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Region 11 January 2015 – April 2016

11/1/2014 Transition Plan 1



The following table provides a list of key contacts during the implementation phase of the FSET Project in Region 11 (Grant, Green, Iowa, Lafayette Richland and Rock Counties). As the FSET program and operating staff is built, this list will change.

SWWDB FSET Implementation Staff

Responsibility / Role Staff Name & Title Telephone Email

Primary Oversight / Authority Rhonda Suda

Chief Executive Officer

608-314-3300, X305


[email protected]

Fiscal Oversight / Authority Annette Meudt

Director of Finance

608-342-4220, X224 [email protected]

Fiscal Contact - Secondary Katie Gerhards

Program Assistant

608-342-4220, X230 [email protected]

FSET Program Manager Jennifer Oas 608-290-2589 [email protected]

IT Management & Coordination Matthew Riley

Network Coordinator

608-342-4220, X226 [email protected]

Quality Assurance & Resource Development

Ron Coppernoll

Community Outreach Liaison

608-342-4220, X231 [email protected]

Operations & Program Planning Jimmy Watson

Workforce Operations Manager

608-314-3300, X309 [email protected]

Transition Coordinator Jimmy Watson Each Transition Coordinator (TC) will be responsible for oversight of the transition process. The TCs will facilitate interagency communications and monitor internal agency processes to ensure transitions requirements are met on a timely basis.

Transitions Coordinator – Prior vendor(s)

Security Officer Matthew Riley / Ron Coppernoll

Agency Training Liaison (ATL) Jennifer Oas

ATL Back-up Matt Riley

CARES Coordinator Matthew Riley

11/1/2014 Transition Plan 2

Responsibility / Role Staff Name & Title Telephone Email

CARES Back-up Jennifer Oas

DHS Contact Information

Fiscal Sheila Kurt 608-261-6862 [email protected]

Program Jayne Wanless 608-267-7371 [email protected]

DHS IM Training Contact

M-F, 8-4:00 p.m.

608-271-6378, option 1 [email protected]

For inquiries related to systems issues or policy/process clarification on production cases, please contact DHS CARES Call Center

CARES Call Center

M-TH, 8-4:00 p.m.

Friday, 10-4:00 p.m.


608-267-2269 (Fax)

[email protected]

Workers can contact the CARES Call Center by telephone or e-mail. The contact information is listed below. The staff will respond to e-mails within two business days of receipt of the e-mail. Voice messages will be returned the same day or the next business day if left after hours or close to the end of the day.


The Agency Training Liaison (ATL) acts as the point of contact with DHS IM Training. The ATL is responsible for managing FSET training of agency staff and coordinating logistics of training delivery. To maintain consistency of communication, the designated ATLs should be the main contact with DHS IM Training. FSET staff should not directly contact DHS IM Training, but should work through the designated ATLs.

TASK: Identify ATL and back-up ATL and email DHS IM Training at [email protected] with the ATLs’ names and direct contact information. If the ATL and/or backup are not hired by 1/15/2015, identify two individuals to serve as the points of contact for training coordination until an ATL and backup is hired. The actual ATLs and backups must be identified and be in contact with DHS IM Training no later than 2/13/2015.

Assigned to: Completion Date Completed By:

Rhonda Suda 12/2/2014 Rhonda Suda – NOTE: The primary/secondary designations will change once the Program Supervisor is hired.

The Cares Coordinator (designated by SWWDB) is the central point of contact for the CARES Call Center. CARES and policy questions should be submitted by the agency’s designated CARES Coordinator and/or back-up. Designated points of contact for policy, process and system issues and questions helps to ensure information is communicated to all workers in the agency consistently and accurately. This will make resolution

11/1/2014 Transition Plan 3

of issues much less time consuming. The CARES Coordinator is responsible for sharing policy clarifications, information shared through e-mails to the Coordinators and system workarounds with the other workers in their agency.

Workers should contact the CARES Call Center directly only if s/he is unable to get past a screen in the system and immediate help is necessary to move him/her forward in the process. CARES Call Center staff may contact the worker directly if they feel it will be more expedient to work directly with the worker to resolve the question or issue or to gather additional information.

TASK: Designate one or two CARES Call Center Coordinators for each location (SW Wisconsin and Rock County) as well as one back-up. The names of the Coordinator and backup should be sent to the CARES Call Center e-mail address ([email protected]) by 1/15/2015. The Coordinator’s name, telephone number and e-mail address must be included in the e-mail.

Assigned to: Completion Date Completed By:

Rhonda Suda 12/4/2014 Rhonda Suda – NOTE: The primary/secondary designations will change once the Program Supervisor is hired.


FSET staff (including ATLs), must have basic familiarity with signing into and navigating within the Department’s eligibility management system, known as CARES/CWW. Obtaining a DHS Learning Center ID will be the first step in accessing the FSET Curriculum and learning how to navigate in CARES/CWW. The FSET Curriculum will be available on the DHS Learning Center on 3/2/2015 and is a distance learning based module that FSET staff will complete individually, in addition to any training or support they will receive from their ATL. This training module will specifically cover how to use the FSET Tool and will not provide any case management instruction or FSET policy information.

NOTE: FSET staff members will not need access to KIDS, EOS, SAVE, CCPI, CSAW or ACD. Although most staff members will not need access to WebI, it will be a useful tool for FSET supervisors and management.

TASK: The FSET ATL must ensure that the following occurs for each FSET staff member by 2/16/2015:

• DHS Learning Center ID is obtained and • FSET Curriculum is assigned.

Assigned to: Completion Date Completed By:

Matt Riley/Jennifer Oas 01/23/2015 Matt Riley for Program Supervisor. Jennifer Oas will complete for future staff.

11/1/2014 Transition Plan 4

TASK: Request System Access for Staff

FSET workers must have access to WAMS, CARES Worker Web, and the CARES Mainframe prior to beginning the FSET curriculum. ATLs or Supervisors will want to request access as soon as possible. ATLs/Supervisors can find a list of system access that the FSET staff may need on the DHS Learning Center.

• Navigate to: http://www.uwosh.edu/ccdet/DHFS/lc/default.htm • Click on “New Worker Center” on the left hand navigation menu. • Click on “New Worker Center-Information for Supervisors.” • Read Step 2 and click on the checklist for New Worker Logon IDs.

Assigned to: Completion Date Completed By:

Matt Riley, Jennifer Oas To be completed by 03/02/2015

HOW TO: Obtain a DHS Learning Center ID

If an individual does not already have a DHS Learning Center ID, the Supervisor or ATL can register them through the DHS Learning Center by completing the following steps:

• Navigate to: http://www.uwosh.edu/ccdet/DHFS/lc/default.htm • Click on “New Worker Center” on the left hand navigation menu. • Click on “New Worker Center-Information for Supervisors.” • Complete the “New Employee Registration Profile Form” and indicate to assign the FSET curriculum and submit to PTS

Registration (as instructed on the form). • PTS Registration will assign the worker the FSET curriculum in the DHS Learning Center.

HOW TO: Registering for the FSET Curriculum with Existing DHS Learning Center ID

Individuals who already have a DHS Learning Center ID do not need a “New Employee Registration Profile Form” completed. Either the ATL or the individual can contact PTS Registration at [email protected] or 920-424-1071, provide the individual’s DHS Learning Center ID and ask them to assign the FSET Curriculum (estimate of 24 hours to complete) to the individual in the DHS Learning Center. PTS Registration will also be able to assist an individual if they have already been assigned a DHS Learning Center ID but can’t remember their DHS Learning Center ID.

11/1/2014 Transition Plan 5

TASK: Attend Statewide Training-FSET (ATL) Focus

DHS IM Training is planning to provide an in-person, one day training session for ATLs and their backup on Wednesday, February 25th in Madison. The intended audience for each session is the ATL and a designated backup. This session will have hands on activities that focus on FoodShare policy updates and how to use the FSET Tool pages and Client Scheduling in CWW.

Assigned to: Completion Date Completed By:

Jennifer Oas, Matt Riley To be attended 02/25/2015

TASK: Ensure Staff Complete the FSET Curriculum

ATLs are responsible for ensuring that FSET staff members complete the FSET Curriculum in the DHS Learning Center.

Assigned to: Completion Date Completed By:

Jennifer Oas To be completed by 03/13/2015 for initial staff then ongoing for new staff.


DHS IM Training Related Information

While DHS IM Training will be able to provide guidance on how to use the FSET Tool, there are some areas that DHS IM Training staff will not be able to provide guidance on. In addition to the FSET Tool training, FSET Agencies will need to ensure that they provide staff with training and resources related to:

• The case management process, including conducting assessments of employment and education history, creating employment goals and assigning activities to help meet these goals, working through barriers to employment, providing supportive services and creating and discussing employment plans with FSET participants.

• Familiarity with the local labor market, transportation resources, and potential educational opportunities and work sites within the area, or have the ability to work within the community to develop these sites/opportunities.

TASK: Update staff job descriptions to reflect additional duties related to FSET operations.

11/1/2014 Transition Plan 6

Some SWWDB positions will be assuming additional duties related to FSET. All Job Descriptions are to be updated to reflect the added responsibilities. 04/01/2015

Assigned to: Completion Date Completed By:

Jennifer Oas

TASK: Develop training checklist

Create internal training log/check-off list and timeline for FSET staff-training. Itemize each specific training module/activity. 01/30/2015

Assigned to: Completion Date Completed By:

Jennifer Oas 03/02/2015

TASK: Conduct Case Management Training

[New] Case managers are to be trained to SWWDB specifications on the case management process. See “DHS IM Training Related Information”. Initial program staff is to be trained by 04/1/2015. Subsequent staff will be trained as they are hired as part-of the orientation process.

Assigned to: Completion Date Completed By:

Jennifer Oas 03/13/2015 and ongoing



Master Transition Checklist

Bold = requires prep – Red = transition notes – Green = ongoing activity –

Task Assigned to: DHS SWWDB Due by: Completed

Individual Conference Call All ☒ ☒ 12/2/2014 ☒

2nd Conference Call All ☒ ☒ 1/14/2014 ☐

Update Budget (Sent to DHS 12/15/14) Meudt ☐ ☒ 12/16/14 ☒

Submit and updated transition plan to DHS. (Completed and emailed wit original transition plan 1/9/2015, updated and emailed 2/13/2015) Include:

- Plan to coordinate with IM and current vendor - Timeline for hiring and acquiring space - Plan to continue service to current volunteers - Plan to review information with current volunteers

Suda TC

☐ ☒ 02/14/15 ☒

Begin Bi-Weekly Meeting Sessions with DHS TC ☐ ☒ 02/02/15 ☐

Email weekly status updates to DHS TC ☒ ☒ 02/14/15 ☐

Identify Transition Coordinator (sent to Jayne Wanless 12/4/14)

This position will be responsible for the oversight of the transition process. The transition coordinator will facilitate interagency communication and monitor internal agency processes to ensure transition requirements are met on a timely basis.

Suda ☐ ☒ 02/14/15 ☒

Identify/communicate ATL (completed and emailed 12/02/14) Suda ☐ ☒ 02/14/15 ☒

Identify/communicate Cares Coordinator (completed and emailed 12/04/14) Suda ☐ ☒ 02/14/15 ☒

Identify/communicate Security Officer (completed and emailed 12/04/14) Suda ☐ ☒ 02/14/15 ☒

Provide DFHS a draft welcome letter of notification to FSET participants about the transfer process for review and approval. (Completed and emailed with original transition plan 1/9/2015)

a. Effective date of transfer (April 2015) b. Name of current FSET vendor c. Name and information for 2015 vendor d. Explanation that case transfers are a result of regionalization of the FSET program e. Contact information for 2015 vendor and for a worker, if possible

Watson ☐ ☒ 01/31/15 ☒

11/1/2014 Transition Plan 1

f. Notification that there will be no gap in service delivery g. Next steps (e.g., the vendor will schedule a face-to-face appointment or a phone call)

Send current FSET participants a welcome letter. Adm. Asst. ☐ ☒ 03/13/15 ☐

Contact Community Action and other CBOs and churches to raise awareness in the FS changes. Oas ☐ ☒ 03/13/15 ☐

Organize “Meet & Greet” with current FSET providers including County and IM staff (Attended 1/29/2015)

Gerhards ☐ ☒ 01/31/15 ☒

ATL and Back-up to attend face-to-face training in Madison Oas/Riley ☐ ☒ 02/25/15 ☐

Establish contact with DHS IM training. (Received initial IM curriculum 1/23/2015) Oas ☐ ☒ 02/13/15 ☒

SOP: Finalize program assessment tools and service delivery procedures. Oas/Watson ☐ ☒ 03/13/15 ☐

SOP: Develop a Quality Assurance Plan/Internal Monitoring Policy Oas/Coppernoll ☐ ☒ 03/13/15 ☐

Provide Computer Security Instructions to new vendors DHS ☐ ☒ 02/14/15 ☐

Review and update case information for each current FSET participant. All case information must be current prior to being transitioned to the new vendor. (see DHS Document “FoodShare Employment & Training Transition: Important Dates” for more information. [pink sheet]

Current Vdrs ☒ ☐ 02/14/15 ☐

Notify new vendor about existing FSET participants who may request or require immediate assistance effective April 1, 2015. Cases that may require immediate assistance include, but are not limited to, those that require service coordination within two weeks of the transfer, those that require weekly participant reimbursement with a history of weekly contact.

CV-TC ☒ ☐ 02/14/15 ☐

Submit transition plan to DHS. [see pink sheet] CV-TC ☒ ☐ 02/14/15 ☐

Email weekly updates to DHS regarding progress. [see pink sheet] CV-TC ☒ ☐ 02/14/15 ☐

Recruit for Job Developer (Jobshare – WIA JD): Start Date 01/02/2015, Dana Melahn Gerhards ☐ ☒ 11/30/15 ☒

Recruit for Administrative Assistant Start Date Gerhards ☐ ☒ 01/15/15 ☐

Recruit for Program Supervisor Start Date: Start Date 1/20/14, Jennifer Oas Gerhards ☐ ☒ 12/01/14 ☒

Recruit for Initial 4 Case Managers Start Date: Gerhards ☐ ☒ 03/01/15 ☐

Develop Recruiting Plan for remaining staff (Initial plan submitted 1/9/2015) SW-TC ☐ ☒ 01/31/15 ☒

Negotiate increased space at SWWDB in Platteville (Completed) Meudt ☐ ☒ 02/15/15 ☒

11/1/2014 Transition Plan 2

Develop acquisition plan for office equipment and furniture for FSET staff. Meudt ☐ ☒ 03/02/15 ☐

Develop Position Descriptions (possible activity for HR Intern) Meudt ☐ ☒ 02/26/15 ☐

Submit Affirmative Action Plan to (within 15 days of signed contract)

Department of Health Services Division of Enterprise Services Bureau of Strategic Sourcing Affirmative Action Plan/CRC Coordinator 1 West Wilson Street, Room 655 P.O. Box 7850 Madison, WI 53707


☐ ☒ 02/24/1/5 ☐

File a Civil Rights Compliance Letter of Assurance (CRC LOA) for the compliance period of 2014-2017 regardless of the number of employees and the amount of the funding received. Primary recipients and sub-recipients with 50 or more employees and who receive over $50,000 in funding must complete a Civil Rights Compliance Plan (CRC Plan). The CRC Plan should not be sent to the State department, but must be submitted upon request or available for review during an on-site monitoring visit. Complete Instructions and Templates for CRC Letter of Assurance and CRC Plans can be located at the following link: http://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/Publications/P0/p00164.pdf (717KB) Submit within 15 days of award date

Suda/SW-TC ☐ ☒ 02/24/15 ☐

Update SharePoint, www.SWWDB.org, and www.jobcenter.org to reflect the operation of new FSET Program including links to information, forms and training materials.

Riley/Watson ☐ ☒ 04/01/15 ☐

Develop acquisition plan for IT equipment Riley ☐ ☒ 02/26/15 ☐

Negotiate Lease agreements with Counties and CAI in Beloit, WI. Suda ☐ ☒ 03/01/15 ☐

Begin bi-weekly transition planning meetings with DHS. (Began 2/9/2015, ongoing) SW-TC/P. Sup ☐ ☒ 02/14/15 ☐

Submit an updated transition plan to DHS. [see pink sheet] (Completed and submitted 2/13/2015)

SW-TC ☐ ☒ 02/14/15 ☒

Email weekly updates to DHS regarding progress. [see pink sheet] SW-TC ☐ ☒ 02/14/15 ☐

Review case documentation for current FSET participants and any additional case information provided by current vendors.

Oas ☐ ☒ 03/13/15 ☐

Develop and submit SOPs to DHS. SW-TC/Oas ☐ ☒ 03/13/15 ☐

Update and Submit Continuity of Operations plan to DHS. Suda ☐ ☒ 03/05/15 ☐

11/1/2014 Transition Plan 3

Get list of potential ABAWDs from DHS. (Received general numbers 2/12/2015) SW-TC ☐ ☒ 01/31/15 ☐

SOP: Submit B.630 Employee Discipline and B.620 Employee Performance Appraisal to DHS (Completed and submitted 1/12/2015)

SW-TC/P. Sup ☐ ☒ 01/31/15 ☒

FSET staff must complete distance learning. SW-TC ☐ ☐ 03/31/15 ☐

Review and reassess all employments plans. Oas ☐ ☐ 03/15/15 ☐

Develop and execute MOUs with FoodShare eligibility providers / consortia regarding referrals, participation, monitoring, sanctions and other key service and support stipulations.

Suda ☐ ☒ 02/28/15 ☐

FSET staff must complete Cares Worker Web (CWW) training modules. Staff is expected to know CARES basics, such as logging on to CARES and navigating between pages, prior to taking the online FSET training. (Needing CWW and Mainframe login)

Oas, FSET Staff ☐ ☒ 02/26/15 ☐

Meet with local tech schools to discuss possible FS/FSET referrals. Oas ☐ ☒ 03/05/15 ☐

Provide Certificate of Insurance to DHS (Part of transition plan) includes: WC insurance, Commercial Liability, bodily injury and property damage, motor vehicle ($1,000,000 min).

(Completed and submitted 2/13/2015)

Meudt ☐ ☒ 02/14/15 ☒

Meet with SWW Regional Planning Commission Suda ☐ ☐ 02/14/15 ☐



Note – service location and contact information will change dependent upon the participant’s county of residence. [address] Welcome! You are receiving this letter because you are currently enrolled in the Wisconsin FoodShare Employment and Training program (FSET). The purpose of this letter is to let you know that starting April 1, 2015 your FSET provider will change from the Wisconsin IM Southern Consortium to the Southwest Wisconsin Workforce Development Board (SWWDB) as a result of regionalization efforts to align with the current Wisconsin Workforce Development Areas. SWWDB is dedicated to promoting innovation and providing quality local workforce development programs, and we look forward to working with you as you plan your next steps under the new FoodShare guidelines. You do not have to take any action at this time to continue to receive FSET services. You will continue to receive services through SWWDB without interruption. As a current FSET participant, you will be eligible to receive compassionate, goal-driven services designed to build job readiness skills critical to obtaining competitive employment, including, but not limited to, employability workshops and training opportunities. In Rock County, we will offer services at:

The Rock County Job Center 1900 Center Ave. Janesville, WI 53546 608-314-3300 (extensions to be determined)

Your new case manager will be: At this time, please continue to work with your current FSET Case Manager. We will contact you in March to schedule a face-to-face appointment in April to welcome you to SWWDB.

We look forward to meeting and working with you towards obtaining fulfilling employment in Wisconsin. Sincerely, Jimmy Watson Workforce Operations Manager [email protected] 608-314-3300, Ext. 309

11/1/2014 Transition Plan 1


1. Describe plan to coordinate with IM and current vendor: a. Beginning February 1, 2015, the SWWDB Transition Coordinator will send weekly transition

updates to DHS. These emails will be sent to: (DHS Contract Monitor). b. SWWD will be holding a “Meet and Greet” session with county HHS directors and IM staff

on January 29 at the Deer Valley Lodge in Barneveld, WI. DHS is also planning to participate.

c. The Workforce Operations Manager will serve as the Transition Coordinator (TC). The TC and the SWWDB FSET Program Supervisor will coordinate the transfer of active participant information with current service providers and set up. A transfer checklist will be completed on each participant which will provide basic information on FSET activities, co-enrollment status and contact information.

d. SWWDB will work out agreement/MOU with Southern and Capital Consortiums and/or individual county HHS entities pertaining to the transfer of volunteers files, referrals, communication methods, etc. to ensure an effective and professional partnership. Each MOU will encapsulate the key activities required for smooth transition and the continued operation of the FSET Program.

e. The FSET program supervisor and FSET case managers will cooperate with current service providers to become familiar with the status and Employment Plans of all FSET active participants in order to prepare for the review and reassessment of all active participant Employment Plans no later than February 28, 2015 and create new files using the new tool designed for FSET.

f. To ensure the participants remain engaged during the transition process, the Transition Coordinator will provide referrals to Workforce Investment Act services provided by SWWDB and contracted service providers. These referrals will provide an additional point of contact and allow the participant to enroll in and have access to WIA services and activities.

g. To assist the Department of Health Services in transitioning FSET from an entirely voluntary program to a mandatory program for ABAWDs, SWWDB will hold information sessions throughout FSET Region 11 to inform stakeholders and FoodShare recipients of the new changes and expectations. The times and locations will be organized so that at least on meeting is held in each county before the end of March 2015.

2. Describe timeline for hiring and acquiring space:

Estimated Staffing Plan: (based on 100 volunteers and monthly referral/participant increase case of 120)

CM & JD Staffing Grant Iowa Richland Lafayette Green

SW Counties Rock TTL

2/25/2015 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 1 1 2

3/31/2015 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.75 2 2 4

4/30/2015 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.75 2 3 5

5/31/2015 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.75 2 4 6

6/30/2015 1 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.75 3 4 7

7/31/2015 1 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.75 3 5 8

8/31/2015 1 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.75 3 6 9

9/30/2015 1 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.75 3 7 10

11/1/2014 Transition Plan 2

10/31/2015 1 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.75 3 8 11

11/30/2015 1 0.75 0.75 0.5 1 4 9 13

12/31/2015 1 0.75 0.75 0.5 1 4 9 13

1/31/2016 1 0.75 0.75 0.5 1 4 10 14

2/28/2016 1.5 0.75 0.75 0.5 1.5 5 11 16

3/31/2016 1.5 0.75 0.75 0.5 1.5 5 13 18

4/30/2016 1.5 0.75 0.75 0.5 1.5 5 13 18

Title Initial Resource Plan Hire by / Lease Date

Job Developer – 6 Counties (1.0) Rock Based

Shared 1/6/15

Administrative Asst (1.0) Shared 3/1/15 Program Supervisor (1.0) Corp -- FSET 1/20/15 Job Developer SW WI (1.0) Shared 5/1/15 PT Administrative Asst (.5) Shared 7/1/15 PT Receptionist (2 @.5) (Wise Workers) Wise Worker TBD Office Space – Rock Co JC (RCJC) (Rock JC does not have office space it is willing to give up; Rock Co. will work with SWWDB in converting current SWWDB copy room to Office for the FSET supervisor.

FSET 4/1/15

5 Cubicles at RCJC – RCJC has cubicle space available.

FSET 4/1/15 and 7/1/15

3-5 cubicles needed at Pathways Center (Eclipse Center in Beloit)

FSET 8/31/15

Initial case manager in SW Wisconsin will be located at the SWWDB Admin Office. Current landlord will build out additional space for other 4 case managers plus 1 job developer who will have their home office be in Platteville with regular office hours at HHS facilities (or alternate sire based on availability) scheduled to meet demand of customers.

FSET 4/1/15 and 8/31/15

11/1/2014 Transition Plan 3


1. Will the monitoring guidelines be prescribed by the state/feds and consistent for all regions?

2. Are there some workshops/training materials that have been developed which we are

expected to deliver?

3. If a person is participating in some type of training, can attendance be used as a measure for

on-going participation? If so what is the formula for participation hours?

4. If a participant has established goals and a plan, but then an exemption condition comes up,

can they automatically be excused from further participation expectations?

5. Will there be a fiscal/administrative training?

6. If we have money left after the first contract year, can it be spent the second year of the

contract (carryover)?

7. What is the process if we would like to request budget modifications?

8. What is the maximum allowable for the monthly management fee?

9. What line item of our budget should be used to reimburse the State the quarterly Worker’s

Compensation Insurance cost per participant? How does the State know the number of

participants to invoice for?

10. Are churches and/or parochial schools allowable workfare sights?

11. While SWWDB submitted a participant/case manager ratio in its proposal, what does DHS

consider to be the most effective ratio?

12. Can SWWDB be a workfare site?

13. For FSET participants enrolled in vocational training and receiving federal financial aid grant

assistance, is FSET tuition assistance also allowed as some grants, like Pell, can be used for

expenses (i.e. room, board, transportation, other personal expenses) beyond tuition, books

and fees? WIA requires that we coordinate with other grant assistance, so we have a policy

and procedure in place managing this process.

14. Are there FSET training and/or support service limits? For example, we have lifetime training

limits set at $10,000 and support at $2,500 per participant for our WIA participant.

15. Are there any internet browser requirements? Is Internet Explorer the only option, or a

multiple browsers supported? If only Internet Explorer, what version?

16. Part of the RFP mentioned something about scanners, but nothing was mentioned at the

meeting on the 30th. Are they still required or used, and if so, are there any additional

specifications DHS Can provide?

17. Staff job titles: do they need to be the same as indicated in the proposal?

18. Case managers will travel to meet with participants. Are there any limits associated with


19. Does travel to and from component activity count toward the monthly participation hour


20. What are the top three best practices that DHS has seen pertaining to service provision and/or

compliance/administration activities?

21. What are top three reoccurring issues/mistakes DHS would like to see avoided?

11/1/2014 Transition Plan 4


Insurance documents

Top Related