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Alternation Special Edition No 16 (2015) 234 - 258 234 ISSN 1023-1757

Flipping the Classroom Compared to the

Lecture Method: Students’ and Lecturer’s


Eunice Ivala

Anton Thiart

Daniela Gachago

Abstract The current mode of delivery of engineering education at the Cape Peninsula

University of Technology (CPUT) is the lecture, which has been shown by

research not to be particularly effective for promoting deep learning. We

argue that an alternative method of delivering curriculum may be needed in

order to improve student learning. Underpinned by a developmental

perspective of cooperative learning model, we present students’ and their

lecturers’ perceptions of the benefits and challenges of the inverted classroom

method of delivering instruction compared to the lecture method in a third-

year hydrology course in civil engineering at CPUT. Quantitative and

qualitative approaches were used for understanding the phenomena under

investigation. Findings showed that ‘inverting’ or ‘flipping’ and moving the

lecture to the homework domain, and saving application and one-on-one or

group work for the classroom experience, makes the inverted classroom

method more productive than the lecture method.

Keywords: Inverted classroom method (ICM), flipped classroom method,

self-directed learning, civil engineering

1. Introduction Most higher education institutions (HEIs) globally continue to rely on the lec-

Flipping the Classroom Compared to the Lecture Method


ture method of delivering instruction (Bates & Galloway 2012; Butt 2014;

McLaughlin et al. 2014); the main emphasis being on coverage of content

(Strayer 2007). Johnson, Johnson and Smith (1991) report on several studies

showing lectures to be relatively ineffective at promoting deep learning (see

also Bates & Galloway 2012; Butt 2014). In lectures, seemingly, students are

introduced to the materials and concepts; they have to process the infor-

mation, solve problems, and practice with the course concepts and reach con-

clusions for application outside of the classroom (Talbert 2012).

Nguyen and Toto (2009) and Lord and Camacho (2007) report that in

engineering education most classrooms still rely on the lecture mode to

deliver course content. While this format has been effective, in practice we

find significant problems with the pacing of instruction and that the most

difficult tasks, in general, have to be performed by the students outside of

class (in their own time), on their own and away from the instructor’s help

(Nguyen & Toto 2009; Talbert 2012). As elsewhere, this method is used to

deliver engineering education at the Cape Peninsula University of

Technology (CPUT).

We argue that HEIs need to use pedagogical approaches which have

been shown to promote deep student learning and high performance. Such an

approach is the ‘inverted classroom method’ (ICM) (Butt 2014; Gannod,

Burge & Helmick 2008; Herreid & Schiller 2013; Lage Platt & Treglia 2000;

Pierce & Fox 2012; Mangan 2013). In the schooling sector the ICM is often

known as the ‘flipped classroom’ (White 2011). A lecturer at CPUT decided

to pilot the ICM in a hydrology course, since the lecture was scheduled for

13h00 and he had noticed that most students were not concentrating then –

there was a need, he surmised, to think of alternative ways of delivering

instruction, which would improve student learning.

In this article, we present students’ and their lecturers’ perceptions of

benefits and challenges of the ICM as compared to the lecture method in a

third-year hydrology course in the civil engineering field at CPUT. The

question that guides and gives focus to this paper is: ‘What are students’ and

the lecturer’s perceptions of the benefits and challenges of the ICM of

delivering instruction compared to the traditional lecture method?

Quantitative and qualitative approaches were used, with a mixed

method for collecting data. An in-depth interview was carried out with the

lecturer, and a survey questionnaire was distributed to the 50 enrolled

students to elicit their perceptions of the benefits and challenges of using the

Eunice Ivala, Anton Thiart & Daniela Gachago


ICM as compared to the traditional lecture.

We assume that this study will provide insights on the use of the ICM

in an engineering field at a resource-poor university of technology in South

Africa. These could be of benefit to other HEIs in South Africa and Africa, as

there are limited research and studies on use of the ICM.

We present literature to unpack the ICM and its benefits, a conceptual

framework which helped us understand the teaching philosophy used by the

lecturer in the implementation of the ICM; the research methodology, results

and discussion; and end with a conclusion and recommendations.

2. ICM for Curriculum Delivery The ICM method uses technology to ‘flip’ or ‘invert’ the traditional lecture

model (Strayer 2007), moving the lecture outside the classroom via tech-

nology and moving homework and practice with concepts inside the class-

room via learning activities (Bishop & Verleger 2013; Herreid & Schiller

2013; McLaughlin et al. 2014). The defining characteristics of the ICM are

online lecture materials (text, audio or video format) that students can access

on demand, and a classroom environment conducive to working with peers

and the lecturer, problem solving and answering questions (Gannod et al.

2008; Lage et al. 2000; Nguyen & Toto 2009; Strayer 2007). Outside the

classroom, students engage with the online materials in preparation for

lecture time, and classroom time is used to process the information and solve

problems, and practice and apply concepts via guided learning activities,

often done in groups under the guidance of the lecturer and peers.

According to Lage et al. (2000) the ICM is not a new idea. For

example, in 2000 Baker provided lecture notes on a web page, extended

classroom discussions through online threaded discussions and used online

quizzes in Graphic Design for Interactive Multimedia and Communication in

the Information Age courses. Kaner and Fiedler (2005) and Day and Foley

(2006) used video lectures to invert their upper-level software courses, with

no active component for students while watching videos; class time was not

used for hands-on application of ideas, but for further discussion of concepts.

Gannod et al. (2008) applied the ICM to offer instruction in a software

engineering course through podcasts. Eric Mazur, a physicist at Harvard

University, has been using the method for 21 years (Berrett 2012).

Flipping the Classroom Compared to the Lecture Method


In the year 2000, staff members of the Centre for Culture,

Communication and Media Studies at the University of Natal, Durban, where

one of the authors of this paper studied, employed the flipped classroom

method to teach honours and masters level students. Course work honours

and masters students were given a course reader which clearly stated the

topics to be covered in each of the study and guiding questions. Students

were expected to engage with the readings in their own time and to respond

to the guiding questions as a group before the lecture. In-class activities

included student presentations of their understanding of the content, a class

discussion guided by the lecturer on issues arising from the content, with the

lecturer ending the session by responding to students’ questions and

reinforcing the main ideas emanating from the content covered. The

abovementioned examples show that there is no one model of ICM; in fact,

there are many forms (Sams 2011). According to Gardner (2012: 2) ‘the

modern version of inverted class, which is characterized by online videos, is

already over a decade old’ (see Lage et al. 2000). However, we argue that the

newness of a pedagogical approach is subjective and contextual; for lecturers

and institutions who have never engaged with the ICM before it is a new

pedagogical approach.

Pedagogical benefits of the ICM are that the out-of-class activities

(e.g. students watching online videos introducing course concepts, showing

of examples, giving quizzes or exercises and modeling the problem-solving

process) supplement and reinforce concepts presented in textbooks (Doering

& Mu 2010; Roehl, Reddy & Shannon 2014; Talbert 2012). In this way,

students who would have found the pace too slow may quickly work through

material they already know, and delve into more interesting and challenging

problems (differentiating instruction based on student needs). Students who

would have struggled with concepts can access course materials when ready

to learn, and are able to rewind and watch segments many times (extended

engagement with course content) (Gannod et al. 2008; Gardner 2012;

Mangan 2013; Strayer 2007). Students can also pause and reflect on lecture

materials (Mangan 2013; Talbert 2012). Beyond using the online videos to

prepare for class, they are available for later reference. Students who are

absent due to illness or extracurricular activities do not miss out on learning

(Bergmann & Sams 2012). By watching the videos in their own time,

students arrive in class prepared to practice the ideas they have already been

exposed to (McLaughlin et al. 2014). When an assignment is given on the

Eunice Ivala, Anton Thiart & Daniela Gachago


course content students work in groups; they are involved in active learning

while the lecturer walks around observing their work and offering assistance

(Butt 2014; Pierce & Fox 2012).

A primary element of learning is asking questions, and the ICM

provides an environment where questioning is a primary classroom activity

(Bain 2004). Students focus on internalizing the course materials with the

help of their peers and their instructor (Bishop & Verleger 2013; Roehl,

Reddy & Shannon 2014). Students who struggle with specific concepts can

benefit from the instructor’s time, which can be spent on identifying

individual sources of a student’s confusion, and to promote personalized

instruction. Students who learn at a faster pace than their peers may also

serve as peer mentors (Gannod et al. 2008; Strayer 2007) for other students in

class; thus slower students have more help, while the faster learners achieve

the deeper understanding that comes from explaining a concept to someone


The method has been criticized for assuming that every student has

access to technology (computer, smartphone or tablet) and internet

connectivity (Gardner 2012), especially in developing countries like South

Africa. For the method to work well, most of the students must engage with

the online materials before attending lectures, a scenario that is highly

unlikely without an enforcement mechanism such as awarding marks for out-

of-class activities. Furthermore, developing ICM materials is labour-intensive

and time-consuming (Bates & Galloway 2012; Talbert 2012) for lecturers,

who are expected to teach as well as to do research. However, the method

shows the potential for making university classrooms more interactive,

inclusive and effective (Talbert 2012), and, more importantly, it can be

applied in many disciplines (Gardner 2012). However, Strayer (2007) reveals

that there are few research studies that specifically investigate the ICM,

particularly in Africa. This paper presents both student and their lecturer

perceptions of the benefits and challenges of the ICM compared to the lecture

method in a third-year Hydrology course in the Civil Engineering field at


3. Conceptual Framework The developmental perspective of a cooperative learning model, founded in a

constructivist epistemology, was used to understand how the lecturer in this

Flipping the Classroom Compared to the Lecture Method


study piloted the ICM. The hydrology course is a third-year module within

Water Engineering and contributes 50% of the marks towards the subject.

The Water Engineering module contributes towards attainment of a national

diploma in civil engineering, and is a compulsory one-semester course taught

in the second half of the year, with two, one-hour lectures per week. The

course aims to impart the principles and practices of engineering hydrology

through the use of examples and calculations. The lecture method is used to

teach course content, supplemented by student interaction with information

through homework, lab sessions, projects and discussions that take place out

of class. The course was co-taught by two lecturers. The ICM was not

implemented in the delivery of the entire course; just for selected topics in the

course, namely, introduction to hydrology, meteorological data, evaporation

and transpiration, and infiltration and percolation.

The lecturer implemented the ICM by providing students with basic

materials related to the course content via online videos (using a shared drive

on the institutional intranet for long videos and Dropbox for short videos),

short documents on the course website, readings from the prescribed

textbook, as well as supplementary notes. Students were continuously

encouraged to engage with the materials through a closed Facebook group.

They engaged with the above-mentioned materials at home in preparation for

the in-class activities. In class, students’ understanding of the materials they

engaged with at home was tested, followed by small group discussions of the

evaluation. Students then assessed each other's responses to the evaluation

questions and commented on the answers. They then worked collaboratively

in groups on more complex questions, with the lecturer assisting and guiding

them as needed.

The in-class activities justified Johnson and Johnson’s (1999)

assertion that cooperative learning occurs when students work together to

accomplish a shared learning goal. The class ended with a briefing on what

was expected of the students in the next class, which was summarized in a

post placed on the Facebook group. The in-class activities were used to

reinforce understanding of the content learnt at home, with the aim of

contributing to the course outcome.

Although cooperative learning has its premise in constructivist

principles, in implementing it the teacher maintains complete control of the

class, even though students work in groups. The cooperative teacher asks

questions, provides additional texts or resources for the students to read and

Eunice Ivala, Anton Thiart & Daniela Gachago


analyze, and then asks the students to work in groups to answer the questions.

Groups then present their results to the whole class and discuss their

reasoning. In this type of learning the students do the work necessary to

address the course content, but the teacher maintains control of the process at

each stage. In piloting the ICM in the hydrology course a developmental

perspective of cooperative learning which was largely teacher-centered (Lee

1997) (students did not provide input into what the class does and how it does

it) seems to have been employed. The lecturer decided to change the method

of delivering instruction from lectures to the ICM, but asked students to allow

him to test his ideas. He decided on and designed materials to be studied out

of class, and chose the platforms for accessing the materials and what

students will do in class.

Fundamental assumptions of the developmental perspective on

cooperative learning are that interaction among students around appropriate

tasks increases their mastery of critical concepts. In Vygotsky’s (1978) view,

collaborative activity among children promotes growth because those of

similar ages are likely to be operating within one another’s proximal zones of

development1, and they are more likely to model the more advanced

behaviors of the group than of those they would as individuals. The

importance of peers operating within one another’s proximal zones of

development was also established by Kuhn (1972), who found that a small

difference in cognitive level between a child and a social model was more

conducive to cognitive growth than a larger difference. Furthermore, Piaget

(1926) held that language, values, rules, morality and symbol systems can be

learnt only in interactions with others. However, according to Slavin, Huerley

and Chamberlain (2003), there is almost no research that explicitly links

Piaget’s conceptual work to classroom learning. The lecturer in this course,

nevertheless, implemented ICM with the aim of achieving the fundamental

assumptions of the developmental perspective on cooperative learning and to

contribute knowledge to the field.

1 The zone of proximal development is ‘the distance between the actual

developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the

level of potential development as determined through problem solving under

adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers’ (Vygotsky 1978:


Flipping the Classroom Compared to the Lecture Method


4. Methodology Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used, to ensure that

limitations of one type of data were balanced by the strengths of another,

enhancing the significance of the findings (Caracelli & Greene 1997).

4.1 Context and Participants The main participants in this study were the 50 students enrolled in the course

and their lecturer, who implemented the ICM in a hydrology class in 2011

and offered a training workshop on the ICM to 11 lecturers in November

2012. Thus purposive sampling was used to choose the lecturer (Patton

1990); he had rich information gained through practice and was thought to be

likely to reflect on the complexity of implementing the ICM as compared to

the lecture method. The convenience sampling method was used to select the

students for this study.

4.2 Data Collection A qualitative approach was used for collecting data; data consisted of an in-

depth interview with the lecturer, and a workshop facilitated by the lecturer to

introduce the ICM to 11 lecturers from various disciplines in the university,

an examination of the lecturer’s perceptions of benefits and challenges of

ICM for delivering instruction. Four, open-ended questions in the students’

survey questionnaire elicited their perceptions of ICM’s capability to

facilitate active learning, group work and the time students took to get used to

ICM. Quantitative data were gathered through a survey questionnaire

distributed to the 50 students enrolled in this course to elicit their perceptions

of the benefits and challenges of using ICM in comparison to the lecture


The survey questionnaire included both open- and closed-ended

questions. Eight closed questions comparing students’ perceptions of the ICM

and traditional lecture method in terms of classroom attendance, level of

enjoyment, understanding of problems, concentration in class, regular

preparation for lectures and in-class activities for the flipped method, active

involvement during class, enough time for study, levels of preparation for

exams, finding answers to homework during the learning process, and the

Eunice Ivala, Anton Thiart & Daniela Gachago


mode of delivery students preferred for the rest of the semester. Parallel data

gathering was used with the students and sequential data gathering with the

lecturer (Caracelli & Greene 1997).

4.3 Data Analysis Quantitative data were analyzed using a five-point Likert scale ranging from

1 (strongly agree) to 5 (strongly disagree). The means and standard deviations

were calculated to determine the central tendency (typical score) and

variability (spread) of interval data. A paired sample one-tailed t-test was

executed to test for significant differences in the perceptions of the ICM and

the lecture method. Because quantitative data do not provide reasons or

motives behind rating scores, the reasons given by participants are important

to make informed decisions regarding the implementation and effectiveness

of ICM. Consequently, qualitative data were analyzed inductively via a

constant comparative method to probe the motivation behind the scores. Data

from the lecturers’ in-depth interview, workshop transcripts and open-ended

questions from the students’ survey were analyzed. Open coding, ’the process

of breaking down, examining, comparing, conceptualizing, and categorizing

data’ (Strauss & Corbin 1990:61), was used to identify themes and insights

emerging from the data, and insights to help understand the problem under


We acknowledge that the findings of this study are not generalizable,

but offer valuable insights which others interested in implementation of ICM

for curriculum delivery could draw from. Participant consent to take part in

the study was sought, and the purpose of the study was explained to the

lecturer and students. The interview and workshop transcripts were made

available to the lecturer participant for scrutiny. Anonymity and

confidentiality were adhered to as promised to the lecturer and students.

Ethical clearance was given by the Fundani Centre for Higher Education and

Development Ethics Committee.

5. Results and Discussion The findings and discussion are presented under the following themes:

Flipping the Classroom Compared to the Lecture Method


Students’ perceptions of the benefits of ICM compared to the lecture


Lecturer’s perceptions of the benefits of ICM compared to the lecture

method; and

Challenges encountered in the implementation of ICM and the

critical conditions for successful implementation.

5.1 Students’ Perceptions of Benefits of ICM for Curriculum

Delivery Compared to the Lecture Method Students’ mean scores for class attendance and concentration in class were

statistically significantly smaller at the 95% confidence level for the lecture

method, whereas the mean scores for the level of enjoyment, understanding

of problems, regular preparation for lectures, levels of preparation for exams,

and finding answers to homework during the learning process were

statistically significantly smaller for the ICM (See Table 1).

Thus, students’ classroom attendance and concentration in class were

better for the lecture method than the ICM. On the other hand, aspects on

students’ level of enjoyment, understanding of problems, regular preparation

for lectures and in-class activities for the flipped method, level of preparation

for exams, and finding answers to homework during the learning process

were rated more favorably for the ICM than the lecture method. On the

aspects of students having enough time for study, active involvement in class

and preferred mode of delivery for the rest of the semester, there was no

significant difference between the ratings for the two methods. However,

aspects on students having enough time for study and active involvement

during class were rated nominally better for the ICM than the lecture method.

The converse was true for the preferred mode of delivery for the rest of the

semester (Table 1).

Table 1: Mean score (± standard deviation) of aspects tested for the ICM

and the lecture method

Aspects measured ICM Lecture method

Classroom attendance 1.94±1.42 1.6±1.92*

Level of enjoyment 2.12±0.689 2.4±0.901*

Understanding of problems 2.37±0.994 2.76±1.119*

Eunice Ivala, Anton Thiart & Daniela Gachago


Regular preparation for lectures

and in- class activities for the

flipped method

1.9±1.233 2.51±1.283*

Concentration in class 3.64±1.191 2.81±1.279*

Active involvement in class 2.44±1.053 2.65±1.159

Enough time for study 2.51±1.21 2.61±1.325

Levels of preparation for exams 2.49±1.12 2.87±0.992*

Finding answers to homework

during learning process

1.56±0.884 1.85±0.882*

Mode of delivery students

preferred for rest of the


2.9±1.358 2.81±1.345

*Asterisk indicates significant difference at p=0.05 (one-tailed t test for

paired sample).

The analysis of the qualitative data showed that most students (35/50) liked2

the ICM more than the traditional lecture method. Students gave varied

reasons for liking the methods. A good number indicated that they liked the

ICM more than the lecture method because it allowed them to engage with

the course content before class as many times as they wished and in their own


Extract 20: The advantage of the videos is that I can experience the

lecturer over and over again. It is done in my own time at my own

leisure. I strongly urge that more of our subjects are carried out in

this manner.

The above findings show that the method enabled students to engage more

with the subject matter outside the classroom which, according to Kuh

2 The concept ‘liked’ is used in this study based on student perceptions of the

lecture and the flipped methods of curriculum delivery. The perceptions were

self-reported in open-ended questions contained in the student survey

questionnaires used in this study. Reasons for liking either of the methods are

given in the results and discussion section.

Flipping the Classroom Compared to the Lecture Method


(2009), may lead to enhancing the students’ understanding of the subject

matter and hence, to support deep learning. Furthermore, a few students

stated that materials provided to them on short videos allowed them to engage

with concepts until they understood them; unlike in the lecture method which

only provided one opportunity to grasp concepts. These results are in

agreement with findings by Gannod et al. (2008), Gardner (2012) and

Mangan (2013). These students stated that engaging with the subject matter

before class discussions enhanced the retention of knowledge. Some reported

that the ICM allowed them to actively participate in classroom activities

(unlike the lecture method), which they indicated assisted them in learning

and remembering content, as depicted in the following extracts from the

student survey questionnaire:

Extract3: The fact that my brain is active in class and understanding

what has been taught and rectifying any misunderstanding while in


Extract 4: It gets the students involved and therefore learning and

remembering the content is much easier

Another reason given by a good number of the students for liking the ICM

over the lecture method was the fact that it enabled them to take

responsibility for their own learning:

Extract 29: You are treated as an adult; you as a student have to take

responsibility for getting the information

Extract 9: This method makes the student more interested in the

work and eager to figure out what we given by the lecturer, by

exploring the sources by yourself, it is intriguing and makes you

understand the work.

Based on the aforementioned, it seems students appreciated the ICM because

it gave them the power to control their learning (self-directed learning)

(Pierce & Fox 2012; Roehl, Reddy & Shannon 2013), which enhanced their

interest in, engagement with and understanding of the module content.

However, a few students (15/50) disliked the ICM. Some key reasons given

for not liking the method were lack of immediate feedback on problems

encountered after engaging with course materials at home, the fact that the

Eunice Ivala, Anton Thiart & Daniela Gachago


method gave students more responsibility for their learning, and love of the

lecture method. On the lack of immediate feedback, one student wrote:

Extract 40: If you are unsure about certain contents you are not able

to clarify immediately.

Regarding emphasis on self-directed learning, students were unhappy that the

ICM shifted the role of learning to the students:

Extract 42: It puts most of the responsibility on the student which in

some cases is a bad thing.

Extract 44: You have to teach yourself and sometimes that isn’t


These students may have disliked self-directed learning partly because they

were used to being taught by the lecture method, where the teacher is the

‘sage on the stage’ and the students are passive receivers of knowledge

(Lehmann & Chamberlin 2009). This method is used in most HEIs (Bates &

Galloway 2012). Familiarity with the lecture method was given as a reason

for liking it by six of the students. The following illustrate the students’

feelings about the lecture method:

Extract 18: It is the same way all the other subjects are taught

Extract 19: It is a method that I am accustomed to and because of

that familiarity; it makes it more enjoyable for me.

Immediate interaction with the lecturer in class was put forward as a reason

for liking the traditional lecture method by 14 of the students. One had this to


Extract 45: In class I can ask if the lecturer talks about something

and feel more involved. Also calculations are better to understand

when it is handwritten and to participate in the process of the

calculation and to get to find answer.

Immediate feedback may also explain why students rated the lecture method

statistically, significantly more favorably for class attendance and

Flipping the Classroom Compared to the Lecture Method


concentration in class. However, the traditional lecture method was disliked

by 28 of the students taking this course. Some of the reasons given by a

substantial number of the students were lack of student involvement in the

class, the time-slot of the lecture, lack of concentration, and the fast pace of

teaching during the lecture. Students wrote:

Extract 7: It is late in the afternoon, after attending a number of

lectures. I find it a bit harder to concentrate for longer.

Extract 14: Up till a certain point, one’s concentration is broken by

tiredness, due to minimal involvement.

The lack of students’ involvement and the fast pace highlight some criticisms

of teacher-centered methods of teaching like the lecture method (Butt 2014;

Lehmann & Chamberlin 2009; Roehl, Reddy & Shannon 2013), which may

lead to low student concentration.

5.2 Lecturer’s Perceptions of Benefits of ICM for Curriculum

Delivery Compared to the Lecture Method It is commonsense that many faculty members would adopt a new

pedagogical approach when it is perceived to help improve teaching and

learning. According to Davis (1989) perceived usefulness is the degree to

which a person believes that using a particular system would enhance his/her

job. The lecturer in this study believed that the ICM was more beneficial than

the lecture method because it facilitated deep learning and enhanced his job,

as evidenced in the following quotes:

… the things I did right was the whole idea of giving the material

beforehand, basic material and then coming to class and then carry on

with a little bit more advanced examples… questions that require

cognitive engagement, when I’m there to prompt them and help them

and they help each other obviously. They help each other actually a

lot. Sometimes they don’t even want the lecturer to give them help ...

what happens in normal classrooms is the lecturer stands up and

…does basic examples and then he tells students to go back do

homework and the homework is then more advanced…

Eunice Ivala, Anton Thiart & Daniela Gachago


… it [ICM] enriched my job because I’m unfortunately in the

situation that I will probably be stuck as a lecturer … till I retire. I

have to enrich my own life and I have to use new methods. And it

definitely did … I’m getting some exposure, meeting some new

people…and I’m making new contacts all the time now…

By adopting the ICM the lecturer enhanced student involvement in the class,

which may have improved students’ concentration and addressed the

disadvantage of the time-slot, student engagement with the course content

outside of class, peer learning and student-teacher interactions. Student

involvement (Astin 1984), engagement (Kuh 2009), peer learning and

student- teacher interactions are some characteristics of deep and meaningful

learning (Anderson 2003).

5.3 Challenges Encountered in Implementation of the ICM and

Critical Conditions for Ensuring Successful Implementation Based on some students’ reasons for not liking the ICM (familiarity with the

lecture method, lack of immediate feedback, and self-directed learning

method promoted), it can be deduced that it is a challenge to introduce a new

method of teaching and learning in an environment where the lecture method

is the norm. A lot needs to be done by the lecturer before introducing a new

method of teaching and learning. On the issue of students not liking the self-

directed learning promoted by the method, it may have helped to explain to

the students what the ICM and the lecture method entailed, and the kind of

learning both methods support. Raising students’ awareness of the two

methods could assist in acceptance of the ICM. Also, exposing students to the

ICM for one semester in selected topics in a course is not enough time for

them to fully appreciate the method. A long period of exposure to ICM and

wide application in different disciplines/subjects may help in acceptance of

the method by students.

The challenge of lack of immediate feedback while engaging with

content materials at home may have been due to the fact that the lecturer

provided such content with no questions for the students to test their

understanding. We argue that provision of short videos or content covering a

concept/s in conjunction with self-assessed or multiple-choice quizzes that

Flipping the Classroom Compared to the Lecture Method


provide for formative assessment would allow for mastery of learning and

would complement the optimal attention span of students (Khan 2012;

McLaughlin et al. 2014). The quizzes promote self-assessment, an important

skill for effective and lifelong learning and future professional development

(Taras 2010). Furthermore, self-assessment is said to facilitate greater

autonomy in learning and is particularly effective in developing self-learning

skills (Boud & Falchikov 1989) required for achievement in online learning

(Garrison 2003). The cognitive benefits of self-assessment include improved

understanding, performance and ability for self-analysis (Gordon 1992).

Furthermore, more constant communication between lecturer and students

and student-student interaction is crucial to ensure that students engage with

course materials outside the classroom, as underscored by the lecturer:

I believe that this inverted classroom needs to go hand in hand with a

good communication tool, because if you want to give students stuff

to do outside the classroom there needs to be constant

communication … I think a major problem would be just to let the

student be and when he comes to class again then he says ‘Well I

didn’t understand what I was supposed to do’ or whatever ... I set up

Facebook …for the subject and I had all 50 students actually in the

group and it was a closed group… we had constant questions from

students, posting of things that’s happening, go look on the shared

drive for this thing and do that. So the instructions didn’t only take

place in the classroom, the communication went right through the


The lecturer stated that the method was not easy to implement because it was

labor-intensive and time-consuming to make the online materials, and that

one needed to motivate students to ensure they engaged with course materials

at home:

I don’t think it’s easy because it takes a lot of preparation… you have

to prepare new material where you could have just stuck with the old,

… it takes time to make little videos and editing it.…to actually shoot

the video it takes probably four/five times as long to edit it…

Eunice Ivala, Anton Thiart & Daniela Gachago


These results are similar to findings by Bates and Galloway (2012), Talbert

(2012) and McLaughlin et al. (2014). According to the lecturer, a mind shift

on how one teaches is needed to embrace the ICM. The lecturer also reported

that it was not easy to use the ICM at the university because of contextual and

social issues, which Chai et al. (2015) call the intrapersonal dimension of


…let’s say two lecturers lecture the same subject, we have to agree

on the assessment. Now this deeper learning that took place might

not be assessed because we’re back to the old way of let’s say we

taught in class and we have to assess those basic things.

…I don’t know about other places but you can come and look at our

classrooms. They’re terrible …I want to show a little video of

something … using a data projector, I don’t have sound, then you

could hardly see because there’s no way I can make the classroom a

bit darker. It’s very noisy and it’s uncomfortable…

… what is happening is because our facilities are so poor, if I have to

go to class and use technology there, I bought myself a trolley. In the

trolley I put my laptop, data projector, my two speakers, my

extension cord... Now I trolley this to the classroom…tea time I

would go 15 minutes before the time …and set up my things. …at

lunchtime when we stop I have to take down all this lot again – put it

in my trolley and off I go back. Now that in itself is really a big

stumbling block for anyone who wants to implement this, because

it’s really too much hassle.

Co-teaching a course, poor classroom conditions, and lack of technology and

technical support in use of technology in teaching and learning are put

forward as some of the factors that may hinder lecturers’ use of ICM at the

university. The provision of good teaching facilities3 and technical support

3 The lecturer’s comment on facilities is included because physical facilities

and technological provision influences lecturers’ decisions of using the

current model or the flipped classroom method. Poor and insufficient

Flipping the Classroom Compared to the Lecture Method


when using technology would make it easier for lecturers to implement ICM.

Emerging from the above mentioned is the challenge that most academic staff

members in this institution (as elsewhere) are hesitant to embrace new

pedagogical practices like the ICM, in part due to lack of teacher/lecturer

self-efficacy (Tschannen-Morana & Hoy 2001) and technological self-

efficacy (Compeau & Higgins 1995). The lecturer in this study said:

… although I’ve studied engineering I also come from a very strong

IT background …I did three-year software diploma and I’ve always

been interested in technology. I think I’m not scared of technology. I

find it sometimes a stumbling block for lecturers to get because they

are a little bit scared of technology...

The ICM relies heavily on technology, but most faculty at this university (as

elsewhere) have not learnt their subject content with such technologies and

hence do not have the essential experience in it; nor have they been prepared

to teach their content with these new and emerging technologies (Niess

2011). Proper technical training, exposure and support are needed for faculty

to embrace technology in teaching and learning. To embrace new

pedagogical approaches like the ICM a mind shift is needed from faculty,

which would include looking at their current pedagogical practices and

seeking approaches that address students’ teaching and learning needs, as

evidenced by what the lecturer in this study did:

… I had a particular problem this year that they gave me …two hour

slots after lunch two days, consecutive days. So the students arrived

tired, struggled to concentrate… So I thought you know I cannot use

normal techniques here, it’s not going to work, you know because

they’ll fall asleep … Now I can get them involved, I can hear them

talking and engaging, I feel that’s a great way of stimulating

conversation and learning more…

Teacher reflection on their practices and continuous professional

development is needed because teaching is complex and requires

provision may cause new users of the method to regress towards use of the

lecture method.

Eunice Ivala, Anton Thiart & Daniela Gachago


considerable teacher training (which most lecturers in this institution do not

possess) and continuous refinement of skills and procedures (Johnson et al.


6. Conclusion and Recommendations This study found that students rated the use of the ICM in curriculum

delivery significantly more favorably than they did traditional lectures in

terms of level of enjoyment, understanding of problems, regular preparation

for lectures and in-class activities, levels of preparation for exams, and

finding answers to homework. Furthermore, students indicated that they liked

the ICM since it enabled them to engage with course content as often as they

wished and at their own pace before attending class, which enhanced their

understanding. The method was perceived to have promoted self-directed

learning, as students felt it enabled them to take responsibility for their

learning. However, results showed no significant difference between the two

methods on aspects of students having enough time for study, active

involvement in class, and preferred mode of delivery for the rest of the

semester. The lecture method was rated statistically significantly more

favorably than the ICM for class attendance and concentration in class. The

lecturer liked the ICM because it facilitated deep learning and enhanced his

work efficacy.

Results showed that lecturers’ self-efficacy and technological self-

efficacy were important in implementing the ICM, and will be a challenge if

the method is to be up scaled. This method requires lecturers to reflect on

their own teaching methods and the context of teaching and how it impacts

on students’ learning, in order to be able to adopt and implement new

pedagogical approaches to suit their contexts and student learning needs.

We recommend that for wider adoption of the ICM, staff training

strategies which emphasize technological pedagogical content knowledge

(TPACK) (Koehler & Mishra 2008) are implemented in the institution, as

development of TPACK among lecturers is critical for effective teaching with

technology. TPACK is a complex interaction among three bodies of

knowledge: content, pedagogy and technology. Lecturers need content

knowledge – knowledge of a discipline and what it means to teach it to

learners, given what they require at a specific point of their development.

Flipping the Classroom Compared to the Lecture Method


Lecturers must also possess pedagogic knowledge – general principles of

teaching and learning that apply to any discipline. Lecturers need pedagogical

content knowledge, including knowing the subject matter, curriculum,

pedagogy, learners and schools/universities, and understanding how content

fits together and how to present it so that it is meaningful to students. They

also need to possess technological content knowledge – understanding of the

manner in which technology and content influence and constrain one another.

Lecturers need to understand which technologies are best suited to address

learning in their domains, and how the content dictates or even changes the

technology or vice versa.

Since the lecture method of curriculum delivery is so pervasive in

higher education teaching, any lecturer introducing an innovative pedagogical

approach must acknowledge that it will not be easy to change the way

students are taught, because they have mainly been schooled using that

method and most lecturers continue to use it. We suggest that any lecturer

implementing the ICM should explain what the method entails and its

benefits for students. Expectations of students should be explained. The

lecturer should implement the method incrementally using a research-based

approach, and the results should be used to improve the practice.

We also suggest that provision of short videos or content for

engagement at home in preparation for in-class activities should be used in

conjunction with self-assessed or multiple-choice quizzes, as they provide for

formative assessment and allow mastery of learning. Short videos match the

optimal attention span of students (Khan 2012). To ensure feedback to

students during out-of- class activities, we emphasize the importance of

communication tools such as Facebook to help students obtain help with

problems, assessment or understanding (Darabi et al. 2011) from lecturers

and peers. Students learn just as much from their interactions with each other

as from the course materials (Thomas 2002).

We argue that grounding implementation of the ICM on a more

teacher-centered approach to cooperative learning has positive impacts on

learning, as shown by this study. However, we believe a more learner-

centered approach of cooperative learning will yield even better results if

used in implementation of ICM. Further research will need to be carried out

to devise a learner-centered approach of cooperative learning for

implementation of ICM suitable for CPUT. Research will also have to be

undertaken to measure the impact on student performance.

Eunice Ivala, Anton Thiart & Daniela Gachago


7. Acknowledgement An earlier version of this paper appeared in the Proceedings of the 8th

International Conference on e-Learning: Ivala, E., Thiart, A. & Gachago, D.,

2013, ‘A lecturer’s perception of the adoption of the inverted classroom or

flipped method of curriculum delivery in a hydrology course, in a resource

poor University of Technology’. This current article is a substantially revised


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Eunice Ndeto Ivala

Centre for e-Learning

Cape Peninsula University of Technology

[email protected]

Anton Christiaan Thiart

Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying

Cape Peninsula University of Technology

[email protected]

Daniela Gachago

Centre for e-Learning

Cape Peninsula University of Technology

[email protected]

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