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Page 1: FME Server Workspace Patterns - Continued

FME Server Workspace Patterns - ContinuedReed WhittingtonBurns & McDonnell

Page 2: FME Server Workspace Patterns - Continued

About Us

FME Certified Pro ServicesBurns & McDonnell, Dallas, TX

Reed Whittington

Burns & McDonnell is a full-service engineering, architecture, construction, environmental and consulting solutions firm.

Our multidiscipline staff of more than 5,000 employee-owners includes engineers, architects, construction experts, planners, estimators, economists, technicians and scientists, representing virtually all design disciplines.

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Business Technology Services Burns and McDonnell Technology Consulting Services is a virtual team of technical experts around the globe offering a wide array of services and deliverables including:• Web Sites/Information Management Portals/Doc Management solutions• 2d/Web Maps/3D/4D Globe Applications• Field Data Collection/Inspections/Real-Time Monitoring• CAD/GIS/Database Integration• Automated Report Generation and Distribution• Project Metrics/Analytics/KPI Dashboards

Integrated, field tested, project proven solutions

Many of these services are bundled under OneTouchPM which is a hybrid cloud based, web enabled, managed service allowing project managers to engage their customers and share information, summary progressing with aggregated executive views from all disciplines.

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What is a pattern?

In software engineering, a software design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design. It is a description or template for how to solve a problem that can be used in many different situations. Not a specific implementation; design patterns are formalized best practices that the programmer can use to solve common problems when designing an application or system.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_design_pattern

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4 FME Server Workspace Patterns• Workflow Submitter Iterator (or Work Status)

• Strategy for Asynchronous processing of large datasets• Runner / Controller Workspace (or Tool Chain)

• General approach using FMEServerJobSubmitter for workflow control

• Dataset Tool Switch (or Multi-Pass)• Strategy for Synchronous Sequential processing• Operates on same dataset with different modes of operation

• Flatten, Explode, Export (or Import/Merge/Publish)• 3 stages of processing typically used for master data management

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Submitter Iterator with Status• Uses a selection strategy to select mutually exclusive

parts of a source data set so that the parts can be operated on independently and run on different fme engines.

• Used to process files or db operations so that sql select statements can be used.

• Needs a better name• Work Status, Delegator, …

• This was the subject of a previous presentation.• http://cdn.safe.com/events/FME2011WorldTour/Austin_Reed_Whittington.pdf

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Example using Path reader to Iterate and track status.can also use url as path or list of SQL queries

Submitter Iterator with StatusWait=No

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Runner / Controller Workspace• General strategy for Job Control and Tool Chain• Lets you run the controller on desktop• FME 2015 improves FMEServerJobsubmitter:

• In Engine Sequential Run with Wait=Yes• Output datasets to temp files or as specified

Excellent Article by DeWet@Safe:https://knowledge.safe.com/articles/1439/fme-server-workflow-management-1.html

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Dataset Tool Switch (aka multi-pass)• The “Multi-pass" pattern presents a common interface

to iterate over datasets using successive refinement. • Meant to be run multiple times with different RUN_MODEs• RUN_MODE Choice defines the Switch behavior• TestFilter on RUN_MODE controls Feature RoutingUseful for

processing directory/tree of files and/or database exports or publishing.

• Interface includes:• SourceDir, StagingDir, Run Modes, DB connection, Publish


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Use the Path reader to Iterate and Route based on Run Mode

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Flatten, Explode, Export• 3 separate workspaces that act together but run asynchronous• Each may use “multi-pass”• Flatten

• Denormalization into one big table• Pack attributes into dictionaries• Think NoSQL and Operational Data Store

• Explode• Unpacks big table• Data model mapping and normalization happens here• May use templates for standard data models• Might also use Dynamic Schema

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Flatten, Explode, Export (cont)• Export• Database to files (.kmz, .csv, .json, .gdb, …)• Heavy use of Fanout (ds and ft)• May use Tool Switch RUN_MODE to define

export type or staging/publish processing steps

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More possibilities with FME 2016…What do you use?

Tool Chain Workspace• FeatureReader

– Selective reading/caching– Error Checking

• FeatureWriter– Write then read back in

same .fmw– In workspace tool chain– Removes the need for temp

output files of the FMEServerJobSubmitter

Before FME 2016• Required chaining

FMEJobSubmitters together

• Next in chain reads output of Previous

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Main point: FME Server Patterns help you develop and organize your data management tools.

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