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Following Christ in the Holy Land A Pictorial Presentation Mt. Nebo As the Old Testament was established by God to prepare for the coming of the Messiah-Christ-it is fitting to begin here with a very holy site, associated with Moses, the great prophet quoted by Christ in John 5:46-If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote of me. Moses stood at this very spot on Mt. Nebo, as ancient tradition says, and looked upon the Promised Land that he was not allowed to enter, as recorded in Genesis. The Jordanian Desert It was in this desert, near the Baptismal site on the River Jordan, where both St. Elias the Prophet, and, St. John the Baptist lived, and did part of their ministry. St. Elias was taken up to Heaven at this site, and St. John the Baptist, who came in the spirit and power of Elias (Luke 1:17) began his journey here to the Jordan to baptize Christ and proclaim him as the Messiah, the Desired of All Nations (Haggai 2:7). St. John is the chosen link between the Old & New Testaments who prepared the way of the Lord. Nazareth-House of the Annunciation It was in this spot, centuries ago, where the Angel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary-she accepting to become the Mother of the Messiah, the Mother of God. As the Ecumenical Council of Ephesus defined in 431 AD, Mary is truly the Birth Giver of God-Theotokos. we confess the holy virgin to be the Mother of God because God the Word took flesh and became man and from his very conception united to himself the temple he took from her-From the Dogmatic Formula of Union between Cyril of Alexandria and John of Antioch. Ein Kerem-Site of the Visitation Here in Ein Karem is the spot where the Mother of God came to visit here cousin St. Elizabeth-where Mary proclaimed Her canticle, the Magnificat. St. Elizabeth first cried out, calling Her, the mother of my Lord (Luke 1:43). Here we can see a biblical refutation of the heresy of Nestorianism. Mary is the mother of the Lord, the Mother of the God of Israel. In Her the Hypostatic Union took place-the substantial union between the divine and human natures of Christ. The Shepherds Field It was here, according to tradition, where the humble shepherds of Israel heard the angel proclaim the good tidings of great joy (Luke 2:10)-the birth of the Savior. The angel said the Savior was truly born, since, as St, Thomas Aquinas says, Christ has a real body, not just an apparent one. The entrance to the Church of the Nativity The entrance to the Church of the Nativity, one of the oldest in Christendom, originally built by St. Helena over the site of the Lords Nativity. As Our Lord humbled himself by becoming man-the Hypostatic Union-so we enter by the Humility Door, bowing low to adore the Incarnate God. Going down into to the Grotto of the Nativity Catholic & Orthodox pilgrims patiently wait for the conclusion of Armenian Divine Liturgy taking place at the altar in the Nativity Grotto. St. Athanasius once said that God became man so that man might become God-i.e. godlike. By the grace that comes through the Holy Liturgy, particularly in the reception of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist, this divinization-called in the East theosis-the participation in the very life of God, takes place in the faithful. The Star of Bethlehem It was at this spot, according to the most ancient tradition, that Our Lord Jesus Christ, the One Divine Person subsisting in two natures, divine & human, which are united unconfusedly, unchangeably, indivisibly, and inseparably, according to the dogmatic decision of the Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon (AD 451), was born of the Virgin Mary in a miraculous way. Mary is Ever Virgin-Aeiparthenos in Greek-affirmed by the Sixth Ecumenical Council, Constantinople III, in AD 680. Venerating the Star Pilgrims venerate the spot of the Lords birth. As St. Thomas Aquinas teaches, the human nature is not simply added onto the divine nature, but is united to it hypostatically. This union of the two natures does not though change the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, because God is changeless. Ancient Western Rite Liturgy in Nativity Cave Chaplain of the pilgrimage, Fr. Robert Slaton, here offers the Western Liturgy, according to the pre-Vatican II ancient rite of Rome, in one of the caves adjoining the grotto of the Nativity. As St. Thomas Aquinas says, it is fitting that Christ be a priest because to do the priestly ministry is why Our Lord became incarnate. As THE High Priest, Our Lord not only offered sacrifice, but, He was also the victim of this sacrifice. He is both priest & victim. He accomplished this by His Passion and death on the Cross. The Holy Liturgy is the renewal of Christs sacrifice on the Cross. Actual Baptism site of the Lord The River Jordan has changed its course several times over the centuries. According to tradition, this is the spot marking the actual baptismal site of the Lord. The ruins of an ancient Byzantine Church can be seen. The Eastern Churches see in the Baptism of the Lord-the Feast of Theophany-as the first clear appearance of the Holy Trinity-the Tri-Hypostatic God-to mankind. The voice of the Father makes it clear that this is His Son, of the same essence as Himself-as defined by the Ecumenical Council of Nicaea-and the Holy Spirit confirming this truth by His appearance as a dove coming upon the only Son. The River Jordan The holy River Jordan. Today, due to water taken for irrigation, it is much smaller than in previous centuries. Christ descended into the waters and rose out of them-a figure for his cross, death, burial and Resurrection- giving us an example for our baptism. By Baptism we descend into the water, dying to the Ancestral Sin of Adam, and rising out in the new life of sanctifying grace-the life of Christ. The Mount of Temptation Here is the mountain where tradition says Our Lord experienced part of His temptations from Satan. The Byzantine monastery here is located at the cave where Our Lord slept during the night. Our Lord took on our human nature and experienced temptation and suffering to be like us in all things except sin (Hebrews 4:15). As St. Thomas Aquinas asserts, Christ assumed human nature entirely, not in parts. The Desert of Temptation The desert called Wadi Qelt. Here Our Lord experienced His temptations from Satan. The monastery and cave where Our Lord slept is on the opposite ridge. As St. Thomas Aquinas points out, Our Lord took on human nature with all that would entail, except in those things that did not detract from the dignity of a perfect human nature. He gave us the perfect example of enduring the sorrows of this world. The Foundation of St. Peters House Here is the ancient foundation of the St. Peter the Apostles home at Capharnaum. It was here that throngs of people came to the door wanting to be healed by Christ (Mark 2:2). There is a deep symbolism here: to be healed by Christ, one needs to come to Peters house. The Synagogue of Capharnaum This is the site of the ancient synagogue where Our Lord healed the possessed man (Luke 4: 33-37). Our Lord came on earth to defeat the works of the Devil (1 John 3:8). The Mount of Beatitudes & Sea of Galilee A beautiful shot of the sunrise over the Mount of Beatitudes and Sea of Galilee. It was here that tradition says Our Lord gave the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5, 6, & 7). Christ is the new Moses, who gives the New Law on the mountain as He once gave the Old Law to Moses on Mt. Sinai. The Sea of Galilee The famous sea where several of Our Lords miracles took place. Our Lord performed miracles like no other due to the Hypostatic Union in Him. St. Thomas teaches that because of this union, it can be said that "God is man" but, when speaking only of Christ, it can be said that, "man is God". The Temple Mount The Temple used to be at this site in Jerusalem. As Our Lord prophesied, it is no more, having been destroyed by the Romans. Christ is the new temple, to which all must now go for salvation (John 2:18-22) & (Acts 4:12). Our Lord had three types of knowledge according to St. Thomas: beatific, infused and acquired. In the prophecy of the future of the Temple, Christ used the knowledge that came from this union in Him of divine and human natures. Chapel of the Transfiguration The interior of the Latin chapel of the Transfiguration where tradition says Our Lord was Transfigured before His Apostles Peter, James, and John. Christ lifted the veil for a moment and allowed His followers to see a glimpse of His divine nature. It is also a lesson of the life of grace one can have by being in union with Our Lord. St. Thomas teaches that Christ, as head of the Church, has capital grace-the same sanctifying grace in him as human and which is the fullness of grace the faithful have received. Rock of the Transfiguration Christ gave a glimpse of His divinity from here. Tradition says he stood on this spot flanked by the prophets Sts. Moses and Elias. St. Thomas teaches that Our Lord is worshipped with the adoration called latria- which is given to God alone. The Upper Room This site on Mt. Zion is where tradition says that both the Last Supper took place and where the Holy Spirit descended at Pentecost. Three great mysteries took place here. The Holy Eucharist was instituted-Our Lords being present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity under the appearance of Bread and Wine-the Sacred Priesthood-the continuation of Our Lords priesthood until the end of time-and the Holy Spirit descending upon the infant Church, being always present with Her. The Path of the Lord This path was taken by Our Lord after the Last Supper to cross the Kidron Valley to go to the Garden of Olives. Christ fully knew what would soon happen to Him and was all powerful to stop it, yet, he desired it for our salvation. As St. Thomas teaches, His human will is in perfect harmony and in free subordination to the divine will. The Garden of Olives One of the ancient olive trees in the Garden of Gethsemane. Christ prayed here before being arrested. It can be said that the Passion of the Lord began here. Christs human nature was seen very clearly here during His agony. He felt fear and dread here in the Garden and asked the Father for it to be taken away (Luke 22: 39-46). Christ not only has a divine will and energy, but also a human will and energy. This was defined as a dogma of faith by the Sixth Ecumenical Council, Constantinople III, in AD 680. The Prison of Christ This pit is located within the House of the Jewish High Priest Caiaphas. It was part of the prison located at his palace. Tradition says Our Lord was lower down by ropes into this pit to await trail the next day by Pontius Pilate. The Archway of Our Lords Trial It was here that, according to tradition, Our Lord was tried by Pontius Pilate. This archway, part of it now being in the adjacent Church, was there in the time of Our Lord and witnessed His trial. Our Lord knew what would happen to Him, but allowed it to save us. (John 19:11). He still is in total control of the situation. The Pillar of Flagellation It was at this pillar, according to tradition, that Our Lord was scourged by the Roman soldiers. It is located within the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. According to St. Thomas, in offering Himself, Christ the High Priest expiates the sins of mankind by producing two effects-giving the sinner the grace to turn to God and paying the debt due to God for sin. The Way of the Cross The long journey of Christ to Calvary was along this actual road, centuries ago. His Precious Blood was spilled along this way for the salvation of mankind. As St. Thomas teaches, Christ had a sensitive will-it was always submitted to the rational will. But, having a divine nature united to a human, Our Lord felt evil more keenly than any other. Calvary It was here that the God-man Christ, was crucified and died for the salvation of mankind. Calvary is located within the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem. Christ is the one mediator between God and man. St. Thomas teaches that Christ is the only mediator-His death alone reconciled the world to God. Christ died in His humanity, but it was because the humanity was united to the divinity-the One Divine Person died-thus, the infinite value of the sacrifice of Himself to the Father. This Sacrifice opened the door for us to become friends of God again-to be deified. The Altar on Calvary This Byzantine altar was built over the spot where the Cross was put into Mt. Calvary. Pilgrims can prostrate and put their hands through a hole under the altar touching the very spot of the Crucifixion. As the Seventh Ecumenical Council defined in AD 787, the Cross and Holy Images are to be venerated by the faithful. This teaching is Incarnational. By uniting to Himself a material body, God showed that matter can be redeemed. If flesh can be a medium for the Spirit, so can other physical matter. The Chapel of Adam A small chapel located under the Hill of Calvary shows the split in the rock caused by the earthquake at Christs death (Matthew 27: 51). Under this chapel, according to ancient tradition, is the tomb of the first man, Adam, who, according to Rabbinic tradition, was buried here by the son of Noah, Shem, after the body was saved from the Great Flood by being taken upon the Ark. Christ is the New Adam (Romans 5: 12-21). Tradition has Christs Blood flowing down from the Cross upon the bones of Adam, redeeming the first man, and with him, all people. Armenian Chapel of the Discovery of the Cross In a deep cave within the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, St. Helena discovered the true Cross. This is one of the chapels within the cave-the Armenian. Our Lord suffered excruciating agony upon the Cross, and yet, at the same, as St. Thomas teaches, in His human nature, He enjoyed the Beatific Vision and the excellences of the Hypostatic Union. A great mystery. The Anointing Stone This stone, located in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre between Mount Calvary and the Tomb of the Resurrection, is where tradition says Mary anointed Our Lords body after He had been taken down from the Cross. As the Nicene Creed teaches, after His death, the soul of the Lord went down into Hades-the Limbo of the Fathers-where the souls of the just who died before Christ stayed. He came to proclaim to them the Redemption which had been accomplished. Even when Christs soul became separated from His body, His divinity stayed with both. The Tomb of the Resurrection It was here that the Lord was laid (Matthew 28:6) and rose again from the dead. X !-Christ is Risen from the dead, conquering death by death, and to those in the tombs bestowing life! This is the Paschal Troparion, sung at the Paschal Liturgy on the feast of Easter. It was sung by these Russian Orthodox pilgrims on their way into the tomb. This prayer tells well what Christs Resurrection should mean to mankind. Tomb of the Resurrection-the Aedicule The Aedicule is the proper name of the chapel surrounding the Tomb of Christ. Moslems destroyed the cave that originally surrounded the tomb centuries ago, which is why there is now a chapel surrounding the tomb. Christ, master of life and death, rose again after three days as He said (Matthew 28:6). As Our Lord rose, so we will also, as the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed confesses. It is within this chapel that the Byzantine Patriarch of Jerusalem, every year on Holy Saturday, miraculously receives the Holy Fire from the Lord, which he distributes to the gathered faithful. It is the longest standing miracle in Christendom. Rock of the Ascension Here is the rock where tradition says Our Lord stood before He was taken up to Heaven. Our Lord goes to sit at the right hand of His Father. He goes to prepare a place for us (John 14:3). As the human nature of Christ is glorified in Heaven, so too we are meant to be reunited body and soul at the end of time. As Christ is the model of all rational beings, as St. Thomas teaches, so we also are meant to follow Him into glory. Chapel of the Dormition This is the site, where tradition says, Our Lady fell asleep in death (the Dormition), the Apostles being present, all except St. Thomas. She was then taken to Gethsemane where She was buried. St. Thomas, arriving late, wanted to look once more upon the Mother of God. Reopening the tomb, they found the body of Mary gone. She then appeared to them confirming the fact of her bodily Assumption into Heaven. Mary is a prefigurement of our own resurrection. The Tomb of the Theotokos It was in this spot that tradition says Mary, Mother of God & Ever Virgin, was taken up into Heaven body and soul. An altar was built over the stone tomb, as can be seen here. Mariology is intimately connected with Christology. If one departs from Mary, at some point one will also depart from Christ. This has been the case with various heresies during the Churchs history. From Nestorianism to Protestantism, departure from true teaching and devotion to Mary leads to a false idea of Christ and His teaching. Jerusalem-The Holy City The holy city of Jerusalem. It is amazing to think of all that happened here over the course of thousands of years. The whole history of the world was changed from this very spot. It is no wonder that even Our Lord himself wept over this city, in anticipation of its destruction in AD 70 (Luke 19:41). God now having come down to earth and redeemed all mankind here, it is the holiest place on earth. May it and its holy places be preserved here in peace until the Second Coming of the Lord at the end of time.

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