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Food for the SOUL

2015 to 2016

The Sisterhood of St. John the Divine

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The Sisterhood of St. John the Divine

All retreats and quiet days at St. John’s Convent take place in the milieu of a contemporary monastic community which has a daily rhythm of prayer. All guests are invited to take part in the daily Eucharist, and those staying overnight may like to join us in the Divine Office (Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Compline).

Quiet Garden Days June 13, July 11, August 15, 2015

Inspired by the Quiet Garden Trust in England, these are days to relax, renew, and rest in the beauty of God’s outdoors, as well as to enjoy the Sisters’ chapel and library. In case of rain, there is plenty of space indoors to wander, sit, dream, and pray. We begin with a brief time of prayer; then a Sister will offer suggestions on how to use the day. The rest of the morning is yours. The Eucharist is celebrated at noon, followed by dinner, and the afternoon is again free, with a brief gathering at 3:30 pm when we will have a closing time of prayer, and the option of sharing the fruits of the day. Begins 9:30 am with a gathering for coffee; ends 4 pm. Fee $20 if you bring a bag lunch. A hot meal is an additional $15. (Registration deadline: one week prior to event)

Praying with the Women MysticsSaturday, September 19, 2015

Throughout Christian history, many women have enriched the life and mission of the universal church

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by sharing their experience of God. We will reflect on the lives and spirituality of such women as Hildegard of Bingen (12th century German), Julian of Norwich (14th century English), Teresa of Avila (16th century Spanish), and Anne Hutchinson (17th century American), and consider how they can enhance the spiritual life of ordinary Christians and help to restore a contemplative dimension to the contemporary church. Led by Sr. Constance Joanna Gefvert, SSJD, Vocations Coordinator for SSJD, Honorary Associate priest at St. George on Yonge Anglican Church and adjunct faculty member at Wycliffe College. Begins 9:30 am with a gathering for coffee; ends 4 pm. Fee $25 ($15 for Associates and Oblates) if you bring a bag lunch. A hot meal is an additional $15. (Registration deadline: September 12, 2015)

Listen to Your Life September 25–27, 2015Frederick Buechner has said that “listening to your life” allows you to “see it for the fathomless mystery that it is." Spend a weekend listening to your life through the lens of the seasons of the soul: Hopes (Advent anticipation), Births (Christmas fulfillment), Journeying and Mission (Epiphany and Pentecost), Suffering (Lenten testing), and experiences of Resurrection (Easter moments). After each meditation is presented, there will be time for private reflection and small-group sharing. Led by the Rev. Sherman Hesselgrave, Incumbent of the Church of the Holy Trinity, Trinity Square, Toronto. A priest and musician, he spent his childhood in East Africa, where his parents were Lutheran missionaries. He had begun a career as an academic music librarian when he was called to ordination. Arrivals and registration 2–4 pm Friday; ends 1:30 pm Sunday. Fee $220; deposit $50. (Registration deadline: September 19, 2013)

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Retreat Desert and Garden, Journey and Home October 23–25, 2015Kathleen’s exploration of the spiritual life is both in-timate and historical, rich in poetry and meditations, brimming with exaspera-tion and reverence, deeply grounded in both nature and spirit, sometimes funny, and often provocative. Desert and Gar-den, Journey and Home represent major themes in the Bible and Christian tradi-tion. Kathleen Norris will be leading the retreatants in exploring these themes in terms of how they affect our everyday lives. Kathleen Norris, award-winning poet and writer, is the author of The New York Times bestsellers: The Cloister Walk; Dakota: A Spiritual Geography; and Amazing Grace: A Vocabulary of Faith. Arrivals and registration 2–4 pm Friday; ends 1:30 pm Sunday. Fee $250 with a $50 deposit. (Registration deadline: October 16, 2015)

Writer's Workshop Desert and Garden, Journey and Home

October 27–29, 2015Kathleen Norris – as a writer of poetry, autobiography, novels, and the spiritual journey – is herself familiar with the themes of desert and garden, journey and home, because the writing life is a series of droughts and fertile periods. This workshop will appeal both to experienced writers and to those who are feeling called to write. Participants may want to bring a sample of their writing. Arrivals and registration 2–4 pm Tuesday; ends 1:30 pm Thursday. Fee $250; deposit $50. (Registration deadline: October 20, 2015)

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A Mosaic of Colours Return engagement by popular demand

Saturday, November 21, 2015Discover your creativity and enjoy the challenge, fun and fellowship of making colour-dyed silk scarves as Christ-mas gifts for yourself or others. Led by Sr. Jessica Kennedy, SSJD. Begins 9:30 am with a gathering for coffee; ends 4 pm. Fee $40 if you bring a bag lunch ($30 for Associates and Oblates). Includes silk fabric and dyes. A hot meal is an additional $15. (Registration deadline: November 14, 2015)

The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Us: Advent Quiet Day for Associates, Oblates & Friends

Saturday, November 28, 2015Advent brings high expectations and deep challenges, all bathed in the light of Christmas and the birth of Jesus. Together we will talk, listen, and pray for a holy and meaningful Advent. Led by the Very Rev-erend Peter Wall, Dean of Niagara and Rector of Christ’s Church Cathedral in Hamilton. An accom-plished liturgist, preacher, and musician, Dean Wall has also been active in Anglican-Lutheran relations. In his spare time he is a member of The Three Cantors, a trio of singing priests who entertain and raise funds across the continent. Begins 9:30 am with a gather-ing for coffee; ends 4 pm. Fee $25 ($15 for Asso-ciates and Oblates) if you bring a bag lunch. A hot meal is an additional $15 (Registration deadline: November 21, 2015).

The Real Christmas Story December 23–26, 2015 The four gospel writers have different approaches to describing the birth of Jesus: Matthew tells the story from Joseph's point of view and Luke from Mary's perspective. John offers a profound and beautiful theo-

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logical reflection on the meaning of Jesus' birth, and Mark neglects to tell the story at all. Why is this? In this retreat we will look at what underlies these differ-ences and how the perspective of each gospel writer interacts with our own faith stories. Led by Sr. Constance Joanna Gefvert, SSJD, Vocations Coordinator for SSJD, Honorary Associate priest at St. George on Yonge Anglican Church, and adjunct faculty member at Wycliffe College. Arrivals and registra-tion 2–4 pm Wednesday; ends after breakfast Satur-day. Special holiday rate of $220 for this three-day retreat; deposit $50. (Registration deadline: December 16, 2015)

Creating the New Year December 31, 2015 – January 1, 2016

Consider spending 28 hours (or more if you wish) at the Convent, celebrating the New Year in an environ-ment of peace and quiet fellowship. Enjoy a candlelight labyrinth walk (weather permitting), festive food, and a new creative way of beginning your year. One of the Sisters will guide participants in finding a balance of life through living mindfully and intentionally. Arrivals and registration 9–10 am Thursday; ends 1:30 pm Friday. Fee $110; deposit $50. (Registration deadline: December 23, 2015)

Making Peace with Food Through our Mind & Bodies Saturday, January 23, 2016

If you have a love-hate relationship with food and crave a positive sensible approach to eating, this work-shop is for you. Nourishing your body is a way of feeling healthy, energized and whole. Come and join us as we explore together ways to develop greater self-acceptance and a more flexible, self-compassionate attitude to body weight and eating. Through discussion and activities, participants will gain insight into the

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relationship between body, mind, and spirit, and learn approaches to eating mindfully without judgment or guilt. Led by Catherine Smith, a Registered Dietitian whose clinical practice in Toronto serves women, se-niors, psychiatric survivors and people who have lived on or near the street. Catherine completed a Masters in Theology in 2011 at Wycliffe College, University of Toronto. Begins 9:30 am with a gathering for coffee; ends 4 pm. Fee $25 ($15 for Associates and Ob-lates) if you bring a bag lunch. A hot meal is an ad-ditional $15. (Registration deadline: January 16, 2016)

Celtic Knots: Playful Doodles, Surprising Insights February 6–7, 2016

Since early childhood, you have held the 3-step key to drawing Celtic knots: a dot, a line, and a square. They are all you need to start. Step by easy step, you will learn to build these into something beautiful and complex, like the remarkable designs of antiquity and Celtic monastic culture. The way complexity evolves from simplicity is a process built into the universe— you were once 2 cells, and look at you now! Knots are similar. The Saturday introduction will establish ease and familiarity with a basic repertoire. Sunday’s workshop will explore more complex variations based on the simple step approach. Come either day or both. Led by Brian Dench, author of The Knotty Book, a graphic designer and former president of the Calligraphic Arts Guild of Toronto. Each day begins at 9:30 am with gathering for coffee and ends at 4 pm. Fee $25 per day ($15 for Associates and Ob-lates) if you bring a bag lunch. A hot meal is an additional $15. Fee for staying overnight (including meals) and attending both sessions is $125. (Registra-tion deadline: January 30, 2016)

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Chaos to Love: Lenten Quiet Dayfor Associates, Oblates and Friends

Saturday, February 27, 2016We live in a world of extremes, a world entirely out of our control where personal safety, financial security, and looking eternally youthful are markers of success. During this quiet day we will explore ways in which we, like Jesus, can help bring about a recommitment to the values of the realm of God. Through stories and scripture we followers of Jesus will consider how we can help change our world from Chaos to Love. Led by the Rev. Samantha Caravan, incumbent of St. John’s West Toronto Anglican Church. Begins 9:30 am with a gathering for coffee; ends 4 pm. Fee $25 ($15 for Associates and Oblates) if you bring a bag lunch. A hot meal is an additional $15. (Registration deadline: February 20, 2016)

Holy Week Retreat March 23–27, 2016Based on the book The Last Week by Marcus Borg and John Crossan, this retreat will explore the combination of history remembered and history interpreted— as we examine the last week of Jesus’ life on earth as given in the Gospel of Mark. We will be challenged to look again at the political and spiritual dynamics of Jesus’ true passion—the Kingdom of God. The retreat will be led by the Rev. Canon Susan Sheen, re-tired priest of the Diocese of Toronto. Arrivals and registration 2–4 pm Wednesday; ends after break-fast Sunday. Special Holy Week fee $340; deposit $50. (Registration deadline: March 16, 2016)

A Spiritual Spa for Mums: A Retreat for Busy Mothers Rediscover—or discover for the first time—the true peace that passes all understanding. Mums of all ages and stages, working outside the house or in, can learn

April 16, 2016

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from centuries of Benedictine wisdom how to simplify their lives and make space for God. Join other har-ried mothers in learning how to create a frame of discipline for a deep spiritual peace that will lighten the burden of work, parenting, and relationships. More relaxing and rejuvenating than any quick-fix trip to the spa! Led by Sr. Elizabeth Rolfe-Thomas, SSJD, Rev. Mother of SSJD, and Molly Finlay, a postulant for ordination in the Diocese of Toronto. Molly has worked in her own communications company and with World Vision Canada. She is an Associate of SSJD, married and a mother of 2 young girls. Begins 9:30 am with gathering for coffee; ends 4 pm. Fee $25 ($15 for Associates and Oblates) if you bring a bag lunch. A hot meal is an additional $15. (Registration deadline: April 9, 2016)

A Feather on the Breath of God: Hildegard of Bingen Hildegard of Bingen was a remarkable woman of the 12th century – a monastic, visionary, healer, compos-er and writer. Given to a monastery as a child ob-late, she lived and breathed scripture and the divine offices throughout her life. Her visions and creativity flowed from her rich inner life. In a time when wom-en's voices were not heard, her writing and reflecting gave her courage to speak up as a prophetic witness to church and society. Together we'll look at her im-ages, listen to her music, and reflect on her writings to engage with this remarkable woman today. Led by Sr. Elizabeth Ann Eckert, SSJD, former Reverend Mother and currently Novice Director and Guest House Coordinator. Arrivals and registration 2–4 pm Fri-day; ends 1:30 pm Sunday. Fee $220; deposit $50. (Registration deadline: May 20, 2013)

May 27–29, 2016

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Quiet Garden Days June 18, July 16, August 13, September 17, 2016Inspired by the Quiet Garden Trust in England, these are days to relax, renew, and rest in the beauty of God’s outdoors, as well as to enjoy the Sisters’ chapel and library. In case of rain, there is plenty of space indoors to wander, sit, dream, and pray. We begin with a brief time of prayer; then a Sister will offer suggestions on how to use the day. The rest of the morning is yours. The Eucharist is celebrated at noon, followed by dinner, and the afternoon is again free, with a brief gathering at 3:30 pm when we will have a closing time of prayer, and the option of sharing the fruits of the day. Begins 9:30 am with a gather-ing for coffee; ends 4 pm. Fee $20 if you bring a bag lunch. A hot meal is an additional $15. (Registra-tion deadline: one week prior to event)

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For Women Seeking Direction in Their Lives

Women at a CrossroadsJuly 15–August 7, 2016

This 3½ week program, held each summer, is for women who are intentionally committed to seeking God’s guidance in living out their baptismal call — in business or professional careers, in homemaking or lay careers, in the church, in ordained ministry or life in a religious community, or in the many other ways in which we may serve God.

You may be called to participate in this program if you are interested in:

• sharing in an intentional Christian community • learning how to live a balanced life of prayer, work, study, rest and recreation

• engaging in classes and discussions about Christian life and vocation • receiving personal guidance in deepening your prayer life

There is no fee for room and board, but participants contribute to the life of the Community by sharing in the Sisters’ work. A monetary contribution (tax deductible) may be made to the Sisterhood.

Application deadline: April 1, 2016

For more information e-mail [email protected] or phone 416-226-2201 ext. 301.

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We are located in a quiet urban area of north Toron-to, easily accessible to the Finch subway station and the Cummer 42 bus line, with ample parking for those who drive (though we encourage carpooling when pos-sible). We are adjacent to St. John's Rehab site of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, and Guest House visitors are welcome to enjoy the 25 acres of parkland surrounding the hospital, as well as other nearby parks and quiet residential walking areas.

Most guest rooms are single, with shared baths, al-though we have a few twin and double rooms. All lin-ens are provided, and comfortable sitting rooms, library,

The Inner Voice of Love B Sept. 30–Oct.2(Sr. Sue Mosteller, CSJ)

"Living the Blessings of Here and Now" B Oct. 28–30(Monica Brown & Hilary Musgrave)

A Mosaic of Colours B Nov. 5(Sr. Jessica, SSJD)

On Grief and Loss B Nov. 12(The Rev. Max Woolaver)

Associate Advent Quiet Day B Dec. 3

(The Rev. Susan Bell)

Christmas Retreat B Dec. 23–26(SSJD Sisters)

New Year's Retreat B Dec. 31–Jan1(A Sister of SSJD)


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Contact the Guest House for information on the following:

A Personal retreats scheduled to suit your timetable: for a day, a week, or longer if approved.

A Group retreats, quiet days, and workshops scheduled to suit your church or fellowship group. Bring your own leader or ask for a Sister (if one is available) to lead.

A Personal sabbatical time: come for a month or longer if approved, and enjoy the prayerful, peaceful

and snack areas are available to both overnight and day guests. Most of the Guest House has wireless ac-cess. Conversation and the use of cell phones are not permitted in guest rooms, to allow all guests the peace and silence they need for their own retreats. Designated common areas are available for quiet conversation, in addition to the courtyard and grounds. Meals are eaten in the Sisters’ refectory, and are usually silent.

Guests are encouraged to join the Sisters in the Chapel of St. John for Morning and Evening Prayer, Compline, and the daily Eucharist. Both the Chapel of St. John and St. Margaret’s chapel in the Guest House are available for private prayer when not in use by a group.

For a map and more information about the Sisterhood of St. John the Divine and the Convent Guest House, contact us or visit our website at www.ssjd.ca.

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environment of the Convent chapel, library, and gardens as well as comfortable accommodation and delicious meals.


Retreats, Workshops, and Quiet Saturdays: Fees (and deposits where applicable) are listed in the individual descriptions above.

Personal Retreats: Standard fee is $75 per night, including three meals. If you would like to have individual spiritual direction during your retreat, the cost is $30 per session.

Bursary Assistance: No one is turned away from a retreat because of inability to pay. Please let us know if you cannot afford the full cost of a retreat (even at senior/student rates). We can assist with a special bursary fund supported by donations for this purpose.

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Are you a woman in transition? Contemplating next steps on your journey? Taking a gap year? Wanting to experience life in community, learn

more about prayer, serve others, and take monastic values back into “the world”?

Participants will live, work and pray among the Sisters, immersing themselves in the balance of prayer and service that is the heart of the monastic life. Study, recreation and retreat are built into the program.

For those who are eligible, academic credit is available through Wycliffe College (Toronto School of Theology) at the University of Toronto. Those who are not in academic degree programs will have the same opportu-nity for study but without the academic requirement of papers.

There is no cost for room and board, but women who are accepted commit themselves fully to the Sis-terhood’s life and work for the time they participate. College tuition fees (where applicable) will be the re-sponsibility of the participant.

Program dates: Fall through Spring or Summer each year (exact dates to be arranged with successful appli-cants).

Application deadlines:July 15, 2015 (for 2015-16 program)June 15, 2016 (for 2016-17 program)

For more information and application forms e-mail Sister Constance Joanna Gefvert at [email protected] or phone 416-226-2201, ext. 316.

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Please fill out a registration form and mail it to St. John’s Convent with your deposit. Registration forms can be

downloaded from our web site at www.ssjd.ca or can be requested from the Guest House office.

St. John’s Convent Guest House233 Cummer Ave.

Toronto, ON M2M 2E8Phone: 416-226-2201 ext. 305e-mail: [email protected]


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