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Conversation: Talk about the Picture Look at the pictures below write 5 questions and 5 sentences related to the picture.












New Vocabulary

Conversation: What are They Doing?

Vocabulary: In a Restaurant Go over the following phrases and practice using them in context.

1) The Waiter

Hello! Good morning/afternoon/evening.

How many people?

How can I help you?

Can I take your order?

What would you like to start with?

What would you like to drink?

I’m sorry we are out of …

Is everything all right?

Did you enjoy your meal?

Are you paying together?

2) The Guest

A table for 4 please.

Can we sit here?

Can we have the menu?

What’s _________ like?

We’re not ready yet.

Can you bring the __________ please.

Can you bring me the ketchup, please?

I’ll have the same

That’s all, thank you.

Can I get the bill please.

This is on me.

Role-Play: Ordering Food Work in groups of 3 or more, you will be role-playing dialogues in a restaurant. Choose one

student to be the waiter. Use the menu below for your role-play.

Vocabulary: Talking about Restaurants

Role-Play: At a Restaurant

“Waiter, there’s a mouse in my potato!”

Place: Le Maison Souris – an exclusive French restaurant

Time: 8pm

Characters: You and a waiter

Situation: You are having dinner at Le Maison Souris


i) During the starter you find a human hair in your soup

ii) During the main course you discover a dead mouse in your mashed


iii) During the dessert you find a gold necklace in your ice cream

If there are three people in the group the third character could be:

a) Your friend or partner who is also at the meal

b) The manager of the restaurant

c) Another customer dining at a different table

d) The waiter’s friend or aged parent












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