into

the melee. Knocking back the closest of his attackers, Kail

freed himself from the heat of the battle and raised his bow,

neatly dispatching the remainder of the beasts who had

foolishly turned their attention to this new intruder and left

themselves easy targets.

Kail turned to face his old friend, a faint smile

hovering around the corners of his mouth. “I thought you

weren’t going to help.” He said quietly, his voice filled with


Gray sheathed his sword, his face averted. “You

needed it.” was all he said in reply.

* * * * *

By the time Gray arrived back at the place where he

had left Kara, she was barely conscious. Her arm was

covered in blood that had soaked through the make-shift

bandage he had placed over the gash and the dark stain

spread out from the bite in her shoulder in copious

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amounts. “Damn it,” he swore, bending down to inspect the


“What on earth were you thinking?!” Kail yelled. “I

told you to stay inside!”

“It seemed like a good idea… at the time.” She gasped,

her vision blurring.

“We need to get her to a healer.” Gray said quietly.

“Help me lift her.” They walked through the deserted

streets of the city of Souran toward the edge of town, their

faces grim as they carried the semi-conscious Kara away

from the site of the battle. “There’s a healer who lives on

the outskirts of town by the name of Vira Desoles.” Gray

stated calmly. “If we can get her there by daybreak, she

should be fine.”

“Does this mean you’re going with us?” Kail said

quietly, a hopeful expression lighting his dark blue eyes.

“Don’t congratulate yourself. If this was about helping

you, I never would have done it.” He snapped. “This

doesn’t change anything, but sometimes you have to look

past yourself in order to achieve the greater good.” He

looked away, mounting his horse in silence. Kail followed,

the limp form of his cousin seated directly in front of him.

They set off at a quick trot, riding east towards the forest

and leaving the grim silence of the slumbering city behind.

* * * * *

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Chapter VII


A Deep fog clouded Kara’s vision as she drifted in

and out of consciousness. She recognized vaguely the voices

of her cousin and Gray Ravenwing as they rode through the

darkness, but she couldn’t make sense of the blurred

images that haunted her as she slept. She knew that

something was wrong, but she couldn’t remember what.

They rode on, the burning in her shoulder the only

reminder of what had transpired. Reality slipped further

and further away as the minutes passed, and Kara began to

feel a cold sense of isolation as she fell. She shivered as an

icy coldness spread throughout her body and the world

began to fade away.

She didn’t know how much time had passed since

they had left the city when she felt a cool hand on her

forehead. Slowly the pain began to fade, and the world once

again began to take on definition as her muddled thoughts

slowly began to clear. She opened her eyes, still feeling

weak. She heard the voice of a young woman conversing in

low tones with her cousin. She groaned, struggling to sit up,

but was prevented by a strong hand that quickly forced her

back down.

She blinked away the haze that was once again

beginning to tinge the corners of her vision and found

herself facing a young woman somewhere in her mid-

twenties with greenish hazel eyes and long dark hair pulled

back in a braid behind her shoulders. “Where…?” she

began to ask, but was cut off by the figure above.

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“Shh,” the woman admonished, her voice soft. “Rest

now. There will be plenty of time for conversation come

morning.” Kara leaned back, feeling a deep sense of peace

as her eyes slowly slipped shut. She drifted off to sleep,

sighing contently as, for the first time in weeks, her dreams

remained untroubled.

* * * * *

Kara sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, and

looked around the small room where she had spent the

night. She smiled as she caught sight of a familiar figure

slumped against the wall, his dirty blond hair a rumpled

mess atop his head. She glanced down at her shoulder,

expecting to see a long line of scars where the wolf had

bitten her, but to her surprise found no evidence that she

had ever been wounded. A woman entered through the

door to the left and Kara’s eyes narrowed with slowly

dawning recognition. It was the woman she had seen earlier

that night, right before she had passed out.

“Good morning!” The healer beamed, smiling as she

brought forth a tray stacked high with food. “I’m glad to see

you’re feeling better this morning. You were in pretty bad

shape when they brought you here last night.” She said, her

face serious.

“Who are you?” Kara asked, graciously accepting the

tray of food placed before her.

“Vira Desoles, at your service. Healer and Alchemist,

second class.” She introduced herself, holding out her hand

with her expression one of silent expectation.

“I’m Kara.” She replied, accepting Vira’s outstretched

hand and shaking it quickly before turning to her meal “It’s

nice to meet you.” She wolfed down her food, not realizing

until that moment how hungry she had been. “What

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happened last night, and where exactly am I?” She

questioned, her attention still riveted on her rapidly

disappearing meal.

“What happened, Kara, is that you had a very close

encounter with death. You had already lost a lot of blood

when you arrived here last night. Your cousin and his friend

over there,” she said, motioning toward the sleeping form of

Kail, “brought you in sometime late last night. They said

you had been injured, a severe understatement in my

opinion. If they had gotten here any later, you wouldn’t be

sitting here right now having this conversation.”

Kara peered past Vira towards the small window on

the other side of the room.

“What time is it?” she asked, seeing that it was still dark.

“About half an hour until dawn. You haven’t been

conscious for the past day.” She replied, scooping up the

empty tray and heading out the door. “I suggest you try to

go back to sleep, I doubt anyone will be up for at least two


She paused, looking at the sleeping form of Kail.

“He’s been sitting there ever since they brought you in.”

She stated, “Refused to leave even when I ordered him

too.” She shook her head, a slight frown appearing at the

corners of her mouth. “I found it incredibly irritating trying

to heal someone with him hovering over my shoulder all

night questioning my work, but it couldn’t really be helped I

suppose.” She turned to leave, closing the door and leaving

Kara on her own.

Kara leaned back against the silken sheets, relieved

by how things had turned out. She closed her eyes, sinking

back into the pillow and drifting off to sleep.

* * * * *

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Bright sunlight filtered down through the window,

driving away Kara’s dreams of better times and bringing her

back to reality. She stood up, fighting back a sudden wave

of dizziness and making her way across the room. The chair

at the side of the room lay empty and there was no sign of

either Vira or her cousin. She cracked open the door,

peering out into the empty hallway that lay beyond. She

strode forward, walking toward the distant sound of voices

coming from somewhere down the corridor. She stepped

through the entryway at the end of the hall and found

herself inside a small dining room where her cousin sat

talking with Gray Ravenwing. Both sat hunched low over

the table, conversing in low tones so as not to be heard by

the silent form of Vira who sat off in one corner adding up

the large sum of money she had received for her attentions.

Kail looked up as Kara entered the room, his expression

showing a large amount of relief at seeing her well again. He

motioned her over and she quickly crossed the small

distance that lay between them, feeling slightly concerned as

she noticed the dark bags that lay beneath her cousin’s eyes.

She sank slowly into her seat and turned to face the two

before her, noticing faintly that Gray’s demeanor had not

lightened any from the stormy darkness that had dominated

his expression since their first encounter at the inn.

“We have a long journey ahead of us if we want to

reach The Black Marsh.” Gray said quietly, glancing over

his shoulder to where Vira sat staring blankly into the fire

burning in the hearth. “However, with the season already

approaching winter it isn't going to be easy to get there in

time to do anything to stop the Cursed from beginning their

destruction. The fastest way would be to travel by sea from

the port city outside Zalem to the East continent, then ride

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through the mountains. However, we would first have to

travel north around the Dead Forest and that could take

weeks. The fastest we could get there would be about 5

months, and I'm not sure we have that kind of time.” he

paused, his face grim. “There is another way of course.” he

said softly. “If we cross through the ruins of Taylonose, we

could arrive in Zalem by the end of the week. From there it

would only take a month or two to reach The Black


“You can't be serious!” Kail exclaimed, his face a

mix of anger and shock. “How can you even suggest

something as dangerous as entering that crypt after what just

happened! No one, not one person who has gone there has


“Wait one moment.” Kara interrupted, cutting off

the rest of her cousin's tirade. “What is Taylonose and why

are you so reluctant to go there?”

Kail sighed, his expression troubled. “Taylonose is

a mausoleum. Its catacombs run underneath the Dead

Forest. It’s the only way we could go that would take us

directly through the wood rather than around it. However, it

is not just any grave site. It was built centuries ago by the

Darkened. A resting place for the souls of their dead. The

place is cursed. No one who has dared to go there has ever

returned. It is a place of great evil. Its very essence reeks of

dark magic. Even if we did go there, the place is guarded by

powerful wards. To even set foot inside the crypt is suicide.”

“Or so you think.” Gray replied, his expression

somewhat smug. He reached into his robes, pulling out

what, at first glance, seemed to be nothing more than a

silver ring, no larger than Kara's hand. She leaned forward,

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studying the intricate markings that ran along the inside of

the circle.

“What is it?” she asked, peering intently at the

strange ring grasped loosely in Gray's hand.

“A key.” Gray replied, slowly placing the ring back

inside his cloak. “It will take down the wards that guard the

entrance to Taylonose, as well as enable us to navigate the

catacombs that lie beneath.”

“Where did you get such a thing?' Kail questioned.

“To my knowledge, no one has ever recovered any of the

Darkened's artifacts. I did not even know that there was a

key to Taylonose.”

“You have not thoroughly read the archives of the

council.” Gray stated. “I would be surprised if you did know

of its existence. It was found by a group of investigating

mages over a century ago, buried in the ruins of an ancient

Darkened city.”

Kail raised an eyebrow, not quite believing that

such a thing had been kept a secret. “Why would the

council want to keep such a discovery a secret?” He asked,

his expression puzzled. “and how is it that you knew of it

and I did not?”

Gray laughed, his tone bitter. “I may have been

exiled, but you must keep in mind that I was once a trusted

member of the council. That is until you came along. The

council never discovered the true purpose of the key. They

feared that if it became common knowledge, others would

try to steal it in the hopes of using it as a weapon against


Kail sighed disapprovingly. “I don't like it. Even if

we do manage to gain entry, Taylonose is still a dangerous

place. How do we know this so called key even works? You

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said yourself that the council never figured out what it was

for, so how can you be sure that it was intended to do what

you propose?”

“We'll just have to go there and find out then won't

we?” Gray replied shortly. It was easy to tell by the way he

said it that he wasn't going to change his mind, no matter

how much Kail disliked the idea. “You were the one who

wanted me to help you. ‘Guide us to the Black Marsh’ you

say. Well that's what I'm trying to do, so don't question my

methods. We don't have the time to circumvent the entire

Dead Forest, and you know better than I that attempting to

cross through the wood would be even more dangerous

than the plan I propose. At this point we have no other

options. You're just going to have to trust me.”

Kara glanced nervously between the two men.

Gray's face was hard and it was apparent byt eh set of his

jaw that if Kail did not agree to the plan they might well lose

the only person who knew where the Cursed hid. Gray sat

in silence, staring challengingly at Kail who sat gazing off

into the distance, his eyes filled with doubt. They stayed like

that for a long time before Kail finally spoke, and Kara

could tell by his expression that he was still troubled by the

idea of taking such a risk. “Fine, we’ll go to Taylonose, but

only because we have no other choice.”

“Good.” Gray said. “Now there's only one


“What do you mean?” Kail questioned, his

expression guarded.

“This is only one half of the key. The other half lies

in the ruin of Vernose, only about half a mile from here.”

“You mean to say that you don't even have the

entire key? Entering Taylonose with an artifact to grant us

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passage is one thing, but trespassing into the ruins of a

Darkened city is another.”

“Kail,” Kara pleaded. “you said yourself that

Taylonose was our only option.”

“Yes but that was before...”

“Relax.” Gray reassured him. “Those cities were

abandoned long ago. The Darkened were extinct hundreds

of years ago. No one’s been down there in centuries.”

“Yes, but the magic that guards such places does

not diminish over time.” Kail replied.

“Then we'll be careful.” Kara retorted. “It’s not like

we haven't been in dangerous situations before.”

“Fine, but if anything happens, we're leaving,

whether we have the key or not.”

“It's settled then.” Gray said, a look of satisfaction

on his face. “We'll leave tonight.

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Chapter VIII

Faces in the Mist

Kara stared silently out into the twilight plains. They

would be leaving soon for the ruins of Vernose to find the

second half to Gray's key. Kail hadn't said a word since their

decision to leave, and Kara could tell by the way his

reclusive demeanor that he was still troubled by the idea of

trespassing on the territory of the Darkened. To be honest,

she was not herself entirely sure about Gray's plan, but she

didn’t see any other options. There only way to reach Black

Marsh in time to stop the Cursed lay through the ruins of

Taylonose. Any other path would take too long. It was

either go along with Gray’s plan or go home, and she had

come too far to turn back now.

She looked up as Kail emerged from the interior of

the house. He came and sat beside her. She glanced over at

him, his face pale.

“When are we leaving?” she questioned, more for

the sake of making conversation than out of any real


“Soon.” he replied quietly, the look in his eyes

expressing his feelings about what they were about to do far

more than words ever could. “Gray is inside packing up our

supplies. We should leave within the hour.”

“I don't get it.” Kara sighed “What is it that made

him suddenly want to help us? I thought he didn't care what

happened to anyone else. It doesn't make sense”

“There's a lot about Gray that doesn't make sense,”

Kail replied “but his decision to help us isn't one of those

things. Despite what may have happened to him, he is still

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dedicated to protecting the people of this realm.” he

paused, lost in thought. “Despite what he pretends, I don’t

think that Gray ever stopped caring about what happens to

the world. He has dedicated his entire life to the

preservation of the land and its people, and such unswerving

commitment is not something you easily forget.”

“I suppose not, though I don't see why you would

care.” Kara jumped, turning to face the cloaked form of

Gray Ravenwing, lounging indolently in the shadowy alcove

of the doorway behind them. “If you two are done

discussing me, we're just about ready to leave.”

Kara’s cheeks turned a bright crimson as she turned

away from Gray’s stern gaze. Kail however, did not seem in

the least ashamed at having been caught talking about the

mage behind his back, though a strange look lay over his

eyes as he rose to his feet, his voice impassive. “I'll ready the


* * * * *

Kara rode through the night, following the

shadowed figure of Gray who rode just a few yards

ahead of her, with her cousin trailing along behind.

She contemplated the dark shape of the mage

hunched over before her and found herself puzzled by

what she discovered. She still was not quite sure what

had finally prodded Gray to accompany them thus far

and he seemed to maintain a purposeful distance

between himself and the others of the company. He

remained aloof from both her and her cousin with a

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seemingly permanent graveness in his expression that

suggested the separation was intentional. He had saved

both of their lives back in Souran and seemed quite

willing to help them reach the lair of the Cursed, but

something about his manner still spoke of the doubts

he kept concealed from them and she was not quite

sure yet what to think of him.

Kara continued to examine him as they slowly

crossed the miles separating them from Vernose. He wasn’t

really as old as he seemed, no more than thirty or so, but

the hard edged bitterness and the burden of all he had

endured appeared to have aged him, making him seem as if

he had lived a long time though, in fact he was not really

that much older than her cousin.

Her eyes were drawn back to the path in front of her

as the place they had been searching for began to

materialize from out of the darkness. The Darkened ruin of

Vernose, a frail remnant of all the thousands of people who

had long since faded into memory. Dead silence

surrounded them as they drew steadily closer to the ruins.

Kara peered forward to where she could just make out the

pale silhouette of the city’s broken towers, their crumbled

fragments stretching crookedly toward the sky.

They slowed their horses to a trot, veering off to one

side as they readied themselves to enter the ruined city.

They dismounted, tethering their horses to the sparse

scattering of trees that surrounded Vernose. Kara ran her

hand nervously through her hair, the pale blond tresses

bleached white in the moonlight, her eyes dark and

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haunted. She felt unnaturally cold, as if all the warmth had

been leached from her body. She had begun to see why

Kail had been so reluctant to enter this godless place.

Kail strode toward her, his voice barely more than a

whisper as he spoke. “Here's the plan.” he began, glancing

over at Gray who stood leaning off to one side. “We go in,

get the key, then we leave. No side trips. No detours.

There's something… evil about this place. Even if the

Darkened no longer reside here, the taint of their magic


“I've felt it as well.” Gray said softly. “You weren't

wrong when you said magic doesn’t diminish with time. The

wards the Darkened put in place to guard this city will still

be active. We’ll need to be careful.”

Kail nodded, turning to face Kara with an unusually

grim expression overcasting his features. “Stay behind us,

and if anything happens, flee. The key is worthless if you

die. It doesn’t matter what happens to me and Gray, you

need to escape. Stopping the Cursed Ones is more

important than either of our lives.” Kail pulled his dark

green cloak tightly about him, his gaze intense. “Let's go.”

They set out, keeping within the shelter of the trees as

they approached the ruined city. The silence unnerved

Kara almost as much as the ruin itself. It lay over the city

like shroud, the normal sounds of nature that filled the

night without banished from this place where no life

resided. The rusted metal gates at the front of the ruin were

cracked with age, providing a gap just large enough for them

to slip through and into the city beyond. Tall stone towers

lay broken on the ground, the crumbling remnants of

buildings strewn listlessly on the soil. Most of the city still

remained intact, though all was soiled and worn to but a

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pale whisper of what once might have been beautiful.

Nothing lived in the barren place beyond the rusted gates.

Neither plant nor animal took residence amongst the

rubble, a fact that did not escape the company's notice and

only added to Kara's notion that they should not be here.

The place had been deserted for hundreds of years,

tarnished metal and worn images engraved upon the stone

all that remained of the city's past splendor.

Kail crept forward, followed closely by Gray and Kara

who trailed along at the rear of the procession, her eyes

wide as she stared ahead at the remnants of the Darkened

city. They moved past the crumbling buildings that lined the

streets and headed towards the center of town, Kail leading

the way with measured steps. Kara’s eyes tracked her

cousin’s movements as he continued to glance around

apprehensively, searching the shadows for the hidden

dangers he knew awaited them here.

They strode down the wide rutted path, stopping

abruptly as they came across a door set deep within the wall

of a building near the center of town. The edges of the

heavy stone archway were inscribed with runes that glowed

crimson, and Kara noted faintly that the structure behind it

was the only building in the entire city that remained

untouched by the ravages of time. Gray took the lead, his

face a mask of grim determination as he reached up to

touch the doorframe. The runes flared brightly as he laid

his hand upon the cool stone surface, sending out a wave of

heat as the entire entrance caught fire, turning the air into a

suffocating mix of smoke and ash. Gray closed his eyes, a

wave of light spreading outward from his upraised hand and

enveloping the door. The runes went out with an ugly hiss,

the heat disappearing as quickly as it had come.

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Gray turned toward them, his robes smoking, “That

wasn't so bad now was it?” he stated, placing his hand on

the door and stepping through into the corridor that lay


Kail followed closely behind, doubt and apprehension

clouding his features. “I expected the wardings to be

stronger.” he said quietly

“Maybe they were weakened by the destruction of the

city.” Kara said hopefully, not liking the implication of her

cousin's words.

“The Darkened possessed powerful magic. They

would not have left one of their artifacts so lightly guarded

with nothing but a single ward to prevent it from being


“Perhaps, since it's only half of the key, they wouldn't

have needed to guard it as carefully. After all, until recently

you didn't even know of its existence, much less where to

find it.”

“I hope you're right.” he replied, the troubled look in

his eyes telling her that she hadn't convinced him of

anything. She stared down at the ground. She supposed it

was foolish to expect him to believe her. How could he,

when she didn't believe it herself?

* * * * *

Gray strode forward through the musty corridors of

Vernose, his worn leather boots sending up puffs of dust

with each step. Kara and Kail trailed along behind him,

discussing in low tones what he knew to be true. It had all

been too easy. The other half of the key that the council

had studied had been hidden deep within the Darkened

city of Sandros, protected by a powerful spell. It made no

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sense that this half should be so easy to obtain when it had

taken the lives of three mages to retrieve the other.

The air turned suddenly cold and Gray stiffened as

an icy breeze blew across the back of his neck, sending

shivers down his spine. “Trespassers.” The words grated

through his mind, the words a low hiss.

“Did you feel that?” Kail asked, coming up behind

him. Kara stood farther back, her arms folded tightly across

her chest and her face pinched with worry.

Gray nodded, his eyes hard. They crept forward

through the passageway, the air lying flat and dead.

Whispers rose around him as he continued down the

corridor, fragments of conversation drifting through the air

and worming their way inside his head. He blocked them

out, hearing nothing but incoherent murmuring until a

familiar voice rose above the others.

“Gray?” He cast about searching the empty

corridor for the source of the voice, but found nothing.

“What is it?” Kail murmured, his expression


“You didn't hear that?” he asked warily.

“Hear what?” Kara questioned, clearly confused.

Gray frowned, his eyes stormy. “Be on guard. We

aren't as alone as we might have thought.” They continued

onward, the air growing colder with each step. They

rounded a corner and stood facing a large set of wide

double doors. The three of them ground to a halt and

Gray’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. The doors were thrown

wide open, giving a clear view of the chamber that lay

beyond. A small dais sat in the middle of the room with a

strange jewel fixed atop it that he knew to be the second half

of the key to Taylonose. There it was, the artifact that they

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had been searching for, lying motionless and unguarded in

plain sight of any who wandered past. He pushed aside his

growing unease and walked forward. He had gone no more

than a few steps when he came to an abrupt halt, an

expression of shock lighting his features as a familiar figure

came up to him, her green eyes sparkling with delight.

“Lya?” he gasped, staring in disbelief at the person

before him, oblivious to the doors swinging slowly shut

behind him.

* * * * *

Kail watched silently as Gray walked slowly towards

the dais that held the second half of the key. Something was

wrong. Gray had been right when he had said they weren't

alone here.

Gray froze, his eyes going wide as he stared at the

empty air in front of him. Kail started forward, not sure

what was happening, but knowing that whatever it was, it

couldn't be good.

A line of runes lining the door flared to life at Kail’s

approach, sending out a wave of energy and throwing him

against the far wall. The impact knocked the breath out of

him, filling his vision with spots as he fell to the floor. He

struggled to his feet, blinking away the haze that clouded the

corners of his vision. He stood with his head in his hands,

taking a moment to clear his thoughts before moving

forward. He felt a warm substance running down the back

of his head where he had hit the wall, and when he pulled

his hand away he wasn't surprised to see it stained red with

blood. He peered through the smoky corridor, searching

for any sign of what had happened to Kara.

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“Kail?” He spun around and caught sight of Kara

standing off to one side of the hall, her face pale and her

blue eyes wide.

“Kara?” he said in confusion, slowly approaching

the disheveled figure of his cousin. “Are you all right?”

“I'm fine.” She said quietly. Kail stared at her

wordlessly; he had a nagging feeling that something wasn't

quite right about her. “We have to help Gray.” she pleaded.

Kail nodded, dismissing his anxiety and turning his thoughts

back to the matter at hand. Right now, she wasn't the one he

needed to worry about. He turned to face the sealed door

that led to the chamber where Gray had gone. Behind him,

the changeling that guarded the ruins smiled, its eyes

gleaming red as it pulled forth a dagger, the jagged black

edges of the blade dripping with venom.

* * * * *

Kara cried out in dismay as the shock wave that had

emanated from the door pulled her feet out from under her

and hurled her backwards to land in a crumpled heap at the

end of the corridor. She struggled to her feet, a wave of

nausea washing over her as she did. She blinked away her

disorientation and looked around. An acrid smell

permeated the passageway and the air was filled with

smoke, making it impossible to see beyond five feet from

where she stood. She cast about for her cousin but he was

nowhere to be found. She started forward, heading back

toward the door at the end of the hall where she had last

seen the others. A strange shadow loomed up behind her,

its eyes boring into her back. She shivered as she sensed the

creature's feral gaze settle upon her, spinning around to

confront the shade. Where a moment before the corridor

had been empty, a figure now stood there, gazing at her

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disapprovingly and shaking her head. Kara blinked, unable

to believe her eyes as she looked into the familiar face of

her mother.

“Kara, Kara, what have you gotten yourself into

now?” The small woman sighed, a slight smile tugging at the

corners of her mouth.

“Of course you never were one to do what you

were told.” Kara jumped, hearing the voice of her father as

he approached from behind and came over to join her

mother, his face lined with worry.

“You're not real.” she gasped, backing slowly away

from the phantoms before her.

A cruel laugh echoed through the air, sending

shivers down Kara's spine. “Foolish girl. You are far too

naive to even begin to understand what you have done in

coming here.” Kara’s head whipped around, her mouth

dropping open as the dark form of the sorceress Syra Islren

appeared at her shoulder.

“Thief.” The creature that was her mother hissed,

its eyes pulsing red.

“You dare to enter our city? You dare to try to take

our key?!” They were closing in a circle around her, their

features twisted with hate.

“Now you will die along with the rest of your

miserable company.” The one with Syra's face snapped, its

hands closing around her throat.

* * * * *

Gray stood stone still, his mind reeling as he tried

to come to grips with what he saw before him. “This isn't

real,” he whispered, his voice hoarse. “It can't be.” Lya

stood before him, her delicate features soft and welcoming.

She was exactly as he remembered her, her green eyes

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bright, her light brown hair tumbling loosely around her


“What do you mean?” She asked, her face a mask

of innocence. Gray stared down at the ground in front of

him, reminding himself angrily that it wasn't really her.

“You're an illusion. A guardian put here by the

Darkened to protect the key, nothing more.”

“Oh, but that's where you're wrong.” She replied.

“We are much more than that.”

He bent his head in concentration, summoning

forth his magic. “I will get that key.”

She laughed, her face cold as she smiled. “We will

not allow you to do so. By coming here, you have sealed

your fate. You would have died soon anyway. You could

not defeat the Cursed Ones before; you stand no chance

against them this time either.”

“Stop talking.” he hissed, his eyes burning as he

stared into the achingly familiar feaures.

She shook her head. “You just can't make up your

mind, can you? After all those years spent begging for me to

come back, you want me to leave?”

“You can't fool me with your tricks!” He snapped.

She laughed, her eyes dead and empty as she

looked at him. “I already have.” He spun around leaping to

one side as a giant wall of energy slammed into him,

shattering the frail shield he had managed to construct out

of magic a few moments before, and ripping through his

defenses. He grit his teeth against the wave of pain that

flooded through his body, dispelling the dark magic from

his system with a quickly muttered spell. He rolled to his

feet, pulling his sword from its sheath, his hand a glove of

white fire. He cast about, searching the room for the

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creature that had attacked him. A slight buzzing filled the

air, and Gray dove to the side, narrowly avoiding the bolt of

electricity that crackled across the room, knowing that if he

had been any slower it would have killed him.

He struck out with his sword, sending a wave of fire

through the creature as it streaked past him. A sickening

screech rose from the creature's mouth as Gray's magic

ripped through it. He crouched in front of the thing, the

disguise it had worn now discarded, its true form revealed.

He starred in horror at the demon before him, its twisted

body composed of a hideous mix of smoke and flesh, its

hands and feet ending in sharp talons. “Thief” it hissed, its

voice echoing hollowly inside his head. “You will die!”

It leapt toward him, claws outstretched. He slid

under it, sword raking its underbelly and sending a spray of

blood out from the wound. The creature howled, attacking

him from the side and raking its claws across his back. He

screamed, feeling a searing pain spread outward from the

gashes that seemed to set his skin afire. A red haze tinged

the corners of his vision and he knew it wouldn't be much

longer before he lost consciousness. He grit his teeth and

rose to his feet. He turned to face the nightmare before

him, its face a constantly shifting mass that altered

completely from one moment to the next, its eyes blood

red. The creature rose up, its clawed hands burning with

black fire. Gray knew he could not ward off another attack.

If he waited for it to spring, he was finished. He dove at the

guardian, his sword edged in fire as he plunged it into the

creature’s head. The demon shuddered, collapsing into

smoke as the life bled out of it. As it fell, its face slowly

transformed back into the pale frightened face of Lya, her

green eyes rising to meet his own “That's twice now you've

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let me die.” she sighed, her features dissolving into smoke.

Gray stared down at the cold stone floor in front of him,

feeling as if he'd just had his heart ripped out. The

wounds on his back burned like fire as he rose to his feet,

gently lifting the key off the dais where it sat and thinking of

what it had cost him to get it. His head snapped up as he

remembered his conversation with the guardian just before

it had attacked him. You're an illusion. A guardian put here

by the Darkened to protect the key nothing more.

Oh, but that's where you're wrong. We are much

more than that. “We.” he breathed, berating himself for not

realizing it sooner. The Darkened hadn't just left one

guardian, they had created multiple. He glanced toward the

door that led out to the hallway where he had left the

others, snatching up his sword and running towards the


* * * * *

Kara gasped, struggling against the blackness that

was flooding the corners of her vision. She lashed out at the

creature that held her pinned against the wall, its hands

circling her throat. The creature laughed, its disguise

melting away. Its voice slithered inside her mind, sinister

and cold. “Stay still mortal. It will all be over soon.” Claws

sprouted from the ends of its hands, digging into her flesh

and sending a wave of pain through her body. Bright spots

danced before her eyes and she knew she had to do

something now or in a few seconds she would be dead. A

strange pressure began to build inside of her, filling her ears

with a roaring sound as it reached a crescendo. She acted

instinctively, lashing out at the creature with everything she

had. Bright blue light filled her vision and her magic came

out of her in a wave, completely engulfing all three of the

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creatures and ripping them apart. The things shrieked as

the energy tore into them, the shards of light acting as

daggers to rend their flesh. Kara fell to the ground

coughing, desperately struggling for air. She felt drained and

weary as if all the energy had been sapped from her body.

She rose to her knees, her head spinning and her stomach

tilting with nausea as she struggled to her feet. She stared in

horror at the pile of ashes in front of her as it slowly melted

into smoke, leaving no trace of anything that had happened.

She stumbled down the corridor, the wounds on

her throat still burning from where the creature had held

her. She had to find the others. She limped haltingly

forward, moving towards where she had last seen Gray and

her cousin and all the while trying to dispel the feeling that

she was already too late.

* * * * *

Kail threw his hands up protectively as the doors in

front of him burst open. The bloodied form of Gray

Ravenwing emerging from the shadows, his eyes haunted.

“Look out!” The mage shouted, rushing forward

with sword in hand. An ugly hiss sounded behind Kail’s

shoulder, and he spun around. The hastily formed shield

he had placed in front of him just barely intercepted the

jagged knife wielded by the demon behind him as it

plunged toward his unprotected back. The guardian

screeched in frustration, the image of Kara fading away,

replaced by a hideous creature with clawed hands and

blood red eyes. Its entire body seemed to be made of

mangled bits of flesh and smoke, fused together by dark

magic. Kail dodged to the side as the creature came at him

once more, slashing its side with the blade of his sword.

The creature let out a piercing shriek and Gray leapt

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forward, sending a wave of magic ripping through its body.

It screamed, twisting out of the line of attack and coming at

them from the side. Kail pulled out his bow, shooting the

demon straight between the eyes as it attacked. His arrow

blazed with light and the corridor filled with the acrid smell

of burning flesh. The guardian jerked backward with a

series of strange convusions, giving one final screech before

disappearing into smoke.

Kail let out his breath, considerably shaken by what

had just happened. “I'm guessing that was the guardian?”

“One of many.” Gray replied. “There was another

one protecting the key, and it’s possible that there are more

still out there.”

“We have to find Kara.” Kail stated. “I lost sight of

her when you entered the chamber.”

“Well we'll have to do it quickly.” Gray replied.

“There's something I didn't tell you about the key...”

“Gray, Kail, is that you?” Kail glanced over at Gray

as Kara emerged from out of the clouds of smog that filled

the corridor. Neither of them was sure about how to tell

whether or not she was really who she appeared to be.

“Stay where you are Kara.” Gray instructed, his

sword held ready.

“Why?” she asked, suspicion clouding her girlish

features. “Look, I really don't think it’s a good idea to stay

down here for much longer. Have you got the key?”

“Just wait one minute.” Kail said, turning to face

Gray. “Is there any way we can tell if it really is Kara?”

Gray shook his head. “I don't think so. However, if

it really was another guardian, I don’t think they’d try the

same thing twice. Besides, from what I’ve seen of their

behavior, they won't leave the city. They probably wouldn’t

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even follow us out of this building. They were created to

stay here and guard against intruders. They wouldn't

abandon their post.”

Kail nodded, turning to face his cousin. “Come on,

we're getting out of here. You take the lead; we'll be right

behind you.”

Kara shook her head. “After what I've just seen, I

don't think that would be a very good idea. At this point, I'm

not really sure if you are who you say.”

Gray rolled his eyes, moving in front of them.

“Come on, we don't have time for this. I for one have no

doubt that you are both exactly who you say. The creatures

aren't stupid enough to waste time standing around arguing

as to whether or not they're real.”

Kara flushed, her hands knotting into fists. “Well

excuse me for not wanting to...”

“Come on.” Kail said, taking her by the hand and

leading her down the corridor after the retreating form of

Gray. He smiled slightly as she stared moodily ahead,

silently fuming. This was definitely the real Kara.

They emerged from the building without any

further encounters with the creatures that dwelt within the

ruins. They walked silently back to the place where they

had left their horses, stopping to inspect their wounds

before embarking. A ring of dark bruises lined Kara's throat

where the creature had held her, the black and red streaks

standing out starkly against her pale skin.

Kail frowned, his face lined with concern. “How

did this happen?”

“After the explosion in the corridor, I ran into

something. It was strange. It looked exactly like my mother,

but I knew it couldn't be. She’s still back in Savory.” Kara

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sighed. “Part of me wanted to believe it really was her, but

another part knew that it couldn't be.”

Gray nodded, his eyes distant. “The same thing

happened to me.”

“Three guardians.” Kail stated. “The Darkened

must have valued this key very much to leave it so heavily


Kara coughed, looking slightly embarrassed as she

spoke. “Not three, five.”

“Five?” Gray exclaimed, his eyebrow raised.

“Three of them attacked me. Each of them masked as

a different person from my life.”

“Then how...?” Kail question, his expression puzzled.

“You mean to say,” Gray stated quietly, “that you

single handedly destroyed three of the Darkened's


She looked down. “I'm not exactly sure what

happened. One minute I was choking, and the next...”

“It was your magic, wasn't it?” Kail replied.

She nodded. Kail bowed his head, deep in thought.

He had known that Kara possessed powerful magic, but

until tonight there had been no evidence of its full

magnitude. If she couldn't learn how to control it, this could

become a serious problem for all of them. Even more

troubling was the fact that he had already taught her most of

what he knew. Inherited magic was far different from

elemental and other learned forms, and it was going to be

difficult to help her when he did not even know exactly

what she could do.

“Kara do you remember exactly...” Kail stopped

suddenly as Gray began to sway unsteadily, his face pale.

“Gray are you...”

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“Leave me alone.” he snapped. “I'll be fine.” Kail

moved forward, staring in shock at the deep gashes that

lined the man’s back, previously concealed beneath his


“This is serious.” Kail remarked, feeling a wave of

concern run through him as he stared at the black ooze that

ran along each of the cuts.

“The creatures that attacked us were poisonous.” Gray

gasped, his eyes going slightly out of focus.

“Why didn't you say something!” Kail exclaimed. “You

could've died and we wouldn't even have had the chance to

notice anything was wrong! How long were you planning to

wait before telling us?”

“We need to get out of here.” Gray sighed. “The key

acts as a beacon. I didn't know until I touched it in the

chamber, it’s what I was trying to tell you earlier. If we don't

leave soon, this area could be swarming with all manner of

creatures, not just the demons the Darkened left to guard

their treasure.”

Kara glanced over at her cousin, her eyes filled with

worry. “You're in no condition to travel.” Kail declared, his

blue eyes serious.

“Stop worrying about me.” Gray spat from between

clenched teeth. “There's a small village only a few miles

north of here. I'll be fine until then.” He stared at Kail, his

gray eyes filled with an iron determination. “I died already

that night the council burned; a little pain is nothing new to


Kail looked away, unable to meet his gaze. He knew all

too well the reason for Gray's anger and he knew also that

he was at fault for everything for which Gray blamed him.

They mounted their horses, setting off as the first few tinges

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of color began to light the sky, signaling the approach of

dawn. Kail stared at the pale orange streaks that crisscrossed

the faint gray of the sky, thinking of times long before, so

many good things that had been washed away by the blood

of all those dead because of him.

* * * * *

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Chapter IX

Memories and Nightmares

Gray struggled against the blackness that was

beginning to tinge the corners of his vision. The wounds on

his back burned like lines of fire, flaring up with each

movement of his horse. He knew that if they didn't reach

the village soon, the next time he closed his eyes he may

never wake up. He thought again of what had transpired

within the chamber at Vernose. “That's twice now you've let

me die.” The words had cut him deeper than any other

wound the creature could have inflicted. He thought once

more of that terrible night at the council, the building's

white spires stained black with ash as they burned slowly to

the ground. Lya stood in front of him, her eyes wide and

frightened as the walls slowly collapsed on top of her, and

he could do nothing but listen to her screams that grew

weaker and weaker as she burned to death.

He blinked back the tears that had begun to flood his

eyes. Kail was to blame. If it hadn't been for him, she never

would have gone back. He swayed unsteadily in his saddle,

his forehead beaded with sweat. A bright light appeared in

front of him and he stared uncomprehendingly at the small

village before him. He vaguely recognized Kail's voice as he

questioned the villagers about where they could find a

healer, but everything around him seemed to be falling

away. With each passing moment his awareness dimmed

and his initial certainty of whose voice it was that echoed in

his ear and what was happening slowly lessened. The world

faded slowly away, the fever burning away the last remnants

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of his strength. He slumped forward in his saddle, the

horse shout of a small blond girl who road beside him

resounding meaninglessly inside his head. He was distantly

aware of somone rushing forward to catch him as he slid

limply to the ground, surrendering to the wave of blackness

as it flooded over him.

* * * * *

Gray ran out into the crowded streets of Souran,

the roads clogged with thousands of people, fleeing from

the terrible fate that had fallen upon them. He dashed

forward, weaving through the crowd and heading towards

the citadel that lay on the far side of the city. He broke

through the masses and stared in horror at the building

ahead. The pathway leading up to the council was littered

with the bodies of those who had died defending it, the

columns of smoke rising up from amidst the tarnished

white spires shrouding the gory scene in a layer of smog and

acrid fumes. The council's gates were flung wide open,

hoards of demons flooding the courtyard and slaughtering

everyone who stood in their path. He looked up at the hills

overlooking the citadel where seated atop their chargers the

Cursed Ones watched, their eyes dead and empty as they

destroyed the only thing that stood between them and their


Gray sprinted forward, slicing through the mass of

creatures with wave upon wave of burning energy as he

searched frantically for Lya. People called out to him, their

cries turning to screams as they succumbed to the demons

that beset them. He glanced behind him, a brief bout of

indecision wrenching his heart as he turned his back on his

friends who lay dying in the courtyard. He had to find Lya.

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He ran through the smoke-filled corridors of the

council calling her name, his shouts growing more and

more frantic with each second that passed. She emerged

from an adjoining hallway, her hands glowing with magic as

she fought off the demons that pursued her. She caught

sight of him as he ran past the rows of bodies that lined the

passageway and her bright eyes became filled with worry.

“You shouldn’t have come here. You should have

stayed in the city. They’re everywhere…”

“Come on.” he yelled, ignoring her admonishments

and grabbing her by the hand.

“Wait!” she cried. “I have to find the book.” He

stared at her uncomprehendingly. “I swore I would keep

watch over it. It is contains all we know about this enemy.

They may be powerful enough to destroy the council, but

with it at least later we'll know how to stop them.”

“Leave it.” He snapped. “We don’t have time to

search for it…”

“It’s too important Gray. I cannot let it burn.”

He shook his head angrily, but she faced him

determinedly, her eyes filled with unwavering resolve. “If he

had not told me to watch it, maybe I would go, but I can’t. I

already deserted him once Gray when I told the council

about the Book of Night. I’m the reason he was banished,

the reason you were exiled. Don't ask me to do it again.

'Guard it with your life', those were his instructions. If he is

to make this right, he needs our help. I promised him Gray,

and this is not a promise I intend to break.” She spun

around, sprinting toward the entrance to the archives that

lay at the end of the hall.

“Lya wait!” he cried, running after her, but he was

unable to keep up with her as she darted through the

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wreckage with a speed and an agility that was beyond him.

An explosion shook the building, throwing him back against

the wall and clogging the hall with debris. Flames burned all

across the walls, filling the air with clouds of smoke and ash.

He struggled to his feet, catching sight of Lya, her face

twisted with pain. She lay motionless on the floor, pinned

under the pile of debris that had fallen from the roof. He

ran forward, searching frantically for a way to help but

unable to do anything to save her. She stared up at him, her

green eyes wide with a mix of pain and shock. The flames

slowly crept over the wreckage with a horrible inevitability,

spreading over the helpless woman as he stood by,

powerless to stop it.

“Go.” she gasped. He shook his head, pushing

against the debris until his hands were scraped raw. She

yelled at him to leave, her green eyes alight with fear. He

stood there helplessly, tears running down his face as he

watched her burn.

* * * * *

Gray cried out, unable to stop the violent shivers

that wracked him as he broke free of his memories with his

body covered in sweat. He looked around at the sparsely

furnished chamber that he found himself in. The room was

empty except for the small stone fireplace sitting across

from the bed where he lay. He rose to his feet, wincing

slightly as the scabs that lined his back cracked open once

more. He pulled on his robe, taking out the small gold

necklace that lay concealed within the pocket. He stared

down at it, doubting suddenly his purpose in coming here.

He sank back onto the bed, staring blankly into the fire and

seeing once more the face of the woman he had loved.

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* * * * *

Kara sat silently in her chair. Looking up as the

healer emerged from the room where Gray lay sleeping.

Kail hadn't said a word since their arrival here. The past few

hours had found him pacing nervously back and forth, his

face lined with apprehension as well as inexplicable guilt.

Outside the sun began its slow decent towards the horizon

as night fell over the village.

Gray had been in pretty bad condition when they

had brought him in early this morning. The poison from

the creatures that had attacked them was slowly leaching

away his life. He had been unconscious for almost 2 days,

running a high fever and muttering strange things in his

sleep. After a while, the poison had been purged from his

system by the town healer, though not without considerable

effort. Kail had spent the entire time staring blankly into

space, his face haggard and worn. She could tell he was

worried, but more than that, he seemed to blame himself

for Gray's injury. The frustrating thing was, she could not

for the life of her figure out why.

The healer came forward to greet the two who

waited anxiously outside the sickroom. He appeared to be a

man somewhere in his late thirties, his sandy hair just

beginning to develop streaks of gray. He walked toward

them, his weathered face crinkled with concern as he

approached. “He's awake if you want to see him, though at

the moment he doesn't seem to want company.”

Kail stared down at the ground. “Thank you for

your help.” he replied softly, slipping the man his pay as he

passed. “It was much appreciated.”

The man turned to leave, shooting them one final

glance before he left. “Those wounds were pretty bad,

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never seen anything like them. Must have been a

particularly nasty creature to deliver such a scar.”

“No, there aren't many things that make such

wounds.” Kail replied coolly, shrugging off the question.

The man frowned in discontentment and walked slowly

away, leaving them alone once more. They never had told

him how it was that Gray had been injured and Kara

couldn't blame him for his curiosity.

Kara glanced over at her cousin, thinking about

how much they had been through together. “It’s not your

fault you know.” she assured him. “I don't know why it is he

blames you for what happened back then, but it isn't your


Kail met her gaze, his deep blue eyes filled with

regret. “You can't know that.” he replied. “If I hadn't told

her to stay...”

Kara stared at him. “Told who?”

“It was a long time ago Kara.” he said quietly.

“What is it?” He stayed silent, his eyes downcast.

Kara rose, glancing toward the room at the end of the hall

where Gray had been sleeping.

Kail shook his head, instantly recognizing her

intent. “Don't ask him. It will only further his doubts.” Kara

stared at him, clueless as to his meaning. She hesitated a

moment before rising to her feet, her need to know

outweighing her other reservations. She slipped silently

through the doorway and glanced around the small wood-

paneled room, her eyes falling upon the still figure of Gray.

He did not look up as she entered, but remained

motionless on the bed, a small gold necklace clasped

loosely in his hand.

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She moved forward, taking in the exquisite detail

that marked the amulet. A green jewel was set in its center,

reflecting the light from the fire. “It's beautiful” she said


Gray stared into the fire, his eyes distant. “It

belonged to a friend of mine. Someone who was very dear

to me. She was the type of person who could make you

forget for a moment that there was anything wrong with the

world just by looking at you. The type of person who never

lost hope no matter what happened.” He sighed, his

expression blank. “Her name was Lya.” He ran the amulet

through his hand, lost in memories of times past. “She was

the sweetest person you'd ever meet, with eyes brighter than

emeralds, and a smile that could light up even the darkest of


“What happened to her?” Kara questioned,

surprised by the terrible pain that lit his eyes.

He tightened his hand around the necklace, its

sharp edges cutting into his palm. “She died the night the

council fell. She sacrificed herself because she thought she

was doing the right thing. She died to save a book.” He rose

to leave without another word, his face hard. Kara watched

him go, not understanding what he had meant, but knowing

that this was what Kail had been talking about when he said

Gray blamed him for what had happened. She thought

back to the night they had left Vernose. “I died that night

the council burned; a little pain is nothing new to me.” She

stared down at the floor. She was beginning to think there

was a lot more to Gray Ravenwing than she had thought.

* * * * *

Kail stared down at his hands, his blue eyes

somber. He hung his head, not looking up as Kara rose to

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leave, determined to get the answers she was looking for as

she set off toward Gray's room at the end of the hall. He

could tell she didn't understand the reason behind his

silence, but it was not his place to tell her things about

Gray's past. Not when things between them were already so

unsteady. She would find out soon enough anyway.

He pulled out the two halves of the key that had

been concealed within Gray's robes, gazing down at the

strange writing that lay inscribed upon it. He lifted the

second part of the object, carefully fitting the jewel they had

discovered within Vernose into the silver ring. The two

halves glowed with a pale greenish light, the runes flaring to

life. So this was the key to Taylonose.

“Quite something isn't it?” Gray remarked,

emerging from the shadows that lined the hall and standing

before him.

Kail carefully placed the key in his pocket, raising

his gaze to meet that of his former friend. He scanned the

other man’s face, taking in the hard lines that marred his

expression. Gray was fully dressed in travel gear, his pack

slung over one shoulder as he strode forward. Dark circles

lay under his eyes and Kail could tell that he still wasn't fully

recovered from the wounds he had suffered. “What I'm still

uncertain of, is if in the end it was really worth the cost.”

Kail remarked softly.

Gray laughed his voice hoarse. “Don't worry about

me Kail. I have no need for your pity.”

Kail shook his head, his expression pained. “I'm

not asking out of pity, I'm asking because it's important...”

“Nothing is really all that important any more Kail.”

Gray said quietly. “Especially not me. Not since you caused

her death.”

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Kail stared at him, seeing the real cause for Gray's

sickly pallor. It was not the physical damage that the

guardian had caused that now plagued him. “There's

nothing I could have done to save her. I made a mistake in

telling her to stay and protect the book, but that book was

the key to defeating the Cursed. It's how I learned about

Syra in the first place, not to mention the fact that it

contained the map that revealed the location of their

fortress within the marsh. Lya was the only one on the

council I could still trust, I didn't know...” he trailed off,

shaking his head and feeling rather childish as he poured

out excuse after excuse in an attempt to explain his actions.

Gray stared at him, his gray eyes steady as he

carefully examined the truth of Kail’s statement. “Maybe

so,” he said quietly, his expression grave. “but that doesn't

change what happened.” He turned and walked away, his

movements made stiff by his still injured back. Kail watched

him leave, wondering suddenly if he was right.

* * * * *

Kara pressed herself deeper into the shadows of

the doorway, feeling slightly ashamed as she watched Gray

exit the room, leaving Kail alone once more. She had been

eavesdropping on the conversation between the two men,

listening intently as they talked. She made her way down the

hallway, entering the small room where Kail sat staring

moodily at the wall. She glanced quickly at her cousin and

instantly decided that now was not the time to tell him she

had been listening. She walked outside, the last of the sun’s

rays fading slowly into darkness. Gray stood slumped

against the wall beside her, in no way acknowledging her

presence. She stared at him, wondering how it was that he

knew as much as he did about their quest. According to her

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ancestor, he was the only one that could lead them to the

lair of the Cursed Ones, but at the moment, she didn't see


She turned to face him, opening her mouth to


“You know it isn't proper to eavesdrop.” he said

calmly, not even turning to look at her, maintaining his

unblinking stare out at the empty horizon.

She stared at him. “How...”

He laughed, a slight smile creasing the corners of

his mouth though his eyes remained bitter and lost. “I'm a

mage remember. It really isn't all that difficult to sense when

someone's there.”

Kara stared down at her feet. “Maybe it wasn't right

to listen in, but it seems to me that you're holding a grudge

for something that you can't really change anyway.”

Gray continued to stare blankly ahead, his face

expressionless. “Some things are not so easily forgotten.

Kail's mistake cost me everything I had, and I will never

forgive him for that.”

“You shouldn't blame him. It wasn't his fault Lya


Gray closed his eyes, his face hardening. “You

don't know what you're talking about. It's none of your

business what goes on between me and your cousin.”

Kara stared at him incredulously “In case you

haven't noticed, he just saved your life. He's done a lot

more to help than you have!” she knew she should stop, but

she was too angry to care. “All you've done so far is almost

get us killed! At the moment, I doubt that you even really

know how to get to the Black Marsh at all, especially

considering what a horrible job you've done so far!”

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Gray's eyes narrowed, his face alight with anger.

“What you seem to have forgotten is that you were the one

who wanted my help in the first place. You're nothing but

an ignorant little girl who has somehow deceived herself

into thinking that she knows all about life in the real world.

You don't really think you can destroy the Cursed Ones do

you? You, a girl barely more than a child with no control

whatsoever over the magic that is your only defense.” He

turned to face her, his voice filled with barely suppressed

rage as he continued. “I know how to get to the marsh

because I have been there before. I spent months tracking

the Cursed to their lair, following them as they retreated

from the ruins of the council. I would go there and I would

kill them, that was my plan. They would suffer for what they

had done, or so I thought, but I was a fool. The Black

Marsh is an endless labyrinth of swampland, the likes of

which you have never seen, filled with creatures born out of

your worst nightmares. After weeks of searching through the

mire, I came across them, hidden deep within their lair at

Fey Mors, a fortress forged out of black magic, nested deep

within the marsh. I faced only two of them, yet I barely

escaped with my life. They possess power the likes which I

have never seen. Do not deceive yourself into thinking you

can defeat them, and do not be stupid enough to think that

I will risk everything on a fool’s errand.”

Kara stared at him, her face pale. “At least I can try

to stop them.”

Gray stared at her, his eyes stormy. “Then you are

a fool.” He turned, gathering up his things and turning

toward the stables. “Do what you will Kara, but you can do

it without my help. As you said, all I've done so far is get

people killed.” Kara stared after him in mute astonishment,

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thinking of the impossible task that lay before her. She tried

in vain to shift her thoughts to other things, but she could

not dismiss the doubt that lingered in the corners of her

mind. Gray's words echoed endlessly inside her head,

reminding her once more of how hopeless the situation

truly was.

* * * * *

Gray strode forward, silently fuming as he moved

toward the stables. He thought again of the way Kara's face

had fallen as he spoke, her voice shaking slightly as she had

replied. He regretted his words, but at the moment he was

too filled with anger and self-loathing to care. He reflected

on the events of the past few days, seeing in his mind the

creature that had guarded Vernose, its face transforming

into the one he knew so well, Lya's face. He remembered

his conversation with Kail, how he had shunned the other's

words without even stopping to consider the truth of the

matter. “What I'm still uncertain of, is whether in the end it

was really worth the cost.” He remembered Kail's face as he

had said that, his deep blue eyes holding his with that same

seriousness they always had. Don't worry about me Kail. I

have no need for your pity. His head buzzed, his stomach

churning. The poison had not been expunged. Though

purged from his body, it still plagued his thoughts, re-

illuminating those darkest of things which he had buried

forever, and casting everything into doubt. He thought again

of Kara, her face flushed with anger as she told him how

Kail had just saved his life. Gray shook his head, thinking

about how much Kail had done for him. He hated Kail for

what his mistakes, but even so, he could not forget how

close they had been before. He strode forward, carefully

masking the conflict raging on inside of him, both loving

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and hating Kail and unable to decide between the two


Coming here in the first place had been a mistake.

Kail was best left in the past along with the rest of his

memories. His thoughts turned to those that followed them.

He wasn't ready to face again so soon those who had so

easily defeated them before. He thought of Lya's pale face

as she lay dying and suddenly pictured the dead bodies of

Kara and Kail joining those who had already been

slaughtered by the Cursed Ones’ hand.

He dismissed the thought quickly; he had already

made up his mind. He saddled his horse, reaching back for

his pack and was intercepted by Kail, the younger man’s

face an iron mask of determination as he moved to

confront him.

“Get out of my way Kail.” he growled, his face


“So what, that's it? You just pack up and leave.

What's the point? After coming all this way you just decide

to quit?”

“You have your route, and you have the key to

access Taylonose. You don't need my help any further.”

“You can't run forever Gray. There comes a time in

everyone's life where they are faced with a decision. This is

yours. You cannot turn away from this. Whatever Kara

said, whatever either of us might have said to make you

think otherwise was a mistake. We can't do this without

you. You are as much a part of this as I am.” He paused,

his gaze steady. “I know you can't forgive me for Lya's

death, but this goes beyond whatever happens to any of us.”

Gray looked away, his hard expression a mask to

hide the guilt that lay beneath. “I have done enough. I

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cannot help you defeat the Cursed Ones, I never could.

You're on your own.” He turned away, throwing wide the

stable doors.

Kail shook his head, watching silently as Gray

mounted his stallion. “To forsake your friends at the time

when they need you most. Was not that the accusation you

once leveled against me?”

Gray stared forward at the empty horizon, hating

what he was about to do, but knowing all the same that he

couldn't stay. “Goodbye Kail.” he sighed, his tone wistful.

“You were right. You were always right.” He dug in his

heels, taking off at a gallop. He stared blankly ahead as he

drew steadily further and further away from both the village

and the people he had abandoned, his guilt weighing like a

chain around his neck.

* * * * *

Chapter X


Kara sat patiently waiting as Kail gathered his things.

They had spent the night at a small inn in the village

preparing for the long journey that lay ahead of them. Kara

sat in silence, thinking about her earlier conversation with

Gray. She still didn't understand why he had been so angry

with Kail, but it had been foolish of her to say what she had.

Her cousin turned to face her, his expression sad as he

took in her expression. “You can't blame yourself for what

happened, Kara.” He said quietly. “He would have left

anyway; his mind was already made up.” His blue eyes were

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distant as he continued, and she had a feeling that he was

still trying to make sense of it himself. “Gray's decisions

were his own. You cannot let it trouble you. He was never

really dedicated to helping us anyway.”

Kara stared at him, knowing that despite what his

words, he hadn't expected Gray to leave either. The mage’s

decision to so callously pack up and abandon their quest

had hurt him more than he would like to admit. Kara bit

her lip, wondering how they would finish this without him.

“What will we do now? How do we get through the Black

Marsh without Gray to guide us?”

Kail looked away, his face hard. “Nothing has changed.

We’ll continue on as planned. It's about a three day ride to

the edge of the Dead Forest and the entrance to Taylonose.

After then, it will only take a few weeks to reach the port in


Kara stared at him, seeing through his blank

expression to the feelings that lay beneath. “You still haven't

answered my question.” She stated.

Kail sighed, shaking his head. “I don't know Kara. I

don't know how to get through the marsh, and I don't know

why Gray decided to leave. To be perfectly honest, at the

moment I haven't the slightest idea of how to get anywhere

near the Cursed’s lair, but the best we can do right now is

continue on and hope for the best.” He turned away,

saddling his horse and packing the remainder of their


Kara swung herself up onto her horse, tying back her

long blond hair to keep it from falling into her eyes as she

rode. She glanced over at Kail, his face serious as he

worked. She remembered what things had been like years

ago when she was still a child, back before Kail had left

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when she hadn’t known the truth about Syra and the dark

legacy the sorceress had left her. She stared out into the

horizon. Kail glanced over at her, and she knew before he

spoke what he was about to ask. “I'm ready.” she said

quietly. They set out towards the Dead Forest, leaving the

horrors of Vernose behind them.

* * * * *

Gray sped across the flat terrain, unable to

understand why he felt such an urgent need to flee and

escape whatever dark thing pursued him. His head was a

mess as he slipped from his horse, sliding limply to the

ground and burying his head in his hands. He was

unsurprised when he reached back and found his cloak

stained with blood from where his wounds had reopened.

He shouldn't have left when he did. He was still not fully

recovered from his experience in the corridors of Vernose

and he was not yet fit for travel.

He thought suddenly of Kail, standing silently

watching as he had left. He closed his eyes, taking a

moment to stop the feelings of nausea that overcame him.

He rose to his feet and led his horse away from the

road into the thick brush that lined the pathway. He set up

camp in silence, not bothering to make a fire and eating his

dinner cold. He thought of those long months he had spent

tracking the Cursed Ones. The dreary weeks spent

wandering through the mire of the Black Marsh, only to fail

when it came time to face them. No, he would not be going

back there. Kail and Kara could confront the demons on

their own.

It had been just over a day since he had parted

ways with Kail and his naïve cousin. He was riding steadily

south, heading back towards the grasslands and the city of

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Souran. He had barely slept since his departure, his head

spinning with an inexplicable sense of trepidation. He

settled back against a tree, feeling drained of energy.

He chewed half-heartedly on a loaf of bread and

reached back over his shoulder to probe the still healing

scars that crossed his back. They still stung, pulsing with a

steady ache that set his teeth on edge. The damage to his

body however paled in comparison to that of his psyche,

dredged up memories and guilt still haunting him. He

pulled the coarse wool of the blanket tighter to ward off the

chill, the air itself having nothing to do with the cold he felt.

Spectral images of the past hung over him as he

slept, reaching back from that night long ago in Souran to

just recently in the horrifying experience in the ruins of

Vernose. He could see Lya's dead eyes staring up at him as

she faded into smoke. “That's twice now you've let me die.”

A strange scuffling sounded off in the distance and

Gray quickly awoke, his eyes snapping open. He pulled his

robes tightly about him and rose to his feet, heading back

toward the main road and the origin of the disturbance that

had woken him. He crept forward, moving silently through

the underbrush and peering out into the night. A faint light

appeared in the distance, moving slowly up the road. He

crouched down among the bushes, making no sound as he

watched the slow approach of what he could now see was

the bobbing flame of a single torch. The torchbearer was at

the head of a group of people on horseback, all of them

casting nervous glances left and right as they rode. They had

the appearance of soldiers, armored head to foot with each

man carrying an array of weapons, yet something was wrong

about them. Gray slid closer, reaching out with his mind

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and quickly discovered what it was. The men stank of dark

magic, their very being tainted by its effects.

The air grew cold as another figure emerged from

among the trees, cloaked all in black with sunken eyes that

smoldered with an unquenchable fire. Gray immediately

recognized the figure for what it was. He found himself

filled with a mix of rage and terror as he stared at the

creature that had once been Zeveran Cray, the demon that

had slaughtered his friends and nearly taken his life during

their last deadly battle. Gray remained immobile as the

figure continued its approach, not knowing whether to

attack or to flee, his blood boiling with hatred. The air grew

cold as the shade came to a halt before the group of

quivering soldiers. The men stood spellbound before it,

their eyes filled with a mix of terror and adoration.

“You know why you are here.” Gray shivered. The

voice that spoke was one devoid of feeling, its tone deep

and commanding.

“Master.” The leader, dismounting from his horse

and sinking down on one knee. “We await your command.

What is it that you need us to do?”

The creature's eyes fixed on him, its expression

cold as if regarding an insect. “Go forth to the forest north

of here, there you shall find a girl. Kill her, and I will grant

to you the power which you seek.”

One of the men in the back shook his head, his

expression confused as if awaking from a dream. “I will

not.” he whispered, his voice wavering slightly as the

creature turned to face him. He glanced over at this leader.

“You have gone too far Tein. This...this thing, is evil. This

is not the way to save Zalem. I will not...” He choked, his

words cutting off abruptly. The creature’s eyes fixed on the

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wide-eyed face of the man before it, its expression bleak.

Gray flinched, feeling the surge of darkness that emanated

from the specter before him. The soldier screamed, his

body convulsing violently as he stared in horror at the

creature in front of him. His neck snapped backward, his

body crumpling in on itself as he was flung through the air

to land in a bloody heap on the path behind them. The

corpse lay tangled in a misshapen sprawl with its head

turned upward so that its face was bared to the sky for all to

see, the soldier’s expression one of horror and pain as he

breathed his last.

Gray stared at the remains of the man, his face

unnaturally pale. The leader of the Cursed straightened, its

eyes smoldering as it turned to face those assembled. “I am

your master. If any of you ever dare to defy me again, you

will see this pathetic weakling’s death as a mercy. Be

thankful that I shall spare you this time of punishment.

Next time, I shall not be so forgiving.” The men retreated

from the demon with muttered pledges of loyalty, their

faces pale with fright as they rode away.

Gray stayed where he was, his hand clenched

around the pommel of his sword. He stared at the cloaked

figure still standing motionless in the center of the path,

holding his breath and waiting to see what would happen.

The creature turned away, fading back into the darkness

from whence it had come. He watched it leave, fighting past

the paralyzing sense of terror that assailed him and rising

slowly to his feet. He looked east towards where the men

had fled. They were going after Kara. There was no

mistaking the creature’s instructions. The question was, how

long would it take them to reach their target?

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Gray slung his pack over his shoulder, striding back

to the clearing where he had left his horse. He gathered his

supplies, all earlier doubts forgotten and mounted the

speckled brown stallion he had taken from the healer, Vira.

He could not let those men fulfill their instructions,

whatever the cost.

He hesitated, thinking briefly of his earlier

resolution to abandon this hopeless quest. He pictured

Kara's face, her hands clenched into fists as she in no

uncertain terms told him he shouldn't have come. Then he

thought of Kail, his light eyes despairing as he had watched

him leave. He knew what he had to do. Gray charged

forward, his horse flying through the moonless night, riding

steadily toward the Dead Forest.

* * * * *

Kara's eyes snapped open, her hands shaking as she

woke. She sat staring blindly into the darkness waiting for

her eyes to adjust. The nightmares were getting worse.

Every time she closed her eyes there they were, plaguing

her sleep and haunting her every waking hour with their

memory. She rose to her knees, her head in her hands as

she slowly regained her composure.

She glanced around the deserted wood where they

had set up camp. They had spent the entire day traveling

north toward the Dead Forest and the entrance to

Taylonose, stopping only a few hours before mid-night

when the light became too poor and the terrain too

treacherous for them to make it any farther.

Kail lay sleeping a few yard away from her, his face

strained and tight even while unconscious. The dying

embers of the fire sparked slightly, lending no warmth to

the cold autumn air. Kara sighed, pulling her blanket tightly

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around her for warmth and quickly dismissing the thought

of going back to sleep. In two days’ time they would reach

Taylonose, and the thought scared her more than she

would like to admit. The city of Vernose had been a waking

nightmare that had almost killed them all, how much worse

than would the resting place of the Darkened's spirits be by

comparison. Her reluctance had no impact on their course

of action however. Taylonose was their only chance of

reaching the Black Marsh before the winter storms set in.

Any other route would delay them too long and they would

be forced to wait an entire season before continuing on.

The north was a ferocious place during the winter, the

frequent storms making travel impossible with temperatures

plummeting well below freezing. If they couldn't reach the

marsh before then, it would be too late to prevent the

Cursed Ones from fulfilling their dark agenda.

Kara rose to her feet, unwilling to return to the

realm of nightmares that haunted her sleep. She walked

through the trees, feeling nervous and on edge. Minutes

turned to hours and she knew she should turn back, but for

some reason she felt compelled to continue on. A small

glimmer of light illuminated the landscape ahead and she

peered forward, making out the faint outline of a small

figure skipping forward through the trees, her hands held

out to her sides and her head thrown back as if she hadn’t a

care in the world. The stranger let out a quick giggle and

stepped forward to greet her, the girl’s eyes colored a

startling shade of violet. She was nothing more than a child,

her hair falling in a loose braid down her back interspersed

here and there with flowers, her mouth split open in a

smile. Kara stared at the strange little girl, unsure of what to

think. The figure seemed oddly luminescent, as if alight

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with some inner fire. Her small body was garbed in

elaborately woven silk, its edges embroided in silver.

The girl smiled at her, her voice high and musical

as she spoke. “What are you doing here?” Kara stared at

her apprehensively, unsure of how to reply. The girl shook

her head, crossing her arms as her smile was replaced with a

pout. “It's not very nice to ignore people. Why are you in

my woods in the first place? Who said you were allowed


Kara shook her head. “What are you doing out in

the middle of the woods at an hour like this?”

“I told you, they're my woods. You're the one who

shouldn't be here. Silly humans, waltzing around like you

own the world. Burning my trees, intruding into my home,

it simply won't do.”

Kara took a step back, realizing suddenly who this

strange little girl really was. As a child she had been told

stories of Nixes, but she had never actually believed them to

be true. Nixes were malevolent creatures that dwelled in the

deep forests. They appeared often in the guise of children

and were said to be extremely temperamental. They did not

take well to the presence of humans within their territory.

Kara glanced at the Nixie, its purple eyes bright.

“You see,” it purred. “I don't take nicely to people

invading my home. If you had stayed on the edges of the

forest, I might have overlooked your transgression, but

instead you saw fit to come all the way to my doorstep. I

can't ignore that kind of rudeness.” The Nixie's eyes grew

slitted like a cat's, its teeth needle sharp as it smiled once


“Wait.” Kara cried, the beginnings of an idea

starting to form inside her head. “Why are you doing this? I

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can just leave right now and I'll never come back, I

promise.” She backed slowly away, leaving an image of

herself in the place she had been standing a few seconds

before and sliding out of it unnoticed. It was a trick she had

learned from her cousin years ago. The image was an exact

replica and it was nearly impossible to tell the difference.

She circled around to the side of the Nixie, readying her


“I'm afraid that's not the way it works.” the creature

giggled, its teeth barred in a toothy grin as it continued to

stare at the false image before it. “Besides, you wouldn't

survive much longer even if I did decide to let you go.”

Kara hesitated, expecting a trick. “What do you

mean?” she called, throwing her voice so as not to give away

her position.

“None of you concern now.” The Nixie leapt

forward, lashing out at the illusion in front of it. Kara

watched tensely as the image disintegrated. She pulled tight

the invisible netting she had set, effectively trapping the

Nixie. It gave a startled exclamation, tearing at the magic

that ensnared it with vicious tenacity.

Kara moved toward it, her face strained with

concentration. “Now tell me, what did you mean when you

said I wouldn't have survived much longer?”

The creature hissed, its face twisted with anger.

“You will get no answers from me.”

Kara jerked tight the cords that bound it, making it

cry out in pain as the magic came in contact with it. “The

men...” the girl whined. “they hunt you. Sent to destroy.

Intruding on my forest… They will soon arrive at the place

your companion now rests.”

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Kara's face went white, her thoughts turning to Kail.

“Swear you will not follow me and I will let you live.” she

said quietly, the effort of holding the net beginning to wear

on her.

The Nixie glared at her, its eyes bright. “Stupid girl.

You're not half as smart as you think.”

“I was smart enough to catch you, and you're not

going anywhere until you swear you'll leave.”

It looked away. “Very well. I swear I shall not harm

you, but the next time you enter these woods, I will take

great delight in making you a snack for the wolves.”

Kara released her hold on the magic and watched

nervously as the Nixie vanished. She hesitated a moment

before collapsing the net and taking off through the forest,

running back toward the camp site.

* * * * *

Kail's eyes snapped open, his nerves thrumming

with the sense of impending danger. He sat bolt upright,

scanning the empty forest that surrounded him. He listened

intently to the faint sound of hooves sounding in the

distance. He turned to find Kara and became overwhelmed

with panic as he found the empty bed roll where she had

been sleeping only hours before. He rose swiftly to his feet,

strapping on his sword and pulling on his boots. He cast

about the campsite, taking note of the faint footprints that

marked her passage into the forest. His voice caught in his

throat as he realized where she had gone.

He swept up his pack and began following the faint

tracks through the brush. He was met only moments later

by the fleeing form of Kara, her face wild as she ran. He

caught her by the arm as she came careening into him,

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taking in her wide eyed expression and torn cloak. “What is

it?” he said quietly.

“Kail!” she exclaimed, blinking away her

momentary confusion. “We have to get out of here!”

“What do you...” he fell silent, stopping in mid-

sentence as a hollow twang split the air. Kail spun around,

reacting out of instinct as he spotted the person behind him.

He grabbed Kara's hand and pulled her out of the way of

the single arrow as it flew through the air to the place she

had been only moments before. The man swore, drawing

back another arrow and preparing to fire. Kail sent his

magic out in a wave, taking out the archer and his

companion who was preparing to charge them with a sword.

The pounding of hooves shook the trees as the rest of the

company approached.

There were a dozen or so, wielding various

weapons and covered head to foot in armor. Kail pushed

Kara back into the trees, unslinging his bow from across his

back. He shot the first one between the eyes, the arrow

sliding perfectly between the slats in his visor. The man

behind him howled, his helmet tossed aside as he turned

his horse to face Kail. The man glared at him, his grisly face

alight with a savage glee. He spurred his mount forward, an

ax clutched tightly in his hand. Kail fired once more before

diving out of the path of the horse, easily avoiding the blade

as it swung past him. His arrow sunk into the horseman’s

neck and he watched numbly as the warrior tumbled to the


He unsheathed his sword and turned to face the

remainder of his assailants. He didn't hear the warrior

creeping up behind him until it was too late. He dove out of

the way, moving too slow to avoid the steel edge of the

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sword as it bit into his flesh. He kicked out at his attacker,

fighting against the wave of pain that washed through him

and tinged the corners of his vision with red. The man

grunted angrily and fell to the ground, his armor weighing

him down. Kail rolled to his feet, barely blocking another

man’s sword as it came to finish him off. He slid under the

soldier's guard, going for a weak point in his armor and

finishing him off.

A cry sounded off in the woods and Kail cast about

in an effort to locate Kara. Panic overcame him as he saw

her standing a few feet away from another of the warriors,

knife in hand. He started toward her, raising his bow and

killing the man as his back was still turned. The soldier he

had knocked to the ground stumbled to his feet, his face

twisted with anger as he charged. Kail raised his sword to

ward off the man's attack, but the pain of his injury was

beginning to wear on him. The sword swung toward his

head, glancing off his blade and biting deep into his

unprotected shoulder. Bone crunched underneath the force

of the blow and Kail cried out in pain. He retaliated against

the assault with a series of rapid strikes, his vision beginning

to blur. His opponent laughed, his eyes alight with the fire

of madness as he swung the butt end of his sword and

struck Kail in the side of the head, sending him to his

knees. Kail reached for his sword, only to find it lying yards

away, it was pointless to try and reach it. The man raised his

blade, his mouth twisted in a sadistic grin. Kail blinked away

the blood dripping into his eyes, knowing that this was the


The soldier standing over him gasped in shock, the

blood draining from his face as his sword dropped from his

nerveless fingers to the ground below. He stared

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uncomprehendingly at the sword point protruding from his

stomach, giving one final moan before sliding lifelessly to

the ground. Bodies littered the floor of the clearing around

Kail, the last of the attackers vanishing into the forest. Kail

looked up at the tall figure mounted atop his brown

charger, his gray eyes solemn as he reached down and

pulled his sword from the corpse of the soldier he had

slain. A black wave of nausea ran through Kail's body, his

head swimming as he began to slide toward the forest floor.

Gray rushed forward to catch him as he fell, speaking quick

reassurances as he helped him regain his footing. Kail

blinked back the sudden dizziness that threatened to

overwhelm him, rising to his feet and following compliantly

as Gray led him away from the field of carnage that littered

the forest floor.

* * * * *

Gray made his way forward through the grisly

remains of the battle with Kail leaning heavily on his

shoulder, stepping calmly over the numerous corpses that

blocked the path forward and making his way to where

Kara stood gaping at them both.

“I thought you were leaving.” Kail said, a slight

smile hovering around the corner of his mouth. “What

happened to going back to Souran?”

Gray laughed harshly, his face grim. “You can't

seem to get anywhere without me.” Kail shook his head,

looking skeptically at the bedraggled form of Gray, the

mage’s shirt stained with blood from his wounds. “You’re

not one to speak.” he replied, his head spinning.

Kara ran toward them, her face pale as she looked

at her cousin. She shifted her attention to Gray, her blue

eyes fixing on his own. “What are you doing back here?”

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she snapped. “Why bother coming back if you’re just going

to get up and leave again?” She glared at him, her eyes filled

with hurt.

“I think ‘thank you’ would suffice.” He replied,

concealing from her the still lingering guilt he felt as he

turned his attention to the bloody form of Kail. His wounds

were fairly severe, especially the cut in his shoulder. They

pulled out their supplies and fashioned make-shift bandages

out of the spare clothing they had brought with them. Kail

winced as they bound up his arm, his face growing pale.

The blade had cut all the way to the bone, leaving an ugly

gash that would take time to heal. Kara stitched up the cut;

the end result was, to state it nicely, less than perfect, but it

was better than nothing. They bound it up as best they

could, both working diligently until it was done. Kara sat in

silence for a long time after, staring intently at Gray. He

could tell she was still trying to make up her mind about

him. He couldn't say he blamed her. He had not really

given her any good reason to trust him, especially not after

he had abandoned them before. He stared down at the

blood-stained leaves that littered the ground where he sat.

To be perfectly honest, he hadn't entirely forgiven himself.

“Why did you come back?” she asked quietly.

He shook his head, recalling last night’s encounter.

“While travelling to Souran, I overheard a group of men

led by the shade of Zeveran Cray. They were dispatched to

kill you, and I came after them. It's as simple as that.” She

turned to look at her cousin, who sat watching silently as

they spoke. Gray rose to his feet, walking back toward his

horse. “We should get going. It isn't safe to stay here any


“But what about Kail?” she answered anxiously.

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Kail gave her a half-hearted smile, rising to his feet.

“I'll be fine Kara.” he replied, but it was easy to tell by the

look on her face that she didn't believe him.

They set off, leaving the gruesome remains of the

soldiers lying where they had fallen. Gray stared straight

ahead of him as he rode through the trees, no longer

questioning his decision to return. There was no turning

back now; he had already made his decision. He would go

to the Black Marsh and he would find the Cursed, and the

moment that he did, he would kill them.

* * * * *

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Chapter XI


The day slipped quickly away as Kara and the others

of the company made their way through the fringe of

woodlands. The sun had already begun to set by the time

they broke free of the trees and set out onto the plains that

lay before the Dead Forest and the deadly catacombs of

Taylonose where they were headed. Kail looked

considerably worse for wear as he slid from his saddle,

barely keeping his feet as he strode away from the stallion

and laid down to rest. He had lost a lot of blood and Kara

and Gray’s crude attempts at medicine with the limited

supplies they had been given were hardly adequate.

Gray moved off on his own and wordlessly set up

watch, reasoning that Kail was in no condition to help and

not even giving Kara a chance to volunteer. Kara frowned at

him slightly as he stared out across the plains. Immutable

and grim, he still retained the same haunted aura that he

had when he left. She could not bring herself to forgive him

for what he had done. The fragile trust she had developed

after he had saved her life in Souran was completely

shattered by his abrupt and unexplained departure a few

days before. She knew logically that she was being irrational

and that she should be grateful he had come back to save

them from the men sent to kill them, but something within

her refused to let go of the resentment and hurt she felt at

having been abandoned by someone she had put her faith

in. After all the traumatizing encounters she had already

been forced through these past few weeks, she did not need

this sort of thing from one of her allies.

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She turned to find Kail’s eyes on her from the place

where he lay a few feet away He had not gone to sleep as

she had assumed and the look on his face gave her the

impression that it was not his intention to rest just yet. “You

should stop blaming him you know.” He said quietly,

seeming to read her thoughts.

Kara flushed, “What am I supposed to think? Why

should I rely on him when I don’t even know if he’ll be

there the next time we’re in danger? What if he just runs off

again and leaves us to fend for ourselves? I wouldn’t put it

beyond him at this point.” She said it all without any real

malice or passion, her tone weary and resigned rather than


“You don’t really know him all that well Kara.” Kail

replied. “The point is, he was there. He made a decision

today. It wasn’t on a whim that he came back to help us; it

was because he knew it was something he needed to do. I

don’t pretend to know any more than you about what

prodded him to leave, but that isn’t what matters. He didn’t

need to be involved in all this Kara. Unlike you and me,

this isn’t about him. He’s already sacrificed so much trying

to fix my mistake, I couldn’t expect him to do any more.

Yet even after everything that’s happened he’s decided to

stay, and that counts for more than you’re willing to admit.

Kara kept quiet after that, not quite knowing how to

reply to the statement, and Kail did not pursue the matter.

They both sat in silence for a time after that, staring off into

the distance and reflecting on what was past. It was a few

moments longer before Kara decided to speak, sitting down

beside her cousin with her legs curled up to her chest, her

chin resting lightly on her knees as she thought.

“Remember back in Savory,” she said softly. “When I was

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still just discovering the magic and I wanted you to show me

how to use it to manipulate the elements.”

He nodded, smiling faintly. “Your attention kept

wandering and I couldn’t get you to concentrate. You

ended up redirecting river water into the basement of the

house and flooding the entire bottom floor, and then we

both tried to clean it up before your parents got back.”

She smiled in return, remembering the incident in

perfect detail as if only a few months had passed rather than

years. “We thought we had taken care of everything and

then father opened the closet door and the part we had

missed poured down on top of him.” She bit her lip. “I was

grounded for months after that.” She laughed, “and then

there was the time I convinced you I couldn’t learn the trick

with moving things until I was shown, so to demonstrate you

ended up levitating things in the town tavern and people

became convinced it was haunted.”

Kail shook his head. “Now that was an interesting one.

Your parents were the only ones not fooled by the whole

notion of a specter in the village. They didn’t like me all

that much after that.”

“They didn’t dislike you that much.” She retorted, but

Kail just raised an eyebrow.

“Who do you think gave me the money to journey to

Souran once I decided to become a mage? They were all

too happy to see me gone. At the time they believed if I

wasn’t there you would stop using magic.”

Kara’s gaze dropped as she considered the matter. He

was probably right she conceded. Her parents never had

approved of her exploration of magic and Kail had been the

person they blamed for her use of the art. She continued to

think for a time about her childhood in Savory, wondering

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suddenly what her parents were doing. They were probably

asleep by now, preparing for another day of hard work as

they readied themselves for the coming winter. She drifted

off to sleep, memories of times long since passed drifting

through her mind in a comforting collage that, for a time at

least, could block away the horrors of the present in which

she was trapped.

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Chapter XII

The Catacombs

Kara pulled her cloak tightly about her, shivering

in the cool autumn air. They had been traveling since

daybreak, but Kail's injuries had slowed them down

considerably and it had taken them all day to reach the

border of the Dead Forest. The entrance to Taylonose lay

somewhere at the base of the cliffs where the forest met the

mountains. Supposedly the crypts began on the outskirts of

the woods a fair distance from any recognizable road that

might lead them forward. As a result they had been forced

to travel farther east before proceeding. It was late in the

evening when they reached their destination, the sun low in

the sky though not yet below the horizon. Kara glanced at

the dead stretch of trees that lay before them, not liking the

feel of this place.

Gray turned towards them, his face stern. “The

entrance is about a mile in. If we go now, we should reach it

before nightfall.” he turned to look at Kail. “Do you think

you can last the night? Once we go in, we cannot stop until

we've reached the end.”

Kail nodded his head, his face pale. “I'll be fine.

Don't worry about me.”

Kara couldn't help but question that assessment. By

the looks of it, he wasn't half as well as he claimed to be.

“Maybe we should wait till dawn before leaving. None of us

are in any condition to miss yet another night of sleep,

especially not you.” she added, glancing reprovingly at her


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Kail shook his head. “The Cursed Ones found us

once before, it wouldn't be too hard for them to track us

here. If we enter Taylonose, they won't be able to follow us.

As powerful as the Cursed are, none can cross here who do

not possess the key. It’s our best chance.”

Gray nodded. “Kail's right. The sooner we start the

sooner we'll finish. But be wary; even with the key to guide

us, the spirits of the Darkened still linger in this place. It

would be best not to do anything to rouse them.”

Gray led them forward, following the base of the

cliffs as they entered the wood. Silence surrounded them,

and it seemed as if nothing dwelt in this forsaken place.

Kara shivered; she was beginning to see why they called it

the Dead Forest. The sky disappeared as the canopy

overhead thickened, the entire forest locked in eternal

twilight. They walked beneath the skeletal limbs, leading

their horses by hand through the thick foliage. The leaves of

the plants were a sickly black, reeking of rot and decay. It

was all she could do to stop from fleeing this awful place.

Kara continued forward through the wood,

stopping suddenly to stare at a strange flower, its petals a

vibrant purple lined in crimson. It stood out strangely

against its bleak surroundings, the one splash of life in a

world of death. She reached out to touch it, unbearably

curious with the need to know more about this strange

plant. Gray grabbed her hand, stopping her before she

could touch it. “One drop of venom from that plant and

you will end up dead on the forest floor in under a minute.”

Kara jumped back, watching in horrid fascination as the

flower opened up, its interior lined with wicked fangs

coated in a sickly green substance. Gray raised an eyebrow

at her, his gray eyes faintly amused as he watched her

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reaction. “The only creatures living in this forest are those

that survive by leaching away the life of other beings. No

man could last even two days in this place because of it.

Keep that in mind next time you feel compelled to touch

something.” He walked away as quickly as he had come,

and Kara could imagine how satisfied he must be with

himself right now as he corrected her naivety, though there

was no hint of smugness in his expression . Kara glared after

him, murmuring angrily under her breath before moving

away from the deadly plant.

A few moments later, Gray called for a halt and the

three figures wearily dismounted. Their horses were

growing restless, walking forward with anxious steps. Gray

stared disapprovingly at the animals, seeing their unease and

making his decision. “We have to leave them. We wouldn't

be able to take them through the ruin anyway and we're not

getting anywhere when it takes a minute of coaxing to get

them to take one step.” Kara stared sadly at her broad-

chested stallion. It had belonged to her father and she was

reluctant to let it go. Still, Gray had been right in saying that

the horses would not enter the ruin. She unsaddled it,

removing the reins and watching silently as it bolted through

the woods back the way they had come.

They slung the packs over their shoulders, moving

forward through the wood with cautious steps. It was fully

dark by the time they reached the doorway. The high

arched entrance was carved entirely out of black marble, its

surface inscribed with strange symbols, runes identical to

the ones that had marked the gateway in Vernose. Kara

stared at the entrance, wisps of mist curling around its edges

in a way that made her skin crawl. In the center of the

doorway lay a faint indentation, overgrown with vines and

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concealed from sight. Gray walked toward the archway, the

key held before him. He brushed away the vines that lay

across the polished surface, fitting the key into the ring that

lay at its center. The runes flared up, lighting the landscape

with a pale white glow. The three waited in silence as the

panel slid back into the rock face with a hollow grinding

noise, revealing the path into Taylonose.

Kara took a sharp intake of breath; the very essence

of this place reeked of darkness. She moved slowly forward,

following the cloaked figure of Gray with Kail bringing up

the rear. The interior of the passage was lined with row

upon row of coffins, carved of stone and set neatly into the

walls that lined the corridor. Kara closed her eyes as she

heard the door grind shut behind them, sealing off their

escape and trapping them within the tomb.

Gray's face tightened as he watched the door slide

shut. “There's no going back now.” he sighed. A ball of light

flared up around his fingers and he started down the

passage. Whispers drifted through the air, soft murmurs of

discontent that echoed inside her head in a way that was all

too familiar, reminding her once again of the night they had

entered Vernose. She closed her eyes, doing her best to

ignore the sound.

Why do you come? Kara clenched her hands, her

nails digging into the palm of her hand. The voices

intensified, scraping through her mind like bits of broken

glass. Why do you disturb our rest? She bit back a scream

as a figure appeared before her, its form composed of

swirling bits of mist. It fixed its eyes on her, a dark blade

clasped loosely in its hand. Mortals hold no place here,

Kara, child of fate.

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Kail stood beside her, his arm placed reassuringly

on her shoulder. He winced as the figure fixed its eyes on

him, speaking inside his head as it had to her only moments

before. “It cannot harm us.” he assured her, glancing warily

at the shade. He led her forward, passing directly through

the phantom and watching slowly as it faded away.

She continued to move forward, raising her hands

to cover her ears in a futile attempt to block out the

murmured cries that seemed to surround her. They

continued down the passage, entering a wide antechamber,

its walls lined with statues of those who had died. Dozens of

doors filled the room each one inscribed with a single rune

that pulsed slowly in the presence of the key. Gray stood

before them, closely inspecting each door before reaching

down to examine the key.

Kara started towards the statue of a young man, his

face the same as the one of the ghost they had encountered

in the hall. She looked down at the inscription upon the

plaque, the runes changing before her eyes to spell out a

message. The Cursed Ones Hunt. She closed her eyes,

turning away from the letters on the stone. The voice

sounded again inside her head, its tone deep and


To kill the Cursed, restore the balance; that is your

charge. You should not have come into our domain. The

cost for this shall be great. The same fate awaits you as it did

your parents. See now the ruin of your people, gone now to

join ours in rest.

She opened her eyes, crying out as she saw the

charred remains of Savory, the bloody carcasses that lined

the streets all that remained of its citizens. A black cloaked

figure appeared in the center of the vision, its coal black

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eyes smoldering as it reached out to touch her. She

screamed once more, backing away from the nightmarish

figure. The stone walls of the room returned, the image

dissolving as quickly as it had come. Kail appeared before

her, his face lined with concern as he examined her

horrified expression. Gray turned toward her, his eyes

scanning the empty chamber. “What is it?” Kail said softly.

“The Darkened... the voices.” she gasped.

“Everyone's dead, all those people...” she was panicking

now, unable to stop the endless stream of words.

Kail’s voice was steady, his words soft and

reassuring as her blue eyes rose to meet his own. “It wasn't

real. It was just an illusion. No one’s dead.” Kara took a

deep breath, calming herself as best she could, but still

unable to dispel the panicked terror that had overcome her.

Gray shook his head. “They know we're here.

They're watching us.”

Kail met his gaze. “If that's true, why is it only


Gray frowned, his face stern. “Because she's the

easiest to reach. Eventually, we'll all be driven mad” He

stared down at the key. “We need to get out of here. Follow

me. Stay close by until we leave and don't believe anything

you see or hear.” They moved forward through a door on

the far side of the room, the key guiding them through the

maze of corridors that lay at every turn. Kara walked

determinedly forward, shutting out the thousands of voices

that slid sibilantly through her mind.

* * * * *

Gray led them steadily forward, the key held before

him, its runes guiding him through the labyrinth of

catacombs. Figures appeared before him, their cold hands

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brushing against him as they whispered of things that made

him shudder with dread. A woman materialized in the

center of his path, her eyes black as night. You trespass on

our grounds. She hissed, her voice overlapped with the

wails of thousands of dead souls. We were the most

powerful of any race, and still we met our doom. Soon you

shall join us in our eternal damnation, Gray Ravenwing.

The shade smiled as she spoke, his name a hoarse whisper

in the recesses of his mind. The man to whom all that

matters is the death of those that hunt you.

Gray walked straight through the phantom, ignoring

the mocking voice of the ghost and continuing down the

hall. Another appeared before him a few seconds later, its

hands reaching out to him as it whispered of the fate that

awaited him at the hands of the Cursed. He blocked his

ears to the wails, knowing that to listen to their taunts was to

give in to madness. He strode directly through the mass of

spirits, not liking the way their eyes followed him. Barely

concealed anticipation lay in their gaze, as if they were

waiting for something to happen. He jerked his eyes away

from the ring of ethereal onlookers and found himself

staring at an armored knight that had appeared in the

middle of the hall before him. He hesitated momentarily as

he examined the malevolent spirit, the silent presence of

Kara and Kail who lingered in the passage behind him

finally prodding him to continue on. He turned a corner,

steadily approaching the exit to the ruin. It wasn't until he

was nearly out of sight of the spirit that the attack began.

* * * * *

Kail screamed, dropping to his knees as a terrible

screeching entered his head, nearly causing him to black

out. Ahead of him Gray had collapsed, the key falling to the

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floor in front of him. Images of death and torture flashed

through Kail’s mind, the screaming voices of the Darkened

ripping through his consciousness with savage intent. Kara

dropped to her knees beside him, her hands clamped

tightly over her ears. Kail lurched to his feet and staggered

against the wall of the passage, looking forward at the

strange spirit that stood over them and knowing intuitively

that it was the cause of this attack. Gray's eyes rose to meet

his own as he glanced forward at the phantom that loomed

over them, its face hidden behind a worn suit of armor.

Gray nodded his head, knowing what Kail was about to do.

Kail summoned forth his magic, calling to mind an ancient

incantation that had lain deep within the vaults of his mind,

suppressed but never forgotten. An eerie black light spread

out from his hands, enveloping the spirit in a sheet of dark

fire. The specter shrieked, crying out as the magic ensnared

it. Kail stayed silent, watching through a haze of pain as it

dissolved into mist.

He slumped against the far wall, trying to subdue

the suffocating horror that was left from the spirit's assault.

He felt sick to his stomach, the dark magic he had cast

taking its toll upon him. Kara lay curled on the floor her

small form shaking as she recovered from the attack. Gray

rose slowly to his feet, his face an unnatural shade of white.

Kail limped over to Kara, helping her to her feet. She stared

at him, her eyes wide and frightened. “What happened?”

she said quietly.

He glanced over at Gray, both knowing the origins

of the spell he had used. “Don't worry, it won't happen

again.” he replied, his voice weary.

They continued onward through the deserted halls,

the voices that had plagued them having finally fallen silent.

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Kail thought again of the effect his spell had on the spirit. It

was the first time he had used such magic in the two years

since he had discarded The Book of Night, a tool that had

at first seemed so harmless, but later revealed its true deadly


Gray fell into step alongside him, his face serious.

“Are you alright?” he asked gruffly, seeing Kail's discomfort

and guessing its origins.

Kail shook his head. “I shouldn't have used it. Not

again, not now, not after...” he trailed off, staring blankly at

the hall in front of him.

Gray stared down at his feet, lost in thought. Kail

looked away, remembering the passage in the Book of

Night. The Hand of Reaping it had been titled, a spell used

by the Volrye to bind and destroy souls. Even before

forswearing the use of dark magic, he had been appalled by

this particular spell, for it targeted the very essence of a

being, sending its soul to oblivion and giving the wielder the

power to summon it forth and turn it on his enemies. It was

a spell of demonic origin, one that should never be used. It

was magic like this that had made the Volrye such an

unstoppable horror. Magic that granted the user possession

over your very soul. Spells such as this one were dangerous.

They corrupted the user and carried with them the constant

risk of possession by the spirit they controlled. Kail had not

destroyed the specter completely; he had simply

imprisoned it in a form of stasis. Though he had been sure

it would remain consigned to the halls of Taylonose, never

to be used for his own personal agenda, it was still a danger.

Gray examined his face, seeing his dilemma. When

he spoke again there was a strange hint of gentleness that

Kail had not heard in a long time. “What happened in the

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past has no effect on what happened here. Dark magic in

itself is evil, there is no question about that, but you did not

use it out of lust for power or hate. You used it in self-

defense, and we wouldn't be alive now if you hadn't.” Kail

stared at him in surprise. Gray walked away without saying

anything further, taking the lead once more with the key

held tightly in his hand. Kail followed slowly after, thinking

suddenly that maybe things between them were not as

different as he had thought.

* * * * *

Kara trailed along behind the two men, still shaken

by the recent attack. She remembered the pain, ripping

through her mind in a sudden burst of sound and leaving

her defenseless. The strange thing was, she still didn't know

what had transpired. What happened to stop the onslaught,

and why was Kail so sure no similar attacks would occur?

Whatever it was, she had a feeling it had to do with Kail.

She remembered the wave of blackness that had come from

his outstretched hand, the sudden cry of pain that had burst

from the spirit as it was enveloped by the light. Whatever

Kail had done, it had saved them, though it had clearly

taken a lot out of him as well. He trudged slowly ahead of

her, his face an unnatural pallor and his head bowed in

thought. The only positive thing about the encounter was

that the endless barrage of voices had finally ceased. She

glanced around at the cold stone walls of the crypt. The

sooner they were out of here the better.

After hours spent wandering the bleak depths of

Taylonose, Kara nearly wept with relief as she caught sight

of the marble door leading back outside. She rushed

forward only to come up short as a final spirit appeared

before her, his young face stern. Be warned Kara, child of

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promise, that many dangers await you. Trust no one, for

your faith shall be the cause of your fall. Kara stared white

faced at the strange apparition, her eyes never leaving his

face as it slowly dissolved into mist.

Kail glanced questioningly at her, his face tired.

“What did it say?” He asked.

She shook her head, still staring at the space where

the phantom had stood. “It was a warning.” she replied, still

trying to figure out whether or not there was any truth to the

spirit's words.

Kail frowned. “Why would it do that?” he said

softly, the question addressed more to himself than to her.

Ahead of them the door slid slowly open, the sky a

pale gray through the tangle of growth that shrouded the

resting place of the Darkened. Gray looked back over his

shoulder, clearly reluctant to stay any longer in the deadly

labyrinth that was Taylonose. “Unless you two prefer to stay

down here forever, I suggest you hurry up and leave before

the door closes.” he stated, turning and walking away. Kara

exchanged a quick look with her cousin before running

after him into the open air of the world above

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Chapter XIII


Kara sighed with relief as they emerged from the

gloomy murk of the Dead Forest into the rocky plains that

lay on the outskirts of Zalem. The sky was free of clouds,

the sunrise a vibrant splash of color against the gray slated

terrain. It had taken them little over an hour to escape the

dreary confines of the forest, which had looked

considerably less depressing after the bleak and horrifying

catacombs of the Darkened mausoleum. According to

Gray, it was about a full day's travel to the city on foot and

they had all agreed to forestall sleep until they had arrived

safely inside the city walls.

Kail had taken the lead, despite the wounds he had

suffered, he was the one least effected by the terrors of

Taylonose. Gray had gone into a sudden state of brooding

silence upon emerging from the ruin, though by the looks

of it, it had more to do with their proximity to Zalem than

with anything else. Either way, it was clear he was not a good

choice to lead. Kara was still deeply troubled by the vision

the spirits had shown her, Savory burning to the ground,

not a single survivor. She shuddered at the memory,

thinking once again of the final shade who had confronted

her at the exit. Truth among lies. It was impossible to know

what had been truth and what hadn't, and despite her best

efforts, she could not ignore the possibility that every horror

she had seen down there had already come to pass.

Kail dropped back to ride beside her, Gray trailing, his

mood still black. Kara addressed her cousin, her face

serious. “Why is he like this all of a sudden?” she

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questioned, disturbed by Gray's mood, which though not as

bleak as it had been after they had left Vernose, had about

it a sort of pensive anxiety that she had not seen in him


Kail shook his head. “I can't be sure. This isn't his first

trip to Zalem.” he paused, his head bowed in thought. “If I

had to guess, I would probably say it has something to do

with the prohibition, and knowing Gray, his worries

probably come from already having broken it.”

Kara stared at him in confusion. “What prohibition?”

He turned to look at her. “Any use of magic is

forbidden within the territory of his majesty Rayos IV, king

of Zalem. The employment of the arcane arts is an offense

punishable by life imprisonment and in some severe cases,


Kara stared at him in surprise. “What?” she

exclaimed, “but why? Not all magic is evil.”

Kail shook his head. “After the war between the

Darkened and the Volrye, the empire of Zalem fell into

chaos, it was all the king could do to keep it from falling

apart. Since then magic, even the mildest kind, has been


Kara exhaled. “If you ask me, his reaction seems a

little extreme.”

Kail laughed. “If you had ever met the king of Zalem,

you would not think so.”

The sun moved slowly across the sky as the day

progressed. Kara walked forward, her earlier exuberance

long gone. She sighed, regretting deeply the loss of her

horse as she trudged onward across the flats. As time

marched on she began to seriously doubt the wisdom of

their previous decision to reach Zalem before resting. She

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was already days behind on sleep and it wasn't easy to miss

yet another period of much needed rest, not to mention

that it was hard to think clearly when fighting to keep your

eyes open every step.

Something stirred in the distance, sending up clouds of

dust. It seemed to be a patrol of some sort. Kail called for a

halt, carefully examining the approaching company and

contemplating a course of action. Gray stared stonily at the

approaching group. “Imperial soldiers.” he sighed.

“Whatever they want, it can't be good.”

“I'm not entirely sure it’s us they want.” Kail replied.

Kara glanced forward, spotting suddenly a lithe figure

astride a large stallion. At first she had believed the stranger

to be one of the Imperial patrol, but upon closer inspection

she came to see that the stranger was too far ahead to be a

member of the company. The armor was also different, and

by the look of things, whoever the person was the soldiers

were intent on catching them. The figure being chased was

only seconds away from the three of them when the arrow

hit. It pierced the armor just over the joint between arm and

shoulder, sliding between the plating and knocking the

stranger from their horse. Kara stepped off the road,

removing herself from the path of the charging horse as it

thundered past. Gray moved forward to inspect the injured

rogue who lay only a few yards away from them, leaning

over to inspect the injury. The helmet had come loose as

the figure fell, revealing the face of a young woman of

around twenty years, her hair colored a fiery red and tied

back in a long braid.

The Imperial company reached them a few seconds

later, reigning in their horses and regarding them with

disdainful expressions. “This is an Imperial matter. Leave

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immediately or face the consequences.” Gray glared at

them, opening his mouth to speak. Kail’s hand closed

around his companion’s arm, cautioning him against doing

anything rash. The soldier who had first spoken moved

over to the woman, leaning over her as he examined her

wounds. The kick came out lightning fast, the steel toe of

her boot striking the man square in the jaw and sending him

sprawling to the ground. By the time the others of the

company reacted, the woman was already up and moving, a

spiked whip cradled loosely in her hand. The first soldier to

approach her was struck under the helmet, the curved

spikes hooking under the edge of his visor as she jerked her

arm roughly backward, twisting his head sideways with a

horrible crunch in an intricate maneuver that broke his

neck. She twisted around to evade the next attacker, long

knife flashing briefly in the sunlight as it stabbed through

the joints in the closest soldier’s armor, her bade sliding

right into the side of his stomach. Kara stumbled as Gray

pushed her roughly out of the way. She watched with a mix

of fear and fascination as the woman fought off the soldiers,

each falling one by one to the ground.

Gray sighed, pulling free his sword. “Enough of this.”

He came up behind the woman, deflecting her strike and

moving in on her. The woman’s eyes shifted to meet his,

her eyes widening in a faint expression of surprise. She had

no time to react as Gray raised the hilt of his sword and

slammed it into the side of her head, knocking her

unconscious in one quick stroke.

The guard captain rose slowly to his feet, a deep

purple bruise lining the base of his jaw. Kara watched

silently as the soldier approached. She could not help but

dislike the guarded look that had entered his eyes as he had

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watched Gray fight. He studied him carefully, taking in

every detail before speaking. “Your assistance was much

appreciated in this matter.” he said coldly, his icy blue eyes

never leaving Gray's face. “You have my thanks mister...”

“Sirden.” he replied. “Gray Sirden.” Kara stared at

him, wondering why he would lie about his name. She

opened her mouth to speak and shut it just as quickly after

one quick look from Kail.

“Ah, I see. Anyway, this criminal shall be immediately

transported to the Imperial prison in Zalem, where she will

be tried and executed for her crimes.” He examined the

small group, taking in their limited supplies and exhausted

appearance. “You’re welcome to come with us. We

certainly wouldn't mind the extra company, would we

men?” The group replied in unison, all agreeing that it was

no trouble. Kara glared suspiciously at the captain. She did

not like the sudden change he had undergone. One

moment he had regarded them as nothing more than

insects, and now here he was telling them he would be

happy to escort them into the city. Gray remained silent,

examining the officer. The soldier met his gaze, speaking in

clipped tones. “Unfortunately, we do have a schedule to

maintain, so please decide quickly.”

Kail met Gray's gaze, both agreeing that it would be

unwise to accept. “Thank you for the offer, but I'm afraid

we must decline.” Kail stated placidly, his plain features

showing nothing of his thoughts.

“How unfortunate.” the captain stated. Kara continued

to keep her eye on him. There was something sinister

lurking in his tone that made her wary. “Thank you anyway

mister... what did you say your name was again?”

“Sirden.” Gray stated calmly.

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“Really?” the man exclaimed. “because the last time I

saw you, I seem to recall it being Ravenwing.” The guards

moved forward, taking hold of Gray by the shoulders and

pinning his hands behind his back. “His majesty will be

pleased to hear of your arrival, especially since the last time

you were here you were placed under arrest for the

forbidden practice of sorcery!” He turned his gaze on Kara,

his face hard. “Resist and you will both be placed under

restraint same as your friend. His majesty has no interest in

you two. However, until this matter is cleared up you

cannot be allowed to leave.” Kara walked forward

compliantly, already feeling the prison cell door closing

behind her.

* * * * *

Kara sat in moody silence, obediently following the

soldiers as they led the small company toward Zalem. She

rode in the remnants of an old wagon the soldiers had

commandeered from a group of travelers unlucky enough

to cross their path. Kail and Gray rode in a similar cart

behind them with the escort of soldiers, Gray's hands

bound tightly together to ensure he didn’t try anything

“unnatural or tricky”, as the captain had put it, to secure his


Zalem was still a ways away, its high stone walls

intimidatingly tall, even from a distance. It was by far the

largest city Kara had ever seen, a hulking behemoth

standing braced against the mountainside. They drew slowly

nearer, the wagon jostling along the rough dirt road.

Beside her sat the woman responsible for their

current predicament, only just now recovering from the

blow Gray had dealt her. She glanced over at Kara, an

obvious look of distaste filling her expression. “You don't

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look like the type to be arrested by the Imperial guard.” she

stated bluntly. “Of course your friend over there... well I

can't say the same about him. Damn fiend. If he hadn't

come at me from behind, I might have actually gotten away.

Can't say I blame him though, not after the way things

turned out...” she glared at Kara, her dark green eyes filled

with hostility. Kara avoided her gaze, glad for the shackles

that held the woman chained to the floor of the wagon. “I'm

talking to you girl.” she stated rudely. Kara ignored her,

continuing to stare toward the city. The woman looked

away, tossing back her long braid and gazing steadily

forward. “Remain silent if you please, it doesn’t make much

of a difference anyway. Soon we'll be at the palace.” she

taunted, her eyes bleak. “You don't want to know what waits

for you in the dank dungeons of the king.”

Kara's eyes narrowed, her hands balling into fists.

“Your stories don't scare me. If I were you, I'd be more

worried about my impending execution than making lame

attempts to frighten people.” she snapped.

The woman laughed, her face breaking into a smile

and her eyes softening. “So the girl has a voice after all. I

can't argue with that last point, but I see no purpose in

spending all my time dwelling on that rather unpleasant

fate.” She sighed, the smile falling from her face. “The

dungeons though, are not a pleasant place. I've certainly

been there enough times to know that. I wasn't lying when I

said you don't want to know what waits for you down there,”

she glanced over at Kara, re-evaluating her earlier

assumption. “but by the looks of it, this wouldn't be your

first time in an unpleasant situation though, would it?” she

stated, looking pointedly at the faint bruises that ringed

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Kara's neck, still not completely healed from their

misguided trip into the Darkened ruin of Vernose.

Kara avoided her gaze. “It's none of your business.”

she said firmly. “I already know this won't be your first trip

to the prison, but I don’t intend on being locked up for no

crime other than being in the wrong place at the wrong

time.” she paused, considering the circumstances under

which they had found her. “Who are you anyway, and what

did you do that made you the target of an entire squadron

of soldiers?”

The woman remained silent, her deep green eyes

drilling into her like probes. “My name is Xerra Silver. I am

here because I see things in a way our narrow minded king

neither understands nor appreciates. I have done things I'm

not proud of, but they are nowhere near as vile as the

atrocities he has committed in the name of what he calls

justice.” She turned away, her face hard.

Kara continued her contemplation of the stranger

as the wagon continued its rough bouncing travel over the

plains, carefully evaluating the words of this strange woman.

She remembered the fire that had lit woman’s eyes as she

had cut down the soldiers that sought to imprison her. The

somber way her face had tightened as Kara had asked her

why she was here. There was a lot about the strange red-

head that she could not understand. Being a wanted

criminal, she was obviously not without guilt. Kara had seen

for herself the merciless way she had slaughtered those

soldiers. Yet at the same time there was something about

her that Kara instinctively liked, despite her earlier hostility,

she did not believe that Xerra was as bad a person as she

might have seemed.

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The city gates loomed above her. Opening wide as

their company approached. They abandoned the wagons,

moving forward on foot toward the palatial fortress that lay

at the center of the city. Gray drew up beside her, the

guard’s eyes watching them closely as they spoke. “The king

will not forgive my crimes, and if he should discover your

possession of magic, you will be imprisoned along with me.

Make no mention of it, and do not try to defend me, it will

only get you in more trouble.”

She stared at him in shock, struggling to keep her

voice low as she spoke. “We can't just leave you!” she

exclaimed. “We need you to come with us. Besides, it just

wouldn't be right. You don't just abandon...” she trailed off,

remembering his willingness to leave them. Why should it

be any different with him? She hesitated.

Gray nodded, reading accurately the expression on

her face. “You can't doubt your own reasoning Kara. I

know I haven't been the most reliable ally. Take my advice

and leave. Leave before it’s too late.” he walked away,

departing as abruptly as he had come. She considered his

words, unable to ignore the logic of his plea.

Xerra watched Gray leave, her brow creased with

thought. “I don't know about you, but it doesn't seem right

to abandon people to their fate, no matter what they've

done to warrant it.” She stared intently at Kara, her green

eyes piercing. “When you spend your life only looking out

for yourself, soon you have nothing left worth protecting.”

Kara stared at her, seeing in her eyes a brief

glimpse into the terrible past that had led her to this fate.

“Like you.” she whispered.

The woman looked away, her eyes filled with

sorrow. “Like me.” she replied.

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The people in the streets turned to look at them,

murmuring under their breath as they saw the thick

manacles that circled both Gray and Xerra's wrists. They

strode through the market, the guards clearing the way

through the crowd of people, all anxious to see these

strange criminals who had entered their city. As they

progressed through the capital Kara noticed the strange way

the people watched Xerra, shaking their heads and making

odd comments like. “Such a tragedy. His own daughter

too...” Kara glanced over at her cousin, unable to hide the

fear in her eyes as they approached the palace. Kail held

her gaze for a moment before turning away, his eyes sad.

Gray stared blankly ahead, lost deep in thought. The only

one among them who remained strong in the face of her

fate was Xerra. She marched forward, her head held high,

meeting the stares of the people around her as they watched

her go by.

One man pushed to the front of the crowd, a long

scar running the length of his cheek and disappearing into

the pale brown beard that covered his chin. “Traitor!” he

screamed. “You should be ashamed of yourself. I would kill

you myself if granted the chance!” he glared at her, his face

red with anger.

“Be silent Warren,” Xerra hissed, her voice filled

with arrogance. “or do you wish to gain another scar like the

last time you challenged me?”

The man charged forward, his face twisted with

fury. The guards moved forward to restrain him, struggling

to hold him back from the prisoners. Kara watched in

wordless shock, taken aback by the man's ferocity. She

found herself wondering once again as to the truth about

this strange woman. What could she have done to deserve

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such hatred, yet at the same time have half the crowd staring

at her with sadness in their eyes as if watching on of their

own children walk to the gallows?

They entered the palace, the iron gate swinging

open to reveal an extensive stretch of gardens that filled the

courtyard of the building. A small child ran toward the

company as they approached, a little girl of no more than

eight. She tore away from her caretaker and ran to greet

them, her small face stained with tears. Xerra bent down to

embrace her, cooing softly that it would be alright. They

looked remarkably alike, both with the same deep red hair

and piercing green eyes that could reach right through you

and see into your soul.

The guards moved forward, but Xerra ignored

them. “I have to go now Tya,” she said softly. “go back to

the nurse.” The little girl obeyed, moving away from them

and rejoining the old woman she had been with before. The

elder woman led her slowly away, glaring back at Xerra as

she left. Kara watched the entire incident with surprise,

wondering suddenly who the little girl was and why she was

in the castle courtyard.

They made their way through the palace doors,

moving through the empty hallways and toward the throne

room that lay in the center of the building. They came to a

halt at the foot of a high stone dais, the regal looking man

seated atop the gold gilded throne stationed atop the

platform staring down at the prisoners with an expression of


The guards prodded them in the back. “Bow

before your king, his majesty Rayos IV of Zalem.” Kara and

her cousin sunk obediently to their knees, Gray reluctantly

following after a sharp jab from the rear end of a spear

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wielded by the soldier behind him. Xerra remained

standing, her face cold as she glared accusingly at the king.

The guard at her shoulder growled at her, raising his staff in

order to force her compliance, but the king held up his

hand in a slight gesture that stopped the soldier from

following through with the blow.

The regent walked slowly over to meet them, his

expression cold and hard. His deep green eyes glinted with

anger from beneath lowered eyebrows, his golden hair

falling in long waves around his shoulders. Faint wrinkles

marred his face, but he was still a very imposing figure, well

over six feet tall with eyes that cut to the bone. He stood

before them silently stroking his beard, his eyes on Xerra

who stood with her chin raised and her eyes fierce. “Even in

my own house still you will not submit. There was a time

Xerra, when you did all that I asked without question.”

She spit at his feet, her eyes hard. “There was a

time, when I believed you had what it took to rule our

kingdom. A time when I was unaware of the pacts you

made with darkness, and the atrocities you committed. That

time is long gone, and I will no longer listen to your lies.”

She stood proudly before him, never flinching as she met

his gaze.

He turned his back to her, his anger evident. “You

cannot escape punishment.” he stated, his deep voice

echoing throughout the hall. “You will receive no mercy

from me child. You will be executed for your crimes. I can

no longer tolerate such disobedience, not even from my

own daughter.” Kara's eyes widened, taken aback by this

unexpected new revelation. Now that she thought about it, it

made a certain amount of sense. The way the town's people

had recognized Xerra, the little girl in the courtyard; it all

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hinted to this most recent revelation. The girl was her sister,

Kara thought sadly, troubled by the realization.

The king turned to face the captain who had led

them in, his face hard. “Take her to the dungeons. She will

be executed at dawn.” Xerra turned upon hearing the

pronouncement and walked purposefully away, shoving

away the hands of the guards that sought to guide her. The

king turned to look at the remaining three prisoners, his

eyes narrowing as he caught sight of Gray. “It seems we will

have two sets of nooses for the hang man's post master

Ravenwing.” he said darkly. “I'm surprised you had the

nerve to come back here, especially after you razed my

castle and murdered my men! Magic wielders such as

yourself are nothing but trouble. You will die along with the

other traitor at dawn tomorrow.” he turned away, returning

to his seat atop the dais. “Let the others go. They are of no

consequence to me.” The captain nodded, bowing deeply,

his hand over his heart. Gray rose to his feet, a faint

expression of relief crossing his face as he learned that Kara

and Kail would not share in his fate.

Kara leapt forward upon hearing the

announcement, unable to contain herself any longer.

“Wait!” she cried, wrenching her arm free of the grip of the

soldier who had come to lead her out. “You can't do that!”

The king glared down at her, his eyes smoldering.

“Excuse me?”

She marched forward, thinking that this was

probably the stupidest thing she had ever done. She stared

up at the king, looking small and pathetic beside him. “If

you kill him, you'll have to kill me too, because I’m not

leaving here without him!”

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Gray stared at her in shock, barely perceivable

apprehension entering his eyes. The king’s frown

deepened, appearing considerably less than amused. “I will

not release this criminal. Now, I suggest you leave before

you are forcibly removed.” The soldiers stepped forward,

swords in hand.

Kara dug deep down inside herself, focusing her

thoughts. She summoned forth her magic, the tips of her

fingers lighting with sparks of fire. The king backed away,

his strong features becoming panicked. “Arrest her!” he

screamed. The soldier closest to her charged forward to

attack and Kail leapt to her defense, summoning forth a

gust of wind that hurled the man clear across the room.

Gray took advantage of the guards’ distraction and broke

free of his captors, his hands flaring with light as he melted

the shackles that encircled his wrists and lashed out at the

man holding him.

Kara let loose her magic, flames springing out of

the air and engulfing the guards. The king was thrown back

against the far wall of the chamber, the magic ensnaring him

in a wave of energy. Kara felt a strange pull deep inside her

as the magic intensified. The guards were ripped apart, the

magic cutting through their steel armor as easily as if it were

paper. The tapestries that lined the walls caught fire, the

magic spraying out in every direction. Kara gasped, she was

losing control. Gray was thrown back against the wall by a

sudden burst of energy in the air a few feet in front of him,

the breath knocked out of him. Kail struggled to reach her

as the magic continued its rampage, weaving his arms before

him and forming a shield to guard himself against the

unintentional attack. The guards tried to flee, running

frantically from the chaos that surrounded them. They were

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engulfed by the energy, destroyed in seconds by the

malevolent force that raged around them. Kail darted

forward, his shield shattered by the torrents of magic. He

grabbed Kara by the hand, speaking softly to her and

restoring her to reality. She gasped for air, the magic dying

down and returning to the place from whence it came. Kara

sagged against her cousin, unable to breath, her vision going

hazy. It was so strong! She did not know how it had done

what it did. An unstoppable force with a mind of its own, it

did what it wanted and the longer she used it, the more

unpredictable it became. She lay there with her eyes closed,

trying to quell the violent trembling that overcame her.

The remaining guards crept cautiously forward, the

former two dozen reduced now to five disgruntled men,

their hands shaking in terror. They moved forward to help

their king. He rose to his feet, shaking with rage. He yelled

at his guards to arrest them. Kail was jerked roughly away

from her, his hands chained behind his back. Gray was

dragged to his feet, a long stream of blood running down

the side of his face from his impact with the wall.

Kara stood unresisting as the guards shackled her,

all her energy spent. King Rayos moved to confront her, his

face twisted with hate. “Be grateful that I grant you a

merciful death. You have your wish; you will die at dawn

along with the rest of these dangerous felons! Take her


The guards dragged her from the room, heading

down through the palace to the dank depths that were the

dungeons. They tossed her limp form onto the cell floor,

locking the door behind her. Kara stared blearily at the

stone ceiling. What have I done?

* * * * *

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Gray sat solemnly in the confines of his cell, silently

brooding about the unexpected turn of events. He slammed

his fist against the wall, swearing angrily as he reflected on

all that had gone wrong in the throne room. Stupid Girl!

They were going to let you go. Why can't you just do what

you’re told? He put his head in his hands. Now they were

all stuck here in these rancid cells, waiting helplessly for

death to take them. Once again it was his fault they were

down here, but he could not change what he had done in

the past, nor did he particularly regret his actions, even

though they meant his death. His only regret was that he

wasn't the only one dying. Now no one remained to stop the

Cursed Ones, and the faint hope he had of avenging Lya's

death was gone with the slamming of the cell door.

Blood poured down from the gash in his forehead

in a steady stream. He wiped it away with his sleeve,

thinking on how he had received this particular injury. He

glanced over to the cell across from him where Kara lay,

her small form shaking with suppressed sobs. He was

shocked by what she had done with her magic. Never

before had he seen such power, not even from creatures

such as the Cursed who could kill a man without so much

as lifting a finger. Staring now at her tear streaked face, it

was hard to believe that someone so vulnerable could do

such a thing.

He stared down at the shackles that held him

bound. The black mercury lined edges prevented him from

casting even the smallest of spells. It was an exceedingly rare

element used by the Darkened to construct their fortresses,

impervious to any and all kinds of magic. The king wasn't

about to make the same mistake twice and give his

prisoners a bond they could escape as he had the last time

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he had locked gray down here and used ordinary metal.

Gray glanced around his cell, but to his dismay found

nothing that could be used to help him escape. The sun

sunk lower in the sky until it was level with the window of

his cell, lighting the inside of the cell with hues of violet and

gold. He remembered watching those sunsets the first time

he had come here, back before he had helped Xerra Silver

set fire to her father's castle and made himself an enemy of

the state. He watched the sun sink slowly below the

horizon. Tomorrow, he thought, would be his last time

watching the sunrise before he left to finally join the other

mages of Souran in the eternal darkness of the void.

* * * * *

Kail sat motionless on the hard stone floor of his

cell, his wrists rubbed raw from his failed attempts to loosen

the thick coils of rope that held him bound. It was a

pointless endeavor. The thin shavings of Black Mercury

that were woven into the rope nullified his magic and made

trying to loosen the bindings all the more painful. He had

known from the start that his struggles would be in vain, but

that did not stop him from trying. He could not just sit there

and await his execution. He could not do nothing and let

even more people die.

He hung his head in defeat. Even if he did manage

to escape, he did not know where they had taken Gray and

Kara and the endless maze of corridors that made up the

prisons made it nearly impossible for him to locate them

simply by wandering about blindly. He frowned angrily at

the glimmering strands of enchanted metal encircling his

wrists. There had to be some way out of here.

The faint sound of singing reached his ears,

carrying through the empty corridors in sweet melodious

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tones. He paused to listen, recognizing the song as an elegy.

He had heard this particular hym before when he was still a

child on the day of his father's funeral. He closed his eyes.

He had not thought about that day in a long time, but the

song seemed to bring all the memories of the moment

flooding back to mind.

He had been nine years old when his father had

passed, the contagion that had swept through the small

village just outside of Adra killing many of its citizens within

the first week. Hundreds throughout the region had died

from the epidemic. He recalled long it had taken for the

disease to finally run its course, the long months his father

had spent writhing in agony until finally Kail gave up

praying for a cure and began to wish that the plague would

simply drain away the last of his father’s life, for at least then

the suffering would end.

Kail shook his head, blocking away such thoughts

along with the rest of his unpleasant past. He did not like to

think about that time, for after that fateful day he had been

alone in the world. He had been sent to live with his aunt

and uncle in Savory, but they had never trusted him due to

his fascination with magic. He knew the legends of the dark

gift that resided in their family, but he had never given them

much credit, and so he ignored their warnings about the

dangers of magic and continued his exploration of the art

until finally his relatives’ anger with him overcame their pity

and they began to see him as a burden.

He sighed, remembering the day of the funeral.

The sky was clouded over as he stood amongst the

hundreds of graves that lined the field outside of Adra. The

priest had murmured the final rights over the bodies of the

deceased from afar, not daring to go to near the corpses lest

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he succumb to the disease that still lingered in their flesh,

but Kail had not been afraid. He had watched with dry eyes

as they had buried his father's body, recommitting him into

the earth along with the rest of the people from the village

who had already passed on. All his tears had been spent in

the long days he had sat by his bedside, waiting for the

inevitable. He stared at the motionless form of his father,

the man’s weathered face strong and composed even in

death. Beside him a woman began to sing, her voice

quavering slightly as she stood over the body of her dead


Eternity's Depths, that was the title of the song that

now echoed through the corridors of the jailhouse. A

funeral ballad, sung as the lost souls of the dead passed on

from this life into the next.

Kail opened his mouth, his voice steady as he sung.

He did not once falter as he joined the soft voice in the cell

beside him, the words of the requiem having been

committed to memory long ago. The song ended, the final

notes echoing ominously through the cold stone depths of

the prison. The woman in the cell beside him began to

speak, the strength and arrogance gone from her voice as

she became resigned to her fate. “You're the man who

came her with Gray Ravenwing, aren't you?” she

questioned, a mournful note of melancholy underlying her

voice, similar to that of her song.

“Yes.” he replied. “We came here in the hopes of

taking a ship from the port within the city,” he paused; all of

their previous plans seemed so distant now. “but things

didn't quite turn out the way we expected.” he finished,

staring down at his feet.

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In the cell next to him Xerra brushed back her

dark red hair, thinking over his answer. “What's your

name?” she asked softly.

Kail glanced over at stone wall beside him,

recognizing the mood of the person imprisoned on the

other side, both of them waiting in dread for morning to

come. “Kail.” he replied, his deep blue eyes fixing on an

empty spot on the floor in front of him.

“Xerra Silver,” she replied, “but I'm guessing you

already assumed as much.”

He remained silent, reflecting upon what this

woman might have done to become such an outcast among

her own people. “I figured it was you.” he replied finally.

“though a name doesn’t really tell me who you are. There’s

much about you that still remains a mystery.”

Xerra laughed bitterly, reading by his tone the

question in his mind. “You’re wondering why someone

would turn against her own people. Like everyone else, you

view me as nothing more than a rebellious daughter

disobeying her father and betraying her country.” she

continued on, her voice spiteful. “And you're right. I have

betrayed my people. My father is a corrupt ruler. He lied

about the death of his own son so the people would

retaliate. The mages weren't hurting us in any way, they

didn’t want to interfere...” she trailed off, her voice quiet.

“They weren't the ones who killed my brother, but I didn't

know that. The king claimed it was murder, that his son was

attacked and killed by these fiends. I believed him at first,

and so when he asked for a company of soldiers to hunt

down these men, I was eager to volunteer.” she stared at the

wall in front of her, tears running out of the corners of her

eyes. “We attacked them at night, slaughtering them while

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they slept. One man came before me, begging for his life.

He claimed that they had never hurt anyone, but I called

him a liar and spurned his plea. I killed him slowly, made

him suffer for killing my brother. It wasn't until later that I

found out it was all a lie.” She went silent, her voice shaking

slightly as she continued. “And that is why I turned against

my father. Men like him do not deserve to live.” She stared

silently ahead, her green eyes watering.

Kail sat silently in the cell beside her, taking in her

tale. “I never did, you know.” he said quietly.

“What?” she asked, considerably confused by his


“View you as nothing more than a rebellious traitor.

I simply saw someone with a lot of things they regretted in

their past, and I couldn't help but think that maybe we had

something in common.” he paused, his dirty blond hair

falling into his eyes. “But I was wrong. You're sin was not

your fault. You thought you were doing what was right. My

crimes are because I wanted to prove something. I deserve

to die for my sins, you don't”

She stayed silent, surprised and ashamed by his

statement. He continued to talk, his voice steady. “How do

you know the song?” He asked. “I haven't heard it sung

since I was a child.”

She stared down at the ground. “My mother died

giving birth to my sister Tya. They sang it at her funeral.”

she stared off into the distance. “My father was never the

same after she died. He became colder, more stern in his

laws against magic. I was twelve at the time and I didn't

understand until it was too late that my father was no longer

the person he had been.”

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Kail sat with his back against the wall, feeling drawn

to this woman who had been through so much. He sensed

in her a kindred spirit, and he could not help but admire

her courage and the way she had stood up to her father,

even though it meant her death. “My mother was killed by

raiders when I was six, my father three years later by a

plague that wiped out most of the people in our town.” he

sighed. “Eternity's Depths was the song they sang as we

buried the bodies of those who had been struck down by

the pestilence.” he stared at the wall, lost in thought. “When

I heard you singing it, I couldn't help but think how perfect

it was. I too would die to the same song as my father.” he

sat in silence, staring blankly at the far wall.

Xerra did not reply, feeling at a loss for words in

light of this most recent revelation. “I'm sorry. I didn't


They sat in silence for a time them, each lost in

memories. They began to talk after a while, she telling him

of her childhood in Zalem, and he relating his life as a

mage. He spoke without regard for secrecy, surrendering

everything about why he and the others were here and the

truth of the Cursed. She listened patiently, nodding slowly

as the tale came to an end. “It seems we'll both die without

mending the harm we have caused. Me for not saving my

father and leaving my people to the rule of a madman, and

you for a mistake made years ago.”

He nodded grimly. “When the time comes Xerra,”

he said softly. “don't feel guilty. You did all you could.”

She shook her head, her voice distant. “Maybe ‘all

I could’ just wasn't enough.”

When the guards came at dawn to take them away

Kail reached out his hand, his fingers intertwining with that

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of the woman who would share his fate. Xerra cast him a

wan smile and walked forward with her head held high,

tightly grasping Kail's hand as they strode slowly toward the


* * * * *

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Chapter XIV

Day Break

Gray stood watching the sunrise, the sky a brilliant

orange tinged with pink as the sun slowly ascended above

the horizon. He listened patiently to the sound of footsteps

outside his cell, not turning as a knot of soldiers entered

behind him. The guards took hold of him, leading him up

the stairs and into the courtyard, towards the gallows. Kara

marched along beside him, her elfin features set

determinedly as she was led away. Kail and Xerra came out

to join them a few moments later, their hands locked tightly

together, holding on to each other for strength as their

doom approached. They were lined up on a platform in the

center of the courtyard, the crowd of spectators looking

decidedly pale as they stared up at them. King Rayos sat

elevated on his throne that had been carried out into the

yard, his expression one of disdain as he regarded them.

Gray turned to face Xerra who stood right beside him,

her face expressionless. Her eyes flickered sideways and

came to fix on him. “I didn’t expect to ever see you again.”

she said softly. “Not after the horrible way my plan turned


He avoided her gaze, his face taking on a self-mocking

expression as he spoke. “It wasn't your fault. You couldn't

have known they'd be waiting. You were still only a girl, I

should have known better.” He paused, recalling that first

night spent in the city of Zalem.

* * * * *

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He had been twenty six years old at the time, sent by

the council to investigate the murder of a small group of

magicians. He had met Xerra in an inn off the waterfront,

staring gloomily into a flagon of ale, her eyes bloodshot. At

sixteen years of age she was no less intimidating than she

was now. Still, he ignored her forbidding air and

approached her. His eyes skipped over her fine clothing

and faintly arrogant expression; her very essence was that of

royalty. He watched silently as she downed an entire

tankard, motioning for the bar tender to pass her another.

“You’re fairly young to be drinking in a tavern.” he stated

bluntly. “not to mention that you don't usually find nobility

in places like these.”

Xerra turned to look at him, her green eyes flaming. “I

can do what I like.” she snapped. “You have no business

correcting me.”

He stared at her, seeing past the outward display of

anger and seeing the pain and self-loathing that lay beneath.

“I didn't mean to upset you.” he said complacently. “I was

simply curious.”

She stared at him, considering him carefully before

speaking. Her eyes had a fevered look to them, and she

spoke without care as to who he was or where they were.

She was far too weary and inebriated for it to matter. “You

aren't what upset me.” she said quietly. “I killed a man last

month, slaughtered him without a second thought, only to

find out now that he had done nothing wrong.” she avoided

his gaze, taking another gulp of ale. “They shouldn't have

come here in the first place. They were breaking the law by

being here. Still... they weren't trying to hurt anybody. They

never killed Farren...” she trailed off, murmuring softly to

herself. “Lies... all of it a lie...”

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Gray's face remained expressionless. He knew now

what had befallen the magicians who resided here. It was

not hard for him to make the connection between this girl’s

fragmented tale and the sudden disappearance of the group

of mages that he had been sent here to investigate. It was no

secret that Zalem was opposed to the use of magic, but this

was going too far. Gray rose to take his leave, his report for

the council already composed inside his head.

Xerra reached out to stop him, her hand clamping

firmly around his arm. “You’re a mage aren't you?” she said

quietly. “That's why you came here, to find out what

happened to the others.” she removed her hand from his

arm. “Go then, tell your council it was Xerra Silver that

killed them. She deserves to face the consequences of her

actions.” She turned away from him, her curly red hair

spilling over her face.

Gray stared down at her. “No.” he said softly. “Though

I am certain now that our men were slain, I’m afraid the

magicians' murderer was never found. The council can take

no action.” Xerra stared at him in stunned silence and he

walked away.

Her eyes followed after him as he left, and he was not

all that surprised to see her following close behind him as

he exited the tavern. Her voice was steady as she addressed

him, her green eyes intense. “The cause of their death was

the king.” she stated. “It is his fault such atrocities are

committed. I cannot let such things go on any longer.” She

stared at him beseechingly. “Will you help?”

His face was impassive as he turned to meet her gaze,

instantly knowing his reply.

* * * * *

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A noose was slipped loosely around Gray’s neck,

bringing his thoughts back to the present. Over five years

had passed since that day, but the images of the events that

had followed still remained vivid in his mind. Kail and

Xerra stood on either side of him with Kara standing

silently at the far end.

The king rose to his feet, his loud voice ringing

through the air as he spoke. “Today we shall witness the

execution of the traitors who have dared to upset the peace

within our fine city of Zalem. Let this be an example to all

of you, that none,” he declared, looking pointedly at Xerra.

“are above the law!” he took his seat. “Let justice be


A servant moved forward, reaching toward the lever

that would drop away the floor of the platform and send

them all to their death. Xerra stood tall her voice ringing

out across the crowd. The servant hesitated, his attention

focused on the princess. “You stand here today in the

oppression of this tyrant, fully convinced that his rule is one

of justice. But how many of you truly know of his actions?

Do you even dare to ask why I have done what I have?”

The king rose to his feet, “Be silent traitor! I will hear

no lies today.” he turned to the man with his hand still

hovering over the lever. “Pull it you idiot, or I will have you

hang with them.” A look of indecision passed over the

man's face, but he made no move to comply. Xerra gave

him a sad smile and resumed her narrative. “You must

know the truth of how things stand. My death is not what

compels me to speak, but I cannot allow you to live on

forever without ever hearing of the lies that keep you


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The king had lost all composure, anger overcoming his

sense as he screamed for the execution to proceed. Xerra

continued unhindered, her voice clear and steady. “You

know me, as I have known you since I was but a child. This

is my home. I am not the traitor here, the traitor stands

before you, wearing the robes of a king, but he is no longer

the ruler we once knew. No longer the father I loved.” she

continued on her eyes filling with tears, her voice rising with

the strength of her conviction. “Kill me if you please, for I

have committed crimes in his name when I thought them to

be right. But it was not when I burned the castle that I acted

wrongly, but when I served him in battle. I know now the

lies he would have us believe as truth. Kill me if that is what

you view as right, but hear first the truth of the serpent you

call king!”

The crowd lay completely silent, impervious to the

king as he screamed for them to proceed, completely

enraptured by Xerra's words, knowing in their hearts what

she said to be true. “The kingdom of Xeroxes never

attacked us. They retaliated after their ambassador was

murdered in our court! Ten thousand of your sons and

daughters were not killed in war because the Trithians were

invading our country, they were sent to expand our

kingdom after the peace treaty Trithia proposed was

declined.” she continued on, the crowd staring up at her in

horror. “Remember the two dozen men who plotted against

the king? Their families were not sent away to be kept safe

as you have been told. They were slaughtered, every last

child murdered because of their fathers. I was not sent to

kill those travelers that came here because they murdered

my brother Farren, the prince died while out scouting. My

father told us this so we would get rid of the magicians.”

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The king strode forward, his face red with anger.

“Enough!” he screamed. “You are a liar and a traitor and

you will die for this blasphemy!” He turned to the captain of

the guard. “Kill them captain, and kill them now or I swear

you will be the next in line to be executed!”

The captain turned to face him, his ice blue eyes hard.

He glanced at Xerra, his expression sorrowful. “I am sorry.”

he said. He turned to face the king, his face hard. The king

sat there silently, a satisfied smile upon his face. The captain

turned to face his men. “Soldier!” he called out.

The man stepped forward, his face lined with fear.

“Yes sir.”

The captain turned toward the company. “Release

them, and take this traitor to the dungeons.” The king

stared at them in shock. The captain bent over him as he

was seized by the guards. “My son died because of the war

with Xeroxes.” he whispered, his face cold. “Hope you rot

you bastard.” The king cried out, commanding the soldiers

to release him, but the men followed dutifully their captain's

orders and dragged him away.

Xerra smiled at the captain as he undid the manacles

that circled her wrists. Gray rubbed his wrists gratefully,

watching as they spoke. “You have my thanks.” she said,

her eyes sad. “I'm sorry about your son.”

The captain met her gaze, his blue eyes kind. “I

shouldn't have doubted you. You are more the ruler of

these people now than that traitor ever was.” he said softly.

Gray watched him leave, still trying to process the

events leading up to their release. “How did you know

him?” he inquired.

Xerra smiled. “He used to watch me when I was little.

He's the one who taught me how to fight.” she turned to

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face him, her green eyes intense. “He was devastated when

he learned of my betrayal. One night shortly after you left

he caught me, sneaking out of the city under cover of

darkness. I told him I was innocent. He didn't believe me. I

was brought before my father, sentenced to a life in prison.

It was nearly a month before I escaped, knocking out the

guard who dropped off my meals and escaping through the

passages underneath the palace. I never held it against him,

but I think some part of him regretted it.” She smiled.

“none of that matters now. He saved our lives. If it wasn't

for him we'd be dead right now.”

They strode through the crowd, the people anxious

and murmuring. The majority were content with the fate of

their king, but some still refused to believe Xerra's story,

dismissing it as nothing more than lies created to secure her

release. They glared at her disapprovingly as she passed

them, their baleful glances fixing on Gray with the same

amount of hostility.

They were escorted out of the castle, their weapons

returned. Kail strode over to Xerra, his eyes filled with

admiration. Gray recognized immediately that there was

something between the two of them. It had been obvious

from the time they had emerged from the prison, hands

tightly entwined. “That was amazing what you did back

there.” he said quietly.

She smiled at him, her face softening. “Thank you.”

“You're people will need a leader now that your

father's gone.”

She raised an eyebrow at him. “And you believe that

leader to be me?”

He nodded. “The people love you. They will follow

you if you ask them.”

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She stared down at the ground. “Some of them still see

me as a traitor who usurped the king's power.” she raised

her eyes to meet his own. “I cannot rule these people. Not

after what I've done. Alec is the next in line for the throne;

he will give these people the justice they deserve. It would

be better for everyone if I simply disappeared.” They stood

in silence, both at a loss for words.

Gray stepped forward, his gray eyes thoughtful. “There

is of course another option.” They turned to look at him,

Kail already knowing what he was going to suggest. “You

could come with us.” Xerra stared at him in surprise, barely

stopping to think it over before deciding.

* * * * *

Kara watched silently as Xerra gave her speech,

extreme relief filling her as the guards moved forward to

release them. She could not help but admire this young

woman. She possessed a courage and a fire that Kara had

never seen before. Something about the way she spoke

inspired you, made you want to get up and follow her

without so much as a second thought. She rubbed her

wrists, trying to restore feeling to her hands. She watched in

silence as Kail left to join Xerra and Gray, watching the

stunned expression that crossed Xerra's face as Gray asked

her to go with them to the Black Marsh.

A small figure ran through the palace gates,

accompanied by a young man about sixteen years of age, his

brown hair held back by a silver crown. Tya ran toward her

sister, her small face exuberant. Xerra laughed, picking her

up off her feet and twirling her around. The young man

walked toward them, an expression of relief crossing his

face as he saw for himself that his sister was alive and well.

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He walked over to her, his green eyes pained. “It's

good to see you Xerra.”

She nodded, her face uncertain as she replied. “It’s

been awhile Alec.”

He stared down at the ground, deeply ashamed. “I'm

sorry I didn't believe you, but after Farren's death... I was

too angry to listen. I didn't want to believe that our father

would lie to me. He was never the same after mother

passed away.”

She stared at him her eyes softening slightly. “Apology


He glanced over his shoulder to where a group of old

men sat discussing the current situation. “They're expecting

you in the council chambers. There is much still to be

resolved. The events of today have been rather... unsettling.

I still can't believe father would do something like that...”

She stared at him setting Tya down on the ground. “I

won't be staying.”

“What do you mean?” Tya questioned, the smile

replaced by an expression of panic.

“I can't stay here Tya.” she glanced over at Kail.

“There is something I need to do. Alec will take care of you

while I'm gone. He'll make a fine king.”

He stared at her in shock. “But you're the eldest. I

can't rule Zalem. I don't...”

She raised her hand, cutting him off. “These people

need you. There's no one else.”

Tya stared up at her, her round eyes filling with tears.

“But you can't leave!” she exclaimed.

Xerra held her close, kissing her soft curls. “I'll be

back Tya, but there are many things I need to make up for,

and I can't do that here.” She said her goodbye's to her

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siblings, watching sadly as they disappeared behind the iron

gates of the castle. She turned to face Gray. “You said you

needed a ship?” he nodded. “The port lies a few miles

outside the city.”

Kail looked at her, his brow furrowing in concern.

“Are you sure you want to leave?” he questioned. “There's

a high chance that none of us will survive the end of this


She stared at him, her smile sad. “Positive.”

They walked toward the Port of Zyre, not bothering to

pick up horses as in a short time they would be at sea. It

took the rest of the day to reach the city, and Kara stared at

the run down village; it wasn't exactly a pleasant place. The

streets were clogged with people. It appeared this place was

no less populated than Zalem. Kara trailed along behind

the rest of the company, glad that Xerra had decided to

accompany them. They made their way to the harbor at the

edge of the city. Kara stared in awe at the endless expanse

of water that stretched out before her. Xerra turned to face

her. “This is the Sea of Winds. We'll take a ship across it to

the mountains on the other side.”

Kara stared at her with something approaching panic.

“Exactly how large is the sea?”

Xerra laughed. “You'll see soon enough.”

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Chapter XV

Eyes of the Enemy

Durus Sorrel was a large man. He towered well

over six feet, his grisly face covered in hair. Kara stared up

at the sailor, her just over five feet of height making her

look startlingly tiny beside this sea-faring giant. Xerra stood

a few feet beside her, arranging the terms for their voyage.

Gray sat off to the side, interjecting the occasional comment

as to what supplies they would need and when they were to


The captain shook his head, his voice gruff as he

spoke. “Still don't see why ya need to leave so soon. Takes

time to prepare for a voyage as long as this one.”

Xerra stared at him, her voice firm. “We will leave no

later than tomorrow. For each hour you delay, your pay will

be docked 5%.”

He glared at her. “You're a cruel woman yer majesty.

If it was anyone else telling me that, I'd have them removed

from my ship. Very well, I can get the ship stocked and

ready to sail by mid-day, but no sooner.”

Gray rose to his feet, nodding in satisfaction. “We'll be

back at noon tomorrow.”

Kara followed them off the deck of the ship. Gray had

been opposed to revealing their identity, but Xerra had

assured him that it was necessary since the captain had

refused to even allow them on board his ship until Xerra

revealed who she was. After that, he had quickly agreed to

grant them passage, though he was still being difficult. She

sighed, if there had been any other ship available, she would

have taken it; she found the burly man intimidating and the

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hard eyed sailors that served him did not look particularly

friendly either. Kail moved forward to meet them as they

left the ship, his brow creased in thought. “I take it we have

a ship?”

Gray nodded. “We leave at noon tomorrow.”

Kara examined her cousin, her brow lowering in

concern as she noted how he avoided her gaze. “That's

good to hear.” He glanced around at the crowds of people

clogging the street. “I have some news of my own, but I

think it would be better if we were back at the inn before I

told you. There's a private room in the back where no one’s

likely to overhear.” He remarked, shooting a pointed look

at the people surrounding them that examined them with

sour glances when they thought they weren't looking. The

people in Zyre did not exactly like strangers, and those who

caught sight of Xerra's face from beneath her hat seemed to

be working very hard to listen in on their conversation.

Gray met Kail’s gaze, his face grim. “Lead the way.”

They wove their way through the masses, Kara trailing

along behind as had become common these days. She did

not like the way Kail had avoided her gaze. She had a

feeling that whatever he had learned, it was not a good

thing. She stared down at her feet. The brief reprieve she

had felt after the near-death experience within the castle had

ended all too soon.

She strode through the crowd, the people on either

side of her shoving and elbowing their way past her. A pale

pair of eyes tracked her as she made her way through the

multitude, closely shadowing the company as they entered

the inn. Kara glanced behind her before stepping through

the doorway. She felt a nagging suspicion that something

was there, just beyond her line of sight. She shook her head,

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it was impossible to tell with this many people. She entered

the main room, striding over to where the rest of her

company sat talking.

Kail leaned forward as he spoke, his face intense.

“While you were out arranging our deal with captain Sorrel,

I went back to the center of town to see what I could learn.”

he paused. “While there I overheard some men talking.

They had ridden here from Trithia, arriving sometime early

this morning. While crossing through the mountains they

encountered a strange group of riders, cloaked all in black

with their faces hidden by dark cowls.”

Kara stared at him in horror, a chill running through

her. Kail continued unhindered. “The men were waylaid by

the strangers who asked strange questions about a small

company of travelers who had passed through that area.

The men claimed they did not know of any such people.”

Kail stared down at the ground, his voice devoid of emotion

as he spoke. “They were slaughtered for their ignorance.

There was only one survivor. He was out scouting during

the attack; the Cursed were unaware of his presence. He

learned what happened from one of his companions

moments before he died, but the specters had already

learned what they needed to know.”

He looked up, meeting the frightened gazes of those

around him. “They were last seen a day ago, headed straight

for the city.”

Kara rose to her feet, feeling sick. Kail reached out to

her, but she backed away from him. “Just give me a


She walked away from them, remembering her first

encounter with the Cursed Ones, how helpless she had

been. Fighting their henchmen was one thing, but in person

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they were something out of her worst nightmares. Their

burning gaze seemed to reach into her very soul with the

power to crush her like an insect. She stared blankly ahead,

oblivious to those around her.

Kail came up behind her. “You all right?”

She nodded. “I'll be fine, don't worry.” Kail walked

away, his eyes uncertain. Kara continued to stare blankly

forward, knowing he hadn't believed her lie.

* * * * *

Kara stared in horror at the ruin before her. The

buildings and streets once so pristine and perfect had been

trampled into the ground, the bits of remaining timber and

rubble charred beyond all recognition. There remained no

trace of the town that had once been her home. Bitter

laughter poured out from the stranger standing at her

shoulder as she examined the ruins, his voice a pale whisper

in her ear. “So it will be with all the world once we are fully

risen.” She tried to turn, but found herself immobilized.

The voice continued to speak, sounding deeply pained.

“We deserved our fate some say… Perhaps they are right,

but do not fool yourself into thinking we are like this by

choice. We are powerless against the hunger, the thirst to

destroy that she implanted within us. Our humanity is lost.

Most of us no longer even care about the horror we have

become. They embrace this madness, for fighting is futile.

The magic is our siren's song, our eternal torment, our pain,

our need.”

The stranger walked around in front of her. He was

oddly familiar. The man’s tall form was stooped slightly, as

if he stood under the weight of some impossible burden.

He was somewhere in his mid-thirties, but the haggard look

in his eyes made him appear much older. He was of

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average height, with dark hair and a gaze that screamed of

pain and torment the likes of which she would never know.

He stared at her, his dark eyes bloodshot. “You do not

know me now do you?” he taunted. “For you do not fully

recognize the truth of your ancestor's curse.” The stranger's

hands began to shake, something dark stirring in his eyes. “I

pledged my life to her service, gained her trust only to

betray her. She murdered my family, ruined my life, and so

I deceived her into thinking I was her servant, my only goal

always being her death.” The shaking in his hands became

more violent, his strong features twisting in anger and his

voice gaining a grating quality that mad her shiver. “I

watched her die, but still she lived on, tormenting my every

waking moment, but leaving me unable to end my

miserable existence, unable to stop the horrible

transformation as it overtook me!” Kara tried to back away,

but she was paralyzed, powerless in the presence of this

dark stranger. “Dark magic child, cursed words that should

never be spoken. She binds her spirit to the rot that

consumes us and so the root of this evil shall never die, just

as we shall live on… forever, to suffer for all of eternity.”

The deep brown eyes held her frozen, sparks of red

flaring deep within their fiery depths. “I see you child for

what you really are. I see the power that lies within you, the

power to end me and my kind. The power I seek so

desperately, so that this waking nightmare may end, but I

will never allow you to use it. Even now I hunt you, restless

in my pursuit. I am enthralled by my curse, no longer the

person I was.” He stood up straight, his black robes

billowing in the wind. “You see me now as I was, nothing

but a pale remnant of the humanity now lost.” She stared at

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him in horrid fascination as he began to change. “See now

your hunter, the demon your ancestor has created!”

Kara tried to scream, but her voice remained locked in

her throat. She watched in terror as the person in front of

her was transformed, the color draining from his skin, his

eyes turning cold and dead. The sunken features emanated

sickness and death, his hands curling into claws. Kara stared

at the twisted figure before her, a figure she knew all too

well, its coal black eyes smoldering with hate. “Now you see

the truth of what you face!” it hissed, its hand closing firmly

around her throat. She struggled to escape, but her efforts

were futile. It laughed. “You cannot escape us. We will find

you wherever you are. There is nowhere you can go that is

beyond our reach.” she gasped, her vision turning fuzzy.

“You are alone child. You will see the truth of this as you


* * * * *

Kara screamed, thrashing violently against the bonds

that held her. She sat bolt upright, staring down at the tangle

of sheets that lay crumpled on the floor. She searched in

terror for the enemy that haunted her, but she was alone.

She rose to her feet, struggling to subdue the sudden nausea

she had felt upon waking. In the rooms beside her the other

members of her company slept soundly, unaware of the

demons that plagued her. She remembered the perverted

image of the Cursed, slowly choking the life from her as she

stood powerless before it. Zeveran Cray. She recognized

him now even though she had not in her dream. He was the

leader of the Cursed, Syra's first in command and the one

that hunted her. She shuddered. She could still hear his

voice inside her head. She could still feel the chill flesh of

his hand as it closed around her throat.

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She fled from the room, unable to stand the

confinement any longer. She ran out into the alley at the

back of the inn, gulping down the crisp night air and trying

to soothe her nerves. She did not notice Kail as he followed

her out, too preoccupied with her own thoughts.

She jumped as he laid his hand on her shoulder,

poised to flee. He looked at her with concern, his blue eyes

reading the terror in her eyes. “What is it?” he whispered.

She shivered. “He was there. It was just the same as

when he found us last only... he was different and, and… he

spoke to me.” she swallowed, knowing she wasn't making

any sense. “Terrible things Kail. He said terrible things. I

don't know how close they are now to finding us, but… I

can't defeat something like that.”

He shook his head. “Kara it was only a dream...”

“It wasn't just a dream.” She stated, her eyes wild. “It's

like he was really there, like I was actually living it, not just

seeing it in my head.” She shook her head.

He stared at her, lost deep in thought. “Like a vision.

Where you could see and hear everything, but you were just

standing there, helpless to do anything?”

She nodded. “How did you know?”

“It's an uncommon form of magic known as Shadow

sight. It allows the user to manipulate people’s dreams,

usually to communicate things or send warnings.”

She shuddered. “He spoke of how they came to be

cursed, saying I did not understand. It was like two different

people, one the man Zeveran Cray, the other... an evil

creature of dark magic. They're coming. They know where

we are. Soon they'll be here and they'll finish what they

started that night on the plains.”

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Kail shook his head. “Powerful as they may be, they

cannot penetrate reach us here so close to Zalem whose

soldiers guard day and night for any sign of dark magic or

its creatures. After thousands of years of executing magic

wielders, you think they would not have wards to prevent

this sort of thing? Even if we are no longer in the capital city

itself there are still the guards if the wards do not extend this

far and by tomorrow we will be out at sea and they will have

no way of reaching us.”

She turned to look at him, her blue eyes wide.

“Eventually they will. If they could track us across the Dead

Forest and through the depths of Taylonose, they will find

us anywhere.” She turned away from him, feeling like a

frightened child. “I can still see their faces in my head. I can

still feel his hand around my throat. This isn't the first time

I've seen them; every night as I sleep they are waiting. I can

feel their eyes searing into me. They know where we are

Kail; they know where we’re going. They've always known.”

Kail reached toward her, holding her close like he had

when she was six years old, hiding from the crashing

thunder of the storm that raged outside the small cottage

where she had grown up. “They can't hurt you Kara, not

now. They don't always know where you are. It’s just

another trick they use to get inside your head.” he turned

her to face him, his face sincere. “They can haunt you in

your dreams, but that doesn't change reality.”

She shook her head. “I wish this had never happened.

I wish I could just go home and forget the whole thing,” she

sighed. “but at this point I don't even know if I have a home

to go back to.”

“Nothing has happened to Savory, Kara. It is still

exactly the same as when you left it.”

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“How can you know that?” she exclaimed. “How can

you be sure the visions I saw were false?”

“Nothing has happened to your home.” he stated

firmly. 'The Cursed have been tracking us this entire time.

They wouldn't waste any effort on destroying Savory; there

would be no point.” He stared at her intently, his

expression earnest. “It was just another lie.”

She sighed, shutting tight her eyes and thinking on

what he had said. “Now go and get some sleep.” He stated.

She turned to leave, making her way back down the hall

towards her room. All a lie. She assured herself, unable to

dispel the doubt that lingered in her heart as she said it.

* * * * *

Kail sat motionless upon the stone steps of the inn,

watching as the first few steaks of color appeared against the

horizon, spreading out like paint across a canvass beneath a

line of dark clouds. The steady throbbing in his shoulder

made him change positions frequently in order to ease

some of the discomfort. Kara’s hastily applied medical care

had done nothing to lessen the pain of the wound; not that

he had done much to improve his condition by entering the

fight with the guards in the throne room as well as

constantly travelling. The night without sleep would not

much aid his recovery either, but his personal welfare was

not very important to him in comparison to that of Kara

and the rest of the company.

The wind whipped about him, its edges biting and

cold, but he ignored it. Soon they would leave the city and

set out across the sea, entering the bleak mountains that

surrounded the Black Marsh. There would be no moments

of restful reprieve once out there, for it was a place of

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perpetual gloom where the sun never penetrated the thick

clouds that overshadowed everything.

Gray emerged from the inn, his cloak pulled about

him to ward against the faint drizzling rain. They had all

agreed to avoid drawing attention to themselves while within

the village, as the people of the Port had never had a high

opinion of Zalem, especially not its royalty. After the events

of yesterday, it would be better if no one here knew their


Gray moved silently across the flag stones to where

Kail was sitting, taking a seat beside his friend. “Never cared

much for sunrises.” he stated, staring out at the horizon.

“but then again, it may very well be the last sunrise we'll see

for a very long time...” he frowned, dark circles lining his

eyes. It seemed that no one had gotten much sleep that

night. “I've been thinking about this journey, how close we

are to finally succeeding, and I can't help but wonder what

will be left afterward.”

Kail turned to face him. “What do you mean?”

Gray sighed. “We may survive, or we may not. Either

way, I have no purpose beyond finishing this. Before I

might have had something to go back to, but a lot has

changed since then.”

Kail stared at him, taking in the distant look that lit his

eyes. “It's still about Lya isn't it?”

Gray refused to meet his gaze, continuing to stare

ahead, his face placid. “It always has been. Regardless, this

mission must be completed. I won't fail this time.”

Kail continued to appraise him, knowing that his words

were addressed more to himself than to the man to whom

he was speaking. The sun peaked above the horizon, its

fiery color reflected in their eyes. Xerra and Kara emerged

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from the inn. There was much that needed to be done

before they could depart. Kail looked over at Xerra,

compulsively examining her out of the corner of his eye.

She was dressed in loose fitting shirt and trousers and a

wide brimmed hat shadowed her face, a disguise of sorts

that she had taken to wearing as soon as they had left Zalem

in order to prevent anyone from recognizing her. Her green

eyes shone brightly from beneath the rim of the hat, and he

couldn't help but think how beautiful she was. Kara strode

out of the inn beside her, her face still pale with dark rings

lining her eyes. Despite his efforts to comfort her, she had

barely slept at all, unable to find rest in the terrifying world

of her dreams.

They set out, moving through the crowds of people

toward the center of town. A light drizzle fell upon them as

they walked, the temporary warmth that had existed within

the city quickly fading from the air. Kail glanced behind

them as they walked, sensing the shadow that trailed along

after them and had been doing so ever since they had

arrived. Gray appeared beside him, his stern face hidden by

the hood of his robes. “There's someone following us.” he


Kail nodded. “They've been behind us since late

yesterday, but I can't quite pick them out in this big a crowd.

Gray stared blankly ahead, his eyes clouding over. He

spoke in a monotone, his eyes perceiving something that

only he could see. “He’s about a block behind us. A slight

figure wrapped in a brown cloak,” he shook his head. “I

can't tell who he is beneath the cowl; something is

preventing me from seeing into his mind... Wait...” he

trailed off, face intense. “He's been watching us ever since

we arrived in Zalem. Saw us enter town in the company of

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the guards. He watched the execution, followed us out of

the city, hired to do so by someone who shall not be

named...” His eyes snapped back into focus, he swore

under his breath. “He knows what I was doing, he sensed

it.” He shook his head, his gaze shifting to Kail. “Whoever

he is, he must be a pretty adept magic user to not only

sense, but also block me.”

“Either that, or the Cursed have given him some

skills.” Kail muttered darkly. “Does he know anything


Gray frowned. “I can't be sure. I could only read what

was on the surface. Everything else was hidden.”

Kail looked ahead to where Xerra and Kara waited.

“Looks like we're going to have a change of plans.” he


* * * * *

Kara walked slowly through the mist of rain. People

glanced at her as she passed, seeing the haunted look in her

eyes and sensing that there was something different about

her. Xerra strode beside her, the black brimmed hat

keeping the rain from her face. No one stopped to look at

her as she passed, her disguise serving its purpose and not

drawing attention. Kara pulled her cloak about her, trying to

ward of a chill much deeper than that caused by the rain.

She hadn't slept all night, kept awake by her feelings of

foreboding resulting from her most recent nightmare. Kail's

words hadn't helped her. Despite his assurances she still felt

disturbed by all the plausible things she had been shown in

her dream. Truth mixed with lies, that much was easy to

tell, but the two were so tightly entwined that they had

become inseparable.

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Kara glanced behind her, looking over her shoulder at

the huddled forms of Gray and Kail. They stood deep in

conversation, cloaks wrapped tightly about them. She

dropped back to join them, seeing the anxious look on both

their faces. “What is it?” she said.

Kail turned to face her. “We're being followed.” he

replied. “Someone was hired to tail us; we can't be sure of

their identity, but I think it would be best if we left before

they find us again.”

Kara nodded apprehensively. She hadn't been wrong

yesterday when she had sensed their shadow. She caught up

with Xerra, relaying to her their discovery.

Xerra's eyes darkened. “It's not a good sign that they've

been watching us so long without us knowing.” she mused.

Kail and Gray joined them at the side of the street,

deciding on a course of action. “We'll just have to leave a

little earlier than anticipated.” Gray stated. They nodded in


“I'll pick up our supplies and meet you at the ship in

twenty minutes.” Xerra stated.

Gray nodded. “I'll go inform the captain of the change

in plans. Kail,” he said turning to his friend, “go with Kara

back to the inn and gather our weapons and other supplies.

We'll all meet back at the ship twenty minutes from now.”

They parted company, Kail leading Kara back through

the streets toward the inn. Kara trailed along behind him,

thinking of this most recent discovery. On the bright side

this meant they would leave before the Cursed had a chance

to locate them. On the other hand, it was impossible to

know exactly how much the spy had had the chance to


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They stepped through the thick wooden door of their

lodgings, moving up the spiral stairs to their rooms. They

then commenced with the task of gathering their scattered

belongings and packing them away. Kara quickly finished

with her pack and moved on to Xerra's. She stared down at

the black leather armor the princess had hanging inside the

closet, complete with metal gauntlets and bracers along with

the spiked whip she had seen earlier. She stood uncertainly,

unsure of what to do with the equipment. She moved on to

Xerra’s other possessions, clearing the room of the various

articles of clothing and other paraphernalia. She stopped as

she came across a curved set of throwing knives, their hilts

lined with gold. She stuffed them into the sack along with

the other weapons and armor, then proceeded back to the

main room to meet with Kail.

He glanced up at her as she entered. “Took you quite

a while.” he stated, glancing pointedly at the disorganized

pack that contained Xerra's belongings.

She smirked at him. “I didn't exactly know what to do

with the set of armor and assorted knives.” she retorted.

His face broke into a grin. “I guess I forgot not all of us

are used to caring around an armada on our backs.” She

returned his smile, forgetting for a moment their current

situation and remembering what life had been like before

Kail had left, back before the Cursed when that smile had

been commonplace rather than an unexpected relief.

Sheets of rain pounded on the roof of the building, the

earlier drizzle transformed into a full blown storm. Kara

glanced at her cousin the smile fading from his face. “We

should get moving.”

They ran out into the streets, heading towards the

docks where they would rendezvous with Gray and Xerra.

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The day was wearing on toward evening. Though the thick

clouds hid the sun from sight, the deepening darkness of

the night was still apparent. They arrived at the ship to find

Gray having a heated discussion with Captain Sorrel, both

of them yelling to be heard over the gale of wind that shook

the ship. “I don't care what yer problem is,” the sailor

exclaimed, “I won’t sail in this kind of weather.”

Gray raised his hand in exasperation. “Captain, we

can't afford to wait until this storm ends. Who knows how

long it will last. We need to leave, and we need to leave

now!” he shouted.

Sorrel glared at him, drawing up to his full height. “I

won't be told how to run my ship, especially not by the likes

of you!” he snapped. “Now I suggest you get off my ship

before I have you removed.”

Gray scoffed at him. “I can and will tell you what to do

captain, and I refuse to leave this ship until you take us

where we need to go!”

Xerra came up behind Kara and Kail, opening her

mouth to speak. She paused as she caught sight of Gray, the

captain standing menacingly above him. “What's wrong

now.” she groaned.

“The captain is reluctant to sail in this weather, and

Gray hasn't exactly made the situation any better.” Kail

replied calmly. Kara remained silent, watching the scene

unfold before her.

Xerra shook her head, her face becoming frantic. “We

can't afford this delay!” she stated.

Kara stared at her. “Just because we're being followed,

doesn't mean we’re in any immediate danger.” she replied.

“We should probably just wait till after the storm. After this,

we'll be lucky if the captain ever takes us.”

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“You don't get it.” Xerra snapped. “We have to leave


Kail turned to look at her, his blue eyes troubled.

“What do you mean?”

“While I was in the market buying the supplies for our

journey, I caught sight of a group of people. They were

cloaked in black with faces so pale they were white. I asked

the shopkeeper about them and he said he had seen people

fitting that description just a few hours ago. ‘nothing but

smoke and mirrors,’ that’s how the man described them,

translucent and ghostly, yet here they were now and I assure

you there was nothing ethereal about them.”

Kail frowned, “This isn't good.”

Xerra sighed, “I wasn't done. They were meeting with

another man, his face hidden by a brown cloak.” Kara

glanced at her cousin, her eyes wide. “According to the

merchant they were discussing a group of travelers who had

visited the docks yesterday to discuss a voyage across the

sea.” She paused, “The strange thing is that afterward they

simply disappeared, vanishing into thin air as if they had

never been there in the first place.”

Kail marched onto the ship, cutting into the shouting

match that had engaged between Gray and the captain. Kara

followed along behind him, leaving Xerra alone on the

docks. “Captain Sorrel,” Kail began, “I'm very sorry for the

inconvenience, but it is imperative that we leave


“Look here ya intrusive blackguard,” Sorrel snapped.

“I ain't going nowhere in this weather, as I have tried to tell

this demanding scoundrel beside me, and there is nothing

you can do to convince me otherwise!”

“Captain, I don't think you quite understand...”

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“No it's you who doesn't understand! I ain't gonna...”

“Kail!” Xerra shouted, pointing to the open alleyway

behind her where a group of black cloaked figures had

emerged. Kara grew sick, overcome with terror as she

stared at her hunters. She struggled to breathe, knowing that

this time there would be no escape. They were too late.

The Cursed Ones had come.

* * * * *

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Chapter XVI

The Docks

Xerra had never before seen anything as terrifying as

the creatures that walked slowly toward her now. She stared

in mute horror through the sheets of rain that cascaded

down into the street, running off the black cloaks that

wrapped the creatures known as the Cursed. She cried out a

warning to those standing on the deck of the ship behind

her, left alone to face the demons that stalked them. She

acted instinctively, breaking through the paralysis that had

held her and flinging a wickedly curved knife straight toward

the heart of the first of the attackers. The leader of the

group held up his hand, effortlessly snatching the blade

from out of the air and examining it with apparent interest.

He looked up at her, his dark eyes smoldering. “I am

surprised at you Xerra, daughter of kings.” he hissed, “Did

you not know that the dammed of hell cannot be slain?” It

laughed, the sound harsh and biting. “You are pathetic. You

will die like the fool you are.”

The blade she had thrown shimmered, burning with a

dark fire as it flew through the air towards its intended

target. Kail rushed forward, flying over the rail of the ship

and landing in front of her. He locked his hands in front of

him, deflecting the dagger with a hastily constructed shield

of magic. The demons hissed, the six of them moving in

unison as they approached the two huddled at the end of

the dock. Kail stood his ground, standing protectively in

front of Xerra. She glanced over at him, seeing the strain on

his face. She looked down at the spattering of blood staining

the sleeve of his tunic. She felt confused and concerned as

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she stared at the wound, but there was no time to consider it

as the Cursed Ones drew nearer.

Xerra glanced behind her at the sudden commotion

on the deck of the ship. It seemed that Captain Sorrel had

undergone a sudden change of heart, bellowing at his

terrified crew to get a move on and prepare to set sail. She

stood bravely beside Kail as the creatures before them drew

steadily nearer; the best they could do was delay the

attackers and hope that Gray and Kara had a chance to


She reached into her pack, wishing suddenly that she

had gone back to the inn herself instead of sending Kara to

gather her things. The leader of the Cursed fell back rather

suddenly, his eyes tracking Kara's progress as she was

dragged by Gray along the deck of the ship to the lower

levels. Xerra's hand closed around the handle of her whip

and she stepped in front of Kail, fluidly uncoiling the length

of wire and sinking the barbed spikes into the unshielded

side of one of her attackers. The demon stood rigid in

shock, its cold eyes fixing on her with an expression that

showed more anger than pain. She yanked back the whip,

setting up for another attack. She watched in horror as the

demon before her continued to approach, its mouth

splitting into a cruel smile as the long gashes in its side

closed over. “You cannot harm the dead.” it hissed.

It leapt toward her, striking her in the side before she

had time to react. She cried out and fell forward clutching

her side, a flash of pain shooting out from her ribs as the fist

struck bone. The creature stood over her, preparing to

finish her off. She seized a length of broken off wood from

the planking of the dock and sent the jagged edged tip

straight through the creature’s eye. Despite being unable to

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die, there was nothing that prevented the demon from

experiencing in full the immense pain of the shaft being

thrust through its skull. It stumbled backward with a shriek,

giving Xerra a chance to rise to her feet, her will to survive

overcoming her pain.

Kail stood beside her, desperately trying to ward off

wave after wave of black magic slowly crumpling his

defenses. Streams of fire and electricity crackled through

the air as dark and light magic collided. The strain of the

battle was evident on Kail's face, the waves of blackness

from the Cursed slowly swallowing each of his attacks.

The ship slipped its moorings and Xerra retreated,

knowing that they stood no chance against the Cursed; their

only hope was to leave on the ship. She shouted for Kail,

motioning toward the departing boat. He glanced over at

her, nodding his understanding. She leapt from the dock,

biting her lip to hold back her scream as she smacked

against the side of the hull, her side throbbing. A wave of

fire spread out behind her and enveloping the Cursed.

They walked through it unhindered, catching Kail off guard

and breaking through his defenses. He hurled himself from

the dock, barely avoiding the jagged bolt of electricity that

struck the side of the ship only inches from where he was

hanging. He lay there dangling from the rail, a steady flow

of blood spreading across his shoulder. She pulled him up

over the side and tore open his sleeve, staring at the open

wound on his shoulder. He grew extremely pale, all his

energy gone. A cry sounded from below deck, and Xerra

turned just in time to feel the full effects of the explosion.

* * * * *

Kara struggled to break the vice-like grip that held her

captive. She watched in horror as Kail and Xerra stood

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against the Cursed Ones on the docks below, fighting

frantically to overcome an undefeatable adversary. They

were already faltering, unable to withstand the tide. She

screamed at Gray to let go of her, but he continued to drag

her below, his rugged features stony as he ignored all her

pleas. The ship lurched forward, freed from its moorings

and ready to depart. A bright flash of light illuminated the

night as the docks caught fire. Kara had time enough left for

only one quick glimpse of the inferno before she was

shoved through the cabin door at the bow of the ship, Gray

following close behind her.

She turned to face him, her pale face flushed with

anger. “We have to go help them!” she cried.

He stood blocking her way. “You,” he stated, “are not

going anywhere.”

She opened her mouth to reply, but went silent as the

atmosphere of the ship underwent a subtle change, filling

her with foreboding. A sudden darkness filled the room

and a figure materialized in the air before her. Her eyes

widened as she met the tortured gaze of Zeveran Cray. She

raised her hand in a frantic attempt to summon her magic

but the leader of the Cursed seized her wrist, its hand

glowing with magic as it raised its arm to strike. Gray leapt

forward, his sword glowing with light as it sailed in a smooth

arc toward the creature's neck. The creature snarled in

disgust, blocking the attack with his own ebony blade. He

struck Gray along the side of the head with the hilt of the

weapon, sending him sprawling against the far wall.

Kara jerked her wrist to the side in an attempt to free

herself, but only succeeded in spraining her hand. She

gasped as the blade of her enemy’s weapon was pressed

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against her neck. The sword emanated bitter cold and a

strange numbness spread through her as it bit into her skin.

The demon regarded her with flaming eyes, its voice a

hiss. “And now you will die, as promised, Kara, descendant

of our tormentor, and with you the only threat to our rule.”

The ship gave a sudden lurch, sending a spray of seawater

through the port side window. The creature flinched back,

its sword lowering away from her neck. Out of the shadows

sprung Gray, his silver sword glinting in the moonlight. He

plunged the blade into the demon's chest, its edges burning

with holy fire. The creature stiffened, shuddering as the fire

seared through it. It struck out at Gray, attempting to free

the sword from its chest, but the blade remained firmly

lodged. Kara jerked her wrist free, falling away from the

demon. It hissed at her, its robes smoking. A shock wave

emanated from the dark figure, flinging Gray against the

wall of the cabin and racking the entire ship with shudders.

The creature dissolved, its cold voice echoing inside

her head as it dissolved into mist. “You will die a slow and

painful death, for we shall not forget this Kara... We shall

not forget...”

She held her breath as the demon vanished, turning

her attention to the still form of Gray. He lay slumped

against the wall, his breathing ragged. An ugly bruise

flowered along the side of his face where the creature had

struck him. She moved over to him, pulling him unsteadily

to his feet. He regarded her with concern, taking in her

deathly pallor. She shoved open the door of the cabin and

stumbled toward the ladder, climbing up to the main deck.

Gray followed unsteadily behind her.

Xerra and Kail were kneeling on the deck of the ship.

Xerra tried to rise to her feet, but sank back to her knees

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with a gasp as the pain in her ribs flared sharply. Durus

Sorrel moved toward the four of them, his stern face

reflecting clear anxiety. “Who were those soulless beasts?”

he whispered, his deep voice quavering slightly, the usual

gruffness gone.

Gray's eyes locked on the captain, his gray eyes

unnervingly cold. “That sir, was the reason why you should

have listened to me when I told you we needed to leave.”

He strode away from the giant looming over him, moving

over to join the others. Kara glanced over at the other

sailors, their faces lined with a mix of shock and outright

terror. She peered out through the veil of rain, the burning

docks fading into the distance behind them.

She looked over to where her cousin knelt. The

wound in his shoulder had reopened along with numerous

other gashes along his arm and side. Xerra, if anything,

looked even worse. She knelt motionless on the floor, her

face drained of color. She looked on the verge of collapse,

her eyes squeezed shut as she fought to stay conscious.

Kara rushed over to them. One of the sailors moved

forward to help her, his clear blue eyes looking in concern

at the severity of their injuries. He carried Xerra down

through the hatch to the lower decks, ignoring her weak

protests. Kara followed along behind him, Kail leaning

heavily on her shoulder.

The sailor lowered Xerra onto a narrow cot in a room

below deck in the company of the ship's doctor. He turned

to Kara, his tan face stupefied “I don't know who you are,”

he commented, “but you people definitely need to rethink

this whole idea of battling demonic creatures.” he


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Kara smiled faintly, her blond hair tumbling into her

eyes. “Believe me, it’s not a voluntary profession.”

He examined her, taking in the way she cradled her

wrist. His face wrinkled in concern as he spoke. “You

should probably get that looked at.

She glanced down at her hand, noticing the swollen

redness. She sighed, “I suppose I probably should.”

“Here,” he said, leading her to a bench outside the

room where they were treating the others' wounds. “I can

take care of that.” He wrapped her wrist in gauze, bracing it

with a splint and treating it with an herb from the ship's

medical supplies to reduce the swelling.

“Thank you.” she whispered; the throbbing pain in her

hand had subsided to a dull ache.

“No problem.” he said with a smile. “The name’s Flint

Hawkwood. I did some medical training before becoming a

sailor. Been under the command of Captain Sorrel almost

two years now; I took to sailing when I was fourteen.”

She accepted his outstretched hand, clasping it in her

own. “Kara Ilsren.” she replied.

He smiled at her, “Well, I should probably get back to

work. Most of the crew is still in shock from the events of

tonight. Us sailors are a very superstitious bunch, most have

probably never even heard of anything like those creatures

we saw tonight.”

“And you have?” she asked, frowning slightly.

He shrugged, his short brown hair wet with rain and

matted against his head. “I’ve heard stories. I’ve seen and

heard quite a lot of frightening things, but I will admit this,

there was no one on this ship who wasn't scared to death by

those demons.” He rose to his feet and made his way back

to the upper decks. Kara watched him leave, thinking that

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there was something distinctly odd about him. He seemed

familiar somehow, but not in a good way. She dismissed the

feeling, setting off down the hall, towards her cabin.

She glanced out the window. The sky outside was

colored a dreary gray thought the rain it seemed had come

to an end. She stared out at the vast expanse of water, the

rocking of the ship creating a decidedly unpleasant

sensation within her head and stomach. She climbed up the

ladder, doing her best to ascend with only one hand. She

leaned against the rail and breathed deeply the fresh air of

the sea in order to combat her sudden feelings of nausea.

This, she thought, was going to be a long voyage.

* * * * *

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Chapter XVII


Gray waved away the doctor attempting to bandage

the bruise on his head, annoyed by the big fuss she was

making over so slight an injury. There were many other

people like Xerra who had suffered much worse wounds

and those were the patients that she should be focusing on.

To be truthful, his foul temper did not really have much to

do with his current circumstance. He was still on edge from

his encounter with the shade of Zeveran Cray. He did not

know what had happened to the Cursed One, but he knew

in his heart he had not succeeded in killing it.

He rose to his feet, ignoring the protests of the

physician and exiting the infirmary. He ascended the ladder

leading to the top deck and glanced out at the turbulent

waters upon which they sailed. The ship rocked to and fro

among the waves, but he was used to the feeling. This wasn't

his first time traveling by ship; while on the council he had

taken many such trips. Kara however, already had a slightly

green tinge to her face. She leaned against the railing, trying

not to vomit. A young sailor working on a section of rigging

beside the girl observed rather wryly that she looked like

she was becoming seasick.

Gray examined the sailor. There was something

familiar about him, and he could not explain why, but he

instinctively disliked him. He continued to stare at the

young man in front of him, his brow furrowed in deep

thought. He did not like the strange sense of recognition,

nor the feelings of wariness that came along with it, and so

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Gray stood motionless in the steady downpour, trying to

figure out what made this nondescript sailor seem so


A deep voice rumbled behind him and he turned to

find Captain Sorrel, his thick brows creased together in

disapproval. “I thought the likes of you would be down in

the infirmary right now, seeing as that nasty mark on yer

head seems to be gettin worse.”

Gray raised an eyebrow at him. “I was under the

impression you wouldn't much care if I died.” he


The captain grimaced. “Why of course I do. You die,

I don't get paid. So ya see, I don't really want you dead,

even if ya are a no good scoundrel who cheated me into

setting sail.”

Gray stared at him, incredulous. “You were free to stay

in Port, not that it would have been a very wise decision.”

The captain huffed. “Say what you want, but if I'd ‘ave

known about them devils, I never would 'ave agreed to have

ya on board.”

Gray smirked. “I’ll be sure to remember to mention

the danger of being of being slaughtered by demonic

creatures the next time I hire a ship.”

Sorrel stared at him, carefully assessing him as he

would a new form of plague. “I still don't like you, but

seeing as I'm stuck with ya for the next three weeks, I might

as well make the best of it.” He tossed him a coil of rope.

“You know how to tie a knot?” Gray nodded, and the

captain grunted. “Then why don't ya make yourself useful

and help tie down the cargo. Most of me crew are still

wanderin' around dumbstruck. Lot of help they are.” He

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walked away without another word, heading back toward

the wheel.

Gray stared after him, seeing a chance to maybe get

some answers. “Say captain,” he called, “who is that sailor

over there, the one by the main sail with the brown hair?”

Sorrel glanced back at him. “That there's Flint

Hawkwood. Served aboard my ship for the past two years.

Lad's not too bad, and he's as good a sailor as they come.”

Gray frowned. He had never known anyone by that

name, yet he could not dismiss that strange sense of having

met the young man before. He turned away, lost in his

thoughts. He walked below decks, the murmured

complaints of the captain trailing along after him.

* * * * *

Kail sat still upon the bed, waiting patiently as the

medic bandaged the numerous gashes that lined his body.

Joining the fight hadn't been the wisest decision, but under

the circumstances, there was nothing else he could have

done. They were all still alive, and that's all that mattered. A

few fresh bumps and bruises was a small price to pay for the

lives of Xerra and the others. He glanced over at Gray, who

sat arguing with the doctor. Kail shook his head as he

watched his friend shove away the physicians reaching

hands and rise to his feet, walking out the door without

once looking back. The woman running the make-shift

hospital called after him, but he ignored her. She threw her

hands up in exasperation, muttering angrily to herself about

the stubborn idiocy of men.

Kail glanced down at the gash in his shoulder, the

clean white bandage already stained with a fresh coating of

blood. He stared at the shredded remains of his cloak lying

in a crumpled heap at the foot of the bench upon which he

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sat. The fight definitely hadn't gone as planned. The dark

magic used by the Cursed had only played a small part in

the damage they did; their sharp bladed weapons had made

short work of his defenses and he was amazed he was still in

one piece after facing so many. Xerra sat at the back of the

room, a tenser bandage wrapped around her mid-section.

The blow to her side had cracked two of her ribs; he found

it amazing that she had still managed to leap onto the ship

when he had experienced difficulty doing so with just his

injured shoulder. She was an incredible person whose

determination and strength had overcome her pain.

She glanced over at him and smiled. “I guess maybe it

wasn't the best idea to try to fight off undead forces of evil.”

she commented dryly. She glanced at his shoulder. “The

strange thing is, I never saw them cut you there.” she raised

an eyebrow, clearly wanting an explanation.

He sighed, “It’s not a new wound; it just reopened

during the fight. I was hit in the shoulder during an attack

by a group of soldiers enthralled by the Cursed.”

She shook her head. “It’s amazing you people are still

alive after all these near death experiences.” she

commented dryly.

He laughed. “In case you don't remember, the first

time we met, you were being chased down by Imperial


Her face split into a grin. “Good point.” A large wave

rocked the ship, a sudden squall of rain hitting the porthole.

She stared out at the sea, her expression becoming

melancholy. “I never thanked you.” she said quietly. “It was

a really brave thing you did back there. You saved my life.”

she turned back toward him, her eyes expressing her


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“I only wish I had done a better job of it.” he stated

ruefully, seeing the way her face tightened with pain

whenever she shifted position.

Xerra frowned, “You risked a lot coming after me at

all, especially when you were already wounded.”

He stared at her, feeling at a loss for words. She met

his gaze, waiting patiently for a reply. He looked quickly

away, unable to hide the truth of his feelings. He didn't

know why it was he felt the way he did, but he knew with an

unshakable certainty that he would rather die himself than

let her be harmed. That was why he had jumped in front of

her, and it wasn't something he was going to share.

“I'm going to go get something to eat.” she stated,

rising slowly to her feet.

He blocked her way, his face lined with concern. “I'll

get it for you. You shouldn't exert yourself.”

She smirked. “What, this?” she joked, gesturing

toward her cracked ribs. “This is nothing. It will heal.

Besides, a little pain is nothing. At least I'm still alive.” She

sighed, her face falling. “Though for how long I can't be

sure. I don't know what will happen the next time we face

those things. I couldn't so much as wound them. How do

you defeat something like that?”

His eyes darkened as he thought about the journey

that lay ahead of them. “The best we can do is keep

fighting, and hope that I was right when I said that they can

be stopped.” They sat in silence, staring out at the foaming

mass of water. Kail thought again of that terrible night in the

halls of the council, the night all of this had begun. Yes. He

thought. No matter the cost, the Cursed will fall.

* * * * *

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Kara stared out at the endless expanse of water that lay

in all directions. After spending four days aboard The

Nightingale her sudden bout of seasickness had finally

subsided. She had at this point decided that after this was

over, she never wanted to spend another minute aboard a

ship ever again. The storm that had followed them from the

harbor at Zyre had lasted for two days without halting,

resulting in long days spent below decks, hiding from the

squalls of rain and torrents of wind that shook the ship.

Luckily, other than a few minor repairs nothing had been

damaged by the storm, and other than their extremely surly

captain, everyone was in fairly high spirits.

Flint Hawkwood appeared beside her, his face split in

a devilish grin. He had been her constant companion ever

since the encounter on the docks three nights ago. She had

to admit, he really was quite pleasant company, though she

had to fight down a blush every time he looked over. “Don't

you have a job to do?” she questioned. All the other crew

members were hard at work repairing the damaged sails.

He laughed. “You don't seem overly pleased to see

me. I would think that you would be overjoyed to be in the

company of one so charming as I.”

She giggled. “Maybe if that one weren't so arrogant, he

might receive more enthusiasm at his appearance.”

Flint smiled. “You never fail to make me laugh Kara.”

he commented, his blue eyes sparkling. “However, there is

a reason I came over here you know.”

“Oh?” she remarked. “And what would that be?”

“Well there's something rather special happening

tonight that I think you'd be pleased to see.”

She opened her mouth to reply, only to be interrupted

by a loud bellow from the front of the ship. “Flint

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Hawkwood ya lazy slacker, stop flirting with the passengers

and get back to work before I fire yer sorry ass and find

someone better to do the job!”

He winced, rising slowly to his feet. She held back a

laugh as she watched Durus Sorrel's face flush bright red

with anger, his eyes narrowing. Flint turned to face her,

kissing her hand and giving her a smile. “Meet me at the

starboard rail of the ship at midnight.” he told her. “Now, if

you'll excuse me, I do in fact have work to do.” He walked

over to the captain, his stride confident and sure.

Kara watched him as he worked, his tall lanky form

easily navigating through the tangle of rope and spars that

lay scattered across the deck. She stared closely at him,

wondering suddenly if she had ever seen him before

coming onto this ship. She dismissed the feeling, going back

to staring out at the placid waters. After all, she would have

remembered his identity if she had ever encountered him

previously, wouldn’t she?

* * * * *

The stars shone brightly in the deep indigo sky. Kara

walked slowly up on deck, staring up at the pale crescent of

silver that lit the sky above. She moved toward the starboard

rail, staring out at the placid waters, the stars reflected

perfectly across the mirror-like surface.

“Beautiful isn't it.” She jumped, turning to find Flint

standing right behind her, his hands shoved into his


“Is this what you wanted to show me?” she asked,

suddenly curious.

He shook his head, smiling slightly. “Not quite.” He

took her hand, leading her toward the Wheel. “Look over

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there.” he instructed, pointing out across the sea toward the


She peered forward. Tiny flashes of color began to

light the horizon, dancing playfully across the midnight sky.

She gasped; the streaks of color spiraled through the air in a

dazzling pattern that was almost magical to watch. “What is

it?” she questioned, staring in awe at the display.

He smiled, “It’s called Soul Fire. You can only see it

when out at sea. Legend has it that this is a manifestation of

the spirits of dead sailors, left to forever wander the


She gazed out at the multitude of lights. “It seems sad

somehow,” she stated, “to just wander forever, to never be

able to go home.”

He frowned, his face losing all mirth. “For some, there

isn't any home left to go to. Wandering isn’t so bad once

you've got nothing to return to.”

She glanced over at him, his strong face lined with

bitterness. “What do you mean?”

He stared out at the dancing lights, his voice

melancholy. “My family was murdered by raiders. I

watched as they were slaughtered. It was something no eight

year old should have to see. I managed to escape, me and

my younger brother, but the village we ran to refused to give

us sanctuary. We were too much of a risk now that the

raiders were after us.” He spit off to the side, his voice cold.

“We were nothing more than a burden to them; they

turned us away like lepers. After four years of living on the

streets, I came to Zyre and applied to become a sailor,

starving and with no experience. I started out as a cabin boy

on another ship, a grueling life of scraping crap of the deck

and staying up all night staring at nothing but empty ocean.

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It wasn't a pleasant job, but I worked hard at it. Worked

aboard The Cobra for two years before transferring here.

I've been on this ship ever since.”

She stared at him, not liking this other side of him, but

at the same time understanding his pain. “And your

brother?” she asked softly.

He laughed. “His names Torrin, toughest eleven year

old you'll ever meet, or he was...” He looked away, refusing

to meet her gaze. “He grew terribly sick, won't survive much

longer.... but soon he'll be better, soon It'll be over...” he

trailed off, staring out across the water, his eyes distant and


Kara looked away from him, the lights fading slowly

away and leaving the night empty and dark. She leaned

against the railing, the sudden silence standing between the

two of them like a barrier.

“Get some sleep.” he sighed, moving away. “Things

will be better in the morning.” She watched him go,

realizing suddenly how little she really knew of this person.

He disappeared below decks and she pursed her lips,

wondering what else about him she didn’t know.

* * * * *

Wraiths bearing the faces of her friends and family

haunted Kara's sleep that night, their cold skeletal hands

reaching out to her. She fled down the endless corridors of

the ruin, back once more in the catacombs of Taylonose,

confused and alone. Voices called out to her, mournful and

shrill in their lamentations, bearing promises of the fate that

would befall her. A spirit of the Darkened appeared before

her, his ethereal features oddly intense. She recognized his

face, for it was the same as that of the specter that had stood

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in her way when she had been exiting the ruin with Gray

and her cousin.

The ghost stared at her, his eyes alight with the

memory of life. “Beware Kara, for you are already

beginning to succumb to the trap that was laid for you.” He

whispered. “We have warned you Kara, but still you cannot

see through the veil that clouds your vision.” The spirit

shimmered and the ruin around Kara transformed into a

different scene. A stone fortress stood before her, stationed

deep in the shadows that surrounded the lake over which it

loomed. A small boat moved slowly across the surface of

the lake, its passengers cloaked and hooded. Kara peered

closely at the small form of the one seated in the center of

the boat, her hands bound tightly behind her back as she

was dragged through the entrance of the fortress. The gates

of the castle swung wide, their spiked tips lined with skulls.

Kara stood transfixed as she watched the scene play

out before her. She recognized the figure in front who she

had been watching, the hood falling back from her face, her

features illuminated by the murky light before she

disappeared behind the gates of the prison. She stared at

the light blue eyes and delicate features, feeling a chill run

through her as she recognized the face of the girl as her


The spirit of the Darkened materialized beside her

once more, joined by the familiar figure of the seer she had

met in the city of Adra, her milky eyes fixing on her face.

“You are being shown a vision Kara.” she said softly. “Heed

it well for it is the fate that awaits you should you fall prey to

the Cursed Ones' devices.” The dream faded away, leaving

her floating in the half world between sleep and waking. She

slept on, thinking on the strange vision she had seen and

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knowing that if nothing changed, it would soon become


* * * * *

The sharp clang of metal hitting metal awoke Kara

with a start. She rose to her feet, her tired eyes scanning the

empty cabin. Her dagger lay on the floor of the cabin, a

sudden jolt from a wave having knocked it off its shelf. The

sound she had heard had been the sound the knife had

made when it had fallen and crashed against a pipe. She

slipped out of her nightgown, pulling on a plain white dress

that had once belonged to her mother. She buried her

hands in the smooth material, thinking of her parents. It

had never occurred to her to wonder what they thought

about her disappearance. She hadn't even bothered to tell

them that she was leaving, she just had. She got dressed and

pulled on her long blue cloak to ward off the chill. Now she

might never have a chance to tell her parents what had

happened. They would just go on wondering until the day

they died, that is if they weren't already dead. She shut her

eyes, seeing again the broken ruin that was all that remained

of the town where she had grown up in. It wasn't real. It

couldn’t be. That's what Kail had told her, but no matter

how hard she tried, she couldn't seem to make herself

believe him. She slipped silently out into the hall. She could

not have slept more than three hours, but she was unwilling

to risk more dreams.

She moved past the other cabins and climbed up the

ladder to the top deck, being careful of her wrist as she

went. She crept past the sailors who were steering the ship

and made her way back toward the cargo hold. She

rounded a corner and came up short as she caught sight of

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Gray, his face expressionless as he stared out across the

open expanse of water.

He looked over at her as she approached. She met his

gaze, seeing the dark circles that lined his eyes. He stared at

her, his gray eyes strangely lost. “Couldn't sleep?” It was

more a statement than a question; still she nodded her head

in reply. “It doesn’t matter. You should go back to bed. It’s

not good to be up at all hours of the night. You'll need all

the sleep you can get before we reach the marsh.”

She stared at him. “You look like you need it more

than I do.”

He remained motionless, his tone dull and lifeless.

“Sleep bears no rest for me, too many memories, too many

regrets...” he trailed off, staring distantly across the sea.

She remained silent, leaning awkwardly against the rail.

“At least with memories, it’s already past. I can't say the

same about my dreams, because there's always the

possibility that everything I've seen is true and that no

matter how hard I try to avoid it, it’s going to happen and

there’s nothing I can do to stop it.”

He turned to face her. “You're right, the two are

different. With memories, there's nothing you can do to

change things, no matter how much you want to. Whatever

you see in these visions however, there’s always a chance

that it can be changed.”

She looked down at the rail, feeling slightly abashed.

“The only problem with that is the visions might not be real

at all, and I might be worrying over nothing. Even worse is

the possibility that some of them could have already

happened. By the time I know even that much, it might be

too late to prevent it from happening.”

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“You still worried about what you saw while in


She bit her lip. “It’s more than that. Every time I close

my eyes, there’s some new horror I didn't see before, from

strange visions to just plain old nightmares. I couldn't go

back to sleep even if I wanted to.”

He stared at her, his face softening. “You just have to

believe that whatever it is, you'll get through it. Besides,

soon the Cursed Ones will be dead and there will be no

more need to worry.”

She shook her head. “Do you honestly believe that?”

she questioned, her face tightening. “How am I supposed to

stand up against them? I couldn't even fend off a few

soldiers, not even when Kail was almost killed! I have no

idea what I'm doing with my magic. You yourself said that I

didn't stand a chance against the Cursed, and maybe you

were right!” she exclaimed, all her terror and frustration

finally coming out. “Why does everyone seem to think that

I can do any more than they can to stop them?” She buried

her head in her hands, the stark reality of her words

shattering what little had remained of her resolve.

Gray stood silently listening, knowing she was no

longer really talking to him, but was simply expressing the

doubt she had kept hidden all this time. He stood staring

out to sea, thinking about all she had said. “I was wrong you

know.” he stated.

She looked over at him, her eyes watering over.


He met her gaze, his expression grave. “I was wrong.

The day I left, when I said you didn't stand a chance against

the Cursed, I was mistaken.” She stared at him, surprise

and confusion mirroring on her face at this sudden change

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in him. “Sometimes,” he continued, “it’s hard to see things

at first, but Kara, I have never in my life seen any magic as

powerful as yours. Nor have I ever met anyone as

impossibly stubborn as you. You can and will put an end to

the Cursed. The only way you'll fail is if you give in and

surrender.” He scanned her face, his gaze intense. “If you

come to believe that you don't stand a chance, then when

the time comes you won't. You have the power and the will

to do something no one else can, but not if you can’t learn

to move past your despair. As long as you let your emotions

rule you, you'll never be in control of your magic. Keep that

in mind.”

He walked away, departing without another word. She

stared after him, his words echoing inside her head. She

hadn't expected that reaction. Such encouragement would

not be out of place had it come from her cousin, but from

Gray... She stared out at the waters, her earlier anxiety

melting away. Maybe he was right. She had come this far;

there was no point in turning back now. She stared out to

sea. Ahead lay the East Continent and the Black Marsh.

There she would finish this; she had come too far not to.

* * * * *

“Empty your thoughts.” Kara flinched at the sharp

command, trying her best to comply. The exercises with the

magic had started about a week into their voyage, and

despite her efforts, the lessons were not getting any easier.

The ball of energy she had summoned hovered a few

inches off the ground in front of her, the pulsing sphere

about twice the size of her head. She had performed this

exercise when she was a child with her cousin, but now it

was being made much more difficult. The pressure from

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the magic trying to extinguish the sphere increased and the

orb dwindled in size.

Gray shook his head. “Stop letting your thoughts

wander. You need to concentrate Kara.”

She pursed her lips. “I am concentrating.” A sailor

moving cargo off the port bow caught her attention. The

large barrel the sailor held plummeted to the ground with

an angry crash as the man lost his grip and the amber liquid

spilled over the planks.

A sudden surge of energy from behind her threw here

off her feet and the sphere of light crumpled like a deflated

balloon. She struggled to her feet and another gust of air

knocked her flat. Gray cocked an eyebrow at her and she

frowned. “If that's your idea of concentrating I would hate

to see you when you aren't.” he remarked.

She exhaled to calm herself. They had been at this for

hours and the tasks seemed to be growing more frustrating

by the minute. “Look, I don't see what the point of this is.

We've been doing the same thing for hours and...”

“You asked to be taught more about magic. Well, that

requires that you listen to instructions. Now stand up.” She

rose to her feet, waiting impatiently for further direction.

“Release your frustration and remain calm. This time

summon a line of fire and hold it up in front of you.” She

did as directed, the long strip of flame quavering slightly as

Gray once again told her to be calm. How calm was she

supposed to be with him barking commands? Did he really


The fire leapt ten feet in the air, shooting sparks in

every direction as it flared outward. She jumped in surprise,

all thoughts of calm leaving her as she jerked away from the

inferno. Gray swore angrily as the magic shot toward him,

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murmuring something incomprehensible and extinguishing

the blaze with a wave of black.

The deck gave off clouds of smoke from where it had

been scorched by the flames, and Captain Sorrel appeared

from behind the helm. “What the hell are ya doing to me

ship!” he shouted, moving past the crowd of frightened

sailors that had gathered and coming to confront them.

Kara craned her neck up at the angry sailor, her blue eyes

widening in trepidation as she saw the expression on his


Gray met the man's stare with a look of his own and

the smoke suddenly dissipated, the charred wood flaking

away and leaving no trace of the previous destruction.

“Your ship captain, is undamaged. Now, I was in the

middle of something so...”

“Undamaged! You daft, no-good fool! You practically

burnt a hole through the deck! You mages and yer arcane

foolery… Should 'ave thrown ya overboard the moment I

knew what ya were. Royalty or no, the princess had no

business dragging you blackguards onto my ship. Forget

getting along with ya troublemakers. You just...”

“If you’re done with your rant captain,” Gray

interrupted, his tone cool. “I think you may have another

problem.” Sorrel looked backward to where one of the sails

had broken loose of its stays and was waving about uselessly

in the breeze.

“Oh bloody... What are you louts lying about for?” He

shouted at the crowd of sailors who had been watching the

confrontation. “Look what ya did! Stop gaping like idiots

and fix it! If we lose that sail so help me I'll...”

The shouts trailed off into the distance as Gray led

Kara below, his face like steel. “Do you understand what

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almost just happened? Kara, the whole ship could have

gone up if I hadn't put that out when I did. You need to

stop letting your emotions influence your magic or you're

never going to be able to use it properly.”

She bit her lip, her eyes downcast as she realized the

truth of his words. He sighed, glancing out the porthole to

the ocean without. “Go take the rest of the day off. We'll try

again tomorrow. No fire this time.” She nodded mutely and

he walked away. She reemerged into the open air of the top

deck, taking care to avoid an already agitated Captain Sorrel

and making her way to the starboard rail. She stared down

at the endless expanse of water. The initial queasiness she

had felt whenever on board had subsided, and now only a

faint discomfort remained in its place.

Flint appeared at her shoulder, keeping a fair distance

between them. She noticed suddenly the singed side of his

shirt and remembered that he had been one of the people

on deck when she had lost control. “I didn't...well, I'm sorry

about, uh.” she sighed and he smiled slightly.

“It's alright, I guess. I was just a little...surprised, that's

all.” She nodded uncertainly and he continued, his face

dead serious. “I'll just be sure not to be one of the ones on

deck next time you need to practice. I would hate to keep

distracting you with my devilish good looks like I did this


She stared at him incredulously. “You think...” His

face broke into a smile and she shook her head at him.

“Don’t you ever get tired of annoying people?”

His smile broadened. “Only you Kara. Only you.” He

moved away as the penetrating voice of the first mate broke

into their conversation and ordered him back to work, and

Kara stared after him with a faint longing. She felt slightly

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foolish for wanting to chase after him, but being with him

was a pleasant break from all the worries that went along

with the rest of her life. She sighed, moving below to get a

bite to eat. One could only escape reality for so long.

Eventually, all good things had to end.

* * * * *

Kail slept soundly that night, most of the wounds that

had reopened during the battle on the docks having sealed

over once more. It had been over two weeks since they had

departed from the Port of Zyre and in a few days’ time they

would arrive in the mountains on the border of the East

Continent of Almora.

He opened his eyes, peering around the small cabin

that housed the infirmary, the faint smell of disinfectants

entering his nostrils. He rose to his feet, a pale gray light

spilling in through the porthole and illuminating the make-

shift hospital on board the ship. Xerra slept soundly in the

bed across from him, still recovering from the blow to her

ribs. The Healer had insisted they stay here, despite their

protests, until they were fully healed. Kail had complied

with the order, if only because he couldn't manage to climb

the ladder until his shoulder was at least partially healed.

He dressed quickly, removing the last of the bandages

from around his shoulder and going up on deck. He had

been trapped down there long enough and now that the

majority of his injuries had finally closed over, he saw no

further reason to stay sealed away. He was intercepted by

Gray Ravenwing as he made his way across the deck, the

mage’s stern face creased with concern as he pulled Kail off

to the side. “Look over there, you see that sailor?”

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Kail followed gray’s gaze to the brown haired young

man standing near the main mast. He nodded. “Yes I do,

but why do you ask?”

Gray frowned, his gray eyes stormy. “I swear I know

him from somewhere, but I can't remember…” he paused.

“Another thing that has been bothering me about him is

how unusually close him and Kara have grown.”

Kail glanced over to where Kara was standing, laughing

as she helped the young sailor with the piece of rigging he

was fixing. “He doesn’t seem all that familiar to me, so

wherever you might have encountered him it couldn’t have

been all that recently. Why are you so concerned about him

anyway? He hasn't done anything bad has he?”

Gray frowned, his expression still eerily intense. “Not

that I know of, but there's something about him that I find


Kail didn't reply. He couldn't help but notice how tired

Gray seemed. Judging by the dark circles that lined his eyes,

he probably hadn't slept more than a few hours the entire

time he'd been on board. Kail turned his attention back to

the young sailor, his tanned face alight with laughter. He

couldn't see what Gray was so worried about, but he knew

better than to doubt the man’s senses.

He turned to face his friend. “Get some rest,” he

stated. “I'll keep an eye on Kara, I always do.” Gray said

nothing in reply, his vexation made evident by the look in

his eyes.

Xerra's rueful voice commented from somewhere

behind him, “Does he ever smile I wonder? 'cause it seems

to me that he takes thing a little too seriously.”

Kail turned to face her, her green eyes sparkling with

suppressed mirth and her fiery hair glinting in the sunlight.

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“You didn't wake me up.” She stated. “After two weeks

stuck in the same room, I would think you'd have the

courtesy to let me know when that insistent healer finally

cleared us to leave.”

He smiled at her, brushing his dirty blond hair out of

his eyes. “You needed the rest. If I were the healer, I

wouldn't have let you leave until I was absolutely certain you

were fully healed.”

Her face softened. “You don't need to worry about me

Kail. If you ask me, I'm the one who needs to worry about

you, especially once we reach the mountains.” They set off

across the deck to the mess hall that lay on the other side of

the ship, leaving the crisp salt air of the world above and

returning to the gloomy enclosure compartments that lay

below decks. The time they had spent together while in

recovery had brought them much closer together, and the

more Kail learned about Xerra, the more he felt himself

falling hopelessly in love with her. He glanced over at her

now, noticing the way she glided smoothly through the halls,

her lithe form unerringly graceful and her green eyes

dancing with some hidden amusement.

They joined the rest of the crew at the entrance to the

kitchens, waiting patiently for breakfast to be served. Kail

spotted Kara as she walked down the hall to join them, her

nose wrinkling in distaste as the strong smell of liquor

assaulted her nostrils. “Why is it that everything seems to

smell like it’s been soaked in a mix of beer and sweat.” she


Xerra smiled. “Probably because most of it has.” she

replied. “If you think this is bad, you should try visiting the

military barracks in Zalem, though I wouldn't recommend


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The door of the mess hall flew open and the daunting

figure of Captain Sorrel appeared, his face creased in

irritation. “Breakfast is canceled.” he declared, addressing

the gathering of sailors. “Now get yourselves up on deck;

we've got work to do.” He turned to face the three of them,

his deep frown concealed by his beard. “You too, there's

something you should probably see.”

They climbed the ladder to the top deck, meeting

Gray at the stern of the ship. Kail met his gaze, not liking

the way his friend’s eyes had darkened, his face going hard.

“It appears we have company.”

Kail glanced out to sea. The faint outline of the

mountains loomed in front of the ship, but it wasn't the sight

of land that made the blood drain from his face. Barring the

way forward lay the carcasses of dozens of ships. Flames

danced along the splintered hulls of the wrecks, the decks

piled high with the bodies of those who had crewed them.

Kail experienced a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach,

already knowing who was responsible for this atrocity. He

peered ahead through the veil of fog to the far shore where

a dozen riders sat mounted on their horses, their cold faces

lined with a perverted joy. In the center stood the shade of

Zeveran Cray, his sunken face expressionless except for the

burning hatred that flamed deep inside his eyes.

Kara came to stand beside him, seeing the horrific

scene displayed before them and seeking out the enemy

before them with a look of resignation in her eyes. “And so

it ends,” she sighed.

Gray's face tightened, his eyes burning with

anticipation rather than fear. He drew his sword, its silver

edges glinting in the sunlight. “Too late to turn back now.”

he replied, talking more to himself than anyone else. Kail

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turned away from him, fighting past his terror and turning to

face his enemy.

* * * * *

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Chapter XVIII


Kara stared in horror at the creatures on the

shoreline, all the good feelings she had experienced earlier

that day evaporating the moment she saw them. The captain

stood at the wheel, shouting orders and readying the

powerful crossbows that lined the sides of the ship.

Kail stood staring at them, his blue eyes reflecting the

light of the fires that burned steadily aboard the ships.

“What are they waiting for?” he whispered.

Kara glanced toward the bay where the creatures sat

motionless, their hoods pulled low over their faces to hide

the wasted shells that lay beneath. She stared at them,

thinking on what her cousin had said. She thought again of

that night on the docks, remembering suddenly that they

hadn't come after them that time either. If their leader had

come after her on board the ship, then the others could

have as well, so why had they done nothing? Why did they

just stay there now instead of coming to face them? The

only one who had dared come on board The Nightingale

that time on the docks was the shade of Zeveran Cray, the

most powerful among them, yet even he had seemed

reluctant to follow her, flinching back from the wave that

had sprayed into the cabin through the window, almost as if

he were afraid...

“The water.” she gasped, turning toward her cousin. A

voice in the back of her mind gave a faint laugh, the cruel

tone chillingly familiar. There you go, Kara. “Kail!” she

shouted, putting her hand on his shoulder.

He glanced over at her. “What is it?”

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“Is it possible that the Cursed don't attack not because

they're waiting, but because they can't?”

He stared at her, his brow knitted in confusion. “What

do you mean.”

“The water,” she replied. “Something about it is

stopping them from coming after us. It’s almost as if they’re

afraid of it.”

His eyes lit up, “Of course.” he sighed, remembering

suddenly his lessons from when he had first joined the

council. “Captain!” he called, “Tell your men to unload the

crossbows. I have an idea.”

Gray came over to them, his eyes questioning. “What

are you doing?”

Kail met his gaze. “It was Kara's idea. Do you

remember the theory that certain substances with a pure

essence are anathema to dark magic?”

Gray stared at him incredulously. “You mean the

water? It can't be that simple.”

Kail grinned, “I think maybe it is.” He walked toward

the center of the deck and stood rooted to the ground, his

eyes focusing on the ocean around them.

“Kail,” Gray cautioned, “it takes a lot of energy to do

what you're about to attempt. If you’re wrong about this,

you'll be defenseless against them.”

“It’s going to work.” Kara stated, her voice firm with

unshakable certainty. “I know it will.”

Gray sighed, his eyes filled with a grudging acceptance.

“I'll buy you some time. Captain!” he shouted, “ready some

of your men; we're going ashore.”

Sorrel wheeled to face him, his eyes wild. “You're

mad! I'm not going anywhere near those accursed demons

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and neither are my men! You wanna go kill yourself, go

ahead! But yer not gonna drag us into it you no-good...”

Gray drew his sword, holding it pressed firmly against

the man's neck. “Now is not the time.” he hissed, his eyes

cold. “Now, do as I ask or I swear it will be you on that

beach with those monsters and I won't be there to protect


The captain flushed, his dark eyes flaming with anger.

“Ryce, go get Nixon and Yoren, as well as a few other

volunteers and follow Mr. Ravenwing to shore.” he

instructed, his eyes drilling into Gray.

The man known as Ryce paled slightly, his weathered

face blank. “Yes sir.” he managed, his voice quavering.

“Wait!” Kail called. “You can't stop all of them, not


Kara stood off to the side, knowing what she needed to

do. “I could help.” she stated, moving forward to join them.

“Just tell me how.”

Kail glanced at Gray, his expression troubled. Gray

turned to address her. “Focus your mind. Think of a wall of

impenetrable steel repelling the magic.” Kara nodded.

“Keep them from using their magic and we’ll stand a

chance, but stay here with your cousin. Don't even try to

follow.” he finished, turning toward the group of sailors who

had “volunteered” for the mission.

Gray strode forward, taking charge of the company

and setting up at line of sailors armed with crossbows to stay

behind while the remainder went ashore. Xerra went with

them, wickedly curved daggers held tightly in both hands

with her whip looped through her belt. They lowered

themselves into the small lifeboats hanging at the side of the

ship, crossing the short distance that separated them from

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the beach and wading ashore. Kara watched them leave,

swallowing nervously and hoping that she could do what she

had been asked.

Out on the beach, the Cursed Ones had begun to

mount some kind of defense, dismounting and summoning

forth a wall of darkness. Kara cleared her mind, following

Gray’s instructions as closely as she could. She began to feel

the first stirrings of magic, the energy gathering inside of her

and stretching out to envelope everyone still on board the


A wave of blackness spread out from the Cursed,

shooting toward the approaching sailors and destroying

everything in its path. Gray fought against it, weakening the

effects of their spell. The sailors rushed forward and began

battle against the demons, their weapons having almost no

effect. Gray continued to counteract the spells directed at

himself and the others fighting along the shoreline, the

strain on his face evident as he also lent what little he could

to aiding Kara in her own defense. Kara held steady the

shield around the ship, feeling the building pressure of the

opposing magic.

Kail steadied himself, calling forth his magic and

reaching out toward the water. The sea began to churn

violently, froth forming on its surface as it rose up to meet

his hand.

The Cursed saw what he was doing and instantly

turned their efforts against him. Gray faltered, fending off

the creatures' attacks with his sword. Kara gasped at the

sudden increase in pressure, realizing that Gray’s efforts had

failed and she was the only one standing between them and

her cousin. Something deep inside her stirred to life,

strengthening her efforts and filling her with a strange

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exhilaration. She continued to hold the energy barrier,

falling slowly away from the chaos around her as the magic

drew her farther and farther away from herself.

* * * * *

Gray stood behind the line of sailors that battled the

Cursed, all his concentration focused on disrupting the

spells being woven by the enemy that confronted them. On

board the ship, he was vaguely aware of Kail beginning to

summon forth the magic that would send forth the wave.

They only needed to hold the creatures off for a little longer

and then it would be over.

A one handed scythe arced through the air toward his

throat and he reacted on instinct, raising his sword and

deflecting the blow. The owner of the weapon charged

toward him, dead features twisted with hate. He fought

against the demon, all the while still continuing to stop the

flow of magic spreading out from the others. Xerra leapt in

front of him as another creatures joined its companion in

the battle against him. A knife flew from out of her

outstretched hand with perfect precision and embedded

itself in the first creature’s skull. It shrieked, and Gray took

advantage of the opportunity, slamming the end of his

sword into the knife and sending it forward into the

demon’s eye along with a burst of energy before turning

about and decapitating the second of the creatures.

Unearthly yells filled the air as the pair of Cursed fled,

moving back to join their kin.

Gray redoubled his efforts, successfully unraveling the

complex spell the other Cursed were attempting to cast. He

did not see the others until they were right on top of him,

but a quick shout from Xerra warned him at the last

second. He spun around, parrying a blow from a long

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bladed pike, but the creature twisted the weapon at the last

moment. It scraped along his sword arm, biting into the

flesh and sending a jolt of pain through him. His magic

crumpled, collapsing in an instant and leaving the Cursed

free to attack. He dodged the wraith's next few attacks, two

of them fighting ferociously in an attempt to kill him.

As he continued his defense, an enormous wall of

water loomed up in front of them and Gray could feel the

slight alteration in the magic as the Cursed quickly shifted

their efforts toward Kail, intent on killing him where he

stood. Gray held his breath, waiting for the magic to find its

target, but nothing happened. It was then that he noticed

Kara, her face calm and composed as she held back the full

force of the dark magic.

The ship lurched sideways and the torrent of water

shot forward, an unstoppable behemoth moving to destroy

the enemy who beset them. Gray called for a retreat,

struggling against the malevolent creatures who had cut off

his retreat, his sword flashing in the sun. He watched as the

majority of the men dropped their weapons and fled,

running across the beach away from the oncoming tide.

Only a few stayed with him a while longer before tactically

retreating, including to his great surprise, Flint Hawkwood,

who cradled his damaged shoulder that had been injured

earlier in the fight.

Two of the sailors were slain, unable to stand against

the unnatural strength of the demons. The Cursed moved

toward them with not a single wound marking any of their

bodies, all the various injuries the combatants had dealt

them having healed. They charged toward the retreating

sailors, but luckily the water reached them first. The water

curved around the men and headed toward the Cursed, a

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sudden gale of wind steering it in a complex spiral that

converged on the wraiths and sent up a chorus of pain filled

shrieks as the clear liquid seared the demons’ flesh like fire.

The Cursed Ones raced away from the tide, black robes

smoking. Gray watched with satisfaction as their enemy fled,

their skeletal faces twisted with pain as the water burned

into them. He led the remaining sailors back to the ship.

Victory was theirs.

* * * * *

The magic that had threatened them dissipated and

Kara blinked in confusion to clear the strange disorientation

that had suddenly overcome her. She didn't feel tired at all.

In fact, she felt just the opposite. She was rejuvenated, the

magic roiling within her in a compelling manner that made

her hungry for more.

Beside her, Kail slid to his knees, his face drawn and

haggard. He called back the tide, stilling the ocean and

returning it to the state of placid serenity it had previously

maintained. The Cursed Ones were nowhere in sight,

having returned to the darkness from whence they had

come. Gray and Xerra came back to join them,

accompanied by the rest of the sailors who had gone with

them to join the battle.

Gray stared at Kara, his eyes filled with a mix of

surprise and admiration. “How did you do that?”

She stared at him uncomprehendingly. “What do you


“For someone who has never created a shield before,

yours held against twelve of those creatures, completely

stopping all of their efforts to harm us.”

She looked down, her blue eyes thoughtful. “I don't


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Xerra rushed over to Kail, her eyes filled with worry.

He gave her a weak smile, his eyelids drooping and his tone

faint. “I'm fine, really.”

He tried to rise to his feet only to be caught by Gray as

his strength left him and he slumped forward. “Don't be an

idiot Kail,” the mage snapped. “Of course you're not alright.

You just moved about ten thousand gallons of water, and

then returned it to its regular state. Not to mention that little

trick with the wind that made it converge around the Cursed

which was not only stupid, but dangerous as well. I'm

surprised you haven't passed out yet.”

Kail glanced at him ruefully, “You know, I've never

known anyone who can be quite as insulting while

expressing genuine concern.” he remarked wryly, just

moments before he blacked out.

Kara trailed along after the group as they carried Kail

below decks, still thinking about what had happened. The

amount of success she had experienced when fending off

the black magic of the Cursed exhilarated her, but it

frightened her as well. The strange hunger she had felt

upon sealing it away, the revolting feeling the magic gave her

after she had used it, was just plain disturbing. She could

feel it even now, pacing inside of her like a caged beast

awaiting release. She entered her cabin, locking the door

behind her and shutting her eyes against her mix of


A cold voice filled the room with laughter. Kara gritted

her teeth, instantly recognizing the unmistakable taunting of

the person responsible for all that had happened to her.

The sorceress spoke softly, her voice deceivingly silky,

hiding the cold biting edge that lay beneath. “You’re doing

much better than I expected, finally experiencing the

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tantalizing allure that true power holds.” Syra smiled at her,

her blue eyes sparkling. “Soon you'll feel the intoxicating

effect of its use, the growing hunger and finally the moment

of weakness that makes you succumb. Your cousin can tell

you, it happens quite suddenly. Do not shy from it child. It

is something to be embraced, not hidden in the shadows.

The potential for such greatness has always been yours. If

only you were not so naive, maybe you could have made

something of this power that has been given to you.”

Kara glared at her. “I don't want anything to do with

your magic! All that I've inherited from you is misery. I

would never do any of the horrible things that you did!”

The specter smiled without warmth, seeming to lose all

transparency and become almost solid. “Never is a bold

word child. ‘Tis true, I've killed people, and yes, I have

done things that some might consider to be ‘morally wrong’,

but do not make the mistake of deluding yourself into

thinking that you have not.” She paused, her face hard,

“The dead soldiers that line the halls of Zalem would testify

otherwise wouldn't they? Besides, I was not the one who set

the Cursed free to roam this earth, that my dear was your

cousin, as you well know...”

“Get out!” she yelled, her face flushed with anger.

“Right now. Just go back to whatever level of hell you came

from and leave me alone!”

Syra's eyes narrowed, hostility radiating from her in

waves. “Stupid child,” she hissed. “I take orders from no

one. Those pompous fools that had me executed thought

they could dictate my life. They dared to challenge my

authority. Now they lie dead in the ground, a pitiful

collection of bones, and that’s just the lucky ones. You have

seen for yourself the fate of those who opposed me. They

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are but ashes and dust. Empty shells, their souls consigned

to the depths of the hell of whence you speak. Still I live on.

You see you little wretch, I am eternal.”

She turned her gaze on Kara, her ghostly eyes burning

with anger. “You are a fool to believe you can do anything

without me. If I did not need you, I would kill you for your

impudence.” The sorceress turned away from her, a

swirling mass of darkened mist, her long black hair falling in

smooth waves to her waist. “As it stands however, it still

remains to be seen whether or not I will kill you when this

is over. Do not make the mistake of thinking I cannot. You

will realize soon enough the cost of such ignorance. We are

not so different you and I.” she purred. “We have a lot

more in common than you are willing to admit.” Syra

turned back to face her, her face devoid of emotion. Kara

saw in her eyes a frightening darkness, something inhuman

that had sunken far beyond the capacity to feel anything

more than the festering hate that pulsed deep inside the


“I am nothing like you.” Kara spat, her hands clenched

into fists.

Syra smiled, her strange eyes twinkling. “We shall see;

we shall see.” She placed her hand on Kara's shoulder,

sending a wave of icy pain lancing throughout the girl’s body

at the unnatural contact. “In the end, you shall give me what

I want regardless of your reservations. Whether you

succeed or fail, you can never really win. In the end, I shall

be the one left standing when you are long gone.”

She faded away, the bitter chill of her presence still

lingering long after she was gone. Kara remained motionless

in the center of the room, staring at the empty space in front

of her where the spirit had stood. The harsh words echoed

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inside her head, an endless litany of hopeless visions of her

fate. She sank down onto her bed, knowing that there

would be no sleep tonight.

* * * * *

Gray waited patiently while the healer applied the mix

of herbs to the gash in his arm, waiting along with the others

who had been injured in the fight down in the sick bay

below decks. The healers here used a mix of magic and

herbs to cure most injuries and though it was not as effective

as the art of healing practiced by the council and other

expert mages, it surpassed regular medicine in that it

worked faster and left no scars. The head injury he had

received during his last encounter with the Cursed had

finally vanished, only to be replaced by this new set of

injuries, but that seemed to be the way things worked for

him. His life all seemed to have been nothing but an

endless series of conflicts, with one battle just barely

reaching its conclusion before another crisis arose to take its


He shook his head, glancing down at his arm. The cut

was superficial. It would heal fairly fast, unlike the wounds

suffered by some of the others who had gone with him.

Only a few had died, but many had suffered injuries far

worse than his.

He glanced over to where Kail lay deep in sleep,

recovering the energy he had expended by creating the

storm that had driven off the Cursed Ones. Gray

remembered how hard it had been to thwart their magic.

When he had been forced to fight them physically as well, it

had been too much for him and his efforts to stop them

from using their powers had failed completely. Then there

was Kara, holding off the full force of all the Cursed’s magic

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and emerging from the battle completely unscathed, looking

for all the world as if she hadn't done anything but stand

there and watch. He shook his head. At least this time she

had kept it under control as opposed to the last few times

when her magic had raged wild, indiscriminately taking out

everything in its path.

He glanced over to where the captain stood talking

with his first mate Ryce, his stern face dark and moody.

“We lost Nixon and Copernin during the battle. Both were

felled by the devils as they tried to cover our retreat. Many

others suffered minor injuries, a few cuts and broken bones,

none of which are expected to be fatal.”

Sorrel frowned, his voice a low growl, “Inform our

passengers that as soon as that sorcerous trouble-maker on

the cot over there wakes up, I want them to get off my ship

and never come back.” He stormed off, his meaty hands

clenched into fists, looking feral and hostile. Gray watched

him leave, knowing that they had definitely seen the last of

Durus Sorrel.

Flint Hawkwood sat in the bed next to him, grimacing

as the healer set his dislocated shoulder, placing it back in

its socket and applying the enchanted herbs that would knit

the tissue back together at an accelerated rate. Gray had

never had much interest in things concerning medicine,

whether they were magical or not, though he had to admit

they were very useful on journeys as dangerous as this one.

Flint groaned as the bone was placed back in its socket,

moving away from the healer quickly after it was done. Gray

still didn't trust him, but he had done well today, the first to

arrive (along with himself) and one of the last to retreat.

Flint turned to face him, sensing he was being watched.

Gray examined him, speaking with grudging admiration,

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“You didn't do half as bad as I thought you would.” he

remarked. “Though you probably should have pulled your

arm away before they grabbed it, maybe then you wouldn't

be here now.”

Flint smiled uncertainly. “I've never been one to stay

out of a fight.”

Gray rose to his feet, his gaze still containing a hint of

suspicion as he left the boy. He strode over to where Xerra

sat beside Kail, taking off the light leather armor she had

thrown on before the battle. She glanced up at his

approach, her dark green eyes expressing her anxiety for

the man lying motionless beside her despite her attempts to

hide it.

“Any change?” he asked, already knowing the answer.

She shook her head, “The medic isn't really sure what

to do. They said it would be best to just wait and see what


Kara slipped into the room, her face pale and

frightened. She sat down beside them, her voice soft as she

spoke. “How's he doing?” she asked.

Xerra sighed, “I couldn't say. Being from Zalem, I

have no experience with this kind of thing.” she glanced

over at Gray. “You know more about it than I do.”

Gray looked up at Kara wondering what had happened

to make her so distraught. “He'll be fine. It takes a lot of

energy to conjure up a storm on such a large scale. He

should wake up in a few hours, don't worry.”

She nodded, her eyes wandering. They went to their

rooms and packed their things, Gray taking care to place all

of his meager possessions in perfect order inside of his bag.

He went over to the closet inside his cabin, taking out the

delicate gold necklace that had belonged to Lya and placing

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it inside his robes, reminding himself once again what he

was fighting for. He emerged into the hall only to be

confronted by Captain Sorrel, the sailor’s breath reeking of


The disheveled man moved to block his way, his

words slurred as he spoke. “Get off me ship. I've 'ad

enough of ya stupid trouble-makers. I'll give ya ten minutes

to leave and if yer still 'ere when they're finished I'll 'ave ya

thrown over the rail!”

Flint Hawkwood appeared in the doorway behind

them, his eyes flickering uncertainly between the two of

them. “Captain,” he started, “don't you think your

overreacting just a little? They saved our lives and I'm not

really sure you’re in the right state to be...”

Sorrel glared balefully at him, his flushed face radiating

anger. “Shut your mouth Hawkwood before I shut it for


Flint flushed, his blue eyes filling with anger. “Maybe I

should, but I won't. You don't have a right to do this...”

“It's my ship ya blackguard! And you seem to 'ave

fergotten yer place here. So you can join these evil fiends on

the shore, 'cause you're fired! And you!” he shouted turning

back toward Gray. “I've fulfilled my half of the bargain,

where's my money?”

His words were slurred as he spoke, and by the look in his

eyes he was in a dangerous mood.

Gray tossed him a pouch overflowing with gold,

keeping his face blank. “All of its there, as agreed. Is there

anything else?”

“No.” he snapped. “Now go and get the rest of yer

plague of interlopers and get of me ship!” He stumbled off,

belligerent and angry. Gray shook his head; he had no

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doubt that the captain was fully intent on fulfilling his

promise and throwing them overboard if they weren't gone

by the time he came back. He briefly considered staying just

to spite him, but quickly dismissed the idea. He glanced

back at the still form of Flint Hawkwood, his face gone pale.

The boy should have known better than to challenge the

captain. Regardless, it wasn't his problem.

He strode into the makeshift hospital, seizing a pail of

water from the healer and moving over to where Kail lay

sleeping. It had been over an hour since the battle; it was

high time he woke. Gray swiftly emptied the contents of the

bucket, soaking the old mattress and bringing Kail

spluttering awake.

He sat up coughing, blinking the ice cold water from

his eyes and fixing his eyes on Gray. “You couldn't have

considered trying to use a wake spell?” he stated accusingly,

his sodden blond hair dripping water onto his face.

“I thought it was only appropriate to use water.” Gray

stated wryly, turning away. “Now come on, we have to

leave.” They joined Xerra and Kara out in the hall, packs

slung over their shoulders. Kail swayed unsteadily, still not

fully recovered, but better than he was before.

“What happened? And why are you wet?” Kara said

confusedly, her blond hair pulled back in a long ponytail.

“Our drunken captain wants us off the ship right now

or we get thrown overboard.” Gray replied. “Now I suggest

we hurry up and leave. We can ask questions later.”

They made their way to the top deck without any

further discussion, moving toward the gangplank leading to

the country beyond.

Kara stared up at the daunting forms of the mountains,

an endless maze of rocky peaks that stretched for miles in

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every direction. She glanced at Gray, her expression

anxious. “You know the way through these?” she


He looked away from her. “To be perfectly honest,


Kara stared at him in shock, her face incredulous.

“What do you mean no! I thought you'd been here before!”

He shook his head, “I landed about 10 leagues south,

and tracked the Cursed north through the hills.”

“Don't you think you could have mentioned that

before!” she shouted, her voice becoming panicked as the

stress of the past few days finally got to her.

He stared at her calmly, his gray eyes placating. “The

storm must have blown us off course. I didn't realize until

we reached the shore, and at that point, there were much

more important things to worry about.”

A vaguely familiar voice sounded off to one side, and

Gray turned toward it, frowning when he discovered who it

was. “Did I hear you say you needed a guide.” Flint asked,

his blue eyes flickering with hope.

Kara smiled as she caught sight of him, leaning lazily

against the railing as he gave them his offer. “Why?” she

asked. “Do you know someone?”

“As a matter of fact, I do. I've been through these

mountains numerous times while delivering cargo to the

people of the mountains when I worked aboard The

Cobra. I can get you wherever you need to go, as long as it

doesn't go beyond the river Hellese into the Black Marsh.”

Kail raised an eyebrow. “I don't think your captain

would appreciate you just abandoning ship.”

Flint looked down, “I'm not exactly abandoning it. The

captain threw me off a few minutes ago for contradicting

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him when he said he should throw you overboard. To be

perfectly honest, at the moment, I don't really have

anywhere else to go but with you.”

Xerra glanced over at Gray, her tone imploring, “I say

we give it a shot. We have no other way of getting where we

need to go and we don't have enough time to wander

around the mountains for months on end. Besides, it’s not

like he can go back to the ship. It’s only because he helped

us that this is happening.”

Kail nodded. “I agree. Gray?”

Gray frowned, his eyes darkening. “You already know

my answer.”

Kara sighed dramatically. “Stop being so paranoid! We

don't have time to argue. He's offering to help us, and he

stood up for us even when it meant losing his job. This is

the least we can do.” Gray didn't reply, his expression one

of resignation.

The hatch leading below was thrown open and the

man by the name of Yoren appeared, his accent thick as he

spoke. “Cap'n demands ya leave right now, or else I'm

o'dered to throw ya overboard.” he paused, his gaze shifting

to find Flint. “And that means all of ya.” A group of men

appeared behind him, muscled bodies standing tense and

ready as if anticipating their refusal.

Flint raised an eyebrow, glancing knowingly at Gray.

“Very well.” The mage answered coolly, his expression

guarded. “Lead the way Hawkwood.”

They strode down the gangplank, Flint in the lead with

Gray closely following. The ship set sail behind them,

casting off anchor and disappearing behind the line of razor

sharp peaks that surrounded them.

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They waded to shore, Kail leaning on Xerra's shoulder

for support. Flint turned to address them as they left the

water, his face gone serious. “There's a path leading through

the mountains that heads east through the territory of the

Jika. It splits off about five miles from here depending on

where you wanna go.”

Kail turned to face him, blue eyes dead serious. “We'll

be heading east to the shores of the Hellese River. There,

we'll part company and you can try to find a ship to take

you back to the West.”

Flint stared at them incredulously, “You can't be going

into the marsh. Do you know how dangerous that would

be? There's nothing there but toxic sludge and creatures

that could...”

“Where we're going is none of your concern.” Gray

snapped. “Your job is to get us there and not ask


Flint flushed. “Yes sir.” he replied rather sardonically,

his face sullen. “Now if you're well enough to go, we can

leave immediately.” he said, addressing Kail.

“I'll be fine. We should leave before the Cursed have

time to recover. It won’t be long before they come back,

and next time, it might not be so easy to drive them off.”

Xerra frowned at him, shouldering her pack and

setting off. They made their way across the beach and into

the slate gray rocky terrain of the mountains. Gray stayed

behind Flint the entire way, knowing that there was more to

him than the others were willing to believe.

* * * * *

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Chapter XIX


The company marched steadily onward, navigating

their way through the treacherous spires that lined the

narrow path. The road wound up through the rocky terrain

of the mountains and progress was slow, the rock walls

surrounding them already covered in a thin layer of ice. Kail

lagged behind, wrapping his cloak tighter about him to ward

off the chill and doing his best to keep pace as he

recuperated from his use of the magic.

Near the front strode Flint, Gray close at his back as

the sailor showing them the way through the complex maze

of passes that lined the valley's floor. Similar to Gray, Kail in

no way trusted Flint, but they had needed a guide and as of

yet the sailor had not done anything to prove himself to be

the villain Gray suspected him to be. Still, Gray had been

right when he had said that there was something weird

about the kid. He couldn't explain it, but he knew there was

more to this boy than met the eye.

His gaze shifted to find Kara, her hood pulled low over

her face, hiding her expression. Kail frowned; she had been

acting strange ever since their encounter with the Cursed on

the beaches. Something had frightened her, and he had a

feeling that it hadn't been the Cursed Ones themselves, but

was instead something more personal. He tried to think

back to the battle, but found that the memory was

considerably clouded. He had been so focused on

controlling the wave that he hadn't been aware of much that

had been happening around him.

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He briefly considered asking her about it, but

dismissed the idea as being premature. Whatever it was had

frightened her, it would not be a good idea to impose when

she was still so upset. Like most things, it would simply have

to wait until a later time.

A sudden feeling of being watched overcame him, and

he looked up into the massive cracks that lined the rock

face, the hollow gaps shrouded in shadows.

Xerra dropped back beside him, her slim form

wrapped in a pale green cloak, along with a tight leather vest

and breeches. She scanned his face, her green eyes taking in

every detail. “What is it?” she questioned, understanding

immediately that something was wrong.

He was slow to reply, his blue eyes troubled as he

stared ahead into the darkening light of the valley. “I think

we're being watched.”

She followed his gaze to the cliffs above them, but

could not see anything of what he was talking about. She

shook her head, “I can't make out anything. If there is

something up there, it’s too far away to do any harm.” She

glanced over at him, seeing that her reassurance had been

in vain. “I'll keep an eye out just in case.” she finished, going

back to rejoin the others.

Kail stared after her, thinking that if there was

something watching them that they couldn't see, it was a

danger to all of them.

They stopped to rest about three hours into their

journey, making a light meal of bread and cheese out of the

meager supplies they had carried with them from the ship.

Kail sat eating in silence, his mind lost in thought. A

faint shadow fell over him and he looked up, shaken from

his reverie and saw Kara sitting beside him. She looked

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strangely vulnerable, her blue eyes staring down at the

ground. “Do you think magic makes people change?” she

asked softly.

He stared at her, confusion on his face. “What do you


“Do you think using magic can change a person?” She

repeated, her eyes coming to fix on him.

He paused, thinking it over. “I honestly can't say.

Magic is never one thing or the other. It has different effects

on different people. Sometimes it can cause changes

because the wielder wants more power, but I can't say for

sure whether that’s the magic itself or just something inside

of us.”

“So then it might be true, and I might be the same as


Kail's brows creased in confusion. “Kara, what are you

talking about?”

She sighed, “I'm talking about Syra, but more than

that, I'm talking about everything. I can't tell what’s true and

what isn't. It all seems so real, yet I don't want to believe any

of it!” She ran her hands through her hair, stressed and


“You mean when she spoke to you outside of Souran?

Kara you can't trust anything she says she isn't...”

“No not just then. I can hear her in my head. Earlier

today after the battle, she appeared just as she did before,

telling more about the Cursed's doom, and then she spoke

of magic. How it can corrupt and how soon I'd be the same

as her. I said she was lying, but to be honest, I don't know. I

can't help but think that maybe she's right and after this is

done, I'll just keep falling farther and farther until none of it

matters anymore.”

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She paused, her face growing harder. “After I used the

magic today, I could feel it inside of me, like a living thing

waiting for release. I wanted to use it again, not because I

needed to or because someone was in danger, but just so I

could feel that strange exhilaration that it gave me. What

happens when it finally becomes too much and I give into

that feeling? What happens when there's nothing of me left

to protest?”

Tears filled her eyes. She stared at the ground, her face

becoming hidden by a curtain of hair. Kail put his arm

around her, his voice steady and reassuring as he spoke.

“That won't happen.”

“And why not? How do you know that? How can you

be sure?”

He stared straight into her eyes, his gaze holding hers.

“Because no matter how strong the temptation to abuse

your gift gets, you will always be stronger. I know the feeling

that using such power gives you. It's addictive, and you feel

as if nothing in the world really matters anymore as long as

you have it. But it can't control you. You are the wielder;

the magic cannot do anything that you don't want it to. The

only control it has over you is when you forget that and let it

do as it wishes. Syra's words are nothing but lies. Everything

I've told you is truth and no matter what horrifying things

you may be shown, you just need to remember that none of

it changes that you are the same caring person you have

always been, and I will always be there to remind you of


She smiled at him, the haunted look she had worn

earlier beginning to fade from her eyes. “Thank you,” she

said softly, standing up and moving over to the remnants of

her meal.

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Gray rose to his feet, stating grimly hat it was time they

pressed onward.

The company made its way through the failing light,

winding their way deeper into the maze of peaks with Flint

standing at the head of the column and Gray an ever

present shadow not far behind him. The group had not

gone more than a mile when they encountered a sheer wall

of ice in the center of the pass before them, a formidable

barricade that blocked off all access to the mountains

beyond. According to Flint, the only way through was to

leave the valley and climb into the higher ranges, then

continue onward and descend at the edge of the Hellese

River where the pass rejoined the main road east.

They climbed higher into the icy crags, the air getting

thinner as they ascended toward their summits. Kail felt

strangely lightheaded as the trek continued, his strength still

diminished from his use of magic earlier that day with the

thin air of the mountains about him making his head spin.

He was surprised at how much summoning the wave had

taken out of him. He had worked with elemental magic

many times before, though never on such a large scale, and

it had never been anything more than mildly tiring. The fact

remained that Gray had been right when he had said it was

stupid to do something that required so much energy, and

he probably wouldn't have tried it to perform such a

difficult maneuver had he known how hard it would be.

Still, it had saved their lives. The Cursed Ones were gone,

but Kara was more to thank for that than he was. It had

been her idea in the first place and he never would have

thought of it on his own.

He glanced toward the front of the procession to

where Kara and Flint were walking, trailed by the ever-

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watchful Gray. He knew how much Gray mistrusted the

recently fired sailor, but he couldn't help but think that

maybe Gray was being a little too paranoid. After all, they

knew next nothing about Flint, so what reason did they have

to mistrust him? Then again, it was that very same logic that

made him wonder if it wouldn’t be safer to just do as Gray

suggested and leave him right then and there.

It was almost dark by the time they entered the Fore-

rim, a particularly narrow stretch of path that led above a

deep crevasse that lay between two of the mountains. Kail

glanced uncertainly at the icy trail, the horrid conditions

making it so that even the slightest misstep would send you

straight into the pit below.

Kail turned to Gray, his blue eyes grave. “This doesn't

seem like a good idea.”

Gray glanced at the Fore-rim, nodding his head in

agreement. “It would be nearly impossible to cross this,

even without the ice to make it worse. We'll need to find

another way.”

Gray shifted his gaze to find Flint. “You're the guide, is

there another way through without having to cross?”

Flint shook his head, running his hands through his

lank brown hair, the edges of which were lined with frost.

“The only other way is a trail that leads around the

escarpment about five miles north of here. We don’t have

the time to retrace our steps through the pass. We need to

get back down to lower altitudes before nightfall; dangerous

things hunt these places by night, not to mention the cold. It

will be impossible to find our way through these mountains

once it grows completely dark and we can't afford to stay

here and wait till dawn.”

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Gray frowned, his eyes darkening. He clearly did not

think much of the notion of crossing the chasm. Xerra

stepped forward, her face grave as she spoke. “Judging by

what little I know of these mountains he's right about the

predators that hunt these grounds. I say we attempt a

crossing before sunset when we'll lose what little light we

have and be forced to continue by torch.”

“We could use magic.” Kara suggested, her face

brightening. “It would be easy to light the way and find our

way through this other pass that you mentioned.” she said,

turning toward Flint.

“It would also draw every animal within a mile like

moths to a flame.” Gray remarked dryly. “The creatures of

this region aren't afraid of light. An illumination spell will be

like a painted banner to give away our location, not to

mention possibly drawing the Cursed as well.”

Kail stepped forward. “We aren't gaining anything by

standing here and arguing. I say we try to cross. We don't

have much else of an option at this point.”

The others nodded, reluctance and trepidation

mirrored on all of their faces. Kail went first, edging out

onto the narrow ledge and sliding along the cliff wall toward

the other side. Xerra and Kara followed close behind him

with Flint and Gray trailing. They had gotten over half way

across when the tremors began, ripping through the entire

mountain and dislodging rocks and ice from the slopes

above. They pressed themselves close against the walls of

the cliff, watching the rubble shoot past them and tumble

into the endless chasm below. A particularly violent

shudder shook the ridge, causing a section of the path to

break away and sending Kara sliding into the void.

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Kail saw what was happening and tried to act, but there

was nothing he could do. He watched in helpless

desperation as the ledge crumbled away, with Xerra just

barely avoiding falling herself as the entire section of the

rock fell into the abyss. It was Flint who reacted, locking his

strong hands around Kara’s wrist and plunging his dagger

into the ice that lined the wall to keep from falling. He

gasped as the sudden weight pulled at his recently

dislocated shoulder, pressing against the side of the cliff to

keep it from being re-injured. He pulled with his good arm,

bracing himself and using all his strength to help her back

onto the ledge. Kara gripped the side of the rock face and,

with Flint's help, pulled herself back up.

Kail and Xerra stared at the wide gap in the ledge that

separated them from the others. There was no way for the

three on the opposite side to get across. Kail stared grimly

at the thousand foot drop. “It looks too wide to cross.”

Flint stood massaging his shoulder. The herbs had

done their job and kept it from completely dislocating a

second time, though by the looks of it, they had not done

much to ease the pain. He peered over the edge to the dark

crevasse that lay beneath, taking in the twelve foot gap that

separated them. “I could probably try to jump it, but it

would be too dangerous with all the ice.”

“You couldn’t jump a gap like that no matter the

conditions.” Gray scoffed, his tone dark.

Kail continued to stare off into space, his blue eyes

brightening as an idea began to form. “If your dagger stayed

lodged in the wall when you saved Kara, it should support a

person's weight if you all cross one at a time.” He pulled out

a length of rope from his pack, tossing one end over to

Flint. “Wrap it around the hilt than lodge it into the side of

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the mountain. I'll do the same on this end, and then you

can climb across.”

Flint nodded, doing as instructed and watching as the

rope went taut. The tremors continued to ripple through

the mountain. They had lessened, but were still large

enough to knock them all into the pit if they weren't careful.

Flint was the first to cross, wrapping his legs around the

length of rope and sliding toward the far ledge. Kara

followed, moving swiftly toward them. She had not

completely regained her composure, as evidenced by the

wild look in her eyes, and was still shaken by her fall.

Gray was the last to cross, edging slowly toward the

crevasse. He took hold of the rope, tossing his sword and

cloak to the far side before making his way across. He was

just over halfway when the ice on the left side that anchored

the blade gave way with a sickening crack. Kara darted

forward, crying out in terror as dagger, rope, and person, all

fell in a shower of ice. The rope swung wide and Gray hit

the side of the mountain with a thud. The dagger on the far

side of the chasm groaned under the weight and Kara bit

her lip, already anticipating the worst. Gray swung sideways

and caught hold of the base of the ledge where they stood,

releasing the rope just as the second knife slid free.

Kail pulled him up to stand beside them, and the mage

shook his head ruefully, gray eyes grim. “Far too close.” he

remarked, shooting a look at Flint who was standing near

the front of the column, making it obvious who he had

chosen to blame for the incident.

They stood staring down at the crevasse, the last of the

light beginning to fade. They made it to the other side

without incident, moving smoothly along the narrow path

and continuing their journey east. Kail marched steadily

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onward. He couldn't help but think how close that had

been. They had almost lost two people this night and it was

a miracle they were all still here after so close an encounter

with death. He glanced forward at Flint, still unable to make

up his mind about him. He had saved Kara's life, yet at the

same time it had been because of his bad directions that

they had been forced to cross the chasm in the first place.

They walked for another hour or so before stopping

for the night. They set up camp in a broad alcove near the

valley floor, the rough grass sparkling with frost. It was

considerably warmer in the lower altitudes, though the feel

of winter still lay heavy on the air. If they did not make it

out of these mountains soon and enter the humid plains of

the marsh, they might not survive the storms that were to


Xerra came to sit beside him as he finished off his

meager dinner, her green eyes troubled as she stared into

the fire. “That was close.” she remarked. “If those tremors

had been any more potent, we'd all be at the bottom of that

ravine right now. As it was, we barely avoided losing Kara

and Gray.”

She glanced over at the person to whom she had just

been speaking. Gray lay staring out into the darkness at the

edge of camp, far removed from the others, though

isolation was not an unusual trait from him. He had

volunteered to keep watch, well, more accurately he had

stated that he was going to do so and sent everyone else to

get some rest. Her gaze shifted to Flint who sat conversing

with Kara, his strong face lined with genuine concern as he


“I'm not sure what to make of him,” Xerra

commented. “I suppose I believe that he really does care

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about Kara and that he's trying to help us. He seems to be a

perfectly good person, yet at the same time he seems so...”

“Guarded.” Kail finished. “Like he's hiding something

from us.”

She nodded, “Exactly. No matter how he appears

there's still the possibility that Gray is right and he really isn't

on our side, but why would he have saved Kara if his

intentions were to sabotage us?”

Kail sighed, feeling tired and confused. “I don't know.

I've been asking myself the same question.”

Xerra rose to leave, her eyes lost in thought. “I'm going

to get some sleep. You should do the same. You haven't

looked well since you used that magic.” She shook her

head. “Who would have ever thought that a princess of

Zalem would be aiding a magic wielder, but times change,”

she stated, shifting her gaze to meet his own. Her stare was

captivating, her deep green eyes displaying something that

he could not quite understand. “hopefully for the better.”

His eyes followed after her as she left. There was

something about her presence that he found reassuring and

he felt a peculiar ache deep inside as he watched her

depart, even if she hadn’t really gone all that far. He

continued his silent contemplation of her for a few

moments longer before setting out his bedroll and laying

down to rest. The events of the day were beginning to wear

on him. Too much was happening to put them all in

danger, and he knew with an unwavering certainty that

things would only get worse the closer they got to the end of

this journey and the enemy that awaited them. He closed

his eyes, the world outside fading away as he let go of reality

and began to dream.

* * * * *

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Kara sat talking with Flint as the fire began to dwindle

and die. Xerra and Kail had gone to sleep, though Gray was

still up, sitting apart from everyone as he stared off into the

forest. She pulled her cloak around her as the night’s chill

deepened, her petite form shivering with cold. It had been a

long day, her near-death experience only worsening her

sense of trepidation that had carried over from her meeting

with Syra. No one but Kail knew about the encounter and

the fact that he understood her feelings reassured her in a

way the others could not. He had seemed so different when

they had begun this journey all those months ago, far

removed from the loving cousin she had once known, but

now she had begun to see flashes of his old self. The

distance that had grown between them had faded away, and

she now felt closer to him than ever. He was someone who

would always be there for her, like the brother she had

never had. Not that he could protect her from those that

hunted her when with a flick of their hand the Cursed had

killed mages of ten times his strength, and not that it

changed the fact that if she failed in this quest, they would

all die.

She sighed, staring out into the darkness between the

scattering of tree's that grew along the mountains where they

sat. If only this was all over and she could go back home.

Then maybe she wouldn't have to worry about such things.

“What are you thinking about?” Flint asked, his blue

eyes reflecting the light of the fire.

“Just lamenting on how hard this has turned out to be.

How hopeless it all seems. It seems every time we escape

from the darkness some new danger appears to challenge


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The older boy glanced away from her, his expression

troubled. “Maybe it is hopeless to fight. Maybe the dangers

are too many and there isn't really anyone you can rely on.”

She stared at him, decidedly perplexed. “That's never

true. Why would you say something like that? There are

always some people you can rely on.”

He continued to look away from her. “Maybe that’s so,

or maybe it’s just what you want to believe. There's always a

chance that those who you think you can trust don't really

deserve that trust. Your friend Gray certainly thinks so. He

seems pretty convinced that I don’t deserve your faith.”

Her brow creased, a stubborn determination emerging

on her face. “You saved my life today. I wouldn't be here

right now if it wasn't for you. If you ask me, that's more than

enough proof that I can trust you.”

He glanced over at her, his eyes sad. “I'm glad you

think so.” He walked away before she had a chance to say

anything further, rolling up into his blankets with his back to

her. Kara stayed seated, thinking for a long time about what

he had said. She went to sleep finally, her exhaustion

making her eyes heavy. No one noticed the shadowy

presence that hovered over their camp, hidden in the

darkness as they crept ever closer to the camp.

* * * * *

Kail's eyes snapped open and he rolled to his feet, his

senses tingling as he detected the strange presence that had

tracked them all day. The others remained sleeping, lying in

peaceful bliss, unable to detect the intruders. It was then

that he spotted Gray lying motionless on the ground, the

attacker having come at him from behind and disabled him

before he could do anything to retaliate. He reached for his

sword, only to be halted by the feel of cold metal pressing

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against his back, the smooth tip of the blade digging into his


The owner of the blade began to speak, “Move one

inch and you and your companions will all be slain.” Her

voice was cold and factual as she spoke, her hand steady as

she held the dagger against his back. He glanced up into the

ridges that stood above them, spotting the figures concealed

there, crossbows aimed at those who remained sleeping. He

had no doubt that they would not miss should they choose

to fire those shots.

He stood motionless, desperately trying to think of

something to do. “Remove your hand from your sword and

make no sudden movements.” The voice commanded. He

hesitated before doing as he was asked, knowing there was

nothing else he could do. Thick ropes were looped about

his hands, his sword carried well out of reach. The others’

eyes blinked open at the sound of approaching footsteps.

Xerra reached for her dagger, only to stop as she spotted

Kail with the knife pressed against his back. The strangers

took them captive, binding their hands behind their backs

and confiscating their weapons.

Kail stood watching it happen, catching sight of the

faces of those who had them and knowing them

immediately for what they were. The pressure of the knife

left his back and he was turned over to another of the

people. He began to summon his magic, subtle traces that

would not be detectable until it was too late. He burned

swiftly through the ropes that bound him, throwing back his

captor, and settling into a protective crouch.

The woman in charge turned toward him, her eyes

going cold. She gave the command for the others to kill the

prisoners, but Kail had predicted as much, and watched

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with satisfaction as the warriors weapons were ripped from

their hands by the force he threw against them. Xerra broke

free of her captor, only to be struck in the side by a bolt

from one of the archers positioned above. Kail charged

forward to help her, only to be intercepted by the woman.

He struck out with his magic and watched in confusion as it

slid around her, the jeweled amulet she wore around her

neck deflecting his spell. She slashed at him with her short

sword and he blocked the strike with his arm, using what

little he knew of hand to hand combat as well as defensive

magic to ward off her blows and keep well away from the

blade of her weapon. Still she was determined, and she

clearly held the upper hand in their battle. His gaze

flickered sideways as Xerra was knocked sprawling. Flint

and Kara were already bound and helpless with the

intruders jagged swords pressed tight against their throats.

Kail ducked under the woman's next slash only to be

caught in the side of the head by the butt end of the sword.

He fell motionless to the ground, the world fading away as

everything around him went black.

* * * * *

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Chapter XX


The warm glow of the torch illuminated the obsidian

walls of the caves through which they walked. Kara glanced

back at the others of the company, all with their hands

bound tightly behind their backs, their captor's weapons

held ready in case they attempted anything further to

escape. She stared at the confusing labyrinth of tunnels they

had entered. Even if they did find a way to break free of

their bonds, they would never find their way out of the

mountain and would only be recaptured.

Kail and Gray were still unconscious. They had been

deemed by the company’s leader as the most dangerous of

the group, as both had displayed the capacity for magic.

Kara was under the impression that her abductors still did

not know about her own power, but there was little she

could do without guaranteeing all of their deaths. Kail had

demonstrated that. He was the much more skilled of the

two, and he had not been able to save them, even before

they had descended into this warren.

She remembered the moment she had awoken, only

to find a strange figure looming over her, his hands gripping

tightly the hilt of a jagged-edged sword. She recalled briefly

the chaos that had followed, the events that now seemed

nothing more than a senseless blur, her mind still numbed

by sleep. She had tried to resist as they had bound her

wrists, only to feel the press of metal against her neck. Gray

had already been unconscious by the time she had awoken

and she still did not fully know what had happened to him.

Flint hadn't done much better than she had, pinned to the

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ground near the beginning of the fight by a few of the men

after he had stabbed one in the eye, fatally wounding him,

while they were trying to disarm him. She had done

nothing, unable to react quickly enough to be of any use as

the fight quickly played itself out.

She had watched Xerra break free of her captors,

Kail's magic blazing through the night and striking the

woman who had led the assault, only to slide past her and

sizzle out. He had continued to fight, Xerra fending off the

men with nothing more than her hands and feet. But it had

all been in vain; the archers positioned above them had

disabled Xerra and the leader of the group had taken care

of her valiant cousin, knocking him senseless with a blow to

the head.

She sighed; not much had happened after that. They

had been led through the pass into a tunnel that led below

ground, the clear sky fading into memory as they strode

through the seemingly endless passages, following the

woman to their final destination. She glanced over at Xerra,

her eyes blazing with defiance. The wound in her side

looked awful, but it did not seem to hinder her. Instead it

seemed to only strengthen her determination to retaliate

against those responsible.

The leader called for a halt, turning to face those

assembled, and addressing those she had taken prisoner.

“You have intruded upon the kingdom of the Jika,” she

stated, “by coming unauthorized into our lands. Worse still,

you have slain two of my men and also drawn the attention

of the demons who dwell in the lands beyond.” Her dark

eyes burned into them, her face stern. “We shall soon

emerge into the fortress of Tal'Sur where you shall stand

trial against the council who shall then decide your fate.”

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Her eyes narrowed, her baleful gaze making Kara flinch.

“Once inside the city, you shall be freed of your bonds and

brought one by one to present your case to the elders, but I

warn you, try anything and the others of your company shall

be slain. The offender executed shortly thereafter.” She

examined them closely, her eyes strangely piercing, seeing

far beyond flesh and bone and discerning the truth that lay

beneath. “Consider yourselves lucky. You are being granted

lenience. If it were up to me, you would have been disposed

of the moment you entered our lands.”

She turned on heel, leading them up a steep incline

toward a set of stairs winding up to a gold framed door,

carved with symbols from a strange language that Kara did

not recognize. She remembered vaguely that Flint had

mentioned the Jika while describing the route they would

take, but she hadn't expected such a hostile reaction. She

stared at the strange clothing worn by the people, the armor

made of a series of overlapping scales similar in color to

that of the obsidian walls of the cave. Most were fully

clothed in it, carrying a mix of swords and bows slung across

their backs. They seemed well prepared, as if expecting an

attack, and judging by the manner of their assault, they had

been trained to remain undetected until the moment of the


She watched the leader of the group remove the

amulet she had worn while leading the attack, pressing it

into a slight indentation in the center of the door. A faint

light spread outward from the necklace, the snick of the

locks as they released echoing eerily in the bitter silence that

surrounded them. They walked through the thick metal

door, the wariiors still keeping careful watch over them.

They emerged into another stretch of tunnels, the floor

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paved with large flagstones. It appeared the passage was

man-made rather than a natural formation like the caves

through which they had passed. They ascended to the

higher levels of the fortress where they were met by another

official, a man somewhere in his late thirties, clothed in a

more ornate version of the armor that the other soldiers


“Lord Vernin,” the woman at the head of the group

greeted, inclining her head ever so slightly at the other’s

approach. “We encountered these trespassers on the

western shores and have been tracking them all day as they

progressed into our territory. We captured them earlier this

night in a silent raid, but some among them possessed

arcane abilities. They detected our presence and Taethos

and Verya were slain.”

The man turned to face them, his eyes scanning the

small company with a look of frightening intensity. He

glanced briefly at the unconscious figures of Kail and Gray

then turned toward Xerra without giving them another

thought. “What is your purpose here? You have killed our

people, an unforgivable offense punishable by death.”

Xerra met his gaze, her face calm. “Your people

attacked us. We acted out of self-defense and are in no way

responsible for murder. We sought only to pass through

this territory into the lands that lie beyond. We did not

think it would be taken as an intrusion.”

He examined her, nodding his head in silent

agreement. “You speak with conviction, and I sense there is

at least some truth to your words. The council shall decide

whether or not it is enough to excuse you of your actions.”

He turned back to the leader of the raiders who had

captured them, “Samir, take them to the upper levels and

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place them under guard in separate rooms. I will inform the

elders and at sunset today we shall hold trial. Send Jeroes to

inform the families of Taethos and Verya what has befallen

them. They were good soldiers, and will be remembered as


He set off down the hall, leaving them alone once

more with the soldiers of the Jika. Samir gave out the orders

and they were led up another flight of stairs into a long

hallway of rooms. The doors of the cells were composed of

the same thick plated metal that had been used to form the

one that had led from the caves below.

Kara walked complacently into the empty room into

which she was shown, the spacious area sparsely furnished

with a single bed and a small table holding a bowl of water.

The guard cut the rope from around her wrists and then

assumed his position outside the door. Kara rubbed

ruefully at the red marks around her hands, trying to restore

the circulation.

She sunk down onto the bed, feeling weary and

drained from the long trek through the tunnels. There was

no way to tell the time, as they had been underground for

the past few hours and there were no windows in the room

in which she now resided, the only light coming from a

single candle set on the small table in front of her. She slid

out of her plain leather boots, letting her eyes slip shut as

she fell quickly asleep. Her last thought was one of

remembrance as she reflected on a time before all this has

started, when there had been nothing but the cool shade of

the trees in her beautiful forest outside of Savory. She held

on to that thought as long as she could before falling away

into the frightening haze of her nightmares.

* * * * *

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Kail stirred sluggishly, his mind awakening from the

stifling depths of the void. His hand lifted to the side of his

head, feeling the rough crusting of dried blood and recalling

to mind what had happened to put it there. He sat up, his

head spinning with vertigo. He glanced around the

cavernous room in which he found himself, a single door

leading out with no windows or vents. The place was empty

except for a small wooden table and the bed where he sat,

the thick stone walls featureless and bare. He could tell by

the lack of weight on his back that his both his bow and his

pack had been confiscated. He rose to his feet, glancing

down at his belt and reaffirming what he already knew. All

of his weapons were gone.

He walked over to the bowl of water sitting

undisturbed upon the table, the small candle casting a

myriad of colors upon its surface. He dipped his hands into

the container, wiping the blood and grime from his face and

doing his best to clean out the wound. He had by this time

realized that they had been captured by the people known

as the Jika, a warrior race living in stone fortresses hidden in

the recesses of these mountains. He did not know what had

become of the others, but he suspected that like him they

were all imprisoned, awaiting the judgment of their captors.

He shook his head. Not much was known about the Jika,

but they were believed to be in possession of elemental

magics rooted in fire and earth, an inherit trait displayed

only among certain members of their race. They were finely

trained warriors, silent and deadly, but just as skilled in

open combat. He stood no chance of escaping them,

especially when he had no clue where to find the others.

He sighed, he should have known that intruding upon

their territory would be a mistake. He should have known

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better than to ignore his instincts that first time when he had

sensed that they were being followed. But no matter how

much he thought about what he should have done, the fact

remained that he could not fix this problem with hindsight,

and it wasn't doing him any good to just sit there reflecting

on what was already over and done with.

He held his hand parallel to the flame of the candle,

watching as the flame left the wick and swirled over the

palm of his hand. It increased in size until it was large

enough to illuminate the entire room, dispersing the

numerous shadows that had gathered there. He scanned the

walls and floor, searching for anything that would give him a

way of escape. His efforts were in vain however, and after a

few minutes he let the fire go out, reigniting the candle and

sinking back down upon the bed.

The guard who stood outside his door shifted position,

the man's shadow shifting places on the floor in accordance

to his movement. He could probably unlock the door and

come at the guard from behind, disabling him before he

had a chance to react, but any attempt at escape endangered

his friends, and there was no chance that he could find and

free all of them before the guards learned of his actions and

recaptured him.

Voices sounded outside in the hall and the door was

flung open to admit a man somewhere in his late thirties,

tall and muscular with a strangely piercing stare that set Kail

on edge. He walked up to the bedraggled prisoner, taking in

the soiled robes and tousled blond hair. Kail read the slight

arrogance hidden in the man's eyes and knew him to be

someone of importance.

“What is your name?” the Jika asked, his voice deep

and resonating.

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“Kail.” he replied, waiting patiently for the reason

behind this man's visit.

“I am Lord Malachi Vernin, commander of the

warriors of the Jika and member of the high council.” Kail

nodded, his face expressionless. “My lieutenant tells me

that you are responsible for the deaths of one of my men, is

this true?”

“She was not mistaken.”

The man nodded, his amber eyes oddly poignant.

“You admit your guilt without hesitation, I respect this.

Both you and the woman who came with you speak with

honesty and conviction. I shall keep this in mind while

casting my vote to determine your fate.” He turned,

motioning for Kail to follow. “Come, it is time for you to

stand trial against the council. We shall then decide whether

or not you and your companions shall be allowed to leave

this place alive.”

Kail followed lord Vernin down a series of long empty

corridor leading through the citadel, following a twisting line

of passages into a large room, thirty or so people seated

around a central platform on which he stood.

He turned to face a panel of five elders, four men and

one woman who would be the judges of his fate, their

clothing that of royalty. Kail waited in silence for the trial to

begin, Lord Vernin moving over to an empty seat at the

front of the council to watch. The central figure among the

elders rose to his feet, his weathered face a map of creases

though his pale eyes were lit with a firm determination that

spoke of a strength and wisdom earned by years of hard

lessons and first-hand experience.

The elder stared at Kail, his voice frail but firm as he

spoke, “You and those with you have been accused of

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invasion and murder. As one of those responsible for the

deaths of our people, what have you to say for yourself?”

Kail faced the panel of councilors, his voice calm and

placating as he spoke. “We did not come here looking for a

fight. We seek only to pass through these mountains and

into the lands beyond. The scouts we encountered

surprised us when they moved to attack. We acted only out

of self-defense and did not intend to harm your people.”

The man remained expressionless, his kinsmen

whispering among themselves. “A very reasonable

argument, but why, I ask you, would you seek passage into

the mire of swamps that lie beyond these mountains? There

is nothing there but darkness and death. Your defense is

not believable, as you have no reason to be here and no

apparent motivation to wish to enter the lands beyond.”

Kail was unfazed by this newest of accusations. “You

are mistaken in saying that, your honor. As we have both

motivation and purpose in coming through these

mountains. The demons that dwell in the fortress of Fey

Mors are an abomination that is growing in power. Our

purpose in going to the marsh is to stop them before it is

too late.”

A series of murmurings broke out among those

assembled and he could tell by their tone that they did not

believe him. “A noble quest indeed.” the older man stated,

his craggy face deep in thought. “However, I find it hard to

believe that one such as yourself would be both willing and

able to combat these devils. A few months back, we found

them trespassing through our lands and sent out a brigade

to stop them. Seventy of our warriors were dead within

minutes. That is what waits for you in the marsh, young

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man, and you’ll forgive me if I am skeptical of your plans to

confront such a powerful foe.”

Kail shook his head. “I am not the one who has the

power to stop these creatures, that responsibility falls to

another within my company, but I assure you that both me

and my companions are well aware of the danger these

creatures pose. If you cannot believe this, then take my life

in payment for the others. I am the one who caused the

death of your soldiers.”

“That is not entirely true now is it?” the man replied

calmly. He turned to face one of the guards who stood like

a statue at his side, awaiting orders. “Bring forth the other.”

Flint Hawkwood came to the front of the assembly

looking the worse for wear. “This man has taken the life of

one of our soldiers as well,” the councilor stated. “and is no

better than you, who has just admitted that you are not

absolved of guilt.” The man paused, his care-worn face

thoughtful. “In fact, how do we know that the others among

you have not also committed similar crimes? We all know

that you have in your company the former princess of

Zalem, Xerra Silver, who has herself committed many

wrongs, her people many more. Maybe the wisest thing to

do would be to have you all executed since you have

intruded on our lands, and by logical reasoning have also all

committed crimes of murder at one time or another.”

Kail shook his head, his patience coming to an end.

“Such an act would be wrong and you know it. Yes, many

among us have killed, but only defending our lives and our

freedom. Is there even one person in this room who can

honestly say they have never committed crimes against

another? What we have done, we have done in the hopes

of saving others. You have neither the right nor any real

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cause to hold us here. Know that if you kill us now, not only

will you be murderers, but you will be condemning

yourselves to die at the hands of the Cursed, for the only

hope of defeating them lies with us.” Kail said nothing

further, his final words echoing around the cavernous room

where he stood before dying off into silence.

The elder bowed his head, his stooped shoulders

relaxing their former tense position. “You have spoken well,

Kail. We shall now proceed to hear out the rest within your

company and then make our decision.”

Kail followed the guards through the thick iron double

doors, leaving the open space of the arena and moving once

more through the closed passages that led back to the room

where he had awoken. He paced around the small room,

thinking about the way the man had questioned him. The

more he thought about it, the more it seemed that the man

had been trying to provoke him, testing in some way how he

would respond. He sighed, the fact that he hadn't been

allowed to stay while the others spoke bothered him. He

was in the dark about how things would go with no plans on

how to get out of this mess if his arguments had not been

enough to sway the council that would decide their fate.

* * * * *

Gray stared calmly out into the flock of people

examining him from their seats around the citadel. The

man standing in the center of the room continued his

questioning, his voice strong and sturdy despite his obvious

age. He was the eldest there, wrinkled face shrewd as his

pale eyes examined the person on trial before him.

Xerra had emerged from the council chambers a few

minutes before, looking every inch a princess, with her head

held high and her stature proud, but the flicker of doubt

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that passed through her eyes was enough to tell him that she

was not yet sure of what would happen here and so it was

that he entered the council with a wary heart. What was said

right now could very well mean the difference between life

and death for both him and the others.

He glanced over at the people around him, the

disproving stares and the veiled expressions on the elders

before him not providing him with much of a reason to be

optimistic. One wrong word could mean the end for him,

and by the sour looks coming from some of the councilors

around him, an execution seemed to be the anticipated

outcome of this hearing.

The elder who was the leader of the council folded his

hands before him. “The others before you have spoken of

your quest into the swamps,” the man said quietly, “They

claim that such an urgent mission justifies your intrusion.

Many here however, are not yet convinced as to the truth of

your tale. Your companions represented their cases well,

speaking with conviction and dedication. However, many

can be persuasive in their arguments and speak with

fervency when in fear for their lives, so this alone will not

protect you. Blood has been spilled this night, and two of

our soldier's lives were lost. By the law of our people, those

responsible must pay back that blood and the rest of you by

association owe us a debt as well.”

Gray remained placid, listening patiently and waiting

for his chance to speak. “You argue against these charges

because you claim it was self-defense,” the councilor

continued. “however the scouts intended you no harm.

They were simply to bring you here.” He paused. “Two

families are now without a son and there is a child who will

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be raised without a father because of your actions this

night.” He said softly. “What have you to say for yourself?”

“You already know the reason we are here.” Gray

stated, his eyes holding that of the old man across from

him. “We are not intruders or trespassers seeking to invade;

we simply sought passage through these lands and would

have continued unhindered if you had not attacked us. The

deaths of your people are regrettable, but when being

ambushed in the middle of the night, you do not stop to

make clear your enemies' intentions before retaliating.”

A woman near the front of the crowd shook her head

in disagreement, dark curls tied elaborately behind her

head and cascading down her back. By her clothes she was

very wealthy. Fairly high up in the ranks, her words would

carry weight. “Reasonable as all these arguments may be,

they do not change what happened.” She said. “Our scouts

are no less dead because you regret killing them, and you

can title it whatever you like but by our laws, any taking of a

soldier's life outside of the battle field is murder. And

despite what you say to the contrary, only spies and traders

come here into our lands, and you sir are certainly no

merchant. I say that both you and your friends are liars and

interlopers. No sane man would enter the marsh and I

doubt any of you have either the strength or the heart to

face the demons whose curse you would claim to undo.”

She sank back down into her seat, holding herself rigid with

cold dignity.

“Neither me nor any of my companions have spoken

falsely.” Gray retorted. “We will go to the Black Marsh,

whether or not you try to stop us. There is a blood price

there to be paid as well, only a thousand times greater than

any you have blamed on us. You speak of how precious the

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lives of your people are? Well then, how many will die

when the Cursed emerge from their hollow? If you have

ever encountered these demons you know they feel no

emotion and will destroy everything simply for the sake of

killing! Thousands, if not millions everywhere will be

slaughtered if these creatures are not stopped, and their

deaths will be on your hands, just as the deaths of your

people are on mine for simply being associated with those

who killed them. If you decide to have us executed, the

Cursed Ones will never be stopped, and each one of you

here who agrees with the pronouncement will be

responsible for the corpses that will clog your streets, if any

survive long enough to see it.”

The people around him were dead silent, no one

speaking for a moment except to murmur under their

breath. One man in the back finally rose to his feet, dark

hair shot through with lines of gray. “For a thousand years

we have stood against the forces of dark, and never have we

been defeated! We do not need your help to drive off these

foes but shall do it by ourselves as we always have. No

matter how noble your quest, none of this changes that

blood has been spilt, and you all must pay penance for the

lives you have stolen.”

Gray regarded the people assembled, pausing a

moment before replying. “If one of my company had died

during the raid, would you have executed the killer?” None

came forward to answer the question and he continued

unhindered. “I think not. Even though you attacked us and

there would have been no defense for such an act, you

would owe us no debt. So why is it then that we are

regarded as murderers and threatened with execution for

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the deaths of men and women who essentially condemned

themselves by attacking us in the first place?”

A man in the audience bounded to his feet, dark eyes

flaming. “This is absurd! You trespassed on our lands, thus

we had a right to kill you if we wished. We could kill you

now without even needing another reason.”

“So then we have no right to take a life when

defending our own, but you have the right to kill us simply

for entering a patch of dirt that you claimed ownership of?”

his tone was flat as he turned to face the remainder of the

council, pale eyes flaming. “Are other's lives worth so little

in comparison to yours? I had heard that the Jika were

strong warriors, but I did not take them for brutes and


The assembly erupted in a chorus of angry shouts, the

faces of those around him turning frosty. The chancellor

waved them to be silent, his eyes turning back to find Gray.

The man who had spoken out earlier glared sullenly at his

back, speaking loudly, his voice filled with anger and

indignation. “Have you allowed them councilor to come

here simply to insult us? I will not stand for this foolishness!

Why must we listen to these murderer's? My cousin's death

shall not go unavenged! These foreigners...”

“Be silent Taneth and know your place.” the old man

snapped and the lord sank back down into his seat. The

chancellor turned toward Gray. “You should be more

careful with what you say young man.” he reprimanded, but

Gray simply shook his head.

“I speak only truth councilor. You would not listen to

my friends when they told you of our need and argued for

our release, despite their conviction or how carefully they

spoke. I have tried reason and I have appealed to your

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sense of humanity, but both seem to have failed me, so I

will try a different method. I will say what I must bluntly,

whether or not it is what you want to hear and then, if you

still decide to kill us, at least you will know what you've


The Jika stared at him in mute silence, guilt and

trepidation showing on some of their faces while others

retained the same cool serenity they had held when he

entered. “Have you anything else to say?” One of the elders

asked curtly.

“Nothing further your grace.” he replied and she

nodded. He exited through the long tunnel leading below,

brushing past Kara on his way back to his room. Kara was

the last to go, after that their fate was in the hands of the

council. All he could do now was wait.

* * * * *

Kara strode slowly down the worn stone steps leading

away from the council chamber, feeling more nervous than

when she had gone in. She had been the last to speak

following Gray's defense and the experience had been more

than a little unnerving with so much riding on her defense.

She had done her best to persuade the Jika leaders of their

innocence, and yet she could not avoid the unpleasant

feeling she had that it had not been enough. She continued

down the empty halls, the guard bringing her back to her

room to await the council's decision. The questions they

had asked seemed both redundant and pointless. They

argued different angles to justify an obvious wrong and her

responses had seemed pointless.

She frowned, brushing back a stray piece of hair. She

had not exactly been diplomatic during her speech,

becoming exasperated and angry over the elders' seemingly

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deliberately provocative attitude. She had gone through so

much to get where she was, only to be stopped by a few

stubborn bureaucrats. Her parents had often stated their

dislike for most rulers; arrogant and unreasonable, that's

what they had called them. She now felt inclined to agree,

especially since meeting Xerra's father, the king of Zalem,

who was by far the most prideful, irrational person she had

ever encountered. The elders, though completely

reasonable, were both aggravating and confusing, and after

the blatant way they had dismissed her, she doubted they

would ever agree to release them. She sighed, shaking her

head. There was no point in giving up now; she did not yet

know what they had decided. There was still the chance that

they would be allowed to leave.

Over an hour past before the door of her cell was re-

opened and the guard reappeared, motioning for her to

follow. She walked down the familiar route of halls to the

main council, standing in the center of the platform along

with all those who had come with her. She glanced over at

Kail, his face calm and composed as he waited for the

leader to speak. The panel of elders was paying them no

attention, conversing in low tones as they mulled over their


The old man who had questioned them stepped

forward, his weathered face oddly pleasant as he made his

announcement. “I believe you all to be strong of character

and just in your intentions. Many among us have come to a

similar realization and after extensive examination of the

situation, we have decided there is not enough behind these

accusations to have any of you executed and so we shall not

hold you accountable for your actions against us. We have

debated the matter and decided to let you go, granted you

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swear never to reveal the location of either this fortress or

the tunnels leading here to anyone in the outside world.”

Kara said nothing, feeling decidedly surprised at this

unexpected turn of events.

Kail inclined his head, his face expressionless. “Thank

you, your reverence. Your show of merci is much


The man nodded, his face placid. “You are free to go.”

They made their way out of the chambers, descending

into the lower levels of the compound. “It doesn't make any

sense.” Kara exclaimed finally, addressing her cousin.

“They seemed so bent on having us punished. What

happened to change their minds?”

“Nothing.” he replied calmly. “It was a test.” She

turned to face him, her expression one of confusion.

“There were multiple reasons for the high councilor's

behavior. First of all, it tested our strength of character and

conviction by seeing what kind of people we were.

Secondly, by using up every other possible argument against

us, it stripped the other members of the council of any

legitimate reason to argue for our deaths.”

Kara shook her head. “I still don't understand. He's

never even met us, why would he do that?”

Kail shrugged nonchalantly. “Of that, I still can't be

sure, but either way we’re free.”

A shadowy figure detached itself from the wall in front

of them and Kara recognized the armored form of Lord

Vernin, the man they had encountered upon entering the

citadel. He walked up to them, his fair face placid and calm

as he spoke. “It is nearly nightfall, the last of the daylight has

already begun to fade. It would be foolish to venture out

into the mountains at this late of an hour.”

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Gray raised an eyebrow at him, his cool eyes

calculating. “It wouldn't be wise to stay. We've already lost a

lot of time as it is.”

“Exhausting yourself by traveling at night through

dangerous terrain isn't overly wise either.” the man replied.

Kail glanced forward at his friend, his opinion on the

matter clear. “It would be better to rest now and leave in the

morning. Besides, it would give us a chance to see if these

people know a quicker route through to the Black Marsh.

No one knows these mountains as well as the Jika.”

Gray seemed to mull the matter over for a few

seconds before nodding his assent. He turned his gaze back

to Vernin. “Is it possible that you could find an open area

where we could sleep? I've had enough of being locked in a

cell for one day.”

Vernin nodded, “Follow me to the upper levels of the

citadel. There's a main room that leads to the battlements.

It’s aboveground, but shielded from the wind and cold.”

Gray nodded. “That will be fine.” They followed the

lord through the winding corridors, ascending the

numerous levels into the room where they would stay the

night. The guards had given back their belongings, though

most of what they had brought had been left at their

campsite in the mountains. They had a quick meal of the

scraps of food provided by the Jika and talked briefly about

the events of the day before going off to sleep.

Kara curled up on one of the small beds leaning

against the far wall of the chamber, her mind wandering.

She couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

She did not know what it was, but something about the way

the night lay so silent bothered her. She stared up at the sky

overhead, unwilling to fall asleep just yet. She lay there for a

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long time, drifting off to sleep a few hours later, the last of

the torches that light the room slowly fizzling out.

* * * * *

Verien Astur gazed steadily out into the dark ridges of

the mountains, his eyes never leaving the horizon. The faint

hissing sounds he had detected earlier still carried on the

wind and the odd occurrence set his teeth on edge. It was

well past midnight with dawn only a few hours away, yet still

the strange sound continued. It had begun a few hours

earlier, low and threatening, a sibilant whisper of malicious

intent. It was unlike anything the man had ever heard, the

timber and tone of the hissing not matching any of the

predators that hunted these lands.

A faint pinprick of light began winding its way through

the pass and Verien reached for his bow, trying to make out

who it was who approached so late in the night. He doubted

that he needed to incite a panic by sounding the bell that

would warn the rest of the Jika of this intruder. It was

probably just a scout returning from their shift; otherwise

they would not have bothered to carry a torch. The sound

Verien had been tracking died down, the creature that had

made it becoming silent once more as the fire drew closer.

The light drew closer to the walls, its progress steady and

unhindered when suddenly it went out.

Astur blinked, his dark eyes narrowing in suspicion.

He summoned forth a ball of fire, spreading it across the

wall and illuminating the landscape below. He gasped,

gaping in shock at the horror before him. Massed below

him were thousands of shapeless creatures, their bodies

twisted and disfigured. They varied in size and shape, some

appearing almost human and others so deeply perverted

that he could not tell what they were. A group of them tore

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at the lifeless carcass of one of the Jika's scouts, ripping the

flesh from her bones and devouring it in gruesome chunks.

Verien raced down the length of the wall, flying across the

smooth stone surface toward the large brass bell that would

warn the others. He sounded the siren, his face frantic as he

thought about the army feeding below.

At the base of the wall, one of the less bestial of the

creatures glanced up at the watchman, the man's face white

with shock as he took in their numbers. The demon

removed the crossbow from behind its back, winding back

the massive crank and leveling the powerful weapon with

the guards shadowed form. The demon smiled with delight,

sending the poisoned bolt straight through the man's neck.

It watched in satisfaction as the guard tumbled from the

wall, the last faint tones of the bell fading into silence.

* * * * *

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Chapter XXI

Enemy at the Gates

Gray's eyes snapped open, the thunderous

pounding of footsteps sounding from somewhere above his

head. In the distance the faint tones of warning bells faded

into silence.

He rose to his feet, pulling on his worn boots and

strapping on his sword. It was still dark, the sun not yet

risen. He strode to the door of the room, passing the

sleeping form of Kara, curled up with her knees to her

chest, her long blond hair overshadowing her face. Xerra

and Kail had already dressed, and the boy Flint Hawkwood

was just opening his eyes. The familiar figure of Malachi

Vernin entered the room, his expression grave. “There is an

army encamped right outside of our walls, thousands strong,

all armed. Do you know anything about this?”

Gray shook his head, his steady gaze calm. “No more

than you. What sort of people would be able to gather such

a force and why would they attack you?”

Vernin shook his head, his amber eyes intense as they

turned to meet his own. “Not people, creatures. They

devoured one of our scouts and we found the watchmen

that sighted them pierced through the throat with a

poisoned bolt. Whatever these creatures are, they're massed

outside of our gates.”

Xerra walked toward them, listening intently as he told

them of the situation. “Is there any way they can break

through to the fortress?”

Vernin shook his head. “They would have to break

down the main gates, which would take some very powerful

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siege equipment, the like of which they do not appear to


“If they came from the Cursed, they would have no

need for such equipment.” Kail replied shortly. “They’ll use

dark magic to break down the gates. I could help to hold

them off and ensure they don't breach the walls.”

Gray nodded, “Both of us will.”

Vernin nodded his approval. “I must join the other

commanders on the battlements. Samir will tell you where

to go.” He departed from the room, his dark dragon scale

armor glinting in the light of the fires.

Kara blinked awake at the sound of his departure, her

expression anxious as she rose to find them drawing forth

their weapons.

The woman known as Samir came in a few seconds

later, clothed head to foot in the durable plates of dragon

scale armor worn by most of the Jika. She held a helmet

cradled loosely in the crook of her arm, her face serious as

she studied them. “Our warriors need you out on the walls.

The creatures launched an attack shortly after they were

spotted. They've already taken out dozens of our archers.

It’s time for you to pay us back for the lives you took.”

Gray's eyes narrowed. The woman's distaste for them

was clearly mirrored on her features. Clearly she wasn't

happy with the council's decision to let them live. Xerra

gathered together her weapons, strapping on the long brace

of knives and the spiked whip that she had used against the

soldiers the day she was captured in Zalem.

Samir caught sight of her and tossed her the heavy

pack she held cradled under one arm. “You might find this

useful.” she stated. “My men found it in your campsite after

we left.”

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Xerra glanced inside, pulling out the sturdy set of black

steel armor. “Thanks.”

Samir did not reply, leaving as quickly as she had

come. “Take the staircase down to the base of the wall

when you’re ready to fight.” she shouted back at them, the

words sharp and biting.

Kail scooped up his bow from where it lay resting on

the floor, as Xerra strapped on the various pieces of her

armor. Gray threw on his cloak, along with a set of scaled

bracers he had retrieved from the fortress’s armory,

thinking of the battle that lay ahead. Kail stood patiently

waiting while Xerra finished, and Gray noticed that Kail's

eyes were lit with a strange nervousness that was decidedly

uncharacteristic in him. As if sensing his thoughts Kail

turned away from Gray, masking the feeling the mage had

sighted under a layer of forced calm.

The three rose to leave, setting off down the hallway in

the direction of the battlements. Kara moved to follow, Flint

hanging back. Gray quickly moved to intercept her, his face

expressionless as he spoke. “And just where do you think

you’re going?”

Kara frowned at him, “You know the answer to that.

Now come on.”

He shook his head. “You are not going anywhere.

You're going to stay down here and keep as far away as

possible from any type of battle.”

“So what? I stay here and do nothing while all of you

go and risk your lives fighting? If you're going, then so am I!

I’m not going to be left behind to wait.” She took another

step forward, her face tightening with resolve.

Kail moved forward to intercept her, his blue eyes

grave. “Gray's right Kara. You can't come with us. If you die

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this whole journey will have been for nothing. There's no

point in taking unnecessary risks.”

She hung her head in grudging acceptance. “It isn't

right.” she sighed.

Kail smiled faintly, “Don't worry; we'll be back.”

They marched out to the walls, descending from the

battlements to the main gate where Samir and the rest of

the Jika were holding off the beasts without. Gray stared out

at the deformed creatures, some not even resembling

anything close to human. They were definitely creatures

sent by the Cursed, an army summoned out of the

underworld and sent to slay them.

He shook his head, drawing out his sword. They were

nothing if not persistent. Most likely the fact that he and the

others were here in Tal’Sur was just a convenient bonus for

the demons and had not been an original part of the

Cursed's plan. It took time to gather an army of this

magnitude. This was their means of eradicating those who

stood in their path, the beginnings of their conquest. Gray

stared out at the seemingly endless stretch of enemies,

demonic creatures with no purpose other than to slaughter.

His face hardened, his pale gray eyes reflecting his thoughts.

Nothing could stop an army this deadly.

He shifted his attention to the base of the stairs where

Samir and her men stood firing volleys of arrows into the

creatures massed against the walls, using subtle weaves of

magic so that the barbed heads burst into flames as they

came in contact with the beasts. She turned toward them,

shouting to be heard over the screams of the creatures. “So

far they haven't been able to breech our walls, but we can't

let them get close enough to try. They destroyed the main

gate before we had time to react, reducing the stone to

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rubble. All that's holding them off now is the secondary

portcullis. I don't know about the east...” She broke off mid-

sentence, firing a bolt from her crossbow directly through

the eye of an oncoming attacker that was tearing at the gate's

reinforcements. She turned back to them, her dark eyes

flaming. “We've managed to hold them off here. Do what

you can, but I don't see what you could do that would make

a difference. We're doing fine on our own.”

A sudden shudder ran through the ground. The

monsters had retreated from the barrage of arrows, parting

their ranks to emit a central figure. Encased in armor and

towering well over ten feet, the creature brushed aside the

deadly shafts being fired at it from the fortress’s defenders

and advanced toward them. It raised high a massive mace,

the protruding spikes glistening with the blood of its foes.

Gray stared at the creature, going into a protective crouch as

another tremor rippled through the ground. The creature

was hammering against the metal portcullis, shock-waves

rippling out from its weapon with each and every strike.

“You were saying.” Gray stated darkly, hand tightening

around the pommel of his sword. Samir swore, yelling at

her men to take it down, but their weapons did next to

nothing, unable to penetrate the heavy metal of its armor.

The metal of the secondary gate gave way, crumpling

inward and letting loose the tide of enemies. The warriors

hacked away at the demons, desperately trying to hold them

off. Xerra charged forward, cutting her way through the

hordes of attackers. Kail discarded his bow, pulling free his

long sword and diving in after her. Gray shifted his gaze to

the largest among them, the one who had broken through

the portcullis. It smashed through the lines of warriors

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before it, piercing through armor and crushing them with a

single swing.

Gray navigated his way through the multitude of

enemies, neatly disposing of all those who opposed him,

both magic and blade working together to stem the tide. He

strode toward the creature, ducking under its initial swing

and driving his sword through the layers of steel and into its

flesh of its thigh. The beast cried out, trying in vain to

destroy him, but a second too slow. Gray dodged the huge

mace descending towards him, falling back from the demon

and weaving through the line of carcasses to come up

behind it. He summoned his magic, sending a wave of fire

lancing toward the small gap between helmet and armor

near the back of its neck. The creature brushed off the

attack, smashing out with its fist and catching him a glancing

blow that sent him flying into the wall.

He rolled to his feet, ignoring the dull throb building

in the back of his skull. He blinked away his disorientation,

moving out of the way of another of the beasts that flew

toward him, similar in appearance to the demon wolves

they had seen inside Souran. He slashed at its head,

avoiding its lunge and piecing it in the side. He turned back

to face the giant, moving just in time to avoid another of its

attacks. He frowned, growing increasingly angry. It was time

to end this.

He focused his thoughts, engulfing the beast in a

torrent of fire that halted its attack and temporarily blinded

it. He scooped up a spear left by one of the fallen

defenders, gathering his strength and sending a bolt of

energy into the demon’s head, at the same time hacking at

its legs with his sword. The creature fell backward, sent off

balance by his attack. Gray tightened his grip on the shaft of

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the spear, sending it straight through the slats in its visor and

into the sickly yellow gleam of its eye. The beast stiffened,

waves of fire running down from Gray's hand and into its

brain. It lashed out with its mace in a desperate attempt to

destroy him, but Gray was expecting it and he ducked

under the swing, keeping his grip tightly locked on the

spear. Tremors racked the demons body, and it gave one

final groan before releasing the weapon, all its strength


Gray backed away from the corpse, the defenders

rushing through the now open passage to the shattered

remnants of the gate. Kail appeared beside him, his face

streaked with a mixture of blood and sweat. He glanced

over at the fallen creature, “Nice work.” was all he said.

Samir appeared beside them, her face displaying a

grudging admiration. “We can't hold them off for much

longer here.” she stated. “There's too many. We'll have to

fall back to the interior levels. The east gate is still intact.

Lord Vernin has managed to stop them from breaking

through, but judging by what I've seen here, I don't know

how much longer they'll be able to hold it.” Gray nodded.

“Both the east and south gates are weakening, I suggest you

go there. There's nothing more you can do here.” She

turned away, calling for her men to retreat as more of the

beasts came to fill the ranks of those who had died, an

endless stretch of enemies that cared nothing for casualties.

Xerra joined them as they made their way back up the stairs

toward the battlements, an iron gate closing after the last of

the warriors to hold off the demons.

Gray turned to face Xerra and Kail, already decided

on a course of action. “I'll go to the west gate and try to

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prevent them from breaking through. You two go back to

the west. Find Lord Vernin and see what you can do.”

Kail nodded, “Be careful.” he whispered, setting off

toward the east gate with Xerra following close behind.

Gray glanced after them, thinking of the fate that

awaited all the world should they fail. He descended the

stairs to the west gate of the fortress, the sea of blackened

faces staring out at him, each one reflecting the vacant void

of their souls.

* * * * *

Kara hung her head, watching in frustration as Kail,

Gray, and Xerra marched off to meet the army sent to

destroy them, leaving her to watch helplessly as they risked

their lives to protect her. She reentered the room that had

become their quarters, sinking down onto one of the small

cots, her thoughts dwelling on the inescapable fear that they

would not return. She caught sight of Flint, his tan face

grave as he stared down at the floor. The pounding rush of

footsteps sounded above them, soon joined by the muffled

cries of the wounded echoing through the empty halls.

“It never ends does it?” he sighed, his face displaying a

deep poignancy that she had not seen evidence of before.

She stared at him, her eyes downcast. “How long do

you think they can hold them off?”

He sighed. “Who knows, but eventually they'll break

through. You can't hold off an army of that size, no matter

how strong the walls. This is only the beginning, they won't

stop here.”

She glanced over at him in confusion. “What do you


He laughed without humor. “Who do you think sent

the army? I know enough of those devils that attacked us on

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the beach to see that they command such power. What

other reason would those creatures have for attacking this

particular place?”

She bit her lip. So once again it was her fault these

people were dying. Flint glanced up at her, seeing her

reaction. “I'm sorry.” he whispered.

She smiled faintly. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”

“Yes I do.” he replied, his bright eyes troubled.

A sudden shudder rippled through the foundations of

the fortress, sending them both to their knees. A scout

appeared in the doorway, her face flushed with exertion.

She brushed nervously at her long red hair, her amber eyes

wild. “The west and south gates have fallen. It isn't safe to

stay up here. Lieutenant Samir sent me to tell you to go to

the lower levels of the compound and join the rest of our

people near the tunnels.”

Kara gathered her things, the girl leaving as quickly as

she had come. Yells and shouts of panic filled the corridors

as the enemy without drew closer. Flint led her down the

winding corridors back toward the tunnels from whence

they had come. They came to a sudden halt, staring at the

heavy metal doors, the handles barred shut, effectively

cutting off their escape. Kara scanned the empty corridors,

but there was no one there to give them direction.

Flint scanned the thick metal door that stood barring

their path. “The passage over there might lead somewhere.”

He stated. “The important thing right now is getting away

from the surface.” Kara nodded her agreement, turning

down the long stretch of corridors that led below with Flint

following at her heels.

The corridors ended at an empty compartment, a

metal hatch set into the center of the room. Flint peered

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down into the darkness below grabbing a torch from the

bracket in the side of the wall and illuminating the path

before them. They quickly descended the worn iron rungs

of the ladder positioned beneath the hatch, entering a

cavernous room similar to the tunnels they had used to

enter the city. Kara scanned the empty walls, throwing

forward the latch on the door and staring into the caves

beyond. “We've gone too far down.” she stated, recognizing

the tunnels the raiding party had led them through only a

few days before.

A sudden stabbing pain shot through the back of her

neck and she gasped in surprise. She fell to her knees, the

world around her going blurry. Her eyelids began to droop

forward as the drug coursing through her system did its job

and dragged her towards unconsciousness. Somewhere in

the back of her mind she heard a faintly familiar voice sigh.

“I’m sorry Kara. Soon it will be over.” Some small part of

her recognized the voice for who it was, but the thought was

lost as she continued her descent into oblivion.

* * * * *

Kail raised his sword just in time to deflect the earth

shattering blow of the demon's ax. He slid under its guard

stabbing it through the stomach and turning to confront the

remainder of the creatures. The eastern gate still held back

the majority of the assailants, if only just barely, but some

had managed to sneak in through a sewage grate that led

under the walls.

He raised his hand in a sweeping motion, engulfing the

creatures before him in a wave of fire. The soldier beside

him boosted his efforts, turning the blaze into a raging

inferno that reduced the beasts to ash. He glanced over at

the man. A long scar ran the length of his one eye that was

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colored the light amber that was characteristic to many

among the Jika. He nodded his thanks to the solider,

charging forward toward the shattered grate and fusing it

shut, effectively stemming the flow of creatures and cutting

off any chance of escape for those already inside.

He caught sight of Xerra, her striking features covered

with a layer of sweat. She moved over to him, the last of the

creatures effectively disposed of by the remaining

defenders. “How long do you think it will hold?”

He shook his head, “Not long. There's too many of

them, but the gate will probably fall before they try to enter

through there again, and once that happens there will be no

stopping them.”

The man known as Lord Vernin moved toward them,

his once bright armor stained with gore. He caught the end

of their conversation and his expression became stern.

“There isn't much more we can do, at least not here. The

southern gate fell only a few minutes ago and they've already

begun to breech the interior defenses.”

Kail met the other's gaze, sensing there was more to

this than he was saying. “What are you suggesting we do?”

“We retaliate. A small force could slip around and

attack from behind using a series of passages that lead

outside, but we can't risk losing the gate. If you stay behind

with a group of our warriors, you could hold the south wall

while we attack from behind.”

Kail stared at him, his deep blue eyes reflecting his

displeasure. “How will you get back inside once the attack is


“There is a doorway concealed in the base of the wall

that leads back inside.”

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“I'll do what I can, but I'm not sure this is the wisest

thing to do.”

The commander remained expressionless. “Wise or

not, it's our last resort.” He strode away, gathering his men

and giving them their orders. Xerra moved over to join

them, her whip cradled loosely in her hand.

Kail moved forward to intercept her, a ripple of fear

passing through him as he realized her intent. “You can't

possibly be thinking of going out there.” he said quietly.

She glanced at him. “There's nothing I can do to make

a difference if I stay inside. They're going to need all the

help they can get if this plan is to succeed.”

“It’s too dangerous.”

Her brow creased in frustration, “It’s no more

dangerous for me than it is for them.” she retorted. “Why

are you being so resistant?”

He ignored her question, continuing with his refusal.

“If you’re going then I'm going with you.”

She shook her head. “They need you here to hold the

gate. Besides, I'll be fine on my own. I've been fighting

battles like these a lot longer then you have.”

“What if they use magic? I won't be there to protect

you. At least some of the others have talismans to ward off

such attacks, you don't.”

She stared at him exasperated. “Kail, I can't not go just

because there's the possibility I might get hurt. That

possibility is the same for everyone. Why are you making

such an issue of this?”

“Because if you die out there it will have been my

fault. I'll die myself before I let anything happen to you,

because dying would be better than having to live with the

knowledge that I couldn't save you.”

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She stared at him, her green eyes bright with wonder.

She locked her arms around his neck and raised her lips to

meet his own. She pulled away, her eyes holding his. “And I

couldn't live with myself if I let you and everyone else die

when I could have made a difference.” She moved over to

join the company of men departing toward the passages that

led outside. “Trust me.” she said softly, disappearing

behind the stone walls of the fortress. He stood motionless

among the group of warriors around him, vaguely aware of

the beasts massing outside. He turned to meet them, his

heart aching with the knowledge that he might never see her


* * * * *

Gray drove back the hordes of monsters that poured

through the gaping hole of the west gate. It was a hopeless

attempt, but he fought on regardless, refusing to accept the

inevitable. It was a powerful magic that had torn down

through the heavy stone of the gate, shaking the very

foundations of the fortress and reducing it to dust. A

deformed figure hunched and cloaked sent a bolt of

electricity searing into his side, shattering his already

weakened shield and sending him sprawling. He blinked

back the pain and nausea, rising to his feet and looking out

at the carnage all around him. The person commanding the

unit who defended this section called for a retreat, seeing

that they could no longer stop the assault. The defenders

fell back from the gates, retreating to the interior of the

fortress. Gray stumbled after them, no longer able to deny

the obvious truth that confronted them all. Tal'Sur was lost.

* * * * *

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Chapter XXII

Faith to Wither

Faint whisperings of nameless strangers drifted in

and out of focus as Kara continued to drift in the empty

blackness of the ether. She was vaguely aware that she was

being taken somewhere, the steady sensation of motion

breaking through the haze of her thoughts. Something had

happened to put her in this situation. Something had

happened to pull her away from the others, but she could

not remember what. A seeping cold emanated from the

stone floor below her, chilling her to the bone and breaking

through her drug induced sleep. Her eyes slid open, and

she found herself in a small enclosed room, empty except

for a single figure standing forlornly in front of her, staring

blankly out the single window that looked out unto the

bloody chaos of the battle still ensuing inside the Jika city of

Tal'Sur. She struggled to stand, blinking away her lingering

lethargy and rising to her knees. Her hands were securely

tied behind her back, a gag placed firmly around her mouth

and forcing her to breathe through her nose. She glanced

out at the smoking ruin of the Jika city visible through the

window across from her, the gates smashed inward, the

courtyards flooded with the twisted forms of the enemy.

She glanced up at the immobile figure of Flint Hawkwood,

feeling angry and ashamed for ever having trusted him.

Flint spoke without looking at her, his voice distant.

“They won't last much longer. Two of the three main gates

have fallen and by now they will have flooded all the upper

levels. No one will be coming to save you.” he glanced back

at her, his eyes haunted. “They've made sure of that. You

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should've known you couldn't stop something as powerful

as them. Your resistance has done nothing but delay them.”

She glared at him, but he didn't seem to notice, continuing

his bleak monologue. “There's no stopping them. If only

you had listened to your friends Kara. They knew, but in

the end none of you did anything. I didn't want to do this,

but there are more important things....” he trailed off,

walking over and pulling her to her feet. “Eleven is too

young to die. They have the power to save him. Soon he'll

be safe. We'll both be.”

She had no idea what he was talking about, but at the

moment she didn't care. If only you had listened to your

friends... She blinked back her tears, determined not to cry.

If only she had. She remembered Gray saying how they

couldn't trust Flint. How there was something wrong about

the sailor and letting him accompany them would be a

mistake. He had been right. A wave of bitterness overcame

her and somewhere deep inside she heard the faint sound

of laughter. All alone with your betrayal. So naïve and

unsuspecting of this fate. You should have listened... She

blocked away the hateful voice of the sorceress as it echoed

through her mind, not needing to hear more of her

ancestor's taunts.

She descended down the spiral steps of the abandoned

watch tower where she had awoken with Flint leading her

roughly by the arm. Already they were miles away from the

mountain city, miles away from any chance of rescue. They

emerged into a stretch of forest on the fringes of the

mountains, the citadel of the Jika fading from sight. Flint

dragged her steadily forward and she went willingly,

knowing it was pointless to resist. She was unarmed and

Flint was much stronger than she. Unless she used her

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magic, she had nothing with which to defend herself,

nothing to give her any hope of escape.

The sun shone faintly through the scattering of trees. It

was a few hours past dawn, meaning she had been gone for

many hours already. They pushed their way through the

thickening brush, the air growing warmer with the passage

of time. She didn't need to guess where they were going, for

in her heart she already knew. They would soon arrive at

the place she had been trying to reach since this journey

began. They were going to Fey Mors, the fortress of the


She thought suddenly of the vision she had dreamt, the

one where she had watched the boat make its way across

the river carrying the prisoner through the gates of the

fortress. She knew now that the prisoner had been her. The

dream had been a warning telling her not to trust Flint and

not to let the vision come to pass, but she had failed to

understand, and now the knowledge was useless. She

glanced sideways at the bedraggled form of Flint Hawkwood

as he plodded steadily through the dense forest, taking her

toward her doom. She knotted her hands into fists, her nails

digging into the palms of her hands. There was still a

chance that she could save herself. There was still a chance

that she could escape. She closed her eyes, reaching down

inside herself for the power she knew to be there. It

emerged almost immediately, sparking at the tips of her

finger, waiting for release. A numbing pain shot up through

her wrists, breaking her concentration and making her gasp

in pain.

She staggered forward and her captor pulled her

roughly to her feet, his face grim. “I wouldn't try that again if

I were you. The more powerful the magic the more

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violently it reacts.” He pointed down at the tarnished silver

threads that encircled her hands. She experienced a sinking

feeling in the pit of her stomach, her last hope of escape

having shattered. “Black Mercury.” He stated. “Resistant to

all forms of magic no matter how strong. The masters do

not wish for you to be leaving just yet.”

She glared at him, wishing nothing more than to see

him pay for his betrayal. He met her gaze, seeing the

hostility reflected in her eyes. “Don't pretend you didn't

know this was coming. I told you not to trust me, but you

did anyways.” he glanced away, his face mirroring a mix of

conflicting emotions, his eyes displaying the slight madness

that ate away at him. “You believed me in spite of

everything. This is your fault as much as it is mine.”

They walked for hours, trudging through the dense

woods, the air becoming stiflingly hot. There was no

evidence here of the winter that lay over the rest of the

world, the suffocating heat intensifying with each and every

step. Kara walked with her eyes on the ground, not wanting

to see any more of the one who had betrayed her, betrayed

them all. She remembered faintly how she had felt about

him, the way he had always been able to make her laugh,

the charming audacity he had displayed when they had first

met. He had saved her life, only to take it away by

delivering her into the hands of her enemies. Tears filled

the corner of her eyes and she blinked them angrily away.

She had been a fool.

They emerged from between the trees and came upon

a small plateau, the winding ribbon of the river Hellese

visible in the distance. The murky waters flowed sluggishly

down the twisting path, like a serpent weaving its way

through the earth. A small group of men came forward to

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meet them, their pockmarked faces covered with greasy

sweat. Kara recoiled from them, their stagnant odor

assaulting her senses. They lurched forward with a strange

hobbling motion, their crooked limbs unable to imitate the

appearance of order. Something about them was decidedly

wrong, their garbled features speaking of something evil.

“I have done what the masters have ordered.” Flint

proclaimed, eyeing the brutes with wariness in his eyes.

The foremost among them smiled, his blackened teeth

curved like fangs. “Your service is appreciated. The master

waits. You shall soon receive your reward.”

Kara stared closely at those assembled and saw to her

horror what was wrong about them, minute details she had

missed before. Their reptilian eyes were devoid of anything

human, broken gateways to the hollow chasm of their souls.

She was pulled after them, marching toward the river that

would lead them to the Black Marsh. They reached the

shores, coming upon an old boat, its worn wooden surface

stained with filth. She hesitated before entering the vessel,

looking uncertainly at the slime encrusted seats.

The one who had spoken before turned toward her,

addressing her directly. She held herself ridged. The feel of

decay emanated from his very being. “No time to delay.

The masters will be eager to have you.”

He shoved her forward, Flint sliding in nervously

behind her, his shadowy presences a constant reminder of

how this had come to pass. They set off across the river, the

last of Kara's hopes burning to ashes in her hands.

* * * * *

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Chapter XXIII

In the Dark

Xerra pressed back against the cool stone wall, the

creatures that prowled the empty corridor sliding by,

unaware of her presence. The rest of the company that had

led the attack outside the walls were either fatally wounded

or dead, taken down in the aftermath of their disastrous

attempt to drive back the demons.

They had gone through the passage and attacked the

army from behind, only one hundred soldiers against a

thousand; it had been a desperate attempt. They managed

to kill many in the first assault before the creatures had time

to react, but somewhere along the way something had gone

terribly wrong and their intended escape route had been

sealed off, trapping them outside in the center of the horde.

They fought valiantly, but there were far too many enemies

to make a difference. Xerra, along with a few others, had

managed to return through the sewage grate running under

the west gate, but they had not been prepared for the

creatures already inside.

She took a moment to rest, remembering suddenly the

boy who had been with her. She shook her head, the

memory rising unbidden to the forefront of her mind. They

had been cornered in a small network of passages by a pack

of the beasts and she and the boy had drawn off the horde

from the rest of the survivors. They had only gone a few

feet before he was killed, shot through the neck with an

arrow. He had died staring up at her, his eyes wide in

shock, not quite believing what had just happened.

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She blinked back her tears. Now was not the time to

cry. It had been a freak accident. It should not have

happened, and yet there was nothing she could do to

change it. He had endured so much only to be felled by a

stray arrow... She shook her head. Many had died today,

but mourning would have to wait. Right now, all she could

focus on was escaping this hellhole alive.

She took a deep breath, moving swiftly through the

blood stained corridors, the sounds of battle still echoing

through the halls above. She had seen no evidence of any of

the others who had come in with her and she didn't put too

much hope in the possibility that they had survived. She was

alone now, moving swiftly without the weight of her armor

to wear her down. She had discarded most of the

equipment early on. Dented and damaged by the skirmish

outside, it was more hindrance than help.

She rounded the corner and came face to face with

another of the demons. She did not hesitate as she struck,

uncoiling her whip and embedding the deadly spikes into

the flesh of its neck, jerking it forward and breaking the

bone. A scraping sound came off to her left and she turned

to find another of the creatures, its canine features feral and

crazed. It ran down the corridor she had come from, loping

across the smooth stone floor and leaping for her throat.

She dropped to the ground, ducking under the strike and

raking her knife along its exposed underbelly as it flew past.

It gave a cry of pain, its lifeless body skidding across the

polished floor.

She rolled to her feet, climbing up a nearby flight of

stairs and putting the encounter behind her. She made her

way back to the main level, heading toward the east gate

where she hoped to find Kail. She had just emerged onto

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the battlements when all hell broke loose. The last of the

gates guarding the citadel broke down, letting loose a fresh

wave of attackers, crazed yellowed eyes searching for their

prey. The reinforced door that had barricaded the upper

levels gave way, letting in the creatures that had entered

through the sewers. People ran in fear, some standing to

fight, but most falling victim to panic, their reason overcome

by the desperate fear that now drove them.

Xerra retreated back into the corridor, knowing that it

was foolish to try and fight the demons; her only chance was

to escape through the tunnels they had come through the

night they were captured. She sprinted down the empty

halls, taking a different route than the one she had come

through, one that veered away from the east and south

wings of the compound which were by this time overrun by

demons. She continued down the maze of corridors,

fervently praying that Kail had not been one of those still

outside when the gates had fallen.

A sudden explosion knocked her feet out from under

her, planting her flat on her face on the ground. She

blinked back the spots that had begun to cloud her vision,

all the breath having left her body. The entire west wall of

the corridor had been blown apart, the pale gray light of

dawn filtering down through a veil of dust and debris. An

unmistakable growl sounded from behind her back,

accompanied by a chorus of hissing. She reached for her

dagger, knowing without looking what waited behind her.

* * * * *

Kail shoved his way forward through the mob of

people, their faces panicked as they fled. Most of the

warriors now lay dead in the ground and it seemed now that

those that still fought would join them soon enough. All that

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remained now of the Jika’s army were those too weak or

young to join the battle, sheep fenced in by the wolves


He glanced remorsefully at the shattered remnants of

the east gate, thinking of all the bodies that now littered the

once clear courtyard. He had failed in his attempts to hold

the gate, the attacks from those already within too much to

stand against when coupled with the creatures without. He

had watched in dismay as the raiding party led by Lord

Vernin had fallen apart, their escape sealed off by a group

of the creatures who had discovered the passage out. The

attacks from the other creatures had begun shortly after, led

by some of the demons who had somehow managed to

enter through the sewage tunnels that lay beneath the city

and worm their way past the interior defenses that held

back the rest of their brethren.

He turned away from the main passage, searching in

vain for Xerra and the others from the shattered company,

but it was impossible to find anything in the chaos that

surrounded him. A group of demons came in from the

south, blocking the passage and catching the people

unawares. Some pulled free their weapons, trying to fend

off the creatures attacks, but they were no match for them.

Kail summoned forth his magic, ignoring the weariness and

stress that was overcoming him as a result of its excessive


He blew back the foremost of his attackers, leaping

forward with his sword and taking them down. The other

refugees rallied around him, strengthening their attempts

and driving back the creatures. Some among the group

retreated, but many continued to fight. Crazed past the

need for self-preservation, they fought to the death. Kail

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glanced around at the bloodstained halls, advising the rest

of the people that they should stay away from the east

corridors and enter the west wing where there would be less

of the creatures. He continued alone through the halls,

skillfully evading the masses of creatures and searching for

the room where he had left Kara.

The familiar snake-like hissing carried down the

corridor from the reptilian beasts that he had encountered

in the courtyard, sending shivers down his spine. He

slipped back into one of the empty storage rooms, waiting

silently for them to pass. He peered around the small

enclosure and his eyes became drawn to the crumpled heap

that lay slumped against one wall, hidden by the deep

shadows that shrouded the room.

He slipped forward, crouching down to get a better

look at the person before him. His eyes widened as he

found himself face to face with the broken form of Malachi

Vernin, his arm hanging uselessly at his side, his shirt front a

mass of blood.

The amber eyes locked on his own as he crouched

down beside the man, his expression filled with a grave

determination. “How many are out there?” He spoke softly,

his voice hoarse.

Kail glanced at the torchlight spilling from under the

door. “Thousands. The interior defenses are down. All the

gates have fallen.” he hesitated, his blue eyes dark pools in

the dim light. “The fortress is flooded. There isn't any hope

of recovery.” The man nodded, accepting calmly what he

already knew to be true. “How badly are you hurt?” Kail

questioned, glancing uneasily at the blood that stained the

commander’s tunic.

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“My right arm is broken at the elbow and wrist… Stab

wound to the side. A few other minor scratches as well, but

I'll survive.”

“Can you walk?”

Vernin shook his head. “I don't expect so. Help me to

my feet and I'll try. If I stay here, I'm dead.”

Kail nodded, reaching down and helping the man to

his feet. Vernin groaned, sagging slightly, but still managing

to keep his footing. Kail looked down at the discarded

armor lying in a heap on the floor. “Come on. The tunnels

are only a few levels below us.”

They limped forward down the hallway, Kail

murmuring a spell under his breath that would mask their

presence from the creatures who stalked them. Kail peered

into the cavernous room where he had left Kara and Flint,

but it was empty. He experienced a sinking feeling in the pit

of his stomach. Though logically he reasoned they would

have been evacuated from so near the gates once the battle

had started, deep down, he knew that something much

worse had happened.

They descended through the various levels of the

fortress, most of the demons gone off in pursuit of the

survivors who had fled the upper levels. The older man

leaned heavily on his shoulder, his wounds much more

serious than he cared to admit.

They made it most of the way back toward the tunnels

that led out before they stopped to rest. Kail wordlessly

wrapped the man's wound with a spare piece of cloth to

staunch the flow of blood as he asked the question that had

been eating away at him since he had first spotted the

commander in the room. “What happened to the rest of

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the soldiers who attacked the army outside? Were there any

survivors besides yourself?”

Vernin turned to look at him, his strong face lined with

weariness. “A few of us managed to escape through a series

of sewage tunnels the creatures had reopened, but most

were killed by the army when they sealed off our escape.

There were more demons waiting for us when we emerged

inside the compound and they killed off most of us before

we had time to react. Your friend Xerra, and my nephew,

Freyoes drew away the horde, giving us a chance to escape.

Myself along with three others tried to make our way back

to the gates to help fortify the interior.”

Kail stared at the ground a fresh wave of trepidation

flooding through him. Xerra was still alive, but if he didn't

find her soon, she might not be. “Can you go on?” he

asked, rising to his feet.

The other nodded. “Take the tunnel branching left to

the south wing. It's the fastest way to the tunnels that lead

out of the city.” Kail followed the darkened corridor, a

gnawing fear growing in his stomach. If they didn't get out

soon, they would join the rest of the warriors of Tal'Sur in

the depths of the ether.

* * * * *

The demon shot toward Xerra in a tangle of fur and

sinew, teeth split open to expose the curved yellow fangs

that would sink into her flesh. Xerra rolled over onto her

back, jamming the long knife she held gripped in her hand

between its open jaws and into its throat. The momentum

of the demon’s attack carried it over her head and she

released her grip on the haft of the knife, knowing the

creature was already dead.

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A lightning fast kick caught her in the side of the head

as she struggled to rise to her feet and the blackened clawed

hand of another of the creatures closed around her throat,

the vice like grip closing off the air from her lungs. She

snapped out her whip and sent the curved blades fixed to its

end straight into the demons reptilian eyes, knowing from

experience that its scaled hide would protect the rest of its

body from such an attack.

The creature reared back, dark blood pouring down

from the ugly gouge in its face, but the other demon was

quickly on top of her, backhanding her so hard she was sent

sprawling into the side of the wall.

A flash of silver entered the corner of her vision, the

blurred figure shooting down the hall and cutting down the

demons that surrounded her like wheat. He strolled over to

her and helped her to her feet, his gray eyes intense.

Xerra spit a mouthful of blood onto the stone floor,

only adding to the already existing gore. She turned to look

at the grim face of Gray Ravenwing, her veins still

thrumming with adrenaline. “Thanks.” she managed. “I

didn't know if you had survived the collapse of the gates.

He nodded wordlessly, glancing past her down the

corridor from which she had come. “More are coming. We

should go.”

They ran down a long series of corridors, Gray leading

her back toward the lower levels and the escape tunnels that

exited the city. Xerra followed steadily after him, trying to

ignore the pounding in her head. She thought sadly of Kail.

The faint hope she had that he had survived was rapidly

deteriorating with each minute that passed. She could not

ignore the possibility that he had fallen in the attack, and the

very thought made her heart ache. She bit her lip, thinking

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of the way he had looked at her, his face deceptively calm,

but his eyes betraying the panic and worry he felt as she had

left. She sighed, weaving her way through the cold stone

passages. Now there would never be a chance to tell him

how she felt.

They stepped back into an empty room, avoiding a

passing party of demon wolves sent to track down the

survivors. Gray glanced over at her, his voice barely more

than a whisper as he spoke. “The tunnels leading out are on

the level below us. What few survivors there are will be

waiting for us there.” He stopped speaking, leveling his

gaze. “I take it there's been no sign of either Kail or Kara?”

She felt the last of her hope fade away inside of her.

“They aren't with the rest of the survivors?”

Gray shook his head. “I'm afraid not. Most of the Jika

found their way there after the inner gates collapsed. I

arrived there earlier after I failed to seal the breech in the

south wall.” he paused, his expression remorseful. “Most of

the Jika were slain in the attack, only a few were able to

make it this far. None of them have heard any word about

either Kara or Kail, though one girl did mention that she

had been sent to warn Kara and Flint after the initial

attack.” He stopped, his eyes burning with suspicion. “She

was surprised they hadn't made it down there hours ago.

They should have been out long before any of the creatures

got inside.”

Xerra shook her head. “You think it’s because of Flint

don't you?” she said calmly, more a statement than a


“How do you think the creatures found this citadel in

the first place? After centuries of eluding all the dark

monsters that sought to destroy them do you honestly think

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the Jika would have been so easily found by a pack of

mindless demons? The Cursed are surely good hunters, but

they are no better than the Darkened or the Volrye, who

both attempted to wipe out the Jika and yet were never able

to find a single one of their fortresses. It occurs to me now

that it was impossible for the Cursed to have found us at all

when we docked here, for they cannot track across water.

They had no way of knowing where we would land unless

of course someone told them. Someone like Flint

Hawkwood, who knew exactly when and where the ship

would land.” He shook his head. “I can’t believe I didn’t

see this before. He was the one following us that day in the

port outside Zalem. He’s been working for the Cursed this

entire time and now it’s too late to stop him from carrying

out his orders.”

Xerra looked away, her nails digging into her palms.

Stupid! She chastised herself. How could she have missed

this? She took a deep breath, calming her anger. “We have

to go after him.” She whispered.

“We can find the snake later.” Gray replied. “Right

now, we have to get out of here.” They continued down the

stretch of corridors, descending down the ladder into the

bowels of the fortress. “Wait.” Gray hissed, holding out his

hand to stop her. “There's something there.”

She glanced ahead into the empty hall, the faint

shadow cast by the torchlight revealing the presence of the

enemy who might have otherwise gone unnoticed. She

reached for her dagger, tensing as the creature emerged

from around the corner.

* * * * *

Kail walked steadily onward, following the directions

murmured by the struggling Lord Vernin to the tunnels that

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would lead them away from this death trap. His efforts to

evade the predators that stalked them had been only

partially successful, with far too many deadly encounters to

suit him. Worse still, his sustained use of the magic to hide

them and to fight off the creatures was leeching away at his

strength, and he did not know how much longer he could

continue this march.

They rounded a corner, coming onto a long stretch of

halls very close to where they were headed. Two figures

emerged out of the shadows, seeing through their disguise

and moving to confront them. Kail dropped away the

illusion, the features of the people before him catching the


Xerra came up short, her face lined with relief. “Kail!”

she exclaimed moving forward to embrace him. Kail

straightened in surprise, waiting a moment before returning

the embrace, relief and joy coursing through him as he saw

that she was safe.

Vernin leaned dizzily against the wall, his strong face

haggard as he fixed his gaze on the approaching form of

Gray. “Gray Ravenwing. I must admit, I am relieved to see

it is you and not another of those accursed beasts.” He

scanned the dark corridors, his jaw tightening as he saw

there was no one else with them. He turned to find Xerra,

his eyes sad. “What has become of Freyoes?”

Xerra shook her head. “He was fatally wounded by

one of the creatures while we were leading them away.

There was nothing I could do.” Vernin looked away, his

eyes downcast.

“We should keep going.” Gray stated. “It isn't much

further.” They arrived at the sealed door, giving the

password and entering the room that held the entrance to

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the tunnels below. A group of people rushed forward,

taking the bloody form of Lord Vernin and seeing to his

wounds. Gray pulled Kail aside, coldly explaining his

suspicions of Flint Hawkwood and the circumstances

around Kara's disappearance. Kail said nothing, frustration

and despair overwhelming him as he realized what a

mistake he had made.

He raised his gaze to meet Gray's. “We have to find

them. There's no doubt where he'll be taking her. If he is

working for the Cursed, then she'll be dead the moment

they reach their layer at Fey Mors. Can we cross the marsh

into the Cursed's fortress in time to stop them?”

Gray stared at him, seeing the look in his friend’s eyes

and recognizing the feelings behind it. “You couldn't have

known what he would do Kail.” he stated, the others gaze

fixing on his own. “We will find her, and then we'll put an

end to those demons once and for all.”

They moved over to the slumped figure of Malachi

Vernin, his face drawn and pale but still lit with the pride

and resolve that was integral to his character. “We're

leaving.” Kail told him. “Something has happened to one of

our companions, and we need to go and find them.”

Vernin nodded, “You have my gratitude. You saved

my life as well as those of many here in this room. We will

be leaving within the next hour, setting out for our brothers'

fortress at Her'Nore. Go with our blessing, and know that

you will always have friends among the Jika.”

They moved toward the heavy brass door leading into

the tunnels, Xerra coming up behind him with what meager

supplies the people had to give slung over her shoulder in a

worn leather pack. They moved through the network of

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caves, following the winding passage toward the enemy they

had long sought.

* * * * *

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Chapter XXIV

Fey Mors

The mist loomed up in front of Kara like an

impenetrable wall as the ragged boat continued to wind its

way down the river, drifting deeper and deeper into the

mire of the Black Marsh. She held her breath, trying to

block out the stench of decay that permeated everything

within the swamp. It had been hours since she and the

traitor Flint Hawkwood had first encountered the brutes

that led them now. She felt a crushing despair settle over

her, deepening with every minute that passed as she strayed

farther and farther from any hope of rescue.

The minion in the bow of the boat led them out of the

main channel and into a narrow stretch of streams

spreading through the swamp ahead like tendrils of hair.

The unnatural humidity hung over the boat like a shroud,

choking the breath from her body, the stale gag that

encircled her mouth only intensifying its effects. Glowing

eyes stared out at her from behind the brush, malevolent

and cunning, displaying an insatiable hunger as they tracked

the small boat's progress through their territory. A cruel

voice played in the back of Kara's head as they went, a

constant reminder of what a fool she had been.

They emerged from beneath the covering of trees and

came into a stagnant pond that sat placidly before them, its

toxic waters undisturbed by anything living. Kara stared at

the massive fortress that loomed ahead, the jagged points of

rock that marked its entrance hanging open like teeth

forming the mouth of a beast come to swallow her. Hell's

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Maw, the entrance to the fortress of the Cursed, the marker

of her doom.

They passed through the austere gates, the rest of the

world fading into memory as the iron doors swung shut

behind them. Kara gathered her courage and pulled futilely

at the bonds that held her captive, her magic a distant

presence, inaccessible and unable to provide any aid. They

reached the shore in front of the large double doors that

were the entrance to Fey Mors, the fog curling around her

in ethereal tendrils that prickled her skin. The boat set off

behind them, leaving her alone with Flint as the chillingly

familiar cloaked forms of the Cursed emerged from the

entryway before them.

One of the creatures stepped forward to greet them, its

cold eyes flaming with hate. “You have done well.” Kara

shivered at the sound of the admonition. The voice was

devoid of emotion, echoing inside her head as it

reverberated throughout the air.

Flint stepped forward, his face troubled. “What of the

reward I was promised?” he asked uncertainly. “Where is

the elixir?”

The creature's cold eyes fixed on him, clearly irritated

by the question. “Do not demand of me slave.” it hissed.

“Soon you shall have your reward, but first , what of the

others who accompanied you?”

Flint glanced away, avoiding the other's gaze. “Lost in

the battle at the Jika citadel of Tal'Sur. Trapped along with

the other warriors inside of the city when it fell.”

Kara glanced quizzically at him, knowing his statement

to be false. The escape tunnels leading out ensured that

none would be trapped inside, unless of course they had

been sealed. She glanced away, her mind troubled by this

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newest revelation. “What of Terrin?” Flint prodded. “Is he


The Cursed inclined its head, a barely perceptible

nod. Flint relaxed noticeably, but a look of fear and

trepidation still lingered in his eyes as they shifted nervously

to meet those of the creature before him. “I have done all

you have asked.”

The demon smiled without warmth, its eyes cold and

hard. “Indeed you have. Now it is time to give you the prize

you deserve.” It raised its hand and Flint shuddered, his

eyes going wide with a mix of surprise and pain. He tried to

cry out, but no sound escaped his tortured face, jaw working

frantically as he struggled to break loose of the invisible

bonds that held him. His body jerked sideways, bending at

an unnatural angle as he collapsed to the ground, his face a

twisted mask of unperceivable horror as he died.

Kara stared down in shock at the limp form of her

companion, his eyes open and staring. The creature turned

to face her, its twisted features dead and sunken. “Envy him

child, for your death will be much slower.”

* * * * *

Gray crept forward, Kail and Xerra following close

behind as they made their way through the narrow passages

that wound through the marsh. He had tracked Flint and

Kara out of the passages beneath the city to an old watch

tower about three leagues east, following their trail to the

bank of the Hellese River, where the two had met with a

larger group and taken a boat downstream toward Fey

Mors. The route was long, curving around the border to the

entrance at Hell's Maw. It was not the most direct way to

approach the fortress, but it was by far the safest.

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Gray covered his mouth with the hem of his tunic to

ward off the stench of decay as they emerged from behind

the corpse of trees. He stared out at the foul waters of the

lake before them. Nothing living could survive in such a

toxic environment where to even touch the water was death

to all but the most resilient of creatures. He and the others

hadn't had time to follow the people who had taken Kara

down the river, as they were already hours behind, so they

had instead chosen to take a more precarious route that led

through the heart of the swamp, the same path he had taken

the last time he had come here while tracking the Cursed.

Gray grimaced as he remembered the long trek that

had brought them here. It was not something that he cared

to reflect on, as the treacherous landscape of the bog and

the carnivorous creatures that roamed its lengths had not

exactly presented an easy path forward. He stared now at

the looming gates of the structure before him, his gray eyes

penetrating as they searched for a way past the armored

exterior of the fortress to the demons within.

Kail crouched down beside him, his voice soft as he

spoke. “How are we going to cross the river and breach the

gates without letting them know we're here?”

Gray took his time replying, his senses acute as he

located the watchmen that lay concealed in the broken

spires. “There’s a point where the island curves around to

meet the shore. We will cross there and enter through one

of the passages leading underneath the fortress to the main

keep. That’s where we’ll find Kara.”

Kail nodded solemnly, his attention fixed on the castle

before them. They crept through the shadows of the marsh,

keeping to the concealment of the brush as they crossed the

small stretch of ground leading up to the castle. Dark

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twisted figures slouched along the walls above, bleak crazed

eyes staring blankly into the swamps beyond. Gray grimaced

as he passed near the emaciated forms; an almost tangible

aura of madness and blood lust emanated from the

creatures. They were a vicious type of demon known as

Reapers, the things could kill in an instant should they catch

sight of the three below. It appeared the Cursed had not

sent all of their creatures to invade Tal'Sur. They would

have to be careful.

They slid along the stone wall of the fortress, Gray

running his hands along the cold stone surface in search of

the door he knew to be hidden there. He muttered a spell

under his breath, unlocking the hidden panel and clearing

the way forward into the interior. No light illuminated the

hollow passages and they crouched in silence in the still

darkness as Kail summoned forth a ball of light that

hovered over the palm of his hand to remedy the problem.

Gray took the lead once more, carefully following the

route mapped out in his mind from the last time he had

been here. They ascended the flights of spiral stairs out of

the earthen corridors and onto the main levels, advancing

toward the keep. Gray probed the passages ahead for any

sign of the creatures that guarded them, and was disturbed

to find them empty. He glanced up at the tunnels ahead,

unable to avoid the feeling that something about this was

not quite right. He was still holding on to that same thought

when he tripped the ward and everything around them

erupted in an explosion of fire.

* * * * *

Xerra glanced around the bleak stretch of passages that

wound their way upward through the citadel. She did not

like being enclosed in such a foreign environment,

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especially when she had no idea where to go if something

happened and they needed to escape. She glanced forward

at the cloaked forms of Kail and Gray, silent shadows

cautiously making their way through the maze of corridors

connecting to the keep.

She thought of all that had happened to bring them

here and reflected suddenly on her decision to leave Zalem.

It had been the right decision at the time, but the more she

thought about it, the more she remembered the surprise

mirrored in her brother's eyes as she had told him she was

leaving, abandoning him and forcing him to rule the

kingdom all by himself. She glanced ahead at Kail, studying

the familiar shape of his body and knew that if she had to

go back and choose again she would have made the same

decision. She stared down at her hands, much had

happened in the past few weeks, and her own troubles with

her homeland seemed distant and trivial. The king was

gone, disposed of and replaced, but there were many things

that still needed to be set right within the city and that was a

responsibility that she could not ignore. She had left much

unfinished in her home city, and the obligation to remedy

the situation there still lay heavily upon her. She continued

her silent study of the two men before her, thinking

critically on what was to happen. If she did survive this day,

maybe it was time she went home.

They progressed through the series of corridors,

encountering no sign of anything living. Ahead of her,

Gray's face creased in concern beneath the shadow of his

hood. Something about the passage clearly bothered him.

She glanced ahead, her eyes falling on the stone arch that

hung overhead. She was still studying it when a hoarse shout

from Kail sent her diving to the floor, the world around her

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exploding in a fury of light and sound. Gray bore the brunt

of the attack, arms locked before him in a hastily

constructed shield. A powerful shock-wave rippled through

the corridor, a line of fire spreading out overhead to destroy

the intruders. Xerra lay flat against the floor as she struggled

to endure the suffocating heat, cursing silently for all the

noise this was making. The attack subsided and Xerra

cleared her lungs, sweat beaded on her forehead from the

lingering heat, the smell of ash still wafting on the air.

Gray rose to his feet, the edges of his robes smoking.

“It looks like they have made some changes since the last

time I was here.” He grunted.

Kail relaxed his guard, put on edge by the suddenness

of the attack. “Can you search out any other ward's the

Cursed Ones may have put in place?” he asked, his voice

even and calm despite his unease.

Gray nodded. “Now that I know what to look for, we

can probably avoid any other snares they've constructed.”

They continued their ascent, Kail aiding Gray in the

unraveling of the other spells put in place to block their way

forward. Xerra continued to follow them, glancing around

at the empty stone corridors, unable to detect even the

slightest indication of the traps that could mean the end of

them. They came to a stop a few minutes later, Gray

studying the corridor in which they stood in silent

contemplation. He seemed to be searching for something,

though he wasn't looking for it with his eyes. “The keep of

the fortress is just ahead in the room above.” he stated.

“There's a panel concealed within the floor overhead. If

we're quick enough, we can reach Kara before the Cursed

even know we're here.”

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“Do you know the layout of the room from the last

time you were here?” Xerra questioned, but Gray just

shook his head.

“Only roughly. Last time I went in through a branching

tunnel and never actually entered the keep. The Cursed

were expecting me then, this time they won't be. We'll just

have to be careful. Don't speak until we're out, just follow

my lead.”

They climbed up a narrow set of winding stairs to a

cramped passage leading under the floor of the main

fortress above. Gray raised his hand, signaling for them to

stop. Xerra cocked her head, straining to make out the

words of the faint voices echoing in the halls above. The

trapdoor of which Gray spoke lay just down the hall, but

they stayed where they were, the unmistakable rasping hiss

of a demon's speech grating against the inside of Xerra's

ears like a razor.

* * * * *

“Their tracks were discovered outside the citadel by

my brethren. By now they are already somewhere inside.”

The demon hissed, addressing the tall robed figure of the

Cursed that stood impassively before Kara in the hollow

stretch of corridors leading up to the keep where awaited

her doom.

Kara remained motionless as she leaned against the

stone wall, a thrill of hope racing through her at the

mention of Kail and the others. Small rivulets of blood

trickled down from the wounds in her wrist created during

the fateful march up to through the halls of Fey Mors. She

had tried everything to slip free of the bonds that rendered

her helpless, but had only succeeded in wearing away the

skin of her wrists as the gossamer threads of Black Mercury

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woven into the rope bit into her flesh. A throbbing ache

spread through her hands as she shifted position, but she

ignored her discomfort as she waited intently for her captor

to speak.

The Cursed took its time replying, its back turned to

the deadly creature as if to show how lowly it regarded the

demon. “We know of the intruders of which you speak.

One of the wards was activated a few minutes past. You

waste time with your pointless rhetoric.” It turned to face

the beast, its cold eyes radiating hostility. “We have more

important things to deal with than wasting our time chasing

after a few interfering mages and their companion. Take the

wolves and track them down, then bring them here alive so

that the master may deal with them.”

The demon backed away, bowing slightly to show its

ascent. “It shall be done as you command.” It purred, its

red eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Kara watched it leave, the last of her hope fading as

she listened to the pronouncement. The Cursed turned, its

dead eyes fixing on her face. “Now it is time for you to meet

the master and see for yourself why none can stand against

us.” It turned, and Kara jerked forward to follow, pulled by

invisible strings to the chamber beyond.

* * * * *

Gray started forward once more, the echo of footsteps

sounding from above as the creatures parted ways. He

thought about the last few words spoken by the Cursed,

addressed not at the demon, but at someone else. Kara. He

glanced up at the trapdoor looming above them that led to

the chamber of the keep. There waited the Cursed Ones,

and there it would end.

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Gray turned back to face the shadowed forms of Kail

and Xerra, not daring to speak above more than a whisper

as the empty halls of the chamber would carry even the

smallest sound. “We will come out in the west corner of the

room. I'll distract them and you two focus on freeing Kara;

she's the only one who stands a chance against so many of


Kail nodded solemnly, Xerra mimicking the gesture,

iron determination reflected in both their eyes. They would

see this through until the end. Gray climbed the rungs of

the ladder, easing open the heavy wooden panel and setting

it on the ground beside him. He slowly surveyed the strange

setting before him, the shadowed alcove in which he stood

concealed by a heavy velvet curtain colored a deep crimson.

He had a vague impression of the layout of the keep from a

scan he had performed while preparing to enter, but he had

never gone this deep before. This was foreign territory to

him, and he would have to be wary.

He stared at the worn pillars lining the room, the

sparse furnishings crumbling with age and decay. The smell

of blood lay heavy on the air, the floor of the room stained

with gore. The lair of the demon, he thought grimly.

The doors of the room swung open, and the creatures

that had remained unnoticed in the shadows rose to their

feet, the cold dead eyes of the Cursed gleaming with an all

too familiar look of anticipation as their prey approached.

Another of the Cursed Ones entered through the door at

the side of the room, joining the rest of its brethren inside.

Kara trailed forlornly behind it, her face smudged with dirt,

hands tied securely behind her back. Kail knelt rigidly

beside Gray on the floor of the room, his blue eyes flaring

with anxiety as he spotted his cousin. He glanced over at

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Gray, clearly demanding they do something, but Gray

motioned him away, his eyes fixed on the figures in front of


The Cursed and its prisoner made their way to the

center of the room, the wasted shade of Zeveran Cray

moving forward to greet them. Its eyes remained locked on

Kara, its voice cutting and hard as it addressed her. “Today

comes the end, for you and for all who have held us


* * * * *

Kara lurched forward through the cracked wooden

doors of the chamber, coming face to face with the enemy

that stalked her. She swallowed her fear and trepidation,

determined to stand strong in the face of her death. She

thought fleetingly of Kail and the others who had come with

her, knowing that even if they had escaped the demons sent

to destroy them there was no way they would make it here

in time to save her. She was alone.

She glanced ruefully at the bloodstained coils that held

her captive. All this talk about the power she possessed, yet

here she was, rendered helpless by a few strands of rope.

She glanced around the bleak setting of the room, the floor

stained with the remnant of the lives lost here. She glanced

up at the marble faces of the Cursed, their souls rotted away

by the magic that consumed them. They were no freer than

she was.

The foremast among them moved forward to meet

her, and she recognized him instantly to be their leader,

Zeveran Cray, who had been so close to killing her many

times before. Now it seemed he would finally succeed, and

then there would be nothing to prevent the demon that

consumed him from ravaging the earth.

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“Today comes the end, for you and for all who have

held us imprisoned.” She shivered, the words biting into

her mind with a piercing intensity.

A small blur of motion moved through the edges of

her vision, and she shifted her attention there momentarily

before coming back to focus on the shade. She wondered if

any of the creatures had noticed, but they gave no indication

of having seen anything. She brought her attention back to

what the demon was saying, the resonating monotone of its

words instantly drawing her focus. “For too long have we

been held here in captivity, for too long have we rested.” It

turned to face the others of its kind, their eyes burning with

an eager anticipation. “Now we shall take our vengeance on

those pitiful creatures that flood the realm. Now we shall

destroy those who, for so long, have opposed us.” It drew

its sword, the black metal gleaming in the gray half-light that

flooded the chamber. Kara held her breath, curling her

hands into fists and meeting the cruel stare of the creature.

“Today it ends.”

A line of fire shot across the floor from of the room,

rising up in a wall of flames that separated Kara from her

attacker. The shade screeched in anger, and Kara jumped

back from the heat of the flames, struggling once more to

get her hands free. The familiar cloaked form of Gray

Ravenwing leapt forward into the chaos, sheets of white fire

burning down the length of his sword. He slashed at the

twisted forms of the Cursed, evading their attacks and

striking out at them with a savage fury, his eyes shining with

a frightening fervor.

Xerra appeared behind her, sliding out of the shadows

to crouch at her shoulder, Kail close behind. Kara felt a

surge of relief come to fill her, accompanied by a wave of

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confusion. “But how..?” she began, but Xerra motioned her

to silence.

“Later.” The princess replied curtly, her long knife

sawing through the bonds that held her. Kail raised his gaze

to the battle before them, Gray fighting furiously against the

impossible odds arrayed against him. A robed figure strode

through the wall of fire and approached the three that sat

huddled on the floor, undeterred by the distraction of the

mage diverting the attention of the others.

Kail rose to his feet, magic sparking at the tips of his

fingers. “Fools.” Zeveran Cray hissed, seemingly more

agitated then daunted by his resistance. “You have sealed

your own fate!”

* * * * *

Gray locked his hands before him, shielding himself

from the barrage of magic thrown at him from the twisted

forms of the Cursed that surrounded him. He felt his

defenses slowly crumbling under the onslaught; there were

simply too many of them, each more powerful than himself,

if somewhat less skilled.

He parried another attack from the blade of a long

sword and very nearly lost his grip on the magic. He

strengthened his efforts, knowing that if he failed now, there

was no hope of ever stopping the Cursed Ones. He stabbed

the nearest creature through the chest, watching it shriek in

pain as the white magic burned through it and hoping to

god that Kail and Xerra had managed to get Kara free.

A flare of light near the back of the room caught his

attention and he spotted Kail standing toe to toe with

Zeveran Cray, magic flaring at the ends of his fingertips. A

sudden increase in the magic assaulting him ripped through

his defenses, engulfing him in a wave of blackness and

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sending him tumbling to the floor. He fought through the

haze of pain that clouded his vision, and tried to regain his

concentration, managing at the last moment to rebuild the

fragments of a shield and drive off the deadly fire that had

consumed him.

He rolled to his feet, his energy flagging. He raised his

sword to ward off another attack, knowing he was not strong

enough to do more than delay the evil that would soon

swallow him. He darted around the demon's defenses,

dealing it what, to a mortal, would be a fatal blow. The

strike only worked to slow the Cursed, giving him but a

moments respite before it renewed its assault. He hacked at

their ranks, growing weaker and weaker with each blow he


* * * * *

Kail lashed out at the Cursed before him, energy

crackling from the tips of his fingers and engulfing the

demon in a wave of light. The creature was impossibly

strong, and none of his attacks seemed to do so much as

phase it, the horrible eyes threatening to drain him of

courage and leave him paralyzed before it.

He pulled free his sword, striking out again without

waiting for a response. The Cursed raised his own sword in

response and the two blades clashed together with a

resounding ring of steel on steel as the creature effortlessly

blocked his strike, the force of the blow vibrating all along

Kail's arm.

He sent forth a burst of energy to drive back his

enemy, but the other’s magic quickly shattered the attack as

the Cursed retaliated with an offense of its own. Kail

staggered under the weight of the energy and a smile of

satisfaction spread over the waxen face of his enemy. The

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demon lunged forward, deflecting the next thrust of Kail's

sword, and cocking its head as it plunged the blade of its

weapon through the side of his body. Kail gasped in

surprise, his blue eyes widening in pain and shock. In one

fluid motion the Cursed yanked free his blade, watching

with a cold detachment as Kail slid limply to the floor. An

angry scream echoed in the back of his awareness, but a

deepening blackness had flooded his mind, blotting out the

world around him and submerging him in the darkness of


* * * * *

Kara watched in trepidation as the leader of the

Cursed continued its inexorable approach upon her cousin,

shrugging off Kail's numerous attacks and wearing away his

defenses. Xerra sawed frantically at the bonds that held her,

both watching the quickly deteriorating battle before them.

The sharp sound of steel on steel split the air of the

chamber, Kail's sword arm shaking slightly as the Cursed's

sword rose to meet his own. Kara could feel the spike of

worry that filled Xerra as Kail renewed his assault, and she

herself felt agonized over the knowledge that Kail could not

possibly win this battle. It was only a matter of time before

the Cursed overcame him.

She reached down inside herself for the magic that lay

hidden there, but only felt the familiar burn spreading

through her hands as the black mercury thwarted her

attempts. Xerra recoiled from the metal, the strands glowing

white hot as they reacted to the magic. Kara cut off the

attempt, knowing it was in vain and all the while wanting to

try again, wanting to try anything so that she could do

something to aid her cousin.

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The blaze of Kail's magic burned through the Cursed

with seemingly little effect, only slowing the creature and

keeping it far enough away to avoid a direct confrontation.

Kara shouted a warning as she saw a cloud of darkness

gather around the demon, but Kail did not seem to hear

her, too focused on maintaining his attack. The sudden

burst of magic from the Cursed forced Kail to abandon his

efforts to land a strike and shield himself from the

onslaught. His face became knotted with strain and Kara

felt her heart stop. Surely this was the end.

The creature moved with lightning speed as it dealt its

next blow, catching Kail off balance and sliding the wickedly

curved sword it held into her cousin’s side. The blade

jerked free without a sound, the long length of steel coated

in a thick layer of blood. Her cousin dropped to the ground

with a gasp, his lips parting slightly in an expression of

surprise as he fell.

Xerra screamed in fury, leaping to her feet and sending

the jagged blades of her whip flying toward the creature's

face. The demon did not change expression, catching the

blades of the side of its sword, and striking out at Xerra with

a burst of energy that tossed her like a rag doll into the back


Kara shifted her gaze from the limp body of her friend

to meet that of the Cursed, fumbling frantically for the knife

Xerra had left lying on the floor. A blur of motion leapt

across the barrier of flames and came darting toward the

Cursed, gray cloaks flaring out behind him as he struck.

The Cursed turned in surprise, quickly blocking the swing

of the sword that very nearly did its job of severing the

creatures head from its body.

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Gray's eyes burned with hate as he confronted the

Cursed, his appearance ragged and bloodied but no less

formidable. “For Lya and everyone else you've slain you

filthy demon!” He hissed, rushing to destroy the nightmare

before him.

* * * * *

The fire burned white hot around the mage, coming

dangerously close to breaking through his shield as Gray

flew through the barrier that separated him from the others

and came to confront the demon Zeveran Cray. Kara knelt

silently on the floor behind him, her eyes shifting to find

him as she desperately struggled to escape her bonds. Kail

and Xerra lay motionless on the floor, a long jagged slash

splitting the side of his fellow mages body with a streamer of

blood running down to soak through his cloak. It fell to

Gray to do what was needed, and this time he would not


He whipped his sword in a whirling arc toward the

Cursed's exposed neck, only to be thwarted at the last

second as the creature turned to block it, dead eyes fixing

him with a baleful glare. Gray did not hesitate, yelling in

defiance as he pressed his attack and slid under the

creature's guard to pierce it in the shoulder. The white fire

of his magic ripped through the twisted body of his foe from

the blade of his weapon, fueled by the anger of its wielder.

The demon shrieked and struck him in the chest, the blow

powerful enough to break bones if not for the shield that

encapsulated him. Even so, the hit knocked the breath from

his body and sent him reeling backward, and he barely

reacted in time to fend off the next strike from the hungry

blade of the sword that sought to rend his flesh.

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Unnoticed in the background Kara continued to watch

in silence, fighting to stay calm as she strove to finish what

she was doing. The hilt of the knife was held awkwardly

between her hands, a layer of sweat making it difficult to

maneuver. She saw the power wielded by the demon before

her, saw the unmistakable evil sowed into its being, and she

knew that Gray could not win this battle, not alone. She

gritted her teeth; she was moving as fast as she could, but

would it be enough? At the moment it did not seem so.

The creature's eyes flared with unmistakable hatred as

yet again Gray fended off the attack and landed another

mortal wound that sent the demon reeling back, its efforts

abandoned. It glared at the enemy confronting it, the last of

its patience having evaporated. Gray tensed as he felt the

build of dark magic; the creature was preparing an attack

and he had long since lost any sort of advantage that had

come from the initial surprise of his attack. He put all of his

remaining energy into maintaining his shield as the demon

struck, the killing energy engulfing him in a wave of


The Cursed renewed its attack, cruel face marked with

a look of satisfaction as it saw the inevitable outcome of this

battle. Gray tried to hold his defense, but the magic burned

through his shield, dropping him to his knees and filling

him with a wave of nausea and pain as the world around

him began to blur. Agonizing bursts of pain ravaged him,

the nightmarish haze of darkness that surrounded him all

he could focus on.

The creature looming above him shuddered, its look

of delight changing into one of shock as a new magic

entered its awareness, holding it immobile and dwarfing its

power. The flames around Gray fizzled out, his breath

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coming in gasps as he struggled to recover from the strike.

Kara stood solemnly behind the Cursed, her face rigid with

concentration as she let loose the magic that was hers alone

to wield. The torn strands of rope that had bound her lay

shredded on the floor, Xerra's knife having done its job and

severed the cord.

She had watched in increasing horror as the Cursed

overcame Gray, defeating him just as it had Kail and Xerra

and nearly destroying them all. It had come time for her to

end this. Cool and in control just as Gray had taught her,

she would destroy the last of Syra's cruel legacy and right

things once and for all.

The Cursed Ones screeched, each and every one

ensnared by her magic. They convulsed in agony as the

magic flooded through them, reaching down to the

blackened pit of their souls and doing as its wielder had

commanded by stripping them of the magic that gave them

life. Kara knew now what she had to do. To destroy these

demons by burning them to ash was not enough. Syra could

not be allowed to have her justice. Things must be

corrected here, and if that was to happen there was not one,

but two enemies she must defeat today.

The creature that was Zeveran Cray fell to the ground,

the curse that had bound it for so many years unraveling

with the touch of the heir to the power of the sorceress who

had cast it. Kara poured all her energy into the unraveling

of the spell, an angry voice screaming inside of her as she

worked, the cruel laughter long gone as it realized what she

planned. You cannot control me. She thought silently, her

ancestor's protests blocked from her mind. This time you

die for real.

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She reached down into the empty casing of the

demons before her, words springing to her lips unbidden

and giving life to her magic. Layer upon layer of dark magic

came undone under the weight of her magic. Like rusted

chains, the ties holding Syra to this life, the same ties that

had created the twisted monsters before her, broke apart

with an almost tangible snap, disappearing forever in the

flames of the ether.

The spell ran its course and the figure on the floor

looked up at her, real human emotion flooding his eyes

before he sighed in contentment and returned to the realm

of death, the ravaged forms of Syra's followers finding the

rest which for so long had been denied them.

The shade of Syra glared up at Kara from across the

room, cold eyes burning with hatred as she was consumed.

“You are not free child!” She screamed. “You will never be.

You are no different than I. The magic is mine, I have lived

for hundreds of years and you cannot destroy me!” she

hissed, but her words were but a pale echo and Kara smiled

with the realization of how powerless the spirit really was.

“It’s over Syra.” she whispered. The specter would not

have its victory as it had envisioned. Just as Kara was able to

destroy the Cursed, so it was also within her power to once

and for all dispose of the shade who had kept herself bound

to the physical world, exiling her to the hell which for so

long she had avoided. The spirit was livid with rage as it

realized this and Kara felt a deep sense of satisfaction as she

faced her down. “You've lost.” She stated. The shade glared

at her, the faint lines that defined it blurring away as the

sorceress was drawn inexorably toward the fate she had

evaded for so long. Kara sighed in relief, watching the spirit

who had haunted her fall prey to the dark powers she had

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wielded, her perverse sense of justice destroyed along with

her curse.

Kara slumped back against the wall of the chamber,

the ghost of a smile spreading over her lips. It was finished.

* * * * *

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Chapter XXV

Home Again

Xerra rose unsteadily to her knees, blinking away

the rivulets of blood that ran down from the gash in her

forehead and filled her vision with a haze of red. Shudders

racked the floor of the chamber, becoming more violent

with each passing moment. Kara stood motionless before

her, clear eyes staring at something far away, all her energy

expended. There was no sign of the Cursed Ones who had,

only moments ago, surrounded them, a faint scattering of

dust and the memories in her mind all that remained to

testify that they were ever really there in the first place.

“Kara?” she called uncertainly, rising slowly to her feet.

Kara spun around to face her, blue eyes wide with

confusion. Another series of shudders shook the building,

only reaffirming what Xerra already knew to be true. “We

have to get out of here. The fortress is falling apart.

Whatever you did, it destroyed whatever was holding this

place together.” She glanced over at the limp forms of Gray

and Kail, a pang of panic flooding through her.

Kara read her expression, a similar worry showing in

her face. “Help me get them out of here.”

They went first to Kail, lying pale and unresponsive as

they approached. Xerra's hand shook as she reached down

to check his pulse, already fearing the worse. The faint

rhythm pounding against her fingers sent a wave of relief

coursing through her, her eyes lined with a film of tears as

she turned to face Kara. “He's alive.”

Kara reached out and bound the open wound in his

side with a strip of cloth to prevent any more loss of blood.

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He was badly injured, but if they got him out of here now

there was still a chance of saving him. Kara gave her cousin

a final anxious glance before moving over to where Gray lay

slumped against the wall, her blue eyes bright with worry.

Kara reached down toward him, and his eyes snapped

open, the stormy gaze fixing on her face. “Leave me.”

Kara shook her head, but Xerra said nothing, seeing

clearly the scorch marks that lined his body and knowing

that the wounds were fatal. “What do you mean?” Kara

demanded, her voice insistent. “You'll be fine we just have


Gray cut her off, his face paling. “Don't be stupid girl.

You already know that's not true.” She shook her head,

biting her lip to keep from crying. Xerra stared down at the

two, filled with sadness and guilt. Not all of them would be

walking away from this. “I'm sorry Kara.” Gray sighed. “I

can't keep my promise this time. It looks like I'll be leaving

after all.”

Kara shook her head, her blue eyes defiant. “You're

just saying that. You've survived worse...” Another series of

shudders rippled through the chamber, rocks becoming

dislodged from the ceiling overhead.

Gray grabbed her by the front of her tunic, his eyes

holding hers. “You know that's not true. Dark magic like

that used by the Cursed leaves a taint even if it doesn't kill.

I'm dying Kara, you can't save me.” He released his grip, his

eyes softening slightly. “I've taught you all I can. What you

did here was amazing. Go home and be proud of what

you've done. You saved us all, and my lie doesn’t matter

anymore now that it’s ended.” Kara shook her head again,

stubborn determination rooting her in place. Gray's eyes

stared into her own with a knowing intensity, his voice

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sounding strained. “Go get your cousin and get out of here.

If you stay much longer, the fortress will collapse. There’s

no reason that both of us should die.” Kara stayed where

she was, her face marked with indecision.

“He's right Kara.” Xerra said softly. “Come on, we

have to go.” She pulled the girl to her feet, Kara's face lined

with tears as she continued to stare down at Gray.

He stared up at her, seeing her hesitation. “Go,” he

said softly, his gaze turning away from her to stare up at the

ceiling. “Go. It is about time I left to join them. I've done

what I set out to do. You must accept it.” Xerra did not

understand who he was talking about when he said “them”,

but she knew he was right about the rest.

Kara allowed herself to be drawn away, shaking her

head as if by refusing to believe his death she could make it

so it never happened. Xerra led her to the center of the

room, the girl finally pulling her gaze away from the wall as

both of them helped to carry Kail. Xerra glanced back over

her shoulder at Gray, remembering a time a few years ago

when he, of all people, had helped her to succeed where all

others had failed. “Goodbye Gray Ravenwing.” she

muttered under her breath. “Rest in Peace.”

* * * * *

Gray stared blankly up at the roof of the chamber,

catching sight of the departing forms of Kara and Xerra as

they fled the crumbling citadel of the Cursed Ones. He

glanced around the worn room, the ashes scattered across

the floor all that remained of the enemy he had so long


He lay shivering on the floor, the searing pain of the

magic like an endless wave as it tore through him. The

onslaught of magic had not ended when Kara destroyed

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Zeveran Cray, the spell already too far gone to be stopped.

The magic would continue until it succeeded in its

objective. Perhaps at a different time in his life he would

have sought a way to prevent it, but now he simply accepted

the reality of the situation and gave no challenge to what was

meant to be.

His thoughts turned to Kara. She had refused to

believe he was dying, stubbornly insisting he would recover.

He shook his head; it seemed impossible for anyone to

deny such an obvious truth, but the girl was nothing if not

determined. He gazed blankly at the stone above, lost in the

memories of what had been. He would always see Kara as

the girl who had come up to him that night in the tavern in

Souran, yelling at him for ignoring the outside world and

bringing to light the reality he had refused to acknowledge.

She would always be strong, even if at times she was

impulsive and testing. It was good that she was going home

now. It was good she was gone.

At least in the end he had gotten his wish; the Cursed

were destroyed, and things were right again. That was all

that mattered.

Resounding cracks split the air before him as the stone

foundations and walls of the citadel split open and followed

their masters down to dust. He hoped distantly that the

others had managed to make it out. If only one of them was

to survive, better it be them. Better they be the ones to live

and him to die. They were the ones whose lives were worth


He sighed, his breathing ragged and uneven. The

shade's magic had done its work; he was dying and there

was nothing he could do but wait and face the inevitable.

The pain that had racked his body began to subside, the

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rumbling in the chamber around him becoming more

distant as the cold of the void seeped slowly through him.

A faint light entered the corners of his vision,

becoming more prominent with each passing moment. A

small figure appeared before him, green eyes shining with

love, her smile bright and dazzling just as he remembered it.

He smiled back at the woman, his pain and bitterness a

distant memory resigned to the past. He reached out his

hand, finally finding what for so long he had sought. He

welcomed the end as it came to find him, embracing it and

releasing the last of the ties that held him to the limp figure

bleeding on the floor of the chamber. The rest of the world

faded away, peace and contentment flooding through him.

He smiled, his eyes slipping shut. Lya, he thought blearily,

I've come home.

* * * * *

Kail's eyes slid lazily open, his face marked with

confusion as he stared at his foreign surroundings. The

memory of the battle in Fey Mors rushed back to him, and

he sat bolt upright, his mind spinning with any number of

possibilities as to what could have happened. He peered

around the small stone enclosure, a single torch lighting the

way in an otherwise shadowed setting. The place bore a

striking resemblance to the room he had stayed in while in

the Jika fortress of Tal'Sur, but despite the similarities, he

knew it could not be. That place was destroyed, and

wherever he was, he was not dead.

He glanced down at the bandages encircling his torso,

remembering all too well the wound dealt by the Cursed

that had brought him here. He put his hand on the cloth,

peeling it back to get a better look at the wound.

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“I wouldn't do that if I were you.” He glanced up in

surprise, the door of the room creaking open to admit

Xerra. Her voice was chastising as she spoke, a tray of food

grasped loosely in her hands. She was clad in a deep velvet

green dress, the gold lining dancing with color as she moved

through the torchlight room. He stared at her in relief, glad

to see that she was alright. “You've been unconscious for

days. You're lucky we got you here when we did. It wasn't

exactly easy to carry you out of the marsh and back through

the mountains. If that Jika scouting party hadn't met us at

the pass, I don't know what we would have done.”

He nodded uncertainly, still not quite sure what she

was talking about. “Where exactly is here?”

“Her'Nor. Lord Vernin and the rest of the survivors

from the attack at Tal'Sur came here a few days back, and

when they heard about the Cursed Ones fate they were

happy to...”

“Wait just one second.” Kail cut in. “This might work

better if you start at the beginning.”

Xerra smiled ruefully at him, her green eyes bright.

“Sorry. I'm a little ahead of myself.” She started by telling

him what Kara had told her, about Gray and the Cursed

after they were both rendered unconscious, continuing her

story with the undoing of the curse and the death of Gray


Kail stared down at his hands, refusing to meet her

gaze. Sadness and regret coursed through him in alternating

waves. “I can't believe he's really gone, but I know it’s

foolish to think otherwise. I guess... he deserves to rest, after

all he's done.” he sighed. “He would probably want it this

way anyways.” He took a breath. “Tell me the rest.”

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She spoke then of the flight through the tunnels under

the city. Most of the demons that had been sent to track

them had fled with the beginning of the tremors. He

himself knew that with the death of the Cursed the beasts

would be exiled back to the hell from which they had come.

The demon only remained so long as the conjurer who had

summoned it. The army that had decimated the Jika city

had been banished into oblivion with the fall of their

master; there would be no worries from them.

“We made it out in time,” Xerra continued. “if only

just barely, but we didn't get much farther than the border

of the Hellese before Kara and I were too exhausted to

continue. The scouts found us a few hours later and

brought us here. Nothing remains now of Fey Mors but a

few pieces of rubble submerged in the lake.”

They sat in silence, Kail still trying to process all that

had happened. “Where's Kara?” he asked softly, the

question foremost among his thoughts now that he knew

what had happened.

“Resting now. Neither of us wanted to leave you, but

the healer insisted. It isn't yet dawn, but I couldn't really

sleep anyway so I figured I'd come here instead.”

He nodded, rising to his feet. She put a restraining

hand on his chest, her face stern. “And where exactly do

you think you're going?” she demanded.

“I've been in bed long enough.” he replied. “Now help

me up.”

She shook her head, her face incredulous. “What part

of mortally wounded don't you understand?”

He sank back against the covers, his eyes searching

hers. “You know Xerra, injured or not I can still get out of

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here on my own. Besides, mortally wounded is just a bit of

an exaggeration, don't you think?”

She shook her head at him, her tone disapproving.

“You're incorrigible, do you know that?” He rose to his

feet, ignoring the slight burning in his side as he threw on a

shirt he found in the small closet across the room.

They slipped silently down the hall, moving past the

guards unnoticed and climbing the battlement above the

city to where the first of the sun's rays were just beginning to

rise above the horizon, painting the mountains in soft hues

of pink and gold. He stared out at the breathtaking display,

suddenly finding it hard to believe that something so perfect

could exist after all the evil they had seen. He glanced over

at Xerra, her deep red hair spilling over her shoulders in a

cascade of loose curls. Maybe it wasn't so hard to believe

after all.

They stood there in silence for a long time before

Xerra finally spoke, her voice soft and uncertain as she

asked the question that had been hovering on her lips

unspoken for the past half hour since he awoke. “What will

you do now? With the Cursed gone there isn't much left to

challenge the balance anymore. Things are at peace and

your duties as a mage are finished.”

He shrugged, his gaze steady and unwavering as he

stared out at the landscape. “I'm not sure. Maybe return to

Souran, try to rebuild what the Cursed Ones destroyed. I’m

all that’s left of the council now that Gray's gone.”

She glanced over at him, her green eyes searching.

“Maybe Souran isn't the right place to rebuild.” She stated.

“You could come back to Zalem. The people there

certainly need a change to wipe away all the centuries of

distrust and hostility. Maybe by rebuilding the council there

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you could change that.” He glanced over at her in surprise,

at a loss for words as he considered the weight of her offer.

The door leading to the parapet burst open and the

small form of Kara appeared, her face breaking into a smile

as she spotted her cousin. “Kail!” she exclaimed, locking

her arms around him. “You're awake! I can't believe...” she

glanced at the two of them, her face flushing with

embarrassment. “Sorry, I'm interrupting something aren't I?

I'll just...” she began to turn away, but Xerra shook her


“It's alright. I'm sure you two have a lot to say to each

other.” She shifted her eyes to Kail. “Besides, I have a

feeling it's best to leave things where they are... for the

moment at least.” She turned away, moving a short distance

down the battlements and watching the sun as it made its

way over the horizon. Dawn had finally come.

Kail turned to face his cousin, a slight grin spreading

over his face. “You seem well enough.” he remarked.

She blushed. “We've had quite a bit of time to recover

and received plenty of comfort since we came here. Lady

Tera, who rules Her'Nor was happy to hear of the fall of the

demons that had plagued them so long. Not to mention all

the help you gave at Tal'Sur.” She looked away, her eyes

growing distant as she continued. “I still can't believe that it's

finally ended. All the running, the fighting, it's all over now

isn't it?”

He nodded. “I'm sorry I ever got you involved in this

in the first place Kara, but I'm glad it turned out as well as it


She smiled at him, her eyes slightly sad. “It couldn't

have happened any other way Kail. I get the feeling that

whether or not you had decided to involve me, I would

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have gotten tied up in this anyway, and probably been a lot

worse off than I am now.” She sighed. “But now... now, I

think it's time I went home.”

He exhaled, remembering how long it had been since

he had first arrived in Savory, coming to take Kara away on

the quest that had changed all their lives. “Tell your parents

I'm sorry, will you?” he pleaded, already seeing in his mind

their probable reaction to their daughter’s long absence.

She stared at him in confusion. “I thought you could

tell them yourself. I know it’s been a long time since you

lived in Savory but I thought, well now that this was over,

maybe you'd come back.”

He shook his head, glancing over at Xerra, his face

breaking into a smile. “I think there's a different path in

store for me, one that, for once maybe, isn't mine alone to


* * * * *

The deep indigo of twilight spread high across the sky,

the stocky form of Jarrel Ilsren a dim shadow standing out

against the dark horizon as he worked. The slight figure of

his wife appeared in the doorway, her expression

disapproving as she regarded him. “It's late Jarrel.” she said

softly. “Come on inside, you're not getting anything done by

staying out here in the cold and hacking at wood with half

numb fingers.”

He turned to face her, his voice weary and resigned.

“We can get at least some work done before the thaw. If

Kara were here...well, then things would be different, but

for now there's work to do.”

She looked away, running her hand through her dark

hair. She was beautiful in a delicate sort of way, her petite

form and slender hands giving her a frail appearance

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despite the iron hard character that lay behind it. “She

didn't leave without reason Jarrel. Wherever she is, she'll

come home when she's ready.”

The man grunted, his expression dark as he moved

through the crisp snow that coated the valley. A faint figure

appeared along the horizon, making its way down the steep

slope with a skillful ease that defied most people. The girl

came out from beneath the covering of trees, her pale

blond hair falling back along her shoulders in a smooth

sweep. She stopped at the base of the ridge, a small smile

lighting her face as she stared at the two before her.

The woman rushed forward without a second thought,

embracing Kara just as she had when she was a little girl,

small sobs racking her body. Kara returned the hug, glad to

be home once more. The woman drew away a moment

later, wiping at her eyes, her expression becoming distinctly

sour. “Where on earth have you been! Do you know how

worried we were? How much distress you've caused us?

Disappearing without so much as one word of goodbye!”

she chided, her voice breaking.

Kara stared uncertainly at her parents, her tone modest

as she spoke. “Hello. I... ah... didn't expect you to be out

this late.”

The woman shook her head, keeping her arms locked

around her daughter, her face beaming with relief and joy

despite the accusation in her tone. “You didn't, did you?

Well I didn't expect you to just leave one day then show up

months later without so much as an apology. If something

had happened to you... Imagine how worried we were when

you didn't come back, imagine...” she sighed, wiping at her

eyes in an attempt to clear away the flood of tears now

rolling down her cheeks. She was obviously trying to be

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stern, but was not having much success in light of her other

emotions. “Come inside both of you. You, young lady, have

a lot of explaining to do.”

She turned away without another word, retreating to

the interior of the house. Her father regarded Kara with a

mix of relief and disapproval. “Indeed you do.” was all he

said. Kara smiled, following them in. Nothing would make

her happier.

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