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Page 1: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.


Page 2: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.

Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the bloodstream and damage the tissues of small vessels. The resulting decreased blood flow compromises the kidney's ability to fi lter waste from the body. 

Spinach and E. Coli


Page 3: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.

Multistate Outbreak of Salmonella Bredeney Infections Linked to Peanut Butter Manufactured By Sunland, Inc. A total of 41 persons infected with the outbreak strain of

Salmonella Bredeney have been reported from 20 states. 28% of ill persons have been hospitalized, and no deaths have been

reported. 63% percent of ill persons are children under the age of 10 years.

Multistate Outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium and Salmonella Newport Infections Linked to Cantaloupe A total of 261 persons infected with the outbreak strains of

Salmonella Typhimurium (228 persons) and Salmonella Newport (33 persons) were reported from 24 states. 94 ill persons were hospitalized. Three deaths were reported in Kentucky.


Page 4: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.

School Lunch Suspected in Chinese Food Poisonings A broccoli salad that had been served at a school lunch was

blamed for causing an outbreak of Salmonellosis that involved more than 1,500 students and teachers at nine schools in Iwamizawa City, Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan.

Two school principals lost their jobs when authorities found the school involved was operating without health department certification and the Chinese State Food and Drug Administration

The schools lacked the management and equipment needed to safely implement the new school lunch program

China's food safety authorities have ordered the School to suspend serving lunches while the probe is underway

The students' symptoms included vomiting, diarrhea and fever.  


Page 5: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.

Oregon Raw Milk Tests Positive for E. Coli O157 Raw milk from Foundation Farm near Wilsonville, Oregon,

has been identified as the link in an outbreak of E. coli infections that has put four children in the hospital and may have sickened as many as 18 people.

Of the four children hospitalized, all have developed hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a type of kidney failure.

E. coli O157 infections are characterized by diarrhea -- sometimes bloody -- and abdominal pain. Kidney failure and related complications may occur, especially among young children and the elderly. Symptoms usually develop within two to eight days of eating contaminated food.


Page 6: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.

Foodborne illness can occur in any foodservice operation. Therefore, food safety training is essential.

Good food safety habits practiced on a routine basis are a critical part of preventing foodborne illness.

Food handling and preparation practices are the last line of defense for preventing infection from food-borne pathogens.


Page 7: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.

Between 1973 and 1997, >600 foodborne disease outbreaks in schools were reported to CDC. These outbreaks resulted in nearly 50,000 illnesses, >1500 hospitalizations and 1 death (2).

A recent report found that school-related foodborne illness has been increasing at a rate of 10% a year from 1990 – 1999 (1).

CDC estimates that each year roughly 1 in 6 Americans (or 48 million people) gets sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die of foodborne diseases (4).


Page 8: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.

Practices identified as contributing to outbreaks in schools include improper refrigeration, prolonged handling and inadequate reheating of cooked foods (2).

Several outbreaks in schools have been attributed to

contamination of food by food-handlers who worked while ill or had poor personal hygiene (2). Do not come to work if you are sick (see HACCP SOP 8

Employee Health)

57% of outbreaks were attributed to contamination by a food-handler (2).


Page 9: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.

Nov 6: Norovirus Sickens 39 in Peoria, IL After BanquetAt least 39 people fel l i l l with Norovirus infections after eating at a restaurant in central I l l inois last week, according to the local health department.

Nov 5: NY Spinach E. coli Outbreak Rises to 19 At least 19 New Yorkers have fal len i l l in an E. col i O157:H7 outbreak

l inked to spinach salad mix purchased at Wegmans stores. That number has r isen from the 16 cases fi rst confi rmed by the New York State Department of Health on Friday.

Of those i l l , fi ve have been hospital ized, with four already having been discharged.

The i l lnesses are spread across fi ve counties: Monroe, Niagara, Steuben, Wayne and Erie.

Oct 30: WA Restaurant Salmonella Outbreak up to 120 Cases At least 120 people are suspected to have fal len i l l in a Salmonel la

outbreak t ied to an On the Border restaurant in Vancouver, Wash., Clark County Health told Food Safety News Tuesday.


Page 10: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.

May 11 Mum's Kitchen Catering to Singaporian Preschools Seafood Marinara Pasta 2011Organism: Salmonel la Vehic le : Grains , Pasta Dishes, Seafood Mar inara Pasta Seafood An outbreak of Salmonel la Enter i t id is occurred at 10 pre-schools in S ingapore. The vehic le of in fect ion was the seafood marinara pasta that had been catered by Mum's K i tchen. The invest igat ion suggested that the pasta may have been contaminated wit…Read More »

May 11 North Carolina School Snokist Growers Applesauce 2011Organism: Toxin Vehic le : Fru i t , Apple , Applesauce A fi rm that reprocessed moldy applesauce in Yakima, Washington, was l inked to an outbreak of i l lness at a North Carol ina school in ear ly 2011. The applesauce was packed in #10 cans and intended for use in school cafeter ias . The spec ifi c applesauce …Read More »

February 11 Japan School Lunch Broccoli Salad 2011Organism: Salmonel la Vehic le : Produce-Based Salads, Broccol i Salad A broccol i sa lad that had been served at a school lunch was b lamed for caus ing an outbreak of Salmonel los is that involved more than 1,500 students and teachers at n ine schools in Iwamizawa City, Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan. The ident ical s tra in of Sa…Read More »


Page 11: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.

February 11 Haven Middle School Parent/Teacher Conference Buff et Food Catered by Merle's Smokehouse Barbequed Pulled Chicken 2011Organism: Clostr id ium perfr ingens Vehic le: Poultry, Chicken, Barbequed Pul led Chicken At least 30 people became i l l due to Clostr id ium perfr ingens after eat ing food served at the Haven Middle School Parent/Teacher Conference. The food had been catered by Mer le 's Smokehouse of Evanston, I l l ino is . C lostr id ium perf r ingens was isolated f…Read More »

October 10 Clearview High School Unknown 2010Organism: Salmonel la Vehic le: Unknown An outbreak of Salmonel la Group B occurred among people who attended a Clearview High School footbal l d inner , in Lorain County, Ohio. At least eight of the i l lnesses were confi rmed as caused by Salmonel los is . The Health Commiss ioner stated that so…Read More »

February 10 Feltham Hil l Infant & Nursery School 2010Organism: E. co l i O157:H7 Vehic le: Unknown As many as 25 pupi ls at Fel tham Hi l l Infant & Nursery School , in England, developed gastroenter i t is . The day care program c losed after two chi ldren were taken to the hospita l . Thir teen i l lnesses were subsequent ly confi rmed as E. co l i O157:H7. On Fe…Read More »


Page 12: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.

October 09 Michigan Prison and School Beef-Based Soup 2009Organism: Clostridium perfringens Vehicle: Soup, Beef A confi rmed outbreak of Clostridium perfringens was associated with eating a beef-based soup at a prison, or school, in Michigan.…Read More »

September 09 Ohio School Pasta 2009Organism: Salmonella Vehicle: Grains, Pasta A confi rmed outbreak of Salmonella Enterit idis occurred among people who had eaten pasta at a school in Ohio. A description of the pasta dish was not given.…Read More »

June 09 Connecticut School 2 Macaroni and Cheese 2009Organism: Other Vehicle: Grains, Pasta Dishes, Macaroni and Cheese A confirmed outbreak of Bacillus cereus was associated with eating macaroni and cheese at a school in Connecticut.…Read More »


Page 13: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.

May 09 Ohio School Chicken 2009Organism: Clostridium perfringens Vehicle: Poultry, Chicken A confirmed outbreak of Clostridium perfringens was associated with eating chicken at a school in Ohio.…Read More »

May 09 California School Rolls 2009Organism: Norovirus Vehicle: Breads and Bakery, Rolls A confirmed outbreak of Norovirus occurred among people who had eaten rolls at a school in California.…Read More »

March 09 Oregon School Unknown 2009Organism: Norovirus Vehicle: Unknown A confi rmed outbreak of Norovirus was associated with eating at a school in Oregon. The vehicle of infection was not described.…Read More »


Page 14: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.

High-risk populations include: Seniors Young children Pregnant women Immune-compromised


Page 15: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.

You: Knowledgeable and adequately trained foodservice staff can prevent foodborne illness outbreaks from originating in the cafeteria.

SOPs: By following established guidelines on food purchasing, storage, preparation, handling, and service, foodservice staff can greatly reduce the risk of students becoming seriously, or even fatally, ill with a foodborne illness.

HACCP: Safe food handling and preparation can reduce the risk of foodborne illness, even if food is contaminated before it comes into the school.


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Purchasing safe foods i.e. bid specs, farm and vendor inspections

Vendor: Refrigerated trucksReceiving and rejecting procedures at warehouseHACCP documentation when receiving, distributionNS drivers: Refrigerated trucksStaff at schools: proper holding, storing, etc.Student: served safe foods


Page 17: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.

Standard Operating Procedures.A written plan for applying HACCP principles at each

site which prepares and/or serves food.Documenting Critical Control Points during food

productionMonitoringEstablishing and documenting corrective actionsRecordkeepingReviewing and revising the overall food safety



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Page 19: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.

Thermometers are to be calibrated and initialed on the Production Record when they are fi rst taken out of the original package. Afterwards, re-calibration is done on a weekly basis or each time it is dropped.


Page 20: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.

Nutrition Services employees may not use a single utensil more than once to taste food that is to be served.

Nutrition Services employees will taste food as follows: Place a small amount of food into a separate container. Step away from exposed food and food contact surfaces. Use a spoon to taste the food. Remove the used spoon and

container to the dirty dish area. Never reuse a spoon that has already been used for tasting. Wash hands immediately.



Page 21: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.

Food employees shall clean their hands by using a cleaning procedure of approximately 20 seconds that includes: Vigorous friction on the surfaces of the lathered fingers, finger tips,

areas between the fingers, hands and arms for at least 10 to 15 seconds, followed by;

Thorough rinsing under clean, running water.

Nutrition Services employees will wear single-use gloves when handling RTE foods. Single-use gloves shall be used for only one task such as working with ready-to-eat

food, used for no other purpose, and

discarded when damaged or soiled, or when

interruptions occur in the operation. Your

hands must be washed between uses of gloves.



Page 22: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.

Verify and record on the HACCP Charts that the air temperature of any refrigeration unit is at 40ºF or below and the freezer unit is 0ºF or below fi rst thing each morning.



Page 23: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.

Label and date ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous foods that are prepared on-site or processed foods which have been opened.

Refrigerate all ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous foods at 41ºF or below.



Page 24: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.

Record the time and ppm on your HACCP Chart every time you mix up a new bucket.

Every four hours or more frequently as needed. Before any food prep occurs.


Page 25: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.

High-Temp Dishwasher: The water temperature should reach 160°F or higher at rack level to achieve

sanitizing temperatures. The outside gauge reading does not provide an accurate rack level temperature and may NOT be used. Check and record before use daily .

Low- temp dishwasher : The water temperature should reach 120°F-150°F to achieve sanitizing temperatures.

The outside gauge reading does not provide an accurate rack level temperature and may NOT be used.

You must also check and record the parts per million (ppm), before use daily , it should register at 50-100ppm.

The following schools have Low-temp dishwashers: Ainsworth, Beach, Harrison Park, James John, Jefferson, King, Lent, Marysville Site, Scott and Sitton.

3-Compartment sink: You must also check and record the parts per million (ppm), before use daily , it should register at 50-100ppm of bleach Or 150-400ppm of quaternary.


Page 26: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.

Wash, rinse, and sanitize food contact surfaces of sinks, tables, equipment, utensils, thermometers, carts, and equipment: Before each use Between uses when preparing different types of raw animal

foods, such as eggs, fish, meat, and poultry Between uses when preparing ready-to-eat foods and raw

animal foods, such as eggs, fish, meat, and poultry Any time contamination occurs or is suspected After prepping with high-allergen foods

i.e. peanut butter



Page 27: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.

Record time and temperature for all hot food items which you cook on the production record (i.e. hamburgers, hot dogs, chili).

Record time (rather than temperature) on all cold foods immediately after removing them from refrigeration and when replacing them i.e. salad bar items, condiments, milk, etc. Foods in which time will be used to limit bacteria growth, document an ‘NA’ in the temperature section of the production record for not applicable.

Only pull out what you immediately need.



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2004 federal law requires school cafeterias to be inspected twice a year and that the results of the inspections be made publicly available. USA Today request a copy of all of our Health Inspections. We will be posting these on our Nutrition Services webpage.


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Page 30: FOOD SAFETY TRAINING NOVEMBER 12, 13.  Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a condition that arises when toxins produced by E. coli bacteria get into the.

1. Foodborne Illness Rates Increase in Schools. Edited by: Mary Schroeder, M.S., R.D. & Pat Kendall, Ph.D., R.D., Colorado State - Fall 2002.

2. Foodborne Disease Outbreaks in United States Schools: Discussion. From the Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Branch (NAD, SMR, PMG, PSM) and the Biostatistics and Information Management Branch (LM, NHB), Division of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases, National Center for Infectious Diseases, and the Epidemic Intelligence Service, Epidemiology Program Offi ce (NAD), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA.

3. Examples from Foodborne Illness Outbreak Database.4. http://



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