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Page 1: FOR GOVERNOR - digifind-it.com fileFort, of Essex, •was nominated for Governor of. New Jersey.- As Justlcc Fort stepped upon the convention platform to accept the nomination •he

V o l . X V . N o . 38 . O C E A N . G R O V E , N E W J E R S E Y ; S A T U R D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 2 1 , 1907 . O n e D o l l a r t h e Y e a r



IH E FIGHT IS NOW ONEx~Governor Griflfls the Presiding

Officer a( G. 0. P. Gathering. Nominee Resigns as a Supreme Court Justice—Katzenbach Named as Democratic Standard Bearer

On th e first ballo t a t th e R epubli­can S ta te Convention, T hursday , a t T ren ton , Ju s tic e John F rank lin F o r t, of Essex, •was nom inated fo r G overnor of. N ew Jersey .- As Ju stlc c F o r t stepped upon the convention p la tfo rm to accep t th e nom ination •he h a n d e d 'to G overnor StoKes, s it­tin g upon the s tage , his resignation ' ks ju s tic e of th e Suprem e C ourt of New Jersey .. T he convention gave

. him 753% votes, on the inform al bal­lot, w hich was m orp th an a c lear m a­jo rity , as there w ere 1,157 delegates, and^ 579 w ere neeessavy for nom ina­tion. W hen the form al call b e g an ft was evident th a t Ju stice F o r t would

. bo the nom inee, and a m otion to m ake th e nom ination hy acclam ation prevailed .• A fte r handing h is resignation to th e G overnor Judge Foi't said he was profoundly thank fu l for the honor of b e ing m ade th e party 's, s tan d ard b e a r e r . . He said he had no t read th e

. p la tfo rm , bu t b e cau se ' of the though t 'th a t had been, given to i t 'h e be­lieved i't m ust be a w ise one, b u t ho reserved tho rig h t if a f te r s tudying i t h e found any th ing in It th a t he did no t agree w ith to m ake th a t fac t

. know n and s ta te his position so it would be understood by the people

j o f th e S ta te . H e declared 'h im self . 'f o r pou lar election of United S ta tes

S enato rs and Iiqme ru le in m unicipal affairs. 1

T he pre lim inary b a llo t • gave F o r t 753% V otes; V ivian M.. Lew is, of P assa ic , 179% vo tes; F ran k H. Som ­m e r , . of Essex, 120 votes; Ju stice M ahlon P itney , of M orris, 50% votes T h e re w ere 1,157 delegates, and It w as -necessary to poll 579 votes to w in. / F o r t had enough to nom inate

vhim before M iddlesex w as reached on the, p re lim inary rollcall.

E x-G overnor John W. Griggs ,w as tem porhryr and p e rm an en t dhalrm an of th e convention. O n assum ing ,the chair,, Mr. Griggs outlined th e v a ri­ous issues of the cam paign and told o f somo of the problem s w hich today

- face th e ’ R epublican p a rty of New Je rsey . -He said th £ p a rty s tands be- fp re a s ituation d ifferen t from any -which i t h a s - here to fo re experienced.


F ran k S. K atzenbach, J r ., o f Mer- cor, w a s . nom inated fo r G overnor t th e D em ocratic 'S ta te Convention 'a T ren to n on T uesday. Jam es B. Mar- tlne , o f U nion; W iiliani H ughes, of P assa ic ; Jo h n H inchllffe, of P a te r ­so n ; fo rm er S e n a to r , :Sam uel S. Childs, o f Som erset, and G eorge. S. S ilzer, of M iddlesex, w ore also r.om-

. Jnated , bu t th e ir votes dll w en t to OKatasenbach w hen E ssex and H udson voted for. the S ou th Je rse y man.

T h e D em ocratic nom inee was twice ■sleeted m ayor of T ren ton , though th o c ity is norm ally R epublican; He ■was supported th ree years ago for

. aoverdC'i liy/ th e 'M ercer county dele­g a tio n , b u t the. equal taxation slogan m ad e Oharios O. Blaclc th e loglqal cand idate , und th e M ercer delegation '.van the first to sw ing to the H udson m an and -hli; nom ination by acc lam a­tion followed. Mr. K atzenbacli If, th ir ty -n ln o years old. H e Is a law -' yer.

T h e platform .condem ns 'fllclai ab ­senteeism ,' - dual ofllceholding, " th e •onstan t m u ltip lication of ■ cjommls-

•dons to d ischarge public func tions,” th e “ex travagance and w astefu lness” of the Sta’to H ouse Com m ission in th e construction of .public buildings and the m ism anagem ent of s ta te in ­s titu tio n s! T he Dem ocratic party pledges itse lf to the enac tm en t of law s w hereby public funds shall be paid to and tilsbttrsod by th e treasu ry of the S ta te , public m oneys shall bo in te re s t bearing, public officials shall give dally a tten tio n to the d ischarge ai th e ir duties, and shall be p e rm it­te d to hold b u t one office, and th a t pub lic co n trac ts sh a ll be m ade ond supp lies purchased '^pon com petitive b idding a f te r due .advertisem ent.

'Also, th e g re a te s t ex tonslon of tho p rinc ip le of hom e ru le in m unicipal governm ent, secu ring to each m u­n ic ipa lity ;the abso lu te ' control of all m a tte rs requ iring local a d m in is tra ­tion, w ith o u t undue in te rfe ren ce by th e L eg is la tu re .

VanDorn-BensonIMiss Isabel V anHorn, of Ocean

Grove, and H arry B enson, o£ Je rse y City, w ero m arried on W ednesday evening. The m arriage w as ce leb ra t­ed a t -tho lioma of th e b rid e 's paren ts,

' Mr. an d M rs. Isaac V anD ora, -17 Now Y ork avenue, Tho Slev. Dr. H enry W h ee le r w as th,q .officiating clergy­man.

/M oney to Lonn

M oney to loan on f irs t bond and m ortgage in am ounts fro n J300 to ?5,000 e t 5 per cent, and 6 p e r c a n t ' If you wiM» a. loan {,n your p roperty co n su lt, m o first. B . N. W oolaton, R ea l. E s ta te and In su rance, 50 MainnwniiB, nr»n^n ff*wvo, I'T. J . .

Pulpit ol St, Paul’s Occupied by a Former Pastor

’ L a s t ’Sunday m orning St. ; _P a u l’s church was w ell tille d w ith m em bers of the congregation and f r ie n d s draw n th i th e r by th e ; announcem ent tlhat a fo rm er pasto r, the Rey!, D.’ B H arris , would occupy tho pu lp it.. T he reverend gentlem an has m any friends In th is 'v ic in ity . Desides hav­ing been pasto r of th is ch arg e a t one tim e, ho was also , m ore recen tly , the pasto r of th e W est Grbve ■■M., E, C hurch. Local M ethodists (hold Mr. Harris* in high esteem .'

T h e ' m essage b rought b y . tho p reach er w as of the “Inh eritan ce R e­served and th e H e irs K ep t,” based upon th e exhorta tion to holiness in 1 P e te r i, 3 to G. Mr. H a rr is f irs t spoke briefly of. th e inheritance th a t is in ­corruptible,, undeflled and th a t fade th not away. H e sta ted th a t th is inheri­tance Is reserved , h o ld b a c k fo r the tim e being, w ith the assu rance th a t u ltim ate ly th e . good will com e Into its possession. A nother po in t " m ade

.by th e speaker w as th a t th is Inheri­ta n c e is; reserved in heaven, w here th e re Is no; fluctuation or deprecia­tion- in value. T he he irs to ,tfh is price­less 'possession a re k e p t by th e pow-r e r o f. God. ,

F u r th e r ,, th e -p re a c h e r said , th e re is every- a ssu ran ce th a t ' the. good w ill como Into possession of th is Inheri­tance, .lieqause It .is som ething of whidh no th ie f can rob them and no fo rger take from th em . Then, too, th e re is an ea rn es t o f 'this inheritance here, T h e ‘te rm “ea rn es t” as used in th is connection was' explained, by. Mr. -Harris,, who .said In;, an cien t tim es when a , parcel., o f: real esta te was sold the p u rch ase r received a- piece of tihe sod,.: c u t from, th e land and placed in his h a iid ./a s an ea rn es t th a t the p roperty w a s ,his w hen th e ' conditions of s a le w ere fulfill eti.. T he -pireacher said th e re w ere m any •pleasajitJJhings in th is life th a t will be perpe tua ted in' th e life to come- friendsh ips that: a re e ternal in the ir duration .

T h e tw ilig h t service, a t th is church on Sunday evening was conducted by Joseph P . Johnson'. A B ible reiid'- Ing on “The Life of H eze ldah” was given by M rs. J . H Knowles, o f New York,' wiho .form erly w ro te th e H eart

.T alks on the Lesson in the ‘Sunday- School Journa l.


S u n d a y S ch oo ls W anted to Share in H udson Trip

" S uccess ln such I,arge * m easure having a ttended the. recent com bined Sunday school excursion to- W est Po in t, a plan is on to o t- to In te re s t all the S unday schools* of th is v ic in ity iu one g re a t excursion nex t y e a r ,u p th e H udson as fa r a s N ew bntgh , w ith in -sight o f fam ous M ount Beacon. -That 'th is m a tte r m ay -be perfected before nex; fall, a resolu tion appoin ting a s tand ing com m ittee on. excursions: w ill be offsre'd a t the-'m onthly -neet- ing o f th e board o f S t. P au l’s SUnday school to be held this (F riday ) even­ing-,. T h e excursion on T hursday , Sep­tem ber ;fi, g iven, by .the Sunday schools of St. P a u l’s church, Ocean Grove,’ #ho F irs t M. sE. and F i r s t B ap­tis t of A sbury P ark , proved to be the m ost de ligh tfu l o l th e kind th a t has ever le f t this v ic inity . I t -was under tha m anagem ent of a Joint’ com m it­tee, aad Bothlng1 wag left undone filmf w ould add in any w ay to the, p leasu re o f fh<? 4ay. All w ho to o k th is trip , re tu rn e d satisfied th a t th .ey , had a imost deliglAfujl tllme. T he stop a t •West P o in t w as a l l ‘-too short,'-.but it. Is hoped to m ake a longer s tay th e re

'n e x t yea r . £ . . ,

Trum pet So lasA rth u r.jB . W ilson ,' tru m p et so lo ist

o f Mr. M organ’s' o rchestra, w as heard la s t-S u n d a y in severa l selections a t both m orn ing and evening serv ice iii th e A uditorium , ,-5'op -th e offertory a-ilp in • t h e m orning lie played “T he 'Reverie," by, M issaud. In th e even­ing hSs selections were fb Al­m igh ty ," by Schubert, and ■ “Eliza- betti’s . P ray e r," from T a n n h a u se r .. I t is -expected th’a t Mr. W ilson w ill play a t the c losing serv ices In -the Audi­torium the' com ing Sunday.


mmmGmkmmBonifaces Will Hand Together fo

Work lor Their Common Weal. Opinion Favors “ Open Mouse” Through Month of September an 1 letting World Know About It

50,000 m ore people n e x t year and a season la stin g th rough Septem ber!

T h is is . th e a im of D irector Mor­gan, aided by th e iHotel K eepers’ As­sociation to he .formed th is (F riday) evening'. T h e p re lim inaries -looking to th is end w ere discusset!'. a t a m eet­ing of h o te l people held M onday even ing In A ssociation hall. T he h o u ses ' represen ted a t th e Initial as­sem bly W'ere t h e .. A rborton , Avon, Belvidere, C larendon, Gem, Grove H all,. G rand, ■ Glenwood, Inskip, . l a - P ie rre, Langdon, L aw rence, Lilia- gaard'/ L eC heyalie r, M arlbovough, M ajestic, M arine, Om aha. P itm an, Sunset. Lodge, Sheldon and St. E lm ?, T hese are. num bered am ong tlie. hos­tels th a t care f o r . ‘Mr. .M organ's; or­c h es tra dilring th e sum m er.

In opening the m eeting M r; 1 Mor­gan gave h is view s resp ec tin g a lorig- •er season fo r Ocean Grove. “I have been in Ocean Grove .now te n ..y e a rs and ■ I a m ’ m ore of the belief today thatj' th e re Is no place like I t .bin A m erica,” lie said , “ t have conversed w ith people who have cpme here and at first had no sym pathy; w ith . the Grove particularly ,' -but ‘ all have * said th e re is no o th e r place ju s t l ik e .itV'A num ber of m usicians did not -like Ocean Grove upon first coming- here , th e ir f irs t • v is it, •„b u t th e y changed th e ir m inds; la te r and ; now co m e; h'ere regularly . W h a t would lia p p e p b i f w e c o u ld . induce 50,000 . p e r s o n s t o com e here nex t y e a r who have neyer been here before? I t -Would niean th a t every hotel! in ' .the place jVQiUd be full Now, i t doesn 't talce m uctijto g e t people to change th e lr ^ niriids. M ost .people do n o t know w h e r e ^ g o fo r an ouUng; they a re lo o k in g ' ® th e tim e for a su itab le place,;:, a n ^ usually go w h e re . th e y ; a re led;,’- In Ocean Grove, go to sieep In Sep^, tem b er and w ake up In J u n e ; nothing^ doing in th e Interim . W ith o u t your help it would be im possib le to give the Concerts In. th e A udito rium . P eo­ple have an idea, th a t th e re is a m in t of m oney In. these concerts. I t is a fa'ct th a t we have .paid ou t very n ear­ly all of the receip ts . W ithou t your help th ese concerts would s top ; th e re is no o th e r side to it, fo r we could not support our o rch estra and w ith­o u t the o rc h e stra I would n o t spend ten m inu tes of my tim e here. T he c red it belongs to you hotel people who a re m aking It possible to keep the o rchestra . M any In th e o rches­tr a play w ithou t sa la ry ; a few get paid. T he c red it of m ain ta in ing the o rch estra , I say , belongs to the hotel and boarding , house people of Ocean Grove.”

C asting abou t fo r suggestions re la ­tive to a longer season Mr. M organ asked If those p re sen t deem ed .I t b e s t to have the cam p m eeting dur­ing the la s t ten days In A ugust. The a tten d an ts w ere a u n it.in reply ing in the affirm ative. A num ber expressed th e ir views o n th e , subject,, saying th a t in th e ir judgm en t I t . Was best not to have - th e cam p m e e tin g .in the sam e w eek, w ith th e A sbury Ifark carnival. A few w ere of th e opinion th a t if the cam p could be continued 'over to L abor D ay I t would serve a good purpose in keep ing th e people here. • - ••

Then M r.,’M organ propounded .thi.s ; questions ■ “W ould --U • be. vwell, if the cam pin fe tin g w as h e lc lth e la s t ten days • in; A ugust, /to d is m is s ; th e or- -i. chestrsi Avhen the- cam p begins be w ith o u t i t s . serv ices In


A Service Dllferent from Any Meld During the Season—Birlhday Sopg

... of Moses Furnishes Text for the. Morning Sermon Rev.* Mr; Bar rison Heart) Again at NightServices under th e auspices o f th e

Ocean Grove A ssociation w ill be con­tinued on Sunday In th e A uditorium and T abernacle as follow s: '

9.00 a. m., H oliness m eeting In . t'he T abernacle.

30.30 a. m.> m orning w orship in the, A aiditerium ; serm on by the Rey. Dr. Judson Sw ift, of New York.

0.00 p. m., beach m eeting , ; (w ea th er p e rm ittin g ). . ; f e ; ; 7.30 p. m., even ing w orship in ^.sthe A udito rium ; m u s ic -a n d ad ­

d r e s s e s .

\vh d p r ea chtcl iiiIs flVst se ra on (at j t h^age/pif at his home in Boston,

The it-eacher in the A uditorium la s t Sunday m orning w as. the Rev. Thom as H arrison , of Boston, . who for a num ber of years ihas been . heard here a t the end of the season. A fte r the. close - of his sum m er’s ..jvork

.am ong the cam p m eetings th ro u g h ­out the country iMr. H arriso n Is ac­custom ed to come to Ocean Grove 4tor> ;re s t and ‘ recuperation , and for th is Teason he is availab le- fo r se r­v ice w henever he comeaV iHe con­ducted ' his. first m eeting In Ocean. Grove in 1877, ju s t th ir ty yeai^ ago; A t th a t .time and fo r years a fte r­w ard he w as known as the “ boy p reacher,” w hich title s till c lings to him, and i t is doubtful if h e would exchange I t for the D, D. so highly prized l)y the m in is try a t large. W hen Mr. H arriso n firs t preached in th is place th ir ty years ago he w as to ld he had b u t a few years to live by reason of declin ing 'health , • according to m edical au tho rity . H e s till lives, and enjoys today b e tte r health than ever, a fa c t which he. a ttr ib u te s to. the re ­cuperative pow er o*f salvation . -

A s a p reface to h is serm on last' Sunday Mr.*. H arriso n said : “T here a re th ree places" in th is country th a t I love m ore th an any1 o thers. T h e ' first of th ese is Ocean Grove, .th e second D esp laines,-• Chicago, and the th ird Is Ocean City. I love Ocean


Counts' Convention in Bradley Beach Methodist-Church

At Bradley Beach on T uesday nex t will b e - held tho annual convention of th e M onmouth C ounty W. C, T. U. T he sessions a re td be held in the- M. H. church. M iss H elen P. S trong, of M ataw an, is -president, of the county body.. Following is tlie conven tion’s p ro g ram : '..

•Morning, 10—Singing; C rusade P sa lm (146th) tin .-concert;: p ra te r ; greeting , presidonb ..B radley Beach

iun ion ; response, ‘ Mris.. '; E llzabe th H ooper; rep o rt of co rrespbnding sec - ' re ta ry ; •' rep o rt" of ,• tre a su re r;- ' song, "Som e Glad D a y ;” .superinterideiits ' Teports; ,”A n.tHNarcbtlcs,” , :Mrs. LIl-r lian R ice; - “C hristian C itizenship ,” M rs.. F rank lin P a tte rso n ; “E vange­lis tic and A lm shouse,^ 'Mrs. • M. S. W heeler; “Flow er M ission ,” M rs. M. J. D avis; “L egisla tion and P e ti t io n ;” “L ite ra tu re ,” Mrs. ; iHuIda M orford. 11.—‘R ollcall and election of ofilcers. 11.30.—(Depai'tment repo rts—1-L. T . L._ sec re ta ry , M rs. *L. A. Sands; work am ong colored people, M rs. H ill; ' w ork am ong fo reigners, M rs. Bimb- le r; noontide p rayer in charge .of Rev. J. B.' Kulp.

A fternoon,. 1.15.—-Executive m eet­ing. 2.—B ible reading* M rs. E m m a Bourne, N ew ark ; read ing of m inu tes; song, “W e’re Out fo r P ro h ib itio n ;” su p erin ten d en ts '' rep o rts ; “M edical Tem perance,” Mrs. L. M. W righ t, M. D.; “Moral E ducation ,” Mrs. M. C. C ob les; "O bservance of S abbath ,” Mrs. E lla F. S qu ires ; “ Peace and A r­b itra tion ,” M iss Sarah DuBols; “P en ­al and R eform ,” M rs. ’R. A. P jielps; “R ailroad. Men, M otormen and F ire ­m en,” Mrs. J. H. Sickles; “Scientific* Tem perance In s tru c tio n ;” “Social M eetings,’*■ M rs. K ate G rover; solo, Mrs. J . V. P rio r; address, “Tlie P a r t­ing of th.e W ays,”* Mrd. C ora E . Seb- e rry ; -offering fo r county w o rk ; song by L / T. L .; feportts (c o n tin u e d )-^ “M edal C ontests ,” ’Mrs. L. P. H yatt, “Soldiers and S a ilo rs ,” Mrs* W . H. ■Russell; “Sunday Schools,” Mrs. A. iE. Haus.man; “The P ress,” Mrs. John iAIlen; “F ranch ise ,” Mrs. C aroline B arnes W ilson ; ad journm ent.

E vening—7.30, m tislc; S c rip tu re ^reading;' p ray er; solo, Mrs. ’J . V. P rio r; ad d ress ; “W h at Is M an?” .M rs. C ora E. iSeberry,. G eneral secre­t a r y . young . w om an’s b ranch of N ar tional W. C. T . U .; offering; singing, by. church choir. . •'



E arly th is week th e Iv y ’ H ouse sped f ro m ,its porta ls a d istingu ished pa tron ,' h e re fo r h is in itia l v is i t Ref­erence is m ade to '(Dr. W illiam B rad- dock, who la te ly re tu rned from Siam , where, a s chief m edical inspector, he sp en t five years in the em ploy of th e ^overnmenlt. df t h a t country . H e travelled th e le n g th . and b read th of Slam, p a rtly on horseback and pa rtly on . the back of e lephan ts, a f te r four horses 'had d ied under him .

■For' d istinguished • serv ices in' stam ping ou t th e sm allpox p lague he received th e royal Insignia, a dec­oration that- has 'been accorded but th ree w hite men»; Dr. B raddock was the firs t person to Introduce vaccine v irus in iSiam. W hile a' re s iden t th e re b e was fu rn ished an - in te rp re ­te r in th e d ifferen t languages in use by tbe natives. He is now connected w ith th e 'New York s tre e t railway.' system as a m edical inspector.

, i AS St. P au l’sT h e \ pu lp it of 'St. P au l’s M-. E.

Church, Ocean Grove, will be occu­pied th e com ing Sunday m orning ' by th e tRev, H enry B elting , a form er pasto r of th is charge. The usual tw i­ligh t serv ice w ill -be held a t 6t30 o ’clock. -Evening w orship a t th is

Executive Committee Empowered to Prepare By-Laws and Secure Cer­tificate of Incorporation—Promise to Keep Up ihe Present Agitation Through the Winter

O rganization of tho taxpayers of' Ocean Grove who a re p ro tes tin g ag a in st the m ethod of governm en t a t tlie hands of* the A ssociation w as e f­fected on Tuesday evening a t th e Hotel LeC hevalier. T hese officers.; w ere chosen:

P res id en t—Rev. J . I. Boswell.Vice P res iden t—P rof. E. V. W right. S ec re ta ry—.C. I. B aum gartner. T rea su re r—Capt. G. W. Fenlm ore. T lie executive com m ittee nam ed a t

a form er m eeting and consis ting o f ' seven perm anent re s id en ts ‘o f 1 tho- Grove will be continued. M essrs. W alte r M ulford, Jam es F. Edge, Dr. Boswell, C. I. B aum gartner, . Dr.. L aura M. W right, W. F. M eeks and ' W. E. Hurford com prise th is com ­m ittee. - /"

T he nam e adopted ijy the new. o r­ganization is “T heT axpayers ' League of Ocean Grove.” Its m otto is, “N o - T axation W ithou t R ep resen ta tion .”

George A. C astle, a sum m er re s i­d e n t, of th e Grove from New . Y ork, presided a t th is m eeting. T h e 'p r in ­cipal sp eak er was the Rev. Dr. Bos-, well. A lthough the a ttendance w as not as large as a t the form er ga the r- erings, new faces w ere seen and th e re was no lack of in te re s t in th e proceedings. * * - - . • ;

S ecre ta ry G allagher reported hav­ing m ade a request» 'for a copy o f th e Association by-law s. He w as told th a t the execu tive com m ittee would pass upon the request, and la te r .h e . , re~ ; celved a le tte r from Dr. B allard ;say~.’ ing the com m ittee had ta k e n ’ no sp^i-j c ia l action, but* deferred th e 'm a tte r^ until the annual m eeting in. N a^^m ^ ber, ’when i t w ill 'rece ive respectful..

iCQnside.ration. In his communicatlQ ^ ^ ^ e c r e t a r y i / ,<3allagher,%^

......... ^notf?ia!jp^.^ „but w ith com panies' th a t possible conditions. *Dr.^ sured S ecre ta ry GallagheFj i questions subm itted to •th^e'^itS'socIa- . tlon by th e taxpayers would receive respectfu l consideration . ;

Several com m unications re la tive to the form ation of a taxpavers’ league w ere read and com m ented upon by Rev. Mr. Boswell. He reported in substance a conversation *with a gentlem an, who said he h esita ted • abou t purchasing property in O cean • Grove because he was not in sym pa­thy w ith th e plan of taxation w ith ­out rep resen ta tion . Mr. Boswell cred ited Dr. B allard with being th e o rig inato r of the m ovem ent in s ti­tu ted by the taxpayers, because he had furn ished them with th e A sso­cia tion 's financial s ta tem e n t fo r the year 1906.

(Concluded on eU*;h:.h page.)

Lutheran SynodThe E vangelical L u theran Synod

of. E ast . Pennsy lvan ia has been In s e s ­sion th is w eek In A sbury * P ark . T h e opening session on M onday. evening ; w as devoted to tbe annual synodical serm on and tbe adm in istra tion of th e S acram ent. T he serm on w as p reach­ed by Rev. Dr. T. C. P ritchard ,, ofchurch will be resum ed the first Sun- ......... . _______ _____ _

day In October. Rev. Mr. Porin- [ P h m ip sb u rs N the- form ei prcsl-City because It i s 'I n New Je rse y ; I ch ief Is expected home from his va- dent cf the sviiod. The R ev Dr. I.

"J love D esplaines because It Is % sec-1 cation trip next week in tim e to (ill ! i-\ H artm an, of L afayette H ill, P a„ is an*d - on( ^ cean Grove in sp iritu a l power, i pulpit, tin Sunday, September-'] tht3 neu- presiden t.

Sep tem -1 nn 1 'ove Ocean Grove because i t is ! 29th. ; ----- ——noni, iinmrnn fmrlnrv Iti.n In nnear heaven.

H eater Contract A w ardedT he co n trac t fo r p lacing a hea ter

in th e Sum m erflcld school w as aw arded to A ndrew T aylor by the board of education In session on M onday evening. Mr. T ay lor's bid w as. ?1G5. I t w as reported a t this ■meeting th a t tho school enro llm ent now is g re a te r by ninetec-ri than a t th e sam e tim e la s t year. The tu ition fee fq r ptip ils froir. B radley Beach a t ­tending th e high school was fixed a t $25. _________ ________________

A Coming W edding•Mr. and Mrs. David B. B arton, for­

m erly; of Ocean Grove, .have Issued inv ita tions 'for th e m arriage of the ir daughter, M iss M innie L. B arton , to H a rry P. Inship, a l so, a form er resi­d en t cf th a Grove. T he wedding will b e ' solem nized, n t tho B arto n home, Foartli. ayenue, B radley Beaeh, a t noon on S a tu rday , S ep tem ber 28. T he prospective groom Is engaged in business a t Troy, N . Y.

' Projserties-For Sa lePersons w ishing to purchase prop­

e rty a t tho Grovo would save money pad tim e - If -they consu lt E . V. -Wobl- aton, R eal E s ta te , B0 M ain avenue, Ocean Grove, as; h e h as a num ber of bargains lie is offering a t the p re sen t tlj.ie,— tf.

I'm try ing to live in a j th e re are .no s rum - j

(Concluded on eighth page.)-

Bequest to Sunday School ■Inter-State Fair Hy fhe tr i l l 'o f W illiam H. DeN’yse,

Tho In te r-S ta te F a ir a t T t'eaton. "'ho died recently a t Long .Branch, will be opened th is y e a r .Monday,.) the Sunday school of St. Luke's M. E.

I Septem ber 30th. and will close Frl-1 Church is made a beneficiary to theJn th e re a r ‘ ^ ‘ ^

her?” T here was no d iv is io n , o f , .opinion on th is point. “C ontinue th e i f rree ,, wiJe e . . . .o rch estra by all m eans,” , was the r e - , ^ le rs* t su sp e c ted - th a t th is pre

i j face was m erely for the speaker to- ‘ < g e t his voice conditioned to m eet the

Fred H eale's N ew HomeFred .Heale’ has exchanged -the N ut-

ley property, a t 12 Broadway for the.- p rlvate co ttage a t 134 M ain avenue, fo rm erly occupied b y . 'th e . la te S tan­ley Fergusoii. : Mr. H eale will take possession of th e la t te r property , on O ctober 1, occupying It a s 'h is res!-, dence. H e will tra n s fe r the nam e N utley t o ; h is new home.

Dr. H om m ers V acation >A fter a busy season In charge of

W oolley’s Ocean Grove 'pharm acy, Dr. A drian H om m el is enjoying a va­cation, W ith his w ife and child he Is a t L ake H opatcong »for ten days. D uring ‘his absence th e in te re s ts 'o f the drug s to re w ill be cared., fo r by Jam es -Sm ith,. of- N ew ark,, who has! served as c le rk th e re ’ the p ast sum - mer, . , ■.

W ant F ree D eliveryCongressm an - Howell, la te ly re ­

tu rned from E urope, w ill be invited .to cham pion th e cause of W est E nd residen ts W ho favcr tUe extension of free delivery of m ail to t b i t te rr i­tory. I t is said th a t a m ajo rity of tho perm anen t residents, in th a t sec-, tion desire th e change.

might- (tinctly . . And having thus ' spoken briefly Mr. H arrison had Dr. M unhall I read a selection from the S c r ip tu re s ,1 a portions of the first c h a p te r . of 1 C orinthians. /

P re s e n t;w e re no less than 2,500 persons, a m o n g 'th e jn m any of the “old guard ,” , faithfu l In' a ttehdance : and constant, to th e ir C hristian vows all during the past- season. A rem ­nan t of the clioir rem ained to lead in th e singing under, th e • d irection Of Mr. Judson.

(Concluded on eighth page.)

Prison M eeting D elegatesAs ■ delegates from N ew . Jersey to

a ttend the annual m eeting of the N a­tional P rison Association, which m et a t Chicago 'la s t . Saturday , Governor Stokes nam ed E dw ard Spaeth , New­a rk ; »Mrs. C aroline B. A lexander,'H o­boken ; M rs. -E m ily-; E . W illiam son, ‘E lizabeth ; . Mrs. E . Y. H . M ansell, T ren ton ; H ead K eeper George O. Osborne, of th e S ta te p rison; John C. K alleen, Jam esb u rg ; Judge John R ellstab , T ren ton ; D ecatur M. Saw­yer, M ontclair; F red M. Lockwood, J e rse y City? form er Governor F o ste r

.M ; Yoorhees and Dr. Q eorge. B. W ight, com m issioner of ch arities and corrections.

have been added, the racing program h a s been en tire ly revam ped and a vaudeville program com bining the new est and b est of out-door a ttra c ­tion's .will be p resen ted . Theodore H.‘ Coleman, one of the b est known horsem en in th is country , has been engaged to conduct , th e horse racing departm ent. •

M inisters iix S ession■The weekly m eetings of tho preach­

e rs of this, d is tr ic t \vere resum ed on Monday In St: P a u l’s church. The sub jec t announced, fo r discussion at fh is session w as ‘V acation Expetll- ences,” . b u t ..“Sabbath O bservance” took precedence, and the experiences were reserved for n ex t week. The speakers la s t M onday w ere Revs., M cBride, M ount, W heeler, Sm ith, O’H anlon and L ippincott. :

B ishop W ilson at NorfolkB ishop W ilson, of the Ocean Grove

Association, ia p residen t . of the A m erican Anti-Saloon -League,1 which body convened a t N orfolk, Va., on Monday, continuing -In session until today (F riday).. Tho closing session,

• w hich em braced tho celebration of a N ational Tem perance Day,, w as held on -the grounds of th e Jam estow n Exposition. *

been se t aside to be invested as. a , perpetual fund tp replenish the li­brary and be otherw ise used as the Sunday school board deem s1 best. Mr. De'Nyse w as for many years su - perin ten dent of the Sunday school.

R epublicans A ctiveChairm an George C. P rldham has

called a m eeting of the tow nship Re­publican executive com initteo for next T uesday t veiling a t th e C laren­don Hotel. Ocean Grove. I t Is ex- ; pected. th a t the delegates to the 1 co m in g , R epublican county conven­tion will m eet with th e executive, com m ittee on th is occasion. =

Attended ConventionA ssem blym an T. N elson Lillagore, 1

G eneral John C. Pat'terson, George ; C. P rldham and W alter G ravatt, of Ocean Grove, a ttended tho R epubli­can S ta te convention in T ren ton on ; T hursday. T hey a re perfectly s a tis ­fied w ith the nom inee for Governor.

All H ouses MeteredT he Ocean Grove w ater d epartm en t

has finished placing m eters in a ll tbo houses In the Grove. Tho to ta l num ber in- use is abou t 1,300. In ­spec to r Calvin ?d s e t a majority;- of these m eter000 ♦

• . • .( ■ *

Page 2: FOR GOVERNOR - digifind-it.com fileFort, of Essex, •was nominated for Governor of. New Jersey.- As Justlcc Fort stepped upon the convention platform to accept the nomination •he

: ■ - * " ' ■ “ : : " w o e t i M m c i r o v e t i m 'SATURDAY, . eUFfTBMDHB 21/ Iii;


m S

T ills A cconnts F o r D yed Locks T h a t Nurnwi Som etim es . Show.

“Tes^ she’s n good nurse, doctor,”, e& id '& e p a tien t ra th e r reluctantly .

: “ You don’t menu th a t,” whs the an ­s w e r o f - th e physician. "W hat’s the m a tte r w ith her? Comp, te ll me.”

“ N o th ing /' began the fa in t contradic­tion . “She’s quiet, tidy an d sym pa­thetic , but, doctor, her h a ir’s dyed. 1 could see i t p lain ly yeste rday w hen she c a t betw een me and the window.**

T he doctor did no t speak fo r a mo­m ent. H e did not even look surprised.

“Such .a nice nurse , too,” w eut on the p a tien t. :“W hy should she do such a foolish thing?” ..

I t w as then th a t she learned from tlie doctor th a t dj’ed h a ir is no t nearly so uncom m on in tho case of tra ined nurses tis m ight b? supposed. Sick peo- p le llke to have young nurses abou t

I them . Even physicians have n weak- ;ness fo r th e y 011111; nurses. They be- 'l l e v o th a t the ir in te res t aud enthusiasm ; a r e - g r e a t e r . - , . : . • / . ;}v*‘The;;nurses’: term o f usefulness is , •short enough, a s it* j&-’ th is •.physician ■said, “ fo r the w ork is so exhaustive th a t

; they. m u^t soon succum b. Some of ;i.thom ‘are. compelled to 'g iv e up a fte r■ te n years. Few a re ever able to keep up until they H ave'put tn tw en ty years.

;.?> “ I f they feel th a t gray liltirs, coming.; perhaps a little , earlie r than they a re • due, arc. going to m ake the term of th e ir be3 t days even b rie fer they a re

■ driven to hiding those traces of tim e an d overw ork by the use of h a ir dye,

1 and the num ber tlia t do m ake use of It is very much la rge r than anybody sup­poses.”—New York Sun.

M A H O G A N Y .

The mercantile section of

is now

Commercial Center of Monmouth




mi s #

p& :

Tlio W ny TIi Im rfvnuitlf nl W ood "iVn* BrouKli I In to FnMhlon.

\ 'Every one know s how effective and { handsom e m ahogany is when used for

good fu rn itu re , b u t .few of us know V.hbw its value whs first discovered.

In the la tte r p a r t of tho seventeenth ’cen tu ry a London physician had a

: b ro the r engaged in trad e w ith tlie /.'.W est Indies who on one occasion ; fbrou'ght home several logs of mnlioga- ;‘ n y ,as .ballast. The doctor , w as building : fa house ,1 nnd Iii.s b ro ther suggestod th a t pvtbe logs would serve for ceiling beam s. i7&eting on the proposal, th e doctor gave

o rders to the w orkm en to make, use o f th e mahogany, bu t the ir tools w ere not equal to the task of cu tting the hard

^vwood, and the logs w ere pu t ou t of tlie N^ay In a corner in the garden,

vf' Som e tim e a fte rw ard the head car- ■ p e n te r tried to m ake a box from the

wood, bu t w as unsuccessful w ith ordi­n a ry tools. He told the doctor, who ■was. In terested in the baffling tim ber

/arid ordered heavier too li to be m ade t o w ork It w ith, says Home ftotes. W hen th is was done and a box a t la st m ade and polished, it w as so handsom e th a t a bureau w as m ade from another

'ithis^M -'-'dd--'/

........... _____ mb^ca m ^ h lg fitf pbptf- '

Duchess of Buckingham th e craze in the fashionable

»*& ______________

A Sea S e rp en t Iilcn llflcd .Some fo rty y ears ago, when out w ith

ra b o a tin g party for seagull shooting, I fespled a m onster tlsh basking on the •surface-of the w ater, w ith its head well up fn th j n lr. T he c rea tu re allowed us

•to got w ith in th ir ty yards, w hen I sen t ■ tw o charges o f shot into its head, w ith

th e re su lt 'th a t It rolled over on its ■back, and our boat soon cam e up to it. I t proved to be a large angel shark. I «thonght J would m ake quite sure It ^ ea 8 dead nnd sen t tw o more charges Into its upturned belly. I m ust have, unfortunately , b u rs t its a ir bladder, for I t began slowly to sink. H ad I not killed i t a t flrst, and had it reared its head and Happed its w ings, we should probably have added one more story to the long lis t of sea serp en t fabrlca-

itlons.—iM anchester Courier.

A Train of Circumstances' i- '

has brought about

this result, and

T h e A s b u r y P a r k B o a r d o f T r a d e P l e d g e s t h e P u b l i c

that every effort will be made to maintain this position.

5 1 3 C o o k m a n A v e n u e , A s b u r y P a r k- . N ear G rand A venue

PORTRAITSC hildren a S pecia lty

Kodaks, Supplies, Amateur Finishing, Picture Frames

■THOMAS' P. MURPHY1; Proprietor '

t b e Pleasure 0 rdu«a of tbe SfeoreTwo-Cates „ Private Dining Rooms Bowling A lleys

Orchestra, 7 pieces Shuffle-Boards

.Billiards and Pool

Ball Room * Even ing Dinners Casino

Boating, Crabbing and Fishermen’s SuppliesNo B e tte r P lace on th e C oast fp r a D ay’s O uting

G a m p B e l m a r G a s ln oa n d

A N arrow Snueuk.'"Y our trou t door is uulodkcd, sir!"

Btaouted tho policeman w hcu bo found tlm t Mr. Cureless Uousoliolder had

-g o u e to lied w ithout a ttend ing to his locks.

‘•It’s all ilu-bt." replied the burglar from the bedroom u indow a m inu te later.; ‘’my sod wjll lock It when be crimes homo. H ere-s a shilling ', to r you.”

“An easily earned bob," chuckled the policeman as-ho w alked away.

••A narrow squeak,” said the burglar, w ith a sheet round his shoulders.

"Very." replied his accomplice, whose hands w ere tightly clasped over poor Mr. Careless H ouseholder’s m outh.— London Express.

/ —' S k ir t und S lilri.

"Sk irt” Is etymologlcally the sam e w ord as "shirt," though It 1ms come over another Uuguistlc route and prop­erly m eans a short garm ent. Ill tact, ''sk irt," "sh irt,” "short," "shear,” "k!r-< tie” and “curt" a re In all probability n ear relations. But “sk irt" tins got It­self specialized to a lower garm ent, t w ith special reference to the lower edge thereof, the boundary where tlie

\ g arm ent Is cu t short, w hence the verb -• •'to sk irt."

. . C orrected ,»• ’ W ife (during tlie tiff)—I have suffer- / ed every calam ity th a t can befall a

w om an. H usband (calmly)—Oh, no, you haven 't, my dear. You have never been a widow. W lfe - 1'o u evidently don’t understand me. I said “caiam-

; ity ." __ ______________

Bleu o t D cN tiny.■ “Do m an who takes bisso’f seriously f every m inute of hla life," sa id Uncle

Eben, “alius g its to 1)0 one o f tw o th in g s—a tifro or a joke."—W ashington

. Star., 'k * •

T H O H ftS K B I.T Y . P r o p r i o t o r '

South Side of Shark River, Belmar, New JerseyRhode Island Clam Bakes, B ay Side Brush Bakes and Shore

Dinners. Restaurant a la carte.

Boating, Grabbing and Fisherm en’s Supplies

The T ro y La u n d ry« T renton , N. J .

B r a n c h : 7 3 0 M a t t i s o n A v e n u eA sbury Park

A ll goods called for and promptly delivered.A postal card will bring our wagon to your door. . . “ ‘

Telepone 1 1 7 W . 'A , . N O W L A N D , A g e n t

InfaritlncubatmB i l l s M cC le lla n , m a n a g e r

With Living InfantsI n s t i t u t i o n a t J l s b u r y P a r k , S e c o n d J i v e , a n d B o a r d w a l k

M m i s s h n , t e n C e n t s

OCEAN QROVE FISH MARKETFish, Lobsters, Clams, Oysters, Soft Shell Crabs and Crab

Meat. Special rates to hotels and boarding houses. David H. Harvey, 52 (Min Street, Ocean Qrove, N .J.

............ JAMES Y. BORDEN CO. <L a d i e s ’ H a i r D r e s s i n g , M a n i c u r i n g a n d S h a m p o o i n g

P a r l o r sRequests the privilege of an interview in order, to show you tlie

Latest Improved Patented Human HairQoodswith no obligation on your part to purchase. ■v.

No stems or cords used in our.switches. The pompadour, bangs, waves wigs, etc., made without lace, net br wire. These gooda are light, pool, natural and comfortable, A n interview will assure-us of your custom in the future. W e respectfully request a reply. M ay our demonstrator call ? la te st patented appliances for shampooing, hair dressing!' mani­curing at our establishment. Free examination of the hair and scalp by specialist. Marcel waving aud water waving1 by experts. New f o r k ’s'

nonDEN latest style. Telephone or address.

No. 5 3 8 Gookman Avenue, Asbury Park, N. J.T o i o p h o n e C o n n e c t i o n s



W E E K DAYS.From New Y ork a t F oo t o t Bloom ­

field S tree t, 3 blocks below W est 14th S ta -e t—Leave- a t 8.55, 11.00 o, m., and 2.49 p. m.

B attery , n e a r South FerryV—iLeaye R eturn ing from Long B ranch—

a t 0.20, 11.80 a. m „ and 3.10 p. m. L eave R ockw ell A venue, 7:10, 9.30 a. in. 3:00 and 4.00 p, m. P leasu re . B ay, tro lley co n n ee tlss , 7.20, 9.40 a. jn „ 3.10, 4.10 p. m SeabrSght, T.60, 10.80 a. m., 3.40, 4.40 p. m, H igh lands, 8.10 a; m., 4,00, 6,00 p. m.

SUNDAYS.No F re ig h t Received. .

From New Y ork a t F oo t of Bloom- field S t r e e t 3 'blocks below "West 14til S tree t—L eave a t 8,65 and . 9.45 a. , in.

B attery , near South Fie Fry—"Leava a t 9.20 a a d 10.10 a. m.

R e tu rn in g from Long B ranch— Leave L ons B ranch, Rockw ell avenue, 4.15 p, m, P le a su ie B ay, tro lley con­nection , 4.25 p. m. S eabrlgh t, 4.55 p. m. H igh land s, 5,15 p. m .

C onnection ,a t P leasu re B ay w ith A tla n tic 'OoaSt H ailw ay for W e s t E nd , E tberon, D eal, A llenhurst, A sbury P a rk a n d ’Ocean Grove,

C ars fo r . b o a t to N ew Y ork carry large , sign, ' B oat C ar,” on .the Iro n t p latform , and leave C ook ttan avenue and M ain s tre e t , Aribury P a rk , 'one Soor before s te a m e r 't im e a t P leasu re .Hay,

Perrine & JaGksonD e a lo r e In

ivieat®P oultry

F r e e h S t o c k

f r e o D e l i v e r y

P r o m p t S e r v i c e

> he Clings well O uardwill hold ori nearly every nose and makes tne wearing of eye-glasses a comfort. Prescription work a specialty. Repairing in all its branches.

W. C. Wiseman, Refracting Optician6o3 Cookm an A venue, C orner E m o ry ' S tre e t, A sbury P a rk , N. J .

Kstubllahcd 1803. Tolepliono 204.

T U B V O L G A N OT h o E r u p t i o n o f V o e u v i u s

Marvel of Mechanical and Electrical ScienceN atu re’s m ost aw o-inspiring phenom ena reproduced w ith a w onderful

realism th a t rivals tbe ac tu a l scen es of an erup tion . T ho gorgeous b oau tita of a tropical sun rise , th e sh im m ering cloud r if t of a sou thern noonday and a lu rid glow ing sunse t. S tream s of m olten lava flowing down th o m oun­ta in side procedo th o eruption. A c ity o f rea l build ings a t th e fo o t of th e m ountain on th e sho re o f a bay of rea l w a ter Is destroyed. V essels la th a h a rb o r burn and founder and th e te rr ib le soeno ends w ith a v iew of 8 ur- round lng country.

T h is is n o t M oving P ic tu res no r a Panoram a, b u t a g rand ach ievem ent of hum an ingenuity , sk ill and a r t. In s tru c tiv e , en te rta in in g to young and old. A spec tacu lar perform ance su rp a ss in g in cplendor a n y exh ib ition o f- pyrotechnics ever seen.

NowatGooper Block, Gookman Ave., Asbury Park. Admission. 10c.

CHOP SUEY C h in e s e R e s t a u r a n t

It a i, p ii Chant, P ro p rio to r

West End Motelf t e b u r y f tv o r iu o a n d K l n i s i o y S t r e e t

f t s b u r y P a r k , N. J ,

Special catering to evening parties. Tables reserved 'for ladies. i Pails furnished to our patrons,for the purpose of tak­ing honle orders. Open from 1.2 o'clock until 2 a. m.

1 2 5 M e e k A v e n u e

Cor. W hitefield

Ocean Grove, N, J,

N E Buohanon Presidont

G. A. Smook Soc’y atid Trea>

Buchanon & Smock Lumber Co.

Dealer* in

Lum ber, Miiiwork and Builders' , . Hardware , v ’ V

Second, Third and Railroad AvenuesASBURY PA RK '•

Holo Manufocturare of the A lbem arle brand of Cedar Shinglea. Painia, • Oils, Varalflhea and Brushes,

8ol« agents for K ing’s W indsor cem ent Tor M onm outn a n a Oeean counties. *


Jtiotela and Cottagee for Rent Mortgage Loans


T H E mNo 3 Broad way, Ocean Grovo. P leasantly loc ful rooms, w ith uuobUructod vluw of tha oeea eourts. Cuisine lit strolasa. Rates $7 to 810 a wc

\ ! N A M Atttod ono door from tho occan. Large, cbeer- n. opposite bath ing grounds, lako and tennis ek M. A. G ainer, Proprietor.

T H E L A K E S ID ElOO L a k e A v e n u e , O c e a n G r o v e

Beautlfolty located, overlooking tho lako. Flvo minute*' w alk from railroad station , baib- lng grounds und pluncs of attraction in Ocean Grovo and AHbury PorJi. E xcellen t table.. Season Ju n e I to October 1. Mn». M. Provost, Propriotor.

HOTEL GRAND Ocean A venue, Ocean Grovo. Facing t h e octan. Send for book­let.

Mbs , H en r y ZoiiAuF


Johni N. Burt is / Undertaker and Embalmer

6 4 5 M a t t i s o n A v e . * A s b u r y P a r k , N e w J e r s e y

Cofflna and bu ria l caaketa on h an d o r fu rn lahed to order. Special a tten tio n g iven to fram ing ..pictures. Telephone M.



8 8 A bbott A venue, or 91 M t. T ab o r W a y



Employment'Agencv, No. 7 0 9 Bangs AyenueAsbury P i i k , N . J .

Phone aas-L Mbs, M. E ioeeb

KEYSTONE COTTAGEXjirge, airy rooms. Homelike sorvloe. 70 H eck avenue. . Mrs. L\ioy Van Doventor, Prop

T H E A L B A T R O S SS2-3iOcoan Pathw ay, Ocean Grove; south s id e ; mldwa.' botwe<m bcach an d A uditorium .

\Y. 8. ‘J ow nsknd .

Cor. New York and Clark m mm — mAvonuci. Ocean Grovo. M rs. J . A. K line.Opposite a park. N ?ar ocoan and bath ing pavilions. Gouorous Uiblo an d efficient service.

THE SHELDEMEEENo. 95 Main avonue, Occan Grove. Contral location, excellent tablo, hom e oortiforta, m oder­ate ra te s . • i i r s . A nna M. Heiwig.

THE WOODSIDE 44 Em bury avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J . Two blocks from tbo oo^an nnd bath ing grounds. Central to AudUorlum and a ll

Rates reasonable^points of Interest. Tablo unsarpassod.

Mns; E. Reilly .

38'Main Avenuo ; The Carson Villa Mrs. E G. Van d o v eOcean Grovo 1 i PrqprletorLocatcd two blooks from beach, bath ing grounds aud A uditorium . All Im provem ents. Table unoxeellod. Special rates Juno and fcSepUmiber. . '

A bbott Avenue I f 1 ir \ / I I I 1“ Mrs. M ay H um phreysOcoan Grovo I V I L L L Mrs. Fan nlo F irthA oliange from Gruiribletown to a cottago th a t meets all dem ands of an em pty stom ach and aw eary b o ly by a good table, cool, cheerful rooms and uloasnnt surroundings.

THE WINDSOR HOUSE1 » W W — eated, two bloclfrom ocean and A uditorium . Excellent tablo, bright, clieorful rooms. Rates $0 to $8. Sc snn J u n e 1 lo October 1. Mrs, O. F. MuoKonzle, Proprietor,

Corner Contral and Webb Aves,, Ocean Grovo. Contra lly lo­cated, two blocks

to 68. Sea-

T H E A V O NOn Woalay Lake, D2 Lake Avenue, Ocom Grovo, N. J . C onvenient to A udito rium and P avilion. . . r , ’ ' O. H ookky, .proprietor;

T H E L A N G D O NNo,8 Oeoaa avonue, Ootan Grove, N . J.* Box 2217. D lreotlylon tbe ocean fron t. M odern l a all oppoln tm obta.' Ju n e to Ootobor,’ M ,J , H olt.

Page 3: FOR GOVERNOR - digifind-it.com fileFort, of Essex, •was nominated for Governor of. New Jersey.- As Justlcc Fort stepped upon the convention platform to accept the nomination •he

; ■ S A T tra ib A y , S e p t e m b e r 21 , 1907.V; •:«

T H E O C E A N ; G R O V E T I i y i E SOCEAN GROVE H O T E L S j .O C E A N GROVE H O T E L S O C E A N G R O V E H O T E L S | O C E A N G R O V E H O T E L S O C E A N G R O V E H O T E L S O C .E A N G R O V E H O T E L S

The A rlm M o nM. ft. MIUbftR

Auditorium Soiiare, Ocean Grove, New Jersey

Open June i, 1907

E very convenience. Private baths, Illustrated booklet. / Telephone 204. “f ■,

Directly on the beach. All modem improvements— electric lighting, elevator. Illustrated booklet. C le m e n t & C lem en t.

Directly facing tbe Ocean Tull Ocean View from Jtll Jtooms. Send for booklet. Ocsepb White, Prfp.

S7 Mill 11 A ve.nio, Oceun Orove, N. .1. I*. «* Box HIS u p e rio r fu rn ish ed room s an d n p artm o n ts , day , week o r seascn .


O cean P a th w a y , C orner B ench A venue, O cean G rove, N . J . .Oue 'iloeit Irotn tne Ocenn,

. • ’ • ij. O. Brown.

THE LILLAGAARDA bbott Avenue, w ithin 100 feet of lim beach, tn t»u coolest n> d m ost onen nurt of Oceau/ Grovo, ’ Large, nlry rooms. BooUIot. ______________ I. & D, Q. H i l l k k .

f u r n is h e d M o m sDelightfully located Ouo block from oceun and bath ing grouuds, ‘20 A bbott avonuo, Ocenn prove. _______________ , _______£_____ Mw. Em ily Schoeneck.

.... FURNISHED ROOMSTho U arold Cottnge, 25 Broadwny, Ocenn Grove. D elightfully lbcnUd, Overlooking lake and bath ing grounds. _________________________ ______

H O T E L L A P I E E E t E

f Tjjas popular and select hotel is situated on W esley lake terrace and Beach avenue, one minute’s walk to the beach, near hot and cold sea water batlis and bathing grounds. Central to all points of interest in Ocean Grove

and Asbury Park. Perfect sanitation, gas and electric light­ing, electric bells and long distance phone. M ay 30 to Nov­ember 1. . 1 ■

illustrated booklet. R o b e r t M. W a t t .

T h e Q ueenM. P, W1SW ELL

Now open for the season Directly on the beach-broad southern exposure

Telephone, Booklet


N ear Auditorium* E mma F. Qaickiqan __•_______ ________Homo comfort* ]

■ Corner.ut, Ueuch und P itm an nveuuesx .half block from ocenn, near paVillons . nnd bath ing grounds Convenient to A ujlltor tun i«nd all po in ts of Interest,

H oubh thoroughly renovntcd and refurnished. For t o inn nouie*K ft!. II. Pui.hkmuh.HOTEL ORMOND

T H E IVY H O U S EMuln Avenuo, Oopun Grove. Now Jo'Pey. and postolilco. Th I rty-U ra t season.

Conveniently located neiir ocean, A uditorium Mrs M 15. S t u l l ; Proprietor.

LANE VILLAth e day or w«-*k n t reasonable nites. Open oh tho yenr.

Con erPU krtm Pathw ay a n d Cook* m an h venue, Ocean Grove. Dellut t* fully situated n e a r la te nnd ocenti, Monern couv6nienceHi‘ Boarding by

Mrs. H. A. Lane. P. O. B*x 2174.

The Ocean Front Houseablo. Mbs. J am eh Martin.

t orner Main and Ocean nvonues Oceau Grove. Finest, vlrnv In Ocean Gh.vo. Ter ns reason-

THE MARINEOp«n M ay 25 to October 1.. M. K W ilcox.

Corner Ocean avenue and Broadway, Ocean Q*ove. Itlght on th e ocean front, w ith in a few yards o t bench ah d bath ing gioundw. Coole*t sp t In the Grove. Home-Ukov environm ent.

T H E P A L I S A D E S22 Em bury ave* tie. Ocean Giove, N. J . W ith in a abort block of the oe*nn Home cooking; hom e-llte surroundings. Terms inodoruto. M rs. M. O r th s , M rs. M. R o b e r t .

A tlantic Av,e„ Ocenn Grove.H I G H L A N D H O U S E E nlurgcdat.d Im proved; electricv - ' W *—* „ Kl||8 ul, r0()m8> o no 0f the prettiest an d m ost com plete houses In the Qrove. Reduced pi ice* for Ju n e nnd Septem ber.


G E O R G I A N A V I L L A11 M ain Avo., Ocean Grovo. Only lour doors Irom the ocean and w ith in »ssy aece*s o f bntb- lng grounds nnd nil points of interest. P leasan t location and surroundings, Mrs 8 . C. Love.

T l ■ I ■ I 1 / 1 I 83 Broadw ay, Ocoan Grovo, N. J .I H r I I I V U nobstructed view of ocean and. I I I I * I j I j m_4 W f | -j | j 1 'i 1 I ^ lako, TenntB courts opposite house.

^ ^ 1 1 1 On seaond block from ocean. Tableboard a spi «laltv

Main Avenuo and Boardw alk Ocean Grove, N. J.Evorv room^iill ocean,vlow. Eleetrlo lights throughout.

F, Jorden, Proprietor tS to 812 weekly

H ot an trto rd baths.

THE METROPOLITANfrom oceau. S. E. Thurston and E , i i . Alien.

Cornsr Beach and A bbott avenues, Ocean Grove. Large, a iry rooms. Su­perior table. One block

The Summerfield'Speolul rates to season guests.

Ocenn Pnthw ay, Ocenn Grove, N. J . Juno llrst to October. The most delightful loca­tion on tho bench. . U nobstructed Ocenn view nnd A uditorium . Term s moderate.

F. S. H ay nes.

THE OMAHACorner Central and P itm an avenues. Ocean Grove, N. ,T, One block and a half from ocean: N ear the A uditorium , Open June^lS to October 1, M is. G. ty. Semple.

6 A tlan tic AvenuoW inter: Dunsdln, F lorida

T h o A u r o r a. (Running through to S u if)

Ocean Grove, N. J .

M. A, Bull .

T H E G E MTelephono 132-it

Corner Bench and Surf avenues, Ocean Grove, N ."J . On0 block from ocenn.• Special ratos

y- for J u n e and Sept. N ear Asbury P ark Casino and Ocean Grove A uditorium .

■ . . Whs. M. E . Sutkr.

50 Broadway T H E i J H ( 3 L L J V ^ Mrs. A. F airchildOcean Grove. N. J . , „ P iopriotor

Two blocks from .bathing ground*. P leasant rooms. Tabl* board.

55 Clark avonuo Ocean Grovo, N. J .Culslno flrst^claBs. LocatedThe .Thistleated w ithin two m inu tes’ w alk o rbath lng grot

Mrs. B, Rose. _ __ Proprietorng g rounds'and tennis courts.

39 McCllntock St. Oceah GrovO Ono blook'east of AuiT he WestportAuditorium. Located near beach and I batm og grout:

Mrs. M. Campbell _ _ i . P roprietor

ng grounds. Table board.

The BEAGHGR0FTpavilion. Tablo board suporlor. Term s on application

27 Broadway. Ocean Grove, N .J . U nobstructed view of ocenn and lake.. Tennis courts opposito the house. One block from ocean and

Miss Belle Durkee,

48 Hcok avenue, Ocean Grovo, Delightfully situated near tho A uditorium an d bathing ........... ~0lien t tablo. Mrs. J . S. Thom as, Proprietor.grounds. Largo cheerful room^, oxcoll

T h e R a n d o l p h G o t t a ^ eNo. 87 Broadway, Ocean Grovo. Beautiful outlook over ocean, lako and te n n t?co u rts , one

'.ona. • . :, Mrs. L, W . W atorbury, ProprlotQrs,.

way, t .............................blook from bath ing grounds, Excollont accom m odations.

Mis« P, F. Randolph, Mrs.

E. N. P R E N T IS , P roprie to r

C o rn e r o f B each an d P itm an A v enues

H alf a; block from the ocean. Open from M ay to November.

Booklet on application.

S E A S ID E H O T E LO G B f t M G R O V E , N . ’J .

The Largest and Best Equipped Hotel on the Ocean Front Thoroughly modern.

Booklet A. H. S tockton

T h e N e w P h i l a d e l p h i a

O cean P a th w ay , O c ea n G rove, N. J ,, f irs t H o u se frcm th e O c ea nMRS. c. A. COX, Owner and P roprietor -

S U P E R I O R F U R N I S H E D R O O M S T O R E N TIn th e mopt beautifu l p s r to f the Grove. U nobstruetfd view t f th e ocfnn. Convenient

to all places of in icrest A ppoint men is firs;-claps. Bicycle rcom. May to Ociober.

M ain avenue, opposite postoffice, Ocean Grove,1 N . J. Within easy access to all places of interest. J. T : A b b o tt.

T H E W A V E E L YH . H . A lcock •

v OCEAN OROVE, NEW JERSEYOpen M ay to October. S ituated on Ocean Pathw ay, near tho beach. Improved aud

renovated throughout. P . O. Box J . Xong distance telephone.

F a c in g C entra! and P it rn a ii av e ­n u es a n d Me-

./C lin took s tree t. O onV enient to ail

p o in ts o f in te re s t. H o u se new ly fitted u p a n d im proved .T e rm s o n app lication . O pen all th e y ear. M rs. J . B . Sjweet


r CORNER PITMAN AND CENTRAL AVENUES, OGEAN GROVE, N. j ,T w elfth season . A first-c lass house, c o n v en ien t to e v e ry th in g o f in te r­

e s t In th o G rove. • HENnv 'W ei.sfoiV d, P ro p rie to r.

The Lawrence28 Main Avenue* Ocean Grove, New Jersey

M , 'W h ite , P ro p rie to r D e lig h tfu l lo ca tio n . N icely fu rn ish ed . E ffic ien t serv ice . E x c e lle n t tab le .

The ARBORTONNo. 7„S ea V iew a v en u e . K e p t b y F r ien d s . H alf b look fro m th e ocean , n e a r h o t a n d co ld w a te r b a th s a n d b a th in g g ro u n d s . E n la rg e d an d re fu rn ish e d . S pecia l ra te s J u n e a n d S ep tem b e r. F o r p a rticu la rs a d d re ss H a n n a h B o rton .

F irs t-c la ss B o a rd in g P o rinanon t o r T ra n s io n t A lso T tib le B oard

Main Avenue House

M is s M . C iio b s e i t P ro p rie to r

Cor. Alain and Beach Avenues


O C E A N i iO U S EMks. G. ,S. G r a v e s ,' -Proprietor .

70 and 72 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J.

M ain a v en u e , O cean G rove , N . J . T h ird house from th e beaeh . F if ty room s. G ood ta b le . R easonab le ra te s . B o x 21GG. A. W . liVSUN.

SURF AVENUE HOUSEOcean Grove, J. Nejxr A uditorium , Lake and Bathing Grounds. Prico and Cttipmlngs.

H U N T E R C O T T A G E31 E m bury Avenue, Ocean G rovo N .J . One block from ocean. Convenient to a ll po in ts of Interest. Term s reasonable. Spcclal rates for J une nnd September. Tablo boarders accom ­m odated. Musi An n a M. Pa y h e .

No. 41 Pilgrim P athw ay, ahd all am usem ents Open May to October. Convenient to beach and bath ing grounds

F. W , Sampson.

NORMAN HOUSE6 to Decem ber 1. Mrs. C. R . P riest. -

28 to jy Bath avenuo. Convenient to A uditorium and all points of Inter­est in Ocean Grovo and Asbury Park . GonerouB table, ideal location. May

31st Season IC. R aphael, Proprlotor.

GROVE HALL Now open P . O. Box 2153.

SAXENHURST No. 60 Asbui S trle tly llrstrc^ Few m lnutos’

A sbuty avenuo, Ocean , Grove, N. flrat-cicnss. Overlooking Woeley In

. .. -J n u to s ’ wtUk from beach and CastL_. Eleetrlo lights. E ven ing dinners. M oderate

J .lake.Bino,

TI. F. Sm it h .

T H E M O R A V IA Npostoffloo A uditorium . Home comforts a t m o d o ra^ ra te s.

18 W ebb avenuo. corner Boach. Open the year around . Ono bldok from ooean, oonvenlent to

A. T. Jones and Mrs. A. Young,

Recently rebuilt, enlarged and newly furnished. Wide ve­randas, large halls, parlors and reception room ; all’ electric lighted. 1

W rite for booklet. • •

The Sheldon HotelOGBftN G E O V 5 , IS, J

The Sheldon is one of the largest and best managed hotels on 'the coast. It fronts on Thompson Park and overlooks W esley Lake. It is within two blocks of bathing beach and the Auditorium, and is neatj all points of interest in Ocean Grove and Asbury Park.

_New bath-rooms and toilets have been put in. The Sheldon ac­commodates 300 guests and is under the personal supervision of the pro­prietor. Rooms now booking. For full information and booklet

A d d r o s s . G H n R L .E ,S W . I H J E 8 8 . P r o p r l o t o r .

/ ‘ • Tw entieth SeasonC orne r C en tra l A ve n u e and B r o a d w a y , O c e a n G ro v e , N . J .

UuobHtrueted view of ocenn and lake. Tennis court* opposite the house. Send for booklets ,Long distance telephone. Thoroughly renovated uud Improved■ a. b. T-!UKIlITAOK, P. O. Box2104,

United States Hotelf

O c e a n G r o v o , N ow J e r s e yO ne b lock from th e beach . T w e n ty -s ix th season . F irs t-c la s s in e v e ry respect.' C apac ity tw o h u n d re d . B ooklet. F . B . C h a m u e h lin .

HOTEL LE CHEVALIER/ Cor. W eb b 'a n d C en tra l A ves.,' O cean G rove , N . J

C en tra lly loeatec]. C o n v en ien t to beaeh,* posto ttiee an d A u d ito riu m . A ccom ­m o d a tio n s fo r 125 g u e s ts . T e rm s m o d e ra te . A d d ress I i . H . ATanw jlleii,

T H E S T . E L M O77 Main Avonue, O cntn Grove, New Je*sey

Dollgbtfully loented on principal thoroughfare Centra) to all points o f Interest. Opeu a l l tbe year Terma seven to ten do llars a week. Wt1ljj*m Jom h, ym prletor. '

T H E A L A S K AGeo. P. H kai.k P roprietor ...... .

Nos. 8 and JTplltnan Avonue, Ocean Grove, N. J . t Cozy sun parlors. Hot nnd cold water buthn. Cool rooms and com fortable accom m odation*

for sum m er guests, perm anent and transien t. Open all the your.

HOTEL CLARENDONperfect Baoitary arrangem en ts; cuisine unexcelled; address Mrs. W illiam Moran

Pilgrim Pathw ay an d 'A u d i­torium Square Two blocks : from oceun, thoroughly ren­ovated ; electric lights and

llrsvclnss service. For particu lars

10 Webb avenue. Ocean «»rove. N. J .I a \ ) o O C ^ I * Less than one nlock from ocean front

I f C l w O Q I . U l l u U IS ? Dlt f lctcl»» r Jake an d tw o blocks fromreasonable rates. Open May 16.

and ______bath ing grouuds. Home comforta a t

Richard WUnon J r .

The Bryn Mawr Corner of Cuntral and . H eck »«venue, Ooean Giove. N. J . Second block irom tho bcach, : nea r Postoillce nnd A uditorium . Homo com­forts. Open all the year. J .B . S jikhman .

A l r I U R H r n r 55 E m b u ry a v en u e . T h ree m inutes* I | | 0 U l L I — I N I V I E L I X ! ■ fron i ancl A u d ito riu m .

Rates on application.O pen from M ay ! tt> N o v em b er I,

Mrs, J. H. ijine, P»oprletor.

O L IV E H O U S ECorner o f Heck and. Beach avenues. Ocean Grove, N. J Oue block from tho ocean and een- tra lly located. Twenty»c>ghth season. _______ . -__________M as M E. St iiW Ainz. /

Cenlral location


O. T. DAVISSONP. O. Hox 2125

LYNDALL INN52 M ain Avenuo .Opposite Postoilleo, \ J /* A E.... B A 1 W, L y m ia l l .

In stgh t of the ocean. L?irge and cheerful 'rooms. Open June I, to OcU ber 1. Spcohil rates ' Juno und Septem ber. . __________ ■/

Roosevelt and Annexbio board in A nnex.

Heuch am i A thm tlc avenues. One block from buach and llosa^ pavilion. Convenient to Audt- torlum an d nil a ttrac tions \ Ta-

L. A. H o f* h k am i’,

Corner Sw vlew nu<l BeachThe MARLBOROUGHcold sea w ater baths. Open Ju n e 1 to October 1.

from ocean, near hot and S am uel Lippim cott . Proprietor.

D E W I T T H O U S E33 A ilantlo avenuo, Ooean Grove. One block .to ocean an d A uditorium . Excellent tablo Ju n e 1 to October 1, Rates on application , .Mrs. F. Voar.LEU.

— t h e L A K E V I L L A45 Broadway, Ooean Groyfc, N .J . N ear ocean, lake nnd bathing pavilion. Special rates foi September. Accom m odations for tlfty guests. Kates 88 to *12. MHa. M. K e l l y .

T H E O B E R U I NNo. 35 Broadway, Ocean Grove. N. J . Opposite tenuis courts and LaKc. Two blocks from ocean and bath ing pavilion, Term* roa*onable. Mrs, W. AI. Look, Mrs. J . B. Uorkbelmor.

No. SI Wobb avonuo \JT 3 Ll TO I C l V 111 Si M rs. Charles SlogrliOcenn Grovo, N ..J, W ProprletaOnly ono blook from beooh. First-class board by day or week. L iberal prlcca. Good servlet

T H E W I L L A R DNeatly furniihed rooma. Corner Beach and Pilmon avenuep, Ocean Grove, N .J . Oneblc**. from the oceau. Opens Jane t.... J, Jonee, S. I* Dimp®r.

Page 4: FOR GOVERNOR - digifind-it.com fileFort, of Essex, •was nominated for Governor of. New Jersey.- As Justlcc Fort stepped upon the convention platform to accept the nomination •he

T H E , O C E A N 0 R O V E T I M E S ■SATURDAY, SBHnHMJBHR' 21, .190*.-

OCEAN GROVE TIMES. Jo h n K. Quinn, Editor

,33. N.Wool Mo 11. Bunin ess M ami eor


E ntered a t tho postofllcc n t O ccan Grove, N, J ., a s sccond-class m a tte r .

SUBSCRIPTION RATE.O ne y e a r ......................................................*1.00

‘ Blx m onths ......................................................COrh reo m onths ............. ..................................35

' Single copies, 3 c e n ts .’



p v v

i 1

F o r Governor,. • JOH N 1 FUjAJs KiIjIN FORT;

• Fore Township C om m itteem en: AiLFJIBD sD. C L A R K / , RICPilAOlD 13. K. iROTH'FRITZ.

v '/ . ,. For Tow nship Clerk:S v 1 GEOfRGE F. RAINEAiR. •

B\>r Constable: g^G BOR& E D. W ESTKRVE1/T.

//>:'• F o r-'Ju stices of Peace::: : WIUIjIAM MORAN


„ F o r Surveyors of H ighw ay: BEN N IE H. W HITE, LUDIJOW B. SMITH.

A ppropriations:-■RJoads . . . . ■••Ways arid . P oo r. . . . . . 'P o l ic e 1 l i g h t s

G arbage .. G. A. R. . H ospital

M eans. . . . $5,000

1,250 . . .1 ,0 0 0 . . . .1 ,9 0 0

. . 1,200 . . . . 300

50' . . . . 100


H ow -now? T im e fo r the McKin­ley and Roosevelt Club to polish up ifniforms? A nything doing?

* * *Ex-G overnor M urphy’s in ju ry will

•n o t 1 keep him from having a voice in t t h e councils of his party—and using

too. M r. M urphy is fa r less of ' a \iia$~been in politics than is usually • .th e ^ a se with a governor of N ew Je r- 1 sey w hen he s tep s ou t of ofllce.

* * *..;<,O nly one syllable, and a sho rt one

at. th a t, divided the tw o pulpit o ra ­to rs In* Ocean Grove la s t Sunday— H a rris and H arrison.

* * *■ -More than over the gas proposition

in. Ocean Grove is like Banquo’s ghost—it w ill not down!

. J * * *. And so we a re to have a hotel keepers’ association and a taxpayers’ league. If there a re any o ther bodies

vtiere"'that r.eraain to be organized, --•now is tho tim e to speak ou t in meet-

ln \/ ' * * *• T he therm om eter reg is te ring 90 In ;the shade T uesday show s th a t m any , people wero in too much haste to leave th e seashore. N inety in the Bliade tho middle of Septem ber is do-

J n g ra th e r nicely—for the ice man.

''fh e S ta te Railroad Commission Is d irec ting its a tten tion against the sm oking nuisance. Coal, not tobacco.

-* * *A new spaper heading inform s us

th a t in tho m arket “W hiskey Makes s a High Record.” Of course; whiskey ^alw ays goes to the head.

ijv,; ; • A VTOMOMl.lt TAD .is claime^l th a t autom obiling is

^ V on the decline. In support of the £/’ /sta tem ent th e re is the 'testim ony of ’f A S ta te Com m issioner Sm ith, w ho says ^•.'/that w hile the to tal num ber of auto-

m obile licenses issued in New* Jersey ^•-'Vexceeds 32,000,' the actual num ber of

mAchl’ncs how in use in th is S ta te is i*-\ riot over 18X100. Thus, in ’ th e few I'jA. years th a t licenses have been re* i^ i/qu ired under the S ta te law, no less / . than 14.900. m achines have gone o u t £/.>,-of com m ission, nearly- forty-live per M J&ent.. of th e en tire num ber. T h a t is <viM-.tKe:. re p o rt 'irtiat com es from Trenton. irp;On th e o th e r hand the num ber of au- IpitoriipW les seen along the coast dur- $*0 »S the sum m er ju s t ended w as ^ (•g re a te r than ever. One could no t jsfcv-5:travel any d istance e ither o r down ^ t h e : coas^t, along the •pu'bllc' highway, / / w i t h o u t : m eeting an alm ost endless $ p sT rin g of the m achines. Judging by

.this, there is no indication th a t au- ^ S to m o b ilin g is on the decline. We S ;; never had as many: t 6 pass through §£q6 cean Grove as th is sum m er. TheVE?}.-:...--—- •

shall see%vy.time will eoiiio when weWiVtr 'wi

3 !

l/iew .e f of the m achines in use, bu t ‘ i tM t will be only a fte r i t is uo long­

e r; th e fashion to own autom obiles (and w hen, they will be used, as are

^ /b icyc les today, for # than ..for pleasure. -

business •' rath or

i ^ i b o e bygone th e cottages a re being ^ c lo se d and tlielr tenan ts a re w ending Sjrtbeir.,w ay tow ard th e ir city home,?. $ i5oon the Grove will se ttle down to JVlts; n o rm a l. condition Xor1- the w inter. ^ I f ;’th e re is som ething sad in bidding :• vsood-byto to our sum m er friends, / t h e r e i», on tho o ther hand ,-unspeak- / ab le ‘.pleasuBG In loo k in g 'fo rw ard , to ••• % c ir com ing again nex t yea*.

> 1 LONGER SE ASO N /In union there is s treng th . Appre­

c ia ting the. t r u th ,b e a u t y and force of th is concise maxim the hotel and boarding house keepers of Ocean Grove will band to ge ther in the hope of ta ie f i t t in g .their in te re s ts . A meet* ing has been called for th is (F riday) evening for the purpose of organiz­ing a hotel keepers* association. It is; hoped to aecom-plish, under or­ganization, a num ber o t objects g rea tly to h e desired . Chief of these is a lengthened season. W ith the m ajority of the hote ls and boarding houses in Ocean Grove it has been the h istory o f th e p a st th a t L abor Day w itnesses, v irtually , th e close of the season, when the bottom falls ou t of things,, and, so fa r as business is concerned, m any Of th e houses m ight a s well close th e ir doors a s to e n te rta in th e few g u e s t s th a t .remain to them. It* is believed by Mr. 'Mor­gan—and he is not alone in the view '—th a t the season m ay be lengthened w ith profit to the houses of enter-* ta inm en t here. How?' By keeping Ocean Grove wide open through th e •entire m onth; of Septem ber and ad­vertising th a t fac t to the outside world. , As i t is, some of the hotels, perhaps a m ajority , do no t close un­til th e .middle of, Septem ber,, and to have them rem ain open for two weeks longer will en ta il bu t little ex­t ra expense. A t le a st the plan is w orth, trying; even if I t costs som ething; for how else can it be determ ined w hether' such an experim en t will pay? B ut It is not enough to keep the hotels open. T here m ust be som ething to a ttra c t a n d . hold v isi­to rs—m usic, lights* b a th ing t en te r­tainm ents, lectures, etc. If we can have these—’have them in abundance, w ithout let, or hindrance, o r s tin t; in fact, have a s m uch, o r even m ore, to offer through Septem ber as in mid­s u m m e r / i t may pay to keep our ho? te ls and boarding houses open a m onth longer tlian customary'. But anyth ing short of this, anyth ing th a t will no t m ake Ocean Grove as a t ­trac tiv e and inviting in th e early fall ns in A ugust, will prove useless and futile. People who a re seeking a place w here they m ay spend th e ir va­cation period w ith p leasure and profit —th e re are thousands , of such, espe­cially in Uie* fall—nwant to know som ething about it, w hat i t has to o f­fer, before they can be induced to v is­it it. T he m ain th ing is to get . th e people here. It has alw ays been- the h istory of th is place - th a t “once a v is i to r ,t o . Qcean Grove alw ays a v isitor.” The v is ito rs 'we. now* num ­ber are , for the g re a te r pa rt, ‘hose of long standing . We keep them with us until, say, L abor.D ay , th a t is all. Therefore, for th is proposed Septem ­b e r season m ust look for new people and Wo. m ust offer • Induce­m ents to g e t them . T here m ust be som eth ing doing every day and every evening; som ething to keep visitors busy; som ething for them to th ink about, when th e first storm y day comes, o th e r than s it around 'a n d wonder how soon they can- get a tra in outward, bound. I t h a s been said th a t here in the Grove we “go to sleep in iSeptem ber arid do not wake up. until June.” T his is the im­pression . th e . world has : of Ocean Grove. T o effect th e rad ical change outlined a t th e hotel keepers’ m eet­ing m eans , the expenditure of tim e, energy and perhaps somfe money. The only ‘way. to solve th e problem of a longer season is to a tte m p t it. And do it on the la rg est scale possible. N o half-way m easures will answ er.

south wind to • carry it from the tow ns below. Aslde>fxom--this logical a rg u m e n t,. i t . .is >m im ed th a t s a lt w a ter is a n a tu ra l fllterer, and th a t it would _ be nex t to InVpossible fo r sew age from Ocean Grove, deposited 1.400 fee t out in th e ocean, to find its w ay back to the Asbury P a rk beach, a half mile away, a t least. If th is s ta tem en t be faulty , and th e re is no th ing in the salt-w ater ’filtra tion idea, -then we fa l lb a c k upon the first

j argum ent, th a t Ocean Grove,, w ith an j„0 title t .4,400 fee t from shore, is no

m ore to blam e . for th e sew age on ' the A sbury P a rk beacji than a re ' the o th e r tow ns to the south of here ! witli. much s h o r te r . ou tle ts. T he dls- I posal system of th e Grove is a s near I• perfection as i t Is possible to ob ta in , I so long as d isposal is m ade in the i ocean. T his is the v e rd ic t of engi- I neers and the various com m issions I th a t from time; to. tim e liave ihspept- j ed it. And even A sbury : P a rk | th o u g h t so well, of our system , a fte r .1 it- had been in usq five- years and its \ u tility /d em o n stra te d , a s- to: copy i t

en tire , the. only difference 'b e ing . :n length, th a t of the-t Grove being the

"longer, by 200 fee t.' In any. event the S ta te Sew erage Com m issioners have ordered all ocean ou tle ts to be d is­continued a fte r May 1» 1908, and a general com pliance wl-th the ir o rder will save fu r th e r disquietude .on the p art of our neighbor. ; / 1 *

tem, under w hich th e -v o te rs neglect the ir d u t i e s / th e r e is am ple oppor­tunity , for all so rts of unfit m en to get upon .the tick e t of e ith e r party,' it only requiring a fow votes quietly deposited to do the trick . B u t-how to make the people take hold of these th ings is indeed a problem .—~iirreehold T ranscrip t. .

E A R L Y FALL B Y TH E SEA , D id’.they b u t know of the de­

ligh ts of th e b righ t and balm y days of th e p ast week,' m any persons, m ust reg re t having left bhe seaside so soon. 'Septem ber and early OctOber, the b e st tim e of all the year by th e shore, have a charm a ll th e ir own. Of course it is im possible for some to rem ain longer by reason of the. opening, of school, -wlilch tak es th e ir ch ild ren -home; bu t t o ; th o se who

-have no fam ily and nothing p a rticu ­la rly to call them home the- early fall offers every incen tive- to v isito rs to prolong, th e ir stay here. T hen , too, th e re is m ore com fort than can ‘/be obtained In the busy season of sum ­m er, fo r there is a n , abundance of ro o m .in which to move abou t an d th e re is th a t qu ie t and restfu lness w hich appeals to so many. Of course th e en te rta inm en t features, which; m ake th e sum m er inv iting , a re m iss­ing; b u t th e people who come fo r rest, and recuperation a re w illing to. forego m any o th e r considerations. Those ■„ wfao have n e v er been in Ocean Grove in 'Septem ber cannot form any, e stiinate of w ha t they h a v e /m is s e d /


I Inv iting a ttendance a t the Bible I c la ss last' Sabbath m orning from the j Auditorium platform , Dr. ‘ M unhall I s ta ted th a t th is had been the best

year in the h istory of Wh c lass—b est in po in t of. a ttendance and resu lts’. As m any as 4,500 persons were p res­e n t a t a single session of the olass in A ugust. The to tal a ttendance for the season figures up about 15,000, giving a high average for ev ery 'S u n ­day th e class was in session during th e sum m er. These figures su b stan ti­a te th e claim th a t th is is th e g rea t­est .Bible class in the world. Its use­fulness is incalculable, its ‘fam e is boundless. W hen Dr. O’H anlon insti­tu ted the Ocean Grove B ib is c lass he bullded w iser than he knew . -

A A7 ERRONEOUS IDEASays the Asbury P a rk Press:-“ It is claim ed th a t i t is th e sewage

from Ocean Grove th a t com es upon the Asbury P a rk beach , and th a t the bath ing here Is never affected by the Asbury P a rk disposal." . ... .....,/

:No, of course not. The evils th a t poor Ocean Grove is m ade to answ er for rem ind one of th a t tim e-honored clause in a country sale bill—too num erous to m ention .' If i t be th a t th e “sew age from the south of Asbury P a rk is deposited on the beach a t th a t.’place, how is it possible- ’to single ou t and lay th e .blam e on Ocean Grove from am ong the o ther m unicipalities—‘Bradley Beach, Avon, B elm ar? I t is ju s t as likely for the sew age from A sbury P a rk to be ‘ de* posited on the Ocean Grove beach as vice versa, the disposal in e ither case dependiiig upon the prevailing d irec­tion of wind and: tide; In o th e r w ords, i t would requ ire , a .south o r sou th ­eas t wifid to -carry Ocean Grove’s sew age to Asbury P a rk , w hile on the o th e r hand a north o r no rth east wind would b ring to the Grove beach the ' s'ewage iro in A sbury B ark ..T h e la t te r is m ore likely than the -former, be­cause th e P a rk sew er ex tends, bu t 1 ,2 0 0 fe e t in th e ocean, w hile the Grove ou tle t is 1,400 feet from shore. Then, too, th e P a rk sower, i f 'w e are righ tly inform ed, is a t E ig h th ave­nue, the extrem e northern boundary of ttiq P a rk , and i t is ju s t aa possible for a s tro n g w irnl from th e no rth or- no rtheast to ca rry .tUo sew age from tho P a rk sew er o u tle t and d eposit I t ' rig h t on the P a rk bca.fh as i t is fo r a

Asbury P a rk is c lam oring for a wagon bridge across W esley lake. W hat for? It .is only a shoi^t tim e since the P ark - caused th e footwJ\lk a long th is lake betw een' th a t p lace and Ocean G,rove to ibe shu t off to keep sum m er . v is ito rs from com ingoyer here .....But even w ith th e w alkclosed up th is ob jed t w as defeated; and, m an,, d ear/ if w e w ere to h ave a w agon b ridge over the lake ; ju s t im age • w ha t would happen. All th in g s considered a wagon bridge across th e lake would be a fine th ing —for Ocean Grove.

J P r e s s V i e w s£ a n d N e w s

LETTING THEM DOfWN EASY. '■Say w hat you m ay-abou t the C ar­

lis le Indians, no one’ h a s a r ig h t to accuse them of being thoughtless chaps. The final num ber of the clos­ing concert M onday n igh t was, “Good Bye, L ittle Girl, Good Bye.” It*s hard to say good-bye, w he ther It is lovingly-w hispered In th e e a r or . s ig ­nalled -by th e ' b lare of trum pet s. I t •becomes : ^specially . h eartrend ing .wben . i t m eans good-bye forever, and le t u s h o p e ,fo r th e 's a k e of san ity th a t th is p a rting w as such a one.— ;Lopg B ranch .p ress . ■

QUITE A PIlO’TlivE.M.The p rim ary law is Ideal, provided

tlse ’ people would tu rn o u t and vote, but they .dp not do so, T he vo ters o£ F reeho ld tow nship, which hurahor approxim ately 1S00, tu rned ou t to the n u m b e r .of 176 to.Voto on p rim ary 'day . T he old' System liad its detects, hu t Wiose, wSo n iahaged a ffa irs under th o so coiulitlons f e l t a certa in re ­sponsib ility for i.he m alting oJ good n om m aaohs. -Witli the p re sen t sys^


Annual Trip to' Shady Glen tbe Coming VVeek

Billy H ill, of 54 H eck avenue, will, •head a personally conducted to u r to. the C atsk ills leaving here on M onday next. He has booked a p a rty of th ir­ty -e igh t persons from the Grove and Park , w hose objective point w ill be Shady Glen. In a specia l ca r on th e C entral ra ilro ad ‘ the to u rists go to A tlantic H igh lands, then'ee by boa t to. •New Y ork, and thence, again by b o a t the H endrik H udson, to .Catskill, thfcnce b y tra in to Cairo, to finish the tr ip across - tha m ountains to th e Shady Glen H ouse by stage, That- is th e . itin e ra ry as a rra n g e d . by en te r­p ris in g Mr. H ill. . A! fo r tn ig h t w ill be spen t in th e ; m ountains;/ Those from Ocean -Grove who havei

signified th e ir in ten tion of accom ­panying th e p a rty are -Mr. and M rs. Charles A. T o n ak , M r.; and Mrs. E d ­ward L e tts , 'Miss A m elia Broom e, M r. B ro o m e /C . M. W ilson a n d /w ife , Alfred D. C lark and w ife, and> tif course, Mr. H ill, together, w ith his; Wife and d au g h te r; F o r several years *Mr. H ill has been tak in g an excur­sion to th e C atskills, abou t th is tim e.

(C om m unicated.). ....In M e m o r l a m

On T hursday, Septem ber . 12, :a q u ie t funeral serv ice was held by Revs, Dr. W . H. M organ and Dr. A. E. B allard , bo th close friends, a t the residence of Hon. 3. hi H ays, New­ark, com m em orative of th e decease of his dau g h te r Mamie, wife of Prof; C hristopher G re g o ry / of Long B ranch, - M rs. G regory’s sum m er life in childhood was passed in Ocean Grove, w hich never lost its a ttra c ­tion, un til h e r m arriag e w ith .Prof. Gregory, ,to whom she gave tw o ch il­dren, H en rie tta and Mamie,‘.who su r­vive .her. / - / , - / . •

She w as a lady of cu ltu red re fin e ­m ent, w hose kind h e a r t so spoke th rough a gen tle dem eanor as to a l­w ays a ttra c t a friensh ip which- fre ­quently carried w ith it a personal af­fection ; alw ays ready t o ’b e s to w 'a kindness a n d - delighting in / th e ' op^ /portunity. F o r years p ast h e r healtli had been declining, w ith before her the p robab ility of a .fatal te rm ination , ■born w ith an uncom plain ing fortl^ tu d e w hich len t a s till deeperv in ter- est to those who loved her . all the m ore because of it.

T h e expressions, of in terested sym ­pathy w ere given “both. 1-n pow ers and words from so g re a t a num ber of persons a s Co cover a la rge propor- ti^h of the com m unity, am id which her e a r th ly form w ent to its- qu ie t re s tin g place and h e r s p ir it to ... the God who gave it. ’ B.

Van’s Grocery TalkH does seem as if sum m er had come

a t . l a s t itiid we all hope i t m ay oob- tlauu b rig h t arid sunshiny and ju s t w arm enough to -h e com fortable, w ith t h a t ' Invigorating o jo n e in . the a ir w hich in sp ires appetite , g ives 7,est th e m eals, and brings th a t bealthy glow to the cheek ind icative of re - slorafl v ita lity , l h e a ir g ives, th e ap ­petite , b u t th a food is necessary to build up the s tren g th ; th e la tte r I can. supply from th a t whi'eh Is needful to th e iBvalid to th a t w hic’a th e robust requires. To begin w ith . tho cereala: T h e ir nam e is n igh legion. Ask for your tavo rite ; r ’ r e got it, from th e old-fashioned o a ts to th e m ost recen t K orn ’K inks, T oastsfl Corn Flaltes, W heat B erries, Puffed R ice and C erea- line Flakes! W ith b reak fa s t na tu ra lly goes eggs, w hich i have. S tric tly fre sh from a pou ltry fa rm just-back of here, stam ped th e . d ay -Ih ey are laid find . put up in sealed lioxSs. A -1 ra sh er of B u rk ’s , fam ous - B u t te r r a t . - Bacon, gives, th a t flavor to th e m orning .nea l so delicious and stim u la tin g to th e ap ­petite; ; Coffee, o f course. T hore’s. none b e tte r th a n ' 1 sell from th e Jav a and. 'M oclia to th e S ou th A tnerieari Coffees, so w all liked "by m any. All tha w ay from 20 c en ts to 36 cen ts a pound and not a sup of jrny k ind I would h e s ita te 'to p u t upon m y owe iable, a you arc foiftidd.ee the ' re a l- th ing , I have th e eu lis tltu tes—D ig esto ,. tha ooffe - w i t h " th e ., eaS ein e -entracl- ed. Old C-r-iit. (Mill, Postum , Orairio, and I-Cneipp’e. a you pr*fe:f te a fo r you r breakfast, I h ave the choicest F orm osas, Jap an s , English B reakfast, Ind ia aad Ceylon, and b lends to sa tisfy th e m ost fastidious. B ut rem em ber my advice:U nless t'ise w a te r -boiling be F illing th e coSe-s po t spoils th a coffee, And the sam e app lies to th e tea.

Y ours td serve, .

L. van GilhiweStores:Ocean .Grove Bradley Beach and North-Asbury Park



Products of the Fairfield Dairy • Company

Fairfield Dairy Co,o f M onielalr, Ne# Jsrsoy

Tolophons 393-f/l.

721 EaagsAisnue Asiiwy Park

SPECIALS:Two fine lots at tlie corner of H eck and

New Jersey aveniies. Can be purchased to­gether or separately;

85 Bm bury avenue, eight-room cottage in excellent repair ; has bach,: electric lights, heater, , Price, $3 ,2 0 0 ; part cash; part mortgage.-

A full-size lot on Franklin avenue, near New York avenue. Price, $800.

A severiteeu-room boarding house on E m ­bury avenue, furnished; splendid repair. Price, $3,500. .

Also other properties at bargaiu prices.

E. N. WoolstonReal Estate and Fire Insurance

Telephone 39S-J

No. SO Main Avenue Ocean Grove, N. J.

Association Building, Main Ave., Ocean-Grove

Capita!, $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 Su rp lus, $ 5 ,0 0 0

W ii:x.iam H . H amiltonPreaidont

N a th a n J. T a y lo r Vioo Preaidem .

Jo h n HumriAtf i SrttPDHK .D. W o o u tt T. N iksok LaiiAaoiBi! TiBLMAN A. MlllKB

T . A . M i l l e r , CashierBOARD OP DIRECTORS

W illiam H . Hamilton Nathan J . Taylor William Moban W. K . Bradnbb •"

Calvin V. H uelbv J a c o b S t i l w Tieom as Wymoooj*

TranBoots & general banking buainees, issues le tte ri oi oredit available In tHe principal d tiee of the world. CJollertiona car«fallv m ade and p rom ptly rem itted

Asbury Park $ Ocean Grove Bank,,por. M a tro n Ave. and Main S t., Asbury Park Cor. Main Ave. and Pilgrim Pathway, Ocean Grove

Capital, Surplus and Profits "

$ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0


$ 1,3 0 0 ,0 0 0

Fsunded and Built on Sound Banking PrinciplesAll business e n tru s te d to ua t r e a te d con fiden tia l. Issues fo re ign a n d d o m e stic

d ra fts . L e tte ra o f c re d it. B ank m o n e y o rd e rs an d tra n sa c ts a g en e ra l b a n k in g business. Safe D eposit Boxes to r e n t a t rea so n rab le ra tes .

• ’ OffickrsH enry O. W insor, President 0* C. C layton, Vico PresidentEdm und K. Dayton, C ashier Jesso M inot, Asst. C ashier

Frank M. Miller, ABBistant Ca3hierD irectobs

T. F rank Apploby, A. 3*1 Ballard, C. O. Clayton, Jo h n H ubbard, H enry C. W insor

C ap ita l $ 5 0 ,0 0 0O rganized F e b ru a ry 2 8 , I 9 O3

S u r p lu s $ 50,000

$ m m t n a t io n a l B a n kof the city, of Asbury Park, N. J.


James P. Ackerman Henry Steinbacb M. L. BimmiaClarence S. Steiner James M. RaJstoa 1

M ARTIN rf. SCOTT, C ash ie r

Transacts a general banking business and offers every facility consistent w ith safe methods

SEXTON & HAVILANDB r ic k B o a r d in g , M v o r y , S e lo a n d B x c h a n g o

S T A B U E SSouth of Main Avenue Gatea, Ocean Grove, New Jersey

T o to p h o n e No. 108

Carriages of every description and all the latest styles. A ll kinds of rubber tire wagons, etc.

Closed carriages for weddings and funerals a specialty. Tally-ho ands straw-ride outfits furnished at shot" notice. Boarding by day, week or month. Gentle horses for ladifes’ use. .

CHARLES B. WILGUSFormerly Ross & Wilgus

Furnishings, W A L Lsr: . PAPER

from 8c, the double roli; ~

Paper hanging and. decora ting at reasonable prices

Varnishes, Hardware,

Tinware, E n am el W are ,

No Job too Wa, no Job to sm all,1 a m Jn a position to do th em Ml.

Brick. B'ntbflng, QJJa S tree t.Oeean Qrove ,N, J.

Page 5: FOR GOVERNOR - digifind-it.com fileFort, of Essex, •was nominated for Governor of. New Jersey.- As Justlcc Fort stepped upon the convention platform to accept the nomination •he

''s 1 t UIP>M.Y, , SHPTEMBEtl l i i ', 1907. T H E O C E A N G R O V E T I M E S

P e r s o n a l ^ 5 P e r t i n e n t g

M oonlight...B usiness took Otia F. Lee to New

Y ork on Monday;"Dr. F red M.. S tone has taken his

fam ily to B altim ore.• C losing serv ices In the A uditori­um tom orrow (S unday).

ACounty..-. R epublican convention

W ednesday,. Septem ber 25.Rev. Dr. O’H anlon w as num bered

am ong v isito rs to tow n th is week.. T ho co ttage of Mi's. L. P . H y a tt a t 3 7 .-Main avenuo is im proved w ith a new roof..

•Mrs. M r P rovost, the te n a n t of th e L akeside, 100 L ake avenue, bus gone to . T ren ton .

W illiam A. /W ells has closed h is co ttage a t 114 Cookman avenue to re tu rn } to T ren ton . -/'. v /

. M oving p ic tu re s In th e ' 'Auditorium* on M onday, T hursday and S a tu rday n ig h ts of next week. ,i/:’ r //*. ; ■’

« ■ lA. la rge num ber of co ttages v/ete closed th is w eek, -their occupan ts re ­tu rn in g to th e ir c ity hom es. ' ,

Nelson, L ittle will reside in Bloom­field th e com ing w in ter, conducting a m eat .m ark e t a t th a t ‘place;.

‘H orace T antum is sho rtly to e n te r th e d e n ta l dep artm en t of tic s /U niver­sity of P ennsylvania, P h iladelph ia .

W . H. T. R eeves and fam ily have gone to - th e i r w in ter home in New 'Brunsw ick, leav ing h e re la s t M0117 day. v •: iMr. a n d . Mrs. C. A. Salade, of 31

P itm an avenue, a re back frpm . G reen­w ich , Conn., w here they p assed th e sum m er. v ■ .

• C harles W ilgus has comlplfeted a. -neat job of papering and decorating a t th e S teinm etz cottage, 77 'Mt. H e r­m on W ay.

' (Reuben H . .Norris, of O cean {Grove, is now asosciated w ith th e -real fs - ta te : ;agency of C larence ^ H e trick in A sbury P a rk . ; ,,:-:'/.Mrs. H. M. W ilson,, of 90' Abbott, avenue, visited th e M isses M. and W .

. S an d a ll? in New, Y ork C ity fo r sever- aV 'days th is w eelt .,

T b e exodus of co ttagers from the Grove th i s week took George A; Castle and fam ily, of 95 H eck avenue, b ack to -New York.1

P ro p rie to r H. H. M anw lller, of the LeC hevalier, has resum ed teach ing a t H olm del, w here ho is the principal of th e public school.

MK and 'Mrs. L. T. M attes a re la te pa trons of tho Ivy H ouse. Mr. ’M at­te s is p re s id en t of th e P h iladelph ia . L ubricating Company. ^

F o r th e purpose of in s ta llin g a h e a te r , th e (Rev. W illiam M argerum h as enlarged th e cellar of h is re s i­dence a t 85 M ain avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. W alter N elson, of T ren to n , w ere guests over . Sunday la st a t t'he home c-f h is uncle. Grant D avis, 72 E m bury avenue.

C harles *W. B iles and fam ily havo closed th e ir co ttage a t 73 S tockton avenue-and gone to th e ir honje a t 13 W est F r o n t . s tre e t , T ren ton . '; <D. F . B u tcher an(k fam ily aro a t th e ir (Brooklyn home, a f te r passing th e sum m er -here in th e ir co ttage a t C entra l and W ebb avenues.

I. N. Wilfon’g and 'fam ily today leave fo r Philadelphia . F o r a num ­ber of sum m ers trtiey have occupied th e co ttage a t 16 Em bury avenue.

iMrs. Maggie W. Cockey and Miss T enie E m ory . re tu rned to B altim ore on W ednesday, a f te r spending six w eeks w ith re la tiv e s . on Broadw ay.

Comedian Lin Lefferson, of Ocean ‘ Grove, has taken th e road w ith th e

Slmplo Simon Sim ple com pany, play­ing the leading Germ an com edy role./ /D irector M organ 's offices in the Au*

,'d ltorium w ere closed on Tuesday. H is force of em ployes has been tra n s ­fe rred to his N ew York ofllce, 1947 Broadw ay.

(Ralph W. Pope and fam ily, who : sp en t the g re a te r p a rt of tb e sum -

meV a t th e R o ch es te r Cottage, 20 Em- , fbury avenuo, re tu rn ed ito E lizabeth ' on Monday. * " ' • '

Dr. Judson- Swift, corresponding sec re ta ry of the A m erican B ible So­ciety, will bo tho preadher a t morn-, ing w orship th £ com ing S unday in th e Auditorium .

W illiam J . E n g lish / of A bbott ave­nue,. is to go to Lakew ood th is w in­te r to a ss is t in the m anagem ent o f a m eat, m ark e t fo r h is em ployers, Vo­gel B ros., A sbury Park .

'Miss Belle D urkee, who successfu l­ly conducted the B eachcroft a t 27 B roadw ay the p ast season, le f t la s t S a tu rday for P assaic . S he expects to re tu rn to th e Grove nex t year.

P rof. an'd Mrs.- Jean S chaefer - left th e Grove the la tte r p a rt o j la s t week, to sail S a tu rday for P a ris . Mrs. Bchaefor goes t o P a ris to com plete the final year of h e r m usical s tud ies.

'Lately re tu rn ed from an extended tr ip abroad, A.; H. DeHaven cam e to the Grove to a tten d serv ice in th e A uditorium la s t Sunday. H o was p leasan tly g reeted by num erous friends.

• ■•Her sumlmer. ten an ts having va ­cated , (Mrs. E lizabeth Beegle Is back in h e r co ttage a t 78 M ain avenue, she sp en t tho sum m er w ith her son and daughter a t O range V alley and Plainfield.

Rev. D. B. H arris , who occupied the pulp it of St. P a u l’s ohureh la s t1 Sunday, during his s tay in th e Grove was en terta ined a t the" hom e of liev . and Mra. W illiam M argerum , 85 M ain, avenue. ' ‘

The Ocean Grove sew er o u tle t w as inspected T uesday 'm orning by Gea- e raL P a tte rso n and B .. 3T. Cote, The trip o u t in thp . ocean. to, , tho end of

the 'p ipe*w as' m a d e 'in o n e o f . .the Thom pson m otor boats.

Fall guests a t (Hamilton Cottage, which w ill rem ain open?’.indefinitely, a r e . Mi*.' and Mrsi • Jam es B irdsall, pf Som erville; J. A .' Case; Mr. K enney, Mrs. A. J. M eyers, of New York, and iMiss Llo'yd, of Brooklyn. ' ’

M iss E . M. ' P rice, o f the S u rf Ave­nue H ouse, a fte r , a UiiBy. sum m er in the hotel business, goes to th e Brook- side, Suffern, N. Y„, w here •she will re s t u n til October I s V a fte r which d a te she will re tu rn to h e r hom e in B rooklyn.• Lew is C. W bster. and fam ily have

■temporarily closed .their oo ttage 'ait21 Ocean avenue, goin’g - to , the ir h o m e -a t 712 P u tnam avenue, Brook­lyn, w ith th e expectation of com ing back to the Grove in O ctober fo r a brie f s tay . , -1.='

'H. H. Sllvis has gone to 'bis. .home in P ittsb u rg , a f te r spend ing a week in the G rove .a t t h e JSummerfield. Mr. Sllv is th inks Ocean Grove “ th e , m ost blossed place on earth ,”/ and so ex­pressed h im self before tak ing h is de­p a rtu re on W ednesday.

.The till of Charies W ilgus’ v arie ty s to re on OJln s tre e t was relieved of ten .do llars th e ' f ir s t of th o - w e e k ’by. som e light-fingered person whose Ac­quain tance the p rop rie to r is anxious to m ake. The m oney; was taken from a handbag in ; th e . draw er.

A fte r a, v is it to C alifornia for snme weeks, th e (Rev. H a rry SbeldOn last: Sunday occupied h is pulpit, in th e M. -E. church a t F ishk ill Landing, N. Y. The ow ner of a cottage a t , 24 H eck avenue, Ocean Grove, Mr. Sheldon Is an occasional v isito r here.

Spending a p leasan t sum m er in. the Grovo and . re tu rn ing • !hom e , g rea tly benefited by fcheir s tay , Mrs. L. F. B urkley and fam ily , of th e Cath-LOu Villa, 56' F rank lin avenue, a re back a t the ir c ity residence, 1508 South Ju n ip er s tre e t , P h iladelphia .

'Mrs. J. H. K now les • w as en te rta in - ed a t M argerum V illa over. Sunday. She .Is the secretary"' o t:. th e New Y ork W . F . M. S., and is m ore o r less fam ous as a B ible reader. She was heard la s t Sunday evening a t the tw ilig h t - m eeting . / in. S b PauFs church.

The new spaper booth a t the upper, bridge c rossing W esley lake,', .con­ducted by Howard O 'C rlen a s an ex­pe rim en t th is season, was closed on W ednesday. The ’expert n ien t proved so successful t'hat n e x t year Mr, O’Brien will operate i t on a much la rge r scale.

Mrs. M. A. R alnear, 'Mrs. P ; M. Chew, iMiss L u lu 'Ralnear, M iss P.he- be H u lsh art and Joseph R ainear, of O cean Grove, la st Saturday, w en t to A thens, N. Y. T hey . a re a t W hite ­side Lodge, having joined Mrs. E . N. W oolston and Mrs. Ida /W heeler, of th is place.

H a rry '(3, -Shreve la st S a tu rd a y ; n igh t closed f.his d a iry \ m ark e t on P ilgrim P athw ay for the season. T his ven ture , w hich wag -something en­tire ly hew In Ocean Grove, exceeded Mr. Shreve’s'.- expectations and will be' con tinued / again next aum/raer a t the sam e 'place.

‘Mrs. R. H arrison and son , th e Rev. T hom as H arrison, w ho^have been a t the Seaside/ H otel fo r several weeks, today d ep art fo r .their home in Dor­cheste r, a . beautiful suburb of ; Bos­ton, M r./H arrison '-s. evangelistic en­gagem ents fo r th e w in ter take h im -to th e f a r W est and. then to t'he. South./ A fter spending two- m onths /.w ith

her .b ro ther/ - J o i n Em ory, .a t 65 (Broadway,-iMrs. J. Mi B erry , Sr., left here on M onday for her hom e in Bal­tim ore. H e r son, J . M. B erry , J r ., cajne to the Grove to accom pany his m o ther home. . Mr. © m ory expects to v isit B altim ore d u rin g “Old H om e” w eek th e first of October.

•Mrs. M.v M. R ussell, who .for ten years conducted the Ardm ore . on Ocean Pathw ay, Is now a patron of th a t well-known hotel, w here she will rem ain un til som e tim e in Octo­ber. H er hom e is In W estfield, N. J. I t is only recently, t h a t she re tu rned from Mt. M arian, n ear Saugerties , N. Y., w here , she passed th e .sum m er.

Miss S. J. T ibbals re tu rned to New York on Monday-,; a fte r stay ing a. week o r ten. days a t V acation H ouse, her g ift to a well-know n .Metropoli­tan church to be used a s a place of outing fo r w orking g irls of the church. V acation H ouse is a t v the corner of B each - and E m bury ave­nues. I t h a s 'bad a successfu l .season in charge of M iss Bessie Laflin, of -New York.* - ' - ir\.

‘ IMrs. A. G, Foote has gone to v is it her dau g h te r in -South O range, a f te r passing th e sum m er in Ocean Grove a t the home o f her siste r, Mrs.- T . J. P reston . She tf^as taken to South O range la st Fri'day by, Mr. and Mrs, P res to n in th e ir autom obile. 1 'Vfthen th e la tte r re tu rned to t'he Grove on S a tu rd ay they brought 'back w ith th em th e ir daughter, Mrs. John J. •Hoppin. and h e r husband.

P rof. ,and , M rs; vonN ardroff w ent to the ir home in Brooklyn la s t S a t­urday, although the professor re tu rn ­ed to play the A uditorium organ on Sunday evening. They w ere guests of - tlia L eV assar during Mr. vonN ar­droff’s engagem ent as organ ist a t th e 'A uditorium the p ast sum m er. Dur-. ing the w in ter Mr. vonN ardroff .plays the organ: In the C hurch of Our F a th e r (U niversaH st), B rooklyn. : _

* T he m aiiy friends of 'Mrs. E. E. Boyd, of 43 Em bury avenue, w ill be. g lad to kno^v sh e expects to rem ain in O cean Grove the com ing w in ter. F o r a num ber of years she has been spend ing th e cold w e a th e r -in’ P h ila ­delphia. Ocehu Grove ig Mrs. BOyd's home and sho really scorns a p a r t of tho place, a n d - it is fo r th is R eason th e announcem ent t/hat she is* to be­come an Intogral p a rt of ou r w in ter population again w ill be- hailed with delight. ' ■

The 'M isses Jones and D raper, of tho W illard ,’ a fte r a p le a san t and

.prosperous season havo gono to tholr lhome In Philadelphia'. 'Xlhey exped t to re tu rn to th e Grove n e x t sum m er, ^fise H. F rances. Jones is tfce P enn -

m c ^

. c a n l i ood ■SfcESs

sy lvan ia S ta te Corresponding^ S ecre­ta r y of th e W . C.’ T. U., and she takes w ith h e r from th is place m em ories;o f profitable assoc iation w ith a num ber of co-w orkers who m ade Ocean Grove th e ir (headquarters- during the sum m er j u s t ’closed.

tHarold C. S tu ll; c le rk ; a t th e ivy ■House tills sumtmeri .and -who has been in Cuba w ith h is 4 far her,, Rev. George C. Stull, will re tu rn to the s ta te s today (S a tu rd ay ). / H aro ld Is the grandson of ‘Mrs. M. /E. S tull, of the Ivy H ouse. H e will re -e n te r the Po ly techn ic 'In stitu te ,a tk T ro y / N. Y., w here- he is tak in g a course In. civil engineering. The Rev. George S tu ll Is chaplain1 In the U nited S ta te s a rm y and has been stationed- In C uba fo r upw ards, of a year. . / ’

G uests R em ain LateM any p a tro n s o f the New 'P hiladel­

phia are rem ain ing . a t th a t house to enjoy Septem ber-by. the. sea .. Among them are Mrs. Cora H arrison , of P h ilade lph ia ; Joseph 'BUrchenal, ot Dover, Del., and Mrs. W. W . O strand­er, of New York. T he la tte r is m ak­ing h e r firs t v is it ,here . She cam e to stay, one w eek , b u t th e charm s of th e place appealed to . her , so strong ly th a t Ijer v isit: h a s been, indefinitely prolonged, and being an en thusiastic devo tee 'o f salt; w a ter bath ing there is scarcely a d a y - th a t she is no t in the ocean. O thers now a t th e New Ph iia- de ipn ia a re M iss Bt iE. McCall and ■Mrs. S. F. Lynch, of - P o rt D eposit, «Md.; Mrs. J; D ennison, of F a rm ing ­ton, Md.; H en ry J. W ilson / of New Y ork; M iss 'Mae P arkenson , o f F a ir­field, ,N. Y .; J . Thom as Lengden, of W ash ing ton ; ^Harold M. H ibbard , T. Tem ple H ibbard , and /Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Ledl^y^ of G erm antow n, P a . Mrs... Co?f, p rop rie to r of th e New Philadelph ia , will keep h e r house open un til O ctober 1st, and perhapst longer, if. th e w eathe r be,, favorable.

M ust Com plete RoadA special m eeting of the Board of

Chosen F reeho lders w a s . held la s t S a tu rday to discuss ©the 'w a y . In. which the -Monmouth E lec tric Com­p a n y 'is m acadam izing the Rum son road. (Director C onover s ta ted th a t th e road had been to rn up m ore th an a year and that1 a num ber o f acci­den ts had happened ow ing t o ’th e ob­s truc tions ’ of. th e company. H e also s ta te d ^ th a t since ;;May. only abou t 500 f e e t 'h a d been iflnished ;and th a t was very .slow m oving. . * . ..

T he B oard’s counsel m ade a sug* gestion th a t the^ -first of N ovem ber was a reasonable tim e t o have the road com pleted, or fo rfe it ' th e fran ­ch ise / and a m otion w as m ade .to th a t effect.

Tw in Child D iesA s a re su lt of a fall from a chair,'

producing concussion o f the brain , W alte r J, j>luIford, J r ., died la s t Sun­day m orn ing a t the hom e of his g ran d p aren ts , Mr. and Mrs. W alter J .‘ M ulford, 87 M ain avenue. F unera l services, w ere conducted by Dr. C. M. Gifiln, of A sbury P ark , on Tuesday afternoon a t the. house, an d th e bu ri­a l w as in Mt. P ro sp ec t cem etery . The c h ild /w a s one of - unusually b r ig h t and a ttra c tiv e ; tw ins, aged- . eighteen m onths, who w ith th e ir p a ren ts , Mr. \in d Mrs. (J u d so n .-Mulford, w ere spending th e sum m er ‘in th e Grove. T he rem aining child Is a 'g ir l .

M ay Call SpecU S E lectionT he execrti'bl'ie condition of South

Main street> outside of the’ Ocean Grove gates, has caused , consider­ab le d isqu ie tude^ ncyt only to th e residen ts ,along t h a t . busy ‘thorough­fa re , b u t to those w ho have to m ake use of It fo r trave l. I t is proposed to have th is s tre e t improved'. T he N eptune Tow nship Commi'ttee has authorized th e / p rep a ra tio n of peti­tions fo r c ircu la tion am ong the ta x ­p ay ers to call a spec ia l election a t w hich th e question of is su in g bonds to cover th e cost of 'the proposed Im­provem ent w ill be subm itted. ‘

Y. M. C. A. W orkThfe local Young M en’s C hristian

A ssociation Invites, the m em bers and all In te rested in ■ its w ork to a tten d an opening recep tion In th e room s, 145 M ain street,. A sbury P a rk ,: . th is (‘S a tu rday) evening. A i. spec ia l en­te rta in m en t h’as been provided; The -Sunday afternoon m eetings will- be resum ed. O ctober 6 th.

Two Lots for S a le‘A t th e co rner of New Je rse y ' a t

H eck avenues . I can sell you tw o choice lots, fu ll, size, ono a corner. Lots in th e C en tra l p a rt of the Grove aro hard to find; T his is a sp lendid location fo r a home. P rices and p a r­ticu la rs of E. N. W oolston, R eal. E s­ta te , 50 -Main avenue^ O cean Grove.— tf. •• - / _ . • '

M ootjy to LoanMoney to loan In am ounts from f400

to $1000 on bond and. m ortgage. . E. N. W oolston, R e a r E s ta te and Inaur- ance Agency,. 50 M ain avenue, Ocea^n Grove. J.

Grosbie Furniture Co,E v ery th in g in H ouso 1

F urn ish ings

508 Main St., Asbury Park

J e r s e y R e fr ig e r a t o r sW arm w eather has bean rem ark­

ably backward this year, but the iceman will have his innings good and plenty later on. You had bet­ter be forehanded and get an icebox or refrigerator, if you haven’t one already.

“ It pays to buy the best. ” A cheap refrigerator is a spendthrift. It. will consume its cost in one sum ­mer, A good refrigerator or icebox will save you enough ice to more than repay the difference; in cost. Probably you have had some ex­perience along this line,

.The Je rsey refrigerator and ice­box, m anufactured exclusively for the Crosbie Furniture G o ., 'are the best articles of their, kind made. The patent drip valve, entirely ex­cluding air frbm the ice cham ber, is Ian important feature in the .preser­vation of ice. You will appreciate its vahie when you see .it. We sell hundreds of these ice receptacls' ■every sum m r— and ren t as m any more for theeseason.

Refrigerators range in size from Nos-. 1 to 8, w ith prices from $7.50 to £23,50. Iceboxes in size from Nds: i to 8, and in prices from £ 5 .5 0 to ;3i 8 . Prices ,of grocers’ ice chests rui* from 323.50 to £33.50 All well made, nicely fin­ished articles a t a moderate cost.-

We have quite an assortm ent of roller chairs for boardwalk use Weil made,- easy running and mighty comfortable. You can buy them or rent them by the day, week or season a t -reasonable fig­ures. ...

THIEL’S BAKCRYGor. Pilgrim Pathway

a n d ,

Pitman AvenueOcean G rove, N. J .

Special SalesDuring

July and AugustForm erly W agner’s Bakery

Home-Made GoodsA s p b g i a L t y

Gastonof New York

Home-Made C andies38 Pilgrim Pathway


Pure Goods Popular Prices

Salt Water Taffy 20c. lb.

Take liome a

Teddy BearSouvenir, 5c.

S. J. ROGERS5'icceflsor to M. B. Sexton

LIVERYBoarding, Exchange

and Sale StableSoutl? M ain S tre e t

Opposite B roadw ay G ates Ocean Grove, N. J .

P a r t ic u la r a tte n tio n g ivon to b o a rd ­in g horses). ‘F in e h o rse s fo r Snlo n t a ll tim es.

AU k in d s e>f O iininges to hlro . j T e lep h o n o 116,

Estim ates cheerfully given. Job^ blutj prom ptly attended to. Tin nnd sheet metal work. Stoves and Ktove repair#, s


Sanitary Plumbing *

T o lo p h o n o . GG- R

Gas and SteamFitting

Fine m aterial.Prlcea modorale.

64- Main Ave., OceanGrove,rs. j.

Instructions how to make Paper Flowers FREE OF GHARGE

Materials already ,-cut. Come in and see our extensive line of

souvenirs. Fine line of postal cards.

H O P E V . S , W H I T E

CATHOLIC SUPPLY STORE54-y G o o f c r i a n A v e n u e . A r-bury P a rk

Material for pa'per flowers. Large display of souvenirs,

BricR Building P t s M l U t Ocean droveA now and com ple te lino of E nam eled an d B ra ss T r im m e d B eds a n d

C ribs, S p rin g s, C ouches an d Cots, M attre sses , F e a th e rs , P illow s, B o lsters, P u d s , e tc . All b e d d in g m ade on th o p rem ises. M attre sso s re n o v a ted .

M ali o rd e rs so lic ited . P o lite serv ice , p ro m p t deliveries.


Unusual Shirtwaist SaleW e h ave ju s t p u rc h a se d a n e n tire s to ck o f

ex q u isite S h ir tw a is ts from a m a n u fa c tu re r w ho needed th e m oney , a n d b e g in n in g , to m o rro w a n d all n e x t w eek ' we w ill se ll you th e m o s t b e au tifu l S h ir tw a is ts ev e r o ile red , form at-. prices w ere from $1.98 to $2.98, a n d w ill c lose th em a ll a t 9 8 e . P la ite d S k ir ts , tw o folds, ohiiTon p an am a, b lue , b lack a n d b row n, cheeks

stripes a n d p la ld s—$3.98, n o w # 2 .9 8 ; $1.98, now $3.98 .

CROWN SUIT STORE704 Cookman Avenue, Asbury Park, New Jersey

K I N G ’ S

I. J. F. KING GO.Jewelers and Opticians

403-405 Grand Avenue A sb T y 'P a r k , . N. J . .

D o n o t l.uy y o u r so u v en ir spoons u n til yo u h av e ex am in ed o u r line . O u r new p a te n te d d e sig n h a s e leven scen es o f A sb u ry P a rk and O cean G rovo, T hese sp o o n s a re o u r ow n design an d so ld exclu sive ly in o u r s to re . E n g ra v in g free . '

W e do W atch , Jew e lry a n d E y eg la ss R epu iring .




C overs All N ecassiiry E xpenses Proportionate rates from other points

Apply, to Ticket Agents • ■ *J . H. W ood, P am T ralflc M anager. Geo. W. Boyd, Gen. Pas*. Agent

F U LL L IN E O F H A T Snow on sale from th e K nox dow n to th e low er g rad es . E a c h g ra d e spec ia l v a lu e s fo r th e price th e y b ring . P ro d u ced by spec ia lis ts in th e ir re 3pectlvo g rad es Also a very excep tiona l lino of fa ll sh irts . T h o fam ous In to rw o v en H a lf H ose, g iv in g d oub le wear.


7 1 2 Gookman Avenue, Aabarj

The Garrollton28 O cean P a th w a y

O pen a ll th e year. S pec ia l ra te s fo r fa ll a n d spring ., J i l t s . C. S , S h e p a r d .

How is Your Solo?

The flexibility of it depends upon a good

S H O Ewith first-class . workmanship. Come and look over my stock before purchasing your shoes. First-class repairing at short notice. Reasonable prices. '

B . P l i N K B L

55 S. Main Street* Asbury Park


Marcel Wave Shampooing Manicuring Scalp Treatment Facial Massage

a t e *lin o o f.C o m b s and Hair Goods H igh Class Work Guaranteed


Philadelphia S to re : 33? B in t Aroade Building

Page 6: FOR GOVERNOR - digifind-it.com fileFort, of Essex, •was nominated for Governor of. New Jersey.- As Justlcc Fort stepped upon the convention platform to accept the nomination •he


mgBy Constance D’Arcy Mackay

‘Copyright, 1000, by P. (J, Enstm cni

W hen L arry Donovan w as prom oted v from footm an to eoaolmian and moved

from a room over tbe s tab les to a trim , co ttage w ith a line view o f tlie Mem-

, s tea d ’s law n he fe lt a s if the sum m it of his am bition had heen read ied . If

' gen ius is a capacity for h a rd w ork L ar­ry could w ell lay claim to , it, fo r he toiled early and la te w ith a pertinacity w hich set him high in th e estim ation of Ills em ployer am i enabled him to p u t by a snug sum hy the tim e he bad boon in America thfOc years. - .

■ TJioro w as only one tiling w antluy to m ake L a rry 's happiness complete, and th a t w as the presence ?f Ellen O’M eara, who w as a lready oji hor way from tho old country, A m onth ago L arry had sen t the money fo r her transpo rta tion .

E llen w as th e beNe of Bnilymovan, and his w inning her w as to be viewed in the light o f a g re a t triumph* Tor aw hile it had been nip and tuck a s to •whether she would m arry him o r Tim K earny. Hut E llen had chosen Larry , aud in the le tte rs she w ro te him from tim e to tim e there w as no m ention o f T im K earny.. “Shure, her heart’s * ill m ine,” said L arry to him self, am i a s tho day of E llen’s landing approached his joy be-

‘. cam e m ore and .m ore apparen t. 'Indeed, the whole Ilem stead house-

... hold took an In terest lu Ellen’s home coming. Tlie se rv an ts knew her age to a dot, th a t lie? eyes w ero a s blue a s the lakes o f K illarney and her hair like burnished copper.

The m orning of h is w edding daw ned clearly and L arry w as In ju b ilan t spir­its as lie took the Long Island tra in for

'. N ew York! How Ellen would delight• in the ir little co ttage and ex u lt In the

su rprise th a t hor husband w as not a: groom, bu t a full Hedged coachm an.

L arry boarded tbo Im m igrant fe rry ­boat, and It w as not till ho bad reached tho im m igration building on Ellis Is­land th a t he found th a t tho Cedric, the s team er on which Ellen Nvas coming,

A "was a day late.\ A whole tw enty-four hours to spend

w ithout E llen! L arry w andered d is­consolately thrQugh tho long bare balls

. o f the building, stopping to look a t tho new ly landed im m igran ts in their cage­like com partm ents and th ink ing o f the

■ tim e when he had been. like them . In one of th e ba lls a girl w as ta lk ing to a blue coaled official and b iting her lips : to keep from crying. Sho w as young and slender, w ith deep g ray eyes.

.."I’m sorry ,” tho otllclal w as saying kindly, “b u t w e haven’t been able to got any word of tho a u n t wbo w as to .m eet you, and you 're too young a girl to work alone lu tbe city. I t ’s against

• the law.. I f your a u n t doesn’t come for V ou, you’ll have to go back to Ireland >to your ow n people.”

“B ut they’re ail dead,” said tbe girl. “ Slmre, there’s no:one belonging to me a t all except this au n t in New York whom I ’ve n lver seen. An’ if she doesn’t como for me”— T he girl broke off w ith a 8udd en ^o b , so childish, so piteous, th a t L arry , in spite o f h is hap­piness, fe lt his h e a r t ache fo r her.

“ I t ’s a sham e, i t is,” he said to him- self, “A poor young bit of a th ing like th a t! Faith , if my Ellen w as ouly here we m ight th ink o f som ethlug to do for th e girl.” And ou his w ay back to New York L arry determ ined to speak to E l­len abou t the m atte r. W omen’s w its

^ e r e m uch b e tte r than m en’s in such cases.

. N ext m orning lie w as early a t the island aud Instead of w aiting In the Im m igration bulldlug tram ped up aud dow n outside th a t ho m igh t catch the first glim pse o f the boat th a t w as bringing Ellen to him. P resently he descried It, and h is blood raced a t the

• sight.^ . H o stood as h e a r as he could to the

gangplank and anxiously scanned the faces of the im m igrants crow ded on tho deck, b u t E llen’s w as no t am ong them ; L arry w as tilled w ith a n anguish o f apprehension. T hen iiis h ea rt leaped. H e had /see'd th e g lin t o f E llen’s red gold hair. F o r an in s ta n t she faced*

; him, thoir eyes m et, aud then she tu rn ­ed and spoke to a m an beside her. l ie laughed mid pushed back h is cap. As ho did so L urry recognized him. I t w as Tim K earny. They w ere coming down the gangp lank nowy and Ellen, to steady herself, pu t a bare red hand on the railing. On her fourth finger gleam ed a p la in gold W edding ring.

L arry w as too s tunned to speak. Dazed, he tu rned tow ard the im m igra­tion building. l ie knew no t w ha t to do or whore to go. T he m ockery o f It all sw ep t over lilm—the fru itless y ears of p lann ing and w orking, the little house th a t ho bad m ean t to be-so-hap- py. In. W orse than all, the sham e of re tu rn in g alone sm ote him to the quick. B ut a s he sturfibled on there flashed through his m ind the mem ory of!1 the g ray ey ed . g irl he had scon the day before. She had been so helpless, y e t so lovely In her grief. Somehow the recollection o f h e r loneliness seem ­ed to d raw him tow ard h e r a s If by an invisible bond.

“ Shuro, m isery loves com pauy,” lie said to him self, “and if t jt* g irl could only learn to care fo r m e ’tis joy and no t sorrow m igb t bo in s to re fo r us.”

Ho quickened his steps, fum bling In his pocket fo r the’ le tte rs w ith which Mr. Ilem stead bud Invested litln. in case he had trouble ln ph iv lng his righ t to E llen. They 'certified- a s to* L arry ’s ch arac te r aud e rrand beyond a doubt and satisfied tho m iddle aged of­ficial who ran h is eye across them.

‘‘W ell?” he said.Tbo s ituation w as a difficult one} and


it took L arry some mom ents to ex­plain. '

F ina lly the official th rew back his head and laughed. “Wu’ve had a good m any rom ances oil the Island,” he cried, “b u t th is beats all! Still, as fa r a s 1 can see, thpre’s nothing against your m arry ing th e girl if she consents. A t p resen t she’s expecting to be de­ported, fo r we’ve found th a t hor a.;ui died som e days a f te r th e girl sailed.”

So N ora MacM aiius. w as called from th e wom en’s detention room and canu* w ith a ,look of wonder, a w onder-which deepened as she saw L arry . ■ .

“ T hey’re te lling me you’re from thr* owld sod,” said he, “and th a t your nam e's Nora MacMfinus. Is i t of the Inn i show an MucMuimsus ye are:?”

.‘•Yes,” said Nora. H er voice w as as so ft a s the run of a river. v

“ I w as a t Iiinishow an once m y s e lf ,” ' said Lurry, and he w ent on to speak of th e old people and th e old times. "F a ith , they’re a g re a t bond w hin peo­ple a re in a s tran g e land,” h e ra ld .

T h en L arry took bo th of Nora’s hands nt tho sam e time. V

4,N ora, girl,’’ he said, “listen to me.” W hile ho. w as, speaking she k ep t her gray eyes flxoit p u b is honest.b lue ones. H e did no t pause until lie liad told her th e w hole story. , “P y c ‘ lost fa ltli in one wom an;” h e declared; “b u t n ob ip all. And th e little house back th e re is lonely and em pty, and my heart—slmre, ,it’s lonely and em pty too. Will ye come uiVfl fill it, Nora, a ian a? . Will ye tru s t ■hie whin I tell ye th a t the longer I stand hero speak in’ w itli ye the m ore, I love ye?”

“11 gives m e a feelin’ o' home .to know they hnvo th e B larney stone hr Ameri­ca,” said Nora, a gleam p f hum or ap ­pearing in her eye,

“ I ’m no w orse th a n an a u n t ye nlvcr had seen,” pleaded Larryt..“and I m ay bo some better. A nd th e people w here we’re going—shure, they’ll n iver know bu t w h a t you’re 'th e girl I cam e here to m arry . There’s such a th ing a s love a t first sightj Nora, darlln t, and th a t’s w hat’s the m a tte r w ith me tills m in­u te .' Ah, say, ye’ll m arry me, though I know’ ye’ve niver sot eyes on me be­fore”— .

"Oil, b u t I have!” cried Nora. '*Yes: te rd ay in the hall” — She stopped w ith a quick blush. '

“ Ah,” cried the delighted L arry ,, “then ye did notice me, my angel! 'T w as hardly a wink I got la s t n igh t, for your face kep t hauntin’ me. I thought of w h a t I ’d heard ye say and how donely and hard i t w as fo r ye, a girl in a s tran g e hind.” ■

“D id ye, now ?” said Nora. “T here’s few would have thought o’ th a t!” A w onderful change passed over h e r face. H or eyes softened. “ I f ye think—If you’re s till shure”^ She fa ltered , grop­ing fo r a word.

“Ah, Nora, is i t ‘Yes’ y^ m ean?” cried tlie ecsta tic Larry*

And Nora nodded.So L arry and Ellen w ere m arried,

and th e kliuliy official and the m atron of the detention room w ere .witnesses of the sim ple cerem ony. And it chanc­ed tliu t as he aud his bride stood on the deck of th e im m igran t fe rry they cam e face to face with Mr. and Mrs. Tim K earny, also bound fo r New York.‘ “Norn, my dear,” said L arry , “ th is is

Mrs. K earuy. Mrs. K earny, I ’d loike, to m ake you acquain ted w ith my wife; Mrs. L aw rence Donovan.” H e sho t a ' sharp look a t Tim. “ Is it on your wed- dln’ th rlp ye are?” he questioned and w ithout w aiting fo r an a n sw er d rew Nora tow ard the bow’* of the boat, so th a t in going down tiie gangplank they took precedence of M r. and M rs. Tim K earuy, who followed sullenly behind and w ere ju s t in tim e to see L arry call a cab; hand Nora into it antU jum ping in a f te r her, close the door w ith a vie-, torlous slam.• “There a re tithes,” said Larry,’ “wljln it pays to be ex th ravagau t,” and, lean­ing over, he squeezed N ora 's hand.

Lcvudon'd ’Coiuio P aper.London Punch w as concocted in the

back parlo r of a public house behind D rd ry Lane theater. The first ed ito r of Punch w as the landlord of th a t tav ­ern, and in th a t room assem bled a l­m ost every n ight some o f th e m ost lively w its o f the day—m ore .noted, as Dion Boucieault tells, for w it th a n motley. The landlord m ade punch, and around th e bowl those men would sit drinking, sm oking and cracklugi jokes.' The landlord proposed th a t their

jokes sliould n o t be w asted , th a t their w it should s ta r t a comic paper. A good idea, b u t w h a t nam e to give it?

W h at nam e? The child should have its fa th e r’s nam e. And tlie landlord poin ted to the bowl of punch. And the paper w as s tarted . I t strugg led on for abou t a y e a r and then w as . sold for £100 to B radbury .& Evans, the firm th a t p rin ted it. The best w rite rs in E ngland hastened to tbdlr s tandard . I t hafc th e notoriety of being expelled from several kingdoms on tlie conti­n en t o f Europe.—Sunday M agazine.

, Tlie Snu Not B u rn e i Out.I t h a s been s ta ted by such a u thorities

as K elvin, Newcomb and B all th a t the fu tu re o f the sun’s activ ity Will bo com paratively short—not more than 10 ,- 000 ,000 years—and some have even sug­gested th a t th e sun 's activ ity a lready ehows signs of w aning. So fa r is this from being the case th a t only one fourth of ou r supply of energy h a s been expended, and three-fourths a re y e t In sto re fo r th e fu tu re life of the p laneta­ry Bystem. T h is opens up to our con­tem plation a decidedly refreshing view of th e fu tu re and will give renew ed hope to all who believe th a t the end of m undane progress is no t y e t in s ig h t Not only should tlio fu tu re possibilities of/scientific p rogress be vastly extend­ed, b u t there w ill in all probability be the m ost am ple tim e fo r the fu r th e r d e ­velopm ent of tho races of beings in ­h a b itin g this p la n e t • According to th is vleVv, tho evolution of our earth is still In its infancy, w ith the zenith of*its splendor f a r in tlio fu tu re.—T. J , J . See in A tlantic.



List, num ber8 C ookm an avenue,.tw o and one-half blocks trom the ocean, a very de­

s irab le eighteen-room double cottage, 'b a th ; th i s . p roperty w i l l . pay 10 per cent., $3,500, . ’ i ;

B roadw ay, th re e blocks lrom the ocean, a p leasan t seven-room cot­tage, fu rn ished , 73,200. ■

A bbott avenue, tw o blocks Trom tb e ocean, a ten-room co ttage, partly .fu rn ished , ba th , $3,500.

Olin s tre e t , two blocks from th e ocean, a desirab le th irteen-room cot­tage, furnished, biith, su itab le fo r all th e y e a r round, $5,000.

M ain avenue, two blocks from th e O ceani a n . eight-room co ttage, ■ fu r­n ish es , ba th , $3,500.

C en tra l avenue, overlooking th a lake and ocean, an eight-room - co ttage, unfurn ished , $3,000. . . . V .

E m bury avenne, tw o blocks from the ocean, a tw elve-room cottage, ba th , e lectric lights, unfurnished, $4,000.

P itm an avenue, one aad one-half blocks from tb e ocean, six-room c o t- ' tage, unfurnished, $3,250.

W ebb avenue, two an d ' o ne-ha lf blocks from th a ocean, a . m oderno nine-room cottage, tw o lo ts, all im provem ents, unfurn ished , $7,000.

H eck avenue, two a n d one-half blocks from th e ocean, a well-built eight-room cottage, batb , $3,000.

.Webb avenue , one block from the ocean, seven-roota cottage, fu rn ish ­ed, $2 ,soo. ■■■ , • > ' C‘ . r

P itm an avenue, one and one-half blocks from' .the ocean, a nine-room co ttage, ba th ; e lectric ligh ts, fu rn ished , $3,500.

Olin s tre e t , n e a r the o c ea n ,'a n eight-room cottage and ba th , $3,000. H eck avenue, one and one-half blocks from th e ocean, a fifteen-room

board ing house, furn ished, §3,800.Cookman avenue, n e a r D elaw are ayenue, a m odern n ine-room cottage,

•With, bath,- one ' and one-half lots, $$,000.M ain avenue, n ear th e ga tes, a n ine-room cBttage, w ith ba th ; 2 lots,

* 4,750 :A sbury avenue, n ear D elaw are avenue, a tw elve-room c o tta s t . two

lots, unfurn ished , $3,500.W ebb avenue, n e a r New Jersey avenue, a seven-room cottage, $1,7.00. E m bury avenue, n e a r New Y ork nvenue, ten-room cottage, fu rn ished ,

$2,500, . . . .- " 1 ■ ,A bbott avenue, co rner New York avenue, tw o te n ts w ith fram e k itch ­

en ; fu ll size lot, $2 ,0 0 0 ,Mt. Zion W ay, n ear New Y ork 'avenue, a ten-room cottage, fu rn ish ­

ed, $3,600.iMt, T abor W ay, n e a r P ilg rim Pathw ay, a n e ight-room co ttage, fu rn ish - '

ed, $3,250.B roadw ay, n e a r P ilgrim Pathw ay, an eight-room cottage, In rn ishod,

ba th , excellen t rep a ir. $3,500,E m bury avenu«. n e a r St. P au l Church,, an e l^ht-room m odern cot­

tage, w ith b a th and a ll im provem ents, pa'rtly fu rn ished , $4,800. Em bury avenue, opposite St. Pau l C hurch, a cozy s igh t-roora-co ttage ,

unfurn ished , new plum bing, new heater, and in gplenutu o rder, lit-












-1S4- . 185











tie ca&h required , $3,200.

c ■173


A tlan tic avenue, one and one-half blocks from th e ocean, a w ell e stab ­lished th irty -one-room bparding house, easy paym en ts, furnished^ $8,750.

M ain avenue, one block from th e ocean, house,- furnishfed, $9,250.

a tw enty-eight-Toom board ing

, In addition to the above properties we have many other valuable bargains, both in cottages and boarding houses and lots. A n y of the above properties can be bought on easy term's and in many cases a good size mortgage can be allow­ed to remain. AH the properties have the sewer and water connections.,


Doors, Sash, Blinds, Frames, MouldingSj Hardware, Paints,Oils,.‘Etc,/ >• ' - '

S O U T H S T R E E TA sb u ry P a r k , N. J . 7

F ac to ry , D un k irlc , N ow J e rs e y B ra n c h Y ard , S p rin g L ak e , N ew J e rs e y

JOSEPKJ. BEAMANl ^ a d f e ® ’ a n d G e n t s ’ T a i l o r7 Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing; and

Altering neatly done a t moderate prices

No. 210 Asbury Avenue, Asbury Park N. J.T elephone 2 ia -M ' ■ .

T h r i s t

li. A. Ralston, 520 Gookman Av.f l s b u r y P a r k

O p p o e ltb P a r t r id g e s R ic h a r d s o n

T e le p h o n e , SS7-M

N e w J e r s e y C e n t r a lA nlhracile Coa! Used Exclusively, insur­

ing Cleanliness and Comlort.

In effect Sep tem ber 8 , 1007i

Passenger s ta tions in Xew York, W. 23rd S tree t, N, R„ t^oot L iberty S tree t. N. I t , .


F or Now York, N ew ark and E liza­beth, via all ra il route, 6,15, 6.55,7.25,. 7.30,' 8.00, 8.50, 11.30 . a. m„2,20, 4.00, 7,00, 8.30 (S atu rdays only) p. m, Sundays from N orth A sbury P a rk sta tion , 7.20 a,' m., 4.1B,. 0.25, 8.30 p. ni.

F o r New Y ork v ia S aad y Ilook Routo,. 8,29, 7.36 a, m.; 12.30,' 5.10., p .' m.

S undays, 10.10 a. m,, 5.02 p m.F or Ph ilade lph ia and T ren ton via

E iizabetbport, S.1E, .7.30 (8.50 ex­cept T ren to n ), 11.30 a. >«., (2.20 ex­cep t T ren to n ), 4.00, 7.00 p. m. Sun­days from N orth Asbury. Par’k :,s ta - tion, 7.2G a. m „ 4.IB, 8,25 p. m.

F o r B altim ore and W ashington , 8.S0,.11.30 a. m „ 2.20, ,4,00 p. m. Sundays7 28 a, in., 4,15 p. m. v..:

F a r EastoJi, B eth lehem , A llentow n and M auchf C hunk (0.1K Easton only), 8.50, 11.30 a m,, (4.00 to E as­ton) p, m. Sundays from N ortli As­bury P a rk sta tion , 1.15 p. m.

For W iltoesbarre and Scranton , 3,00,11.30 a. m. a'

TRAINS FO R OCEAN GROVE.. 'LeaVe New York, L iberty s tre e t, a t

•i,00, 5.30, 11,30 a . m„ (12.40, 1-20 Sa tu rdays o n ly ;, 1.30,. 3.30, 4,45 (5.15 except S a tu rd ay s), 5.30, fi.30,12.01 p. m. S undays fo r N orth As­bury P a rk s ta tion , 3,30, 0.15, a. in., 4,00, 8.30 p. m.

L eave New Y ork v ia Sandy Hook Route, P ie r S1-, N. R,, Foot W. 42nd S tree t, 10.00 -a. nr,, 12.30, 3.13, 4.15, 7.46 p. m: Sundays, 9.30 a. m„ 1 .00 ,7.45 p. ni,

'P ie r 10, N. R., Foot C edar S tree t,10,20 a, m., 1,00, 3.45, 4.-15, 8.10 p. in, Sundays, 10,00 a. m., 1,30, 8,10 p. m. ' ...

•w . C. HOPE.G eneral P ass, A gen t

W; G ..B ESL ER ,Vice P res , and Gen. Mgr.

SH E R IF F S S A I iE —By v irtue of a w rit of a , fa . to lue d irnctea , is ­sued ou t of tbe C ourt of C hancery of

the S ta te o f N ew ‘ ersey , will be ex­posed to sa le a t public vendue, on TUESDAY, the 15th DAY o t OCTO­B ER, 1807, betw een th e hours of 12 o ’clocTT and E o ’clock (a t 2 o 'c lock), in. th e afte rnoon of said day,, a t .the P a rk H all, A sbury P a rk , in the tow n­sh ip o f N ep lune, Qounty of ;Mon- Tmouth, New Jersey .

Alt th a t lo t , 't r a c t o r parcel o£ land and premisei!, h e re in a fte r • particu­la r ly deserlbeO, s itu a te , ly ing aad being in iie b o ro u g h of A llenburst, in the C ounty of M onmouth and S ta te , New Jersey , know n ansi des­igna ted as lo t nusrfber one hundred and s ix ty -th ree (1G3) on th e m ap of lands ol s a id . C oast Land Company, a t Deai Beach, duly filed in the Mon­m outh County C lerk 's ofllce.

B eg in n in g 1 a t a po in t in th e n o rth ­w est co rner of P ag e avenue and A t­lan tia avenue; thence w esterly along titte n o rth e rly Une o f A tlan tic avenue ' fifty feet;- thence no rth e rly a t rig h t ang les to A tlan tic avenue one hun­d red and fo r ty .fe e t to the-m idd le liae of ?.he b lo c k ;' tihenei! eas te rly along sa id m iddle line of th e Block fifty foet to th e w esterly iiuo of Page- ave­nue; thence sou therly along th e said': w este rly lin e o f P age avenue one hundred and fo r ty feet to the place of Ibeginning,

S a id land is hereby conveyed su b ­je c t to the following re s tr ic tio n s ;....T h a t the top ol the foundation wall of any co ttage or dw elling : house h e rea fte r; e rected on ' said prem ises shall be fi?a and one-half fee t above th e curb lin e of the s tre e t In fro n t of th e sam e, and th e . slope of th e ground in fro n t o f said dw elling house shall conform to the slope of th e ground o f lo t N o . ' 162 on said m ap, being ih e sam e prem ises cos- veyed io- E dw ard F a rry by th e C oast L and Company, a body corporate , by deed dated May 28th, 1898, and re ­corded In th e C lerk’s -lifnce of tho C ounty of M onm outh in Boo GO of deeds, page' 329, etc,; from w hich :the foregoing descrip tion is talce!s,;

Seized as th e p roperty i>f Ju lia B utler! e t-a ls , ta k en in execution a t th e su it of Sea Coas? R eal E sta te 1 Company, and to be sold by

C. ASA FRiAiNOrS, Sheriff.Dated Sept. 10th, 1007.'F rank D urand1, So l¥ , ($9.00)


E xecutor’s N oticeM r. -it C. B runer, execu tor of R e-

beci Robbins, -:!eceaEed. by order bf C p S u rro g a te of tiie County ot Moi' -nith, hereby Bivss notice to. the creiii'i ?3 of the sald-deceas’ed to bring in tlM'ir debts, dem ands and claim s ag a in st th e e s ta te of said deceased; under, oa th o r affirm ation, w ith in . h Ies m onths from thd fifth day of A ugust, 1007, or the}- w ill b a 'fo rev e r b a rre d at any action th e re to r ag a in st th e : said executor.32-41 ALFRED C. BRUNER.

PROCURED AND SEFENDED.,B™‘>n,“ ! E j |urawinK orplioto.foroxjiortBearclianairooroport. | Frco mlvlco, how to obtain patents, triulo 1111 copyHglitfl,ctc., im ALL COUNTRIES. Business direct -zvU/t Washington saves time,I matte# and often the patent. ■ ?

Patent and Infringement Practlco Exclusively,'.Wrlto or como to us nt 023 Ninth S treat, opp. Uni Ud State# Patent Ofllce, I


N e w Y o r k a n d L o n g B r a n c h R . R .

Tim o-tuble in effect Sept. 10, 1907.

S ta tions in New York.C entral R. R. of N. J., L iberty St.

nnd W est T w enty-th ird S treet.C en tra l R. R. of N. J., Sandy H ook Route, W est Forty-Second S tree t, P ie r 81 and C edar S tree t P ie r 10.

Pennsy lvan ia R, R., W est Tw enty- th ird S tree t, D esbrosses and Coi-t- land t S tree ts . *


L iberty s tre e t, 12.01, 4.00, 8.30, 11.30a. in., *12.40 S a tu rdays only, *1.20, S a tu rdays only, 1.30, 3.30, !.!5 , 5.15 S a tu rd ay s exfcc'pted.: >5.30, 0.30 p .'

•m.. 12.01 n ig h t week-days.C, R. R. of N. J., W est T w enty-th ird '

S tree t, 8.20, 11.20 a. in;, *12.20 S a t­u rdays c;n)y, “1.10 S a tu rdays only,1.20, *3.20, 4.30,' 5.05 S a tu rdays ex­copted; 5.20, 0.20, 11.50 p. m.'

•West 42nd S tree t, P ie r 81, 10100 a.m „ 12.30, 3.10,-4.15, 7.45 p. m.

■Cedar S tree l, P ie r 10, 10.20 'a. m.,1.00, 3.45, 4.45, 8.10 p. m.

P ennsy lvan ia R. R., W est 23d S tree t,8,55, 10,55 a . m „ ;2.25, 12.65 S a tu r­days only, 1.25 S a tu rd ay s only, 2.25, *3.25, *4.25, *4.56, G.65 p. m.

D esbrosses and C ortland t S tree ts ,. *0,00, *11.00 a. m„ 12.30, 1/.00 Sa tu rdays only, *1.30 S atu rdays . only, 2.30, *3.40; *4.30, *6.00 S a tu r­days excopted, 6.10, 7,00 p. m.


For New Ybrk, 0.15, 0.29, *0.45, *0.65,17.15, *7.25, 7.35, *7.50, *8.00, *8.10,8.50, 9.20, 11.30 a. m., 12.30, 1.20,I.45, *2.20, *3.35, 4.00, 5.10, 5.37,7.00, 8.3.0 S a tu rdays only, 0.30 p. m.

For Red llank, E H tabeth and N ew ark,0.15, *0.45, 0,55 Red B ank only, *7.16 except E lizabeth ; *7.30, *7’.60 N ew ark , only; *8.00 'Red B ank only; *8.10 except E lizabeth ; *8.50, 0.20, 11.30 a. m„ 1'.20, *2.20,'3.35, .4,00, 5.37, 7.00, 8.30 Satu rday on ly ; 9.30 p. m. ! '

For T ren ton and H iilailo lpbia v ia Sea G irt nnd P ennsy lvan ia R ailroad ,

' 7.20, 7.52, 9.02 a. m., 1.07, 3;27, 6.2^ p. m.

F o r FVeelxoitl v ia Sea G irt and ponn-■ sy ivan ia R ailroad , 0.25, 7,52, 9.02 a.

m„ 12.32, 3.27, 6.22 p. ni. • ‘IiV>r Ml. Holly, Camden and Philadel--

phia via Sea Side P a rk and P ennsy l­van ia R ailroad (0.30 Mt. Holly and Broad' S tree t, P h iladelph ia , v ia ' D elaw are R iver B ridge) 7.17, 11.13а. m„ 2.27, 5.33 p. m. Sundays N orth Asbury P a rk S ta tion a t 5.11 p. m.

F or Tom s R iver and in term ediate g ta- tlons v ia Bay Head, 7.17, 11.13 a. m., 2.217, 5.33, 0.02 p. m. S undays N orth Asbury P a rk S ta tion^ a tII.20 a. m., 5.11 p. m. ~

F o r T ren ton and Philadelphlo. viaBound Brook Route, 0.15, •0.i35:wlth change o t cars a t M atawan, 7.30,- *8.60, 11.30 a. m., *2.20, 4.00, *7.00 p. m. week-days. On «>undaya from .‘.jo N orth ABbury P a r i S ta ­tion 7.20 a. ni., 0.25 p. m. '

For Belm ar, Spring Lake and M ana- squan, 1.40 M onday excepted, 0.25, (1.30, 0.44, 7;17, 7.20 except M ana- squan ; 7.52, 9.02, 10.16 excep t M unasquan; 10 35, 10.64, 11.13 -a. m.; 12.15, 12.32, 12.35, 1.07 except M anasquan; 1.27, 1.63 except Mana- squan Satu rday only; 1.55 S a tu r­day only except M anasquan; 2.00 S a tu rdays o n ly ; 2.22, 2.27, 2.30 ■Saturday; 2.49 S a tu rdays only; 2.63, 3.08, S a tu rd ay s only, 3.27, 3:34, 4.19, 4,65, 5.15, 5.33, 5.37;' 5745, 0.02, G.16, 6.28 S a tu rdays excepted;б.33, 0.39 S a tu rdays cxcepted; G.45,7.06, 8.22, 8.59, 10.15 p. m.

F o r P o in t P leasan t, 1.40 M ondays ex­copted, c:30, 0.44, 7.17, 10.10, 10.35,10.54, 11.13 a. ra., 12.15, 12.35, 1.27,1.55 S a tu rdays only, 2.00 S a tu r­days only, 2.22, 2.27, 2.30 S a tu rdays only, 2.49 S a tu rdays only, 2.53,3.08 S a tu rdays only, 3,3>i, 4.19, 4.65,.5.15, 5.33, 5.45, 6.02, 0,13. ii.2h Sat-, urdays excepted .' 0jB3, 0.39 S a tu r­days excepted, G.45, 7.05, 8.22, 8.59 '10.15 p. m."

For S ta tions in Lohg Branch, 5 00, G.16, G.29, G.M, 0.55, 7.15, 7.25, 7.30,7.35, 7.50, 8.00, .8.50, 9.20, 1 10.16,10.30, 11.05, 11.30, 11.36 a. m„ 12.30,1.20, ’ ,45, 2.20, 2.64, 3.35, 4.00,6.00, 5.16, 5.32, 5.37, G.13, C.20, 6 55,7.00, 8.00, 8.36 S a tu rd ay s only, 9.30,,

11.20 'p. m. . . . 'On Sundays' passengers should us«

the N orth Aobury P a rk dopot, a s Sun­day tra in s do no t stop a t O cean 'G rove o r Asbury P ark .

. ‘ D enotes express tra ins.GEORGE W . BOYD, G. P . A .. P . I t. R, W/ C. H O PE, G. P . A., C.,R. R. o f N. J. RUFUS BLODGETT, Supt., N. Y. & L.

B. r : R . '


E xccu tors? Notlcc

R achel W instanley , M ary E . FUt- c ro tt and George W. P itten g er, execu­tors of Jan ’,:';, W lnstacley , ieceased, by order o f th e Surrogate of th e Coun­ty of M onm outh, hereby give notices to the c red ito rs of th e aald deceases to bring ln th e ir debtn, dem ands and claim s ag a in st tho aata te of Bald de ­ceased, under oa th o r affirm ation, w ith in n ine m onths from tho ■ wenty- fou rth day of Ju ly , 1907, o r they w ill be fo rever b a rre d o f any notion th e re ­for a g a in s t th e said executors.

R A C H E L W lN S m N U E Y , filARY E . F ^ T O R C S T ,


I. SCAVRONLightning

S h o e R e p a i r S h o pSew od so lo s w hilo y o u w ait.

W o g u a ra n te e Crat-claes w ork

No. 612 Mattison ;Avemie> Asbury Park

Page 7: FOR GOVERNOR - digifind-it.com fileFort, of Essex, •was nominated for Governor of. New Jersey.- As Justlcc Fort stepped upon the convention platform to accept the nomination •he

" W o c £ a n S h o v e t i m e s

A M O N G . T H E L l L A l C S

By V irginia Leila Wenlz ■•

Copyright, ltiOG. by W . Ii. Caldwell.

I t w as ' a w a rm /sp rin g evening, so ■warm th a t they bad ven tu red to sit ou t on the . little wooden veranda. T h e re ;w aa a suggestion of approach­ing sum m er in the breeze, aud the a ir w as redolent with- lilacs. By glancing- to w ard tbe right it w as-no t dilllcult to see w here the frag rance cam e from. On the o ther side' of- the hedge in the deepening tw jligh t w as a purple forest o f plumbs, an d beyond tliat, 4w hite lu tho g ray light,' rose the old H ow ard house, the o ldest iu the tiuy village as w e ll.a s the largest. .Selden H ow ard w as tbe oniy; liv ing represen tative of ■the fam ily; . . v * , •

P resen tly the group ou Mrs. Jones’ veranda began to speak of Seldeu; leading up to the sub ject fromvlhe fra- graiice of the bushes.; j .; “ Them lllocks is sickishly sw eet,” observed Mi’s. Jones h e rse lf^ • ; :

' “Uedlly iiauseatiug,” acquiesced the boarder who iia d been spending tbe w in te r here in th is 'little .co ttage -'am ong the Berkshire hills. **By tho way, I saw'Va strange man a t tbe postoMce th is m orning and 1 overheard some one say he w as M r. H ow ard. Very good looking m an he w as and seem ed to know a tiling o r tw o.”

"Tluit’8 him ,” confirmed Mrs. Joucs. “B u t why shouldn’t he Know w th ing or t\y.o? He don 't do noth in ' but travel an d trapse round the country. H ardly ever home and. won’t lmve a th ing to do tf itb tbe people in the village.”

Tho moon w as Uegiiiniug to show red and low ln the w arm dusk, and tbe lilacs m ade superb black shadow ef­fects on the lawn. The little tired out c ity girl who s a t 011 the low est step of

i the veranda and who had ju s t arrived th a t day had nothing to say. She w as filling her whole soul w ith the bertuty o f the coming night.

P re tty soon, c arry ing her lamp, she w ent upsta irs to her bedroom. She looked a t the high m ound of fea ther bed and a t tbe sm all window a t tbe foo t Into which w as a lready flooding th e sp ring moonlight. I 'o r a m om eut she stood irresolu te; then she lowered the shftde, slipped on a cheesecloth ki­mono, drew* the .p lus from her halt*, let­tin g i t fall abou t her shoulders, blew o u t the lam p and followed her whim to lean from the casem en t

I t had been a very long w hile since. K atherine Hope had looked from a w indow over a garden when the moon w as shining. T rue, from the window of their stodgy city lodgings on Elev­enth street, her m other’s and hers, she had leaned o u t a t.tim es w hen her head w as hot and aching w ith too much w ork and bad caught a breath of out­side air..„ But th a t w as so different. From th a t w indow she could look out .only on clotheslines, sheds, the back w indows of the boarding houses on the nex t s treet, and there w hatever restfu l thoughts m ight come to her. w ere made havoc of by an accordion, cheap coon songs or thp caterw au ling of feline c reatu res on the fences below;

A nd now—oli, the feathery,' pale flor­escence of the lilacs over yonder 1 K atherine drew her b rea th in w ith de-' light as th e ir dom inan t scen t cam e up to her. I f only her d6 a r m other could be w ith her. to enjoy the beauty o f It all! B u t. th a t had not been possible! W hen the physician had shaken his head gravely over bis young p a tien t’s w ornout condition and com m anded an im m ediate 'ch an g e In the country it bad been all th a t m other and daughter could do to scrape together the m eager savings for K a therine 's re s t of a fo rt­night. And K atherine w as no t ouo to mew an d w him per over Impossibilities. She w as here , now, and she would m ako tbe best of every momihit to grow^ strong and well again th a t' she m ight go back w ith new life to her pfflco w ork and the com panionship of her sacrificing little mother.

T he mild country a ir and the thou­sand odors of tbe sp ring played up'on h e r face and lifted her loosened hair, glided by tiie moonshine Into the like­ness o f au aureole. H er w hite kimono fell softly around tier: Trout tbo position iu which she held -her arm s her soft elbows were plainly visible, aud her exquisite face, leaning back a bit ag a in st the dark painted fram e of the w indow, stood ou t like 11 cameo.

T he.g lrl w as little, conscious o f any­th ing \x c e p t the w onder of tho night, nor w as she aw are of ono who watched her a hiom ent from tho shadow o f the lilacs lb the garden beyond the hedge. Selden H ow ard w as re tu rn ing from his dog kennels, whence bo had gone to look a f te r a sick collie, when h is eye had chanced to IJall upon the figure iu the casem ent, and in sheer artis tic ap-, p reda tion lyid rested, there.

“She’s like some young princess,” lie thought to him self, pursuing his w a j tow ard tbo big house, “or a goddess. H e r hair’s like the silvery floss around corn. H er nam e ought to be Perdita, M arpessa or Ariadne. IIow ever iu the world did the Jones fam ily stum ble across such a creatu re?” V h e glam our of th e girl wove itself, liito his dream s, and In w aking Intervals he pondered on p lans Tor an acquaintance. “Ah, ha,

, I havo It!” a t la st laughed lie.• E arly the nex t morning, I10 w ent a- flshing. As ljick >youId liftve it, iic secured a well filled creel. On his way home, w ithout cerem ony, he lifted the

'la tc h of Mrs. Jones’ low back g a te and cutered. H e wallcod righ t up to tho kitchen window, for there-stood Mrs. Johes rolling the dough for b reak fast bjscult.. S

“Good morning, M rs. Jones,” said lie. “I ’ve gat such a jolly big creel full of flsli here th a t I don’t know w hat to do w lhi them. There’s no one over there”

/■ ■••• -c . . r . ■ .v

—nodOlbf' tow ard the big w hite house- “b u t m y housekeeper, and she’s 'sicli this m orning; so I'm wondering if you’i; accept these?” , W ith, tho ga llan try o f t knight lie held out to her his creel.

“Oh, Mr. Selden!” exclaim ed thegood- wom an, a b it flustered, b u t sm iling with unm istakable appreciation. (W ould the heavens fa ll nex t? W hen had Mr. Sel- deu H ow ard last.hono red her humble dw elling like th is? Surely not since his m other died, poor soul!) “Accept them 1 Well, I ju s t guess I will! And so Mrs, I’atcli is sick! Well, you’ll ju s t stay here to b reak fast. I t’ll be all ready in fifteen m inutes." Tills w as as much ns H ow ard had hoped for.

“You’re awfiully kind, Mrs. Jones',” he said, affecting surprise . **Aifd—yes,I believe I’ll stay.’ I’ve, a sick c o llie . over in th e kennels. I’ll go back apd look a f te r her; then I ’ll be back to ac­cept your, hospitality ,”

W h e n ‘K atherine H ope entered the d ining room Mrs. Jones of course pre­sented Mr. H ow ard. 1 / /

“H ow do you do;1’ Mr. H ow ard,” sa id ’ she conventionally, ^ I th a smile, a lit­tle tired in sp ite o f th e play of childish dimples. B u t Splden Was looking down adm iringly on th e fine, w hite parting th a t separated th e braids of purest flax. ;■ ' . y 1 ' 7 ■■ ;'

/ ‘And how d‘ye like them , Mr. Sel­den?” asked Mrs. Jdnos a b it la te r, re­fe rrin g to the b iscuit;

“ I love tliem .” answ ered ho. referring to' th e girl’s dimple’s.

O f course th a t w as only the begin­ning. ' A fter th a t Selden H ow ard m an­aged alm ost dailjv to m eet K atherine, or n t le a s t to catch a glim pse of her. H er lovely, tired eyes and little, quiet w ays appealed to him in an infinitely more ten d er and real fashion th an had those of m any a pam pered beauty whom he’d m et in th e course of his va­ried travels, \, One m orning ' K atherlue w as reading “The H ouse of M irth” out.on the v eran­da. A t least sh* w as supposed to be. read ing it. In reality she bad 'c lo sed the. book, keeping the page m arked w ith her sfim forefinger. She had only tw o days more hero lu God’s green earth , and the lilacs seem ed to be call­ing h e r im peratively. .She had been breath ing In lilacs to th a t ex ten t th a t her thoughts-seem ed to be fa irly scent­ed w ith them. All a t once an impulse of yielding cam e to her. W hy in the w orld should she not step over the low hedge and go in to tho lilac garden?

She did. Bees hung above tbe purple bloom, and a little a tten u ate d fountain tinkled in the distance. Oh, It w as a l­together enchanting^. J u s t theu a gold­en eyed sable collie cam e leisurely dow n the curved w alk to m eet her.

“You beauty!” cried the g irl exu ltan t­ly, stooping to p a t the dog’s queenly bead. The collie, w ith slow ly sw ishing ta il,-g en tly k issed her behind tbe ear.

A com m anding w histle from around the tu rn of ih e walk, and then:*

“Mollie, Mollie, old girl, , w here a re you?” Mollle silt w ith one ea r up, the o ther down, a s collies w ill when per­plexed.. She loved her m aster—but also she loved her new found friend.

'“Ah!” cried Selden, coming upon them unexpectedly. “B ut It Is beauti­ful to Qnd you In my garden'." he said, looking gladly upon K atherine. “Do you know, h ist night- I. d ream ed ypu w ere here. You a re very, very w el­come, little lady.”

“You see,” she explained helplessly, try ing to hide her te llta le blushes, “It w as the Ulucs. They called me.”

Suddenly lie took both,.her bauds in his an d drew her tow ard the bushes.

“Dear..lilacs,” he w hispered w him si­cally, “sho is here now—on enchanted ground—an d we m ust keep her. You belong to my gardeii,” he added m as­terfully , tu rn ing full upon K atherine, “an d I will not le t you goi The house yonder is very lonely and w a its for you. You w ill s tay ?”

H er answ er? Well,, she w as a girl and very tired, and he w as a m an and strong—and it w as spring—and they w ere am ong the lilacs!

Dodged the M ustard Pot.D uring ; the rehearsals o f a panto-,

mime iii a Scottish tow n (Glasgow, I th ink ; Glasgow has alw ays been an . eventful place to me!) a child w as ' w an ted fo r the S p irit o f the, M ustard Pot. W hat more na tu ra l th an th a t my fa th e r should offer my services? I had a shock of pale yellow hair, I w as, sm all enough to bp p u t into th e prop­e rty m ustard put, and the Glasgow stage m anager would easily a ssu m e( th a t I had inherited talent. My fa th e r ’ had acted w ith M acready in the slock seasons both a t E dinburgh and G las­gow an d bore a very h igh reputation w ith Scottish audiencfis. B u t th e stage m anager a n d ’ fa th e r ' alike, reckoned w ith o u t th e ir actress! W hen they tried to p u t me into the m u sta rd pot 1 yelled lustily and showed more lung pow er th an ap titude fo r the stage,

“P u t your child Into the m ustard pot, Mr. T erry ,” said th e stage m anager.

“H a n g ’you and your m ustard pot, s ir,” sa id my m ortified fa ther. “I w on’t frigh ten my child fo r you o r any one olsc.” '

But, all the sam e, he w as b itterly d is­appointed a t my first d ram atic failure, an d w hen we reached hom e he p u t me' In the corner to chasten fflei “You’ll never m ake a n actress!” he said , shak ­ing a reproachful - finger a t me.—Ellen T erry in M cClure’s Magazine.

Preferred tho Baby's Vwtco.A New York sclentlst;(.tho fa th e r of

a large and . grow ing family, has lila troubles. One evening his youngest w as holding fo rth in her best style. T he m other could do nothing, w ith the child, so the m an of science w ent to Sie rescue.

th ink I can quiet, little Flora;” he hrflu “T here’s 110 u se 'hum m ing to her in tbh* silly way. W hat she w an ts is rea l.m usic . T he fac t th a t I used to sing In the glee, club a t T ale and sing well, loo, m ay m ake a difference.” ;

Accordingly, the professor took the child and, s tr id in g .q p and down the room, sang In his best m anner. Tie had not finished the second verse of bis song when a ring w as heard. The door w as opened, and there stood a girl of fourteen, who said:

“ I ’m one o f the family th a t’s ju s t moved into- the f l a t . nex t to yours. T here’s a siclf person w ith us, and he says, if i t’s all the sam e to you, would you m ind lotting the baby cry Instead of slhglng to it?”—Success.

T he K ttngni’oo n t Bny,W hen pursued the kangaroo, if possi­

ble, d irec ts his flight tow ard the river. fit he reaches .11, he en ters and , thauks to h is g re a t height, is able to go on foot to a depth w here the dogs are obligedi to sw im .' -There he p lan ts him-^ self oij his tw o hind legtJ and his tall, and, up to h is shoulders in th e w ater, he w aits th e a ttack: o f the dogs.. W ith his fore paw s he seizes by the head tiie flrst dbg th a t approaches him , and, as he is more solidly balanced thau .his a ssa ilan t, be holds the dog’s nose’un­der. w n te r . a s • long as lie can.' Unless a "second dog speedily comes to the rescue ' th e first one is su re to be drow ned. I f a ,com paulou arrives and by his a tta ck s 011 the kangaroo m an­ages to se t the cap tive free the ha lf drow ned b ru te Is glad to regain the shore a s quickly a s possible. In this w ay a s trong and courageous male kangaroo w ill ’ ho ld ’ his ow n against tw en ty o r th irty dogs, drow ning some and f t Ighteniug others, and the hun ter Is obliged to intervene w ith a bullet.

. T he Scorpion of Ceylon.A m ore disagreeable object than a

scorpion of Ceylon It would bo diflicult to Imagine. Although, a s a rule, it does not measuroVmore th a n scveil inches in ' 1 ength, there Is a species found J n the w oods th a t , a re longer th an a "foot. They craw l out of some dried wood, and, tak in g up the jr position 011 a con­venient rock or stone, look, as they hold th e ir g re a t jo iu tcd s ting Curved oyer the ir backs and th e ir claw s held a loft, the ,v cry p ic tu re of aggressive .w arfare. H ere they s tre tch them selves in the broiling sun and a w ait their peey. These a re the sm all, beau tifu l honey b irds tlia t d a rt from flower to flower- a n d ta k e th e place of the hum ­m ing b ird s ,,o f th e east. As one ap ­proaches the; scorpion seem s to sh rink Into tiio stone un til i t becomes a lm ost Im perceptible. Suddenly 'the - g rea t In­sect w ill ra ise Its claw s and d a r t a t its beau tifu l victim , which lu aYinoment Is destroyed. . *.. ; : * /

A Considerate Musician.M any stories a re told of the jealousy

and ill-feeling am ong m usicians, so it is refresh ing to n o te .th a t a t le a s t one genius did not fail In good natu red a p ­preciation of a fellow a rtis t. I t Is re ­la ted how Rossini, w alking one day. On the boulevard w ith the m usician B ra­ga, w as g reeted by M eyerbeer,. w ho anxiously inquired a f te r th e health of h is d ea r Rossini.

“B ad,” answ ered the la tte r. “F rig h t­ful headaches, legs all wrong.”

A fte r a few m inutes’ conversation M eyerbeer passed on, and B rag a asked the g rea t com poser how it happened th n t he had suddenly become so u n ­well..' Sm ilingly Rossini reassured bis friend. “Oh, I couldn’t be better. I m erely w anted to please M eyerbeer. H e would so like to see me go to sm ash !”—St Louis Republic.

W hy They’re T ram s Abroad.“Abroad,” snftl a to u ris t agent, “you

m ust call s tre e t cars tram s a u d .s tre e t ra ilw ays you m ust call tram w ays. • I f you speak of trolleys over there, you w on’t bo understood. The w ord tram m ust, puzzle ..the average etymologist. I t derives from a m an’s nam e—O utram —Thom as O utram . Outram lived lu D erbyshire, aud in th e beglunjug of the la s t century he Invented a peculiar so rt of track th a t dim inished the fric­tion betw een wheels and roadbed^ These tracks of O utram ’s, though noth­ing like a trolley track , w ere called flrst outrijm wnys, then tram w ays, and w hen s tre e t lines and s tree t cars cam e in to existence they w ere dubbed re : spectively ' tram w ays and tram s,”

.' A Crocodile (n a Tree.An A frican h u n te r once found a

la rge crocodile hang ing In th e fo rk of a tree abou t ten feet from the ground. As the place w as fully half a mite from any w ater, It w as difficult to ac­count fo r the crocodile’s s trange posi­tion; W hen questioned, upon th e sub­ject, the natives explained th a t i t w as p u t there by. an • elephant. I t seefns th a t wiien tho e lephants w ade in to tho Lake Ngarril to ba the tho crocodiles are in th e h a b it of w orrying them and b it­ing their legs. Sometimes w hen -art e lephan t is annoyed beyond endurance i t picks up its to rm entor in its trunk , p u ts i t am ong the branches o f a (tre e and leaves it there.—London Graphic.

Z 0 RA 1 DA IS M A R Celebrated Egyptian Palmist

A d e sc e n d an t o f a n ice of people who have Ijoen c la irv o y u n ts fo r ages. H e r re a d in g of y o u r post, p ro sen t a n d fu tu re life will am aze ypu. N o ono can afford to be w ith o u t th e a s ­s is tan c e sh e call g ive , fo r sh e adv ises w ith a c e r ta in ty h ig h e r th a n hu raan 'p o w er.

• A dvice g iv en on ail m a tto rs p e rta in in g to business , love, sp ecu la tio n , etc . R eu n ite s tho sep a ra te d , loca tes ' a b s e n t fr iends , overcom es bad lu c k an d so rrow pf all k in d s , te lls y o u r fu ll n a m e an d w h a t you called for. Ono in te r ­view will conv ince tho m o s t sk ep tica l. >».

P r iv a te P a r lo r* :226 Cookman Avenue

U p sta irs10 a. m. (0 9 p.m. Not in Sundays.

T e s t R ead in g , go*.

Sexton's New Fire-Proof L?very and Boarding Stables

159 Main Street, Asbury ParR, N. J.

SANITARY ARRANGEMENTS PERFECT. First-class accommodations for private horses and carri­

ages. A ll our carriages are up-to-date and. have rubber tires. Closed carriages for receptions, weddings and funerals.

If you want a strictly first-class turnout you can get it from us. Telephony 2 1 9 . : " M . E . S E X T O N .

; T rees and the Air,According to a reliable com putation,

j\a single troe is able, th rough its leaves to p u rify tho a ir from the ciirbonic acid a ris ing - from Lhe respiration- of a con­siderable »iim ber of men, as m any as a dozen o r a score.- T he volume of carbonic acid ex h aled by a hum an be­ing in th e coarse of tw en ty-four hours is estim ated a t 100 gallons, and a Bln- gle square yard of leaf surface, count­ing both the upper and under sides of th e leaves, can decompose ab o u t a gallon o f carbonic acid in a day.

A Legacy.“W hat’s your faro?” asked old F lln t-

sk in of h is cabby th e o ther day and w as m et w ith th e stereotyped reply:.

“Well, sir, I will leavo th a t tp you .0• “T hank you^ you a re Very k ind ,’’.said old F lin tsk in , button ing up his pockets and .w alk ing off. “You’re tho f irs t per? son who ever le ft me. any th ing yet.”— London Mail.

Hard Luck.M rs. D ash—M other s a y s : th a t she

w ap ts fo be crem ated. D ash—J u s t my luck! I haven’t a m atch w ith me.— S m a rt .S e t „ * 5

A Damaging Blow to Your Sight

Is given every: time you use glasses not perfectly adapted to your needs. Glasses should never be purchased except after the eyes have been ex­amined by an expert.

W e give such an examination w ith­out charge. Nearly forty years of ex­perience w arrants your tomirig to me.

W. A. VESCELIUS 6 i5 M a ttiso n A venue A sb u ry P a rk

Professional CardsPATT1SRSON & RHOM E.

CounBelors-at-law ,Rooms 4, 5, G, M onmouth B uilding, A S ..

bury P a rk , N. J.N otary Public.A cknow ledgm ents taken fo r aS

S ta tes. .C om m issioner of Deeds for Neiw

York and Pennsylvania.

ERN EST N. W OOLSTON, C om m issioner of DeedB fo r New J*r»

8<:y and N otary Public.50 M ain A venue,

OCEAN GROVE, N. J. A cknow ledgm ents taken fo r all s ta te s .

> WILLIAM H. CARMAN.Licensed A rch itec t and B uilder,

OOlce: M ain avonuo, nex t to Ast. e la ­tion Building R esidence, 103 E m ­

bury avenue. Ocean Grove. . P lans and estim ates prom ptly fur-,


DR. S. T. SLOCUM,D entist, 204 M ain St., A sbury Park*

N. J . Over M ilan R oss’ real e sta to of­fice, opposite ra ilro ad s ta tion . Ctaa adm in istered . ' .

AARON E. JO H N STO N Counsellor a t law, Suprem o C ourt

C om m issioner, Solicitor, . .M a s te r ,- Special M aster and Exam iner3 In Chancery.

Appleby Building, n ear R. R. S ta tion A sbury P ark , N. J.

T elephone No. 328-L.

Business DirectoryM. L. BAMMAN

Our Groreiv Cor. Railroad Square an d MhIq street, A«bu>y P ark . \h th e pJacoto flnri re­liable tfoodK in largfl-vartety a t sm all prhse, Come and nee..

A m endm ents Proposed to the Constitution of the S tate of N ew J e rsey b y the L egisla tu re 01,1907

the flew Park StablesW . I. f tP P ^ E G A T B

2 3 S o u t h M a i n S t r e e tO p p . M a in f t v o n u o G a t o s

B o a r d i n g , S a l e a n d E x c h a n g e S t a b l e sHorses of Al! Kinds for Sale

S p e c i a l a t t e n t i o n g i v e n t o b o a r d i n g h o r e o e . P h o n o i t 7 * J

in Ladies’ 'and Misses’ Skirts, Suits, Coats and Knitted Nov­elties. Also a fine line of Shirt W aists

and Ladies’ Underwear.

Everything offered at a special low rateI. EIDELSBERG

635 Cookman Avenue, Asbury Park

Combination Breakfast, 2 0 g. Dinner, 2 5 c. Supper, 2 5 c.

Central Dining RoomF re d e ric k J . Schu ltz , P ro p rie to r

Cookman Avenue, Opp, Steinbach’s

We Never Ctose Asbury Park, N. J.

Arlington iGe Gream Garden

Ice Cream Soda 5c.Orders taken and promptlj' delivered for all flavors of ice cream and frozen ices. Lowney’s Chocolates and Bon Bons.

Cor. Pilgrim Pathway and Pitm an AvenueO pp. A u d ito riu m . Ocean Grove, N. J. (T elephone G6 -w)

Ladies’ Tailoring Establishment723 Cookman Ave., Asbury Park

I prepared a large stock of Ladies’ Cloak's, Suits, Skirts, etc., and I give the best attention to every customer. Fitting in style guaranteed. Suits made to order with the greatest satisfaction guaranteed. Also cleaning, pressing, altering and repairing. Hoping that yoti will convince yourself b y calling at m y store and will be satisfied. Summer dresses a specialty. Large assortment. I. B l o o m .

S en ate Concurrent Resolution* No. 1.

Be it Resolved (the H ouso of A ssem ­bly concurring), T h a t th e following am endm ent to the constitu tion of th is S ta te be and the sam e is hereby pro­posed, and when the sam e shall bo agreed to by a m ajo rity b f 'th o m em -, bers elected to th e S enate and Houso of Assem bly, th e said am endm ent shall be enterod on th e ir jou rna ls , w ith the. yeas and nays thereon ,, and • re ferred to the L eg is la tu re n ex t to bo chosen, and published for th ree m onths p rior to tho first T uesday af­ter.. Fbe flrst 'Monday of N ovem ber nex t in a t least ono new spaper of each county, to be designated by tho P re s i­dent o f th e Senate, the S peaker o f tho H ouse of A ssem bly and th e - S ecretary of S ta te :

S tr ik e ou t the proviso in section th re e of a rtic le four, and in se r t In place thereof the following:

T he L eg isla tu re shall, in the y ear ono thousand n ine hundred and n ine, and ' a t its first - session a f te r each U nited S ta tes decennial"-census there^ a lte r , a n d not o ftener, div ide and a r­range the counties of th is S ta te into d istric ts , for the election th e re in of m em bers of the G eneral' Assem bly. E ach assem bly distrKft so con stitu ted shall con tain , as ndarly as .practicable, an equal num ber of in h ab itan ts , and shall consist of conven ien t and con- contlguous te rrito ry , In a com pact .form ; provided, th a t each county 'sh a ll, a t a ll tim es, be en titled to a t least one m em ber,, and tho whole num ber of m em bers to be chosen shall never exceed sixty.

T h e C ourt of E rro rs and A ppeals is hereby invested w ith exclusive o rig in­a l ju risd ic tio n and w ith full power un-. d e r such procedure as i t m ay by ru les prescribe to review any d ivision and • a rran g em en t m ade by th e L eg is la tu re in to assem bly d is tric ts of th e counties of th is S ta te , fo r th e purpose of. de­te rm in in g w he ther such a rran g em en t and d ivision o r any p a r t the reo f is in accordance o r in conflict w ith -th is sec - . tion, and if in conflict herew ith , ,to ad judge the sam e, d r such p a r t there* of as m ay be in conflict herew ith , nu ll and void. In case said co u rt sh a ll de-i,; 1 te rm ine such "arrangem en t an d divi­sion, o r any p a rt thereof, to be null and void, the L eg is la tu re sh a ll ' pro­ceed to m ake a new a rran g em en t a n d ', d ivision, en tire o r p a r t ia l , 'a s th e ac­tion of the cou rt may. require.-r31-44;

Pure Manufactured and Natural


No. 108 Heck Avenue* Ocean Qrove

A d m i s s i o n 5 c . C o o k m a n A v e . , A s b u r y P a r k

Opp. Cooper’s Block■»

Deliveries Made daily; Twice onSaturday :.

Order by postal cardSpecial attention to the small trade

this season, which will be served promptly i s heretofore.■ T e lep h o n e 1 10 -R .


funeral Director and embalmcr5upt. Mt. Prospect Cemetery

A. largo asso rtm en t o t Caskets, oto..• c a x u itn n ta y o n h a n d . • .M o w e rs o i

a n y d e s ig n a t s h o r t nofcloe,P arlo rs and. Office;

No. 17 M ain Street, A abtiry P a rk , JH. J | y

‘ A-

Page 8: FOR GOVERNOR - digifind-it.com fileFort, of Essex, •was nominated for Governor of. New Jersey.- As Justlcc Fort stepped upon the convention platform to accept the nomination •he

' : 1 SATURDAY, SBW1-5MBEK 21, 1 9 f V 4 $ '?tbe?:gjgesnt Gftbv©*r! m«s


No Mft Hrofc. *v»nwp, OCBAN CIROVB. N. J,

v ; v " '‘ ’ ’ ’ 1 ' ' 'v


(C ontinued from first page.)


><;v :-


T his w as a d ifferen t serv ice from any held In the A uditorium during

‘th e sum m er; but then th is Is only to , ho expected w hen Mr. H arrison . is th o p reacher. S tepp ing to the fron t of th e p latform the p reach er offered

. a sh o rt prayer, a f t f r which he re­quested th a t a verse of “No, Not O ne,” 1)0 sung. I t was no t un til he

. -was h a lt way through his serm on th a t Mr. H a r r is o n ' ' announced h is Itext— "F or th e ir roqk is no t as our roclc, even our. enem ies them selves ■being th e judges," from D euteronom y xxxil, 31. This b irthday song of M oses, aud really li is las: serm on,

. g a v e Mr. H arrison the, Insp ira tion for a glow ing trib u te to old m inisters A s lie view ed the m n tto r th e re is no b e tte r s ig h t for th e eyes th an a mln is te r w ho has grown gray in active serv ice fo r Ills Lord.

T o th e p reacher i t appeared im ­possib le th a t there could he a h eart unm oved by the m ention of heaven T lie very nam e seom s lo suggest te n d e r caresses, tho touch of fam iliar ihands and th e sound . of fam ilia r voices. Jesu s Is able to ( deliver from th e fea r anil bondage of death. M r. H arrison declared h im self to lie a t variance w ith lhe custonf of a t­ta c h in g gloom to death nnd funerals

■ .and decried the... p rac tice of adopting b lack a s the badge of m ourning. "W hy should we m ourn and w ear M ack for the gu ests of God?" he aslced.: "W hite Is m ore armroDrlate a s tho badge of, not m ourning, (jut of joy. fo r th e soul tha t h a s found .peace.” ’ And a t th is point tlie

. p re a ch e r repealed h is s ta tem en t th a t re lig ion is conducive to good .health longevity and prosperity .

T h en tho sp eak er touohed upon the'■ g re a te s t s in of the age— thoughtless

n e s s . , "T he g rea te s t s to ' of the p res­en t age Is no t greed o fm o n e y , nor Is i t in tem perance, nor Is it Sabbath 'desecration , b u t i t is thoughtless- n e ss .. T o get people to th ink of th e ir souls. People a re thoughtfu l about

' th e ir health , and thoughtfu l abou t th e ir property , and though tfu l about

.th e ir investm en ts, but. m any of them give little heed to th e ir souls. People a re restless . T h e unsaved, like the troubled sea, c an 't rest. W e’re not bu ild ing Qn the rock of res tlessness , tout on the rock o f rest. W hat does a n unsaved m an know of inw ard peaco? N oth ing ’ w hatever. Those <vrho have given th e ir h earts to God a re not w ithou t hope; those

'■ w h o have bullded on the rock of sal- - vation have a hope that- Is like an . ancho r. God forbid Lliat any of us

a t th e end o t life shall cry out as Jo h n R andolph did, ‘R em orse! U?- m o rs e i’ I pray God Mint fro m , th is m om en t' every one of u s m ay build on the rock of C h ris t J e su s , on the

' l o c k of pardon, of salvation , of san ;-■ -tificatlon, on th e R ock of Ages.”

A t the close of the serm on in re ­sponse to Mr. 'H arrison 's request, a nu m b er ra ised the ir hands for ■prayer, which w as offered by the Rev. Dr. Bfler, of Boston, from the audience. Dr. B iler is professor of theology In Boston U niversity .

Rev. Mr. H arrison preached again .. a t th e ’evening serv ice, when unusual

In te re s t was m anifested by ano th e r la rg e audience, num bering abou t as m any as w ere p resen t In the m orn­ing. Thp evening te x t w as, "F o r w hat sh a ll i t profit a m an if he shall gain th o whole w orld and lo se ' 'his own eo u l?” T h e p reach er said th a t there w ere som e problem s solved in the sc r ip tu re s , such as th e - 'p ro b le m of th e ch ild ren of God reach ing heaven, th e problem of th e re su rrec tio n and th e problem of th e g rave b u t th e problem given by Chrislt, contained In the text, m ust he solved by ou r­selves.

A Bright KoreanA fter passing the sum m er in Ocean

Grove, Syngm an Rliee, a particu larly -bright specim en cf th e K orean, le ft ■here W ednesday to en te r H arvard U niversity , Cam bridge, for post­g rad u a te work. H e is fitting h im self to preach and teach am ong his coun­trym en , and to com plete h is educa­tio n will requ ire n course of several y e a rs ., He "hopes to re tu rn to the Grove nex t season.

How’s This?Wo ofTer One H undred D ollars Re­

w ard fo r any case of C atarrh th a t can ­n o t be cured by H all’s C a ta rrh Cure.

F. J . CHJDNEY & CO., Toledo. O.W e, tho undorslgned, havo know n F.

J ; C henoy fo r tho la s t IB years, and believe h im perfectly honorab le In all

/ business tran sac tio n s and financially ab le to c a rry ou t any obligations m ade

a b y hlB firm.W aldinir. K in n an & M arvin,

■a W holesale D rugg ists , Toledo, O.H a ll's C atarrh C ure Is tak e n In te rn ­

ally , a c tin g dlroctly upon th e blood and m ucous su rfaces of th e system . T estim on ia ls s en t free. P rice 76c. per bo ttle . Sold by a ll d rugg ists .

T a te H all'ii Fam ily P ills for constl- ( patlon.

Tw o S p ec ia l B a rg a in sAn- eight-room cottage, opposite St.

P au l’s. M. E . Church, unfurnished, w ith all m odern Im provem ents. New

• ■ fu rnace and p lum bing; Dne o rder. P rice , $3,200; cash , $1,200; ba lance on m ortgago. E. N. W oolston, Real E s ­ta te , DO M ain avenue, Ocean Grove.

A inodorn n ine-room cottage, partly fu rn ished , on a co rn e r In one of the b e st locations, In Ocean Grove, w ith a ll Im provem ents, can be purchased fo r $1,800. P a r t cash , 'balance on m ortgage. B. N. W oolston, R eal E s ­ta te , 50 M ain avenue, Ocean Grovo, N.j :— tf. _

For S a le- ~—Qn* Ocean P a thw ay , a handsom e

tea-room cottage, a ll im provem ents; p a rtly fu rn ish ed ; n e a r th e ocean. P rice rig h t. Call an d got p a rticu la rs

' of E. N. W oolston, R ea l E s ta te , 50 (Main avonue. Ocean Grovo.—31tf, '


(Concluded from F ir s t Page.)

The • hairm an suggested tho form a­tion of a hotel keepers’ association^ "M any of you a re to ta l s tran g ers to each o ther, to your neighbors. All of you should know each o ther, for it- w ill. pay * you.”

R eference w as m ade to the excel lerit resu lts, obtained from die pub-, iteation <of th e Ocean Grove Red Book. R equests for th is little book have come to . the Auditorium ofllce from all pa rts of the country. I t . is Mr. M organ's in tention - to publish 301),000 copies of the Hed Book nejct year, to be 'ready for d is tiibu tion in ih e ea rly spring;

Tlie question of ex tending the camp meeting- was d iscussed. Mr. Morgan, said i t w as p re tty 'bard, w ith so m any m eetings each day, to continue. tUe cam p . longer than th e u sual ten days, a lthough It m ight possib ly be done if som e o f the, m eetings - w ere dropped a fte r th e first w eek/;, ‘‘W ould ' people’; rem ain ,.h e re until Labor . day if t h e . camp, m eeting was to be -continued un til -that tim e?” Tliis w as ano ther question the chair subm itted fo r discussion.

“W hy need we worry aboht keep ing the, people here late, when those who do rem ain here a fte r Septem ber 1 s t deplore the fac t th a t the baths a re closed, thfe pavilion o rchestras have gone, and th e beach fron t gen­era lly is .closed?” asked one of -the hotel proprieto rs.,

“W ell I th ink we could create .a Septem ber season ,” replied Mr. M or­gan ; “and I th lp k these th ings—the ba ths, th e m usic and th e ligh ts— would be k ep t going u n til the last of S eptem ber, if th e ho te ls a re w ill­ing to announce th a t they will keep open, even if i t be a t . a loss. Thous­ands are looking for a place lo spend th e vacation period."

“B u t supposing we have a .co ld spell in Septem ber, w hat th en ?” In­q u ire d a fa rseeing woman. “Our houses a re n o t heated , you know .”

“W onder if the Association would no t give us gas to h ea t our room s, if .we need to h e a t them ?" cautiously askod ano ther. \

T here was a hopeful reply to th is from the chair. Gas Is not an im pos­sib ility , .a s Mr! M organ takes it, providing the need for it be p resen t­ed in the p roper sp irit. ‘W e’re go­in g to have refo rm s,” / Mr. * M organ declared ; “we’re g e ttin g ahead a l i t­tle a il the time,? com pared . to ten y ears ago. W e’re going to 'h a v e , a new pipe organ, am ong o th e r things, and a new boardw alk. ’

Before ad journ ing Mr. M organ out­lined .his program for next summfer. Among the a ttrac tio n s lie hopes to secure a re the 'M arine Band, V ictor H erbe rt's O rchestra , tlie Swedish Choir, Sousa’s Band, and possibly N ordica, Sem bric, Mplba and Ellen Beach Yaw. ;

“N ot E am es,” said a voice in the rea.*. ' / . -

“N o ” re tu rned Mr. -Morgan vigor­ously.;.^ “Eam es'" would not draw* 1,000 persons here again .”

It w as decided to have ano ther m eeting of the hotel people th is (F riday) evening a t th e sam e place to organize a perm anen t association.


S a y s A bsence o l L a lte r D oes No! Lie

W ith A ssociation

A t T uesday ovenlng 's mteeting of Ocean Grove taxpayers a -le tter from •Dr. B allard , explaining 'th e Associa- tion’s position witH regard to th e all- im portan t questions of taxation and gas, w as read. The. le t te r was in re­ply to a com m unication from W. C. G allagher, and read as follows:

“D ear B ro ther G a lla g h e r :^ ! prom ­ised you tfyat as soon as I could find the tim e I would answ er the. ques­tions ol fac t concerning Ocean Grove Involved In your questions.

“R egarding Ocean Grove. Its orig­inal property was purchased from the private funds of m em bers of the A ssociation and w as divided in to lo ts fo r w hich leases in • perpetu ity w ere purchased by tenan ts with an annual re n t charge of no t exceeding $10.50, constitu ting legally , th e re la­tion of landlord and tenan t. The property received a - legislative, char­ie r em pow ering .the . Association perm anen tly to hold cam p meeting?; there w ith sufficient m unicipal pow­e r to enforce, ’the provisions of the leases and the necessities of a Camp. T hese1 powers cannot by any possib il­ity confer the rig h t of taxation,w hich belongs exclusively to the tow nship, county and S ta te . T he . re n ta ls re ­ceived fronj the leases have been ap ­plied as fa r as th e y would go to the m ain tenance of police, ligh ts, streets* and in consideration of w hich the tow nship does not tax the lots in our ■enclosure.

“The hOn-Introduction of gas does not lie -a g a in s t the A ssociation, ^n our e a r lie r days a co n trac t -.was m ade fo r its production and a nura- ;her of our houses w ere piped, when th e com pany failed, and the people a lm ost unanim ously asked fo r elec­tric ity , w hich was installed. Since th a t tim e th e /A sso c ia tio n has tw ice signed ag reem en ts fo r i t which were rendered void by th e .com panies in­serting a fte rw ards im possib le condi­tions, one^of which w as th a t a t the expira tion of th e fran c h ise , of ten years, th e A ssociation should n o t be a t liberty co n trac t .w ith any o th e r com pany. A nother w a s ’ an exces­sively high price fo r gas w hich could n o t be lowered except a s they chose, fo r all the period of franch ise, and th e resp o n sib ility of keeping books, co llecting funds, etc . S ince then no th ing feasible has been' presented. I t seem s to me th a t all Incidental questions a re answ ered by our re la­tion to landlord and tenan t. TMiey wero answ ered to -Mr. Boswell ‘by me, in the presence of [Rev; D r. Scott, to whom I re fe r you.

“in citizenship , the tow nsh ip

Hair-F<oodAyer’s Hair Vigor, new im­proved formula, is a genuine halr-fcod. It feeds, nourishes, builds up, strengthens, invigor­ates. The hair grows more rapidly,keeps soft and smooth, and ail dandruff disappears. Aid nature a little. Give your hair a good hair-food. .

Docs not change, the color o f ihe hair. *rom ula with oooh bottlo I

r . - j»'.. 8how.it to your f \ doctor ” ‘JVak him obout It, thoni do as lio says

You need not hesitate about using this new H air Vlgorfrom any fea ro f its chang­ing the, color of your hair. The new A yer's H air Vigor prevents prem ature grayness, but does not changc.the color of the hair even to the ■ slightest degree.

Mado by tho JV C. Aybr Oo., Lowell,

alone has po litical power. A ll of citi­zenship o f O cean Ot*ove is lodged there , bo th fo r landlord and ten a n t, lessor arid lessee.

“ Should th e re he any o th e r ques­tio n s of fa c t on w hich you desire in­form ation, th ey w ill receive a re ­sp ec tfu l reply. V ery respectfu lly ,

A. E. 'BM ibM U };”


! A —:-------- .-‘ra.r.-ii. .. . •('Concluded, from page one,)

D r. B allard ’s le tte r, in w hich the use of A ssociation hall as a p lace of p ieeting had . been refused the tax­payers, was read by. S ecre tary Gal­lagher. _ T his -brought Dr. Bosw ell to his feet to say th a t, by the te rm s of Dr. B allard ’s le tte r, th e 'blame for the re fusa l of th e .h a ll w as p u t upon un- .known persons—“a num ber of les- sees .” Dr. Bosw ell sa id he had in­terview ed ^several m inisters, a t . the New Y ork P reach ers ’ M eeting . ahd one and all said i t w as foolish of the A ssociation to deny a rep resen ta tive body of taxpayers of Ocean Grove the u se of th e hall fo r a p u b lic . m eeting. “It has been said th a t no th ing will the. accom plished by tliev p resen t m ovem ent,” continued Dr. Boswell, “ I.-.believe' som ething, will J>e done, for we have tw o forces with, u s , (,a righteous cau se and the public -press. Som ething was- accom plished When the 'financial Report w as obtained. iAnd we have won th e sym pathy of the press. Then, too, we have set 200 taxpayers to th ink ing . I intend to ham m er away on th e sub jec t of rep resen ta tio n and (taxation tun til I o titain a hearing .”

;Mr. C astle, the chairm an , claim'etl th a t . “Ocean O rove is run by the paid em ployes in th e office of thfe Associa­tio n , under the gu id ing hand of ttie ab le vice p re s id en t.' Some people w a n t to be m em bers of th e Associa­tion ,for honor, and , i t . i s said , some w ant to be m em bers for. w hat th e re is in it. A fam ous colored lec tu rer said ‘The sun do m o v e / but the Ocean Grove Association does no t m ove.” * ,

“l i e t th e (Senat-e Inv estig a tin g . Com m ittee come th is \vay and investi­ga te the affairs of the AssQciatlOnV" said . Dr. Boswell. “W hat have the m em bers of th e Association to fear? W hat havo they to .’ hide? L e t the com m ittee com e.”- 'H. H. M anw iller thought it advis­able to a sce rta in from • a law yer w h e th er i t is rig h t to pay taxes in Ocean 'Grove. - A te s t case in the courts, he believed, would se ttle the m a tte r for all tim e.

•A m otion offered by Mr. E dge th a t the league secure a certificate -oi incorporation to give, it legal s tan d ­in g Was carried , and th e executive: com m Itjee was em pow ered to carry ­out the w ishes of the m e e tin g ,in th is particu lar.

Letter to Robert M- W att(O cean Grove.)

, Dear S ir: P a in t goes by gallons- T here a re useful and u seless gallons.. U seful pa in t is lead-zlnc-anfl-oil w ith dryer, and . color; - useless, y p a in t is- w h iting , china-clayp. ground - s tone,’ b a ry te s ,-b e n z in e , 'o r w a ter. • . .

T his stuff is put-In, because- it Is chcap, to stuff-dut th e pain t, to .m ak e m ore gallons t o sell; of course, the buyer doesn’t suspect, or lie would­n ’t buy it.

It costs as much to ' brush-on th is u seless stuff as lead -z in c-an d -o il; but it looks like th a t and feels lik? th a t in the b rush ; th e 'p a in te r does­n ’t suspect* it. B esides, If th e 'ow ner is w illing. Why Should , the pa in te r ob jec t to. painting-thvo galions for one? He is paid by the day* m ore gallons, m ore days, m ore money.

A verage p a in t a t full price is about one-third th is .useless stu ff; and avVi erage p a in t a t $1.25 or $t,50 or $1.75 i a gallon is-.>^‘istprtbirds ’ tra sh . Fpgl. pa in t ,1s. th e ‘rproper nam e ‘for. a ll hut' pure pa in t; i t is m ade to fool people with. 'K nave p a in t is ano th e r good nam e; it is m ade, of. course,. % knaves. S ick p a in t Is a nam e for an h onest wefltlc pain t. T hey are a ll weak and all e x trav ag an t; too m anv gal­lons to buy and too m any gallons to b rush on. Devoo is th e s tandard .

Y ours tru ly ,41 F . W . DEVOE & CO.

P. S.-^-Buchanon & Sm ock sell our pain t. . ■ ■ ‘

F ine F all TourThe P e nnsy lvan ia R ailroad lias a r ­

ranged a six-day t o u r ' t o G ettysburg and W ash ing ton .... leav ing here Octo­ber 5. To those who have never seen. h lsto ric G ettysburg and the Nar tion’s capital, th is tr ip offers a sp len­did opportunity , fo r a . v is it to both places. T he ra te frony Ocean Grove, $2 2 ,0 0 , covers a ll necessary ex­penses fo r th e six. d.a^s.

Exclusive'; Styles Low Prices


The Kirschbaum factory no longer tells you it duplicates, the style of the custom makers, for it is the cus­tom makers who are trying to catch the exclusive air of the Kirschbaum garments, designed by the .highest- priced tailoring forifee the world has ever known,

Steinbach Co.Asbury Park, N. J.

I f

N ew York A m usem entsK law & E r l anger’s piioductlon of

•Edmund D a y ’s d ram a, “The* Hound U p,” w hich now holds the s tag e a t the New A m sterdam T h ea tre in New York, is proving the greatest, popular su cce ss ' ever present'ed a t th is house/ T he scenes of t'he play a re l a i d i n ; Southern A rizona and the production in every aspec t m ost graphically rep ­re sen ts th is locale. T he s t i r y is'.'told, in -fo u r acts, the scenes rep resen ting

■ J im A llen’s,-ranch on th e Sw eetw ater,” the living room a t Pay son’s ranch , a caiiy.on in tlie bad lands' on the" V jf- ders of Mexico and the round up on th e S w eetw atef range. T he types of c h a rac te r in troduced in the play rep ­re sen t c a ttle ow ners, covrboysi .wom­en of the W est, •Apache Ind ians, rough riders and cavalrym en.

?The. g re a t fea tu re of the production is the w onderfully vivid and rea lis ­tic b a ttle scene in blic th ird act. Jack ipayson, who, by deceit, has-w o n the sw eetheart of D ick Lane, a m ining eng ineer,' is forcefd -by circum stances to reveal i i s perfidy to his w ife . . She sends -him1-to flnd'Dlcflc L ane th a t she m ay te ll him herself th a t she had no p a rt in th is deception. Payson, who is really a noble-hearted fell&w, in ­sanely in love w ith Echo, finds Dick dying of th ir s t iii th’6 ’“ bad lands” and offers him his 'horse and / mule, and w a ter supply ' to re tu rn to Echo.

A t th is ju n c tu re hoth. m en a re a t •tacked by a bankl of m arauding

v,Apache Indians; who have escaped from th e resenvaltion . n e a r Fort* -Grant, and a wonderfully th rilling b a ttle scene ensues, which is b ro u g h t to a c lim ax by th e a r lv a l .o f “S lim ” H oover, th e ‘Sheriff, supported by a troop of cavalrym en. In th e fight* (Dick L ane is killed and Jac k alm ost m ortally wounded. T he rise of the cu rta in in the th ird a c t reveals a pass w ith six teen Ind ians r rid ing along th e edge, of a precipice. T h is is an actual rea lity of a m agnitude nev­e r before a ttem pted ’ in any produc­tion . " ' / • ./! T h e scene .’of the laf c fact j s .another,

rem arkab le exam ple of .stag^ re a lism ,. i t p resen ting an exact reproduction of. a ca ttle round up, w ith cowboys Riding; bucking horses. 'M*r. Day’s sto ry to ld in th is piece is a v iriie d ram atic scale and one th a t actually fascina tes the audience from the rlfie of t}Vo. curta in . T he centra l c h a ra c te r is “Slim " H oover,the sheriff of . P in a l County, Arizona, played- by Maclyn A rbuckle, and In th is -ch a rac te r he' lias m ade the g rea te s t success bt' his m any successes on th e stage. f'The Round U p” is draw ing th e la rg est

| audiences - in the h isto ry of the New | A m sterdam . T h ea tre and will con - ; tinue the a ttrac tio n a t th is house for ; several weeks tp come. M atinee ; perform ances a re p resen ted W edties- j day and S a tu rday afternoons. j . .I K law & E rlan g er will produce,I H enry A rth u r Jo n es '1 new play, '"The'. ; G alilean’s V ictory,” a t the K nicker­

bocker T h ea tre M onday evening, the bOtli liist., a fte r p relim inary engage­m ents In 'R ochester anil Buffalo. This

■ will be one. o t - the m ost" im portan t _ productions o f . th e y e a r , and; .will -he -.presented Ity&jlK-grpat c a s t Headed byHow ard Kyle, W H.' Crompton, E dgar Baum e, Charles Pulton , Conway T earle , Cecil Hose, Ivan . F. Sim pson, W. J. C onstantine, C harles W. B ut­ler, F red T horne, F rederick Powell, D orothy Thom as, E d ith T aliaferro , M innie Tferry, M aggie H ollow ay Flsli- e‘r, Mrs. F e lix M orris, W ille tte K er­shaw , D avenport Seym our an d Ger­tru d e Augarde.

Lulu G laser hegan h e r annual New Yorlt engagem ent a t the L lberly Tbe- alro la st’ M onday evening , 1 ln a new com edy , by John j , McNally.,'^caDed “Lola. From B erlin .” I n ’th is piece she playB for the first tim e In h e r career a d ia le c t . ch arac te r part. 'W hile her

n e w vehicle Is a m usical play, telling a c o n sis ten t s to ry In w hich all tho ch a rac te rs actually do, som ething and have a, real excuse fo r th e ir being.

-Lola Is, of course, th e p ivot on w hich th e action tu rn s an d the oen ter of In­te re s t In its developm ent.

L ola Is a . sim ple .G erm an g irl who comes , to New York in response to an advertisem en t in se r te d .In .a Berlin naw spaper advertis ing fo r the he ir to a large fortune: in A m erica le f t by a recen tly deceased Germ an. She lands lir A m erica and seeks th e law ­y e r who is the execu tor of; th e .e s ta te a t his home, w here she is m istaken fo r th e app lican t fo r a position . as servan t in answ er to an' ad v ertise ­m ent inserted In a New York new s­paper- by th e law yer’s wife. -This Is th e foundation on 'w hich M r, M cNair ly has erected a com ic-s truc tu re w ith a serious undertone, w hich : presen ts M iss G laser under m ore auspicious c ircum stances than she has been seen in several, years .

T h e m usical fea tu res a re a m ost enjoyable p a rt o f the perform ance, which is presen ted ln th ree ac ts w ith scenes rep resen tin g th e lib rary of a law yer's residence, the d raw ing room a fte r d inner a n d 'th e ex terio r of his sum m er home on th e Hudson. D ur­ing the action of th e piece M iss Gias- e r renders seve ra l songs, ln tw o of w hich she Is supported hy a chorus ot e igh t very beautifu l young girls. M iss G laser Is su rrounded hy an ex­cellen t com'pany, th e p rinc ipa ls of which aro R. C. Herz, Dodson M it­chell, W alter iPennington, W allace O wen, J a c k Standing , W illiam Glas­er, F lo rence IJester, L illian. Spencer, L av ln la S hannon ;' ‘M dnetta B ennett an d V innie Bradcom be. - i

MIsb <31aser cap tivated . th e large aud ience a t the L iberty la s t M onday n igh t and the p rediction w as freely m ade th a t she would m ak e a long

I stay s tay th e re In "Lola, From " Ber- ; lln .” __________ _ __________

[ R ea l E state T ransfers.The following tra n s fe rs of rea l es-

, ta te In tills vicinity w ere recorded In th e ofllce of the County -Clerk a t

i F reeho ld foi! fh e w eek ending la s t jS a tu rd a y :

E lizabeth M cE lw alne, ' Philadel­phia, to M artha IMcElwaine. Land, .north 'side ‘S is J t l ia v e n u e , A sbury P a rk , $1'. .■ a'':-,'.■ E dw ard H. T ilton , et' uxv tow nship N eptune, to Clifford IH. E ldridge. L o t 1, B lock 6 , p roperty E dw ard H. T ilton, W est Grove, $1.

■Irene H, W ertz and Joseph L „ her husband, N ew ark, to G race W . Dav­is. Lots 729, 730 ,' B radley Beach,

.?1. . . . ^ ,..... ■.■...•■■ -}. i . . . , -V- ■ -- ;C harles A. F rancis, Sheriff, to J fis ,,

B. B o r d e n .L o t s 29,'-'30, -04, 0T, OS, m ap M. S. Gould’s add ition to Wesit, A sbury P ark , $1.

Daniel J . H ogarty , e t ux, .township : iN eptune,. to A ugust L lnlte, e t ux.

L et -!59, Section- 2, W e s t Asbury I P a rk , $1.I . Ti .'.ier W h ite , e t ux, 'Asbury P ark ,

to Annie J. B ryan. Lots 74, TO, map W- • u ’assa, -tow nsh ip ’Ocean, ?400.

Ada Fargussou , tow nship Neptune, to ih E. W eiss. L o t 473, B radley B each,' $2,000.■ t - i .a l i E. W elsa and R obert, her lius-'.’ iid, N ew ark, to A d it 'l^ rg u sso n . Lol -’73; /Bradley B each, $1,600. .-

Edw ard H . P ittenger^ e t ux, ..'.As-' .bury. P ark , to . C harles I i. H endrick­son. ' L o t 291; 'Block R. m ap p roperty F . G. B urnham , W est A sbury P ark , $1. .

Mary. S. M oody, tow nship N ep­tune, to John 'F. M lllering . Lot 1004, Ocean Grove, $1.

■Edward *C. W ycltoff, A dm ’r, to Lena Rogers. L o t'1 1 1 , Ocean Park,- 'Bradley Beach, $400.

Asliury (Park B uild ing and Loan A ssociation to L e s te r E . V anM lddles- w orth. L ot 300, m ap W est Asbury, $2,300.

Isabelle R. 'Shepherd, New York, to A lbert RobblnB. Land n o r th side M attison avenue, A sbury P a rk , $1.

H enry C. W insor, e t ’ n ls, A sbury P a rk , to - .E ^ b e rt D. D arling. Lots 230, . 231, m ap B rad ley P a rk , $1.

E gbert D. 'Darling, e t'uX j,.tow nsh ip N eptune,: to , (Rebecca ,! J . Benner. Land e as t s id e P in e s tree t, ’, A sbury P a rk , - $860. ,

J . E dw ard Borden, e t ux, tow nship E aton tow n, to W illiam King. Land tow nship. N ep tune,, w e s t.s id e Sprlng-

' :7V




j wood! avenue, $276. - :Ellzab.elth >M. F isher, R ed B ank, to

Charles. G. Teunon. . Land no rth side Sprlngw ood avenue, .tow nsh ip N ep- - tune , $1 . • “

C harles. G. Teunon, e t ux, A sbury ; P a rk , to A lbert Robbins. "Land no rth . sl.de Sprlngw ood avenu.e, tow nship N eptune, $1; 1 ", ..

C harles G, Teunon, e t ux, A shury , P a rk , to H e rm a n .E . Shuhert. Land no rth s id e Sprlngw ood avenue, to w n - :- sh ip N eptune, $1 .

IPaul F u ller, e t a ls. N ew York, to .. W illiam O. B a^tedo, e t a ls. Lot 571 ; an d p a r t 6-70, A shury avenue, A s- " bury P a rk , $1.

Ocean Grove Cam p M eeting Asso­c ia tio n to S a ra h N . Jam e s . . L o t 1802, Ocean Grove, $750. 1

E lizabe th McC. D ey a n d , John M;, h e r husband, to Leo D eW ysocke.L o t 903, Ocean Grove, $1.,

A a ro n B obbins, e t a ls, E x ’rB, to "S' B ruce S. K eator. Land- A sbury P ark .-rv $1 . .• ••

'E dgar S. W erner, e t ux, N ew Y ork, to H erm an R eis. L and sou th s i d e ,F ifth avenue, B rad ley B each, $2,200.

Jam es A. B rad ley , e t ujx, A B bury ' (Park, . to Jo sep h H . iMoLaughlin, . Land sou'th side 'Fourth avenue, N ep­tune City,

A nna C. B enson, E x ’rx, to Jo an n a \ •M. Barlow . L and A sbury (P ark ,' B ond s treet, . $950. • ''■ ■ -a * ' ■ ;

C asino T heatre A ttractions >T h e W alte r H . Stu ll Com pany w ill - <

be" th e a ttra c tio n th a t w ill draw , th e p a tro n s o t th e Casino T h e a tre f o r .a , w eek s ta r tin g M onday, Septem ber 23. . w ith a S a tu rd ay m atinee. Mr. S tu ll is su rrounded by a m ore 'than good com pany and ca rrie s com plete Bcenic. and electrical equ ipm ent fo r every production. M r. 'S tu ll Is a n acto r o more than usual ability'. H e has, av;: way th a t d raw s h is audiences to him , an d Is a lw ays an ea rn es t w orker. ■Among tiie b ills th a t they w ill give a re .ithe following: T he G reat D ia­mond R obbery, B ig H earted : V.Jim, ' M idnight in New -Y ork, 1-low B ax te r . ! B litted, in , T ho B es t M an W ins, B e­yond th e L ines , All (o r Gold, D an- a

.gers In New York, and. o t h e r s .S p e - ; c la l vaudeville fea tu res carried a re a M elvin’s M idget C ircus, P rof. G rovo •In fea ts b£ m agic, M aster R aym ond, th e m ysterious, Pow ers’ M otion ' P ic ­tu res and illu s tra te d ’ songs. T h is com pany -w ill. p o s itiv e ly : change . th e ,7 b ills a t every perfo rm ance, -' a





The same variety excellence will prevail this season in previous years. ^


George M. Bennett

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