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it’s personal

Oct 0802

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it’s personal

it’s personal

it’s personal

it’s personal

it’s personalit’s personal

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it’s personal

it’s personal

it’s personal

it’s personal

it’s personalit’s personal

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it’s personal

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it’s per-son-al

editor/designer/painter/tooth fiddler

Send comments to www.floggedmagazine.com/editor

Submit to flogged magazine at www.floggedmagazine.com

undieman img from http://tinyurl.com/69fo2t

In this issue we make a plea to our fellow designers “please help Adam Broadway, he has a dried banana”,a great bunch of flogged designs and a recovery section featuring inspirational work to help our welts heal.

For some reason I think it’s going to become a bit of a habit, drinking a glass of port at midnight (when the phones have stopped ringing) while writing this editors note thing. I don’t buy it that you can design and not feel personal rejection when your ideas are turned down, what a load of bollocks. If you’ve put your mind into something, into anything (with honest thought) not just to get paid, then of course rejection is personal, and very annoy-ing and very painful. Sometimes more annoy-ing than painful, but all the time, personal.

I’m happy with our second issue of flogged, the connections we’ve made and the tooth fiddling adventure we’ve ventured into. So, it’s silly season again, those christmas cata-logues have to be done by tomorrow but our clients still haven’t approved any of the lay-outs or realised port at midnight is for plea-sure, not deadlines.

Jo Mulga BillHas a client rejected one of your de-signs recently? it was a great one too. You keep looking at the design, it ex-cites you, it pisses you off, it excites you, it pisses you off. Send it to flogged (www.floggedmagazine.com), we celebrate good designs that have been flogged in a monthly magazine and provide a space for recovery.

about flogged magazine

it’s personal

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behind the soon and have a mission to give these bananas a voice

I bumped into this coming soon page a while back, I soon got to know the coming

this is an appeal to help a bunch of bananas find their voice.


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Ever wonder what’s behind these coming soon pages we see popping up everywhere. COMING SOON, if their owners will ever be brave enough or give laziness the flick? Over the last year I’ve been getting to know the person behind this particular coming soon page, Adam Broadway.

As it turns out he’s this dude from Sydney who adores his boys, is a very successful business man and is about to get into a blogging adventure that will shock and shake many people he knows.

Adam Broadway just needs a little bit of encouragement from some kind designers out there. Do plump up his banana, he’s a great excuse of a human being, we hope people the world over get to see this. He’s almost there, what a journey its going to be.....

We’re on a mission to help Adam Broadway share his life with us in a proposed website where he maintains 4 blogs compartmental-izing his life by family, fear, achievements and plain nutiness. If you’re reading this do give Adam a shout of encouragement for all those times you wanted to give up being a bloody business robot but never did, for all your coming soon pages ... that have coming soon pages.

SOME RECENT WORDS FROM ADAM BROADWAY We got druggies, thuggies, alco’s, pedo’s, schi-”Zo’s”, no-doze, freddo’s, uppers, downers, sadden clowners, smiling frown-ers and out of towners.

Email : [email protected] and say ‘hey adam do it’


adam has a dried banana please give him a voice ;(

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a pinch in the mouse is worth two flakes in the dark

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After months and months of research, concept drawings, refinements and meet-ings with the client, I presented this logo and received some great feedback. The deal was 99% sealed, and I was just waiting for the final confirmation.

This is when i received a phone call from the client who told me he has changed the name and the entire concept behind his company and thus requires a completely new logo. Naturally, i asked him to go ‘flog’ himself.

Oru Kabir

you trooper!

Oru’s been flogged

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you trooper!

Oru’s been flogged

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Robert’s been flogged

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Warner Bros. wanted something much more “dark and brooding” for Josiah, so this comp was flogged in lieu of the practi-cally-all-black design.

Robert Mathison / allsoulsdesign.com

Robert’s been flogged

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a friend asked me how I was feeling and I said “with my hands” she laughed.of course I didn’t tell her I had just read that in the Andy Warhol Diaries, footnotes kill jokes.

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doll teapot image from tinyurl.com/46j6sqhand from some place else

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incspring takes away the creative brief and whipp encouraging designers to excercise euphoric, creative, muscles while making money from great ideas. Meet Wes Wilson the healer behind incspring

follow Wes on Twitterhttp://twitter.com/incspringSell a logo on incspringwww.incspring.com

So you’ve spent hours on a logo that was flogged, your ego has taken a beating but even worse you really can’t get back the time spent making that logo bigger then smaller then bigger but more colorful and once again smaller but less colorful. You know what, stuff it! sell the damn thing and use the money for something nice.

Sell your rejected logos via incspring.com change the original name, include a domain name if poss - sell it. Incspring attracts buy-ers who know what they want and want it now. Buyers who haven’t a clue what to call their new venture can buy a ‘brand’ com-plete with name, logo and domain name. Some of the brands on incspring are pure genious, makes you see the company it could be. A brilliant concept shunning tradi-tion. Big pat on the backside to incspring for providing a space where welts can heal.

Westhe healer

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The logos featured on this page have been flogged and submitted to incspring.com for sale.

flogged logos on

Westhe healer

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Watch the video on/tinyurl.com/4lqmcx

Life according to Blu video blublu.org/

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In creating a logo for Intelligent Editing, a software company, I took a slightly controversial, but undeni-ably memorable approach. The client didn’t “get” it and rejected the entire concept without a second thought. The resulting logo is competent, but ultimate-ly very safe.

Perez Fox / perezfox.com

Watch the video on/tinyurl.com/4lqmcx

Perez’s been flogged

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There’s something about aggravation that calms us, that’s why we listen to pop music. When you’ve had a shit day, try talking to someone who irritates the crap out of you - literal purges save time and take the guess work out of the recovery process.

Getting unseen pleasure from aggrava-tion is common and therapeutic, we all watch aggravating sitcoms, soaps, videos. Therapy, forgiveness and drugs are not the only ways to heal your self, find ways to aggravate yourself, it’s probably one of the least celebrated forms of therapy.

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the sky is upon my feet image from /tinyurl.com/3lluq4I want a cracker button badge from /tinyurl.com/3sjrpj

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Chad’s been flogged

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I was commissioned to do the village website for my very small hometown. I created this layout to represent the coziness and warmth of the village. I also included interactive parts for the town mem-bers such as business specials and photostreams to make it more than just a directory of meeting minutes. However, upon submission...

I was told the design was ‘too blah blah’ and that it ‘lacked a colour scheme.’ I went back and made a second, completely different design, but they rejected that one as well, eventually telling me that they went with someone who was ‘much more aggressive’ than I. And so, I passively await the release of this new website direction, a release that was supposed to take place on September 1st.


Chad’s been flogged

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a cross between a monster and every unpleasant animal in the world

flogged monster factory toys submitted by Rhya Tamasauskas | monsterfactory.net

who looks surprisingly better in this photo than in real life, never quite made it but helpedMonster Factory recover from floggings.

Check out the recovery section to find out howbrave Dwight gave his DNA up for the loveof artistic resurrection ...

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Tino, Terry and Dwighthave been flogged ;-(



should not be seen in public!

a cross between a monster and every unpleasant animal in the world

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boiled beefnihil superstar

boiled beef, nihil superstar2 free fonts from cape-arcona.com

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boiled beefnihil superstar

relaxing image/tinyurl.com/4rd5nh

boiled beef, nihil superstar2 free fonts from cape-arcona.com

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flogged’s been flogged

the flogging of flogged magazine

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Some exciting, beautiful and funny tweeples we’ve met on twitter ... you’ve made the past month exciting, thank you.

thanks for following @floggedmagazine

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thanks for following @floggedmagazine

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dolls exist in everyone image from /tinyurl.com/3e966v

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There’s a brand of aggravation known as voyeuristic aggravation which is especially healing, a sort of silent healing. We discovered this ‘hate club’ on facebook. Follow talented actor/direc-tor Campbell Cooley as he defends himself against Matt Baker and ex girlfriend the beautiful Yazmeen. One day Yazmeen adds a hate club on facebook ... accusing Campbell of stealing her friends on

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is Campbell a stalker? or someone merely using facebook like it should be used ... find out more in the next episode of Campbell Cooley is a facebook friend stealer .... use aggravation to heal.

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The designs in the next few pages are not rejected designs, they exist to help our welts heal.

More recovery on our blogfloggedmagazine.com/recovery


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Sruli Recht designed this mesmerizing umbrella. The Umbuster is an Umbrella with an ergonomically positioned knuckle duster handle configuration.*

Presented in handle options of treated aluminiums and wood qualities, with canopy colour combinations to suit, the Umbuster will be available October this year here on Birkiland.

It is currently available for pre-order - priced approximately at 330 USD.

* The Umbuster has been classified a Class 5 weapon by good and upright men and women of the Victorian Police, and is consid-ered similarly so in many countries. To have and to hold this ac-cessory requires a weapons licence and, or gun licence.

To be notified when the Umbuster is available for purchase e-mail [email protected] view other designs from Sruli fromwww.birkiland.com



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Sruli is currently listening to

Ben FrostSam Amidonyo-yo maAesop Rock

I was a very detached child... living partly in this world.. and mostly in my head.

Sruli Recht- Made to measure - Jerusalem 1979Migrated like a broken Sea Bird, Johannesburg South Africa - Mel-bourne Australia - European Nomad landed in Reykjavik Iceland

Visit Sruli on www.srulirecht.com

Sruli Recht


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Bastardised, a 208 page book ... 289 ‘Bunchisms’ specially selected from 750 contributionswill be on sale soon, checkout : www.bunchdesign.comwww.madeinbunch.com

In 2007, Bunch Design invited a whole bunch of well known, talented and really nice designers to bastardise their logo, the result was a fantastic array of eye can-dy. View all submissions on www.madeinbunch.com

Our personal favourite by Marian Bantjes below, view the animation on madeinbunch.com (click on Marian Bantjes name on the lhs menu to view). It left us wondering if we wanted to stick this in an enemys armpits and watch them laugh in pain or eat it like cotton candy (while clearing our throats as it will tickle).

Marian Bantjeswww.bantjes.com


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Bastardised, a 208 page book ... 289 ‘Bunchisms’ specially selected from 750 contributionswill be on sale soon, checkout : www.bunchdesign.comwww.madeinbunch.com

Motomichi Nakamurawww.motomichi.com


Insane Facilitieswww.insanefacilities.com


Paulo Silvawww.bunchdesign.com

Tomislav J. Kacunicwww.bruketa-zinic.com


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Speaking of Marian Bantjes we attended a talk by Marian a couple of months back, if Marian is ever in your neighbourhood talking, it’s really worth a listen as Marian is one of those speakers who is funny, non bullshitty and cheekily honest in a non hallmark sort of a way. Marian is famously known for her beautiful, obsessive, intri-cate passion for typography. We wish Marian was on twitter

What Marian likes“I love to think and write and talk. I love hanging out with smart, interesting people. I hate sports, I love music, I hate theatre, I love movies, I hate Disney, I love the Bothers Quay, I hate research, I love making things … I could go on like this, but it’s 1am and I’m now tired”

This appears in the 15th Anniversary issue of VIBE, for an article on JayZ.


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All the boys who loved me back (burned wood):From the ‘loved stories series’ an amazing series of ‘letters’ Marian writes to her loved ones


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This oil painting was made for issue #11 of The Creator Studio from Barcelona, pub-lished in March 2008. The theme was “Rituals” and Marian was asked to address the “full moon.” So she thought of “A spell”, “an incantation” and “a curse.”

“Amusingly, on their website it says “Canadian artist Marian Bantjes toyed with the idea of casting a spell up to the full moon, using it to conquer the man responsible for her restlessness.” I really don’t recall ever saying that or having that in mind. But honestly, if I’d’a thought it would have WORKED, I certainly would have done so!”

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Marian designed this tattoo for her friends Armin Vit and Bryony Gomez-Palacio with the name of their first-born, Maya. It was a gift, in lieu of rattles or a stuffed toy.

“I know what you’re thinking: will I do this for you? Sorry, No. Not unless you’re a friend of mine or you have gobs of cash. That may sound strange, but let’s just pre-tend I’m Joni Mitchell: “I play if you have the money or if you’re a friend to me …” Tat-toos are very personal, so I either need to know you, or thousands of dollars need to lubricate the pain of a client-gets-what-client-wants job. Know what I mean?”

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Last year Marian was contacted by Émilie Lamy at Pyramyd Editions in France (who also pub-lish the design mag étapes) to have her work published as part of a series of small books called “design&designer”. Purchase this amazing recovery book from /tinyurl.com/3vbw84

Visit Marian online .... bantjes.com

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recycle. recoverrhya tamasauskas from monsterfatcory.net talks to us about recovery :

“ I thought we could best explain how we recover from our rejected work with a visual example. I have included an im-age of three monsters we made based on characters from the cult movie classic ‘The Big Lebowski’. We designed these guys for a show in L.A. at Gallery 1988 called Crazy for Cult. I think this is a great example of how we made a pretty sweet recovery from a rejected monster. The Dude, Walter and Donnie monster patterns were all based on Dwight’s original shape. If you put them side by side I am sure you can see the resemblance and the drastic improvement” - Rhya Tamasauskas

Find some more inspirational monster photo’s here:monsterfactory.net/wholesale

Monster Factory facebook group has more Lebowski photo’s in the picture sectionhttp://tinyurl.com/4bxq75



the famously floggedDwight’s DNA made a comeback

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The Dude, Walter and Donnie


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Visit the new recovery section on floggedmagazine.com

We’ve been posting recovery art, designs, packag-ing, stories, posters, books, websites, animation (you get the picture) on :


visit our recovery section / subscribe via rss

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Visit the new recovery section on floggedmagazine.com

We’ve been posting recovery art, designs, packag-ing, stories, posters, books, websites, animation (you get the picture) on :


visit our recovery section / subscribe via rss

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till next month ... be brave.

Oct 0802

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