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Page 1: Food for the soul 2010-2011

The Sisterhood of

St. John the DivineThe Sisterhood of St. John the Divine

Food for the SOUL2010 – 2011

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2010 — 2011The Sisterhood of St. John the Divine

Quiet Garden Days Inspired by the Quiet Garden Trust in England, these are days to relax, renew, and rest in the beauty of God’s outdoors, as well as to enjoy the Sisters’ chapel and library. In case of rain, there is plenty of space indoors to wander, sit, dream, and pray. We begin with a brief time of prayer, and a Sister will offer suggestions on how to use the day. The rest of the morning is yours. The Eucharist is celebrated at noon, followed by dinner, and the afternoon is again free, with a brief gathering at 3 pm when we will have a closing time of prayer, and the option of sharing the fruits of the day. Begins 9:30 am with gathering for coffee; ends 3:30 pm. Standard fee for Quiet Garden Days.

Individually Directed RetreatsThis is an opportunity to be accompanied individually as a way to deepen your prayer life, to explore particular issues or needs in your relationship with God, and to grow in sensitivity to the movements of the Spirit of God within you. You may choose a time that is convenient to you—mid-week, a weekend, several days or even longer. You will have an individual guide for your retreat who will meet with you daily and help you discern and trust the movement of the Holy Spirit in your life. The scriptural model for this kind of retreat is Mary’s visit to


May 29June 26July 31Sept. 25


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her cousin Elizabeth who recognized that Mary was carrying within her the Son of God. Each of us carries the God-seed within us. This kind of retreat is an opportunity to allow that God-seed to grow and flourish in our lives and to grow in sensitivity to the movements of the Spirit of God within. Led by experienced spiritual directors. $100 per 24-hour period includes your room, three meals, and a personal guide for your retreat.

God’s Story and Our Story Bishop Douglas Blackwell is known for his gift of story-telling and his passion for the Biblical story. In this Quiet Saturday, he will explore ways in which our personal stories intersect with God’s story and what that means for our lives. Begins 9:30 am with gathering for coffee; ends 3:30 pm. Standard fee for Quiet Saturdays.

Women at a Crossroads Applications are closed for the 2010 program; see entry for July 5 - 31, 2011.

Taken, Blessed, Broken, GivenIn the Eucharist, the ordinary gifts of bread and wine are taken, blessed, broken and given as extraordinary gifts for the world. This quiet day will explore how we, as ordinary people, are taken, blessed, broken and given by God as extraordinary gifts for the world. Led by the Rev. David Harrison, Associate of SSJD and new incumbent of St. Mary Magdalene’s, Toronto. He is also an accomplished organist. Begins 9:30 am with gathering for coffee; ends 3:30 pm. Standard fee for Quiet Saturdays.

June 5, 2010

Sept. 18, 2010

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Oct. 16, 2010

Homecoming: With Henri Nouwen as Guide“Parental love is a limited reflection of an unlimited love . . . . Partly for this reason all of us feel the desire to search beyond home for our belovedness, and we generally get caught in many of the cultural movements that exist around us.” (Henri Nouwen, Home Tonight, Doubleday 2009). This “Homecoming” retreat promises to be a weekend exploring God’s call to accept unconditional love and to come home to our true identity. Using the life and books of the late Henri Nouwen, Sr. Sue Mosteller, CSJ will deepen the themes of coming home to self, coming home to loved ones, and coming home to the One who made us. Sue is a Sister of St. Joseph and a long-time member of the L’Arche Daybreak Community in Richmond Hill. She worked closely with Henri during his ten years at Daybreak and completed his last two books after his death. Begins 4 pm Friday; ends 1:30 pm Sunday. Standard weekend fee.

Knitting to God’s Heartbeat Knitters know that there is so much more than the finished project. There is the joy of creating each stitch and with the creation of each stitch you can feel the pull into silence. Mindful knitting can become the gateway to a contemplative practice. Come and discover with Sr. Amy, SSJD (who loves to spin and knit) how time spent with your handwork contributes to both the experience and expression of mindfulness. Bring a current project that you are working on and a skein of worsted weight yarn and needles. Participants

Oct. 1 - 3, 2010

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should be comfortable with basic knitting skills (casting on, knit and purl stitch). Begins 9:30 am with gathering for coffee; ends 3:30 pm. Standard fee for Quiet Saturdays plus $7 for supplies.

Sacred Art Journey Sacred art is a prayer of awareness in which the visual image communicates more deeply than words. As we “play” with art in this retreat, we “pray” our longing for God and move more deeply into experiencing God’s longing for us. You do not need to be “artistic” to pray with art; you only need to be willing to experiment and have fun. Led by Sisters of SSJD. Begins 4 pm Friday; ends 1:30 pm Sunday. Standard weekend fee, plus an additional fee of $10 for art supplies.

The Psalms Speaking “For Us”University of Chicago theologian, the Rev. Martin Marty, once said this about the psalms’ unique role in biblical literature: “The Bible speaks to us, but the psalms speak for us.” Expressing almost every human emotion imaginable, the psalms convey the honest – and sometimes shocking – sentiments of the human soul’s encounter with God. As such, they have ever been a rich source for prayer when our individual spiritual “wells” are running dry. This day of prayer and learning will encourage participants to engage the psalms in new and life-giving ways,

Oct. 29 - 31, 2010

nOv. 6, 2010

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while providing plenty of time for silence and reflection. Led by the Rev. Claudine Carlson, pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Richmond Hill. She has taught courses in spiritual formation at Waterloo Lutheran Seminary and offered several workshops on the relationship between psychological type and spirituality. Begins 9:30 am with gathering for coffee; ends 3:30 pm. Standard fee for Quiet Saturdays.

Praying with Julian of Norwich Julian was an anchoress and visionary of the 14th century, a contemporary of Chaucer, who withdrew from society in order to devote herself completely to prayer and contemplation. She lived in a small room attached to the outside wall of St. Julian’s Church in Norwich, England. Although she lived the secluded life of a hermit, her counsel was sought by many people. Come and learn something of Julian’s great love for God and her deep spirituality. Led by Sr. Elizabeth, SSJD, Novitiate Director, Assistant to the Rev. Mother, and a long-time fan of Dame Julian. Begins 4 pm Friday; ends 1:30 pm Sunday. Standard weekend fee.

nOv. 19 - 21, 2010

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The Tender Compassion of Our God: Advent Quiet Day for Associates, Oblates and Friends The Song of Zechariah (the Benedictus) expresses beautifully “The Tender Compassion of our God”. Advent is a time to reflect on the ways God reaches out to us in the coming of Jesus, as we cope with the confusion and chaos of our world and our church. Led by Archbishop Fred Hiltz, an Associate of SSJD and Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada. Begins 9:30 am with gathering for coffee; ends 3:30 pm. Standard fee for Quiet Saturdays.

chriStMaS SeaSOn OppOrtunitieS

Come any time during the Christmas / New Year / Epiphany season, and spend as much time as you like in a private retreat or simply enjoying some peace and quiet, fellowship, and the liturgies of the season. Cost is our normal per-day fee for the Guest House. If you would like to participate in a slightly more structured way, consider the following Christmas and New Year’s opportunities as well.

Christmas RetreatCelebrate Christmas with the Sisters, enjoying the pre-Christmas and Christmas liturgies, with time for both quiet reflection and festive celebration. Sisters of SSJD will lead

Dec. 4, 2010

Dec. 22, 2010 - Jan. 7, 2011

Dec. 23-26, 2010

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participants in a period of daily reflection, with opportunity to express their creativity in decorating the Guest House as well as joining in the singing and celebrations of Christmas. Begins 4 pm Thursday; ends 1:30 pm Sunday. Special holiday rate of $210 for this three-day retreat.

Celebrating the Past, Visioning the Future Tired of New Year’s Eve parties? Consider spending 28 hours (or more if you wish) at the Convent, celebrating the New Year in liturgy, enjoyment of festive food, and fellowship. Sisters of SSJD will guide participants in reflecting on the blessings and challenges of the year past, and envisioning God’s invitation to each in the new year. Begins 9 am Friday; ends 1:30 pm Saturday. Fee is $100 with a $20 deposit.

Fully Alive: a Christian Meditation and Yoga retreat For many people, yoga is just a popular fitness routine. However, from its very beginnings, yoga was a spiritual path with the “still centre” as its goal. Christians are discovering that the ancient practice of yoga can greatly enrich their prayer life. Built around the themes of: Awakening the Heart, Befriending the Body and Honouring the Sacred, the retreat will allow participants to more fully experience their bodies and develop an awareness of the present moment as sacred. Beginners welcome. Led by Casey Rock who has been practicing yoga and meditation for twenty

Jan. 14 - 16, 2011

Dec. 31, 2010 - Jan. 1, 2011

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years. She is a certified Kripalu yoga instructor and has a Master of Divinity from the University of St. Michael’s College. Begins 4 pm Friday; ends 1:30 pm Sunday. Standard weekend fee.

“Choose life so that you and your descendants may live” (Deut. 30:19) It’s a new year! Are you wondering where God is calling you at this moment in time? Are you considering new opportunities or trying to decide between different options? Come and learn about the art of discernment and what forms of prayer might be most helpful in this process. Led by Sr. Elizabeth, SSJD, Novitiate Director, Assistant to the Rev. Mother, and a mentor of the summer discernment program. Begins 9:30 am with gathering for coffee; ends 3:30 pm. Standard fee for Quiet Saturdays.

Neither in the World nor out of it: Medieval Women Mystics. “God grant that all who crave love be well prepared for love . . . for what will harm them when they claim the sun, the moon, and all the stars?” (Hadewijch of Brabant, 13th C.) The beguines were women of deep faith, committed to lives of prayer, modest poverty, and good works. But in medieval Europe, they did not fit into established categories; the beguines’ independent, non-hierarchical communities and their passionate descriptions

Jan. 22, 2011

Feb. 15 - 17, 2011

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of divine love disturbed and threatened Church authorities. Through reflecting and praying with the writings of Mechthild of Magdeburg, Hadewijch of Brabant, and Marguerite Porete, we will explore and learn from a rich and unique understanding of the soul’s relationship to God. Led by the Rev. Pauline Head, rector of St. John’s Church in Rockwood and former professor of Medieval English at York University. Begins 4 pm Tuesday; ends 1:30 pm Thursday. Standard weekend fee.

The Surprising Path to Renewal We live in a society often obsessed with strength and success, in which we feel we must hide brokenness. Yet we see in the lives of people in the bible (and our own lives) that God teaches us through our failures, and accomplishes surprising things through our weakness. The cross is the most striking example of how God turns common ideas of success and failure, strength and weakness completely on their head. Come and discover how Lent, a time during which we look honestly at our brokenness, can be a powerful time of renewal. Led by the Rev. Judy Paulsen, Incumbent of Christ Memorial Church, Oshawa. Begins 9:30 am with gathering for coffee; ends 3:30 pm. Standard fee for Quiet Saturdays.

God Delights in You There comes a time when all of us need to examine our images of God acquired over the years from parents, teachers, priests, friends, our own reading and experiences.

Mar. 5, 2011

Mar. 18 - 20, 2011

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Whether positive or negative, conscious or unconscious, these images have a strong impact on our lives. Come, listen and reflect with Sister Anitra, SSJD, the Sisterhood’s Archivist and a spiritual director. Begins 4 pm Friday; ends 1:30 pm Sunday. Standard weekend fee.

Naked Before GodLenten Quiet Day for Associates, Oblates and Friends Lent calls us into self-examination and penitence. It calls us out of hiding from ourselves and from God so that we might grow into our call to holiness. We will reflect through scripture, meditation, prayer and conversation on the challenges of being ‘naked before God’. Led by Bp. Linda Nicholls, Bishop of Trent Durham in the Diocese of Toronto. Begins 9:30 am with gathering for coffee; ends 3:30 pm. Standard fee for Quiet Saturdays.

The Paschal Garden:Preparing for the Liturgies of Holy Week Lent begins with Jesus in the wilderness, but the key events of the Paschal Triduum take place in gardens: Gethsemane, the place of surrender, and Golgotha, the place of Jesus’ death and resurrection. When Mary Magdalene first sees the risen Jesus, in John’s

Mar. 26, 2011

april 16, 2011

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april 21 - 24, 2011

May 14, 2011

Gospel, she mistakes him for the gardener. Gardens are also places of growth and transformation, and we will spend this quiet day exploring ways in which the liturgies from Maundy Thursday to Easter can be such a place for us. Led by the Rev. Andrea Budgey, the Humphreys Chaplain at Trinity College and the University of Toronto. Begins 9:30 am with gathering for coffee; ends 3:30 pm. Standard fee for Quiet Saturdays. A Holy Week RetreatCome and share the fellowship, silence, and liturgies of Holy Week with the Sisters, and reflect on the way the mysteries of Jesus’ death and resurrection lead us on our own Exodus journey. Led by Sisters of SSJD. Begins 4 pm Wednesday; ends 1:30 pm Sunday. Special Holy Week fee of $300, with a $50 deposit.

The Transformative Power of Grief We live in a death- and grief-denying culture. This workshop will explore the central theme of grief as a transformative healing power in our lives. Through conversation, guided meditation, personal reflection and body prayer, we will attend to the theory and practice of grief. This workshop will be of value to those caring for the dying and grieving, as well as those needing to tend to their own grief. Led by the Rev. Dr. Anne Simmonds who teaches Ministry with Dying and Grieving Persons at Emmanuel (Theological) College, University of Toronto. She has had extensive experience with the

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dying and bereaved as Director of Chaplaincy at the former Wellesley Hospital, as a former congregational minister and a former nurse. She is an experienced and gifted workshop and retreat facilitator. Begins 9:30 am with gathering for coffee; ends 3:30 pm. Standard fee for Quiet Saturdays.


The Search for Hope and Meaning: Real World Religion Laundry, Liturgy, and “Women’s Work,” A Spirituality for the Real World — this retreat is designed to provide some quiet time for reflection, and encourage us to find the heart of our spirituality in our ordinary daily activities. Led by Kathleen Norris, award-winning poet, writer, and author of The New York Times bestsellers The Cloister Walk, Dakota: A Spiritual Geography, Amazing Grace: A Vocabulary of Faith. Exploring the spiritual life, her work is at once intimate and historical, rich in poetry and meditations, brimming with exasperation and reverence, deeply grounded in both nature and spirit, sometimes funny, and often provocative. Begins 4 pm Friday; ends 1:30 pm Sunday. Fee is $250 with a $50 deposit.

“Got Acedia? Who Cares: Why a Word No One Knows Is So Important”

Special Public Lecture with Kathleen Norris

Sunday, May 29,2011 7:00 p.m.

May 27 - 29, 2011

SunDay, May 29, 2011

7:00 p.M.

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June 21 - 23, 2011

June 11, July 9,

auguSt 6, SepteMber 10,


Quiet Garden DaysInspired by the Quiet Garden Trust in England, these are days to relax, renew, and rest in the beauty of God’s outdoors, as well as to enjoy the Sisters’ chapel and library. In case of rain, there is plenty of space indoors to wander, sit, dream, and pray. We begin with a brief time of prayer; then a Sister will offer suggestions on how to use the day. The rest of the morning is yours. The Eucharist is celebrated at noon, followed by dinner, and the afternoon is again free, with a brief gathering at 3 pm when we will have a closing time of prayer, and the option of sharing the fruits of the day. Begins 9:30 am with gathering for coffee; ends 3:30 pm. Standard fee for Quiet Garden Days.


Renewing the Song of God’s People An opportunity to reflect on the place and purpose of the church’s song, and how its vitality can be recovered, especially for clergy, church musicians and others who love to sing their prayer. John Bell of the Iona Community is an inspiring speaker and the composer of many well-known and loved contemporary Christian songs and hymns used in the Iona Community and around the world. Begins 4 pm Tuesday; ends 1:30 pm Thursday.Fee is $250 with a $50 deposit.

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Women at a Crossroads This four-week program, held each summer, is for women who are intentionally committed to seeking God’s guidance in living out their baptismal call — in business or professional careers, in homemaking or lay careers, in the church, in ordained ministry or life in a religious community, or in the many other ways in which we may serve God.

You may be called to participate in this program if you are interested in:• sharing in an intentional Christian community• learning how to live a balanced life of prayer, service, study, rest and recreation• engaging in classes and discussions about Christian life and vocation• receiving personal guidance in deepening your prayer life

There is no fee for room and board, but participants contribute to the life of the Community by sharing in the Sisters’ work. A monetary contribution (tax deductible) may be made to the Sisterhood.

July 5 - 31, 2011

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Pre-view for Fall


PREVIEW FOR FALL 2011Jesus was a carpenter: Sept. 17, 2011the Benedictine spirituality of work Sr. Elizabeth Ann, SSJD

Living the Oct. 28 - 30, 2011Beatitudes The Rev. Kevin Flynn Healing Relationships nOv. 12, 2011— With God, Self, Others and Creation The Medicine Wheel Teachings. Esther Wesley Loving Intent – nOv. 25 - 27, 2011Deep Listening –Compassionate Action Sr. Elizabeth, SSJD

Waiting for God Dec. 3, 2011The Rev. Sr. Constance Joanna, SSJD

Christmas Retreat Dec. 23 - 26, 2011Sisters of SSJD

Celebrating the Past, Dec. 31, 2011Visioning the New - Jan. 1, 2012 Sisters of SSJD

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FEES FOR FOOD FOR THE SOUL Guided Retreats: Standard fee is $200, including accommodation for two nights, six meals, coffee breaks, and honorarium for retreat leader / directors. Deposit of $35.

Individually Directed Retreats (IDRs): Standard fee is $100 per day, including accommodation, all meals, snacks, and individual spiritual direction. Special rate of $80 per day for full-time students at the theological colleges. Deposit of $35.00. IDRs can be arranged at any time through the Guest House subject to the availability of experienced directors.

Quiet Saturdays: Standard fee is $25 including coffee breaks ($15 for Associates and Oblates. Bring a bag lunch; coffee and tea provided. (A hot meal is available in the refectory for an additional $15.00.) Deposit of $10.00.

Quiet Garden Days: Standard fee is $20 including coffee breaks, $5.00 of which goes to help support the Quiet Garden Trust. Bring a bag lunch; coffee and tea provided. (A hot meal is available in the refectory for an additional $15.00.) No deposit required.

Personal Retreats: Standard fee is $70 per night, including three meals. Individual spiritual direction is an additional $25.00 per day.

(Continued next page)

Fees for

Food for the


(fees subject to possible increase in


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Seniors and Student Rates: A reduction of $10 per night is offered for seniors and full-time students.

Bursary Assistance: No one is turned away from a retreat because of inability to pay. Please let us know if you cannot afford the full cost of a retreat (even at senior / student rates). We can assist with a special bursary fund given by other guests who pay more than the cost of a retreat to allow others to come.


See our website or contact the Guest House for information on the following:

• Personal retreats scheduled to suit your timetable, for a day, a week, or longer

• Group retreats, quiet days, and workshops scheduled to suit your church or fellowship group (bring your own leader or ask for a Sister to lead)

• Personal sabbatical time: come for a month or longer and enjoy the prayerful, peaceful environment of the Convent chapel, library, and gardens as well as comfortable accommodation and delicious meals.


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Guided RetreatsHomecoming: With Henri Nouwen as Guide Oct. 1 - 3, 2010Sacred Art Journey Oct. 29 - 31, 2010Praying with Julian of Norwich Nov. 19 - 21, 2010Christmas Retreat Dec. 23-26, 2010Celebrating the Past, Visioning the Future Dec. 31, 2010

- Jan. 1, 2011Fully Alive: a Christian Meditation and Yoga Retreat Jan. 14 - 16, 2011Neither in the World nor out of it Feb. 15 - 17, 2011God Delights in You Mar. 18 - 20, 2011A Holy Week Retreat April 21 - 24, 2011The Search for Hope and Meaning May 27 - 29, 2011Renewing the Song of God’s People June 21 - 23, 1011Living the Beatitudes Oct. 28 - 30, 2011Loving Intent—Deep Listening—Compassionate Action Nov 25 - 27, 2011Christmas Retreat Dec. 23 - 26, 2011

Quiet SaturdaysGod’s Story and Our Story June 5, 2010Taken, Blessed, Broken, Given Sept. 18, 2010Knitting to God’s Heartbeat Oct. 16, 2010The Psalms Speaking “For Us” Nov. 6, 2010The Tender Compassion of Our God Dec. 4, 2010“Choose life. . . .” Jan. 22, 2011The Surprising Path to Renewal Mar. 5, 2011Naked Before God Mar. 26, 2011The Paschal Garden: Preparing for the Liturgies of Holy Week April 16, 2011The Transformative Power of Grief May 14, 2011The Spirituality of Work in the Benedictine Tradition Sept. 17, 2011Healing Relationships—The Medicine Wheel Teachings. Nov. 12, 2011Waiting for God Dec. 3, 2011

Summary of Retreats/Quiet Days June, 2010 - June 2011

Special Evening LectureKathleen Norris “Got Acedia? Who Cares: Why a Word No One Knows Is So Important”

May 29, 2011

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Please fill out a registration form and mail it to St. John’s Convent with your deposit. Registration forms can be downloaded from our web site at www.ssjd.ca or can be requested from the Guest House office (416-226-2201, ext. 305 or [email protected]).

St. John’s Convent Guest House233 Cummer Ave.

Toronto, ON M2N 2E8Phone: 416-226-2201, ext. 305

e-mail: [email protected]

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