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Hal 20


Hal 21

1. APPETIZER • ANEKAGORENGANRp.40.000++/portion Gohyong, Tahu Isi, Udang kulit tahu cabe isi udang 2. SALAD SELECTION•MIXEDFRUITSALADRp.35.000++/portionServed with Smoked Beef

•MIXEDGREENSALADRp.35.000++/portionServed with Sweet corn, Lettuce, Japanese dressing, Thousand Island, Balsamic

• HUZARENSALADRp.35.000++/portionServed with Potato, Carrot, Beet, Green peas, Mayonaise

• PASTASALADRp.35.000++/portionServed with Tuna Chunk, Mayonaise

• POTATOSALADRp.35.000++/portionServed with Mayonaise

• CAESARSALADRp.60.000++/portion Roman Lettuce, Parmesan Cheese Caesar sauce• THEGREENANDCRUNCHYSALADBARRp.60.000++/portion Fresh Mixed Green Salad Mixed Fruits Salad, Huzaren Salad

3. SOUP SELECTION• BOMBASOUPRp.35.000++/portion Chicken cream soup, Vegetable with Puff pastry on top• SOPBUNTUTTRADITIONALRp.55.000++/portion Kentang, wortel, emping dan sambal• SOUPBUNTUTDAUNKEDONDONGRp.55.000++/portion Daun kedondong muda, emping dan sambal• TEKWANRp.35.000++/portion Ayam, Bengkuang, Bunga sedap malam, Ikan tenggiri Jamur kuping, Soun, Udang dan sambal

Hal 22

•BURGOIKANRp.35.000++/portion Burgo, Ikan gabus, Kaldu santan dan sambal •THAITOMYUMRp.50.000++/portion Served with seafood•SWEETCORNWITHCHICKENCREAMSOUPRp.30.000++/portion Served with cheese straw•MUSHROOMWITHCHICKENCREAMSOUPRp.30.000++/portion Served with cheese straw

4. BAKSO SELECTION•BAKSOMALANGRp.40.000++/portion Bakso, Pangsit, Tahu, Sambal•BAKSOKUAHRp.35.000++/portion Bakso, Sayuran , Tahu, Sambal•BAKSOKANGKUNGRp.35.000++/portion Bakso, Tauge, Sayuran, Telur, Sambal•BAKSOSEAFOODRp.40.000++/portion Bakso Ikan, Udang, Kepiting, Jamur, Bihun , Sambal

5. SOTO SELECTION • SOTOMIERp.35.000++/portion Mie kuning, Kikil, Daging sapi, Risole, Sayuran, Kentang, Kerupuk, Sambal•SOTOBETAWIRp.35.000++/portion

Daging sapi, Paru, Babat Kentang, Tomat, Emping, Sambal•SOTOAYAMRp.35.000++/portion

Ayam suwir, Bihun, Kol, Telur, Sambal•SOTOKIKILRp.35.000++/portion Kikil sapi, Daging , Sambal•SOTOPADANGRp.35.000++/portion Soun, Daging kering, Perkedel, Kerupuk, Sambal•SOTOSULUNGRp.35.000++/portion Daging sapi, Telur, Sambal•SOTOBANJARRp.35.000++/portion Soun, Telur, Perkedel kentang, Sambal•COTOMAKASSARRp.40.000++/portion Buras, Daging sapi, Sambal

Hal 23

•SOTOBOGORRp.35.000++/portion Daging, babat, kikil, paru, usus, Kuah santan, Sambal•SOTOSOKARAJARp.35.000++/portion

Daging sapi, Soun, Tauge, Sambal•SOTOKUDUSRp.35.000++/portion Ayam, Tauge, Telur, Sambal•SOTOMEDANRp.35.000++/portion Ayam, Emping, Telur, Sambal•SOTOTANGKARRp.45.000++/portion Daging, Babat, Paru, Emping, Sambal•EMPALGENTONGRp.45.000++/portion

Daging, Daun kucai, Bawang goreng, Sambal •SOTOLAMONGANRp.35.000++/portion Ayam, Kol, Soun, Tauge, Telur, Sambal•TAUTOPEKALONGANRp.35.000++/portion Daging sapi, Emping, Sambal•SOTOMADURARp.35.000++/portion Daging babat, Paru, Sambal•SOTOBLORARp.35.000++/portion Ayam, Tauge, Telur, Soun, Sambal•SOTOBANDUNGRp.35.000++/portion Daging, Kacang kedelai, Lobak, Sambal


7. NOODLE SELECTION•MIECUMIITEMAYAMRp.40.000++/portion Mie item, Ayam, Bawang Goreng, Sambal

Hal 24

•MIEKANGKUNGRp.30.000++/portion Mie, Ayam, Telur Puyuh, Jamur, Tauge, Kangkung, Sambal•MIEDHOGDHOGRp.30.000++/portion Mie Masak dengan sayuran, Ayam, Telur, Bakso, Sambal•MIEHIJAURp.40.000++/portion Mie Hijau, Bakso, Sayuran ,Tauge, Pangsit Goreng, Sambal•MIECAKALANGRp.35.000++/portion Mie Kuah Khas Menado dIsajikan dengan Abon ikan Keripik kentang, Kerupuk , Sambal • IFUMIECUMIITEMRp.35.000++/portion Mie item goreng kering disajikan dengan ayam, sayuran saus Oyster•MIEKOCOKMEDANRp.35.000++/portion Mie,Telur, Tahu, Kentang, Sambal•MIECUMIITEMAOPRp.45.000++/portion Mie item dimasak dengan ayam, cabe kering, Minyak zaitun•VIETNAMESENOODLE(PHOBO)Rp.55.000++/portion Mie kuah khas Vietnam disajikan dengan daging, tauge wortel,daun bawang, Sambal

8. LONTONG SELECTION Rp.60.000++/portion•LONTONGMEDAN Lontong, Rendang daging, Tauco udang Balado teri kacang, Sayur buncis, Kerupuk dan Sambal•LONTONGCAPGOMEH

Sambal goreng daging, Opor ayam Petis telur, Sayur labu, Kerupuk dan Sambal•KETUPATSAYUR Ketupat, Opor ayam, Telur, Sayur labu, Kerupuk dan sambal


Nasi timbel, Sayur asem, Pepes tahu, Empal Daging, Ayam goreng, Sambal Ikan asin Kerupuk, Tumis cumi cabe hijau, Tempe ,Tahu, Buah potong•NASIJIMBARAN

Nasi, Udang bakar, Ikan bakar, Sate pentul Cumi bakar, Jakut urap, Rempeyek teri, Sambal, Lalap Kerupuk, Buah potong

Hal 25

•NASIKAPAUNasi , Gulai kikil, Rendang daging, Ayam bakar, Balado teri kacang

Sayur daun singkong, Kerupuk kulit, Buah potong•NASICAMPURBALI

Nasi, Sate pentul, Ikan tuna sambal matah, Ayam mesereh Daging kering, Jakut urap, Buah potong•NASILIWETSOLO Nasi gurih, Opor ayam suwir, Pindang telur, Ati ampela bacem Tahu tempe bacem, Sayur labu siam, Buah potong

10. INDONESIAN BREAKFAST •NASIGORENGKOMPLITRp.70.000++/portion Nasi goreng dengan Sate ayam, Telur, Ayam Goreng,Kerupuk Sambal , Teh, Kopi, Air mineral, Buah potong•NASIUDUKKOMPLITRp.70.000++/portion Nasi gurih, Ayam goreng, Semur tahu kentang, Telur dadar Bihun goreng, Kerupuk, Sambal kacang, Kopi, Teh, Air mineral Buah potong •LONTONGCAPGOMEHRp.70.000++/portion Lontong, Sambal goreng daging, Opor ayam, Petis telur Sayur labu siam,Kerupuk, Sambal, Kopi, Teh, Air mineral, Buah potong•BUBURAYAMKOMPLITRp.50.000++/portion Bubur dengan Ayam suwir, Telur, cakwe, Kacang kedelai Kerupuk, Sambal, Kopi, Teh, Air Mineral, Buah potong 11. INDONESIAN FAVOURITE•PEMPEKPALEMBANGRp.45.000++/portion Lenjer, Pempek telor, Pempek mie, Adaan, Mie, Timun, Saus •SIOMAYBANDUNGRp.40.000++/portion Siomay, Tahu, Telor, Kentang, Kol, Sambal Kacang•MARTABAKTELURRp.35.000++/portion Daging cincang, Telur, Daun Bawang, Acar, Saus

12. SEAFOOD SELECTION •SUPPINDANGSERANISALMONRp.50.000++/portion Sup bening disajikan dengan ikan salmon•DIMSUMRp.40.000++/portion Siomay udang, Hakau, Pangsit udang, Lumpia udang, Sambal

Hal 26

•SALMONENCROUTERp.65.000++/portion Choron sauce, Vegetable•SALMONMAYORp.65.000++/portion Salmon, Vegetable, Mased potato

13. POULTRY SELECTION•SATEAYAMRp.40.000++/portion Pilihan Sambal : Kecap, Kacang, Bali, Padang, Rica rica disajikan dengan Lontong•CHICKENCURRYRp.40.000++/portion Disajikan dengan prata bread •CHICKENKEBABRp.40.000++/portion Pita bread, Ayam, Sayuran, Middle East sauce•LAKSAAYAMRp.45.000++/portion Ayam suwir, Soun, Tauge, Telur, Kaldu kuning, Sambal•CHICKENGALANTINE Rp.45.000++/portion Potato wedges, Vegetable, Gravy sauce•CHICKENCORDONBLEU Rp.55.000++/portion Potato marble, Vegetable, Cream sauce•WESTERNROASTCHICKEN Rp.55.000++/portion Roast chicken, Vegetable, Potato wedges Mushroom sauce•CANTONESEROASTDUCK

(1 whole = 15 portion) Rp.410.000++/whole Plum sauce or Hoisin sauce •ROASTTURKEY

(1 whole = 30 portion) Rp.1.750.000++/whole Sweet potato, Vegetable, Onion, Gravy sauce Apple mousse, Potato wedges

14. BEEF STATION•BEEFSATERp.45.000++/portion Pilihan Sambal: Kecap, Kacang, Bali, Padang, Rica rica disajikan dengan Lontong•SELATSOLO Rp.45.000++/portion Semur daging & lidah, Wortel, Daun Selada, Telur, Keripik kentang Acar mentimun, Mayonaise manis

Hal 27

•BEEFCURRYRp.45.000++/portion Disajikan dengan Prata bread•BEEFKEBABRp.50.000++/portion Pita bread, Daging sapi, Vegetable, Middle East sauce•GRILLEDBBQSHORTRIBSRp.85.000++/portion Vegetable, Mashed potato, BBQ sauce•AUSTRALIANPREMIUMRIBEYERp.85.000++/portion Vegetable, Potato dauphinoa, Mushroom sauce Potato choices : Potato dauphinoa, Mashed potato Sauce choices: Mushroom, Herbs, Dutch•AUSTRALIANROASTBEEFRp.80.000++/portion Served with Vegetable, Potato dauphinoa, Mushroom sauce•BISTIKBELANDARp.65.000++/portion Disajikan dengan sayuran, Kentang goreng, Brown sauce•BEEFROLLRp.65.000++/portion Beef, Cheese, Egg, Roll with pastry, Chilli sauce•ROASTVEALRp.90.000++/portion Served with Vegetable, Potato dauphinoa, Mushroom sauce•VEALUSSOBUCCORp.85.000++/portion Served with Spaghetti pomodoro•VEALCURRYRp.85.000++/portion Served with Prata bread•GRILLBEEFBUNRp.75.000++/portion Beef or Chicken, Mix vegetable. Mashed Potato, Tomato Concasse sauce •GRILLSAUSAGERp.75.000++/portion Sausage ( Beef or Chiken ), Mix vegetable. Potato wedges with bechamel, Thausand island & BBQ

15. WHOLE VEAL Rp.48.000.000++/whole whole veal = 500 portion + 100 portion additional Choices from : - Roast Veal served with vegetable, mashed potato mushroom sauce - Veal Osso Bocco served with spaghetti, tomato pasta sauce - Veal Curry served with prata bread Choices of additional : - Short ribs soup with seaweed - Tengkleng Solo - Gulai tulang iga & ketupat

Hal 28

16. LAMB STATION•ROASTAUSTRALIANLAMBLEGRp.75.000++/portion Served with vegetable, Rosemary potato, Herbs sauce•LAMBKEBABRp.65.000++/portion Served with Lamb meat, Vegetable, Middle East sauce•LAMBCURRYRp.65.000++/portion Serve with Prata bread •KAMBINGGULINGRp.3.650.000++/whole

1 whole = 100 portion Disajikan dengan Lontong, Sambal kecap

17. ITALIAN FOOD Pasta choices: Spaghetti, Fettucine, Fussili, Parpale, Macaroni Puttanesca Sauce choices: Bolognaise, Vongole clam, Marinara, Alfredo Carbonara, Aglio olio peppericino •MEATLASAGNARp.45.000++/portion•SPAGHETTIPARMESANBREADEDCHICKENRp.40.000++/portion Served with Spaghetti pomodoro •SPAGHETTIPARMESANBREADEDPRAWNRp.50.000++/portion Served with Spaghetti Pomodoro•BAKEDMACARONIWITHCHEESEANDSMOKEDBEEFRp.40.000++/portion

Macaroni, Cream, Cheese, Smoked beef•ANGELHAIRPASTARp.40.000++/portion Served with Seafood Marinara Sauce

18. JAPANNESE FOOD•BENTORp.70.000++/portion Rice, Beef teriyaki, Ebi furai, Shitake, Japanese salad•MISOSOUPRp.30.000++/portion Tofu, Spring onion, Seaweed•AGEDASHITOFURp.40.000++/portion Fried tofu, Katsubutsi and sauce•CHICKENTERIYAKIRp.55.000++/portion Served with Rice, Salad and Sauce

Hal 29

•MISORAMENRp.55.000++/portion Japannese noodle, Beef, and Vegetable•SUKIYAKIRp.55.000++/portion Beef, Mixed Vegetables, siratake, tofu, Cikua, sukiyaki sauce•TEPANYAKIRp.65.000++/portion Garlic rice, Beef, Vegetable, Teppan sauce•SHABUSHABURp.65.000++/portion Beef, Mixed vegetable, Tofu, Udon, Cikhua, Ponsu sauce, Nut sauce•TEMPURARp.65.000++/portion Prawn, Shitake, Oba, Sweet potato, Kabocha, Onion •EBIFURAIUDONRp.65.000++/portion Rice Noodle, Ebi furai, Spring onion, Vegetable and Sauce•BEEFTERIYAKIRp.65.000++/portion Served with Rice, Sauce• JAPANESEBARBEQUERp.65.000++/portion Rice, Beef, Pickled, Barbeque sauce•ASSORTEDSUSHISASHIMI(4items)Rp.75.000++/portion California roll, Salmon sashimi, Maguro sushimi, Tako sashimi Tekamaki, Tobiko sushi

19. TRADITIONAL SWEET POURAGE•BUBURSUMSUMRp.25.000++/portion•BUBURKACANGHIJAURp.25.000++/portion•BUBURKETANHITAMRp.25.000++/portion•BUBURCENILRp.25.000++/portion•ANEKABUBURMANIS(3macam)Rp.50.000++/portion Pilihan : Bubur sumsum, Bubur kacang hijau Bubur ketan hitam, Bubur cenil

20. DESSERT•POFFERTJESRp.35.000++/portion Served with Ice cream, Strawberry and Choco sauce•CHOCOLATEMELTEDRp.35.000++/portion Served with Ice cream, Strawberry and Choco sauce•CREPESFRUITCOCKTAILRp.35.000++/portion Served with Fruit cocktail, Ice cream, Strawberry and Choco sauce

Hal 30

•CREPESSUZETTERp.35.000++/portion Warm buttermilk crepes with Ice cream and Orange sauce•CHERRYJUBILLERP.35.000++/portion Crepes with Ice cream, Dark/Red cherry, Orange sauce•DESSERTSTATIONRp.45.000++/portion • Content : 1 Ice cream and 2 Mousse • Ice cream choices : Chocolate chip, Vanilla chip Green tea, Mocca, Strawberry Cappucino, Blueberry • Mousses choices : Creme bruelle , Choco mousse , Strawberry and Tiramisu

21. ICE STATION •ESCENGTENGRp.30.000++/glass Lotus seed, Gingko nut, White fungus Dried longan, Selasih, Nata de coco•ASSORTEDICECREAM1 gallon = 50 hornRp.950.000++/gallon Chocolate chip, Vanilla chip, Green tea, Mocca, Strawberry Cappucino, Blueberry•ESPODENG,ESDOGER1 gallon = 50 glassRp.850.000++/gallon•ESPOTONG,ESLILIN1 gallon = 50 piecesRp.800.000++/gallon•ANEKAESPUTER 1 gallon = 50 glass Rp.900.000++/gallon Alpukat, Nangka, Kopyor, Durian, coklat 22. BEVERAGE•WEDANGJAHERp.15.000++/glass• BAJIGURRp.15.000++/glass•COFFEE,TEARp.25.000++/glass•ZANZABILRp.15.000++/glass• ICELEMONTEARp.15.000++/glass•CAPPUCINOHOT/COLDRp.27.500++/glass•MOCCACHINOHOT/COLDRp.27.500++/glass•SOFTDRINKRp.17.500++/glass

SOFT DRINK ( Free Flow ) Rp. 50.000++•FRUITJUICERp.20.000++/glass•DRAUGHTBEER( 1 Package = 170 glass )Rp.5.545.000++/barrel

Hal 31

23. CORKAGE CHARGES•WINERp.200.000++/bottle

White wine, Red wine, Sweet wine, Liquor Premium liquor, Rose champagne, Sparkling wine

•SPIRITRp.250.000++/bottle Cognac, Tequila, Vodka, Sambucca, Gin Regular whisky, Cheery, Port, Premium whisky, Aperitif, Rhum

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