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It was so great to see some of your work last week, thank you for the e-mails. Keep them coming! We appreciate your efforts to help your children with home learning and we know that many of you have your own work pressures, so as previously; the message is to do what you can, when you can.We would love to be able to give a little more feedback so we would encourage you to send pictures or documents of writing and foundation subject work to [email protected] in our school office who will then be pass it on to the year group leaders for feedback.

We will be hosting another end of week catch up this week and we are hoping to enable your child’s own class teacher to be able to host the chat, however, bear with us as our IT firewall needs to be adjusted to allow teachers to make these video calls from school and this could take some time. If it is not up and running in school by the end of the week then the teachers working from home will continue to host the chats. The chat time, date and link will be sent via Marvellous Me. To able to access these virtual chats you will need a Google Account (free). Please ensure that the username is the child’s name to enable us to take a register. You simply click on the link (or copy and paste it into Google) at the correct time and wait for the teacher to let you in the meeting. Meetings will take place on Thursdays or Fridays to give people a chance to have completed work and have something ready to share. The teacher might even test a few of the spellings you’ve been learning! There will also be a midweek ‘drop in’ session for each year group to allow you to ask any questions you may have about the week’s learning before the end of week session.

This timetable shows the home learning tasks to be completed over the course of the week.Answers to the SPaG tasks will be sent along with next week’s timetable.

Below are the tasks to be completed by the end of the week (Friday 10rd July):


Please ensure you have read Chapters 9 and 10 of JK Rowling’s new, exciting online book ‘The Ickabog’. Visit https://www.theickabog.com/read-the-story/Complete the work detailed below on ‘The Ickabog’ – VIPERS questions.CGP Comprehension book – pages : 18 and 19 High Adventure. Complete all questions about the text.*Please continue to listen to your child read regularly*


The writing tasks for the week will be linked to ‘The Ickabog’.For more information see below.You can complete these as it works best for you over the course of the week. All tasks should be completed by Friday.CGP Grammar book – Pages 22 & 23 Prepositions.


You have been given a poem, ‘The Sea’ (see below), which you should write up in your very best handwriting in your exercise book.

Remember to join your writing neatly and take your time. You may use pen if you wish.Your teacher may ask to see this at the end of the week on your class virtual call.

SPELLINGYou have ten spellings and linked spelling task that you must complete and learn.See below for strategies you can use this week to help you learn your spellings.

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My Maths: five tasks (one per day or you can do them as you wish over the week. Please complete the lesson first and then do the homework task).Tasks allocated on My Maths: This week’s theme is multiplication.

Teachers are providing feedback for you on MyMaths task so please ensure you check this later in the week. **This will no longer be through MarvellousMe. See below for where to find this.

Task 1: 4 times table. This task will help you build on your work related to multiplying by 4.Task 2: 8 times table. This task will help you build on your work related to multiplying by 8.Task 3: Multiplying. This task will help you to revise strategies for multiplying.Task 4: Multiplying by 10. This task will help you see a pattern with multiplying by 10 which will allow you to multiply faster.Task 5: Word problems. This task will get you to apply what you have been doing with multiplication to answer word problems.

Maths Reasoning: Rows of coins and Starbursts (see below).

Times Tables Rockstars – You will be part of a TTRS battle which will begin on Monday, this battle is a secret and you will find out via Mme who you will be battling – play your part by regularly playing TTR over the course of the week.


Please see below. This week’s focus is money matters.Resources linked to the 5 activities will be available on the school website after 10am on Monday 6 th July.

You can also continue to complete the history, geography and science tasks that were initially set as many people haven’t sent us any completed work.


Over the course of the week we may send other optional tasks which we think you and your family might enjoy. These are entirely optional and do not need to be completed.

**My Maths FeedbackLogin to your My Maths account. Click the ‘Scores’ tab at the top, then there is a smiling emoji face; click on this and in the bottom left corner there will be a comment/feedback. It might direct you to other games or suggest you try it again. Please ensure you are regularly checking this feedback.

Finally, we love to see what you are getting up to, whether it’s your Maths, English or any other activity that you have been doing together over the weeks at home. Why not tweet us with your photos or send an email to [email protected]

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English- Reading and Writing and Art

Inspired by J.K Rowling’s ‘The Ickabog’.

Follow this link to J. K. Rowling’s website to read what she has to say about her fantastic illustration competition and to read the story for free! https://www.theickabog.com/home/

How exciting it would be if someone from FJS had a drawing included in the published version! If you tweet your entries to the competition, make sure you tag us or hashtag #fulwelljuni -orschool

We will be posting reading and writing work linked to chapters of The Ickabog each week and we really hope you enjoy reading the story and completing this work.

This week’s reading: VIPERS ‘The Ickabog’

Read chapters 9 and 10 of ‘The Ickabog’. There are some VIPERS questions for you to answer below which will help you to meet these objectives:

· With some independence can skim and scan to retrieve information from a text.

· Draw inferences from reading with some reference to the text.

V (Vocabulary) 1. Read the description of the old man. Find words that make him sound as though he looks ‘untidy’.

I (Inference) 2. Why do you think people laughed at the shepherd?

P (Prediction) 3. Once you have finished the chapters, read the last line again. What do you think this line suggests about what might happen in the story?

E (Explain) 4. What do you think made the King excited about his quest to find the Ickabog?

R (Retrieve) 5. What colours were included in the king’s ‘battledress’

S (Summarise) 6. Summarise the story of the shepherd’s encounter with the Ickabog.

Have a go at an illustration for one of these chapters- use the descriptions in the text to draw either the Ickabog, the shepherd or the king in his ‘battledress’.

This week’s writing: ‘The Ickabog’

Your writing task is to ‘present a persuasive point of view in the form of a letter’.

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This means that you should write a letter from the shepherd to King Fred persuading him to catch and punish the Ickabog.

You’ll need to include details from the story, such as what the Ickabog did to the shepherd’s dog and why you think King Fred should hunt it. King Fred loves to be told how brave and strong he is so you could try to flatter him (tell him he’s great) to help to persuade him.

Remember you are writing to a King so your letter will need to have a formal tone and be polite.

You could start some of your sentences like this:

King Fred, I would like you to hunt and punish the Ickabog because...

You will be the best person to hunt it because...

The Ickabog is very dangerous, it...

If you catch the Ickabog...

These are the objectives you will be working on:

· Write a simple persuasive piece

· Use co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions (and / but /so /when/if/that/because) to expand sentences.

· Select an appropriate tone for the audience

· Use joined handwriting throughout independent writing

· Proof read for spelling and punctuation errors, making changes to improve writing

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This week’s poem for handwriting:

The SeaJames Reeves

The sea is a hungry dog,Giant and grey.He rolls on the beach all day.With his clashing teeth and shaggy jawsHour upon hour he gnawsThe rumbling, tumbling stones,And 'Bones, bones, bones, bones! 'The giant sea-dog moans,Licking his greasy paws.

And when the night wind roarsAnd the moon rocks in the stormy cloud,He bounds to his feet and snuffs and sniffs,Shaking his wet sides over the cliffs,And howls and hollos long and loud.

But on quiet days in May or June,When even the grasses on the dunePlay no more their reedy tune, With his head between his pawsHe lies on the sandy shores,So quiet, so quiet, he scarcely snores.

This week’s spellings:

Spelling Rule Spellings ActivitiesOu spelling 1. Young

2. Touch3. Double4. Trouble5. Couple6. Country7. Rough8. Tough9. Enough

1. Play Ping Pong spelling: Children work with a partner to practise spelling each word aloud whereby each partner (or even a toy at home for extra fun!) takes a turn at say-ing each letter aloud until the whole word has been spelled aloud. Repeat several times for each word. Can you get faster?


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This week’s maths reasoning & optional challenge:

Reasoning challenge Optional challenge

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This week’s foundation learning: Home Learning Task – Year 3Money Matters Week 1

Monday 6th July – Why do we need money?

Tuesday 7th July – How do we pay for goods/services?

Wednesday 8th July – Where does our money come from?

Day 1 Task

Use the barter cards to actually barter - give them two or three items that they must try to obtain e.g. a sack of oats, a chicken and a bucket of milk.

Draw a picture to explain the process of bartering.

Day 2 Task

Produce a brief guide about one of the payment methods above:

– Draw a picture of it e.g. some coins or a card

– Explain the advantages and disadvantages of paying in this way

– Identify some items you might buy using this method of payment

DAY 3 Task – Draw a Piggy bank

• Write as many ideas as you can for where money comes from in the piggy bank. You can use words/illustrations.

• Think about:• Where you get your money

from?• Where do adults get their

money from?

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Thursday 9th July – Why should we save? Friday 10th July – How to make a budget

Day 4 Task Day 5 Task

Help your parents plan and budget for the next food shop

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